AFI Changemakers Summit in Kenya on Environment, Poverty and Sustainability

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Editors: Dr. Ariel Rosita King Abigail Oppong Cover Pages Artist: Abigail Oppong

AUTHORS Climate Crisis ''Mgogoro wa Hali ya hewa" Auma Purity Achieng, Kenya Corruption ''Ufisadi" Ian Cliff, Kenya Sustainability ''Uendelevu" Madegwa Marvin Khasalitsa, Kenya Poverty Reduction "Kupunguza Umaskini" Vincent (Vinny) Mungazi, Kenya Quality Education ''Elimu Bora" Mariam Muthoni, Kenya The Interlink Between Sustainable Development Goals 1 & 4 With Youths As a Driving Force . "Muungano Kati Ya Malenga Ya Maendeleo Endelevu Ya 1 Na 4 Pamoja Na Vijana Wakiendesha" Brian Ochieng, Kenya Zero Hunger "Njaa Sifuri" Clinton Olemo ,Kenya How Poverty Impacts Kenya "Jinsi Umaskini Unavyoathiri Kenya" Pauline Onyango, Kenya Dignity "Utu" Ronny Otieno, Kenya Reduction in Fertility ''Kupunguza uzazi" Jenny Owino, Kenya The Link Between Poverty and Education "Uhusiano kati ya umaskini na elimu" Tago Selestine, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword............................................................................................................................. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 Climate Crisis.......................................................................................................................2-8 Corruption.......................................................................................................................... 9-12 Sustainability................................................................................................................... 13-16 Poverty Reduction..........................................................................................................17-28 Quality Education............................................................................................................19-20 The Interlink Between Sustainable development Goals 1 & 4 with youths as a driving force................................................................................................................... 21-26 Zero Hunger.....................................................................................................................27-30 How Poverty Impacts Kenya........................................................................................31-36 Dignity...............................................................................................................................37-40 Reduction in Fertility..................................................................................................... 41-43 The Link between Poverty and Education............................................................... 44-49

FOREWORD It is a privilege and genuine pleasure for me to accompany the brilliant ideas expressed by Africa’s youth of Kenya on the critical challenges facing the world today - namely, climate change, clean environment, Sustainable Development Goals and the nexus between these on the one hand and human development – health, education, poverty and ethical leadership, particularly in Africa. While the issues the youth discuss aren’t new in themselves, it is the fact that young persons speak out clearly and firmly which is striking. This is an undisputable sign that the future citizens of Africa are both awake, focused and thinking about how to correct what mistakes the preceding and current generations failed to do well. This is assuming individual responsibility in the process of bringing into being the future Africa the youth dream of. The reader will certainly detect a kind of self-invitation the authors are extending to themselves to the decision-making table of policies affecting society in their loved nation. Ariel Foundation International cannot find words to thank the authors for the enthusiasm, dedication and comradery they showed throughout the week working together and walking the talk, given what is contained in their end of Summit personal testimonial that make up this report. We see a fair gender balance and beautiful or even fascinating geographical representation across Kenya. Finally, and with our unconcealed pride, the young citizens of Kenya will certainly make Professor Ngugi Wa Thio’ngo smile to see that this new generation can express themselves in their mother tongue just as well. We recommend this report to as many readers and from all sections of society – both in Kenya and in all the other East African Community countries. The messages are an appeal to everybody – young and old to engage in saving Africa’s tomorrow. It is a humble contribution from Kenya’s youth but a beginning to a positive long journey for all. Ambassador Ireneo Omositson Namboka Geneva, November 21st 2022

INTRODUCTION As part of Ariel Foundation International's 20 years anniversary, we had our first summit in Africa this year in Kenya. Youths from all corners of Kenya came together to explore and discussed on sustainability, environment and poverty Enjoy viewing and reading our reflections.



CLIMATE CRISIS By: Auma Purity Achieng

Climate change refers to the long-term changes in the components of climate such as temperature, precipitation, evaporation and intensity and frequency of extreme events such as drought and floods. Climate change affects the economic growth of developing countries due to its multiple interdependent effects on different sectors including, agriculture, health, forestry, fisheries and tourism(Addis & Abirdew, 2021). The rural communities in the developing country are expected to be affected more due to their extensive dependence on climate-sensitive livelihood options and limited adaptive capacity to the change. Arid and semi-arid areas are considered more vulnerable to climate change due to their dependence on sensitive sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry and water(Mohapatra & George, 2021).

3 In Kenya, climate change threatens key social economic sectors that contribute to a large share of its GDP. These sectors include the agriculture, tourism, livestock farming, fishing, and energy sectors. Kenya is “extremely vulnerable” because of its “relative position on the equator”, nearness to Lake Victoria and “varied topology as well as inter-tropical convergence










demonstrated by floods which have become “frequent and intense”, evidence of the melting ice cap on Mt. Kenya and a long drought period which affects the rural and urban poor populations(Njoroge, J. M., Ratter, B. M. W., & Atieno, L, 2017). Climate change and justice are inextricably linked because climate change is at root of an issue of fairness in a finite world. Therefore, the issue cannot be meaningfully addressed without taking the promotion of justice as a central aim of global climate policy efforts. This means responding to climate change requires a commitment to fairness. It has long been known that the impacts of climate change will fall disproportionately upon developing countries and poor persons within all countries, and thereby exacerbate inequities in health status and access to adequate food, clean water and other resources and global poverty(Shaw, 2016).

Climate change emergency involves long time lags, which results in irreversible change and disproportionally affect the most vulnerable individuals. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report warns of the imminent and dire risk of major climate change, which can only be avoided by taking urgent action to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Climate change poses major physical and transition risks to individuals, corporations but also to the global economy. Physical risks include the economic costs and financial losses from extreme weather events (such as floods, fires, or cyclones) resulting in destruction of firm assets and supply chains. Transition risks include regulatory, reputational, and business model risks that stem from the transition to a lowcarbon economy(Ben-Amar, W., Comyns, B., & Martinez, I., 2022).


Power is related to the ways everyday life is structured by the form of cities and infrastructures, by technologies and cultural expectations that serve to lock-in established ways of doing things. An inclusive programme of climate stewardship will need to reflect and express the values, hopes and aspirations of the stewards, which means building a bottom-up dialogue for climate policy. This means turning our attention to questions of procedural justice. Increasingly aspects of decision-making are being withdrawn from the democratic sphere and so building more inclusive and democratic procedures for deliberating on climate policy is a difficult challenge to address. The way the arguments are framed will be an important determinant of how successful such a process will be, which is why consideration of the rights, risks and responsibility frame is important(Shaw, 2016). Livelihoods dependent upon natural resources may be particularly vulnerable to climate change or weather-related events such as floods and droughts. Vulnerability to climate or weather-related events can be defined as “the extent to which a natural or social system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including variability and extremes”. Agriculture, in particular, is inherently sensitive to climatic conditions and is one of the most vulnerable livelihoods to the impacts of global climate change(Quandt & Kimathi, 2017). Currently, the unfolding change in climate with its effect on temperature and rainfall affects all aspects of the food system including, food production and availability, access, quality, utilization, and stability of food systems. Developing countries with high levels of hunger are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and have a low capacity to adapt. Specifically, smallholder farmers are in danger due to the multiple effects of climate change as they are susceptible because of their socioeconomic situation. However, farmers’ decision to use adaptation strategies, adaptation level and choice among the available adaptation options have been affected by demographic characteristics, agro-ecological setting, socioeconomic factors and other institutional constraints(Addis & Abirdew, 2021). Adaptation to climate changes has emerged as the most effective tool in combating adverse climatic effects(Mohapatra & George, 2021).

5 .It is important to understand the local context of vulnerability to floods and droughts. Local livelihood diversity should be considered even at larger scales of adaptation interventions and policy. The diversity of livelihoods is an important part of rural economies and survival, but it is often overlooked in the policy community. To sustain agriculture and improve food security, both the impacts of floods and droughts must be dealt with at all levels, from the individual farm to the regional farming networks. A focus for adaptation policy should include ensuring access to water and pasture for all households. This requires a larger-scale approach in landscape management and would need the cooperation of the government, livestock organizations and communities(Quandt & Kimathi, 2017). In Kenya, lack of precipitation would translate to food insecurity in the country, shrinking income earnings. Furthermore, long droughts are thought to affect the livestock sector. Evidence of loss of livestock through deaths due to drought has been reported in Northern Kenya, and resource conflicts between pastoralists. Tourism narratives were aggregated in effects on rangelands and wildlife resources, coastal and marine ecosystems and infrastructure, but limited on tourism-dependent livelihood, as “droughts have hit on the country since 1990s”, “reducing forage in rangeland” and “water in rivers hence affecting wildlife”, which forms the core of tourism(Njoroge et al., 2017). Greater transparency on climate-related risks helps policymakers to better understand the sources of greenhouse gas emissions within their jurisdictions giving them more context to make choices related to carbon budget. If fiscal recovery packages focus on supporting carbon- intensive industries, global emissions could increase by 16.4% by 2024. On the other hand, if governments support a “green” recovery focusing on low carbon technologies, then emissions could decrease by 4.7% over the same period(Ben-Amar et al., 2022). For any educational initiative, aiming to build a broad-based sense of climate stewardship, opportunities for success would be enhanced by ensuring a collaborative process which starts at the very foundations of the climate policy debate, and asks participants – what sort of world do you want to live in? it has become increasingly apparent that rights, risks, and responsibilities, though interrelated, do not figure equally in climate policy. There is an interest in focusing on the question of responsibility, this offers a powerful lens through which participants in any programme of education for climate stewardship can begin to explore what has been a central concern of many actors in climate policy negotiations – who has responsibility for reducing emissions? Such discussions will inevitably shade into the global debate about responsibility for historic emissions(Shaw, 2016).

6 Climate change adaptation has often been framed as a matter of international governance, because of these early approaches to adaptation took a top-down perspective. Many of the issues of (in)justice are the result of imbalances in the power relations amongst climate change stakeholders, and these imbalances are, despite the wording of international climate treaties, sustained through language and the way language constructs climate change as a problem solvable through top down interventions(Shaw, 2016). Since then, many observers have criticized globally uniform and top- down approaches to managing climate change risks, showing that such approaches have overlooked the contextual nature of risks, livelihoods and the factors that make people vulnerable to climate change. This growing dissatisfaction with the top-down approach has led to the search for adaptation methods relevant at the local scale, and for ways to work from the bottom-up. Thus, documenting local communities’ perceptions of climate change is important for policymaking because it reflects local concerns, focuses on the perceived impacts of climate change on livelihoods and suggests what adaptive measures should be taken(Quandt & Kimathi, 2017).

“Making the climate justice debate accessible for non-expert participants, it would seem educating for climate stewardship would have more chance of success by focusing initially on obligations within nation states as agreed under existing arrangements. In this framework stewardship becomes a partnership between the public and the state. To take such a programme forward would, as a first step, require a series of exercises involving representatives of the relevant stakeholder groups separately deliberating on what they think responsibility means in terms of climate policy. This could then move to workshops which bring the different groups together to identify common ground on where responsibility lies and how responsibility can be shared going forward(Shaw, 2016).

7 References Addis, Y., & Abirdew, S. (2021). Smallholder farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation strategy choices in Central Ethiopia. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 13(4–5), 463–482. Ben-Amar, W., Comyns, B., & Martinez, I. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic: opportunity or challenge for climate change risk disclosure? Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Mohapatra, G., & George, M. (2021). Perception and adaptation of agricultural households to climate change in the semi-arid regions of Rajasthan – a gender perspective study. Ecofeminism and Climate Change, 2(3), 146–155. Njoroge, J. M., Ratter, B. M. W., & Atieno, L. (2017). Climate change policy-making process in Kenya: deliberative inclusionary processes in play. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 9(4), 535–554. Quandt, A., & Kimathi, Y. A. (2017). Perceptions of the effects of floods and droughts on livelihoods: lessons from arid Kenya. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 9(3), 337–351. Shaw, C. (2016). The role of rights, risks and responsibilities in the climate justice debate. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 8(4), 505–519.


FUTO IWASI By: Auma Purity Achieng & Millicent Auma Otieno Dhuluo Futo mar kor iwasi en lokruok mag I iwasi kaka liet, luya, to kod dhugruok gi ranginy malanda mag oro kod ohula. Futo mar Iwasi kethoga dongruok mar ohala e pinje ma eka dongore nikech tudruok mangeny e migepe mapogore kaka pur, thieth, bunge, lupo kod limbe wagunda. Joma odak kamier e pinje madongore dhi hinyre mangeny nikech gigeno e dakgi mapile e weche Iwasi. Kuond mongaro be ineno ni nikod pek e wach mar futo Iwasi nikech genogi e pur, lupo, bunge kod pi. E Kenya futo Iwasi bwogo yore mapek mag riwruok e migepe makelo pogruok maduong e yuto. Migepegi gin pur, limbe wagunda, pith jamni lupo kod migao mar teko. Kenya nigi pek ahinya nikeny en but Equator, achiegni gin nam ataro mar Victoria kod pogruok e chal mar kod yamo. Kenya kaloe lokruok mar Iwasi kaka inyiso kod ofula mangeny ma osebet mapek kendo maluwore ranyisi mar leny mar pe e chuny god Kenya kod Oro malach maketho kwan oganda e bombe kod e mier. Futo mar Iwasi kod ratiro mar oganda oriwore nikech futo mar Iwasi e chakruok mar pok marom e piny maber. Kwom mano wachini oknyal wuoe mokowach lando ratiro mar oganda e jiwo lokruok mar futo e piny mangima. Mae nyiso duoko mar futo mar Iwasi dwaro chiwruok kod thek machol. Ne ongere chon ni hinyruok mar lokruok e futo mar Iwasi biro hinyo pinje madongore kod jochan e pinjete bange to hinyo weche mag thieth kod yuto e chiemo moromo, pi maler kod gik konyruok mamoko kod dhier e piny mangima.

AUMA PURITY ACHIENG KENYA I am Auma Purity Achieng Auma. I live in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. I am currently at Strathmore University pursuing Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management under a partial scholarship. I have been awarded a certificate of academic excellence in recognition of academic excellence during the academic year 2018/2019, Bachelor of Tourism Management year 1 & 2. .

I love giving back to the community, I have been volunteering as a tutor nurturing talents of children and teenagers through art on a weekly basis during the weekends here in Kibera, through a community based organization Kibera Visionary Women Self Help Group, founded by Millicent Auma Otieno ( Also in 2017, i decided to offer my services in a government school as an assistant teacher working in Joseph Kang'ethe primary school, through Pace International, teaching class four students English and Mathematics to help in bridging the gap between teachers and pupils ration especially in urban slum areas where the population is ever growing. After the completion of the task I was awarded a certificate of excellence for superior excellence in Pacemaker international volunteer. I am passionate about sustainability which remains a challenge internationally and there is still a lot of work to be done, I do beadwork, I decided to take the initiative to contribute in the arresting of unemployment among youth in Kenya especially in informal settlements through beadwork. My objective is to reduce the impact of challenges faced by youths, through creation of employment in informal sector by reaching out to many families as possible to ease their suffering bought about by poverty, thereby easing the tension on their income as most of them are the main provider for their households from food to rent and not limited to school fees. I have managed to do promotional accessories giveaways for 5th Sustainable Tourism Africa Summit 2019 and TSENDA. And beaded lanyards for 5th Sustainable Tourism Africa Summit 2019, which was held on May 15th, Global MICE Summit which was held September 2019 and AFRICA CONFERENCE ON SEXUAL HEALTH & RIGHTS 2020.

Also our organization recently started a new fundraising campaign for the launch of Aumas'Social Impact Project which will be held on 08/07/2022. The aim of the project is to sell particular Aumas' merchandise of which some of the proceeds will go into a kitty for taking kids from underprivileged background for tours at least to expose them to the best things the world has to offer to help them be more motivated to make it in life. Our charity mission is to Empower communities through sustainable travel and realization of the SDGs, we’re very excited to involve our community in our latest fundraising efforts. Thank you for reading about our latest mission, and please reach out if you’d like to learn more and get involved with our fundraising efforts.


CORRUPTION By: Ian Cliff Corruption is a problem that has existed for many generations and has been present in many forms such as nepotism, extortion, bribery, cronyism, and embezzlement since the beginning of civilization. Corruption is any act that is intended to wrongfully increase the private gain of an individual who can do so because of the power granted to him or her by the public or an institution democratically elected by the public. It is the most glaring problem that degrades the quality of life and the trust of the public in government machinery. It is also a type of greed that corrupts the human mind and destroys one’s humanity and genuineness. The act of corruption can have pernicious consequences for economic growth and development. Every country faces corruption in one way or another but the problem of corruption is worse in poor countries than in rich countries. Poor countries have limited resources to fight corruption and at the same time, corruption itself leads to an increase in poverty. This bidirectional relationship may cause corruption to be a persistent problem in poor countries. Due to the continuous increase in people’s hunger for wealth, power, position, and luxury, corruption is increasing day by day rather than reduced or stagnant. We are aware of the impacts of corruption, and this is not a new phenomenon worldwide. There are several potential factors including economic, cultural, legal, democratic, institutional, and technological factors that have an impact on corruption. For instance, economic factors such as income levels, economic inequality, and the openness of an economy have been shown to have an impact on corruption. Cultural factors such as a hierarchical structure and ethnic fractionalization are found to impact corruption. Democratic factors such as political rights and press freedom, technology such as internet penetration, and legal system and colonialism have been shown to determine corruption in a country. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development, and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental crisis. Fighting corruption is not easy but if we can work together to reduce corruption, our world would be a better place. Some of the ways that citizens and governments can advance in the fight against corruption include:


• Reform public administration and finance management. Improving financial management and strengthening the role of auditing agencies may have a great impact. • Promote transparency and access to information. Government openness, freedom of the press, transparency, and access to information have a positive effect on levels of public participation in a country • Strengthening citizens’ demand for anti-corruption and empowering them to hold the government accountable is a sustainable approach that helps to build mutual trust between citizens and the government. • Constant updates on anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. How these policies are implemented is what would make an impact on mitigating corruption. • Report bribery and corruption concerns promptly. Everyone must report any instance of corruption. Honesty is vital in corruption reduction. The above are just some of the ways that can help in the fight against corruption. We have forgotten the real responsibility of being human just because of money and we need to understand that money is not everything. We cannot keep money forever; it can only give us greed and corruption. Corruption is the most potential impediment to the growth of a nation and the welfare of its people. It is not limited only to a specific sector and covers a wide range of offices, departments, sectors, etc. It could only be dealt with effectively by making people aware of its effects and by implementing strict anticorruption laws.



By: Ian Cliff Ufisadi ni tatizo ambalo limekuwepo kwa vizazi vingi na limekuwapo kwa njia nyingi kama vile upendeleo, unyang'anyi, rushwa, uchumba na ubadhirifu tangu mwanzo wa ustaarabu. Ufisadi ni kitendo chochote kinachokusudiwa kuongeza kimakosa faida binafsi ya mtu ambaye anaweza kufanya hivyo kwa sababu ya mamlaka aliyopewa na umma au taasisi iliyochaguliwa kidemokrasia na umma. Ni tatizo kubwa zaidi ambalo linashusha ubora wa maisha na imani ya umma katika mitambo ya serikali. Pia ni aina ya pupa ambayo huharibu akili ya mwanadamu na kuharibu ubinadamu na uhalisi wa mtu. Kitendo cha rushwa kinaweza kuwa na madhara kwa ukuaji wa uchumi na maendeleo. Kila nchi inakabiliwa na ufisadi kwa namna moja au nyingine lakini tatizo la rushwa ni kubwa zaidi katika nchi maskini kuliko nchi tajiri. Nchi maskini zina rasilimali chache za kupambana na rushwa na wakati huo rushwa yenyewe inasababisha ongezeko la umaskini. Uhusiano huu wa pande mbili unaweza kusababisha ufisadi kuwa tatizo linaloendelea katika nchi maskini. Kutokana na ongezeko la mara kwa mara la njaa ya watu ya utajiri, mamlaka, vyeo na anasa, ufisadi unaongezeka siku baada ya siku badala ya kupungua au kudumaa. Tunafahamu athari za rushwa, na hili si jambo geni duniani kote. Kuna mambo kadhaa yanayoweza kutokea ikiwa ni pamoja na mambo ya kiuchumi, kitamaduni, kisheria, kidemokrasia, kitaasisi na kiteknolojia ambayo yana athari kwa rushwa. Kwa mfano, mambo ya kiuchumi kama vile viwango vya mapato, usawa wa kiuchumi, na uwazi wa uchumi vimeonekana kuwa na athari kwa rushwa. Sababu za kitamaduni kama vile muundo wa daraja na ugawaji wa kikabila hupatikana kuathiri ufisadi. Mambo ya kidemokrasia kama vile haki za kisiasa na uhuru wa vyombo vya habari, teknolojia kama vile kupenya kwa intaneti, na mfumo wa kisheria na ukoloni vimeonyeshwa kubainisha ufisadi katika nchi. Rushwa inaondoa uaminifu, inadhoofisha demokrasia, inatatiza maendeleo ya kiuchumi, na inazidisha ukosefu wa usawa, umaskini, migawanyiko ya kijamii na shida ya mazingira.










kupunguza ufisadi, dunia yetu ingekuwa mahali pazuri zaidi. Baadhi ya njia ambazo wananchi na serikali wanaweza kuendeleza katika vita dhidi ya rushwa ni pamoja na:


• Kurekebisha utawala wa umma na usimamizi wa fedha. Kuboresha usimamizi wa fedha na kuimarisha jukumu la wakala wa ukaguzi kunaweza kuwa na athari kubwa. •

Kukuza uwazi na ufikiaji wa habari. Uwazi wa serikali, uhuru wa vyombo vya habari,

uwazi na upatikanaji wa habari una matokeo chanya katika viwango vya ushiriki wa umma katika nchi. •

Kuimarisha matakwa ya wananchi ya kupambana na rushwa na kuwawezesha

kuiwajibisha serikali ni njia endelevu inayosaidia kujenga uaminifu kati ya wananchi na serikali. •

Taarifa za mara kwa mara kuhusu sera za kupinga rushwa na ufisadi. Jinsi sera hizi

zinavyotekelezwa ndivyo ambavyo vitaleta athari katika kupunguza ufisadi. • Ripoti maswala ya hongo na ufisadi mara moja. Ni wajibu wa kila mtu kuripoti tukio lolote la rushwa. Uaminifu ni muhimu katika kupunguza rushwa.

Zilizo hapo juu ni baadhi tu ya njia zinazoweza kusaidia katika vita dhidi ya ufisadi. Tumesahau dhima halisi ya kuwa binadamu kwa sababu tu ya pesa na tunapaswa kuelewa kuwa pesa sio kila kitu. Hatuwezi kuweka pesa milele; inaweza tu kutupa uchoyo na ufisadi. Ufisadi ni kikwazo kikubwa zaidi kwa ukuaji wa taifa na ustawi wa watu wake. Sio tu kwa sekta












kushughulikiwa ipasavyo kwa kuwafahamisha watu athari zake na kwa kutekeleza sheria kali dhidi ya ufisadi.

IAN CLIFF Kenya Ian Cliff Wende is an industrious and driven individual who is positive about making his big dreams a reality. Ian is 22 years of age and lives in Tena estate in Nairobi. Currently, he is a student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration course. In addition to that, he is also an entrepreneur. Ian together with his cousin owns a small business in town that deals with phone accessories. In 2020, he successfully participated in the Coding for Employment Program in Basic Skills Training, a program offered by the African Development Bank (AfDB). He is passionate about web development and has also registered and participated in online courses to learn more and gain technical skills. Some of the courses have been offered by Meta, Google, and Microsoft. He is also a volunteer at African Orphan Educational Foundation (AOEF) as a Youth Advisory Council member and is currently a member of the Ariel Foundation International. Ian aspires to be a humanitarian to promote human welfare, social reforms, and community development.


SUSTAINABILITY By: Madegwa Marvin Khasalitsa

From the Millennium Development Goals, the world is struggling with Sustainable Development Goals, actually, this is the way to go, but how? To achieve real sustainability and development, especially the 17 sustainable development goals, a multi-sectoral interventions must be staged at every goal. Sustainability means selfsustaining development, not a development that imprisons the people and a nation. A good development is the one that creates freedom and ease after it has been created and leaves no future threats. As finances are fuel for development and sometimes they must be borrowed, knowing how much you need is important. And putting the funds in the correct cheapest way where it can revolve is more important. There is an ancient story of a bush meat hunter, this hunter, targeted antelopes for his family, and he became so skilled in catching the antelopes and comfortably he could carry his hunt home and consume it before it could spoil. One day, he saw an elephant in the forest as he went to get his meal; he sat down and thought about the elephant, he said in his mind, “what if I get the elephant today? It will save me a long time of coming to the forest now and then, the elephant will perhaps keep me doing something else and save my time.” So he made up his mind and shifted from the normal antelopes to the elephant. After the struggle, he finally got the elephant down, but when he went to lift it home, he broke and died in the forest. Here is where most of the projects and development get sustainability issues. People and nations think if they get a huge amount of money they will be able to solve their problems, and in the process, they end sinking down with their problems never to recover again. Where is the problem? Knowing whether to invest or expense, I believe expenses and developments that have no immediate economic effect should be initiated and run by proceeds from investments. With this, sustainable development will be achieved. .


From the creation, the earth was designed to sustain itself and everything was proportional. And nature has proven this, the wild seems keener at sustainability than man who is knowledgeable and schooled/teachable. While taking the game drive in the Nairobi National Park on the 15th day of October 2022, the tour guide told us something that will never leave my head, he stopped at a shrub where the giraffes browse, the acacia shrub had the cases that hold its seeds and inside them were tiny insects, he told us the insects also feed on the leaves the giraffes feed on, when they sense the leaves are running out, every time the giraffes comes to browse, the insects comes out to give a foul hormone that irritates the giraffes. So the giraffes walk away to the next shrub. This is sustainability concept. They are simply telling the giraffe go to the next and come back when the shrub is rejuvenated.

This is just one among so many game tells, another one, the wild beasts know when to conceive, only when they sense it is coming to rain and there shall be enough food for the babies. Why can’t human being be such sensible? The biggest cause of unsustainability is poverty and hunger, reason, uncontrolled birthrates among human beings. If people could wait to conceive when they have enough resources to take care of their young ones and only have the ones they can care for, poverty could not be this difficult to root out, same to hunger. Then development will be sustainable.

There is an issue about human sexual reproductive health that will greatly affect the achievement of sustainable development goals, especially in developing countries: Teenage pregnancies, this affects the health of the teen mother and the baby’s development and nutrition, general schooling and skills acquisition, and increased pressure on the limited resources. As long as the birthrates are not controlled, sustainable development is not possible.



By: Madegwa Marvin Khasalitsa Kiswahili Tangia maono ya maendeleo ya milenia, ulimwengu unahangaikia maendeleo endelevu, hii ni sahihi kabisa na njia mwafaka, lakini itafanyika aje? Ili kufikia uimara halisi na maendeleo, haswa malengo 17 ya maendeleo endelevu, hatua za sekta nyingi lazima zibadilishwe kwa kila lengo. Kudumu kunamaanisha maendeleo ya kujiridhisha, sio maendeleo ambayo huacha shida nyingine ya maendeleo. Maendeleo mazuri ndio ambayo husababisha uhuru na urahisi baada ya kuunda na siileyakuacha vitisho vya baadaye. Kama fedha ni mafuta kwa maendeleo na wakati mwingine lazima ikopwe, kujua ni kiasi gani unahitaji ni muhimu. Na kuweka fedha hizo kwa njia sahihi zaidi ni muhimu zaidi. Kuna hadithi ya zamani ya mwindaji wa wanyama pori, mwindaji huyu alizoe kuwinda swara inayolenga kwa familia yake, na alikua na ujuzi sana katika kukamata swara na kwa wepesi angeweza kubeba uwindaji wake nyumbani na kuimaliza kabla ya nyara. Siku moja, aliona tembo msituni alipoenda kupata chakula chake; alikaa chini na kufikiria juu ya tembo, akasema akilini mwake, “itakuwaje

ikiwa nitapata tembo leo? Itaniokoa muda

mrefu wa kuja msituni sasa na kisha, tembo labda ataniweka nikifanya kitu kingine na kuokoa wakati wangu. ” Kwa hivyo alifanya akili yake na kuhama kutoka kwa swara ya kawaida kwenda kwa tembo. Baada ya mapambano, mwishowe alimwangusha tembo, lakini alipoenda kuiinua nyumbani, akavunja na kufia msituni. Hapa ndipo miradi mingi na maendeleo hupata matata na maendeleo endelevu. Watu na mataifa hufikiria ikiwa watapata pesa nyingi wataweza kutatua shida zao, na kwa mchakato huu, wanaishia kuzama chini na shida zao kamwe kupona tena. Kutoka kwa uumbaji, dunia ilibuniwa ili kujiendeleza na kila kitu kilikuwa kwa usawa. Na maumbile yamethibitisha hili, mwitu unaonekana kuwa mzuri kwa uendelevu kuliko mwanadamu ambaye ana ujuzi na anafundishwa / anayeweza kusikika.


Wakati wa kuchukua mchezo wa kuendesha gari katika Hifadhi ya Kitaifa ya Nairobi siku ya 15 Oktoba 2022, mwongozo wa ziara ulituambia kitu ambacho hakitaacha kichwa changu, alisimama kwenye kichaka ambapo twiga huvinjari, shrub ya acacia ilikuwa na kesi ambazo zinashikilia mbegu zake na ndani yao zilikuwa wadudu wadogo, alituambia wadudu pia hula kwenye majani twiga hula, wakati wanaona majani yanaisha, kila wakati twiga linapokuja kuvinjari, wadudu hutoka kutoa homoni chafu ambayo inakera twiga. Kwa hivyo twiga hutembea










Wanawaambia twiga tu kwenda kwa pili na kurudi wakati kichaka kimeundwa tena. Hii ni moja tu kati ya mchezo mwingi inaambia, nyingine, wanyama wa porini wanajua wakati wa kuchukua mimba, tu wakati wanaona inakuja kunyesha na kutakuwa na chakula cha kutosha kwa watoto. Je! Kwa nini mwanadamu hawezi kuwa mwenye busara kama hii? Sababu kubwa ya kutokuwa na uwezo ni umaskini na njaa, sababu, kuzaliwa bila kudhibitiwa










wanapokuwa na rasilimali za kutosha kutunza vijana wao na tu ndio wanaweza kutunza, umasikini hauwezi kuwa ngumu sana kumaliza, sawa na njaa. Halafu maendeleo yatakuwa endelevu.

Kuna suala kuhusu afya ya uzazi wa kijinsia ya binadamu ambayo itaathiri sana kufanikisha malengo endelevu ya maendeleo, haswa katika nchi zinazoendelea: Mimba za ujana, hii inaathiri afya ya mama wa vijana na maendeleo na lishe ya mtoto, masomo ya jumla na upatikanaji wa ujuzi, na shinikizo lililoongezeka kwa rasilimali ndogo. Kwa muda mrefu kama kuzaliwa hakudhibitiwi, maendeleo endelevu hayawezekani.


Madegwa years.







30 and

Development 2017, Enrolled Masters of Arts


Practice. sexual

Sustainable Nature



development adolescents


and community developer.




By: Vincent (Vinny) Musonga Mungazi Poverty is a state of being inferior with something or even lacking enough to meet ones basic needs that is food, shelter and clothing. What is poverty eradication? Is the act of using certain means or ways to remove poverty completely. This in my point of view seems like a big call to make, I believe a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step that’s why in my summation I chose poverty reduction instead of eradication. What is poverty reduction? In my point of view I think its minimizing the rate of poverty through certain ways which entails; Meaningful education/ Knowledge What I mean by this is that in many regions in our country although it’s unspeakable of, you may find 3 classes of people that are, those that aren’t educated, those that are educated meaningfully and those that are educated non meaningfully. What I mean by meaningful and non-meaningfully education is that in meaningfully education a person is taught about the current problems and solutions that will help him to sustain him/herself that is both hand on skills and soft skills, unlike non meaningful where a person relies only on theoretical events or certain topics that won’t help him/her in most situations. And by education, it doesn’t just mean going to school, it entails much more than that like; 1. Creating awareness about peace and its importance to regions where there isn’t peace, 2. creating awareness about certain communicable diseases in regions where they don’t have the knowledge of how they come about as they say prevention is better than cure 3. Creating awareness about the political situation in the region so as people can know what to expect or not to expect from politicians and the impact of political violence 4. Creating awareness about gender equality so that no gender feels marginalized or suppressed by the other in getting opportunities. 5. Creating awareness about about climate change and how it impacts our day to day lives 6. Creating awareness about food security



By: Vincent (Vinny) Musonga Mungazi Umaskini ni nini? Umaskini ni hali ya kua na rasilimali chache au mapato madogo zaidi ambazo haziwezi kustahimili upate nyumba,mavazi na chakula, vitu ambazo mwanadamu huitaji ili aweze kuishi vyema. Kumaliza umaskini Hii ni hali ya kutoa umaskini kabisa katika eneo Fulani,inahitaji mambo mingi kuikamilisha ndio maana kwa uchapishaji wangu niliona ni vyema nichague kupunguza umaskini badala ya kuimaliza, kwa maana safari ya kilomita elfu moja huanza na hatua moja baada ya ingine. Je kupunguza umaskini ni nini haswa? Kupunguza umaskini Ni hatua ndogo ndogo ambazo mtu anachukua kumaliza umaskini Inaweza kukamilishwa kupitia njia mbalimbali kama vile; Masomo ya maana/maarifa Kitu ambacho nazungumzia nikisema masomo ya maana ni kwamba ingawaje watu hawapendi kuzungumzia ni kwamba, masomo ya nchi yetu iko katika tabaka tatu. Ya kwanza ni walio soma, ya pili ni walio soma masomo ya maana na ya tatu ni walio soma tu masomo ambayo yasio ya maana kwao. Kitu ambacho namaanisha nkizungumzia masomo ya maana na yasio na maana ni kwamba, unapata kwa masomo ya maana watu hufunzwa kuhusu matukio ya kisasa, au vile wataweza kujua shida iko wapi na kuweza kuitatua kwa vitendo wala sio kwa maneno ya mdomo tu, tofauti na masomo yasio na maana unapata watu wanafunzwa,mambo yasio wasaidia kwa njia yoyote ama moja kwa moja,ingine ni tukio za maisha ya hapo awali,vile wataweza kufanya vitu lakini kwa njia ya mdomo tu na sio kwa vitendo.ndio maana unapata mwingine amesoma kua rubani bila ata kuweza kuendesha ndege yenyewe, mwingine nae wa masoimo ya maana ameweza kusomea urubani na bado akaweza kuendesha ndege yenyewe, ukiweza kulinganisha hawa watu wawili nani akona uwezo wa kupata kazi au ikiwa ni wewe mwajiri nani utampa kazi? swali ni kwako wewe msomaji. Na tunapo zungumzia elimu hatumaanisha masomo ya shule pekee tunazungumzia vitu kubwa sana kushinda kuenda shule pekee kwa mfano ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu uzuri wa amani kwa maeneo ambapo amani ime dhorora ama hakuna kabisa. ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu magonjwa ya kuambukizana au magonjwa mbalimbali kwa maeneo yasio kua na maarifa kuhusu magonjwa hayo ndio waweze kuyakabili. ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu siasa za nchi ili watu waweze kujua haki zao na nini wanafaa kutarajia kwa viongozi wao. ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu usawa wa kijinsia, ndio jinsia moja isiweze kuona ni kama imefinyiliwa au kudhulumiwa. ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu hali ya hewa, anga na tabianchi zinazo athiri kuishi kwetu. ØKutengeneza ufahamisho kuhusu usalama wa vyakula .







energetic guy, A photographer,a film maker and an Actor in profession, he most of the time use his Art in photography and as a creative to mirror the Society in both sides of the divide, In 2017 he joined Kibera Creative Arts where he learnt about many things, and since






organization it brought him to know the problems that face the community and some of the solutions he could use to solve them. In 2019 there was a partnership between Kibera Creative Arts and Maisha foundation an organization which deals with young mothers and together they formed a program called Teenstar a program that involved teaching Teens about their sexuality and about Sexual reproductive Health Rights (SRHR).I was actively involved and in the process I became a certified Teenstar mentor and a facilitator.As we visited several schools in different communities teaching them about SRHR using different means i.e acting,one on one talks, Team buildings and many more. Also in 2019 joined a program called Young health program (YHP) organized by PLAN International which involved teaching People in different communities about Non Communicable diseases and how they can be prevented. In 2022 I became a member of Aumas Social Impact CBO which Our Charity Mission is to empower Communities through Sustainable Travel and realization of SDGs. Email address Contacts 0703905262

QUALITY EDUCATION By: Mariam Muthoni POEM  In the out scats of Nairobi There lived a girl From a poor humble background Yet she never gave up Early cold mornings You'll see her shiver Trying to do household choreand run to school to catch up with the others She dashes home in the evening To finish her homework But all is in vain Since her hide is a wrestle ring The beatings from her She can't stand The struggle is real But she has to leave To go and chase her dreams So that one day She will be who she wants to be A great business lady She became An inspiration A mentor And a protector To many She indeed become Who she wanted to be


ELIMU BORA By: Mariam Muthoni POEM  Kutoka vitongoji duni Nairobi Kuliishi masichana Kutoka familia chochole Ila hakukata tamaa Kwenye baridi Kali ya asubuhi Unatamuona akitetemaka Akifanya Kazi za kila siku Huku akijaribu kupambana na masomo yake

Jioni anakimbia nyumbani Ili kumaliza kazi Lakini haya yote ni bure Kwani nyumba ni uwanja Uwanja was vita baina ya baba na mama Hawezi kustahamili

Anapambana kikweli Kwa kuwa anahitaji kuishi Ana ndoto za kutimiza Kwani siku moja Atatimiza ndoto yake Mwanabiashara mashuhuri anaibuka Ana kuwa kioo katika jamii Mwelekezi Kielelezo bora Kiongozi Na mchungaji Wa wengi

Ama kweli aliitimiza ndoto yake Na kuwa alichotaka kuwa


MARIAM MUTHONI Kenya I am Mariam Muthoni Abdulghani. I live in majengo, Nairobi. Am student at the Mount Kenya university pursuing bachelor of arts mass media and communication. Am a volunteer in different organizations that deal with the youths in our society including: 1.St johns’ community center 2.Undugu societies of Kenya 3.Ablaze 4.Naweza 254 5.African orphan educational foundation I







through mentoring young boys and girls and guide them through the correct path. I also help them in career choices since most of them don’t know what they actually want to do once they are fully grown.


THE INTERLINK BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 4 WITH YOUTHS AS A DRIVING FORCE . By: Brian Ochieng “Cast Down your bucket where you are “ Booker T .Washington( Atlanta compromise speech) Picture this. There is a family in the remotest part of rural Kenya that depend on $ 1.90 a day ( Approximately equivalent to ksh 250)This cannot sustain the basic needs a human requires. This estimation is by the standard poverty line measurement which is at $ 1.90.This means many Africans and specifically Kenyans live below this estimate. The institute of studies stated that 30 million more Africans fell into extreme poverty during the pandemic. The institute also estimates that before the pandemic 445 million equivalent to 34% of Africa’s population lived below the poverty line. In Kenya this can be estimated to around 10 million people, with majority in the rural and the urban area contributing its share into this deplorable situation. This case study clearly shows that Africa and Kenya in specific is a long way to achieve its sustainable development goal 1 in the near future. "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all. “That is United Nations Sustainable development goal 4 set in 2015.The rising challenge











(LPR).According to report in June 2022 by World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF,USAID, FOREIGN COMMONWEALTH & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ,BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION. Learning poverty rate is, “The proportion of children who are unable to read a simple text and comprehend it at the age of 10."This is calculated by combining children of primary-going age both in and out of school who lack this proficiency. For those in school it can be assumed that maybe it is due to lack of proper foundation of this skill at an early age, as for the out of school it can be directly or indirectly be pinned on poverty and lack of seeing the value of education as most young people in rural set up drop out themselves in socially unaccepted vices like crime and even early marriage in order for survival.


There is an interlink in the roles of young people in achievement of SDG1 and SDG4.The two goals set by United Nations are achievable and are not impossibilities. Time is the hindrance but once the ball is set rolling, no matter the time period these two are achievable. Despite statistics showing that by 2030 the feat will not be achieved or even 2043 and even 2063. The optimism and action oriented mindset can set us going. The percentage of young people is high and approximately more than 70%.The phrase, "The Youth are the leaders of tomorrow," is washed up. Youth are the change makers now. All the above goals are possible with the wisdom and vision of the old and the vigor and creativity of the Youth. This is a, “All hands on Deck, “approach with the youth providing the energy towards the growth and improvement. This is how: 1) Government Participation. i. Implementation of policies that will be directly or indirectly youth oriented on matters like revolutionize education that empower young people to be producers or creators









SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 & 4 WITH YOUTHS AS A DRIVING FORCE . ii)Affirmative action that ensures a balance in age groups and youths being involved in major decision making roles and their voice being heard. iii) Set up of initiatives that empower them in skills and talents and explore their technological know-how and artistic ideas. 2. External and support and involvement. Organizations that have set their mission to assist achieve the goals to use youthcentered approach. Empowering the youths through summits and challenging them to take up roles in the community and breeding a group of youth leaders to push the change they need.


.Community involvement in their different capacities. For example, religious centers like: Churches, Mosques, Temple, synagogues etc. to offer spiritual nourishment values that lead to upright and virtuous person to lead an impactful life in the society. Schools to teach and instill knowledge and skills that lead to the betterment of their environment. Health centers to ensure good health of its people for their full functioning in their line of work. The family playing the major role of instilling core moral fabric in their children and hence bringing up a model person in the society. 4. Individual improvement and participation. Everything boils down to you and me. As an individual what's your purpose in your community that further enhances your community development and thus impact your country or even more the continent of










empowerment of youths, African Orphan Educational foundation is realizing its mission through enhancing village schooling and youth mentorship. I am realizing my purpose by involving myself with AIF and AOEF and also offering life skills, mentorship to young people and entrepreneurship .I am casting my bucket where I am.


















MUUNGANO KATI YA MALENGO YA MAENDELEO ENDELEVU YA 1 NA 4 PAMOJA NA VIJANA WAKIENDESHA . By: Brian Ochieng "Tupa ndoo yako mahali ulipo" Booker T .Washington (Hotuba ya maelewano ya Atlanta) Taswira ni hii. Kuna familia katika sehemu ya mbali zaidi ya mashambani nchini Kenya ambayo inategemea $1.90 kwa siku (Takriban sawa na ksh 250)Hii haiwezi kuendeleza









linatokana na kipimo cha kawaida cha umaskini ambacho ni dola $1.90. Hii inamaanisha Waafrika wengi na haswa Wakenya wanaishi chini ya makadirio haya. Taasisi ya tafiti ilisema kuwa Waafrika milioni 30 zaidi walianguka katika umaskini uliokithiri wakati wa janga hilo. Taasisi hiyo pia inakadiria kuwa kabla ya janga hilo milioni 445 sawa na 34% ya watu wa Afrika waliishi chini ya mstari wa umaskini. Nchini Kenya idadi hii inaweza kukadiriwa kuwa takriban watu milioni 10, huku wengi wao vijijini na mijini wakichangia sehemu yake katika hali hii ya kusikitisha. Uchunguzi huu wa kifani unaonyesha wazi kuwa Afrika na Kenya mahususi ni njia ndefu ya kufikia lengo lake la maendeleo 1 katika siku za usoni. “Hakikisha elimu bora inayojumuisha na inayolingana na kukuza fursa za maisha yote kwa wote.’’Hilo ndilo lengo la 4 la Umoja wa Mataifa la Maendeleo Endelevu lililowekwa mwaka 2015. Changamoto inayoongezeka kufikia lengo hili miongoni mwa nyingine ni kiwango cha umaskini wa Kujifunza (LPR). Kulingana na ripoti ya Juni 2022 na Benki ya Dunia, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, COMMONWEALTH & DEVELOPMENT. OFISI ,BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION. Kiwango cha umaskini wa kujifunza ni, "Idadi ya watoto ambao hawawezi kusoma maandishi rahisi na kuelewa katika umri wa miaka 10." Hii inakokotolewa kwa kuchanganya watoto wa umri wa shule ya msingi ndani na nje ya shule ambao hawana ujuzi huu. Kwa wale walio shuleni inaweza kudhaniwa kuwa labda ni kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa msingi mzuri wa ujuzi huu katika umri mdogo, kwani kwa nje ya shule inaweza kuhusishwa moja kwa moja au kwa njia isiyo ya moja kwa moja kwenye umaskini na ukosefu wa kuona thamani ya elimu.


Huku vijana wengi wa kijijini wakiwa wamejikita katika maovuyasiyokubalika katika jamii kama uhalifu na hata ndoa za utotoni ili waendelee kuishi. Kuna mwingiliano katika majukumu ya vijana katika kufikia SDG1 na SDG4. Malengo mawili











lisilowezekana. Muda ndio kikwazo lakini mpira unapowekwa, haijalishi ni muda gani hawa wawili wanaweza kufikiwa. Licha ya takwimu kuonyesha kuwa ifikapo 2030 mafanikio hayatafikiwa au hata 2043 na hata 2063. Matumaini na mtazamo unaozingatia hatua unaweza kutufanya tuendelee. Asilimia ya vijana ni kubwa na takriban zaidi ya 70%.Msemo, "Vijana ndio viongozi wa kesho," umeoshwa. Vijana ndio waleta mabadiliko sasa. Malengo yote hapo juu yanawezekana kwa hekima na maono ya wazee na nguvu na ubunifu wa Vijana. Hii ni, "Mikono yote kwenye Sitaha," mbinu na vijana inayotoa nishati kuelekea ukuaji na uboreshaji. Hivi ndivyo jinsi za kupata malengo hayo: 1. Ushiriki wa Serikali. I) Utekelezaji wa sera ambazo zitaelekezwa kwa vijana moja kwa moja au kwa njia zisizo za moja kwa moja katika masuala kama vile kuleta mapinduzi katika elimu ambayo inawawezesha vijana kuwa wazalishaji au wabunifu badala ya watumiaji na wafanyakazi. ii) Hatua ya uthibitisho ambayo inahakikisha uwiano katika makundi ya umri na vijana wanaohusika katika majukumu makuu ya kufanya maamuzi na sauti zao kusikika. iii) Kuanzisha mipango inayowawezesha katika ujuzi na vipaji na kuchunguza ujuzi wao wa kiteknolojia na mawazo ya kisanii. 2.Msaada na ushirika wa nje. Mashirika ambayo yameweka dhamira yao ya kusaidia kufikia malengo ya kutumia mbinu inayowalenga vijana. Kuwawezesha vijana kupitia mikutano ya kilele na kuwapa changamoto ya kuchukua majukumu katika jamii na kukuza kikundi cha viongozi wa vijana ili kusukuma mabadiliko wanayohitaji.


3.Ushiriki wa jamii katika nafasi zao tofauti. Kwa mfano, vituo vya kidini kama vile: Makanisa, Misikiti, Hekalu, masinagogi n.k. kutoa maadili ya lishe ya kiroho ambayo hupelekea mtu mwadilifu na mwema kuishi maisha yenye matokeo katika jamii. Shule kufundisha na kuingiza maarifa na ujuzi unaopelekea kuboresha mazingira yao. Vituo vya afya kuhakikisha afya njema ya watu wake kwa utendaji wao kamili katika safu yao ya kazi. Familia ina jukumu kubwa la kuwajengea watoto muundo msingi wa maadili na hivyo kuleta mtu wa kuigwa katika jamii. 4. Uboreshaji na ushiriki wa mtu binafsi. Kila kitu kiko chini yako na mimi. Kama mtu binafsi ni nini madhumuni yako katika jumuiya yako ambayo yanaboresha zaidi maendeleo ya jumuiya yako na hivyo kuathiri nchi yako au hata zaidi bara la Afrika. Ariel foundation International inatimiza madhumuni yake kupitia kuwawezesha vijana, African Orphan Educational foundation inatimiza dhamira yake kupitia kuimarisha elimu ya kijijini na ushauri kwa vijana. Ninatambua kusudi langu kwa kujihusisha na AIF na AOEF na pia kutoa stadi za maisha, ushauri kwa vijana na ujasiriamali .Ninatupa ndoo yangu mahali nilipo.


BRIAN OCHIENG Kenya Graduated with Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and Literature) from University of Nairobi. (2019)





development enthusiast. I am dedicated and passionate with issues and matters that affect the youth in my community and country as a whole. I have been actively engaged






coaching and tutoring young people in school on topics like life skills and financial literacy.







St. 2.

Johns Undugu

society of Kenya (Nairobi), 3. Ablaze CBO (Nairobi),



African (AOEF)

Orphan as




Council member Started a "Friend's of a friend initiative,"(FOFI)that yearly do visits children's home and Home for the elderly to share love in whichever capacity we can as friends. Passionate about writing about life experiences because everyone has their own story. I am currently actively involved with African Orphan Education Foundation with a published article on Village schooling ( and was honored to be among the young change makers to attend the 2022 Ariel Foundation International Environment Summit.



Benjamin Illagosa.






ZERO HUNGER By: Clinton Olemo

A report done by the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) Shows that around 2.3 billion people in the world are moderately or severely food insecure in 2021 and 11.7% percent of world population is under the threat of food insecurity. The current economic times the price of food is expected to hike in the coming days driving millions of people into extreme poverty this trend is not expected to fall soon as the situation worsens. Agriculture plays a major role in ending food insecurity and with the youthful population in the world. youths have a task in hand to ensure that they embrace agriculture. The global sustainable goals consist of 17 goals that are related from every aspect. In one of the goals there is goal number 2.Zero Hunger, Hunger is a major problem that the world is facing, World Hunger statistics reported that more than 800 million people do not get enough to eat meaning 1 in 9 of the world population and 1 in 3 experience undernourishment, the rate of hunger has been rampantly on the increase according to the report hence posing a greater risk to humanity. Zero Hunger under the sustainable development goals needs to be achieved by the year 2030, for this emphasis on important areas are needed urgently. They include: 1.Achieve food security and improved nutrition.

2.Promote sustainable Agriculture This can be done by increasing the production of agricultural resources since agricultural







improvements on its quality and production will end hunger






3.Practising healthy dietary. It means eating healthy in an controlled/ moderate way and not to eat more than your body needs as this is unnecessary and same time posing a threat to your body. 4.Donate food to the needy Extra food should be donated to those who are in need of the food like children and marginalized groups. 5. Improving food logistics technological advancements can make it possible to improve logistics of food supply across the world this may include transportation, packaging road tracking and visibility Regardless of background or income access to complementary food supplies for all will be achieved, this can be made possible if everyone puts their efforts together. This will not go unnoticed for the vulnerable groups as it will be a life changing experience. It will be the World we want. It is time to challenge ourselves no matter how big or small the effort is.


OLE KITARTAII RUBET (NANDI) By: Clinton Olemo Chigilisiet ne ko kwai kampunitab food and agriculture organisation (FAO) komwae kole bik billion aeng ak pokol somok eng ng’onduni ko nyumnyum komatinyei amwitogik. Iboru chigilisiet nebo 2021 ak 11.7% chebo bik en’g ng'onduni komaraisi kotinyei amitwogik. En’g alisietab amitwogik en’g sai ko korom ak beitab amitwogik en’g betusiek che mi tai ak kwae bik milionisiek kobononso amebwatyin beinotok korek kobate kotesak. Kabatisiet kobo kamanut mising en'g nga'lekab amitwogik. En'g bik tugul chebo ng'onduni, ko bik chechan'g ko che mengech, chotok ko neranik. Mwae chikilisiet kole, neranik che nyalu kocham ak kwai kabatisiet si kobek rubet .ibwatyin ng'onduni magutik taman ak tisab che nyalu kwai sikobek rubet, eng chotok taman ak tisab , ko namba aeng. Kotar rubet ko nyigisindo ne oo mising eng ng’onduni. En’g chigilindo nebo ng’ony komwae kole bik chesirei milion bokol sisit komanyoru amwitwogik che yamei koboru kole chito agenge en’g bik somok konyoru rubet . Chigilisionotok komwae kole tesaksei nyigisindop rubet en’g kila betut ak nitok koboru aragemet neoo en’g sabetab chi eng ng’onduni. Istaetab rubet en’g makutikab ng’onduni konyolu keityi en’g kenyit tab elpu aeng ak sasom eng kagimitet en’g nitok komi tuguk chebo kamanut ko u I.Kisuldae ribsetab amitwogik ak amwitwogik che nyolnjin borto II.Kieet kabatisiet ne kitiegei – nitok kimuchi kenyor kobun tesetab tuguk che tareti kabatisiet amu chutok kotesei amwitwigik ako tarei rubet III.Keboisie amwitwogik che nyolnjin borto – nitok kobaru kole kanyol keamisie en’g oret ne ititaat ak amitwogik che yamei borto amu mamagat eng sainotok kokon aragenet en’g borto


V.Taretetab amwitwogik en’g bik che makyingei. Amitwogik che mi barak ko kanyol kigochi chemakyinkei che lagok ak chememuchigei V.Testab tai eng oleityindoi amitwogik bik che makyinkei-Tesetab tai nebo kasari Kwae








konoret, kasubet ak kereet. Kabate en’g ole meng’ndoi chito anan ko rabinik che taachei, kenyor amitwogik che yamei komugaksei, imugaksei nitok ngot keai tugul kibagenge Akoi kotook nitok akot en’g ng’erin’g ako walei sabetab bik. Egu ng’ony ole kimachei. Sait nitok kewalgei achegei agot nda ming’in kimnatet no ke tyemei.

CLINTON OLEMO Kenya Clinton Olemo is a hardworking 22 year old, focused and Goal Oriented student at the Kasarani Training College(KVTC). He is also a Climate change enthusiast and advocate. Clinton is the founder of Environmental Defenders (formerly known Mazingira Yetu Initiative), an initiative that aimed to teach people the importance of conserving the environment and the impacts of climate change, we therefore advocate for tree planting because we believe that trees have immense positive impact on the environment which in turn gives us a conducive place to call home. Through the initiative we have so far planted over 500 trees and planning on more

in different places, in collaboration

with the different communities and also our able partners. In 2019, He worked under the National Hygene Program (kazi mtaani) as a supervisor in Dandora. The National program that was constituted by the president with the aim of cushioning the youth against the effects of COVID 19 Clinton’s work has not gone unnoticed as he has interacted with many influential personalities

in the country with the latest being the youngest member of the Kenyan Parliament Hon. John Mwirigi to share his ideas as he participated in the top 35 under 35 awarding of young entrepreneurs in Kenya. Clinton also had a chance to recently meet and interact with the CEO of the National Organization of Peer Educators Mr. Philip Waweru Mbugua, who had invited him to his office to discuss youth empowerment and brainstorm on the different ways the young people can be supported. “In my sustainable world, humanity sees itself as a sub-system within nature. Nature has value on its own and the common goal of humans is to create and sustain a world of happy human beings living in harmony with the environment, with themselves, and with each other. In my vision, the goal of societies is wellbeing, rather than growth. The target is not improving efficiency or material accumulation, but effectiveness. Humans’ increased understanding is encompassed with the acknowledgment that we do not know everything.” In 2020 Clinton was invited to the United Nations general assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York to participate in the ECOSOC youth high level meeting that would culminate to the drafting of the youth declaration meeting that would be presented to the youth ministers all over the world Clinton is a member of the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network, UNCTAD youth and AFI young change makers.


HOW POVERTY IMPACTS KENYA By: Pauline Onyango Poverty is not having enough not to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. However, according to me, poverty is more than a lack of income and resources to ensure a sustainable livelihood. It also reflects lack of opportunities and the capability to access important services like potable water, education, health care and sanitation. Poverty is a fear for the future. Poverty is a situation people want to escape, so poverty is a call to action for the poor and the rich have huge gap Poverty has impacted Kenya in a bad way and in this it has become part of our life: 1. Health sector Poverty is a major cause of ill health and a barrier to accessing better health care in Kenya. Since 1982, poverty has remained above 40% despite Kenya's commitment to poverty reduction . Kenya's health indicators have also not been impressive and health care utilization has remained low. Evidence shows that those who fell sick and reported lack of finances as the main reason for not seeking medical attention constituted 44% ,38% and 21.4% in 2003, 2007, 2013, respectively. These statistics point to poor health care utilization due to poverty. Even with public health insurance available

since 1966, only 20% of

Kenyans have access to some of medical coverage Education sector Poverty gas brought instability in the education sectors in Kenya. Of those who attend school, many are eventually forced to drop out due to financial instability. Only around 40% of children make it through primary School and are enrolled in secondary level. Some girls miss school due to inconsistent supply of sanitary towels due to poverty. The government requires families to share the cost at secondary school level, which has significant negative consequences for students from poor families. Most of the problems within the education sectors stem from the general increase in poverty

levels and inequalities across the

country. Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to survive in the current millennium but most of Kenyans cannot access it and education in Kenya is a path out of poverty


3. The community Poverty has really dealt with the community as a whole. The community is in trouble due to; High crime rate Poverty can lead to a high level of stress that in turn may lead individuals to commit theft, robbery, or other violent acts. In fact poverty is the root cause of many crimes on Kenya such as theft, murder, trafficking, and the selling of contraband items .Unemployment To begin with, those who are poor are less likely to have access to advanced education which leads to underemployment or unemployment which leads our youths to reside in locations where gangs and drug misuse are prevalent Teenage pregnancy Poverty has dual Dynamics in teenage pregnancy. Being a determinant as well as a consequence of teenage pregnancy especially in Kenya, many of the teenage pregnancy is tied into experience of poverty. According to menstrual Health report one in 10-15 year old girls are having sex to get money to pay for sanitary ware which contributes to early pregnancy. A United Nations population fund (UNFPA) report in Kenya shows 378,397 adolescent and teenage pregnancies for girls aged 10-19 between July 2016and June this year. More specifically, there were 28,932 girls 10-14 and 349,465 girls ages 15-19 who became pregnant. Teenage


have been linked to poverty. Many people believe girls in poverty engage "transitional" sex to meet basic needs


4. Housing sectors Poverty and low incomes prevent people from accessing potential housing options, and make others hard to sustain

(This is one of the biggest slum in Nairobi ,Kibera) In Kenya people who live in the slums are in large numbers compared to people who have proper housing. Housing costs are so high which poor people cannot afford. This evidence review explores how housing can migrate or exacerbate the Impact of poverty on people's lives 5. Food supply Access to food depends on levels of poverty, purchasing power of the household, prices











distribution systems which in Kenya only a few can afford. Poor people spend a large share of their incomes on food This is the time to change Kenya so that many people may have enough to eat, good shelter, access to good education and health care, protection from violence and a voice in what happens in our communities. And for that to happen we must change our mindset as Kenyans because poverty is in our mind for us to believe that there is no future for Kenya or things will never change. And for that change to come to Kenya, we as youths are the change we need.


THUON WACH:KAKA DHIER KELO MIDHIEROE KENYA By: Pauline Onyango Chakrouk Dhier en bedo e ong`alo ma ok inyal yudo gigo mochuno Kaka chiemo, lewni gi Kar nindo. Kata kamano kipacha dhier en koso gigo mawanyalo tiyo godo keto ng`imawa e ong`alo maduarore Kaka pii, Somo, weche thieth ka achiel kod ngima maler. Midhiero en luoro mar ngima kiny`. Dhier en gima hi gombo ae. Dhier osekelo Midhiero maricho e Kenya makoro osebedo 1.Weche Thieth Dhier osekelo Midhiero e weche mag thieth kendo oserocho weche thieth e pacho kae. Chakre 1982, dhier osebedo ma oingo 40% kata mana bang` temo tieke. Lipot wacho niya jogo moseyud katuo kaopenji, gi wacho niya koso omenda ema omiyo pok gimanyo thieth. Atamalo gi ochung`e 44%, gi 21.4% kachakre gi 2003, 2007 nyaka 2013. Nonroni nyiso ayanga Midhiero weche mag thieth mikelo kod dhier. Kata bang`okumba mar thieth chakre 1966, jokenya 20% kende ema nyalo konyore gi okumba mar thiethno. 2.Weche Somo Dhier osekelo Midhiero e wechego mag somo e piny mar Kenya. Kuom jogo madhi skul, ng`enygi wuok oko mar skul nikech koso mar omenda. Atamalo mar 40% mag nyithindo ematieko somono mar praimar kod somono mar sekondar. Joma nyiri moko bende koso gigo magikonyorego sama gidhie duew ni kech dhier. Sirkal bende dwaro mondo Jonyuol okonygi chulo omenda ne nyithindegi manie e sekondar, mano ma osetamo nyithindo mawuok emier ma odhier. Somo e gino majokenya nyalo tiyogodo kedo gi dhier to kata kamano thoth jokenya pod oknyal yudo weche somo nikech weche dhier


3.Anyuola Dhier osekelo Midhiero nyaka e anyuola. Anyuola osebedo e chandruok nikech; 1.Medruok e weche njore Dhier nyalo miyo ng`ato obed gituo mar paro,kendo onyalo miyo ng`ato ochak weche mag njore Kaka kuo, mecho kod timbe mamoko maricho. 2.Koso Tich Kawachako,jogo modhier oknyal yudo somono maber manyalo ketogi e rang`iny mar yudo Tich, kuom mano, ng`enygi Koso tich. Bang` Koso tich, jogi nyalo chako tiyo gi yedhe mamerogi 3.Ije machon Dhier miyo jogo manyiri mapod tindo gamo remo chon. Kaluoregi lipot mar "Menstrual Health" joma nyiri ma chakre igni 10-15, nindo gi chuo nikech omenda mond giyud Kaka gikonyore, maye miyo gi gamo remo e saa machon. Lipot mar , "United Nations population" wacho niya e piny mar Kenya nyiri mapod matindo maromo 378,397 mag gi igni (10-14) nende ogamo remo kind dwe mar auchiel 2016 nyaka dwe mar abirio igano. Thoth ji mang'eny wacho, "Nyiri ma ochando nindo gichuo mondo giyud Kaka gikonyore." 4.Weche Udi Dhier kod Koso omenda mono ji mang'eny yudo udi mabecho ma ginyalo dake.



E piny Kenya jogo modak e ute maricho Kwan gi nimalo ma oingo jogo modak e ute mabecho. Udi bechgi nitiere malo ema omiyo jogoma hiodhier ok nyal yudo udi. 5.Yudo Chiemo Yudo chiemo luore gi Midhiero, yuto mar jo ot,bech chiemo ka achiel kod yoo machiemo dhichopogodo to e Kenya thoth ji onge nyalo. Mae miyo jogo maodhier tiyo gi omendagi mang'eny e weche chiemo Mae seche mar loso Kenya mondo ji mang'eny obedgi chiemo maromo, udi makare, Somo maber kachiel kod thieth.mondo omiyo mago otimre nyaka walok pachwa Kaka jokenya Nikech dhier nie epachwa Mondo wa weni onge Kenya manyiento gik moko okdhi lokre. To mando wakel lokrouk no e Kenya nyaka wan vijende wabed lokrouk mwadwarono.

PAULINE ONYANGO Kenya My name is Pauline Akoth Onyango, I am 22 years old. I live in mathare, Nairobi . I was honored to be part of 20th anniversary of AFI . I believe in helping out one another because with that the world is a better place that's why have been part of students who visited the children's home and the old age homes to help them and take food and clothes to them and I believe in self love.


DIGNITY By: Ronny Otieno

Dignity it's the state or quality of being worthy of honor. Dignity can be felt when you have your own privacy, appropriate communication, providing sufficient information, patience and money. I personally coming from a ghetto think dignity has it's own obstacles & challenges. Every human being always need dignity and needs to protect it in various ways. Without dignity itself it destroy's many things starting from environment. FACTORS AFFECTING DIGNITY IN THE COMMUNITY: Poverty . Poverty in my community is one of the leading factors that affect dignity. Many people having poor houses,,, affording even three times a meal In a day is a problem. Leading to crime rates in the community and many youths being on drugs. A factor which leads to death of many youths in the society. Unemployment .where i come from the rate of unemployment in the community is so high. Making even the crime rate among the youths so high leading to environment being hazardous to everyone around it. And that's how the youth can sustain themselves through crime. Illiteracy . You can not gain dignity in my community when you are illiterate. People still see you as a slave where the still believe u should be working for them.


HOW WE CAN ENSURE DIGNITY FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS: Volunteer or donating Through donations of you an use items and food in the community helps someone to gain respect. Creates a favorable environment we're

respect its earned and

everyone is sustained. Listen to others stories. It's very important to listen to others since many people are dealing with a lot of issues. One sickness like depression were in Africa many of the youth are depressed and the don't want to talk about it. So being open and listening to others helps a lot in the community. Stand up against discrimination . Teaching community about kindness, fairness and human rights. Standing up for people who are being discriminated and allowing freedom of worship despite the religion be it a Muslim and Christian since they're the most popular religion in Africa.

Speak up for what you care about It's helps In earning dignity in the community and being seen as a leader.


UTU By: Ronny Otieno

Heshima ni kitu mtu anachopewa kama alama cha kuthaminiwa kwake CHANGAMOTO YANAYO KUMBA HESHIMA BARANI AFRIKA: .Umaskini Barani Afrika ambapo umaskini liko katika kiwango la ju ni changamoto kubwa na lina adhiri asilimia ya watu wengi.Ambapo linadhiri mazingira na watu ata kukosa nyumba mahali pa kuishi na hata chakula.Binadamu wenyewe hawasikilizani kwa sababu ya umaskini wanadharauliwa na wale walio katika kiwango cha juu. .kutoajiriwa Mahali ninapotoka vijana wasio na kazu liko katika kiwango la juu. Linafanya mazingira kiwe hatari kwa kila mtu hii n kwa sababu wizi limekua mingi. Vijana wanataka kujikimu ki maisha na hakuna kazi. Sa kujikimu kimaisha ina bidii waibe ndio wajikimu. Hii ndio jambo moja linafanya vijana wengi wakufe na mazingira kua hatari. Kwa sababu kila mtu anataka kujikimu. .kutosoma Usiposoma barani afrika uwezi pata heshima.changamoto lingine kubwa linaadhiri mazingira. Hii ni kwa sababu siku hizi idadi ya watu wamesoma iko wengi. Sa usipo soma unadharauliwa TUNAVYOWEZA PATA HESHIMA: .kuongea kuhusu unacho kijali Mazingira hua mzuri watu wakiongea wancho kijali hii ni kwa sababu kuna magonjwa mengi yanayokumba akili. Ambalo watu wengi hawaonge kuli husu. Na tukiongena kua viongozi tunaeza pata heshima.pia kupata usaidizi katika serikali kila mtu ata rithika na kua na mazingira kila mtu anaweza furahia. .


DIGNITY By: Ronny Otieno

Jina langu ni Ronny Otieno, Miaka 23. Mkazi mjini Nairobi(kenya) Naishi mahali pana itwa Shauri Moyo ambapo nimlelewa uko kwanzia nikiwa mdogo. Nafanya kazi katika soko la burma ambapo nimeandikwa. Napenda mazingira na usafi sana katika jamii.Niko kwenye kikundi la watu watano kunaji husisha na kufanya usafi kila ijumaa.Tunafanya usafi kwa kutoa uchafu katika mtaro n usafi wa choo. Pia naweza sema mm upenda mchezo sana moja ikiwa mpira.

kujitolea au kuchangia Tunapojitolea kusaidia wasio jiweza tunasaidia nchi letu kusonga mbele.kujenga mazingira mzuri la kila m2 kuishi na kila mtu kurithika. Kuskiza hadithi za wengine Si kila siku mtu hua na furaha na kukaa chini na kuskiza hadithi za watu wengine huleta heshima katika kijiji.kwa sababu unawapatia fursa la kusema kinacho watatiza na ambavyo tunaweza pata suluhisho la kusaidiana katika jamii. .kusimama dhidi ya ubaguzi Sisi kama binadamu tukiacha ubaguzi dhidi ya watu wengine linasaidi jamii kusonga mbele na kila mtu na kua fursa ya kufanya anacho kipenda.Na kwa hii mazingira kila mtu anaweza onyesha na kua anacho taka.


I am Ronny Otieno,

23years old,

living in Nairobi Kenya place called Shauri Moyo. Currently hustling and employed in burma market. Passionate about environment and cleaness in the community where i live. Am in a group of five people where we do deneral cleaning every friday in the community. In form of collecting









public toilet. Am also in love with sport football being my favourite and also a player in ojwando fc



By: Jenny Owino Poverty has led to reduction in fertility in African countries because many people fear giving birth and letting their children join the chain of suffering so they opt to look for money first and stability which might also take time hence making them start a family at a later age or rather not start a family at all. Another reason why fertility rate has reduced in African countries is many families tend to depend on lower income rates which might not allow them to budget for a bigger family so they decide to minimize the rate at which they give birth by using family planning methods for example a family might decide to only have one kid just because they are unable to provide for so many kids the basic needs. Poverty has led to reduction in fertility in African countries because many people fear giving birth and letting their children join the chain of suffering so they opt to look for money first and stability which might also take time hence making them start a family at a later age or rather not start a family at all. Another reason why fertility rate has reduced in African countries is many families tend to depend on lower income rates which might not allow them to budget for a bigger family so they decide to minimize the rate at which they give birth by using family planning methods for example a family might decide to only have one kid just because they are unable to provide for so many kids the basic needs. Provision of poor health care services in most African countries has lead to death of infants during birth or before birth Poverty has led to reduction l in population in African countries because many people fear giving birth and letting their children join the chain of suffering so they opt to look for money first and stability which might also take time to acquire hence making them start a family at a later age or rather not start a family at all. Another reason why fertility rate has reduced in African countries is many families tend to depend on lower income rates which might not allow them to budget for a bigger family so they decide to minimize the rate at which they give birth by using family planning methods for example a family might decide to only have one kid just because they are unable to provide for so many kids the basic needs. Provision of poor health care services in most African countries has lead to death of infants during birth or before birth which also leads to reduction of population.


Poverty has led to reduction in population in African countries because; One most of the countries are affected by natural calamities eg drought which is mostly brought about by lack of adequate rainfall. Most people cut down trees to produce charcoal so as to sustain their daily needs other cut them for timber market and also for making furnitures to sell. All these are done inorder to sustain their daily lifestyle forgetting that they are reducing the rainforest which leads to lack of rainfall thus the countries start experiencing drought which leads to decrease in population as so many people die because of hunger. People fear giving birth and letting their children join the chain of suffering so they opt to look for money first and stability which might also take time to acquire hence making them start a family at a later age or rather not start a family at all. Another reason why fertility rate has reduced in African countries is many families tend to depend on lower income rates which might not allow them to budget for a bigger family so they decide to minimize the rate at which they give birth by using family planning methods for example a family might decide to only have one kid just because they are unable to provide for so many kids the basic needs. Provision of poor health care services in most African countries has lead to death of infants during birth or before birth which also leads to reduction of population.



By: Jenny Owino Umaskini umesababisha kupungua kwa idadi ya watu katika nchi za Kiafrika kwa sababu; Moja ya nchi nyingi zimeathiriwa na majanga ya asili kwa mfano ukame ambao huletwa zaidi na ukosefu wa mvua za kutosha. Watu wengi hukata miti ili kuzalisha mkaa ili kukidhi mahitaji yao ya kila siku wengine hukata kwa ajili ya soko la mbao na pia kutengeneza samani za kuuza. Haya yote yanafanyika ili kuendeleza maisha yao ya kila siku wakisahau kuwa wanapunguza misitu ya mvua ambayo inasababisha ukosefu wa mvua hivyo nchi kuanza kukumbwa na ukame unaosababisha kupungua kwa idadi ya watu kwani watu wengi hufa kwa njaa. Watu wanaogopa kuzaa na kuwaacha watoto wao wajiunge na mlolongo wa mateso kwa hivyo wanachagua kutafuta pesa kwanza na utulivu ambayo inaweza pia kuchukua muda kupata na hivyo kuwafanya waanzishe familia katika umri wa baadaye au tuseme kutoanzisha familia kabisa. Sababu nyingine kwa nini kiwango cha uzazi kimepungua katika nchi za Kiafrika ni familia nyingi hutegemea viwango vya chini vya kipato jambo ambalo linaweza kuwazuia kupanga bajeti ya familia kubwa hivyo kuamua kupunguza kiwango cha uzazi kwa kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango kwa mfano. familia inaweza kuamua kuwa na mtoto mmoja tu kwa sababu hawawezi kuwaandalia watoto wengi mahitaji ya kimsingi. Utoaji wa huduma duni za afya katika nchi nyingi za Afrika umesababisha vifo vya watoto wachanga wakati wa kuzaliwa au kabla ya kuzaliwa jambo ambalo pia linasababisha kupungua kwa idadi ya watu.


Am Janiz Atieno Owino 20 years old, am from Nairobi kenya at a place called makongeni along jogoo road.Am a student at KMTC pursuing Nursing. I also do a part time job and i usually engage in forum related to culture and education.


THE LINK BETWEEN POVERTY AND EDUCATION By: Tago Selestine INTRODUCTION Poverty has been the greatest obstacle to the best education, health care, development, sustainable agriculture and even governance just to mention but a few. Growing up as a young women in the slums of *Africa* the challenges that one had to overcome just to achieve a single goal were so frustrating that one had to let go. In a family some time people have to chose whether to go to school or at least have a meal, The continuity of this cycle increased the number of illiterates in the society, raising even the crime rate because with no quality education where will one get a

decent job with decent income.

When growing up every person's greatest goal is having quality education that will intend improve their quality of life but sometimes, the expenses that come with the quality education takes us back home with no choice. They say good things are always expensive but indeed they are because being student means you will need books, pens, uniform classrooms, teachers and in institution of higher learning they also require smart phone or even laptops not to talk about the little school fees but how many can actually afford this? Or is the education only for the rich? But if that's the case how will we brake the cycle of poverty? Or maybe as they say the rich will continue being rich and so will the poor . But as a young woman where or who will I ask all this questions directly to?


EFFECTS OF POVERTY ON EDUCATION Early marriage/Teen pregnancies Poverty striken families have used their own daughters in exchange for a better life leaving the poor young women with no choice but a young family. Children have given birth to their own children just because a rich man took advantage of their situation and promised to make their lives better and it is even absurd that even rich women are doing the same endangering the male species as well, increasing the number of school drop outs, Inappropriate overcrowded classrooms The available classrooms are very small when compared to the total population, this happens because the school in question is what the parents can afford this makes the classes to be overcrowded. The structural integrity of the classrooms are also questionable because sometimes the door and window looks similar. Some schools have broken desks which when not repaired due to lack of money makes the students to sit on the floor. Distance The distance from ones home to school makes the students miss classes because they have to walk to and from school everyday qhich is very tiring and others have no shoes. Child Labour Many children have been forced to work just to be paid and take something home and intern miss school. When working the employers abuse them giving them responsibility greater than their age.


IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Sustainable agriculture Knowledge on the current climatic changes can help understand the type of crops that when planted can be sustainable and also enhance food security and reduce malnutrition. When all this are in order the level of relief food desributed will drastically reduce and that means that even the level of poverty will reduce by a greater percentage Health standard Proper education promotes and improves the health standard of a society and a nation as a whole. The quality of health even to unborn babies increases since pregnant women understand what to do to help the children. Emergency care improves because people understand that calling ambulances and being cared for is not only for a particular group of people and that everyone can benefit from it this will reduces the mortality and morbidity rate. Diseases such us cholera, HIV, ebola and Corona virus will have a reduced mortality rate because people understand the PPPEs required their use and prevention. Child right With proper education and sensitization families will understand that all children are supposed to be treated equally and that there's no gander that is better than another . Child protection act will again be adhered to and no child will be used for resource mobilization. Governance When the general public is educated the governance structure can be improved and equal allocation of resources especially to the education sector will be noted to bith schools in urban and rural areas. Corruption will also go down since the right people will be handling the resources



Umaskini umekuwa kikwazo kikubwa kwa elimu bora, huduma za afya, maendeleo, kilimo endelevu na hata utawala tu kutaja lakini machache.Kuonyesha kama wanawake wa wadogo katika makazi ya * Afrika * Changamoto ambazo moja alipaswa kushinda tu kufikia lengo moja lilikuwa hivyo kusisimua kwamba mtu alipaswa








kuchagua shule au angalau kuwa na chakula, kuendelea na mzunguko huu kuongezeka kwa idadi ya watu wasio na elimu na pia kuongezeka kwa idadi ya uhalifu kwa sababu nila elimu bora ni na i atakuajiri na kukupa mshahara bora . Kila mtu

akikua lengo lao ni kupata ujuzii wa kuboresha maisha lakini wakati

mwingine, gharama zinazoja na "elimu ya ubora" inatupeleka nyumbani bila chaguo. Wanasema mambo mazuri daima ni ghali lakini kwa kweli ni kwa sababu kuwa katika darasa mwanafunzi atahitaji vitabu, kalamu, sare, walimu na kwenyw vyuo vikuu Pia wanahitaji simu ya mkononi au hata tarakilishi si kuzungumza juu ya "ada za shule" lakini ni wangapi wanaweza kweli kumudu hii? Au ni elimu tu kwa matajiri? Lakini kama hiyo ndiyo jinsi tutakavyovunja mzunguko wa umasikini? Au labda kama wanasema matajiri wataendelea kuwa matajiri na hivyo masikini. Lakini kama mwanamke mdogo ni wapi au nani nitauliza maswali haya yote moja kwa moja? ATHARI ZA UMASKINIJUU YA ELIMU Ndoa ya awali / Mimba ya vijana Familia maskini wametumia binti zao badala ya "maisha bora" na kuacha wanawake maskini wasio na chaguo lakini familia changa . Watoto wamezaa watoto wao wenyewe kwa sababu "mtu tajiri" walitumia fursa yao na aliahidi kufanya maisha yao kuwa bora na kuwatumia vibaya, wanawake" matajiri "wanafanya mabadiliko sawa na aina za kiume pia, na kuongeza idadi ya wanafunzi walioacha shule


Madarasa yasiyofaa yaliyojaa Madarasa ni madogo sana ikilinganishwa na idadi ya wanafunzi hii hutokea kwa sababu shule izi ndio wazazi wanaweza kumudu hii inafanya madarasa kuwa yamejaa. Uaminifu wa miundo ya madarasa pia ni wasiwasi kwa sababu wakati mwingine mlango na dirisha inaonekana sawa. Shule zingine hayana madawati na yale yaliopo yameunjika na kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa fedha hufanya wanafunzi kukaa kwenye sakafu Umbali Umbali kutoka kwa nyumba hizo hadi shule hufanya wanafunzi waweze kusonga madarasa kwa sababu wanapaswa kutembea na kutoka shuleni kila siku inachosha sana na wengine hawana viatu. Kazi ya watoto Watoto wengi wamelazimika kufanya kazi tu kulipwa na kuchukua kitu nyumbani na pia wanakosa kuenda shule. Wakati wa kufanya kazi waajiri kuwatumia watu kuwapa wajibu mkubwa zaidi kuliko umri wao. UMUHIMU WA ELIMU Kilimo endelevu Maarifa juu ya mabadiliko ya sasa ya hali ya hewa yanaweza kusaidia kuelewa aina ya mazao ambayo wakati kupandwa inaweza kudumu na pia kuongeza usalama wa chakula na kupunguza utapiamlo. Wakati yote haya yatahidhinishwaikiwango cha chakula cha misaada kitapunguza kwa kiasi kikubwa na ina maana kwamba hata kiwango cha umasikini kitapungua kwa asilimia kubwa zaidi Kiwango cha afya Elimu sahihi inakuza na kuboresha kiwango cha afya cha jamii na taifa kwa ujumla. Ubora wa afya kwa watoto wachanga huongezeka tangu wanawake wajawazito kuelewa nini cha kufanya ili kuwasaidia watoto. Huduma ya dharura inaboresha kwa sababu watu wanaelewa kuwa wito wa wagonjwa na kuwajali sio tu kwa kundi fulani la watu na kwamba kila mtu anaweza kufaidika na hilo,hili litapunguza kiwango cha vifo na ulemavu . Magonjwa kama vile cholera,ukimwi, Ebola na Virus ya Corona vitakuwa na kiwango cha vifo vidogo kwa sababu watu wanaelewa ppes zinahitajika na matumizi yao


Haki ya watoto Kwa











wanapaswa kutibiwa sawa na kwamba hakuna mtoti aliye bora kuliko mwingine. Sheria ya Ulinzi wa Watoto itafatwa tena na hakuna mtoto atakayetumiwa kwa uhamasishaji wa rasilimali. Utawala Wakati umma kwa ujumla unafundishwa muundo wa utawala unaweza kuboreshwa na ugawaji sawa ikiwa rasilimali hasa kwa sekta ya elimu na ugawaje wa rasmilimali katikashule ya maeneo ya mijini na vijijini. Rushwa pia itashuka tangu watu wa haki watashughulikia rasilimali

TAGO SELESTINE Kenya Tago Selestine 22 years old A student at Kenya Red Cross Training Institute pursuing Diploma in Paramedicine . Passionate about emergency response and humanitarian aid. I am currently a volunteer at 1. Kenya Red Cross Society 2. First responders and Safety 3. African OrphanEducation Foundation All this organizations have helped me give back to the community in so much ways looking forward





organization or hopefully stating mine that would







community around me with basic life saving skills. #LEARN A SKILL SAVE A LIFE


ABIGAIL OPPONG GHANA 'Rather than standing or Speaking for Children, we need to stand with children speaking for themselves. We don’t need a political movement for children [ we need to] build environments and policies for our collective future’

Abigail Oppong is a humanitarian young African lady who passionately work to impact life. She is a Changemaker,






Entrepreneur. Abigail Oppong is a graduate from Ashesi University where she majored in Management Information Systems, a member of the Ghana Natural Language Processing group enthusiast about fairness and ethics in Natural Language Processing. Her research project is based on mitigating gender bias in NLP applications.





women in Technology, she is part of several women in TECH organizations working hard to make sure women are represented well in the STEM Industry.

Abigail Oppong is also Youth Ambassador for Ariel Foundation International under the United Nations focusing on issues affecting youths and women in Africa and making the voices of African heard. Being a changemaker, she is passionate about social impacts project that seeks to empower women, children, and youth. She has made several AFI publications that seeks to speak, influence and impact lives. She is part of the Board Members of Women Media and Change working hard to make sure young women’s voices are represented well in the media. She is also a Co-founder of Photo4her, an initiative that seeks to empower teenage mothers with photography skills. Passionate about engaging more women in Technology, she is part of several women in TECH organisations working hard to make sure women are represented well in the STEM Industry. Abigail is skilled at Information Technology, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian, Communication, Design Thinking, Graphic design, leadership, Personal Development, Public Speaking. She is an aspiring computational neuroscientist and linguistic and passionate about AI ethics. She loves research and loves to use computers to explore the mind and language. She is a Recipients of the “Young Leaders Creating a better World for All award” at the Women Economic Forum, 2019 and the first youngest leader to receive such an international award from the Women Economic Forum. Her hobbies are writing, travelling, engaging in community works, learning new languages and conducting research.



AFI Board of Director Member

Joseph Bonner is an award-winning media proprietor, CEO, publisher, journalist, producer, and human rights investigator dedicated to uplifting the international community through inspiring media content. His advice, outspoken comments, and innovative thoughts published and featured in outlets including the New York Times, Daily Star, The Independent, Australia's X Factor, CBS Television, Court TV, and the like have served to positively impact the mental, emotional, and economic well-being of his international audience. He is the founder of the JBN Television Network and JNB Radio Network, producing over 80 television, movie, and radio syndicated programs. He is also founder of Court Magazine, providing cutting edge investigation into national and international human rights violations.



AFI Board of Directors, Chair

Ambassador Ireneo Namboka Ambassador









Foundation International and has been a supporter for over ten years. He is a retired staff of the United Nations after serving five years in the Caribbean, five at the UN Office in Europe (Geneva), one and half years in South Africa as OHCHR’s Regional Programme Office for the SADC region, and six years in Liberia with the then UNMIL until he retired in 2010.

Prior to becoming staff of the United Nations. Amb. Namboka was a career diplomat posted to Gabon, 1977-9, Great Britain, 1979-81 and to France, 1981-1987. Since leaving active UN service Amb. Namboka continues to work in his private capacity as a trainer, instructor and mentor of aspiring men and women to serve humanity according to the principles laid down in the 1948 UDHR and the Kurukan Fuga Charter on Human Rights issued by Emperor Sundiata Keita circa 1235, in Mali. Born in East Africa, he loves to see himself as a citizen of the entire continent – even world. Ambassador is a proud and loving father – first to their children, but his wish for all the children of the world to find joy and peace is his religion



AFI Founder and President Dr. Ariella (Ariel) Rosita King ( founded The Ariel Foundation International ( in 2002 as a non-profit organization with an international focus








participation worldwide. Dr. Ariel King is a Rotarian for over 20 years. She is the Main Representative at the United Nations (Geneva, New York and Vienna ) for AFI, with Special Economic, Cultural and








represented other NGOs in Geneva since 2008, the United Nations in Vienna (UNOV) since 2010 and United Nations in New York since 2000. Dr. King is also an NGO Representative at the European Parliament. Dr. King’s life focus is on inspiring leadership and participation of worlds’ children and youth. Ariel Foundation International is a member of EuroChild, Dr. King was a Trustee for Children’s Rights Alliance England (CRAE), Now Just for Law Kids, and the Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) United Kingdom. Dr King is also the Founder (2000), and President Ariel Consulting International, Inc., that creates and enhances Public-Private Partnerships in international diplomacy and policy. She has over 35 years of experience in international public policy and international management in government, business and NGOs. As a Professor in International Health, Management, Policy and Environment she has taught at Universities in the USA, Europe and Africa. Dr. King has published on the topics of Kangaroo Newborn Baby Care, International Health Policy and Management, Medical Ethics, Organ Transplantation, National Essential Drugs Policy, HIV/AIDS; Breast Cancer; Violence Against Women; Youth Participation at the United Nations and Children’s Human Rights. _____________________ Dr. King completed a second research degree (PhD) in Sociology on Community Engagement in the Psychosocial Care of Their Traumatised Children – A Case Study of Botswana, Liberia and Morocco at the Unitersité de Franche-Comte, France (December 2018). She also has completed advance certificates in the study of Children’s Human Rights, from the UER Droits de l'enfant/Children's Rights Unit, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB) in Switzerland. Dr. King holds a Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H); Doctorate (PhD) in Philosophy in Public Health and Policy from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London; a Master in International Health Management (MIM) from Thunderbird School of Global Management; Master in Public Health (MPH) in international Health from the University of Texas School of Public Health; and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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