Arkansas Hospitals, Spring 2022

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Pictured from left to right are David Pearson, hospital advocate and American Hospital Association Regional Executive; Rob Robinson, Medical Center of South Arkansas (MCSA) Board Chair, and Dwayne Blaylock, MCSA Interim Chief Executive Officer. Robinson is holding the hospital's award for its 100 year membership in the American Hospital Association.

Hospital Trustees Serving During COVID

By Johnny McJunkins, President, Arkansas Association of Hospital Trustees


ospital trustees are a unique group. Most of us are unpaid volunteers who display a strong desire to serve the communities in which we live. People think our duties involve lots of time spent in meetings or studying background material that will be addressed when the board gathers, but it goes well beyond that. Hospital trustees are dedicated to assuring that our community hospitals remain strong and vital, even in the toughest of times. The Arkansas Association of Hospital Trustees (AAHT) is an affiliate group of the Arkansas Hospital Association (AHA) with members from hospital boards all over the state. AAHT bylaws outline our purpose: “The purpose of the Association shall be to dedicate itself to helping individual hospital trustees become more informed and effective board members through education and communication, and to promote the hospitals of Arkansas.” Hospital trustees must be willing to keep abreast of current issues not only in the community but also in health care. They offer both time and expertise to meet, discuss, and resolve hospital business and governance issues,


assuring that the hospital’s best interests are always front of mind. AAHT helps member trustees better understand their role within the hospital and its governance.


COVID-19 threw a wrench into the operations of medical organizations in Arkansas and all over the world. The AHA, AAHT, and hospitals throughout the state put on hold much of their usual work in order to decide, prepare, and maintain the best solutions for handling the pandemic. Like most groups accustomed to meeting in person, the AHA and AAHT moved to meeting and communicating virtually to protect members and reduce transmission of the virus. The pandemic brought an onslaught of questions to hospital boards. How contagious is this disease? How do we treat it? Are our hospital employees safe? How are we going to financially handle this and survive? When will we be able to return to normal?

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