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Dear Reader Welcome to our 2007-08 book catalogue. In the autumn of 2007 we published Fun City. The aim of the book is through case studies to encircle the consequenses of the ”Disneyfication” of our cities. At the end of 2007 we published Danish Architecture since 1754, a new, updated and revised edition of 250 years of Danish Architecture. Architect Lars Marcussen’s 20 years of research on the human perception of space and the historical development of spatial ideas from the earliest times until the present, has resulted in the book The Architecture of space – the Space of Architecture. The book offers a broad account of the cultural history of space, and of the history of architecture in this light. Simply an exciting book! The long awaited book by professor, architect Nils-Ole Lund on Nordic Architecture since World War II will be published for the first time in English in 2008. The book is a survey of the architecture in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Finally I want to draw your attention to Sketches – A Tribute to Jørn Utzon, which was published as a celebration of Jørn Utzon’s 90th birthday. This book contains a large number of Jørn Utzon’s sketches, many of which have never been published before. Furthermore the book contains greetings and sketches from architects worldwide, including Tadao Ando, Glenn Murcutt, Steven Holl, Henning Larsen and many others. The Danish Architectural Press hopes that you will enjoy the hours spent in the company of our books. Managing Director Sanne Wall-Gremstrup

Š Arkitektens Forlag The Danish Architectural Press Copenhagen Apil 2008 Editor and coordinator: Lise Falck Hansen Graphic design: Per Henrik Schou, Ziggy Fugmann Book photos: Bogdan Szymczyk Reproduction: P.J. Schmidt, Vojens Books marked with the bookcraft logo have been acclaimed as among the best of the year. For booksellers: The Danish Architectural Press is represented in Europe (except the U.K.) by: Bill Bailey Publishers Representatives 16 Devon Square Newton Abbot U.K. - Devon TQ12 2 HR Phone: 0044 1626331070



Architectural- and cultural history

24 26

Guides Theory and urban development


Landscape art and environment


The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

School of Architecture Publishers


The School of Architecture Publishers








A Tribute to Jørn Utzon April 9th Jørn Utzon turns 90 and even though the architect probably would prefer to avoid too much fuss, we have taken the liberty of producing this publication. And with good reason, when we asked a number of Utzon’s colleagues if they would send a sketch and a birthday greeting, they poured in from all over the world. That’s the way it goes when one thinks, draws and builds as Jørn Utzon has done.

Ed: Martin Keiding 96 pages, 23 x 31 cm, paperback with flaps, illustrated ISBN 978-87-7407-387-1 Price 159 DKK. excl. Vat.

The thought and the line are the chief concerns in this publication. The sketches and texts received meet Jørn Utzons own sketches, which the editors have selected among a great number of drawings that have been scanned and registered at The Danish Architectural Press. Several of the sketches are published for the first time in this publication.

Assistant research professor Michael Asgaard Andersen writes about Utzon’s sketches; from the early, first lines, which live their own lives, till the house, the chair or the boat takes form in the artist’s head – and on paper. The effect of Jørn Utzon’s work, the ideas and the buildings’ universal impact and importance today are interpreted by Steven Holl, Henning Larsen, Rafael Moneo, Lene Tranberg, Tadao Ando, Glenn Murcutt, Tobias Faber, Richard Leplastrier, Jan Søndergaard, Juhani Pallasmaa and Tony Fretton. The Danish Architectural Press is also making an exclusive poster of one of Jørn Utzons early sketches of the Sydney Opera House. (See below) The poster will be available from mid April in selected bookstores. And on our web shop. Congratulations Jørn Utzon!

Poster 170g. Munken Polar paper 100 x 45 cm. Price 120 DKK. excl. Vat.


A Tribute to Jørn Utzon

Arkitektens Forlag - The Danish Architectural Press





Arne Jacobsen

Carsten Thau & Kjeld Vindum 560 pages, 24 x 30 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 230 0 Price: 559 DKK excl. Vat

This is the largest and most comprehensive guide to Danish architecture and design icon, Arne Jacobsen. In the 1920’s, the press described Arne Jacobsen as ‘the leading representative of Modernism’ and as ‘the Danish Le Corbusier.’ Ethereal elegance was Arne Jacobsen’s hallmark throughout his entire career; An illustrative example could be his staircases' light construction and suspension that seem to defy gravity. All of his significant works are described in this book, i.e. Stelling’s House, the town halls, the SAS hotel and the Danish National Bank.

Arne Jacobsen worked as an architect and designer for almost 50 years and during this period his professional range embraced areas such as; furniture, textiles, wallpaper, lamps, hollowware and steel. Sold in more than 20.000 copies worldwide!




Utzon and the new tradition

Christian Norberg-Schulz, Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Martin Keiding 168 pages, 21 x 22,5 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 313 0 Price: 303 DKK excl. Vat

The Sydney Opera House is the most famous modern building by the Danish Architect Jørn Utzon, who in the 20th Century joined the elite of international architecture. World famous architect and theoretist Christian Norberg-Schulz describes the wonderful world of Utzon. This highly readable book offers fascinating insights into Utzon’s contribution to world architecture and features reference works from all over the world as well as a selection of Utzon’s most significant projects. In 2003, Jørn Utzon as the first Danish architect won the Pritzker Prize.

Buy this book along with "Utzons own houses" and save 278 DKK Order ISBN 978 87 7407 389 5, Price 303 DKK excl. Vat.

“The sun did not know how beautiful it’s light was, until it was reflected off this building.” Architect Louis Kahn




Utzon’s own houses

Tobias Faber, Michael Asgaard Andersen & Christian NorbergSchulz Red: Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld and Martin Keiding 168 pages, 21 x 22,5 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 313 0 Price: 223 DKK excl. Vat

This book presents the private houses that Utzon built and dreamt of building, but never finished. Beginning with the first house in Hellebæk built in 1951, over the never accomplished house in Bayview, Australia up to his final house, Can Feliz in Mallorca built in 1994, all demonstrating the originality and understanding of a location’s requisites and traditions, which has won Utzon worldwide fame. ‘Utzons own houses’ contains a number of drawings that have never been published before including the four drafts for a house in Bayview that never got past the drawing stage due to the fact that the architect had already left Australia before the authorities approved the project. The book contains photographs by Søren Kuhn.

Buy this book along with "Utzon and the new tradition" and save 278 DKK Order ISBN 978 87 7407 389 5, Price 303 DKK excl. Vat.

"Perhaps my visit was merely a dream, but if so, it was one of the most wonderful dreams in my long life" Architect and author Tobias Faber.




C.F. Hansen I-II This masterwork on the Danish architect C.F. Hansen is the largest architectural monograph published in Denmark. These two beautifully bound volumes are the result of a lifetime’s research. They are an invaluable source to understanding C.F. Hansen and how some of Denmark’s most important works of architecture were created. Hakon Lund and Anne Lise Thygesen 708 pages, 2 volumes in a box, 29 x 29 cm, clothbound with a silver edge, lavwishly illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 216 4 Price: 918 DKK excl. Vat This book is only available in German.

Arne Jacobsen I-III

Felix Solaguren-Beascoa 600 pages – three volumes, 24 x 22 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 270 6 Price: 799 DKK excl. Vat. Pris: 998 kr.

Renowned Spanish architect and author, Felix Solaguren-Beascoa, has conducted an extensive research in order to publish all projects and works of the Danish architect Arne Jacobsen, a number of which have never been published before. The layout and structure of this three-volume book is inspired by Le Corbusier’s Oevre Complètè (Arne Jacobsen was called "The Danish Le Corbusier" by his contemporaries). Each volume is introduced with a review



of Arne Jacobsen’s progress as an architect in the specific period – through Spanish eyes. The first two volumes cover his work from respectively 1926-1949 and 1950-1971, when Jacobsen died. Volume three contains a selection of Arne Jacobsen’s drawings from 1958-1965, most of which have never been published before.This publication is an important supplement to the publication "Arne Jacobsen" by Carsten Thau and Kjeld Vindum, also published by the Danish Architectural Press.



Poul Kjærholm

Nils Fagerholt, Ole Palsby, Christoffer Harlang, Ulf Hård av Segerstad and Erik Krogh. 192 pages, 24,5 x 30 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 206 5 Price: 372 DKK excl. Vat.

Poul Kjærholm is without question one of the greatest personalities within Danish furniture design of the post-war period. He is perhaps the furniture designer who has, more than anyone, uncompromisingly searched for a simplification and purification of all superfluity. Kjærholm’s work stands out, it survives the test of time and becomes timeless. Through Poul Kjærholm’s preparation of materials, clear distinction and linkage between construction elements, and his reductions in thickness of materials to an absolute minimum, he created furniture whose elegance is without comparison in Danish furniture design. Kjærholm’s production is without comparison and is Danish design at its very best. This title is available in German, English & Danish.

Transparency Jane Reumert – Studio ceramist

Transparency Jane Reumert – studio ceramist Bodil Busk Laursen, Jorunn Veiteberg & Peter Stougaard 192 pages, 21 x 22,5 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 284 3 Price: 279 DKK excl. Vat.

This is the book on one of the finest ceramists today, Jane Reumert. Her work is the result of an unusual development process that in other professions would be called research. With unique persistence, she has gradually evolved eggshell thin materials. The porcelain body has a translucency that, in Jane Reumert’s hands possesses a curious magic in everything from her little shells and oversized, inconceivably thin salt-glazed pieces to her collages embedded in fibreglass. Jane Reumert’s works are shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The National Museum in Stockholm, Palmer Museum of Art in Pennsylvania, Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz




Architectural and cultural history


Claus M. Smidt, Carsten Thau, Tobias Faber, Christoffer Harlang and Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld Ed.: Martin Keiding & Marianne Amundsen 400 pages, 17 x 24 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 379 6 Price: 280 DKK excl. Vat.

Danish Architecture Since 1754 In 1754, the Academy of Fine Arts, was founded in Copenhagen for the study of art and architecture. This is the story of the development in Danish architecture from 1754 until today. In its own way, Denmark has managed to make original contributions to European architecture, ranging from Eigtved's Amalienborg scheme, C.F. Hansen's play with Roman classicism, M.G. Bindesbøll’s mysterious Thorvaldsen's Museum to Utzon's organic structuralism and Tegnestuen Vandkunsten's renewal of housing forms. This concise and carefully organized history of architecture will be enjoyed by both students of architecture, architects as well as laymen with an interest in architecture.

Arkitektur & kulturhistorie 17


Monographs and cultural history Architectural


The Architecture of Space – the Space of Architecture A Historical survey

Lars Marcussen 550 pages, 21 x 27 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 348 2 Price: 479 DKK excl. Vat. Publicationdate: April 2nd 2008

The Architecture of Space – The Space of Architecture is about the human perception of space and the historical development of spatial ideas from the earliest times untill the present; a development that has been manifested in a profusion of cultural phenomena from paintings and buildings to geometry and astronomy. This book offers a broad account of the cultural history of space, and of the history of architecture in this light. It is the point of the book that the cultural process thus has an inherent dynamic that has a driven development forward from a natural base level through levels on increasing complexity. This evolutionist view of culture and history has long been in miscredit in

leading academic circles. In order to clarify the problems it is compared in the book to relevant aspects of the Frenchman Gilles Deleuze’s philsophy, which has played an important role in 1990s for the humanities and the social sciences, and for important movements in architecture and art. Lars Marcussen (born 1935) graduated as an architect from the School of Architecture of the Royal Danish Academy of Art in 1961 as a pupil of Professor Erik Christian Sørensen. Since 1968 and untill his retirement in 2005 he has been associated with the school as a researcher and a teacher. Throughout the years Lars Marcussen’s research has concentrated on the issue of development, partly in the context of the developing countries, and partly in the field of the history of architecture and culture as presented in this book.

Section from Bristol Cathedral, drawn by the author Lars Marcussen

Arkitektur & kulturhistorie 19


Monographs and cultural history Architectural

Learning from Christiania For more than 30 years, Christiania has represented a colourful contrast to the surrounding consumer society. In Christiania a person has a great individual freedom with regard to their residences’ appearance among others. It has a social spaciousness, which stands in strong contrast to the polarization and egoism that increasingly characterizes the Western democracies.Some of the questions this book asks are: What can our rational, competitive world learn 96 pages, 23 x 31 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 321 5 Price: 239 DKK excl. Vat.

from Christiania? Can Christiania, contribute to the enrichment and renewal of architecture?

Design & kunst

Architectural and cultural history

Reflected Transparency Erieta Attali’s art of photography Kenneth Frampton, Ian Jeffrey, Botond Bognar, Jilly Traganou 92 pages, 20 x 29 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 349 9 Price: 239 DKK excl. Vat. Greek-born Erieta Attali started her career as a photographer of landscape and archaeology, but during the past years she has attracted a growing attention as a photographer of architecture.


Erieta Attali has been a perceptive witness to the latest developments in modern architecture and has travelled all over the world. In modern glass architecture, she has found a material through which she has improved her photographic style. Preface by professor of architecture at ‘the Graduate School of Architecture and Planning, Columbia University, New York’ Kenneth Frampton. The book is published in collaboration with Columbia University Press.


Monographs and cultural history Architectural


Nils-Ole Lund 250 pages, 23,5 x 29,5 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 258 4 Price: Unknown Will be published summer 2008

Nordic Architecture Nils-Ole Lund’s classic work is revised, updated and supplied with many new photographs of the most important postwar architecture in Scandinavia. This book is one of a few surveys on Nordic architecture since 1945 that also outlines the history of ideas and the architectural history of the buildings. The author, Nils-Ole Lund examines the breakthrough of architectural trends and the response to them in the postwar period, illustrating unity and heterogeneity in the Nordic countries. This book is a valuable textbook for students of architecture as well as for the rest of us. This is the first time this title is published in English.

Architectural and cultural history




Top 50 Architecture Copenhagen 1.edition 2007 Olaf Lind and Annemarie Lund 160 pages, 11 x 13 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN; 978 87 7407 358 1 Price: 79 DKK excl. Vat. A practical and well-arranged guide in a format that is ideal for bringing along for walks in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. The guide is an extraction of the ‘Copenhagen

Top 50 Architecture Aarhus 1. edition 2007 Olaf Lind 160 pages, 11 x 13 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 359 8 Price: 79 DKK excl. Vat. A practical and well-arranged guide in a format that is ideal for bringing along to Aarhus, the City of Smiles. This guide is an extraction of the ‘Jutland Architecture Guide’ (vol. II in the series on Danish Architec-

Architecture Guide’ (vol. I in the series on Danish Architecture from The Danish Architectural Press). It depicts 50 of the most noteworthy buildings in the city and a historical outline sets the individual building in perspective. The buildings chosen give a good and rapid overview of the city and of the region’s major architectural works. Every single building is described and illustrated with colour photographs.

ture from The Danish Architectural Press). It depicts 50 of the most noteworthy buildings in the city and a historical outline sets the individual building in perspective. The buildings chosen give a good and rapid overview of the cities as well as the region’s major architectural works. Every single building is described and illustrated with colour photographs.

Copenhagen Architecture Guide 3rd revised edition 2005

Olaf Lind and Annemarie Lund 384 pages, 14 x 24 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 338 8 Price: 279 DKK excl. Vat Copenhagen Architecture Guide is volume one in the series on Danish architecture and landscape architecture from The Danish Architectural Press. The guide is written in an accessible language,



not using technical terms. The guide covers approx. 360 buildings, gardens and parks. The introduction relates to the history of the city from its period as ‘Køpmannæhafn’ until today. The guide is divided into 10 regions and is built up chronologically within each region. Overview maps make it easy to find the respective buildings. Other titles in the series are: ‘Jutland Architecture Guide,’ and ‘Guide to the Danish Islands.’

Jutland Architecture Guide

Aggersborg and Fyrkat to the Hanstholm Museum Center for the German Atlantic Wall. The guide is divided into four regions: North, South, East and West and it offers individual descriptions of the regions and the traditions that characterize their architecture.

Jutland Architecture Guide is volume two in the great series on Danish architecture from the Danish Architectural Press. This guide deals with a period of over 1000 years starting with the Jelling runic stones and the Viking strongholds

Titles in the same series are ‘Copenhagen Architecture Guide’ and ‘Guide to the Danish Islands.’

Architecture Guide Danish Islands

of the region giving insight into the local conditions and traditions that have shaped the architectural development in the area. Chronologically, the ‘Architecture Guide to the Islands’ embraces the earliest buildings in Denmark, Trelleborg in South Zealand, to the most recent examples of new Danish architecture, Naturama in Svendborg. Most of the pictures have been taken by photographer Søren Kuhn.

1st edition 2002 Olaf Lind 344 pages, 13 x 24 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 263 8 Price: 279 DKK excl. Vat

1st edition 2007 Olaf Lind 336 pages, 13 x 24 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 355 0 Price: 279 DKK excl. Vat. This is the third and final volume in the series of Danish architecture covering North Zealand, South Zealand, Funen, Bornholm, Lolland, Falster and Møn. Every section begins with a description

‘An extensive tour of the islands’ unique architectural sights.’ Børsen


Theory and urban development


Fun City Once the blues guitarist B.B. King sang that "when he didn’t wanna live no more, he would go shopping instead".

Editors: Gitte Marling & Martin Zerlang Contributions by: Arnold Reijndorp, Tracy Metz, Birgitte Bundesen Svarre, Orvar Löfgren, Ole B. Jensen, Hans Kiib, Lasse Andersson, Julie Holck, Boris Brorman Jensen, Christian Broen, Anne Ring Petersen and Mette Mechlenborg. 279 pages, 24 x 17 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 375 8 Price: 224 DKK excl. Vat.

Today shopping has become a way of living, and though shopping malls are privately owned spaces, they function as public domains, i.e. spaces for social and cultural interaction. The city of today has become ‘Disneyfied’ and ‘Tivolized’. Silos, chimneys and sooty facades are disappearing from the cityscape, and harbour swimming baths, artificial beaches, sidewalk cafés, skating rinks, climbing-walls etc. electrify the life of the city. The City has become a scene of events.

The aim of this book is to encircle and pin down the consequences of these developments, to elucidate the interplay between funscapes and fear culture, and to account for the meaning of new concepts and new phenomena such as ‘event culture,’ ‘urban scenography,’ ‘experience economy,’ ‘city branding’ and ‘cultural branding.’ A number of cases refer to Danish cities, but the urban horizon – or skyline – is widened by cases such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Malmø, Toronto and Wolfsburg.

Theory and urban development

Life Between Buildings 6th edition

Jan Gehl 6th edition 200 pages, 15.5 x 21 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 360 4 Price: 199 DKK excl. Vat.

Originally published in 1971, this classic by Jan Gehl is now avaible in the 6th edition. Frequently revised over the years, this book is still the best source of understanding how people use the public spaces in our cities. It is a standard textbook in architecture and planning schools all over the world. It is the undisputed basic introduction to the interplay between public space design and social life. "Life Between Buildings" has been translated into many languages such as Chinese, Korean and most recently Bengali.

“Thoughtful, beautiful and enlightning.� Architecture critic Jane Jacobs



Theory and urban development

New City Life

Jan Gehl, Lars Gemzøe, Sia KirknÌs and Britt Sternhagen Søndergaard 176 pages, 24 x 28 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 365 9 Price: 300 DKK excl. Vat.

This book describes the major changes that have taken place in urban life, especially from the middle of the last century until today. New City Life tells the story of the gradual development of industrial society's essential city life to the elective city life of a leisure and consumer society. Where city life was once a necessity and taken for granted, today it is an option. In the book, the changes in the urban scene are portrayed using Copenhagen as an illustrative example.

Teori & byplan

Theory and urban development

New City Spaces

Jan Gehl and Lars Gemzøe 264 pages, 24,5 x 28 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 293 5 Price: 300 DKK excl. Vat.

During the past 25 years, urban space and city life has undergone significant changes. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of this development as well as a detailed presentation of architectonically interesting cities and urban projects from five continents. The book presents nine cities: Barcelona, Lyon, Strassbourg, Freiburg, Copenhagen, Portland in the USA, Melbourne in Australia and Curitiba and Cordova in South America. On top of that there are 39 selected urban projects from all over the world. Cities as well as urban projects are described with plans, overview maps and illustrations.


Teori & byplan


Theory and urban development

Public Spaces Public Life

Public Spaces Public Life Jan Gehl and Lars Gemzøe 96 pages, 22,5 x 31 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 305 5 Price: 236 DKK excl. Vat.

This book describes the remarkable qualitative improvements that have taken place in central Copenhagen over the past 34 years, and how they have been accomplished. It presents a method of assessing urban quality and gives a thorough insight into how people use urban spaces. This is a handbook on how to create human qualities in the city. In the spring 2007, Jan Gehl received the N.L. Høyen medal for his unique efforts for the human city.

Theory and urban development


Havekunst & miljø


Landscape art and environment

Great European Gardens Atlas of historic plans

Sven-Ingvar Andersson and Margrethe Floryan Ed.: Annemarie Lund 168 pages, 35 x 35 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 339 7 Price: 796 DKK excl Vat.

This beautiful book depicts the original plans for Europe’s most beautiful gardens and parks, plans that recount the stories of one of the world’s great gardening traditions. 68 of the finest European gardens are featured with beautiful reproductions of the most important plans and drawings. The idea of this book originated in the 1950’s by the internationally renowned landscape architect, C.Th. Sørensen (1893-1979), who never completed the project but left a detailed outline and a series of notes on the most important gardens. More than 50 years later, landscape

architect, Sven-Ingvar Andersson (1927-2007) and art historian, Margrethe Floryan finished this dream of a book. The book takes us from Tsaskoe Selo, the Garden of the Czars in St. Petersburg to Villa Lante, North of Rome, and to Danish gardens such as, Frederiksberg Have. The reproductions are in the highest quality imaginable.

Havekunst & miljø Havekunst & miljø

Landscape art and environment



Monographsart and environment Landscape

C.Th. Sørensen Landscape modernist Carl Theodor Sørensen (1893-1979) is one of the leading landscape architects of the 20th Century. He worked with virtually all the leading architects of the Danish functionalism. Sørensen was inspired by avantgardistic art and at the same time he believed that architecture is both a spatial and a social art. Sørensen’s body of work is enormous and will continue to inspire landscape architects everywhere. Sven-Ingvar Andersson and Steen Høyer 176 pages, 25 x 30 cm, clothbound, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 223 2 Price: 356 DKK excl. Vat.

Landscape art and environment

Guide to Danish Landscape Architecture 1000 – 2003 2nd rev. ed. 2003

Annemarie Lund 296 pages, 15 x 24,5 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 276 8 Price: 279 DKK excl. Vat.

This is the most comprehensive work on Danish landscape architecture produced in English. More than 500 projects are included and 200 of these are extensively documented with plans, photographs and characteristic descriptions. The book is arranged chronologically beginning with the gardens of the Middle Ages. All gardens are described as they appear today and their history is told. All of Denmark is covered and the book is easily read with only few technical terms, which are explained in the enclosed glossary.


Havekunst & miljø


Monographsart and environment Landscape

Ecological Reflections in Architecture

Claus Bech-Danielsen 180 pages, 22.7 x 24 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 7407 340 6 Price: 303 DKK excl. Vat.

The book describes the ecological challenges that modern architecture is facing today. Environmental changes are a fact and to avoid ecological catastrophes in the future, this must be reflected in the architecture. The architectural quality has previously been set aside due to environmental considerations why the purpose of this book is to combine urban ecology, architecture, aesthetics and philosophy.

Claus Bech-Danielsen, born in 1961, was educated at the School of Architecture in Aarhus and this book is based on his doctoral thesis and on his investigative work at the Danish Building Research Institute. The book has received "The European Sun-Prize".

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture Publishers p. 38-39

Landscape art and environment Havekunst & miljø


The School of Architecture Publishers p. 40


The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, The School of Architecture Publishers

Tectonic Visions in Architecture Anne Beim 200 pages, 21 x 26 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 87136 60 0 Price: 199 DKK excl. Vat. Tectonics is the design and joining of form elements so that they form an architectural synthesis. Every building holds a tectonic vision per se, that may be more or less explicit, more or less primitive or

St. Thomas & St. Croix Thorkel Dahl & Kjeld de Fine Licht 300 pages, 30 x 24 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 87136 67 9 Price: 319 DKK excl. Vat. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts West Indian survey is based on a study trip in 1961 to the former Danish Islands of St. Thomas, St. Jan & St. Croix. The purpose of the trip was to survey, draw and photograph buildings that were built while the islands were under Danish

Shu Yin Lou House of Secluded Books Ed: Henrik Egede Glahn, Mette Pihler 180 pages, 30 x 20 cm, softcover in cassette, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 87136 63 1 Price: 280 DKK excl. Vat. This beautiful book is the result of an extenssive research carried out in 1999 between students and lecturers from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, representing a range

sophisticated, whether such a vision is capriciously or deliberately determined. This book unfolds the tectonic realm of ideas and describes, how tectonic visions are manifested in the architecture of Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Charles and Ray Eames, Jørn Utzon, Louis I. Kahn, Alison and Peter Smithson.

supremacy (1671-1917). In 2001 the authors made yet another trip to gather further material for the conclusion of this book. This book portrays the results of the trip, and contains information about the construction and utilisation of the buildings as well as information about the occupants, owners and to some extent the builders.

of disciplines; building archeology, measuring, restoration, furniture design, garden and landscape design, building techniques and history of architecture. Built in 1763 in Shanghai, Shu Yin Lou has served amongst others as an elegant building complex and as a public building. This treatise is an on-the-spot registration relying on foreknowledge and subsquent processing in order to set the object in its time-place context and preserve its cultural continuity.

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, The School of Architecture Publishers

The Unknown St. Petersburg

Architecture from 1917 to 1956 Andreas Trier Mørch and Juri Nikitin 176 pages, 24 x 29 cm, hardcover, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 87136 47 1 Price: 239 DKK excl. Vat.


by Danish standards, paradoxical and fascinating era in the history of Russian architecture. An era when political ambitions were almost inversely proportional to economic ressources. With the aid of local historians and architectural experts, the author has identified and selected 51 striking buildings from the period that are presented and analysed in varying degrees.

Author, Andreas Trier Mørch, gives an account of the architectural ideals and realities in St. Petersburg in the first half of the 20th century. The aim is to present a picture of a,

An Outline of the History of Urban Development, ‘The City of the Divine King’ (vol. 1) Finn Barnow 192 pages, 21,3 x 30,3 cm, hardcover, illustrated ISBN: 978 87 87136 38 9 Price: 260 DKK excl. Vat ‘The City of the Landowner’ (vol. 2) Finn Barnow 192 pages, 21,3 x 30,3 cm, hardcover, illustrated ISBN: 978 87 87136 39 6 Price: 288 DKK excl. Vat.

The Colours of Copenhagen Bente Lange 226 pages, 21 x 25,5 cm, hardback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 87136 17 1 Price: 280 DKK. excl. Vat. This publication is a culture-historical review of the changing face of the city Copenhagen. It serves as a guide to the use of colour, at a time with an increasing uncertainty in this area. Author, Ph.D, architect Bente Lange reviews the changing colours

‘The City of the Merchant’ (vol. 3) Finn Barnow 192 pages, 21,3 x 30,3 cm, hardcover, illustrated ISBN: 978 87 87136 53 2 Price: 288 DKK excl. Vat. The City of the Hunter (vol. 4) Finn Barnow 151 pages, 21,6 x 30,3 cm, hardcover, illustrated ISBN: 978 87 87136 62 4 Price: 288 DKK excl. Vat. will be published 2008

of Copenhagen throughout the city’s history – an exciting story, which reveals, that in former times, the citizens of Copenhagen were daring in their use of colour. The book is beautifully illustrated with photographs and with the authors’ watercolour illustrations.


Monographs The School of Architecture Publishers

The Ephemeral of the Real

An Architectural Novelette Chris Thurlbourne 288 pages, 17 x 23,5 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 90979 07 2 Price: 228 DKK excl. Vat. This unique book presents a series of reflections on architecture and is illustrated with Chris Thurlbourne’s own drawings and projects. The subtitle ‘An Architectural Novelette’,

UM Urban Mutations Periodization, Scale and Mobility Ed: Tim Nielsen, Niels Albertsen, Peter Hemmersam 231 pages, 15 x 23 cm, paperback, illustrated. ISBN: 978 87 90979 11 9 Price: 208 DKK excl. Vat. There have been dramatic upheavals in the European cities and societies during the past 50 years. The early welfare state utopias have, to some extent, become

i.e. a short story, signals that the book can be viewed as a long prose poem or an architectural manifest in literary form. Thurlbourne is much taken by the very construction of architecture, by that which in English is called ‘making’ and which is neither creation nor doing. Materials and tools, therefore, play a major role in the book, as well as the architectural works that are shown together with the texts.

a reality. But such comprehensive consequences, changes, mistakes and processes have accompanied this modern urban planning that, at present this process resembles efforts to change what was planned, into the unplanned and unexpected. ‘Urban Mutations – periodization, scale and mobility’ treats both the theoretical and practical challenges, which these upheavals entail for all the professions that are involved in shaping the future cities of Europe.




Magazines Monographs

Arkitektur DK

Published 8 times a year Annual subscription 2008 DKK 908 excl. Vat and postage Single issue DKK 122 excl. Vat and postage

Arkitektur DK traces the major contours of Danish architecture and keeps its readers up to date on the best. This magazine is a source of inspiration for architectural practices whenever new buildings are started. Arkitektur DK is a window to the world for the Danish building industry and it is the best place in which to keep up with ongoing changes in the architectural landscape as well as with the cutting edge of Danish architecture.

Arkitekten Arkitekten is Scandinavia’s largest and oldest architectural journal. It is the journal of The Architects Association of Denmark and is the architects’ most important source of information, news and debates. Arkitekten is published in Danish only. Published 15 time annually Annual subscription 2008 DKK 1028 excl. Vat and postage Single issue DKK 76 excl. Vat and postage

Landskab/Landscape Landskab/Landscape is the journal of the Association of Danish Landscape Architects. It treats all aspects of outdoor design, both urban and country

Published 8 times annually Annual subscription 2008 DKK 584 excl. Vat and postage Single issue DKK 80 excl. Vat and postage

This journal treats the influence of landscape planning on urban satisfaction, environmental improvements, ecology and much more. Landscape is published in Danish with an English summary.

Architecture DK is published with Danish and English text.

Backlist/Contents p. 44-48




All Prices are less VAT. Danish Language Only NIC: Not in catalogue



A Tribute to Jørn Utzon

Afsæt – Idræt og arkitektur i byen

An outline of urban History vol I - IV


DKK 159 Page: 4-5


Page: 39

Architecture Guide Danish Islands


Arkitekten Finn Juhl

Arkitekten Frits Schlegel

Arkitekten Gehrdt Bornebusch

DKK 279 Page: 25





Arkitekternes sommerhuse 2. udg.

Arkitektur og Miljø

Arkitektur og plan i den danske velfærdsby

Arkitekturteorier siden 1945

Arne Jacobsen





DKK 559 Page: 6-7

Arne Jacobsen I-III

At Fortælle Arkitektur

Bolig og naturlig ventilation

Bryggerens Akademi

C.F. Hansen De Byggede Danmark 2

DKK 799 Page: 13





Architectura nr. 29





C.F. Hansen I-II German langauge only

C F. Harsdorff De Byggede Danmark 3

C.Th. Sørensen – Landscape Modernist

Carlsbergfondets Bygning 1899-1999

City of The Hunter


DKK 356 Page: 34


DKK 288 Page: 39

Cityscape Atlas Copenhagen

The Colours of Copenhagen

Copenhagen Architecture Guide

Corbusier – Porte Email

Danish Architecture since 1754


DKK 280 Page: 39

DKK 279 Page: 25


DKK 280 Page: 16-17

Danmarks Havekunst I-III

Den Sidste Guldalder

Den Stilløse Stil – Adolf Loos


Ecological Reflections in Architecture

DKK 1440 NIC




DKK 303 Page: 36

Eget hus

En Arkitekturkanon De Byggede Danmark 1

Et Modernistisk Mesterværk

Facaden Teori og praksis

Fantasiens Have






DKK 918 Page: 12






NEW Forankring i forandring


Forsegling og symbiose

Fortiden for tiden

Fun City





DKK 224 Page: 26

Funktion, form, konstruktion i arkitekturhistorien

Geddes eleverede kort over København 1761

Great European Gardens

Grøn Form – Grønt modspil

Guide to danish landscape arch.


DKK 1320 NIC

DKK 796 Page: 32-33


DKK 279 Page: 35

Gunnar Biilmann Petersen

Havekunstens Idé Sven-Ingvar Andersson

Hotel Pro Forma

Ib & Jørgen Rasmussen Arkitekter

Integration af kunst i byggeriet






Jutland Architecture Guide

Kristian Vedel

Krydsklip i en arkitekts dagbog

Landscape Art

Learning from Christiania

DKK 279 Page: 25




DKK 239 Page: 20




Mestre og manierister

Mogens Lassen

Møbel og Rum


DKK 199 Page: 27




Price224 NIC

New City Life

New City Spaces

NOL´s Skitsebog

Nordic Architecture 1.ed.

Open to the sky

DKK 300 Page: 28

DKK 300 Page: 29


Price 384 Page: 22-23



P. V. Jensen-Klint 2. Udg.

Pas paa toget ! 25 års DSB-plakatkunst

Paul Fischers København – og vores

Poetik til bygningskunst






Poul Kjærholm

Prip-Møllers Kina

Public Spaces Public Life

Reflected Transparency

Rem Koolhaas

DKK 372 Page: 14


DKK 236 Page: 30-31

DKK 239 Page: 21



Life between buildings






Rohweders Typografiske Lommebog

Sansernes Hospital




DKK 280 Page: 38


Solceller + Arkitektur


St. Thomas & St. Croix


Tectonic visions in Architecture



DKK 319 Page: 38


DKK 199 Page: 38

The Architecture of Space The Space of Architecture

The Ephemeral of the Real

The Unknown St. Petersburg

Thorvaldsens Museum

Top 50 Architecture Aarhus

DKK 479 Page: 18-19

DKK 228 Page: 40

DKK 239 Page: 39


DKK 79 Page: 24

Top 50 Architecture Copenhagen


UM Urban Mutations

Utzon & The New Tradition

Utzons own Houses

DKK 79 Page: 24

DKK 279 Page: 15

DKK 208 Page: 40

DKK 303 Page: 8-9

DKK 223 Page: 10-11

Shu Yin Lou

Snit i storbyen

House of Secluded Books

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