AFI Changemakers at the 2022 United Nations ECOSOC Youth Forum

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Editors Dr. Ariel Rosita King- Editor in Chief Rehman Hassan Joleen Bakalova Cover Pages Artist Joleen Bakalova

AUTHORS Joleen Bakalova, USA "Rural Girls’ Education in the Asia-Pacific Region" Wei Cai, China "A generation of youth, a generation of missions"

一代青年,一代使命 Lu Chen, China

"Youth: How to Find Happiness and Recover in Covid-19"

疫情之下的中国大学生自救指南 Jason Eappen, USA

"Youth- The Future of Our World" Rehman Hassan, USA "A Perspective on Health Disparities at All Levels" Murat Eren Kutlu, Turkey "Education System Needs Change" Yuxin Liu, China "A generation has a generational mission"


Abigail Oppong, Ghana "The Participation of Young Women in Conflict Resolution and Climate Change" Chong Yang, China "Youth’s Responsibilities under the Epidemic"


AUTHORS Yifei Zhu, China "The Effectiveness of The Chinese COVID-19 Recovery Policy and Why We Stick to This"


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction............................................................................................................ 1 Rural Girls’ Education in the Asia-Pacific Region............................................. 2 A generation of youth, a generation of missions............................................... 4

一代青年,一代使命 ................................................................................................ 5

Youth: How to Find Happiness and Recover in Covid-19................................... 6

疫情之下的中国大学生自救指南 .............................................................................. 7 Youth- The Future of Our World......................................................................... 8 A Perspective on Health Disparities at All Levels............................................. 9 Education System Needs Change........................................................................ 10

A generation has a generational mission........................................................... 11

一代人有一代人的使命 ........................................................................................... 12

The Participation of Young Women in Conflict Resolution and Climate Change................................................................................................................... 13 Youth’s Responsibilities under the Epidemic..................................................... 14

疫情之下青少年的责任与担当 ................................................................................ 15

The Effectiveness of The Chinese COVID-19 Recovery Policy and Why We Stick to This......................................................................................................... 16

中国新冠疫情恢复政策的有效性及我们为何坚持这一政策 ..................................... 18 Author Profiles..................................................................................................... 19


INTRODUCTION Ariel Foundation International Changemakers are young leaders from all over the world participated in the United Nations ECOSOC Youth Forum. Nine AFI Changemakers from all over the world share their views on the dialogue. During the dialogue, the youth from all over the world shared their perspectives on important issues ranging from protecting our oceans to the importance of women's empowerment. The Changemakers, young leaders from Ariel Foundation, also share their views in two languages across intersections of health disparities, education, and COVID-19. Enjoy reading our reflections on the ECOSOC Youth Forum.


RURAL GIRLS’ EDUCATION IN THE ASIAPACIFIC REGION By: Joleen Bakalova, USA In rural Asia, educational disparities slow the speed of COVID-19 recovery and overall social progress. As outlined in the Asia and Pacific Regional Breakout Session at the 2022 ECOSOC Youth Forum, inequities in learning access prevent development in communities throughout the region. Rural areas already consist of lower youth participation in education due to various components, such as poverty, distance to schools, and the need to contribute to respective family incomes. Furthermore, the dominance of patriarchal perspectives has systematically suppressed the intellectual capital of women and girls, even in the modern world. Although I live in the United States and am seemingly distanced from these issues, education for girls in rural areas of the Asia-Pacific region is an issue forever ingrained in my mind. Growing up in a tiny village in Hebei, my father’s family of subsistence farmers struggled to feed their six children. They could not afford to use candles or eat meat more than once a year, but they still managed to scrape together enough money to send two children to school. Of course, given strongly-imbued patriarchal attitudes, they sent their two sons to receive education and sent their four daughters to farm crops. My four aunts were denied education on the basis of poverty, lack of resources in their rural region, and most importantly, their sex. Unfortunately, my family’s story is not a unique phenomenon in the Asia-Pacific region. About “16 million primary school-aged children and 34 million secondary-aged adolescents are out of school in the region” as of 2019. “More than 42 percent (43 million) of the world’s illiterate youth, 56 percent of whom are female, and almost 60 percent (446 million) of the world’s illiterate adults, two-thirds of whom are female, live in the Asia-Pacific region” (Ugwuegbula and Putz). As discussed by speakers in the breakout session and experts throughout the world, education and literacy, especially for females, are the tools to disrupt the seemingly endless cycle of poverty. SDG 4, inclusive and equitable quality education, has been made a key priority of leaders in governments and international bodies alike. And progress has been made in recent decades. From 1990 to 2015, the adult literacy rate “has increased from 47% to 70% in South Asia and 79% to 96% in East Asia.” The youth literacy rate, since 2000, has been nearing 100% in many areas of the region. However, not all subregions have achieved substantially higher rates of education. South and West Asia “[are] the biggest contributor[s] to the region’s illiterate youth and adult population” as “for every 100 illiterate youth in Asia-Pacific, 94 are from South and West Asia” (“Education in Asia-Pacific Overview: SDG 4 Overview”). Rural areas’ illiteracy rates are especially high, particularly due to lack of access to resources in combination with restrictive gender norms. Unfortunately, similar to many other aspects of life, the pandemic has presented setbacks to rural education in the Asia Pacific region. Inadequate internet access and school closures have posed significant barriers to students, especially girls.


Despite these challenges, the world has now been presented with a unique opportunity in rebuilding from the pandemic to incite structural reform of education. This can be done by strengthening household incentives to keep children in school, ensuring good primary and pre- primary foundations, supporting women’s transition between levels of education and careers, prioritizing poorer households in social programs, and various other critical solutions (“Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Education”). That being said, it is paramount that leaders, from global to local, consider the perspectives of young people with diverse geographic, social, and economic circumstances. Progress cannot be made without consulting the people and the communities policies impact. To ensure more efficient growth and development for educational opportunities in subregions throughout the Asia-Pacific, youth must be at the forefront of decision-making. Only then will the Asia-Pacific, as well as the world at large, be able to build back from the pandemic and strive for a better future for all. Works Cited “Education in Asia-Pacific Overview: SDG 4 Overview.” UNESCO, 2021, Accessed 30 April 2022. “Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Education.” United Nations ESCAP, April 2018, Accessed 30 April 2022. Ugwuegbula, Lateisha, and Catherine Putz. “The Asia-Pacific's Education Crisis – The Diplomat.” The Diplomat, 21 November 2019, Accessed 30 April 2022.


A GENERATION OF YOUTH, A GENERATION OF MISSIONS By: Wei Cai, China There is a theme for each era, and a generation of young people has a mission and a role to play. The new epidemic affects all of us. In today's post-industrial and post-crisis era, when it comes to the mission of young people, I think of "equality". It is a standing dish that people have different perceptions of "equality" at different times, and different people have different perceptions of "equality" at the same time. When I think of equality, I think of the film “Green Book”, which provoked me to think about discrimination and prejudice. Can the majority truly understand the minority? In the film, the black man, who is both educated and famous, is still unable to escape the constraints of the world, constantly seeking approval and answers, desperately trying to maintain his dignity. But we all know that even though we recognize ourselves, we still want the approval of the world. Prejudice is a big mountain in people's minds. How to be prejudiced against a group is to stigmatize by stretching the truth. Every group has good people and not-so-good people, and to judge a group on the basis of just one one-sided characteristic and then use counterexamples as individual examples only reveal one's ignorance. The history of human development is also the history of people constantly striving for equality. The reason for supporting racial equality, gender equality, and equal rights in same-sex marriage… is because of pluralistic values and an inclusive social climate that can accommodate the existence of different types of people and personality traits, rather than holding and judging all people by the same set of paradigmatic standards. Someone once said, “We can discriminate against a person or admire a person, but that point at which we can discriminate must not be a point at which others cannot choose, such as color, gender, identity, geography; what is discriminable, such as drug use, crime, etc.; what is despised is a person's optional, not his unoptional.” Young people are called upon to put aside prejudice and discrimination and unite to face the problems of the times.


一代青年,一代使命 By: Wei Cai, China

一个时代有一个时代的主题,一代青年有一代青年的使命与担当。 新冠疫情的发生影响着我们每个人的生活。而在当今后工业时代、后危机时代的时代背景下,说到青年人的 使命,我会想到 “ 平等 ” 。这是一个老生常谈的话题,不同时代,人们对于 “ 平等 ” 都有着不同的认识;同一时代, 不同的人对于 “ 平等 ” 的认识也有所不同。 提到平等,我会想到电影《绿皮书》,它引发了我对歧视与偏见的思考。 多数群体是否真正能够理解少数群体?电影中品学兼修、名利双收的黑人仍然逃不了世俗的束缚,不断寻求 一个认可和答案,拼命维护着自己的尊严。可我们都清楚的知道,即便我们自己认可自己,可还是想要一份来 自世界的认同。 偏见是人们心中的一座大山。如何对一个群体产生偏见,那便是牵强附会的污名化。每个群体都有优秀的人 和不那么优秀的人,仅凭一个片面特征判断一个群体,再把反例当做个例,只能暴露自己的无知。人类发展的 历史也是人们不断争取平等的历史。之所以要支持种族平权、男女平权、同性婚姻平权 …… 是因为多元的价值观 和包容的社会氛围,可以容纳不同类型和性格特质的人存在,而不是用同一套范式标准来要求和评价所有人。 某人曾说过: “ 我们可以歧视一个人,也可以敬仰一个人,但是我们可歧视的那个点一定不能是别人无法选择的 点,比如说肤色,性别,身份,地域;什么是可以歧视的呢,比如说吸毒,犯罪等等;鄙视的是一个人的可选 择,而不是他的不可选择。 ” 呼吁青年朋友们抛开偏见与歧视,团结起来,共同面对时代问题。



In China, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic,the closure of schools has become the norm. Especially in this year, the epidemic broke out all over the country, and almost all college students were ‘locked’ in the campus, ‘fighting’ with online courses every day. "Youth is only a few years, the epidemic has accounted for three years", disappointed, depressed, powerless, numb... Such feelings spread among college students in the early days of the closure. Fortunately, as the time goes by, they gradually adapted to such a life and found ways to make themselves happy, fulfilled and recover. Here are some ways to save yourself from the depression of the epidemic. Hope it can help you maintain your love and hope under pressure. "When it's sunny, I want to take you to the playground." First, walk on the playground in the evening! During the school closure, the most lively place on campus is the playground. Some run; Someone sings; Sandbags were thrown; Some play cards; Someone do nothing, lying quietly on the grass to watch the sky...... You can gather around the singer like everyone else, listening to him sing and moving with the rhythm, or just listen and feel the charm of pure music ; You can also make an appointment with a couple of friends, playing games together, chatting together, venting the pain of those bottled up in the heart together; Or, you can do nothing, just to look and watch the laughter and cheers around you, to watch the dancing figures around you, to feel the night breeze, to feel the smell of plants and grass. So, go to the playground!! “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may” May, the season of flowers. Just do a campus walking and go to the flowers, shrubs, woods, to feel the charm of nature. If you can't go to the greater and bigger world, try to find beauty in your own little world. May, is the season of lilac blossom in Harbin. No matter where you walk in the campus, there are bursts of clove fragrance. Stop, pause, take a picture and observe its beauty up close. It is said that finding five lilacs represents luck. Look! Pine trees at this time have long hairy new pine needles, and pine needles at this time are still a mass of green, gently soft, gentle like the tail of a small squirrel. So, feel the tenderness of spring! “Reckless youth makes rueful age.” In fact, this period of time is also a time when knowledge. Shielded from all kinds of temptations college students to learn. Find a classroom, then make up for it. Or, use this quiet time to reflect on have a fresh start.

you can quiet down and silently accumulate your from the outside world, this is the perfect time for pick up your ignored and abandoned lessons and your goals and future ideas, to clear your mind and

In conclude, the most important thing is to cherish what you have, to make the most of what you have, to live an infinite amount of your time and space, so that no matter what your situation is, you can always find a way to save yourself and stay true and loving. I think this is also the core of the self-adjustment of Chinese college students in the face of the epidemic, and the optimism and hope of young people in the face of the epidemic.



By: Lu Chen, China

在中国,为了防止疫情的无序扩张,疫情和封校是分不开的。尤其在今年,疫情在各地爆发,全国的大学生几 乎都处于被封闭在校园,每日与网课斗争的状态。 “ 青春才几年,疫情占三年 ” ,失望、压抑、无力、麻木 ... 这样 的情绪在封校初期蔓延在大学生群体中,好在,随着 “ 封校常态化 ” ,大家逐渐适应了这样的生活,并且找到了让 自己快乐、充实、恢复的方法。接下来介绍的几种的疫情之下的救赎之道,希望能帮助到你,让你也能在重压 之下保持热爱和希望。 “ 等一个自然而然的晴天 , 我想要带你去操场。 ” 第一种,傍晚操场走走。封校期间,校园里最热闹的地方就是操场了。有人跑步;有人唱歌;有人丢沙包;有 人玩纸牌;有人什么也不做,静静地躺在草地上看天 ...... 你可以像其他人一样围在歌手的旁边,听他唱歌,跟随 着节奏一起律动,或者静静听着,感受纯粹的音乐带给你的感动;你还可以约上三两好友,一起玩游戏,一起 聊天,一起宣泄那些憋在心里的疼痛;或者,你也可以什么也不做,只是看看,看看周围的欢声笑语,看看周 围鲜活跳跃的身影,感受夜晚的清风,感受草木的清香。所以,去操场看看吧!! “ 有花堪折直须折 ” 五月,花开的季节。莫负春光,校园走走,去往花丛里、灌木里、树林里,去感受大自然的魅力。无法去往更 大的天地,那就努力在自己的一隅小天地发现美好。五月,是哈尔滨丁香花开的季节,无论走在校园的哪个角 落,都有阵阵丁香的香。停下来,驻足,拍张照,近距离观察它的美,据说,找到五瓣紫丁香就代表着幸运。 松树也在这时长出毛茸茸的新松针,这时候的松针仍是一团绿色,轻轻软软的,像小松鼠的尾巴一样温柔。所 以,去感受春天的温柔吧!! “ 劝君惜取少年时 ”



There are over 1.2 billion youth all over the world. Every single one of those people represents someone who is unique and special; they are the next generation who are future leaders in our world. However, the youth, throughout history, have been vastly ignored. Many times, leaders assume that youthfulness and inexperience is a reason for their lapse in judgment. However, it can also be their greatest strength. The youth is the backbone of every nation and can provide insight into what the next generation of leaders want. Rather than ignoring what the youth have to say, empowering them, utilizing their knowledge, and honing their soft skills can help improve cultures and make positive impacts throughout our communities. If communities take advantage of the untapped resources of the youth, the sky's the limit when it comes to the economic production, productivity, and innovation. One key strength of the youth is the ability of them to maintain the culture. Every year many cultures disappear, because there is no one that is willing to carry the tradition. However, youth is the key to continue the traditions that many ancestors value. Youth can become a bridge between cultures and serve as representatives in promoting intercultural understanding. The intrinsic values of the youth have been able to provide a multitude of benefits to continue understanding. In today’s world, there is a constant battle between each other. Many cultures are pitted against one another in order to gain a political, social, and even an economic goal. The leaders of today are failing to help support a world dominated by understanding. Rather, the world we see today is rooted in division. The youth needs leaders today to help empower them and give them the platform to embrace what they believe in. The culture of tomorrow will be determined by the youth. In order to preserve the cultures, we have taken steps to grow the youth into the leaders they are meant to be in the future. Another key strength of the youth is their ability to learn. When babies are born, their inherent nature is to do bad. However, the job of the parent is to teach them good. This is the same mentality the world should take to the youth today. The world today has the ability to cater to the youth in order to help them grow. The more today’s leaders host youth programs and events to foster growth for the youth, the investment in long-term sustainability will be enormous. The youth will now be more prepared and more ready to take on the world. Many times education today has not been able to prepare the youth for the triumphs of the real world. However, if outside actors like the government, corporate companies, NGOs, and other similar organizations can all help foster the next generation by directing the youth.



Many regard health as a universal human right guaranteed to all people whether that be for a vital surgery after a car accident or a life saving chemotherapy drug. Ideas of the importance of health have been present since the times of Mesopotamia, the first human civilization. Unfortunately, health access is not equal across the world and many people, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, receive unequal care. Health disparities exist all over the world across gender, educational, racial, sexual orientational, religious, age related, and geographic barriers. As a result of these preventable disparities, many people faced an increased burden of disease or violence preventing people from reaching their potential. The 2022 ECOSOC Youth Forum clearly illustrated how significant barriers could be which impact people all over the world. One side event, hosted by Columbia SIPA and UN ROSA, described its plan of empowering youth to get involved with their communities to help offset these barriers. Youth have a unique role in communities unlike that of adults that allows them to help impact long term and short term change to prevent health disparities. United Nations programs show how when students are educated well, they can have enormous impacts on their individual communities. By educating young ambassadors, the UN ROSA program was able to educate tens of thousands of people about COVID-19 and other diseases. At the same time, solely empowering youth is not enough to help reduce health disparities; often social and cultural barriers prevent lasting change in communities around the world. The many perspectives provided at the ECOSOC Youth Forum demonstrated the need for work with cultural leaders to accomplish better health outcomes for people across the globe. Working with religious and governmental leaders, especially in the developing world, shows promise in promoting gender equality and can often encourage people to undergo health screenings. Often, by breaking gender barriers, entire societies can better flourish which can lead to change for all people whether that be by allowing for educational development or promoting equality regardless of sexual orientation. Beyond getting societal leaders and youth involved, technology can also be an extremely powerful tool in bringing communities together. The live broadcasted ECOSOC Youth Forum is a clear testament as to how technology can allow communities that may have never interacted, to be able to interact. By increasing access to technology in underserved communities, people will be able to have better access to necessary healthcare and thus allow for health disparities to be diminished. At the same time, technological developments also show promise in improving equitable access to healthcare reducing the role that health disparities play in health outcomes across the world.



Can you imagine a World without change? Everything is chancging everytime. There is nothing stands same within time. Change, the ability to adapt the environment, is the thing which made us reach to this point. However, as people of the World, we refuse the change sometimes because we choose comfort rather than progress. Education system is one of these subjects. The education system does not prepare students to the real life. While life is changing, we have been stucked with the same academic-based education system for years. The science of phsycology is getting developed and we are learning so much about how we are learning but the education system remains the same. In addition, we forgot how art is as important as science. The education system is so much focused on science that the students who has a leanning to art could not have been discovered. Phycology is a new-discovered science which has been developing for the last hundred years. We have learnt a lot of things about the nature of a human from the studies of phycology. When the education system of today was first appeard with the needs of industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, phycology was not a science, it was just a sub-branch of phylosophy. At the moment, we know that pshycological development is more important than academic development. Without phycological strength, a person cannot handle to life under hard conditions. Without phycological education, people do not know how to work together, how to think together and the most important one ia people cannot be happy with their lifes so that efficiency of their work and life decreases. A new branch called psychological counseling and guidance has been derived to fulfil this need of people. However, this education is given to people by the compony which they are working for and it can be too late for people to have this education after school. Therefore, students need to be educated phycologically and socially in schools. During the industrial revolution, the system need to have more scientists and empolyees to continue. That is why education system appeared. The unconscious and fast development of industry killed the art. People were so blind with their fast lifes that we live in a world which is dying now. Art is the voice of those who realises the truths and wrongs. Without science, there would be no developments. On the other hand, without art there is no foundation of what we are doing. We are like a bird which is trying to fly with one wing. The new leader of the new world, the youth, has the awarness. However, they cannot impress theirselves. Art is much more important than it seems. Art does not mean just paintings, sculptures or poems, but it is also about having a vioce. So that if we need a change in the world we need to have it with art. If we will teach art to the youth, we need to do it in schools where they spend their times most. In conclusion, the education system of today is almost the same education system of eighteenth century and needs to be changed. People after education does not have phycological strength to handle the life. As a result of that, the education system needs to educate students phycological and social. In addition, art is the key of youth with awarness to take action. However, in the education system of today, art does not have a place as it needs to have. So that, art should be more into education system.



I especially like a popular saying on the Internet recently, "A generation has a generation's Long March, a generation has a generation's mission, the baton of the times is passed into our hands, we are the spark of building China." In the face of the sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia virus, we young people should shoulder our responsibilities and missions and do our best to protect our homes. In school, our contribution to the epidemic is very limited, the most important thing is to cooperate with the school's arrangement, do not go out unnecessarily, wear your own mask anytime and anywhere, try to avoid staying in places where the population is concentrated, and wash your hands and disinfect frequently. During the summer vacation, we can sign up for volunteer activities in our hometown, actively help the community coordinate and organize nucleic acid testing, and strictly check the health code, itinerary code and 24-hour nucleic acid test certificate of outsiders. In today's severe moment of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, as young people, we have received high-quality higher education, full of enthusiasm and hope for outsiders, and have the freshest blood, our generation should shoulder our own responsibilities, shoulder the glorious mission of building a homeland, overcome all difficulties, and build a better future.


一代人有一代人的使命 By: Yuxin Liu, China

特别喜欢最近网络上流行的一句话, “ 一代人有一代人的长征,一代人有一代人的使命,时代的接力棒传到我们 手里,我们就是建设中华的点点星火 ” 。 面对突如其来的新型冠状肺炎病毒疫情,我们青年人应该肩负起自己的责任和使命,尽自己所能去保护我们的 家园。 在学校,我们能为疫情做的贡献很有限,最重要的就是配合学校的安排,非必要不外出,随时随地戴好自己的 口罩,尽量避免呆在人口集聚的地方,勤洗手勤消毒。 在暑假期间,我们可以报名家乡的志愿者活动,积极帮助社区协调组织核酸检测,严格排查外来人员的健康 码、行程码和 24 小时核酸检测证明。 在如今新型冠状肺炎病毒疫情严峻的时刻,作为青年人的我们,接受了优质的高等教育,满怀对外来的热情和 希望,拥有最新鲜的血液,我们这一代人应当肩负自己身上的责任,担负起建设家园的光荣使命,排除万难, 建设更美好的未来。



On 19th April, I joined the ECOSOC, Generation Equality session. The Generation Equality: Building back better with youth’s discussion with the amazing panel of speakers was one of the memorable events I attended during the ECOSOC forum. All the speakers and panelists delivered a very bold statement about their experience with domestic violence and working with women experiencing domestic violence. The words from Sarah Knibbs were so warming and positive as I look through what the future of the participation of women in conflict resolution and climate change. In her statement, she mentioned that youths are more after social capital over market capital. I totally agree with her as I see many young women activists around the world who are passionate about having the voices of women heard and not only heard in the kitchen. Activists around the world have had a network of sisterhood to share experience and know how best they can help themselves. As she said in her statement, after two years of battling with Covid, there have been an increase in the need for domestic violence resolutions as more women have been vulnerable to the effects of covid. And even alongside this fact that women are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, there is also a low participation of Women in conflict prevention and resolution. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and the best way to prevent violence is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Whiles Sarah mentioned that building back with women and girls is the way to go, Irene Kendi, who was also part of the panelists points out the fact that building back together with the men and boys will also help fight domestic violence at a speed rate. Irene Kendi, who was also one of the panelists also made a statement that if there are no succession plan put in place to empower young people, there will be no source of encourage for the youth to join hands in fighting against domestic violence. Technology is also the future of technology, and it is exciting to see how young people many users of this platform are. For instance, if there is an incidence of violence caught on camera, the many young people use social media to protest for justice, which makes investigation easier. Gender base violence is not only women’s fight but rather both women and men, it is time to encourage our men and boys to also engage in fighting against domestic violence. Whiles giving the women equal chance of participating in the resolution of conflicts. Yesterday might have missed the opportunity but today serves the time to act.



If the young generation has ideals and responsibilities, the country will have a future, and the nation will have hope. Youth is the future of a country. The progress of a country records the footprints of the youth and condenses the dedication of the youth. In this fight against the epidemic, the actions of the young generation are gratifying and touching. They bravely stood on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and used practical actions to interpret young people's patriotism and responsibility. The age calls, and the youth takes responsibility. At the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control, the league organizations at all levels across the country worked together to allocate funds of 12.3 million yuan from the League Central Committee to support grassroots league organizations and all 1,200 league secretaries in railway returned to their posts on the second day of the lunar New Year; from Youth League Committee of Hubei Electric Power Co. LTD formed 99 youth commandos to ensure power supply and invested in power construction projects such as Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospital, to Zhejiang Communist Youth League mobilizing youth commandos to support medical supplies manufacturers; from Lang Bingning, a 26-year-old female doctor from Sichuan, who went retrograde 1,872 kilometers to support Wuhan, to the 24 youths of the "Communist Youth League" in the Hefei Electric Power Section of the railway, who "will not back down in the face of the epidemic", and so on. League organizations at all levels across the country and countless Chinese youth in the new era have used their actions to declare their original mission and responsibility. Each generation of young people will leave their own traces of youth and answers to the times. Young people should have great aspirations and be brave practitioners of patriotism. In the fight against the epidemic, the young generation represented by the "post-90s" bloomed in the places where the motherland and the people needed the most. They wrote the deepest patriotic feelings in their hearts with a high-spirited attitude during the retrograde movement. During the epidemic, the "post-90s" medical workers have gone against the tide, the "post-90s" community workers have been on the frontline, and the "post-90s" journalists have been working tirelessly. These scenes were all the most simple answers to patriotism. In the epidemic, the majority of young people obeyed the overall situation, obeyed the command, cared for the country and the people, and they were not afraid of risks. They consciously took the initiative to integrate themselves into the national war against the epidemic, and integrated patriotism into every little thing in the epidemic field. They were not afraid of violent storms and continued to overcome difficulties. They shed their youthful sweat on the epidemic field with concrete actions and wrote an extraordinary patriotic chapter. In this battle of epidemic prevention and control, young people are contributing their own strength, either treating diseases and saving people, or sticking to their posts, or donating materials, or publicizing protection. The fire of hope is spreading like a prairie. We firmly believe that, breaking through the dark clouds and cold snaps, the sun lights will be brighter and spring will be warmer.



By: Chong Yang, China

青年一代有理想、有担当,国家就有前途,民族就有希望。青年是国家的未来,国家的进步刻录着青年的足 迹、凝结着青年的奉献。在这次抗疫斗争中,青年一代的突出表现令人欣慰、令人感动,他们勇敢地站在疫情 防控一线,用实际行动诠释着青年人的家国情怀和责任担当。 时代有呼唤,青年有担当。在这场疫情防控的关键时刻,全国各级团组织上下联动,从团中央划拨经费 1230 万元支持基层团组织做好疫情防控 , 到全国铁路 1200 名团委书记大年初二全部返岗;从湖北电力有限公司团委 组建 99 支青年突击队保障供电并投入火神山、雷神山医院等电力建设工程,到浙江共青团动员青年突击队支援 医护用品生产企业;从川籍 26 岁女医生郎冰凝逆行 1872 公里支援武汉 , 到铁路合肥电务段 “ 共青团号 ”24 名青 年 “ 疫情面前,绝不退缩 ” 的一纸战书等等 , 全国各级团组织和无数新时代中国青年,用行动宣示着自己的初心使 命和担当作为。 每一代青年都会留下属于自己的青春印迹和时代答卷。 心有大我 , 勇做厚植爱国情怀的践行者。在抗击疫情的 斗争中,以 “90 后 ” 为代表的青年一代在祖国和人民最需要的地方绽放青春之花,他们在逆行中以昂扬的姿态书 写着心中最深沉的爱国情感。疫情面前, “90 后 ” 医护人员逆行出征, “90 后 ” 社区工作者下沉一线发光发 热 , , “90 后 ” 记者坚守岗位,不辞辛苦。这些场面无不是对爱国的最朴实回答,在疫情大考中,广大青年服从 大局,听从指挥,胸怀忧国忧民之心,爱国爱民之情,不惧风险,写下请战书,立下军令状。他们自觉主动将 自己融入到全民战疫斗争中,将爱国主义融入到疫场上的任何一件小事中,不惧狂风暴雨,不断攻坚克难 , 以 实实在在的实际行动在疫场上挥洒青春的汗水,书写不平凡的爱国篇章。 在这场疫情防控阻击战中 , 青年在贡献着自己的力量,或治病救人、或坚守岗位,或捐赠物资、或宣传防护, 希望之火正如燎原之势展开。我们坚信,冲破乌云和寒流 , 阳光会更加灿烂,春天会更加温暖。


THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CHINESE COVID-19 RECOVERY POLICY AND WHY WE STICK TO THIS By: Yifei Zhu, China In the blink of an eye, the world has entered its third year of fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. Of course, in fact, many countries have already relaxed the epidemic prevention and control policies adopted against the COVID-19 epidemic, and have been gradually returning to their pre-epidemic life. Here, I still want to take our neighboring country South Korea as an example. When China has entered a new round of anti-epidemic war for nearly two months due to the resurgence of the Shanghai epidemic, as far as I know, South Korea has recently announced that wearing masks is not mandatory. This new policy will not set more obstacles to the freedom of their citizens. The reason why the South Korean government announced this is that, on the one hand, the epidemic situation has eased from when it first broke out; and on the other hand, the vast majority of people have already received the second or even the third vaccination. Thus, the mortality rate has been greatly reduced. My Korean friends told me that even if many young people are infected, it is just like “having a cold,” and they can recover quickly. However, even so, China still chose to adopt a policy of dynamically clearing the COVID-19 epidemic, insisting on preventing the spread of it in the country from the source. Since the epidemic situation in Shanghai has gradually become severe, the city of Shanghai has been closed for nearly two months. All residents are quarantined at home, and they are not allowed to go out unless necessary. As for daily necessities, the government sends special personnel to supply them; plus, implementing the policy of multiple inspections a day, the residents not only need to do nucleic acid tests two to three times a day, but even antigen tests. Our country’s attitude towards the epidemic has always been so serious. Why doesn’t China choose the same epidemic prevention policy as other countries? Personally, I think there are two reasons. First, China has a vast territory and a large population base. If the epidemic prevention policy were relaxed and the epidemic were to spread, the number of infected people would increase exponentially every day, which could be an unpredictable huge blow for China; second, the dynamic clearing and epidemic prevention policy adopted by China has been proven to be the most effective and safest policy to control the spread of the epidemic. Therefore, even though the number of daily infections in Shanghai is still high, and infections continue to occur in other areas, everything is still under our control. In 2020, Wuhan, a city in Hubei Province, China, bore the brunt and became the first hard-hit area of ​t he global COVID-19 epidemic. However, nearly three years have passed, and now the former hardhit area have already recovered its former prosperity and beauty. When the epidemic first broke out, all of our Chinese citizens fell into a huge panic. We were terrified and hopeless about the unknown, and we didn’t know when this battle would come to an end. Yet, during those extremely difficult days, countless ordinary heroes emerged in our country. Among them were ordinary army officers, soldiers, armed police, and unknown doctors and nurses from all over the nation. They formed a line of defense together. When we felt uneasy, they took the initiative to stand in front of us and stopped the spread of the epidemic. There is an old saying in China called, “When one side is in trouble, all sides will come and support it.” Our five-thousand-year history tells us that only when the people of the whole country are united can we overcome all difficulties and obstacles. This is not only the national spirit of our Chinese nation, but also the human spirit that we hope the people of the world can inherit together with us.


Today, Shanghai is in trouble, we still choose to fight the epidemic to the end, and once again choose to support Shanghai from all directions. In fact, this is not only because our epidemic prevention policy is very effective, but also because our experience tells us that no matter how terrible the epidemic is, it will fail in front of the will of the Chinese people. I always see scholars comparing individualism in the West to collectivism in the East. What I want to say is that, in fact, there is no such thing as a superiority between the two doctrines. However, the collectivism principle inherent in Chinese culture makes it impossible for each of us Chinese who have been influenced by such culture to stand by and watch our compatriots facing any danger. Because of this, we will choose, again and again, the path that seems to cost the most; because of this, we will actively support the unity and integrity of our country and nation out of love; and because of this, we will not give in to any difficulties and external threats. No matter in the face of natural or man-made disasters, this is the principle that China and her people will never change. And that’s what I have always been proud of my country for.


中国新冠疫情恢复政策的有效性及我们为何坚持这 一政策 By: Yifei Zhu, China

转眼之间,全球已经进入了抗击新冠疫情的第三个年头。当然,实际上,很多国家都已经放宽了针对新冠疫情 采取的防疫控制政策,正在逐步恢复疫情之前的生活。在此,我仍想以我们的邻国韩国为例,在中国尚因为再 度爆发的上海疫情而进入了已将近两个月的新一轮防疫抗战当中时,据我所知,韩国近日已经宣布了不强制佩 戴口罩的新政策,不再对国民的自由设置更多的障碍。韩国政府之所以这样宣布,一方面是因为疫情状况较刚 爆发时已经有所缓和,另一方面则是因为绝大多数的人们都已经注射了第二针,甚至是第三针疫苗。死亡率已 经大大降低了,我认识的韩国朋友们对我说,很多年轻人即使感染了,也就像 “ 得了一场感冒 ” 一样,很快就会 康复。 但是,即便如此,中国依然选择了对新冠疫情采取动态清零的政策,坚持从源头上杜绝新冠疫情在国内的传 播。自从上海疫情形势逐渐严峻以来,上海这座城市已经被封闭了将近两个月之久,居民全部居家隔离,非必 要不得出门,至于生活必需品则是由政府派专人上门供应;并且,上海如今实施一日多检的政策,居民们不仅 每日都需要做两到三次核酸检测,甚至还要做抗原检测。我们国家对待疫情的态度一直就是如此严肃且认真 的。 为什么中国不选择和其他国家一样的防疫政策?我个人认为,原因有二。第一,中国地大物博,人口基数较 大,一旦放宽防疫政策,导致疫情扩散,那么感染人数必将每日成指数型增长,这对于中国来说,将会是一场 难以预料的巨大打击;第二,中国先前采取的动态清零防疫方针已经被事实证明是最为有效的也最为安全的控 制疫情传播的政策,因此,纵然现在上海每日感染人数依然偏高,其他地区也陆陆续续存在感染者个案,一 切,却仍在我们的掌控当中。 2020 年,中国湖北武汉首当其冲,成为了全球新冠疫情的第一个重灾区,而如今将近三年过去,昔日的重灾 区却早已恢复了昔日的繁华和美丽。当初疫情刚刚爆发的时候,我们中国的全体国民都陷入了巨大的恐慌当 中。我们对未知感到恐惧和绝望,也不知道这场战役何时才能结束。但是,在那段无比艰难的日子里,我们国 家涌现出了无数平凡的英雄。他们当中有部队普通的军官、士兵、武警,有来自全国各地籍籍无名的医生、护 理人员,他们共同组成了一道道防线,在我们感到惶惑不安的时候,主动挡在了我们的面前,将疫情扩散的脚 步拦住了。 中国有一句古话,叫做 “ 一方有难,八方支援。 ” 我们五千年的历史告诉我们,唯有全国人民团结一心,才能战 胜一切艰难险阻。这不仅仅是我们中华民族一脉相承的民族精神,也是我们希望世界人民能与我们一道共同传 承的人类精神。 如今,上海有难,我们依然选择了与疫情抗击到底,再一次选择了从四面八方支援上海。其实,这不仅仅是因 为我们的防疫政策很有效果,还是因为我们的经验告诉我们,不论疫情有多么可怕,它都会在中国人民众志成 城的意志面前倒下。 我总是会看到一些学者将西方的个人主义与东方的集体主义相对比。我想说的是,其实这两种主义并没有高下 之分。只是,中华文化当中天生蕴含的集体主义原则,让我们每个受过这种文化熏陶的中国人,都无法做到对 同胞的危难袖手旁观。正因如此,我们会一而再再而三地选择那条看上去代价最大的道路;正因如此,我们会 出于对国家和民族的热爱,主动拥护它的统一和完整;正因如此,我们不会向任何困难和外部的威胁妥协。 无论面对天灾还是人祸,这就是中国和她的子民们永远不会改变的原则。这就是我始终为我的国家感到自豪的 原因。



Joleen Bakalova, USA Joleen Bakalova is a youth activist whose life mission is to incite tangible change for underrepresented communities around the world. Since the age of fourteen, she has been an elected official within the American political system, focusing on the engagement of youth towards promoting systemic change and driving government policy adjacent to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, she serves as the youngest-ever statewide political party leader in California, the largest state in America. She has helped pass legislation in the US Congress taking action in promoting human rights in China and registered thousands of young people to vote in key elections, exciting them to amplify their voices in their country as well as in the world. Outside of promoting civic engagement in her nation, she serves as an intern for UN Women, where she helps develop and advance key campaigns, like Generation Equality and Safe Cities, as well as moderate official events, like the International Day of the Girl. With Columbia University, she has performed crosscultural research of young people’s view on government surveillance in China and the United States. Joleen also produces her own ethnography research podcast, which promotes a more understanding global society by educating a new generation on regional history and conflict through the lens of family history. With listeners from around the world, she has conducted dozens of interviews with youth from Palestine, Belarus, the Roma community, and more. In 2021, she was honored for her service in promoting a more just and equal society as one of only two delegates, selected amongst over a million students, for the US Senate Youth Program. Outside of advocacy and research, Joleen is a State Honors classical pianist, honors choir singer, and music teacher for local foster youth. While always seeking to improve the world around her, she loves to spend time with friends and family, immerse herself in music, and pet her cat.



Wei Cai, China Wei Cai, a Chinese youth volunteer who passionately works to promote anti-drug education and publicize AIDS knowledge. He has worked with Nanjing Ban Drugs Commission to carry out a lot of antidrug activities and achieved great success. At the same time, he participates in World Food Day volunteers to advocate cherish food and many other voluntary activities. These activities make a profound influence on not only adolescents but also adults deeply. Also, as the leader of the Volunteers’ League, he helps train more excellent volunteers to make contributions to society. At the same time, he is a sophomore at Nanjing University of science and technology whose majoring in Public Administration. He is involved with AFI Changemakers because he believes that the future of the world belongs to the present youth.

Chen Lu, China Lu Chen is a Chinese girl from Harbin Institute of Technology. She is shy but always willing to explore and contribute to this world. She loves animals, nature and human. Now her family has 8 puppy dogs! She began her leadership journey in AFI in 2022.


AUTHOR PROFILE Jason Eappen, USA My name is Jason Eappen. I am the co-founder of an international non-profit as well as a representative of an international human rights advocacy group. Throughout all of my initiatives I am a firm believer that education is a human right. Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place. My passion stems from educating the youth to help the nextgeneration. Within my non-profit, we help spread stem education to the youth in rural areas to help them dream about their future. We partner with pilot organizations and the state government in order to target rural communities and expand educational access to thousands of students in rural school districts. My second initiative is mental health. I am one of the core leaders of a state-wide movement known as whisper. All over the world, COVID19 puts a massive strain on the mental health of thousands of students. Through organizations like whisper, we help give voices to those in the shut out or have been hurting. Conversations and being vulnerable has helped hundreds even thousands of students hear the message of whisper that opening up about problems we all face is the first step towards a solution of a more open and accepting society. With a podcast in the making, everyone around the world will be given a voice and a safe place to be themselves through whisper. My third initiative is food insecurity. Throughout the world, food deserts are visible throughout. With many kids going without key meals and being deprived of key fruits and vegetables. Seeing this, I helped create an environmentally-safe, nutrient-filled, and sustainable hydroponic gardening system. This system maximizes crop yield by using scientifically formulated nutrients placed into the garden to help not only produce more nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, but helped thousands of families get access to cheap/affordable food. Regardless of which initiative I work on, I always uphold myself to the highest of standards by being genuine and always trying to make a positive impact on the community around me. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and binge watching marvel movies.



Rehman Hassan, USA Rehman founded an international public health organization in 2016, iCure Health, when he was in the seventh grade. iCure aims to educate and bring awareness to common diseases such as cancer and heart disease. In addition to bringing awareness, one of iCure’s major missions is to improve access to preventative care measures such as depression screenings, mammograms, fecal immunochemical tests, and colonoscopies. So far, iCure has helped physicians perform over 20,000 tests. Rehman serves as the CEO and founder of iCure and constantly works to help improve iCure’s reach and impact. In the last seven years, iCure has been fortunate to reach over 45,000 people around the globe from Bayamón, Puerto Rico to Doha, Qatar through its 30+ chapters, including chapters at Yale and the University of Toronto. In his free time, Rehman enjoys being a political advocate for campaigns around the United States. Rehman’s political work has helped him reach over 62,300 people to urge them to exercise their right to vote by making phone calls, sending text messages, and talking to people in his community in person. One of Rehman’s other passions is teaching. In school, Rehman serves as a voluntary laboratory and teacher’s assistant for On-level Biology, Advanced Biology, AP Biology, Advanced Chemistry, and AP Environmental Science courses. Rehman enjoys being able to inspire children in his school and help them understand complex topics that they may have struggled with. Beyond his work to improve education in his school, Rehman works to help struggling students abroad. Rehman is currently working with 150 Afghan and Tajik students currently limited in their educational endeavors by political instability to educate them in science and social studies. Rehman is also working diligently to prepare these students for the GED exam. When he’s not leading iCure or educating his peers domestically and abroad, Rehman absolutely loves reading about new medical innovations, writing short stories, reading the memoirs of famous scientists, and swimming.


AUTHORS PROFILES Murat Eren Kutlu, Turkey My name is Murat Eren Kutlu and I was born on the 10th of December, 2006 in Bursa, Turkey. I am attending a prep school and in 8th grade this year. I have a powerful desire to do something for poor helpless people, especially for children. I believe that all children have right to education and not to die of starvation and or diseases preventable by vaccines. When I was in 3rd grade, I organised a fair at the school and donated its income in aid of LOSEV ( The foundation for children with leukemia). Ensuing years, I have carried the torch with my friends; make handmade bracelets, love beads and toys and sold them in support of ONKODAY (a social association to support cancer patients and their families). I like to meet children from different countries, that’s why I have participated CISV (Children’s International Summer Village) Youth Meeting Turkey team for years. I have lots of friends from various countries and I take pleasure in having text chat with them. It is really great to learn different cultures. Apart from having education at school, I am also studying at YGA (Young Guru Academy) (It is a nonprofit, non-government organisation). The goal of YGA is to raise double-winged young individuals giving hope for the future. These two wings symbolises conscience and knowledge and means that these young individuals grow their wings while producing innovative technology projects useful to humans. Here, It makes me happy trying to produce projects, discussing detailly on these projects together with my friends. When I was 11, I participated a JMUN Turkey conference as a member of Norway delegation commitee to present the system of education and child rights in Norway. I learned too much about the children’s livings, standarts, cultures and rights in so many countries in the end of this conference, it expanded my awareness about the children’s problems in undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. Since my mother is a volunteer educator at TEGV (Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation), I have joined her lessons with children having inadequate education and lead them by sharing my experiences, encourage them to do some simple science experiments. In the end of these days, I feel myself happy and peaceful. In these pandemic days, we mostly do distance learning at homes causes more spare times for students. I have make use of this opportunity by joining some on-line educations such as mindfullness and P4C (Philosophy for children), watching some webinars like” Human’s factory settings” and “Açık Beyin”(opened mind) which is a skill based training for a positive behavioral change on people by combining actual scientific knowledge with longstanding wisdom of community. Leisure times, I enjoy to do something with my family, play with my friends, dealing with robotic coding and listening music. I am trying to learn playing guitar on my own.



Yuxin Liu, China I'm a junior student in Henan Normal University in China. My major is economics. I'm very interested in some of current economic issues and phenomena around us. I'm very willing to discuss with you some economic problems. Besides, when I was a freshman, I worked in the editorial department of the Society for the Study of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for College Students of Henan Normal University. Therefore, I'm relatively familiar with editing. And my writing has been published in the bulletin of the Study Association, I hope I can also contribute to AFI publications.

Abigail Oppong, Ghana ‘Rather than standing or Speaking for Children, we need to stand with children speaking for themselves. We don’t need a political movement for children [ we need to] build environments and policies for our collective future’ Abigail Oppong is a humanitarian young African lady who passionately work to impact life. She is a Young Speaker, Mentor, Changemaker, Young Activist and a Social Entrepreneur. Abigail Oppong is the Youth Ambassador for Ariel Foundation International focusing on Africa and making the voices of African Voices heard. Being a changemaker, she is passionate about social impacts project that seeks to empower women, children, and youth. She is part of the Board Members of Women Media and Change working hard to make sure young women’s voices are represented well in the media. Passionate about engaging more women in Technology, she is part of several women in TECH organisations working hard to make sure women are represented well in the STEM Industry. Abigail is skilled at Information Technology, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian, Communication, Design Thinking, Graphic design, leadership, Personal Development, Public Speaking. She is a Recipients of the “Young Leaders Creating a better World for All award” at the Women Economic Forum, 2019 and the first youngest leader to receive such an international award from the Women Economic Forum.



Chong Yang, China Chong Yang is an English major at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry. She has a lot of concerns about prominent issues in the world, such as inequality of human rights, world poverty and racial discrimination, and hopes to make contributions to solving these problems with her own efforts. She pays attention to the seriousness of youth corruption in society and decides to use her research to speak for youth anti-corruption. Yang Chong is a member of the AFI, which gives her the opportunity to express her views and influence others.

Yifei Zhu, China Yifei Zhu is currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in Accounting at both Jiangsu University, China, and California State University San Bernardino, US. She is very interested in international political economy, and is now committed to a more in-depth study of economics. She has done social research work related to feminist movement and racial issues, and has also been committed to helping left-behind children in poor mountainous areas of China solve psychological problems. She is involved with AFI Changemakers because she firmly believes that the future of the world belongs to the present youth, and the sustainable development of the global economy cannot be achieved without the leadership and support of the young generation today. Yifei Zhu is currently on the AFI Changemakers organizational team and is ready to contribute herself to her fields of interest: Economics, Global Politics, Mathematics and Physics, and Public Relations.



DR. ARIEL ROSITA KING, MPH, MBA, PhD (UK), DTM&H, PhD (France) Dr. Ariella (Ariel) Rosita King ( founded The Ariel Foundation International ( in 2002 as a nonprofit organization with an international focus on children and youth inspired leadership and participation worldwide. Dr. Ariel King is a Rotarian for over 20 years. She is the Main Representative at the United Nations (Geneva, New York and Vienna ) for AFI, with Special Economic, Cultural and Social Council Special (ECOSO). She has also represented other NGOs in Geneva since 2008, the United Nations in Vienna (UNOV) since 2010 and United Nations in New York since 2000.

Dr. King is also an NGO Representative at the European Parliament. Dr. King’s life focus is on inspiring leadership and participation of worlds’ children and youth. Ariel Foundation International is a member of EuroChild, Dr. King was a Trustee for Children’s Rights Alliance England (CRAE), Now Just for Law Kids, and the Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) United Kingdom. Dr King is also the Founder (2000), and President Ariel Consulting International, Inc., that creates and enhances PublicPrivate Partnerships in international diplomacy and policy. She has over 35 years of experience in international public policy and international management in government, business and NGOs. As a Professor in International Health, Management, Policy and Environment she has taught at Universities in the USA, Europe and Africa. Dr. King has published on the topics of Kangaroo Newborn Baby Care, International Health Policy and Management, Medical Ethics, Organ Transplantation, National Essential Drugs Policy, HIV/AIDS; Breast Cancer; Violence Against Women; Youth Participation at the United Nations and Children’s Human Rights. _____________________ Dr. King completed a second research degree (PhD) in Sociology on Community Engagement in the Psychosocial Care of Their Traumatised Children – A Case Study of Botswana, Liberia and Morocco at the Unitersité de Franche-Comte, France (December 2018). She also has completed advance certificates in the study of Children’s Human Rights, from the UER Droits de l'enfant/Children's Rights Unit, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB) in Switzerland. Dr. King holds a Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H); Doctorate (PhD) in Philosophy in Public Health and Policy from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London; a Master in International Health Management (MIM) from Thunderbird School of Global Management; Master in Public Health (MPH) in international Health from the University of Texas School of Public Health; and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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