3 minute read
"My mom encouraged me to work as a candy striper at the hospital and I got a chance to see how good she was at her profession," Lynn said. "I witnessed her kind heart and how much her peers and the doctors she worked with respected her. When I was young, I wanted to be a French teacher or an interior designer, but my love of math and science helped me decide on a career in nursing."
Accent on You Plastic Surgery and Med Spa
Lynn Littleton isn't comfortable talking about herself. She'd much rather tout the attributes of her coworkers at Accent on You Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and her employer, Dr. Nakamura. But as an experienced RN and practice manager, Lynn is the hub of this highly productive wheel and it's time she got credit for all she does. Her journey has taken some unexpected turns, but her naturally optimistic outlook meant she turned her adversity into life lessons-for herself and those she infl uences. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Lynn looked up to her mom who was a pediatric nurse. "She encouraged me to work as a candy striper at the hospital and I got a chance to see how good she was at her profession," Lynn said. "I witnessed her kind heart and how much her peers and the doctors she worked with respected her. When I was young, I wanted to be a French teacher or an interior designer, but my love of math and science helped me decide on a career in nursing." Lynn worked as a fl ight nurse and an emergency room nurse, (where she fi rst encountered Dr. Nakamura), as an assistant director of nursing, as a house supervisor, and helped set up the fi rst free standing day surgery center in the Methodist system. "I enjoy a challenge," she said. "I love looking for new and better ways to increase my skills, so I can be ready for anything." One challenge Lynn wasn't ready for was the loss of her beloved husband. Her faith, the relationships she'd forged with Dr. Nakamura, and the love of her three children were the constants that helped her get through this most diffi cult time. "My world changed so much," she said. "But God is faithful." Now happily remarried to the man who helped bring joy back into her life, they love to travel, enjoy time with their families here in Texas, Wisconsin and Tennessee and are especially proud to watch their grandbabies grow up and be awesome. "Dr. Nakamura invited me to help set up his practice with him, 30 years ago," Lynn said. "I'm still here. The relationships between Dr. Nakamura and the staff really sets this practice apart. We have a mutual respect for each other, love for what we do, and a focused attention to detail. I believe our patients can feel this, when they're here. Dr. Nakamura and I have grown and learned together and this practice has become my second home. I wouldn't want to work anywhere else." Lynn's personal and professional mission statement is a simple one... 'be better'. "Be nicer. Be kinder. Be in the moment," she said. "It encourages me not to be complacent, to self-evaluate, and fi nd a better way." Lynn is an active member of Shepherd of Life Church where she loves the heartbeat of the church and all they ways that the church reaches out to its members and the community. From life-changing cosmetic procedures to innovative aesthetic treatments, Dr. Nakamura and the team at Accent on You tailor care to meet each patient's cosmetic needs and wishes, always keeping the accent where it belongs-on YOU.