a Selected

Folkets TrondheimKurvaCentral Station
DMJX - Danish School of Media and Journalism
Connecting places
Supporting societies
Blått Bygg
The East Link NewSkjærvagapetProjectBridgeKastrupAirportStation
Designing for the future
Lindholmen's Technical Secondary School
Tvedestrand Primary School
Kronborg AsetekSHIPBryggensSNRMoranvikenStrandbyHospitalBastion 1361321281241221181141101081041029694908682807674706662605652484240363230262218161208
Embracing the location
BIG OrienthusetBoschOceanönDragørAquilaErlevEdisonWoodsBIOAugusthusParkSchoolStudentHousingHQ
Royal Danish Library, Reading Hall Hagastadens School
Reinventing the existing
Växsjö SkejbyGødstrupHospitalHospitalPsychiatric Centre

We leverage our Scandinavian approach, to find the right balance through an open and inclusive design process, and share the ambition to create beautiful, sustainable and user-friendly architecture.
Context, scale, light and materials should go hand in hand. Our buildings tread respectfully in physical, environmental and socio-cultural contexts embracing their location in a coherent manner.
Our architecture is designed in close collaboration with users and our clients, in order to ensure that a given project is relevant and future-proof. We see this as a valuable process and the best way to support societies through our architectural design.
We design and build for the future
Bringing new life to existing buildings creates opportunities, both in a social and environmental context. Arkitema has a long tradition of reinventing the existing; we see transformation among the best and most sustain able ways to merge the past and the future.
The way people interact with architecture has always been at the core of our design. We take a holistic approach to urban development and see transportation hubs and outdoor environments as an integral part of the city. Through our architecture, we connect people and places.
— Dorthe Keis, Partner and Business Area Manager
Architecture is not only a symbol of its own time; it should also enable a sustainable way of life in the future.

The sustainability challenges that we are facing require a new set of aesthetics and a new approach to our built environment.

Future perspective evokes long-term solutions. Thus, part of our design process is to always challenge the existing ways of designing our architecture in order to make sure that our buildings can stand the test of the future. Architecture should reach beyond its own time.
Designing for the future
Business as usual is no longer an option and we have a responsibility to position our focus on environmental and social sustainability when we design. Our ambitious goal is to go beyond minimising harmful impact, towards a regenerative approach. We highlight the potential of refurbishment, design for disassembly, and flexible, multipurpose buildings and spaces. We adopt the principles of circular economy and aim for re-used, recycled and biobased materials, when possible.
b b b b NREP | Client EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører | Engineer Vestergaard Nielsen A/S | Turnkey Contractor HAI Horsens | Facade Location:

On the last building plot in the prestigious Nordhavn in Copenhagen, we designed the eye-catching cinema, BIG BIO, which is Denmark's first DGNB certified cinema. Due to the architectural design with no load-bearing or reinforcing walls, it is easy to change the use of all storeys. With a single and convincing touch, we created a building where perforated facade cladding with pleated folds bring memories of the classic stage curtain as we know it from the very first cinemas. The wavy outline and perforation of the building ensure a visual experi ence where light and shadows create various patterns during the day.
Focus on materials and circularity Copenhagen, Denmark 6.531
8 BIG BIO, Copenhagen
m² Year: Architect:2019 Arkitema
b ByggeprisenAluminiumAward2022DGNB CertificateGold
There has been a high emphasis on using more sustainable and recyclable materials. In this context, aluminium is a more sustainable material because it can be recycled with no loss of quality.
— Dorthe Keis, Partner and Business Area Manager



Woods Augusthus is a multifunctional and sustainable office building that shapes the framework of the office of the future. It offers open functions that ensure diverse uses with a focus on flexibility and multifunctionality. Each floor can be fitted with everything from independent one-person offices to large leases, and has a small hub where you can grab a coffee, print something out or hold smaller informal meetings. The construction project was built with a focus on recycled and waste materials; dis carded bricks and wood were used to reduce the build ing’s resource consumption and environmental impact.
flexible dimensions b b b b NREP & Tetris | Client Einar Kornerup A/S | Contractor Niras | LendagerEngineerArchitects | Architect collaboration Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Size: 21.500 m² Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema

12 Woods Augusthus, Copenhagen
An office with
DGNB CertificateGold
13 Office of the Year 2021 Nominee

— Anders Halgren, Partner and Business Area Manager
With its own grocery store, hotel and restaurant, Woods Augusthus is challenging the traditional office landscape and invites people inside.

Work-life balance and well-being are built into the physical forandstimulatingsurroundings,theusercreatingspacessocialcontact.

16 Edison Park, Lund
m² Year: Architect:2020-Arkitema
With two new office buildings, a mobility building and an inviting green area, existing buildings are linked to the new ones. By breaking up the volumes, the scale is grad ually adapted to the city and densifies the neighborhood. The open green areas connect the buildings and give a cohesive structure. The design reflects the workplace of the future, with space for co-working, flexible and permanent offices, and focused work. The buildings will be passive houses, plus energy houses and certified according to Miljöbyggnad Guld.

b Castellum | Client Location:
Meeting andbetweenplaceacademiabusiness Lund, Sweden 20.000
To achieve high sustainability goals, solar panels are placed on roofs and facades. The facades are clad with recycled aluminum in anodised concave panels, which reflect the light, give vertical lines and clarify the horizontal floors.

— Glenn Elmbæk, Partner and Senior Director
18 Erlev School, Haderslev
A new school that believes in activity-based learning and in optimising learning through playing and that distributes the 500 pupils in kindergarten to sixth grade in year-based departments with a permanent team of teachers and social educators. The architecture was designed as a series of simple and open geometries – a grid of columns, where each part is designed to have different elements together with users in a co-creation process. The landscape around the school serves as a large, unbroken, supporting learning landscape.

b b Haderslev Municipality | Client Sloth Møller | Engineer Location: Haderslev, Denmark Size: 5.800 m² Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema
project ranks high in terms of social, economic and environmental sustainability. Erlev School is a timber structure
— Pernille
Svendsen, Associated Partner and Business Area Manager b SchoolDanishofthe Year Award 2021 Wood Design & Building Award Citation Award FestivalArchitectureWorld2022 SchoolShortlistedcategory InteriorsFestivalWorldof2022 EducationShortlistedcategory

The and will be one of the first ‘new-generation’ in
timber schools

Erlev school has a range of room types, which support activity-based education. The school consists of small universes with year clusters characterised by age-appropriate layout and visual appearance.

All around the school, covered areas provide shelter for outdoor stays and can be used for teaching outside.
b Akademiska Hus | Client Location:
Arkitema has designed the Aquila district with student housing in the Norra Rosendal district of Uppsala with focus on future collective housing. The common parts on the entrance level are for everyone in the house and the apartments are designed to create meetings be tween students. The yard also has a significant function with places for meetings, studies, greenery and generous space for bicycles. Through its openings and lanes in the neighborhood, opportunities for greater exchanges and rich student life are created.
22 Aquila Student Housing, Uppsala
Model for future collective housing Uppsala,
Sweden Size: 170 flats Year: Architect:2020-Arkitema

Collective housing contributes to the social health of students who often have no previous roots in the city. The ambition is to create a model for future projects with collective forms of housing.

— Kristina Peters, Partner and Senior Director


b b Dragør Municipality | Client COWI | Location:EngineerAmager, Denmark Year: Landscape:2020- Arkitema

Climate change is increasing the challenges of rising sea levels and groundwater, storm surges, changes in rainfall, and higher temperatures, also in Dragør Municipality, which has a long coastline. The municipality, as well as its citizens, wants to be at the forefront of an unavoidable development. For this complicated task, we have opted for a so-called nature-based coastal defence with absor bent borders. In contrast to a hard defence with partially reflective borders, this is an approach which absorbs the water and recognizes it as an asset.
26 Dragør, Amager

— Sanne Lovén Damgaard, Senior Creative Leader

Our approach does not resist the water, but rather absorbs it and recognizes it as an asset and a force of nature. In essence, it softens the force with which the water washes in and this mediates the transition from land to sea.

Island with climate neutral ambitions
b JM | Location:ClientHelsingborg, Sweden Size: 20.000 m² BTA Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema
Boat houses, warehouses and canal houses will give Oceanön its own identity based on the area's historical use. The buildings consist of terraced houses and multifamily houses. A square brings shops, businesses and nightlife together. The island itself and the buildings on it should be climate neutral during its life cycle. Residents are encouraged to behave sustainably and the island will be constructed of filling masses from other projects. Building materials can also be reused. This requires inno vative stormwater management, measures to stimulate marine life, close contact with marine ecology and places for educational activities.
30 Oceanön, Helsingborg

An important part of the project is that it should be climate neutral, both the island itself and the buildings on it, during its life cycle.
— Nils Sandström, Associate, Creative Leader

Bosch HQ in timber

According to the plan, in 2023, Bosch will open its new Danish headquarters in Ballerup. The building aims to define the future standard for sustainable Bosch facilities across the world, focus being on making an actual difference. The primary building structures, such as facades and floors, will be made of CLT panels and the building will feature slate cladding. These materials were chosen based on extensive life-cycle analyses. By using timber, we create a project that is sustainable, functional and beautiful. The open groundfloor façades and the surrounding park and its paths will be public and form an active part of the local environment.
b b Bosch | Client COWI | Location:EngineerBallerup, Denmark Size: 13.900 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2020-ArkitemaArkitema
32 Bosch, Ballerup
Bosch’s ambitions are sky-high in all parameters, which has allowed us to develop great solutions that will benefit all users of the building.

— Dorthe Keis, Partner and Business Area Manager


A modern office with
The goal was to design a sustainable office building which focuses not only on well-being at the office but also creates a framework for life in the city around it, today and in the future. With roots in classic Danish architecture, we have designed a building that with few small alterations can change purpouse and layout. With DGNB Platin, Orienthuset has the highest achievable certificate of Sustainability in Denmark. Our work towards this certificate has been an integrated part of the design process demonstrating the broadest approach to sus tainability in this project.
DGNB Platin b b b AP Pension | Client Niras | Engineer 5E Byg A/S | Turnkey Contractor Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Size: 14.500 m² Year: Architect:2022Arkitema DGNB Platin certificatesustainabilityHighest(DK)
36 Orienthuset, Copenhagen


— Birgitte Gade Ernst, Partner and Director Public
We combine the needs of the users with our expertise to create lasting and environments.well-functioning

Our architecture must always relate to how we create the best framework for life.
We aim for human-friendly architecture that creates welfare and well-being. Our architecture takes point of departure in the users' perspective. We ensure that our designs are relevant and support societies. One of the keys to well functioning environments comes through our insistence on being in dialogue with our clients and the users. Successful architecture is something we define together in an inclusive and open process. societies

40 Tvedestrand Primary School
The new school is built up with four "houses", all of which have a direct connection to the central core and the common functions in the facility. The four volumes have a tight and simple design, and the division in the facade gives the building a playful feel and a distinctive identity. The ground floor gets a green color and is sep arated from the floors above by a horizontal band that also includes the roof superstructure. This breaks down the scale of the building further. The school is built on a beautiful natural plot where the forest extends all the way into the school's play area.
Adapting scale for children
b b Tvedestrand Municipality | Client Veidekke | Turnkey Contractor Location: Tvedestrand, Norway Size: 6.500 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2021-ArkitemaArkitema

The division into the four smaller volumes scales down the school, and provides a scale adapted to the children.

— Astrid Charlotte Seeberg, Partner and Business Area Manager
42 New Hospital in Växsjö
sustainabilityenvironmentshealingand b b b Skanska | Client Link Arkitektur | Architect collaboration Arkitektbolaget | Architect collaboration Location: Växsjö, Sweden Size: 125.000 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2022ArkitemaArkitema
The design of the hospital includes the gable motifs inspired by the local building tradition where large barns, old industrial buildings and the city's old wooden houses meet a modern design. The facade consists of recycled aluminum, screen brick and wood. The materials are chosen both for their low climate impact and low main tenance. In addition, the hospital is provided with solar panels.



The aim was to fit the new building into the surrounding cultural landscape and let the building blend in well. The location next to the river provides an outdoor experience through a promenade that is inviting and helps to erase the feeling of a classic hospital.

— Henrik Magnusson, Associated Partner and Business Area Manager


b b b b b Sweco | Engineer MOE | Engineer Erik A. Frandsen | Art AART | Architect collaboration Nordic | Architect collaboration Location:
Gødstrup Regional Hospital is one of Denmark's largest development projects in the healthcare sector, and sets the standard for Danish hospital construction in the future. In close collaboration, we have sketched out the medical wing of the hospital and most of the treatment and ward section. The architectural design is based around the principles of “healing architecture”, in which the setting supports the patient’s recovery process and promotes well-being for everyone in the hospital. The project has a logical structure consisting of a central axis and trans verse wings, with all of the outpatient functions located on the central base of the hospital on the ground floor.
New type of hospital design Herning, Denmark 135.000 m²
Year: Landscape:Architect:2022ArkitemaArkitema
48 Gødstrup Hospital, Herning

A new super-hospital that challenges traditional hospital design.

— Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, Partner and Senior Director

Integrated works by the renowned artist, Erik A. Frandsen, adorn the entrance area and foyer of the hospital.

A strong focus on the physical experience with natural, tactile materials like wood and tiles on walls and floors make the design expression less clinical and help to challenge traditional hospital design.

The psychiatric hospital, previously located in Risskov, was decided to be merged with Skejby Hospital in order to enhance the opportunities of close cooperation with the somatic department and to become an even larger part of one of the leading research environments in Denmark. The psychiatric hospital has a department for children and a department for adults with outpatient clinics and inpatient units with a total area of 40.000 m², and a detached centre for forensic psychiatry covering approx. 10.000 m².
A part of the
hospital b b b b b b Region Midtjylland | Client KPC Byg | Client Grontmij | Engineer TalR | RandiArt&Katrine | Art Eva Koch | Art Location: Skejby, Denmark Size: 50.000 m² Year: Architect:2019 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema HealthcareEuropeanDesignAward2019 Design in MentalAwardHealth2022 Project of the Year
52 Skejby Psychiatric Centre


— Stence Guldager, Associate and Business Area Manager
Psychiatry in Aarhus has a long and proud history of integrating art as a healing element of the treatment. In this pink universe, it is easy to forget where you are, it is cosy here with an almost homely atmosphere.

54 Danish contemporary artist Tal R produced an entirely unique art pro ject involving exhibition furniture and showca sing patients' artworks. A universe entirely in pink where the artists and the architect selec ted 21 shades of pink.
One of the overall objectives was for the new psychiatric hospital to become a natural part of the hospital city and the landscape.surrounding

The project is based on the planned building structure of Skejby Hospital, which is arranged like a city with a hierarchy of districts, streets, open spaces and squares.
The project was developed in close dialogue with the clients, and furthermore based on extensive user processes and involvement of patient associations.

56 DMJX, Aarhus
Journalism b b b b FEAS | Client Jørgen Friis Poulsen A/S | Turnkey Contractor Midtconsult | Engineer Pipilotti Rist | Video Art Location:
The new DJMX building is located at the beginning of the new campus road and is characterised by a solid, yellow brickwork base reminiscent of the iconic buildings of Aarhus University. The yellow bricks form a contrast to the school's transparent mezzanine and upper storey of aluminium. The mezzanine holds everything that should be most visible and accessible to students and teachers, e.g. service centre and the canteen. At the very top is ‘the Cloud’ – a broad palette of study facilities, teaching rooms as well as administration facilities and a public roof terrace. The school has its own radio/TV/sound studio and flexible rooms that can be sub-divided.
School of and Aarhus, Denmark
Size: 8.600 m² Year: Architect:2020Arkitema

A school where the future elegantly and effortlessly rests on the past.

— Anna Kathrine Bisgaard Sørensen, Senior Creative Leader

The video andmatchchoreographedTheandtoofaccentuatesinstallationsthefunctionthebuildingwhichisestablishfascinatingsensuousstories.installationsaretotheweathertimeofday.
The building integrates a very special video installation by international contemporary artist Pipilotti Rist, which uses video projections that turn on and off in time with the other automatic lighting systems in the building.

A school that can stand the test Gothenburg, Sweden
The task was to design a new, modern and flexible school with a focus on sustainable development for Gothenburg’s first municipal secondary school in over 20 years. The school is crowned by a distinctive saw-tooth roof with solar panels facing the south, which, along with the geostore and other climate technology systems, create a building that provides its surroundings with energy. It was important for the school to be “designed as a land mark and to symbolise innovation and expertise.”
60 Lindholmen's Technical Secondary School, Gothenburg

Size: 11.300 m² Year: Architect:2020Arkitema
b Lokalförvaltningen Göteborgs Stad | Client Location:
The facades are made as pre-fabricated concrete facades with dark-brown
bricks shifts giving
— PerEric Persson, Partner
EU Mies van der Rohe Award 2022 Nominee Kasper Salin Award 2021 Nominee Facade of the Year 2021 Finalist School Building of the Year Göteborg2021 School Building of the Year Nohrcon2021 brick widths. shade of the the facade

and gloss value
cladding, laid in relief with two different depths of varying
a diverse expression.
Calm, conducive space for study Copenhagen, Denmark
b b b b Royal Danish Library | Client Eduard Troelsgård A/S | Engineer Gert Carstensen A/S | Engineer INNOBA | Process Management Location:

The Reading Hall had to be rebuilt so that in the future it could function as a space for both Royal Danish Library and the National Archives. The project had to comply with very specific requirements to ensure optimal study conditions for both the visitors and the sometimes fragile materials. The framework for the user's and employee's work and well-being is identified and brought into the right interaction in a new common context. There has been a large degree of user involvement in the task with many different user and project groups.
62 Reading Hall at the Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen
Size: 1.300 m² Year: Architect:2020Arkitema
A space where function, service and aesthetics are inseparable parts of an overall experience of the highest quality.

— Anna Kathrine Bisgaard Sørensen, Creative Leader


New school for pupils
The design is based on the school's location. The clear geometric volumes that are found in Wennergren Center, have been a starting point for the design. The volumes of the school and the sports hall consist of triangular prisms with raised corners that step down towards the Nationalstadsparken and Brunnsviken. Towards the park, the buildings open up with their longest facade sides to maximize the scenic view. A third volume is immersed in the ground and houses the sports hall, one corner of which is raised above the ground for an entrance and creates an exciting raised schoolyard area that provides better sun opportunities for a north-facing schoolyard.
b SiSAB | Location:ClientStockholm, Sweden Size: 16.000 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2021-ArkitemaArkitema
66 Hagastadens School, Stockholm

The facades are designed with ceramic vertical tiles with elements of triangles and a bright grid in relief.

— Britta Forestier, Associated Partner and Business Area Manager


Cohesive, futureoriented campus Bodø, Norway 8.000 m²

The new campus area of Nord University in Bodø, called Blått Bygg, will optimize the frameworks for research, development and education in the future. Blått Bygg will be an 8.000 m2 extension of Nord University. The new facilities will contain laboratories, lecture halls and class rooms for the Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture.
b b Statsbygg | Client Sloth Møller | Engineer Location:
70 Blått Bygg, Bodø
Year: Landscape:Architect:2020-ArkitemaArkitema
This campus area will pave the way for the learning environment of the future and raise the quality of research and development within health sciences.

— Astrid Charlotte Seeberg, Partner and Business Area Manager
— Poul Schülein, Partner

We are driven by giving new life to the existing.
As architects we have the tools to take an existing area or building material and give it a new life. We believe that a building or even a whole community can be changed with adjustment of the existing.
Preserving buildings safeguards the urban environment which creates value in the long term.
Reinventing the existing
When transforming a building or an entire area, we make interventions that secure the concrete mate riality, and at the same time connect the past and the future by adding new spaces, buildings and functions.
Transformation of spaces that we know comes with a challenge but creates opportunities both in a social and environmental context.

74 GadeHaveGård, Høje Taastrup We aim high and strive to create an attractive residential area with a high degree of security, varied housing of ferings, value-creating zoning of urban and landscape spaces, identity-bearing and eventful architecture, disso lution of the monofunctional city and radically changed infrastructure. We turn the current road structure upside down by introducing a vibrant city street through the middle. The street brings life and ties the area together. architectureandIdentity-bearingeventful b b b Domea | Client AB Clausen | Engineer Consultancy JL Engineering | Engineer Consultancy Location: Høje Taastrup, Denmark Size: 4.000 m² Year: Architect:2020-2030Arkitema

The sunny side of the city street is wider, and has flowering rainwater beds, trees, benches and climbing sculptures, which create space for casual meetings be tween the residents.

Backaplan will transform into an experience-rich and pleasant district and a landmark that characterizes the place from a distance. Here, a new district is created with everything you might need in everyday life, such as gro cery stores, gyms and cinemas, but there is also room for cultural activities that benefit from the flow of people.
Gothenburg b b b Skandia Fastigheter | Client R Studio | Architect collaboration White Arkitekter | Architect collaboration Location: Gothenburg, Sweden Size: 250.000 m2 Year: Architect:2020-Arkitema

76 Backaplan, Gothenburg
A in
— Ola Göransson, Partner and Buisness Area Manager
The design transforms Backaplan from a shopping center made for cars to a living environment made for people.

The three blocks vary in height. The hotel is the tallest building which characterizes the area from a distance.

area also focuses on children. Two preschools with their own green areas get plenty of space. The green spaces are designed with the islands of the west coast as inspiration, coastal forests, beach meadows and cliffs formed by salty seas and winds.


The district plan for the future Vollsmose sets the stage for a radical transformation of Denmark’s largest deprived residential area. Vollsmose should be a safe district which is attractive to new residents as well as people already liv ing there. The district plan proposes far-reaching changes to the road layout which will tie together new and existing developments and ways in and out of the district. The transformation has strong focus on the future, not least with regard to environmental sustainability. Both the dis trict and the individual buildings will be DGNB-certified, there will be space for natural diversity, and rainwater will be treated as a valuable resource.
b b b Odense Municipality | Client COWI | Engineer Hele Landet | Architect collaboration Location: Odense, Denmark Size: 125 ha Year: Landscape:Architect:2022-ArkitemaArkitema

Natural part of the city
80 Vollsmose Å, Odense
The intention is to create a mixed city which links to the rest of Odense both physically and psychologically.

— Kim Risager, Partner and Senior Director
andForward-thinkingintegrated b b b b b b Frederiksberg Municipality | Client COWI | EFFEKTEngineer|Architect collaboration Gemeinshaft | Architect collaboration EFFEKT | Landscape collaboration Creator Projects | Art Location: Frederiksberg, Denmark Size: 14 ha Year: Landscape:Architect:2022ArkitemaArkitema
In the future, the 14 hectares area of Frederiksberg Hospital will be transformed into a vibrant and living city district, integrating urban spaces, lot of green and wild nature as well as car-free zones and inspiring venues for residents and visitors. The vision for the area strives to enhance the cultural heritage of Frederiksberg while developing a neighborhood which is integrated and transformed with forward-thinking design solutions. The neighborhood will become a destination in the city, which will house a new park that invites the city inside with cultural life, sports and leisure activities.
82 Frederiksberg Hospital

The more than 100-year-old area around Frederiksberg Hospital will be opened up and available to everyone. A mixed neighbourhood with varied forms of housing will be created, where new and historic buildings stand side by side.

— Sofie Mandrup Andreassen, Senior Case Architect


surroundingshistoric b b b b AIRE | WissenbergClient | Engineer IDP | Engineer Alex Poulsen Arkitekter | Client Consultancy Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Size: 1.800 m² Year: Architect:2020Arkitema
86 Aire Ancient Spa, Copenhagen
The luxurious spa is located below Hotel Ottilia, in a historic industrial building in Carlsberg city district of Copenhagen. The spa was to be adapted to the industrial surroundings and the unique qualities of the building. The project was carried out for a Spanish-based opera tor, Aire Ancient Baths, that operates spas inspired by ancient Roman bathing culture. An Aire spa is always located in an older building, preferably with an industrial feel, and adapted to the building's unique qualities. Thus, the location has both perfect existing surroundings and good opportunities for adaptation.
Spa in

We have worked with the contrast between the rough texture and robust character of the existing industrial buildings, and the fine and precise detailing of the new interior.

— Jonas Flyckt-Nielsen, Creative Leader

To make room for pools and technology, the entire existing basement has been excavated up to 2 meters and all load-bearing walls have been rethought on mini-piles.

We have deliberately worked with the con trast between the rough texture of the existing industrial buildings, and the fine and precise detailing of the new interior, with materials such as white carrara marble, plank floors and stainless steel and glass sections.

90 Bindesbøll Byen, Risskov
Skovhusene and Parkhusene
Four neighborhoods form the new district Bindesbøll Byen in northern Aarhus, where a former psychiatric hospital is transformed into a residential neighborhood. The homes are arranged in partly historic buildings, partly as new construction in the area, where the two neigh bourhoods Skovhusene and Parkhusene adapt to the surroundings with historic buildings and sloping, scenic terrain.
b KPC | Location:ClientRisskov, Denmark Size: 110.000 m² Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema

— Kim Risager, Partner and Senior Director
The goal is to create a new district, where the place's existing and unique building and landscape qualities are strengthened.

Houses are located naturally between beautiful old trees close to Riis Skov (Riis Forest).



94 Tingstorget, Alby
b b Titania | Location:CivilbyrånClient|EngineerAlbyinsouth-western Stockholm, Sweden Size: 45.000 m² Year: Architect:2020Arkitema

Ambitious vision Alby
How do you rethink an area to experience increased diversity in its user group? In Alby, south of Stockholm, people moved out of the area which was characterised by uniform and rigid residential buildings. Today, the negative outflow of residents has been turned around and the area is safer for residents. The project stands out because of the deliberate use of traditional colours where everything from facades, roofs, roof gutters, rail ings and door handles are in the same colour. This breaks down scale and infuses homes with identity. The residential units are offset by 90 degrees from each other which provides interesting spaces between the buildings.

From office building to luxury hotel
The former bank building popularly called Ørkenfortet, has been transformed into a luxury hotel. The former office building, which has its nickname due to the but toned-up facades, has been opened to the surroundings with large glass sections. The extension allows passers-by to see life in the building, and opens the building towards the harbor. The sustainable choice of materials makes the building unique. Ørkenfortet is one of the first DGNB Gold-certified transformation projects in Denmark.
b b b b b ATP Ejendomme | Client NH Hotel Group | Client Niras | HenningEngineerLarsen Architects | Architect collaboration Erik Arkitekter | Architect collaboration Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Size: 25.232 m² Year: Architecture2021 Consultant: Arkitema
96 Ørkenfortet, Copenhagen

The facade and the facade stones are, among other things, cast with materials from the interior renovation, which supports the sustainable approach in the project.

— Poul Schülein - Partner
The vision has been to create a framework that is adapted to the users' needs while preserving the building's iconic character and identity.

b RenoverprisenAward2022 Nominee DGNB CertificateGold

— Thomas Grave-Larsen, Partner and Business Area Manager
Outdoor environments and transportation hubs must be seen as integral part of the city.

more than green. Its about how green square metres are prioritised when we plan our cities, and about securing high-quality green in terms of diversity in flora and fauna.
We possess the insight and innovative strength to solve challenges of urbanisation and mobility that our cities are facing. Well-planned outdoor environments sup ports communities, increase the feeling of being safe, and preventsUrbanloneliness.natureis
Infrastructure must be seen as an integral part of the city as well. Only then, we can design more holistic transportation hubs. Hubs that make everyday life easier for people who commute every day between home and work, institutions, grocery shopping, and leisure activities. Our approach to infrastructure is to make public mobility even more attractive. places
When developing tomorrow’s urban structures, our work is equal parts care and innovation.

Year: Landscape:2022 Arkitema
In the new district in Kungens kurva in Huddinge south of Stockholm, 3.500 homes are planned. The new dense district on the border between the shopping center and the nature reserve is unique on Södertörn. A great sym bolic value is linked to the park's function as the living room for all residents and visitors in an otherwise harsh environment with few public green rooms.
A link between city and nature Kungens kurva AB | Client Huddinge south of Stockholm, Sweden 18.000 m2

102 Folkets Kurva, Stockholm
b Victoria
— Per Axelsson, Partner and Business Area Manager
It ranges from a modern, urban and culturally marked city park with a variety of meeting places and activities in the north to a lush, wild and tactile forest park in the south.

b b Bane
| Architect collaboration Location:
104 Trondheim Central Station
A transportmodernhub NOR Eiendom Fylkeskommune Arkitekter Trondheim, Norway 18.600 m2

Trondheim Central Station is the largest railway station in Central Norway and one of the most important public transit hubs in the region. Here, pedestrians, cyclists, local and regional buses, trains, boats and cars meet, which makes the station highly important. The area, which used to separate the city’s historical centre from the harbour and the fjord, is now being transformed into a modern transport hub. Timber will be used for the load-bearing structure and the interior, which will result in a welcoming project with a small carbon footprint. Solar panels will be established to meet the ambitious goal of achieving a BREEAM Excellent certificate.
| Client Trøndelag
| Client PKA
Year: Architect:2020-Arkitema
— Thomas Grave-Larsen, Partner and Business Area Manager
Trondheim Central Station is designed for the future, while respecting the architectural history, and is inspired by traditional timber station buildings and Trondheim’s beautiful timber buildings.



high-speed railway + 20 km regional railway Year: Architect:2019-Arkitema

108 The East Link Project, Nyköping Municipality
The East Link Project is the name of the 150 km long high-speed line which connects the country's three largest cities: Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The East Link Project is divided into four parts, and the part named OLP3 is being developed by COWI, Systra and Arkitema. Our contribution is to define the access areas to the new high-speed line and to ensure that two new stations in Skavsta and Nyköping have travel centre functions, performance capability and the status of transport hubs. We will also develop the architectural solutions and design specifications for all building parts on the OPL3 section. This includes over 67 bridges. railway of 1 85 bridges, 65 km
the future b b b b b Trafikverket | Client COWI | GolderSYSTRAEngineer|EngineerAssociates | Engineer Bergab | Location:EngineerNyköping Municipality, Sweden Size:
Through its design, this infrastructure project lays the foundations for a new generation of railways.

— Thomas Grave-Larsen, Partner and Business Area Manager
A landmark
A new pedestrian and bicycle bridge that connects the city centre with a new transformation area. The bridge will stand as a clear architectural landmark and form part of a scenic wetland area. A hybrid construction of concrete, steel and wood makes the bridge light and slim. The superstructure consists of main beams and crossbeams of steel and a bridge deck of glued laminat ed timber elements. The deck is made of asphalt. The columns and deck of solid wood reflects the local history with the wood industry and log driving the Nitelva River. The substructure has abutments and pillars of concrete that are pile-founded to rock.

110 Skjærvagapet Bridge, Lillestrøm
by the Nitelva River b b Lillestrøm Municipality | Client COWI | Location:EngineerLillestrøm, Norway Size: 160 m Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema



114 New Kastrup Airport Station
Copenhagen Airport
As part of a major expansion of the Øresund Line to en sure sufficient capacity for future passenger and freight transport when the upcoming Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link is opened, the existing station at Copenhagen Airport will be expanded with a completely new station. In the future, the new station will provide easy access for people who travel by either train, plane or metro both from Denmark and to/from Sweden. The design of the new platforms is based on DSB’s guidelines, while the new footbridge is inspired by the design of the existing metro bridge with its characteristic frame construction and concrete bridge piers.
Station expansion b b Sund og Bælt | Client COWI | Location:EngineerCopenhagen Airport, Denmark Size: 350 m Year: Landscape:Architect:2020-ArkitemaArkitema

— Thomas Grave-Larsen, Partner and Business Area Manager
Passenger experience and wayfinding have been in focus from the very beginning of the project to ensure a simple passenger flow and safety for commuters.

— Thomas Birkkjær, Partner, Creative Director

We want to
A building should not consider itself more important than the entity. Our buildings tread respectfully in physical, environmental and socio-cultural contexts in a coherent manner. Architecture is the discipline that can release the aesthetic potential of any given context. Understanding of the surroundings is an integrated part of our design process and has an impact on the final result. This can manifest itself in e.g. choice of material, color, shape or scale of our design.
Our architecture should reflect an understanding of its surroundings and tread respectfully in physical and socio-cultural contexts.
Embracing the

b b Ejendomsudvikling Kronborg Strand | Client WR Enterprise A/S | Turnkey Contractor Location: Helsingør, Denmark Size: 15.000 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2020ArkitemaArkitema

A project close to the beach means a lot of effort, and moreover the location is right next to Kronborg Castle. It calls for a steady hand when the buildings are in a setting with Danish and international cultural heritage. Kronborg Strand is a housing project where tower blocks turn and twist along the beach. This ensures attractive views from the city and down towards the beach. The view is framed and enhanced by the Scandinavian-inspired timber houses with sloping roofs clad with black roofing felt.
118 Kronborg Strandby, Helsingør
Close to light and sea view



Sweden Year: Architect:2021 Arkitema

122 Moranviken, Saltsjöbaden
Unique environmentarchipelago Saltsjöbaden,
b Resona Utveckling AB | Client Location:
The area includes a mixture of semi-detached houses, terraced houses and apartment buildings. The houses are terraced to follow the sloping topography and not obscure the view of the existing buildings. The ambition is for all homes to have the water view, and there is of course room for mooring a boat. A fantastic environment by the water inspires archipelago life. In addition, the public has access to the area.

The hospital's primary functions will be somatics and psychiatry, located in separate buildings. The building is divided into an east and west wing with a binding inter mediate building in glass that serves as a communication and waiting area. An extensive use of wood is planned for the facades and interiors. Wayfinding palette is inpired by colours traditionally used in the local area. The new hospital will be located on a plot with beautiful nature, where we have focused on exploiting the plot's potential to get a look out to nature no matter where you are in the hospital.
55.000 m² new hospital b b b b b Helse Midt-Norge | Client COWI | Engineer HENT AS | Contractor Åsen & Øvrelid AS | Contractor RATIO Arkitekter | Architect collaboration Location: Hjelset, Norway Size: 55.000 m² BTA Year: Architect:2022-Arkitema
124 SNR Hospital, Hjelset


— Nora Bille, Associated Partner and Business Area Manager
The entire hospital takes shape of an open fan that beautifully follows the terrain.


Gunhild b b b b Bach Gruppen | Client Tredje Natur | Landscape Norconsult | Engineer Sweco | Location:EngineerCopenhagen, Denmark Size: 125.000 m² Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema

The Bryggens Bastion housing project is planned as a total of two towers and eight housing blocks, four of which have been built. These four housing blocks have all been named after their location at Islands Brygge. Thus, they are named with typical Icelandic female names such as Helga, Edda and Gunhild.
Helga, Edda and
128 Bryggens Bastion, Copenhagen

Gunhildgård stands out due to its beautiful concrete material. Here we have worked with relief in the facades, which gives character and structure and has a graphic effect when the sun casts light on the Thefacades.rawconcrete is contrasted by warm oak window frames.

stairs from eight floors to 3 floors, to make the smallest courtyard attractive and bright. Helgagård offers terracedtwo-storeyhouses. The lower terraced houses have access to a private garden, while the upper terraced houses have access to their own roof terrace.

Eddagård has a characteristic facade towards important intersection. Here, we round the corner and the balconies of different sizes shift in a tight pattern. The building teeth upwards, resulting in a characteristic roof profile - a modern interpretation of the city's traditional twigs.
Eddagård is a 4 to 7 storey residential block that marks the corner of the buildings towards Njalsgade and Amager

The building is shaped like an E with four 'fingers', which reach out towards the marina to the west. The floor height is stepped down towards the water, and with the level reduction, many of the apartments have spacious roof terraces, which at the same time create a fine scale adjustment between the marina's intimate environment and the SHIP buildings. Tall, elegant glass slides invite the water and nature into the living rooms. Recreational land scape spaces have been established around the buildings, of which more than 2,000 m² are public.

m² Year: Architect:2021 Landscape:ArkitemaArkitema
132 SHIP, Aarhus
b b b Olav de Linde | Client JFP | Turnkey Contractor Søren Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma | Engineer Location:
Focus on views and sunlight Aarhus, Denmark 36.600
Between the buildings, there are green courtyards with lush oases and paths, which provide shelter from the wind and create opportunities for communities.



The architectural expression of the facade is emphasized by undulating fronts clad in beautiful natural stone.

— Kim Risager - Partner and Senior Director
136 Asetek, Aalborg
New headquarters of Asetek
Asetek HQ is designed so that it indirectly shows the development taking place inside. The many vertical lines of the facade can be seen as a reference to radia tor grilles - in line with Asetek's products. With the new office building, Asetek will have an attractive building where no compromise has been made in either architec ture or engineering solutions, and users will have great working areas and open spaces. The new facilities and the great location are expected to attract employees from both the Aarhus area as well as from the northern part of Jutland when the building is completed.
b Asetek | Location:ClientAalborg, Denmark Size: 14.500 m² Year: Landscape:Architect:2022ArkitemaArkitema


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