In-Progress Learning Por.olio
ARCH 20 Spring 2016, Week 3 Ariella Elia
Strengths: CreaBng basic forms such as cubes and turning them into rooms with accurate measurements. DuplicaBng the rooms rather than creaBng each from scratch. CreaBng window cut outs have become easier as well. CreaBng floor paNerns was fun! I used the offset tool to create more intricate floor paNerns. Lastly, I used the animaBon tool to create scenes!
Weaknesses: My stubbornness. I really liked the idea of hexagon windows, however once the shadow tool was turned on, there wasn’t much light coming into the room. I tried to make it work by painBng the colors in light/bright tones with an accented wall. SBll didn’t seem to have the effect I was striving for, but I just proceeded with the rooms.
OpportuniBes: Adding interior furnishings and exterior landscape for a more interesBng presentaBon. However, my computer’s processor has been extremely slow lately, therefore disabling me to add such entourage.
Threats: Computer’s processor is extremely slow. It is frustraBng trying to add shadows and entourage into my creaBons because everything glitches and someBmes computer shuts down automaBcally.
Peach room with fun oor design. I tried to add the couch and more furnishings, however processor was too slow.
Yellow room with a tradiBonal style hardwood oor. I semi-regret the size of the windows because there’s not enough light coming into the rooms. Not being able to see the colors in the models is disheartening because all of the colors are complementary and joyous.
Rapid VisualizaBon: In class I learned about shadow and shade. Drawing cubes and applying shadow and shade logically as if the sun was actually hi]ng the object. This helped me understand how the shadow tool actually works in Sketchup.