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with educational attainment. In the long term, the lack of education accessibility affects a girl’s future economically by reducing her ability to maintain stable employment with stable income. Economic independence is crucial because it allows freedom to get out of abusive domestic relationships and particularly economic violence. Technology is another significant barrier that stuns millions of kids from getting access to education. COVID-19 caused a major shift in how the educational system functioned. According to UN reports, “Two thirds of the world’s school-age children – or 1.3 billion children aged 3 to 17 years old – do not have internet connection in their homes…Lack of connectivity doesn’t just limit children and young people’s ability to connect online. It prevents them from competing in the modern economy. It isolates them from the world. And in the event of school closures, such as those currently experienced by millions due to COVID-19, it causes them to lose out on education. Put bluntly: Lack of internet access is costing the next generation their futures.” This report encalupates the problem brought by the digital divide. Students are not getting access to educational access that prepares them for the future. Technology enables children from all over the world to engage in different forms of collaboration and communication that was previously unimaginable. Many kids have been able to explore many new pieces of technology to expand their skill set, while for others it has resulted in lost years. This digital divide has to be bridged together if change is going to occur. Education is an investment for the future generations and it has to be met in order to provide our kids with the best opportunity to succeed. The digital divide disapportionally affects developing countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa only 25% of people have access to the internet compared to 80% in Europe. These numbers are causing millions of students to go without education, thus causing a domino chain of detrimental effects. Without a proper education, boys are more likely to join terrorist organizations and women have an increased likelihood to become a part of the human smuggling ring. These are fears that children should not have to worry about. However, in today’s society the imbalance of technology has created unequal access to education which has set back kids who already have many struggles/barriers to deal with. In conclusion, education is a human right, and it should not be denied to any child. The benefits education gives empowers and strengths kids all over the world. Many families are willing to walk thousands of miles just so their children can get access to quality education. This dedication and willingness of many families should be served as an inspiration for world leaders to take action. The inaction by mantis causing children to be set back, it is causing women to be abused, it is causing millions to go without economic independence, and it causing millions of kids to

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