Armenia TourInfo 178 December Issue 2019

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EcoGardens Vol.17-178, December 2019

Public Transportation Destinations ...............30 Official Information of Armenia ....................34 Embassies & Consulates ..................................36 Hotels & Hostels .................................................38 Foods & Beverages.......................................40/42 Shopping Spots ...................................................44 Entertainment & Travel Services ...................46 Museums & Art Galleries ................................48 Cultural Events ...................................................50 Medical Tourism ................................................52



Christmas Celebration


New Your of Armenia





Winter in Armenia


Forest Guard

December 2019 |

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Publisher’s Note

Well. Since 2003, the 178th Issue of TourInfo, New Year 2020 and still the only official magazine for our visitors in Armenia. May each day of the New Year bring happiness, good cheer and sweet surprises… To you and all your dear ones! “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas” Now ever wondered which city is the best to visit during the holidays? If you are reading this, then there’s no reason to look any further Armenia captures what the Holiday season is all about. I’ve have been to Phuket and enjoyed the nature and beaches. I’ve have been to Jumeirah and shuffled in the Emirate tower, shoulder to shoulder with hundreds, but a palm tree and the nice hotel is a poor substitute for a gorgeous for its land, I’ve been to many more countries and islands for holiday seasons. But Armenia on the other hand, carries the right mixture of holiday’s spirit, seasonal temps, acceptable family activities and the sheer joy of being in snow. Now that I’ve prepared you for an experience you are sure to remember, look at “Tourinfo” to guide you on what places to go frequent, what to buy and where to eat and where to visit in winter while in

Armenia. There is no shortage of fabulous dining and don’t forget about dinning opportunities literally right outside your door the city’s finest hotels play host to a phenomenal selection of restaurants. And when you are ready to brave the blistering winds and arctic temperatures outside (it’s all about the layers, trust us) do some holiday shopping. You always in “TourInfo” can find what you need in Armenia on easy way. Of course, we wouldn’t be able to share “TourInfo” Magazine with you without the support of our advertisers and distribution partners. I should thank all our advertisers very much and all our staffs who always are trying to present better job than previous one. I should thank very much from who has Christmas greetings in our greetings pages. Always you can reach “TourInfo” magazine at “Zvartnots International Airport” after landing in Yerevan and many other places in town. Happy Reading and Happy Holidays…

Garen Markarian 6 | TourInfo


SEASON’S GREETING Civil Aviation Committee Chair Tatevik Revazyan “In 2019 we have significantly decreased costs to operate new routes to Armenia, leading to Europe’s No.1 airline, Ryanair, to announce its first flights to Armenia from Milan, Rome, Berlin, Memmingen. More airlines are expected to announce new routes in the near future, significantly enhancing tourism from Europe’s fastest-growing tourism destinations. May this New Year take you to places you have never been before. Wish you a pleasant flight!” Embassy of USA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary H.E. Ms. Lynne Tracy I am pleased to have the opportunity to extend holiday wishes to Armenians all across this wonderful country. Since my arrival in Armenia early in 2019, I have been so impressed by the country’s beautiful scenery, rich culture, and delicious food, as well as the warm hospitality of the Armenian people. I see boundless opportunity in Armenia and look forward to continuing to deepen and strengthen our relationship in the new year. On behalf of the entire U.S. Embassy, I wish you all a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden Minister-Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a. i., Mr. Birger Karlsson “Dear Friends, during 2019, the ties between our two countries, Armenia and Sweden, have grown and widened. There have been more bilateral contacts than ever before on the parliamentarian and political levels. There is a strong commitment from the Swedish Government to support reforms initiated by the Government of Armenia. Business contacts are increasing as well. We can witness a welcome growth in tourism and in people to people contacts. Many of my fellow countrymen have had a chance to discover the beauty of your country and to enjoy Armenia’s rich cultural heritage. This is a very promising development and I hope that these trends will continue also in coming years. Let me conclude by wishing all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, in 2020!”

Embassy of the Argentine Republic Deputy Head of Mission Miguel Artin Tchilinguirian Dear friends of “TOURINFO” MAGAZINE, On behalf of the Argentinean people and Government I would like to send best wishes for 2020, and the Christmas Eve to the Armenian people and especially to the readers of this distinguished magazine. Let the spirit of these festivities renew our strong and friendly relationship, bringing new Projects. 8 | TourInfo

World Vision Armenia Director Jirair Edilian Dear Reader, On behalf of the whole team of World Vision Armenia, accept my heartfelt wishes on the coming New Year and Christmas. The World Vision team’s dream is for children in Armenia to enjoy a fuller life, be loved, healthy and protected, receive high quality education and be able to achieve their goals. There are still much work for ensuring our children with a decent life, and I am hopeful that more people will be involved in and find the solution of the issues of children living in Armenia next year. May 2020 bring us all careless smiles and lots of love. Հայաստանի Պետական Ֆիլհարմոնիկ Նվագախմբի Գեղարվեստական Ղեկավար և Գլխավոր Դիրիժոր Էդուարդ Թոփչյան Սիրելի ընթերցող, Շնորհավորում եմ Ամանորի և Սուրբ Ծննդյան տոների կապակցությամբ: Թող դասական երաժշտության ջերմ ու կազդուրիչ հնչյունները լուսավորեն Ձեր կյանքի յուրաքանչյուր ակնթարթը՝ պարգևելով խաղաղություն և ներդաշնակություն: Մաղթում եմ առողջություն, անսահման սեր ու երջանկություն և բազում հետաքրքիր շրջագայություններ Ազգային ֆիլհարմոնիկի և TourInfo ամսագրի հետ: Հայաստանի Ազգային Ֆիլարմոնիկ նվագախումբ Տնօրեն Ռուզաննա Սիրունյան Հայաստանի ազգային ֆիլհարմոնիկ նվագախմբի անունից շնորհավորում եմ բոլորիս գալիք Ամանորն ու Սուրբ Ծնունդը և ցանկանում, որ գալիք տարին բազում հաջողությունների և վերելքների տարի լինի: Մաղթում եմ անսպառ ուժ և եռանդ՝ մեր համագործակցության շրջանակներում բեղմնավոր գործունեություն ծավալելու՝ Հայաստան այցելող զբոսաշրջիկին ու աշխարհին մեր հարուստ մշակույթը ներկայացնելու կարևոր գործում: Yerani Travel CEO Harutyun Narinyan “I congratulate all of us for the New Year and Christmas holidays. I am glad to announce that in 2020 our establishment will be coming up with new travel service packages and attractive offers to support us and our partners in achieving our missions that are to provide our tourists with the warmest Armenian hospitality and cherish unforgettable memories in them. Prosperity and a magical New Year to all of us, welcome to Armenia!” December 2019 |

Տուրիզմի Հայկական Ինստիտուտ Ռեկտոր Ռոբերտ Մինասյան Հարգելի´ Tour Info ամսագրի կոլեկտիվ, Ջերմորեն շնորհավորում եմ գալիք Նոր տարվա և Սուրբ ծննդյան տոների կապակցությամբ` մաղթելով մեծագույն հաջողություններ և նվիրյալ գործունեություն հանուն Հայաստանի ճանաչմանը և տուրիզմի զարգացմանը: Tour Info-ի և Տուրիզմի հայկական ինստիտուի միասնական գործունեությունը միշտ եղել է բեղմնավոր և արդյունավետ: Մաղթում եմ, որ 2020 թվականը լինի նորանոր ձեռքբերումների և նվաճումների տարի: Holiday Inn Express Yerevan Գլխավոր տնօրեն Լիլիթ Խաչատրյան «Holiday Inn Express Yerevan» հյուրանոցի անունից սիրով շնորհավորում եմ «ՏուրԻնֆո» զբոսաշրջային ամսագրի Ամանորն ու Սուրբ Ծնունդը։ Ձեր շնորհիվ շուրջ երկու տասնամյակ շարունակ Հայաստան ժամանող զբոսաշրջիկներն էլ ավելի են սիրահարվում մեր հրաշք երկրին՝ բացահայտելով ամենագողտրիկ և գեղատեսիլ վայրերը։ Ունենալով զբոսաշրջության ոլորտում շարունակական աճ՝ վստահ եմ, որ գալիք 2020թ.Հայաստանը սահմանելու է նախորդ տարիներին դեռևս չգերազանցված ռեկորդային ցուցանիշ։ Շնորհավոր Ամանոր և Սուրբ Ծնունդ։ Sixt General Manager Mr. Tigran Arakelyan Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I wish you a year of magic and prosperity, dreams come true, not left on papers. Let it be a new chapter of the book called the sweet taste of your success with full pages of opportunities and achievements. We hope to have your trust in coming year to start your adventure with us. Թուֆենկյան Հյուրանոցների Ցանց Մարքեթինգի եւ Վաճառքների տնօրեն Տիգրան Կարապետյան Թուֆենկյան Ավանդական Հյուրանոցների ցանցը շնորհավորում է Ամանորի եւ Սուրբ Ծննդյան տոների կապակցությամբ: Մաղթում ենք նորանոր նվաճումներ, ձեռքբերումներ եւ բազմաթիվ ճանապարհորդություններ: Թող գալիք 2020 թվականը լինիզբոսաշրջային նոր բացահայտումներով լեցուն տարի:

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MBG Hospitality CEO Karen Margaryan New Year is one of the most expected holidays throughout the year, it announces the new start. The holiday itself is associated with magic and mystery. Nevertheless, New year is also a very special time of the year as everyone tries to sum the passing year and greet the new year with new expectations, aims and renovated dreams. The holiday motivates us to write a new page in our lives, start doing the things we always wanted but were never ready for before. It is with great pleasure that I wish you all a happy New Year full of happiness and success in your personal and professional lives. I wish that 2020 establishes a warm and harmonious atmosphere in all our families, that the quantity of love and kindness increases in our lives.

Mayrig Restaurant Owner Aline Kamakian To all of the families who struggle, to all the women who fight, to all the people with a cause at heart; may you find love, compassion and warmth in this season. I truly wish the New Year brings you whatever your heart desires. Metropol Hotel General Manager Serob Berberyan Metropol Hotel heartily wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We would like to express our gratitude and congratulations to our guests for trusting us, our partners and all visitors to Armenia. In these days, that are soon before the New Year’s party, we would like to express our thankfulness, that guests , who chosen our hotel during their time in Yerevan, especially at the Christmas and New Year time. We all want to remember, that we are already working for the new season, with the hope of having you again with us and to be able again to give you the magic of a unique emotion. We wish the peace and joy of the holiday season be with you throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yell Extreme Park Founder & CEO Tigran Chibukhchyan New Year is another chance for doing the impossible, transforming our dreams into reality, spreading warmth and good cheers. Many thanks to TourInfo for win-to-win partnership, fantastic journey and for having a positive impact on Armenian touristic industry. Everything depends on teamwork and mutual goals. Success only comes after 24/7 hard work and that is what we do. May the next year be full of success and adventures! Happy New Year!

December 2019 |

Invest in Armenia and own your Eco Home for a better future!

Your opportunity with Kingsmen Properties I am Angelo Han, the founder of Kingsmen Properties, a real estate development group based in Beirut, Lebanon. We established operations in 2000 and over the past two decades completed 15 large development projects in Lebanon. Since 201x we have been extending our operations into Armenia, which offers a wonderful property investment opportunity to our clients. Our priority is loyalty. We know that property investment, whether it is part of a client’s larger portfolio, or their entire savings, is based on trust. We don’t believe a ‘one-size-fit-all’ approach, which is why we work at the forefront of investment opportunities. We are professional in our approach, entrepreneurial in our thinking and loyal in our relationships, safeguarding our clients with our impeccable reputation.

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Armenia Kingsmen Properties first started working in Armenia because of my own Armenian heritage. We believe that with the new government, Armenia will see unprecedented economic growth and we want our clients, many of them Armenians living worldwide, to benefit. We want Armenians everywhere to reconnect with this great nation, and it was with great joy that we found the new government keen for external investment. We are proud to provide a hub through our property investment for the Armenian diaspora to take root again in the Motherland. We work exclusively with local companies throughout the development, vitalising the local economy and ensuring that the region benefits from new opportunities. Our in-house marketing team is based in Lebanon, with a view to extend these operations into Armenia in due course.

Eco Gardens – the Armenian paradise Eco Gardens, currently in development, will be one of the few agro-resort of the world, providing our investors with the opportunity to own a sustainable eco garden with an eco-home in this beautiful landscape. The development is a gated community with stateof-the-art infrastructure, located in Parpi village, in the beautiful region of Aragatsotn Province. Only 18 minutes from Yerevan, the development has easy access from the M1 highway. A stone throw away is charming Ashtarak City, a satellite town of Yerevan. It is a pillar of the national economy through several industrial enterprises and the cultural centre of Armenia. Eco Gardens is situated near the Eagle of Vaspurakan, a local cultural monument, and shares the beautiful views over Ararat and the Aragats Mountains. Eco Gardens is the very first Agro-Resort in Armenia, placing the country firmly on the Agro-Resorts map. The community is designed to be completely selfsufficient for food and 50% of electricity. 80% of the project is comprised of green landscaping with orchards and sustainable gardens. The Eco House is designed with you in mind, whether you plan to use it as a weekend property or occupy it full time. Each property has its own private garden and orchard of around 20 trees, so you can unwind and live life in your own space at your own pace.

Creating an inclusive community Eco Gardens is more than just an investment opportunity. We are proud to be part of this vibrant community and invest in the prosperity of the region. In collaboration with father Majdi Allawi from Lebanon, Kingmen Properties is building a church and a social association for the community. This association will be a cultural hub and centre to provide vitall services for children and families of Parpi, Gyumri and other cities. Our work will also create job opportunities in the Agro Sector for many, starting with Eco Gardens, where they will plant, harvest and process fruits into a variety of different products. We are pleased to be able to bring employment opportunities to the region. Eco Gardens Management will also maintain the monument of the Eagle of Vaspurakan, neglected for several years, at its own expense, helping us celebrate the value of the cause for this cultural memorial location and what it represents. With this fantastic development under way, we have already invested in land in Proshyan, and Tsaghkazor for our next project, starting immediately after the successful launch of Eco Gardens.

Investment in Armenia

At Kingsmen we are experts at finding sound investment opportunities for our clients, based on our extensive knowledge of location, condition and price evaluation. We provide our investors with hot deals listed with us by banks, companies and overseas owners, with guaranteed return on investments of up to 40% in just three years.

Armenia: Yerevan, 40 Sayat Nova Office 74, 15th Floor (+374) 95 110 301 (+374) 95 100 301



Lebanon: Beirut, Hamra Modca Bldg, 8th Floor (+961) 79 100 301



Noravank is one of the prominent monasteries of historical Vayots Dzor region, one of the religious and cultural centers of medieval Armenia, besides, it is the tribal tomb of Orbelian princes. Merging harmoniously with the rocky panorama of the surroundings, Noravank monastery time appears as the perfect dialogue between nature and architecture. Noravank was established by bishop Hovhannes, the leader of Vahanavank, who had moved to Noravank in 1205. In 13th and 14th centuries it was successively built up by different representatives of the Orbelian princely dynasty and was changed into the episcopate center of Syunik. The ancient church St. Karapet, which makes the part of the monastery surrounded by enclosure, now is wholly wrecked and dates back to the 9-10th centuries. In 13th century another church by the same name was built in the northern part of the complex, in the western side of which the leader of the monaster, Ter Sargis built the porch by the order of lord Smbat Orbelian. It also served as the tribal tomb of the Orbelians, at the bottom of which there are many gravestones preserved. The western portal is emphasized in the setup of the porch, on the upper and lower lintels of which highreliefs of Bible plots are portrayed. God Father is portrayed on the top, who gives life to Adam, His left hand on Adam’s head, and He blesses him with the right hand. The high-relief on the lower lintel 14 | TourInfo

portrays Our Lady with infant Jesus in her arms. The masterpiece and the real ornament of the monastic complex of Noravank is church St. Virgin Mary built by prominent medieval architect Momik. The two-storey church was built on the order of lord Burtel Orbelian, in whose honor church is also known as Burtelashen (made by Burtel). The construction of church was finished in 1339. The first floor is rectangular outwardly and crosswise inwardly. It served as tribal tomb of Orbelian lords. The second floor is crosswise both outwardly and inwardly and it was an oratory. The stairs, which beginning from the corners in the first floor lead to the second one, are the time’s main artistic expression of the monument. The two-storey tomb-church is crowned by the 16-column slender style. The lintels of the church Burtelashen were also decorated by high-reliefs made by other masters. The lintel of the upper storey portrays Jesus Christ and apostles. The lower lintel again expresses Our Lady who sits on the wide throne and holds the child on her knees. Archangels Gabriel and Michael stand on their both sides, their names carved by their figures. This setup is distinguished by the harmonious symmetry and the mildness of their posture. The solemnity of the scene and the richness of the whole style once more emphasize the prominent nature of the tomb-church of Orbelian lords. December 2019 |

Mozrov Cave One of Armenia’s Little Known Natural Wonders A proved fact: a lot of historical and tourism destinations are unknown among the Armenian people, and it will still take a long time to discover them. Generally, the concept of cave is associated with a whole “world”, and many of Armenian caves, created by a human being, can completely be compared with the most wonderful ones throughout the world – Old Khndzoresk, Old Goris, Geghardadzor. Mozrov Cave is one of Armenia’s little known natural wonders. Located in Vayots Dzor province near the town of Yeghegnadzor, the cave was discovered 30 years ago during the construction of the road that leads to Mozrov village. It is a deep cave rich in diverse geological formations. By that time the cave was considered a “blind one” – these are the caves which do not have an exit to the surface. The constructors had exploded the mass of the cliff which caused the origin of the cave. The cave is the third one in Armenia with 260m length, Archeri cave is on the first place with 3,5 km length, and Mageli cave – on second place (1,7 length). The National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia proposes to develop “Mozrov as Armenia’s first show cave”. This will be a new kind of tourism product in Armenia, appealing to nature lovers, adventure seekers, general visitors and locals. Mozrov Cave has a great potential in tourism sphere, as it is an ideal candidate for development as the first “Show Cave” in Armenian due to its natural beauty and the

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diversity of its geological formations. Show caves are caves that are made accessible to the gene-ral public. Generally, the following conditions must be in place in order for a cave to be classified as a show cave: trails, lighting, guided tours, entrance fee, closure, regular open hours. Mozrov Cave is rich in beautiful and diverse natural formations. It contains a large variety of speleothems or decoration (limestone cave formations) such as stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, columns, flowstone, cave bacon, draperies, and rimstone dams. The cave even has a unique “crocodile” formation, which visitors will enjoy. These types of formations are what most visitors wish and expect to see when touring a cave. There are areas in Mozrov Cave where such formations are dramatic and plentiful. Because of the easy accessibility of Mozrov cave it has overgone some damages by vandals and those not respectful of this natural resource, and commercialization will ultimately lead to preservation of the cave, and can be a tool for educating visitors as to the need for ongoing preservation and conservation of caves, in general. Recently, with the discovery of the world’s oldest shoe in Trchuneri Cave, Armenian caves have been receiving significant international media attention, and accordingly, Mozrov cave is going to pose the opportunity to be the first among a series of cave-related tourism products, setting Armenia in a position to be recognized as a caving destination.

December 2019 |

Traditions of Christmas Celebration Why December 25th and January 6th New Year is a time of the year when the “Box of Miracles” opens to grant everyone with love, kindness and dreams. It brings joy and enthusiasm spreading its lovely spirit over people’s homes. In addition to the New Year revelries and the pleasure of exchanging gifts Christian world celebrates also Christmas. Due to the differences of Julian and Gregorian calendars Christmas is celebrated on various days. Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on December 25 according to Julian calendar and the Orthodox Church celebrates it on January 7 according to Gregorian calendar. Armenian Church being the only Apostolic Church in the world celebrates Christmas on January 6. It is interesting that until the 4th century Christians all over the world had been celebrating Christmas on January 6. But even after the adoption of Christianity many nations, especially the Romans, continued to solemnly celebrate the sun worship which fell on December 25. To prevent the pagan traditions the Roman Church declared December 25 the official birthday of Jesus Christ in 336. Later Christmas day moved to December 25 nearly in the whole East and January 6 remained as the day of Epiphany and Christ’s baptism. Adhering to ancient traditions Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates both the holidays of Christ’s Birthday and Epiphany together on January 6. The Orthodox Church begins celebrating the holiday on the evening of January 6 by the divine service in church and continues the festive ceremonies on January 7. According to the Armenian Church the week preceding the Christmas celebration is a lent period. People are usually coming out of lent in the evening 18 | TourInfo

of January 5 after Divine Liturgy when people take lights from church to their homes as signs of divine light and blessing. After the Liturgy in church people take part in the ceremony of “Water Blessing” to symbolize the baptism of Christ in Jordan River. And the miraculous water blessed by the Holy cross and sprayed with Sacred Chrism is distributed to people. The lent period ends. But nowadays not everybody follows to the rules of lent as it is impossible to resist to the temptation of Christmas festive dishes. Since ancient times different nations have preserved the traditions of baking various types of bread and pastry. According to the ancient Armenian tradition the ornament of the New Year table is Gata (Sweet Bread). The main pastry of the feasts is round-baked bread called “Tari” (Year) decorated with nuts, walnuts and raisins which are the symbols of prosperity. Armenian women used to put a coin in the paste of the bread while baking. Then in the evening of Christmas they cut the bread into 12 pieces as the symbols of 12 months of the year to give to the members of the family. And the person who finds the coin is to get all the success of the coming year. Customs differ from place to place. For example, the Orthodox people gather around the table of “Holy Supper” which consists of 12 dishes, one to honor each of the Twelve Apostles. In spite of the custom differences, the holidays of New Year and Christmas are the favorite ones in Christian world. Christmas is the most domestic holiday which is celebrated in a warm homely atmosphere. This is a period when all are happy and hurry to congratulate each other wishing “MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!” December 2019 |

Dadivank Monastery The Ancient Monastic Complex in Artsakh The Monastery of St. Dadi, otherwise called Dadivank or Khutavank is one of the most remarkable medieval architectural complexes of Armenia, especially due to its variety of valuable ecclesiastical and secular structures and with the uniqueness of the internal and external structural improvements. Dadi or Khuta Temple is constructed in a beautiful valley in the place where Gharabagh and Mrav mountain chains get closer by a sloppy hill on the left bank of Tartar river. Etymology of “Dadi” and “Khuta” names are explained in two ways as it is described in the found lithograph; one connected with the Armenian custom, the other connected with the district. According to the tradition the monastery was built in the first century AD in the place where St. Dadi was buried. St. Dadi was one of 70 disciples of Apostle St. Thaddeus and died in Artsakh while preaching Christianity there. The church was also named Khutavanq as it was built on a small hill (in Armenian “khut” means small hill). It is notable that the relics of St. Dadi Apostle were found under alter of one of the churches of the monastic complex during the excavation and renovation works in 2007. It is known that in XII century Armenian thinker and writer Mkhitar Gosh lived in Dadivank while working on his famous “Datastanagirk”, the first code of law in medieval Armenia. The monastic complex of Dadivank consists of two groups of structures; the ecclesiastical structures in the north and the secular buildings in the south: two bell towers, 2 ancient churches, monk cells, guest house, book-house, etc. The most important construction period of Dadi temple is the first half of 13th century, when the construction of new buildings 20 | TourInfo

took place in the monastic complex. One of the first buildings of that period is considered to be Grigor Bishop’s vestibule-chapel. The inscription on the right side of the door shows that it was built in 1224 by Grigor Bishop. Numerous cross-stones were put inside the vestibule’s walls. However, the pearl of the monastic complex is St. Katoghike Astvatsatsin Church built by princess Arzukhatun, the wife of Verin Khachen’s prince Vakhtang, in 1214. She built church in memory of her husband and 2 sons who died in the war. St. Katoghike is a church with cross-shaped plan, two-story depositors inside and with rectangular composition outwardly. The dome and the facades are designed with the decorative arch ornaments. The southern wall of the church is co-vered with the sculptures of sons of Arzukhatun princess, Hasan and Grigor with the model of the church in their hands, and the bust portrait sculptures of St. Dadi and lord Vakhtang are on the eastern facade of St. Katoghike Church. St. Katoghike church houses valuable frescos which are the important and unique samples of the Armenian wall-painting art. The fresco of the southern wall presents the scene when the Christ hands the gospel to David Miraculous directing him to cure people. To the north there is a porch adjacent to the church which ends with belfry in the first floor of which one can see the two highly artistic cross-stones decorated with ornaments. After the rehabilitation works of the great monastic complex took place in the end of the 20th century Dadivank monastery stands proudly in the arms of Artsakh mountains ready to welcome all visitors. December 2019 |

Monastic Complex Of Kobayr One of the Miracles of Lori Region

Lori region - the “Northern gate” of Armenia is famous for its variety of tourist attractions. Here amateurs of eco-adventure and archeological tourism, cultural and cognitive tours can have a nice time full of new impressions. One of the most scenic monuments of Lori region is Kobayravank (Monastery of Kobayr). It is an ancient sanctuary situated on mountainous terrace of Valley of Debet River, where the waters of Debet flow through rocks. The monastery is mainly famous for early medieval wall-paintings which adorn the 4 buildings of the monastic complex – the big church, chapel-depository, the porch and bell tower. Picturesque frescoes have preserved their splendor and marvelous appearance despite of the trials of centuries to delight us proving the greatness of medieval Armenian masters. Kobayr monastery has been an important cultural and educational center. Popular literalist “honorable and wise archimandrite” David Kobayretsi (David of Kobayr) lived and worked here. In the second half of the 13th century the monastery was established and declared as a convent.

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Later in 1279 the son of Shahnshah Zaqaryan and his wife built the eight-pillar tomb-belfry in the middle of the complex. Today, only the columns anchors of this beautiful building are preserved. Afterwards the chapel-depository and vestibule were attached to the northern part of the monastic complex. Church Mariamashen, which is the oldest of the preserved buildings, stands on the edge of the rocks and was constructed in 1171 by Mariam, the daughter of king Kyurike II. After her name church was called Mariamashen (built by Mariam). Wonderfully, the frescos are marvelously preserved on the walls of the big church where Our Lady is portrayed with the angels on her both sides; below the scene of “The Sacrament” is represented and the prophets are portrayed on the walls of the stage. The scene of the Assumption of Holy Virgin can be viewed in the chapel-depository. Due to high aesthetic value the wall-paintings of Kobayr monastery are prominent monuments of Armenian medieval monumental painting which have been preserved through centuries and reached to our days.

December 2019 |

Design by

The Gospel of Smbat Gundestable Matenadaran N7644 Treasures of Matenadaran The gospel of Smbat Gundestable is one of the manuscripts related to the school of Cilician Armenian miniature. Smbat Gundestable, brother of Hethum I, king of Cilicia, was a commander, historian and legist who lived during 1196-1268 years and who ordered to illustrate the manuscript. This is the first one among the Cilician manuscripts where in addition to the accepted patterns of design, such as alters, evangelists, titles, ornaments in the sides and capital letters, there are also 8 newly created thematic manuscripts that are placed immediately in the texts on separate pages. The decorative part and plot miniatures of the gospel of Smbat Gundestable are made by different illustrators. The ornaments of the manuscript are illustrated with jewelry subtlety and are especially remarkable for clear, slightly heavy colors and finely polished gold. The manuscript is also interesting for its illustrations as in first two alters where it is written the letter of Eusebius addressed to Karpianos we see the images of Eusebius and Karpianos which later becomes more accepted. The column capitals of 24 | TourInfo

alters, in some cases the column basis as well, portray the symbols of evangelists. Afterwards that means of image illustration also spreads in miniature art. As the symbols of evangelists come out form the title as independent ornaments the artists begin to paint them in capital letters often merging two or three or even all four symbols together. The image of capital letter-symbols on the titles is often applied in the illustrations of the manuscripts in Cilicia. One of the artist’s favorite themes in the illustration of the manuscript is the knitted ornament which mainly serves as a frame for individual motives and platforms. The illustrator of the thematic miniatures of the gospel is really a great colorist endowed with a rich sense of colors. He managed to skillfully combine orange and pink, dark green and bright blue, red and black making the images more expressive and harmonious. The red rocks, light blue buildings and dark red roofs leave unforgettable luxurious impression on golden background.

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The Magic of New Year in Armenia If you are reading this article, it means you have decided to spend one of the best periods of the year in Armenia. So, welcome! New Year is a magical time when you can enjoy your holidays and take time away from the hustle and bustle of the busy and exhausting working days. Though New Year is celebrated in the majority of countries, the celebrations vary widely across different cultures. In Armenia this holiday has a specific importance for natives. Since the end of November each family is getting prepared for a great celebration. The cities and even villages have

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their festive decorations done. The capital city Yerevan and the second largest city Gyumri have the most beautiful lights and Christmas tree on all streets. The queen of the celebrations is the main Christmas tree in the Capital square which lights are switched on with special ceremony. But this is just the beginning of the story. The most important is yet to come. Being in Armenia in New Year means to know everything about our traditions starting from the decoration of the table, house, ending with the welcoming of friends and acquaintances.

December 2019 |

Photo Credit: Emilia ARCE

Ruben Elbakyan Triumph At the Famous La Madeleine Church in Paris On November 26, 2019, Famous French-Armenian tenor Ruben Elbakyan triumphed at the famous La Madeleine church in Paris with the performance of “Ave Maria” at a charity event organized by the Italian community in Paris for the benefit of the Greatest French Foundation SECOURS CATHOLIQUE. The maestro baptized by the international press as “Golden Voice” and “Blessed Voice” with its unique music and unparalleled performance has amazed the Paris elite as well as the many tourists who enjoyed the concert. According to the well-known Italian magazine La Voce in Paris, with the unifying program of Ave Maria by Luzzi, Cherubini, Mascagni, Mozart, Saint-Saens and Schubert, Ruben Elbakyan has displayed an art that “allows him to dictate to the world of Belcanto.” This Ave Maria performance by Ruben Elbakyan, successfully been presented in Rome, and will be performed during international tours in New York, Moscow, Prague, and Milan.

Winter in Armenia

Enjoy your Skiing Moments All the year round Armenia is happy to welcome tourists from all around the world suggesting them great opportunities to relax. Winter is not an exception and those who like active winter adventures, will stay satisfied after their trip. Winter vacations in Armenia are first of all active. You can choose among different regions of the country like Jermuk, Aghveran, Hankavan, Dilijan, Tsaghkadzor resort towns to realize your winter expectations. For example in Tsaghkadzor and Jermuk you can take aerial tramways equipped with the latest standards and develop your skiing skills with trainers.

Tsaghkadzor ski resort

Jermuk ski resort

If you are a fan of alpine skiing and want to enjoy breathtaking natural scenery Tsaghkadzor should be enlisted in your routine. Actually, the levels of skiing tracks vary starting from middle level, ending with tracks for both beginners and professionals. The longest and fastest ropeway No3 takes 11 minutes to reach the last point of 2819 m from the sea level provided for both skiing and teaching. In fact there are 4 other ropeways each designed for different level of skiers. Are you a beginner? No worries! The skillful instructors are always ready to both assist you and teach. In the case you forget your skiing suit or equipments; you can rent them from the initial station of the ropeway or from some resort hotels. Riding on a sled, snowmobiles and quad bikes can be great accomplishment for your winter experience. And, of course, to make the moments last forever you should share them in social sites with your friends consequently a free and fast Wi-Fi is available along the full length of the mountains.

Jermuk is one of the major centres for winter sports in Armenia. It is situated in Vayots Dzor marz (region). This is another opportunity for ski lovers in Armenia. It has 3 km of slopes available. The winter sports area is situated between the elevation of 2,100 m and 2,438 m. A 900 m long ropeway serves the ski area. Besides sports, you can take medical treatment with healing hot springs. The most famous springs in Jermuk are the warm mineral ones comparable to the Karl-Var in Czech Republic.

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December 2019 |

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Design by

Smart IOT Sensor System For Forests And Rest Zones “It’s never too late to make positive changes, no matter the magnitude of the problem” Svetlana Jaghatspanyan As climate change worsens, the health and safety of forests is becoming increasingly vital. However, current forest protection technology is cumbersome and ineffective. Forest Guard aims to leverage their energy efficient sensor technology to prevent natural disasters and illegal loggingsaving the ecosystem. We lose millions of hectares of forest every 10 years. Forest Guard Startup’s Svetlana Jaghatspanyan talks about the Forest Guard, the challenges the startup faced and about the product success. “1,5 years ago the Armenia’s Nature Protection Ministry had a verbal agreement with our CEO to make a solution for Dilijan National Park, in order to stop the illegal logging acts there. We decided to use IOT technology, because it is the technology of the future. That is how we started to develop the sensor system. When we finished, the government changed, after that we won this grant and decided to make the pilot program ourselves, and only after that to cooperate with the government,” Svetlana Jaghatspanyan tells. The startup, which has six team members, received STEP grant in November 2018. According to Svetlana, the team is using the financial resource to develop the pilot program. “We have a worldwide problem of illegal logging, illegal entrance and forest fires, so we have developed a smart sensor system for forests and restzones. It is unique, cheap and fast. It detects logging, transport entrance and fires, immediately sending an emergency signal and showing the coordinates on the map”.

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“We have faced many technical challenges. Most of them are concerning to the lack of microelectronics production in Armenia and weather conditions. We found out that the only acceptable season for Armenia to place the sensor monitoring system in forests is summer. Other seasons doesn’t allow the soil to get dry which creates artificial difficulties for us to place the system in nature”. According to her, the startup uses LoRa technology, has developed a unique FFT algorithm, which helps the sensor system save electricity and send the signals very fast. She also added that the product is an intelligent sensor system (smart IOT sensor system) that is highly energy-efficient, high precision, and sends instant logging, fire, or transport access coordinates on the map in a matter of seconds.The product solves the following global problems: a) preserves the natural ecosystem, b) saves electricity, and c) solves the problem of forest fires. Forest Guard’s wireless system of smart sensors works by detecting and analyzing sound. If the system detects illegal logging, a forest fire, or illegal vehicle entrance, it will immediately send an emergency signal to the customer. Their solution is unique as the system is incredibly energy efficient (every 4-6 years the battery only needs to be changed).

By protecting forests, Forest Guard is ensuring the health of the natural ecosystem and protecting the health of people living nearby. Svetlana considers EU as Forest Guard’s next potential market. She emphasizes that it is not that difficult to develop as an early stage startup in the Armenian market. During the upcoming year, Forest Guard will cooperate with the Armenian government, as all forest areas in Armenia belong to the public sector. RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan presented 100 facts about new Armenia during a press conference (November 2019), recording the changes that have taken place in Armenia. Forest Guard was No. 75 in this list, as a pilot program for forest protection through modern technologies. “We have connections in the government, they already know about this project. We have met the Nature Protection Ministry officials, who were interested in this project. So as soon as the pilot program completes, we will start our cooperating with Armenian government,” Svetlana concludes.

Vanadzor Technology Center (VTC), Hi-Tech Gateway Shinararner 12, 2019, Vanadzor, RA email:

December 2019 |

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December 2019 |

Hotels & Hostels MESSIER 53 15/4 Vardanants Str. +374 11 53 00 53

14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 86 35

GOLDEN PALACE BOUTIQUE HOTEL 11 Northern Ave. +374 12 22 00 00

ARMENIA ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4th Str. Silikyan dist. +374 10 31 84 00 AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 72 28

METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 51 07 00

CAPITAL HOTEL 53b Aygedzori Str. +374 10 27 78 78

GRAND HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. +374 10 59 16 00

BASS BOUTIQUE HOTEL 3 Aygedzor Str. +374 10 22 13 53

CASCADE HOTEL 10/10 Zarobyan Str. +374 60 40 04 40

LATAR HOTEL COMPLEX Silikyan Highway +374 10 38 07 11

BEST WESTERN CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italy Str. +374 10 59 11 99

MINOTEL BARSAM SUITES 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str. +374 98 97 70 75

MULTI GRAND PHARAON 5 Yerevan-Abovyan Highway +374 10 61 00 55


NORTH AVENUE 10/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 50 55

NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 70 02

BASTILLE HOTEL 8/3 Arghutyan Str. +374 11 21 11 12

NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. +374 10 67 00 51

RADISSON BLU 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 21 99 00

CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway +374 60 50 11 77

NOVA HOTEL YEREVAN 10/5 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 60 00 50

THE ALEXANDER a Luxury Collection Hotel Yerevan 3 Abovyan Str. +374 11 20 60 00

CENTRAL HOTEL YEREVAN 7/1 Zaqyan Str. +374 43 24 88 13

OLYMPIC HOTEL 49 Mher Mkrtchyan, Gyumri +374 93 43 10 59

DIAMOND HOTEL YEREVAN 86 Arami Str. +374 10 50 80 80

OPERA SUITE HOTEL Baghramyan 1st lane 1-3 +374 10 56 60 10

DOUBLETREE BY HILTON YEREVAN CITY CENTRE 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. +374 11 55 53 33

PANORAMA RESORT 24/3 Hovsepyan Str.. +374 60 27 57 37

AGHABABYANS 25/5 Nazarbekyan District +374 12 78 88 88

ARARAT HOTEL 7 Grigor Lusavorchi Str. +374 60 51 10 00 ARTSAKH HOTEL 116 Sevani Str. +374 10 44 30 98 AGHVERAN ARARAT RESORT 11 Antarayin Str. +374 60 65 06 06 ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat Nova Ave. +374 10 58 95 00

EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 60 60 EREBUNI HOTEL 26/4 Vazgen Sargsian Str. +374 10 58 05 05 FORUM HOTEL 19/3 Paronyan Str. +374 10 50 17 30

ARMENIA MARRIOTT HOTEL TSAGHKADZOR 2 Tandzaghpyur Str. +374 10 29 41 41

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. +374 11 22 12 34

ARMENIA MARRIOTT HOTEL YEREVAN 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 59 90 00

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 80 40

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NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amiryan Str. +374 10 57 40 00

PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 60 60 00 60 REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00 ROYAL PLAZA HOTEL COMPLEX 9 Saryan Str. +374 10 50 50 00

CITY HOTEL YEREVAN 26/2 Saryan Str. +374-12-424425 CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway +374 94 77 70 77 FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Pavstos Buzand Str. +374 10 56 90 28 GREEN PALACE HOTEL 57 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 20 77 07 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 97/2 Buzand Str. +374 60 40 40 00 HRAZDAN HOTEL 72 Dzorapi Str. +374 10 53 53 32 IBIS 5/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 59 59 59 KANTAR 10 Deghatan Str. +374 11 70 00 17 MY HOTEL 47/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 60 07 09 NARE HOTEL 22/10 G.Hovsepyan Str. +374 10 65 65 65 OLYMPIA HOTEL 64 Barbyusi Str. +374 10 27 18 50

SILACHI 20/2 Tigran Metsi Ave. +374 10 54 07 09

REGINEH HOTEL 235/1 Norqi Ayginer Str. +374 10 65 40 20

TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 60 50 10 10

SILK ROAD HOTEL Aygedzor 53/2 +374 91 26 52 14

HOSTELS, GUEST HOUSE ANI HOSTEL 38 Tumanyan Str. +374 96 54 81 23 ARA HOSTEL 79/6 Keru str +374 (95) 35-44-44 BEST HOSTEL 26 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 54 67 67 BUNKER DOWNTOWN 4 Mashtots Ave. +374 43 34 05 04 CLASSY & COZY HOSTEL Kond Str. +374 91 56 02 56 DOMINO HOSTEL 5 Paronyan Str. +374 55 42 22 21 ENVOY HOSTEL 54 Pushkin Str. +374 10 53 03 69 FRIENDSHIP HOSTEL 1 Yeznik Koghbatsi Str. +374 55 18 88 88 GEM HOSTEL 31 Mashtots Ave. +374 77 32 89 21 GRAND HOSTEL 10 Aygestan Str. +374 11 77 01 03 HOLIDAY HOSTEL 1 Yekmalyan str. +374 11 20 08 81 MGA HOSTEL 15 Khorenatsi str. +374 99 46 40 44 NOY HOSTEL 9 Aygestan str. +374 91 28 72 77 REST GUEST HOUSE 48 Malatia Str. +374 43 19 82 98 STUDIO BOUTIQUE HOTEL

6 Tamanyan Str. +374 55 77 70 50

THE ROOMS HOSTEL 53 Pavstos Buzand Str. +374 96 50 00 30

December 2019 |

Foods & Beverages I Armenian Cuisine ADASTRA 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 21 99 90 AGULETSI ART CAFE 79 Muratsan str. +374 77 02 24 57 AFRIKYAN’S TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 55 32 20 ANOUSH 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00 ARARAT HALL 30 Koghbatsi Str. +374 10 53 67 98 ARMAT 50/2 Koghbaci str. +374 91 501919 AYAS KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 88 08 BELLAGIO 2 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 55 12 12 CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway +374 99 919 919 CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77 CHAMAN 13/1 Leo Str. +374 99 53 92 68 CHINAR 28 Moskovyan Str. +374 41 26 02 60 CHARETS 28 28 Charents Str. +374 10 57 29 45 DALAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. +374 99 58 06 58 DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. +374 10 56 13 54

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GAGARI MOT Sevan,Gegharkunik +374 93 35 77 11 GINETUN RESTAURANT Arinj, Acharyan Str. +374 10 61 08 50 HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park +374 10 38 06 06 KANTEGH 7/1 Zakyan Str. +374 10 60 04 00 KUJ 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 44 41

TSIRANI HOME 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 85 09 50 YASAMAN RESTAURANT 8 Orbeli brothers +374 91 61 33 33 TSIRANI GARDEN 3 Babajanyan Str. N1 Arinj +374 55 85 09 50 YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 55 45

LAVASH 21 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 60 88 00

VOSTAN 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 48 00 00

MARSHALL 19/1 Marshal Baghramyan Ave. +374 12 21 01 12

Chinese/Japanese Cuisine

NOYAN 9 Ghazar Parpetsu Str. +374 91 53 50 30

AKO SUSHI 4 Proshyan Str. +374 99 67 77 79

MAYRIG 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 41 760 760

BEIJING 33 Sayat-Nova +374 10 54 53 42

NOYAN TUN 12 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 31 32

DRAGON GARDEN 76 Arami Str. +374 60 75 75 88

OLD MONUMENT 2a Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 20 14 40

NEW TAO 10 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 09 99

PANDOK YEREVAN Riverside/ Getapin Hrazdan Gorge +374 10 50 80 40 PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge +374 10 54 60 01 PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan +374 10 20 15 81 SALON 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 44 33 33

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 58 56 70 SUSHI KUSHI 16 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 33 00 20 SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 48 00 48 WASABI 1/3 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 54 22

Mexican Cuisine

Eastern Cuisine

CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 99 39

ABU HAGOP 6 Yervand Kochar Str. +374 95 28 65 85

LOS PUEBLOS 6 Tamanyan Str. +374 55 45 95 45

ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. +374 10 53 09 88

MEXICO RESTAURANT 10 Abovyan Str. +374 11 70 17 09

EASTERN CUISINE 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 16 20

Georgian Cuisine

LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 08 04

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77

LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. +374 99 66 07 00

GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. +374 10 27 79 99

LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. +374 10 60 00 80

GIVI 2 ME 2 Bayroni Str. +374 60 48 00 48

European Cuisine

HAVLABAR 12 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 20 77 85 KAVKAZSKAYA PLENNITSA 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 10 50 77 77 LCHAK Yerevanyan Highway +374 94 99 83 55 NARANA 18 Artsakhi Ave. +374 10 43 02 02 QAGHAQ TAVERN 30 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 56 70 70

AI LEONI 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 08 92 ALASKA BY HANS&FRANZ 64 Arami Str. +374 41 21 02 11 CASCADE ROYAL 192 Antarain Str. +374 11 44 01 44 ROOBY CAFE 6 Tamanyan Str. +374 99 53 13 12 FISH HOUSE 1/5 Northern Ave. +37411707080

MIMINO 7a Alyek Manukyan Str. +374 10 57 88 85

HANS & FRANZ 8 Saryan Str. +374 95 88 88 05 site

SULIKO 37 Nalbandyan Str. +374 95 44 44 54

JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 54 00 20 KOLOLAK 15/4 Vardanants Str. +374 11 53 00 53 MAMOOR 14 Abovyan Str. +374 44 54 84 84

SHEREP 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 60 08 80

Persian Cuisine

TUMANYAN KHINKALI 21/1 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 23 52

TOSPIA 30/3 Tumanyan Str. +374 91 66 00 07

SHIRVAN 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 25 65

TUN LAHMAJO 23 Teryan Str. +374 10 53 87 17

December 2019 |

Foods & Beverages II MON CAFE 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 41 60 16 01

DEGUSTATION 15 Komitas Ave. +374 10 20 00 02

L’ORANGE AVENUE 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 20 77

MALOCCO 1 Tamanyan Str. +374 96 53 13 27

DOWNTOWN 2/9 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 41 43 34 22

MORA 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. +374 11 55 53 47

GOODY’S 18 Northern Ave. +374 99 30 15 01

BAGUETTE & CO. 20 Abovyan Str. +374 11 20 22 99

MERCI 16 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 38 36

EL SKY BAR 9 G. Lusavorich Str. +374 41 49 49 49

KARAS 20 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 32 55 55

CARAHUNGE 64 Sos Sargsyan Str. Stepanavan +374 99 32 43 00 25 Kalinini Str., Dilijan +374 43 22 00 03

VEREV CAFE 3 Abovyan Str. +374 77 88 98 89

INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 19 31

MONTALE 23 Tumanyan Str. +374 96 68 99 99

KAMI 18 Abovyan Str. +374 91 50 90 20

ROOF 12/1 Dzoragyugh Str. +374 99 27 77 88

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 52 42 11

NAVAVAR 42/1 Aram Str. +374 41 01 39 01 PASTRAMI 38 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 61 17 11 SPARTA GYROS 21/24 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 32 33 33 TAPASTAN 6 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 19 32 TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 56 31 10 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 13 61 THE COAST 2/2 Tamanyan Str. +374 95 30 10 00

KFC 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 07 MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 50 22 33

CENTRICO 46/3 Isahakyan Str. +374 91 77 99 70

PIZZA HUT 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 03

COFFEESHOP COMPANY 4/5 Amiryan Str. +374 11 26 33 33 +374 10 54 55 45

TAWOUK 39 Yeznik Koghbatsu str. +374 94 24 20 00

COFFEE STORY 98/9 Nalbandyan Str. +374 11 44 00 00

TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. +374 10 51 11 11

CRUMBS 37 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 64 24

TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 99 44

Indian Cuisine

GINOVKATS WINE HOUSE 7/3 Abovyan Str. +374 93 30 54 33

INDIA PALACE 3 Amiryan Str. +374 44 28 83 88

VIENNA Cafe and kitchen 5/1 Northern Ave. +374 12 35 55 55

KARMA 65 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 92 15

EAT & FIT 80 Arami Str. +374 11 58 80 80 EL GARDEN 8 Tsitsernakaberd Park + 374 41 49 00 00

PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 02 08 SANTAFE 29/4 Moskovyan Str. +374 44 99 99 59 SEGAFREDO ZANETTI 3/37 Amiryan Str. +374 60 52 11 81 EL CHILLOUT Tsitsernakaberd Park +374 99 31 22 31 TIZIANO 10/10 Northern Ave. +374 94 80 80 96

Children’s café

FRY DAY 58 Komitasi Ave. +374 10 23 06 96

AMERICANO 55/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 33 99


GREEN HOUSE 8/2 Northern Ave. +374 93 85 66 65

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. +374 10 32 21 21

ABOVYAN 12 12 Abovyan str. +374 99 58 06 58

LA PIAZZA 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 54 05 05

CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 55 00 99

12 KTOR PIZZA 18 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 77 77 33

ACHAJOUR NATURAL FOOD 22 Ghazar Parpetsu Str. +374 10 53 67 66

LIFE 82b Hanrapetutyan str. +374 96 08 10 10

KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 50 09 09

BLACK ANGUS 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 96 50 80 40

ART BRIDGE 20 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 12 84

YARD 24/1 Isahakyan str. +374 12 50 45 05

Fast Food/Pizzeria

BURGER KING 5, Northern Ave. +374 10 53 25 53

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ASTRAL 2/10 Sayat-Novai Ave. +374 43 47 47 98

LIMONE CASCADE 3/81 Tamanyan Str. +374 11 65 65 65 LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. +374 10 50 54 44

Clubs/bars CLUB 12 91 Teryan Str. +374 96 25 12 12 DABOO 38 Isahakyan Str. +374 99 51 15 21

PAHEST 33 29/4 Moskovyan Str. +374 44 99 99 59 PAPARAZZI CLUB 3 Abovyan Str. +374 55 44 41 44 ROCK ‘N’ BITE 25/9 Sayat-Nova +374 93 12 93 69 YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. +374 10 70 00 00

Pubs CALUMET 56 Pushkin Str. +374 94 35 92 29 LIBERTY 36 Mashtots Str. +374 96 09 99 98 37 BEER & MEAT 37 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 16 51

Brewery BEEREVAN 26 Abovyan Str. +374 11 50 51 01 DARGETT 72 Aram Str. +374 96 87 08 70 LABEERINT 33a Moskovyan Str. +374 10 50 20 25jose 20 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 54 00 20

December 2019 |

Shopping Spots Men’s Clothing CANALI 9 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 22 30 CELIO 24 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 50 07 CORNELIANI 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA 9 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 00 04 STEFANO RICCI 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702

MEGATOYS 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 50 06 00

LA GALLERIA 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 27 02

EIFFEL 31 Moskovyan Str. +374 10 53 44 68

VERNISSAGE 6/2 Northern Ave. +374 12 20 22 02

MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 77 20

LC WAIKIKI 16 Tigran Metsi Ave. Rossia Mall +374 11 74 74 71

INORI 1 Hyusisain Ave. +374 77 01 20 11

VIOLET 48 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 56 72

PANDORA 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 11 50 04 11

VOLLMOND 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 12 22 02 22

LES NEREIDES 9 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 55 50 50

DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway +374 60 46 11 11

OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 55 79 PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 33 38

Women’s Clothing

REYMA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 12 22 32 27

ARDEAN 2/5 Abovyan Str. +374 98 18 47 47

ZIPPY 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan mall +374 41 41 10 47

AVAVA 5 Mashtots Str. Prospect Mall 2nd floor +374 99 00 82 00

Women’s, Men’s, Children’s Clothing

BURBERRY 5 Northern Ave. +374 60 44 01 74 ESCADA 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 55 85 ETAM 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 31 11 KIVERA NAYNOMIS 8 Teryan Str. +374 10 56 70 77 MANGO 21 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 00 11 OYSHO 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 60 54 00 44

Children’s Clothing

ADIDAS 3 Arami Str. +374 10 54 47 07 ALDO 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 17 77 BALDI 18 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 74 91 CLARKS 8/2 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 24 54 DEBENHAMS 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 70 78 EMPORIO ARMANI 12 Northern Ave. +374 10 52 99 08 ERMANNO SCERVINO 3 Northern Ave. 374 10 70 27 02­

MASSIMO DUTTI 18 Northern Ave. + 374 60 54 00 22 MEGASPORT 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 51 98 98 MEXX 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 46 23 NEXT 13 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 89 99 PULL & BEAR 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 41 41 10 03 ZARA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 10 50 09 90

Jewelry, Watches, Optics 1+1 JEWEL 34 Mashtotsi Ave. +374 10 53 21 73 ARNAKHSH Armenian Accessories +374 98 77 99 90 ARTYOMS JEWELRY 24 Khorenatsi Str. +374 93 00 99 99

MINERAL 104 Nalbandyan Str. +374 77 44 56 12 MINISO 18/77 Hyusisain Ave. +374 11 53 44 40 MERCURY 50 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 58 60 00 MP WOOD 3 Abovyan Str. +374 96 25 12 12 ORGANICUS 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan mall +374 95 62 53 02

OFRA 21/1 Vazgen Sargsyan str. +374 94 90 26 65 RIVOLI DE LUXE 7/14 Sayat-Novai Ave. +374 10 56 26 15


METRONOME 22/10 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 54 00 31 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 RIO MALL 8 Papazyan Str. +374 96 00 41 03 ROSSIA MALL 16 Tigran Mets Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 TASHIR STREET 6/2 Norther Ave. +374 96 00 41 03 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 11 88 88 88


AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 08 82

SIAMOODS 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall +374 55 35 70 22

NOR ZOVK 71 Hanrapetutyan St., +374 10 54 31 07

CHRONOGRAPH 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 04 00

SWAROVSKI 19 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 09 00

SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 53 88 88

COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. +374 60 37 77 13

GAP 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 60 46 11 11

DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 55 77

TIME 5 North Ave. +374 11 50 04 02

PARMA 79 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 27 27 99

MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 67 05

LACOSTE 8 Papazyan Str., Rio Mall +374 99 97 00 04

EGOISTE 16 Saryan Str. +374 10 54 13 00

TATEOSSIAN LONDON 12 North Ave. +374 41 60 17 01

YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 20 16 05

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December 2019 |

Travel & Entertainttment Services Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. +374 10 52 24 35 AIR ARABIA 68 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 60 65 66 66 ARMENIA AIRWAYS 19 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 52 44 02 AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. +374 60 61 22 77 FLYDUBAI 8 Zakyan Str. +374 11 33 11 11 POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. +374 10 51 02 86 S7 AIRLINES 34 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 41 10 QATAR AIRWAYS

9 Gr. Lusavorich Str.

+374 60 38 00 80

Travel Agencies ANI TOUR 68a Teryan Str. +374 60 27 03 70 ANRIVA TOUR 27 Amiryan Str. +374 60 61 11 10 HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 54 60 40 LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 52 52 10 SMART TRAVEL 2 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 10 58 28 48 TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. + 374 10 52 44 01

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YERANI TRAVEL 2/80 Baghramyan Ave. +374 43 88 44 55

Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayron Str. +374 10 56 85 85 AMERIA­­­­ BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 56 11 11 ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. +374 10 59 23 23 ARDSHINBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 59 04 04

INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 51 05 10 UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. +374 10 59 55 55 VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 87 87

Night Clubs/Discos CALIFORNIA Isakov Ave. +374 77 78 77 79 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 25 49


ARMBUSINESSBANK 48 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 59 20 20

ROYALE 2-4/1 Tandzaghbyuri St. +374 55 29 41 45

ARMECONOMBANK 23/1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 51 09 10

SHANGRI LA Yerevan-Sevan Highway +374 60 48 80 00

ARTSAKHBANK 1b Charentsi Str. +374 60 74 77 69 CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 56 37 61 CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. + 374 10 51 12 11

Karaoke Clubs ARAME 2/1 Heratsi Str. +374 60 44 07 44 MOZART KARAOKE CLUB 1/3 Charents Str. +374 99 55 64 34


EVOCABANK 44/2 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 60 55 55

CINEMA STAR 3 Tsitsernakaberd High. +374 60 75 55 55

HSBC 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 51 50 00

KINO PARK 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 11 88 88 88

ID BANK 13 Vardanants Str. +374 10 59 33 33

MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 12 10

Sport Complexes GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 32 20 10 MULTI WELLNESS 11 Alek-Manukyan Str. +374 11 880 880 REEBOK 5 Pirumyanner Str. +374 10 36 36 36

GALACTICUS 13 Hrachya Kochari Str. +374 11 99 07 77 HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. +374 10 46 55 55 TAGVOR Yerevan Lisinyan 13 +374 10 55 61 55

Spa & Beauty

PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. +374 10 62 09 99

LUDOS 27/1 Hrachya Kochar +374 41 46 61 34

YELL EXTREME Tavush marz, Yenokavan +374 41 01 00 30

RELAX SPA 19 Sayat Nova Ave. +374 10 59 45 69


Taxi Apps

SKY CLUB 16/1 Hakobyan Str. +374 98 05 51 19

gg, Utaxi, Yandex

Car/Bus Rentals ELITE BUS 19 Sayat-Nova Str. + 374 10 58 90 00 SIXT 10/1 North Ave. + 374 96 66 03 61

Real Estate PATRIMO 12 D.Demirchan Str. +374 10 54 41 44 VAHAKNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. + 374 10 39 01 02 YERKIR 25 Komitasi Ave. +374 10 27 93 93

Activities CITYZEN 35 Acharyan Str. + 374 10 62 09 99

TSOVASAR 4 Abovyan Str. +374 94 09 69 98 WINGS OF TATEV + 374 60 46 33 33 ZAZA LAND 41 Isahakyan Str. + 374 55 22 62 28

Education AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Marshal Baghramyan str. +374 10 32 40 40 FRENCH UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 10 David Anhaghti str. +374 60 27 96 64 NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 105 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 46 29


2 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 25 32

December 2019 |

Yerevan Museums


It aims to present Komitas’s life and his various creative activities comprehensively, as well as raise awareness of his multilateral impact on music. 10 Arshakunyats St. + 374 11 570 570


In Charents Museum of Literature and Arts, the archives of some six hundred Armenian authors, playwrights and musicians are presently housed. 1 Aram St. +374 10 581 651


Is an academic - scientific museum, which was founded in 1937 and reconstructed in 2012. Though small, it has a lot to show you. 24A M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 524 426

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CAFESJIAN ART MUSEUM It is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. 10 Tamanyan St. +374 10 54 19 32


The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. 39/12 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 52 93 26


1953 is marked the opening of the museum dedicated to writer, poet, fabulist and humanist Hovhannes Tumanyan, with a total of 18000 exhibited items. 40 Moskovyan St. +374 10 56 00 21


of Foundation of Yerevan, It was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the same place where the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. 38 Erebuni St. +374 10 45 82 07

MATENADARAN It was established in 1959, It’s one on the world’s ancientand richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme. 53 Mashtots Ave.

+374 10 56 25 78



1 Aram St.

1/1 Argishti St.

was founded by the Parliament Law No. 439, September 9, 1919.

+374 10 58 27 61

GENOCIDE MUSEUM INSTITUTE Is an Armenian state institution dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Armenian Genocide by honoring the memories of those who were lost in genocide.

8 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy +374 10 39 14 12

Founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. +374 10 56 81 85


The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. 15/16 Dzoragyugh St. +374 10 53 84 73





It was established in 1970 as the History Museum of World War II with the Statue of Mother Armenia symbolising Peace through strength.

The museum was opened in the apartment where composer lived last years of his life (1926-1928). It is the first museum in Armenia dedicated to a musician.

79 Muratsan St.

3 Saryan St.

2 Azatutyan Ave.

21 Nalbandyan St. +374 10 52 12 99

This museum is the center of a completely different world where one can find Armenian traditional handmade items, carpets, ritual dolls recreated by Aguletsi. +374 55 02 44 24


Modern Art Museum was established in 1972 by the art critic Henrik Igitian. It is the first specialized museum of modern art in the whole “camp” of Socialist Countries. 7 Mashtots Ave.

+374 10 53 55 67

The museum, functioning since 1967, houses a collection of 160 canvases of Saryan, each painting a passionate declaration of love for his native Armenia. +374 10 58 17 62



Museum in Cascade temporarily serves as the concert hall for governmental cultural events. The exhibition includes Aznavour’s discs, albums, books, music awards, posters and photographs.

Over 18.000 valuable exhibits are kept in the home-museum, which are the personal belongings of the great composer: photos, documents.

14/1 Verin Antarayin st.

3 Zarubyan St.

Yerevan Art Galleries ALBERT AND TOVE BOYAJIAN 36 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 56 18 55 ANTIKYAN GALLERY 33/21 Pushkin Str. +374 53 88 20 ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 92 65 AREV 19 Teryan Str., area 32 +374 11 32 00 35 ARTIST’S UNION OF ARMENIA 16 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 48 53 CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 09 51 DALAN ART GALLERY 12 Abovyan Str. +374 99 55 33 07

+374 10 20 14 00

+374 10 58 94 18


Woodcarve museum was founded in 1977. The museum was like a kind of original school, where many craftsmen got their professional ingenuity. 4 and 2 Paronyan str. +374 10 53 24 61

Libraries GALA ART GALLERY 12 Byron Str. +374 10 54 88 38 HYE ART CULTURAL CENTER 16 Abovyan Str. +374 60 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. +374 10 58 01 05 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. +374 10 56 74 72 NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMY 24 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 52 70 40 NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Buzand Str. +374 10 56 82 25 VALMAR 53-55 P. Buzand Str. +374 10 58 07 69

AUA PAPAZIAN LIBRARY 40 Baghramyan Ave. +374 60 61 27 60 AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 56 25 78 Mirzoyan Library 10 Mher Mkrtchyan Str. +374 96 88 83 20 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. +374 60 62 35 13 KHNKO APER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 12 22 December 2019 |

Armenia December 2019 Cultural Events Mezzo Club @20:30

Latin Dance Night with Beats by DJ Raffi Los Pueblos @19:00

Webtalk Invite Day Lovers’ Park @12:00

Are Duo A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00

01.12.19 Yellow Stones

Concert dedicated to Komitas Echmiadzin New Concert Hall

02.12.19 Exhibition “Life is Beautiful” of Paintings by Armine Navasardyan Naregatsi Art Institute @18:30 The Band Mezzo Club @20:30 XIV RAU Annual Scientific Conference Russian-Armenian University @17:00

03.12.19 Latin Dance Night with Beats by DJ Raffi Los Pueblos @19:00

Music for Viola A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00 The Classical Jackson K. Demirchyan Sports & Concert Complex @19:00

04.12.19 Concert by Michal Rajewski Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00 By The Way Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Concert-Ruben Hakhverdyan Yerevan Nights Ginovkats Wine House @20:00

05.12.19 G. Verdi “Un Ballo in Maschera”

A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00

Exhibition - Sacred Minimalism 06-13.12.19 Art AGBU Armenia Gallery @19:00 Concert by Anna Kirakosyan

06.12.19 Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00 Live Music Los Pueblos @19:00 Concert-ARAME Dvin Music Hall @19:00 Color belt qualification testing Taekwondo Federation @17:00

07.12.19 Live Music

Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30 A. Khachaturian “Masquerade” A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00

08.12.19 Yellow Stones

Mezzo Club @20:30 An Evening with Avishai Cohen ft. A.S.S.O/Malkhas 75 Jubilee K.Demirchyan Sports & Concert Complex @19:30

09.12.19 The Band

Mezzo Club @20:30

09-14.12.19 Exhibition “Memories of St. Petersburg” of paintings by Mary Yepremyan Naregatsi Art Institute @18:30

10.12.19 Concert by Davit Harutyunyan Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00

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11.12.19 Recitation-lecture with Samvel Baghinyan Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00 By The Way Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Stones 12.12.19 Yellow Mezzo Club @20:30 G. Verdi “Un Ballo in Maschera” A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00 Concert-Folk Songs - Gohar Khachatryan Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall @18:00 Presentation of Helbert Asatryan’s educational 13.12.19 Book manual “Young Shvi Player”. Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00 Live Music Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Expo 2020 13-19.12.19 Christmas Mergelyan Cluster @10:00 Music 14.12.19 Live Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Maxim Vengerov 7th Khachaturian Festival Opening Ceremony Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @18:00 DevFest Armenia 2019 - Google Developer Group Vanadzor @10:00 of Music Band 15.12.19 Colors Mezzo Club @20:30 “Fantastic Fairies” of puppets by Andranik 16.12.19 Exhibition Asatryan and Taguhi Asatryan Naregatsi Art Institute @18:30

Bel Suono - Piano Trio Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall @19:00 Book Presentation of Hamaspyur 17.12.19 17.12.2019 Ghazaryan’s book “Fragments of Shattered Lives.” Naregatsi Art Institute @19:00

Latin Dance Night with Beats by DJ Raffi Los Pueblos @19:00 Garik Sona Mezzo Club @21:00 A. Tigranyan “Anoush” A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00 7th Khachaturian Festival Opening Ceremony Lilit Grigoryan Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall @19:00 The Way Band 18.12.19 By Mezzo Club @20:30 Khachaturian Meets Jazz Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19:00

TourInfo Concert - TAKE 6 Concert Hall after Karen Demirchyan @19:30


Yellow Stones Mezzo Club @20:30 K. Khachaturian “Cipollino” A. Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00 1 Year Of Live Performances Stop Club @19:00

Music 20.12.19 Live Los Pueblos @19:00 Colors of Music Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Music 21.12.19 Live Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30

State Theatre of Musical Comedy after Hakob Paronyan 7 Vazgen Sargsyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 01 Yerevan State Dramatic Theatre after Hrachia Ghaplanyan 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 47 23 National Centre of Chamber Music 1 Isahakyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 60 46 Hamazgayin Theatre after Sos Sargsyan 26 Amiryan Str. Tel.: +374 10 50 10 60

T.Tchoukhajian “Arshak II” A.Spendiaryan Opera & Ballet National Academic Theatre @19:00

Yerevan State Puppet Theatre after Hovhannes Toumanyan 4 Sayat-Novai Ave. Tel.: +374 10 52 02 54

7th Khachaturian International Festival - Svetlana Navasardyan Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall @19:00

The State Chamber Theatre of Yerevan 58 Mashtotsi Ave. Tel.: +374 10 56 60 70

State Jazz Orchestra 22.12.19 Armenian & Friends New Year & Christmas

Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19:00 Yerevan Cup 2019 of Kyokushin karate kyokushin karate Federation @10:00

Band 23.12.19 The Mezzo Club @20:30 Concert - Khatia Buniatishvili(Piano) & ANPO Eduard Topchjan Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall @19:00 Dance Night with Beats by DJ Raffi 24.12.19 Latin Los Pueblos @19:00 Party 26.12.19 Christmas Mezzo Club @21:00 Malkhas 75/Malkhas and Friends/ Jubilee Concert Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19:30 The Way Band 26.12.19 By Mezzo Club @20:30 Music 27.12.19 Live Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30 Music 28.12.19 Live Los Pueblos @19:00 Ness Band Mezzo Club @20:30


Theatres & Concert Halls

Colors of Music Band Mezzo Club @20:30

Band 30.12.19 The Mezzo Club @20:30 New Year Party 31.12.19 Happy Vanatour Restaurant @23:00 New Year’s Eve Dinner The Alexander, a Luxury Collection Hotel @21:00

Henrik Malyan Film Actor Theatre 18 Vardanants Str. Tel.: +374 10 54 02 96 Metro Theatre Garegin Nzhdehi Sqr. Tel.: +374 10 42 27 42 National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre after Alexander Spendarian 54 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 02 41 Gabriel Sundukyan National Academic Theatre 6 Surb Grigor Lusavorchi Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 76 70 Naregatsi Art Institute 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 05 ‘’Mher Mkrtchyan’’ Artistic Studio 18 Movses Khorenatsu Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 99 Armenian National Philarmonic O rchestra & ‘’Aram Khachatryan’’ Concert Hall 46 Mashtotsi Ave. Tel.: +374 10 54 57 42 Russian Drama Theatre after K.S. Stanislavsky 7 Abovyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 56 91 99 State Chamber Music Theatre 1st Blind Alley,1 Building Proshyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 88 13 ‘’Cafesjian Museum’’ Foundation 10 Tamanyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 54 19 32 December 2019 |

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December 2019 |

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