Arriola & Fiol city park

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Arriola & Fiol urban civic projects

Mallorca 289

08037 Barcelona


Parque urbano



La zona del nuevo Parque Can Escandell de Eivissa se caracteriza por las la utilización agrícola anterior. La topografía del sitio es la fuente de la forma y se convierte en la estructura agrícola de los campos. Para conectar la naturaleza y la población rural con la urbana la forma ha sido fragmentada, como en el arte de Paul Klee. La vegetación es una composición de diferentes plantas que se ven en los fondos naturales, agrícolas o urbanos de la zona. Se crean tres tipos diferentes: el salvaje, lo rural y lo urbano. La estructura del salvaje son los árboles de pino en una estructura desordenada, como el bosque de pinos que se están arrastrando por las laderas de montaña en la naturaleza ibicenca. La Rural está formado por la estructura del campo - el llano y la cuadrícula. Plantas como la almendra o algarrobos simbolizan el uso agrícola del suelo fértil de Ibiza. El concepto de plantación urbana está dada por la línea y el más pintoresco Oleander vegetación similar o Bougainvillea. Los tres temas crean una conexión continua de sur a norte y en la misma manera el parque con el paisaje circundante.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Bussola, I. Nissen SEPES Entidad Pública Empresarial de Suelo 84.835 m2 2011

T+34 93 4570357

Parc Urbain

LOHSEPARK Hamburg 2009 174 Finaliste concours restreint Cet espace vert de 4 HA, de 74 m de large et de 530 m de long, va devenir le nouveau centre de la nouvelle HafenCity de Hambourg. Son caractère central, en étant bien reliée par les bus et U-Bahn avec le reste de la ville, sera renforcé par sa conception spaciale. Le projet sera de transformer cet espace non seulement en un morceau de nature mais aussi en caisse de résonance de toutes les activités de l’ensemble du quartier. Il est important d’intégrer le programme dans le rectangle élargi du parc, nous pensons qu’il est fondamental de découvrir quels sont les mécanismes formels qui permettent de faire la couture entre toutes les nouvelles parcelles construites et le nouveau parc, de sorte que chaque espaces puissent interargir les uns avec les autres comme un tissu urbain intégré.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Fanari, A. Puck, J.You, C.Brunelat A. Obiol (Structure) J & G (Installations) HafenCity Hamburg GmbH 28.130.24 m2 11.250.000 € 2009

City Park

PARC CENTRAL DE NOU BARRIS Barcelona 2007 138 International Urban Landscape Award 2007 Finalist: III European Landscape Biennal of Barcelona 2003; European Prize de L’Espace Public Urbain 2004 convoqué par le CCCB; Prix DECADA Fondation Oscar Tusquets Blanca 2009; Finaliste Europèen Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award 2005.

Architectural skills applied to the urban space have produced a certain degree of uniqueness and newness to the landscape practice, fundamentally in the urban environment. These works might be labeled more than urban spaces as outdoor rooms. Parc Central de Nou Barris, in the northern edge of Barcelona was designed with the above as a tentative approach. The site is the empty space left over by the massive construction of housing blocks during the 60’ and 70’ in a part of Barcelona which up to that moment was not more than crop fields. Besides the size of the problem the dimension of the area could hardly be seen because of the arrangement of the housing urban design. The project attempts to suggest another landscape that not only will propose a new urban park in the core of the dense neighborhood but also will integrate the skyline and the massing of the housing as an inseparable and essential part of the new landscape.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Amat, X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, M. Boutin, A. Carreras, L. Dazio, D. Dethlefsen, M. Fiore, U. Huber, C. Kolar, I. Kuhn, B. Marugg, A. Soler, R. Nana, S. Rux A. Obiol (structure) CEA (engineering) Ll. Roig, Ll. Fontanet (quantity surveyor) Pro Nou Barris S.A. 166.000 m2 15.897.729 € 1995 - 2007

Parque urbano



Finalista concurso internacional La propuesta de anteproyecto de Plazas Temáticas de la EXPO 2008, a la vista de las potentes y variadas formalizaciones de los proyectos del entorno,opta por una formalización que es a la vez geométricamente clásica y natural, basada en la rotundidad de la superficie circular y sus variantes naturales, espirales, hélices, sinusoides. Tiene la capacidad de neutralizar la rica reverberación formal del entorno y relacionarse con ella con serenidad, con un lenguaje primigenio basado en nociones básicas de dentro y fuera, corredor principal, plataforma central y sotos de ribera. Unidades geomorfológicas compatibles dinámicamente con los diferentes sistemas formales del entorno. La introducción del agua, muy presente en la zona de los pabellones con estanques y láminas de agua, se propone enfatizando la ribera del río Ebro mediante 24 jets que desde tres plazas cercanas al agua proyectan haces de agua y luz hacia el propio río. Se reserva la plaza 5 de mayor tamaño relativo y con posición topográfica central dominante para el homenaje al agua mediante una fuente múltiple de 24 surtidores que incorpora la participación del público.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, M. Lundström, V. Caddeo Taller de Enginyeria Ambiental : Núria Lupón, Eng. C.c.p., Pere Massó, Gisela Loran Somhidros: Rafael Rodiera 132.000 m2 20.000.000 € 2005

City Park

PARC DEL TORRENT Santa Margarida de Montbui 2003

The project of the Parc del Torrent is planned to become the new central space of meeting and communication of the modern urban center of Santa Margarida de Montbui. In a transversal direction the project proposes a transition among the paved perimeter with turning points at the ends of the streets of Sant Pere, Lleida, Santa Anna and San Miquel, toward a polygonal step that takes up the unevenness of some 5m at its highest elevation and resolves the communication with the slightly inclined plan where the program of the park and the activities of the promenade develops. This plan is as much in level by foot from the Mercé street as of the Primer de Maig and Escoles streets, where the arrival of the ‘promenade’ is done in a continuous and smooth way. At the same time, the system of pavements, in cross direction, makes a progressive evolution from a system of hard paving, apt to bear the cars in the perimeter of the crossway of Sant Pere, to a soft pavement, drained by grained pressed materials, or of surfaces of lawn with plantations, that explain the transformation from a built, urban context, to a natural and more vegetated context.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, C. Coers, M. Lundström A. Obiol (Structure) J. C. Morla (Quantity surveyor) Diputació de Barcelona 22.000 m2 2.280.000 € 2003


Parque urbano

PARC DE LA RENFE Terrassa 1997


Finalista concurso restringido La propuesta organiza la volumetria del sector de la nueva edificación de comercio, oficinas y vivienda, y de un nuevo parque al lado de la estación de RENFE. La propuesta establece una sucesión de prados o jardines temáticos, (Jardín Zen, Laberinto,...) aproximadamente rectangulares que, a la manera de una parcelación rural, hacen avanzar la ciudad norte hasta la avenida 22 de Juliol, recuperando los espacios liberados por las antiguas vías del tren. Estos prados o plataformas ajardinadas, a manera de fracturas tectónicas organizan la topografía del parque en una serie de terrazas, pendientes y plataformas ligeramente inclinadas hacia el sur, hacia el centro histórico. La distribución del programa funcional del parque se basa en estas unidades que de manera natural diferenciaran las actividades del parque: juegos infantiles, de adolescentes, actividades de ocio o deportivas, paseo y contemplación. También se plantan los pequeños márgenes entre las terrazas siguientes con arbustos formados por Berberis (Darwinii, Sieboldi, Thunbergii), Fothergilla (Gardenii, Major) i Cotoneaster, buscando también incorporar colores y floraciones diversas como contrapunto de los prados. Una plataforma de madera que hace de plaza pública al primer nivel de los edificios-zócalo, ofrece la posibilidad de abrir terrazas de bares y restaurantes con vistas al parque.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola U. Huber, D. Dethlefsen, R. Nana, A. Soler Ajuntament de Terrassa 200.000 m2 1997

City Park



Finalist of the Spanish Bienal of Arquitecture and Urbanism 1990- 1992 The park is located on the grounds previously occupied by railway tracks which extended from the old Estació del Nord up to the Plaça de les Glòries. Its precise perimeter is a rectangular area of about two hectares next to the south facade of the station building and defined by the streets Nàpols, Almogàvers and Sardenya. The master plan of the whole zone: park, sport fields and cultural facilities, will connect the historical center of Barcelona, through Passeig Lluís Companys, with the new civic center area of Plaça de les Glòries. A new boulevard is built along carrer Almogàvers accommodating views to the sculptural walls which frame the main gates to the park. The construction of carrer Sardenya on a bridge allows the park to extend below, connecting to the sport fields and thereby defining a continuity with the northern part of the city. The landscape design of the park develops two simple concepts: the creation of the first lawn in Barcelona, an environment much removed from the mediterranean landscape tradition, and the creation of an artificial landscape where sculpture and park melt together: the sculpture becoming the park and the park becoming the sculpture. Foremost in this endeavour was the partnership formed with the sculptor Beverly Pepper.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola B. Pepper (Sculptor) J. Raventós (Ceramist) IBERING (Structure) J. de Querol, G. García (Quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona/Impusa 25.553 m2 2.131.658 € 1985 - 1991

City Park

PARC DEL MOLINET Santa Coloma de Gramenet 1987 Finalist ‘PREMIS FAD of Architecture an Interior Design 1987’ The project grew out of a master plan for Sector Esperit Sant which is located on the periphery of Northeastern Barcelona. The area was void; an emptiness arising out of its location as “in between” space between three municipalities, at this time undergoing urban erosion. The theory was to develop a multi-functional social condenser that could invert these processes. The functions for the area were pre-designed by the Masterplan: to include parks, sports facilities, schools, and a circulation system with new connections for traffic and pedestrians. As the site for Parc del Molinet provided an interesting topography, with the only trees around and views to the city of Barcelona. The concept for the park hinged on taking advantage of these givens. The lay-out is based on the geometry of the spiral, which links all the episodes of the park. Starting at the belvedere it runs through the amphitheaters which were already existing. The design can be understood in three different parts. The first being the defining of edges, making links and giving access to pedestrians. The second part is the densest portion of the park and the highest position in reference to the surrounding roads and was designed as a sequence of “episodes” ultimately leading to the belvedere. The third part of the park are the amphitheaters and the design was a matter of superimposing a geometry on the landscape following the traces of the existing amphitheaters.

Arriola & Fiol

C. Fiol, A. Arriola, M. Quintana A. de Luna, M. Muixart BOMA, A. Obiol (Structure) Ll. Roig, Ll. Fontanet (Quantity Surveyor) Corporació Metropolitana de Barcelona 70.000 m2 12.246.661€ (I - II Fase) 993.207 € (III Fase) 1986 - 1987 (I - II Fase) 2005 - 2007 (III Fase)


City park

PARC DEL BESÒS Sant Adrià del Besòs 1982 003 3rd prize competition The project won 3rd prize in the competition organized by the Metropolitan Corporation of Barcelona (CMB) in order to build a park in the municipality of San Adrià del Besòs, in a very degradated area where the most significant elements were the proximity of the Besòs river and a complex motorway flyover. The first reading of the place inclined us to make a general proposal not restricted to the limits of the site but related to the urban landscape that could give an answer to the existing functional void and the connection between different urban tissues.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Quintana Corporació Metropolitana de Barcelona 40.620 m2 1982

City Park



1st prize competition The transfer of a Barcelona slaughterhouse to the city outskirts provides the recuperation of a large site extension of free areas around the city center. This area is equivalent to 4 blocks of the Eixample or six hectares, and it is situated at the west limit of the Eixample being part of an axis formed by Plaza España, Calle Tarragona, Plaza de los Países Catalanes and the Sants Station. The park construction takes advantage of this exceptional location in Barcelona and reveals it in its will for being an essential free urban space. The raised park is a space with a strong civic vocation, because of its urban placement and for Joan Miró’s sculpture - ‘Dona i Ocell’ - which is at the square’s pond. In the same way that the relative separation between the park and the square emphasizes the intention of the square as in an urban scale, it reinforces the ambiguity in relationship to rest of the park. At the east square limit, a double height pergola stands up above the pavement level, closing the end of the perspective to the Llançà street and being a transition between the most built and urban area of the park - the raised square- and the Mediterranean forest which surrounds it. This pergola opens one of the main paths around the park, which leads to a forest of pines and Holm oak.

Arriola & Fiol

A. Arriola B. Galí, M. Quintana, A. Solanas Joan Miró (sculptor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 65.296 m2 3.082.067 € 1981

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