Arriola & Fiol urban civic projects
Mallorca 289
08037 Barcelona
PUBLIC SPACE Public space
WAGRAMER SRTASSE Wien 2014 245 1st prize competition Just few times you have the possibility of radically transforming an area of the city of Vienna and link the city with the landscape. A landscape totally humanized and manipulated by men’s actions by centuries. This transformation is a great opportunity to restore the connection between the landscape and the city. The parterres disposition harmonizes with the structure of the viennese valley agricultural fields, strengthening the Wargramer urban axis as a new centre for social and commercial activities in Kagran. The tree rows along the avenue define and limit the rest and walking areas, the play areas, bars and shops in their outdoor parts. They naturally integrate with the original Danube landscape. In Czernetzplatz the existing topography is modified by 50 cm high terraces, that create quite playing areas and water mirrors that use the difference in height. The urban furniture and the lighting system elements designed for the occasion will be sober, resistant, originals, integral and classical. The urban activities and the social relationships grow when a continuity between buildings and open spaces exists. This continuity is also supported by the introduction of adequate species of plants that contribute to the green corridor continuity and support biodiversity into sustainable system.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Arriola, A. Curreli, E. Angelats, S. Leccis, A. Mellado, A. Monedero EGKK (collaborators) Magistrat der Stadt Wien 23.032 m2 8.600.000 â‚Ź 2014
T+34 93 4570357
Public space
1. The ground plane has been developed as a series of folding following the traces of the ‘archaeological’ rail tracks. That folding is related also to the drainage of the plaza. The gutters will be linear along the ‘tracks’. 2. The materiality of the paving is made of metal edges (rusted rail tracks) containing sandblasted poured concrete showing the pebble stones and wooden railway sleepers scattered in between. 3. The urban benches are sleepers extruded out from the pavement. 4. The canopy has evolved more to its original reference which is very Mediterranean: the hanging fishermen nets by the sea. The use of the geometry of the catenaries will make it fit into the LRT hanging cables landscape. There is a complete net hanged by the existing poles only certain areas will be in filled with single ETFE shape. 5. The materials will be stainless steel cables using the technology of yachting cables and keep an eye looking to the sea. The panels in ETFE are white, exploring the possibilities of the material to be colored and how this affects to the transparency. 6. We are also integrating a heating system in the ground plane (using the metal tracks) and in the canopy using the cables. It would bring a degree of comfort quite unusual in public space and that will be very much appreciated in Calgary’s winter.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelats, A. Curreli, A. Mellado, A. Monedero, Al. Hassan City of Calgary 2.500 m2 2.000.000 $ 2014
Espace public
PLACE SAINTE-ANNE Rennes 2014 236 2ème prix concours restreint LE PALIMPSESTE URBAIN L’espace de la place de Sainte-Anne est aujourd’hui une agglomération d’espaces et sous-espaces urbains qui ont été le résultat de différents processus de transformation au long des années au centre-ville de Rennes. En fait on peut appliquer le concept de ‘palimpseste’ pour définir le site objet du projet d’aménagement. C’est dans cette logique qu’on trouvera le sens et l’intégration de l’espace urbain de Sainte-Anne dans la ville de Rennes. Composer un système cohérent et holistique de l’ensemble d’espaces que permettra de retracer l’histoire de formalisation du site. L’aménagement urbain de Sainte-Anne deviendra aussi ‘hub’ de la nouvelle centralité de la Ville. En fait, c’est croisée de la Culture, de Civique¸ de l’Échange et de
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Communication dans le domaine public de Rennes. L’autre enjeu urbain que le projet doit résoudre c’est la finalisation de l’église de Saint-Aubin. Non dans le sens littéral de la finalisation de l’édifice inachevé, mais dans le sens de son intégration dans l’ensemble physique du tissu urbain. L’architecture de l’église est mal adaptée à son entour. L’accès est difficile à un niveau différent de la place, son périmètre est protégé par des obstacles que rendent très difficile non seulement la perception de son architecture, mais aussi son intégration dans l’ensemble urbain. Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelats, P. Angius, A. Curreli, A. Mellado, A. Monedero, C. Langauer, G. Vos, R. Skugor,Z. Kmita, J.Craiu MAP (paysagistes) Speeg+Michel et associés (lumière) EMCH + BERGER (VRD) Ville de Rennes 168.900 m2 3.860.000 € 2014
öffentlicher Platz
Wir schlagen einen Ersatz des bestehenden Pflaster des Platzes durch ein netzartiges System vor, das auch mit Elementen der Geschichte der Werdohl Eisenbahn verknüpft ist. Auf der anderen Seite werden die Linien mit Metallplatten aus Cortenstahl gezogen die den Platz definieren. Der Platz soll die Begegnung der BürgerInnen und den Dialogs unter einer laminierten Holzpergola fördern, die im Sommer und Winter vor dem Wetter geschützt ist. Bestehenden Bäume werden durch Neupflanzungen ergänzt und die Pergola mir Reben bepflanzt. Eine kristalline Platte dient als Wasserlaufschaufel, mit einer Mindeststärke die durch den Wasserfall aus der Wasserleitung bestimmt ist, bringt sie Wasser aus dem Fluss Lenne zum Platz und führt es wieder zurück. Sowohl das Konzept der Urbanisierung und als auch die Baustoffe werden nach den Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit und Biodiversität diskutiert. Die Metallgitterschienen die als Rahmen für das Pflaster dienen sowohl auch der Kalkstein sind wiederverwendet.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelats, G. Betti, L. Monaco, S. Ortiz Stadt Werdohl 49.000 m2 1.200.000 € 2012
Espacio público
El entorno del Castillo y la plaza del Ayuntamiento son el espacio público que culmina el sistema topográfico sobre el que se asienta la villa de Aledo. Su posición privilegiada sobre el paisaje ha sido, desde tiempos inmemoriales, aprovechada como punto de observación, de defensa. Actualmente está organizado con una serie de plataformas/ plazoletas que se identifican con episodios diversos: plaza del Ayuntamiento, plaza de la Iglesia de Santa María, plazoleta de la Puerta de las Tradiciones, plazoleta de la Picota y plaza del Castillo. El proyecto de adecuación del espacio público del entrono del Castillo y la plaza del Ayuntamiento parte de una idea muy sencilla: recuperar la continuidad de los diversos espacios que lo componen en uno solo y difuminar los límites entre éste y el Paisaje que lo rodea.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A.Bussola, I.Nissen, A.Pisanu Ajuntamiento de Aledo 3500 m2 238.954 € 2011
öffentlicher Platz
MARKTPLATZ & ANGRENZENDE BEREICHE Goethestadt Bad Lauchstädt 2011 Ausschreibung zur Neugestaltung Bad Lauchstädt ist durch seine Geschichte als Bad und der Nähe zu dem Fluss Laucha dichtverwoben mit dem Element Wasser. Die in die Granitflächen eingelegten, geschwungenen Ortbetonbänder symbolisieren das Wasser, sowie auch insbesonderes die im Beton eingefassten blauen LED-Bänder dies unterstreichen. Für das Stadtmobiliar wird eine Kombination von Cor-Ten Stahl, Holz und Glass vorgeschlagen. Dies passt sich an die historischen Materialen an, greift aber zugleich auch eine zukunftsorientierte Materialwahl auf. Diese Verknüpfung von Vergangenheit und Zukunft wird auch von dem Kontrast zwischen Granitpflaster und Ortbeton hervorgehoben. Der historische Stadtkern ist durch eine barrierefreie Konzeption für jeden Besucher und Einwohner zugänglich und es werden weiträumige und attraktive Plätze geschaffen. Im Zentrum steht der Markplatz, der wieder als erlebbarer, ganzheitlich wahrgenommener Aufenthaltsort und durch beispielsweise Licht, Begrünung und dem Brunnen zu einem identitätsreichen Platz gestaltet wird. Weitere Plätze entstehen in den Bereichen der Kirche, des Goethehauses und der Badeschlippe und werden durch Elemente wie einem Stadtbalkon, Sitzstufen und der Nähe zum Grünen attraktiv inszeniert. Das Design macht das Stadtzentrum zu einem ebenbürtigen Gegenpol der historischen Badanlagen.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Bussola, I. Nissen, A. Pisanu Clemens Kolar K. Joham, S. Seger (Landschafts) MRS Partner AG, podpod design (Fachberater) Goethestadt Bad Lauchstädt, die Bürgermeisterin 13.000 m2 2011
öffentliche Plätz
Der ehemalige Tiergarten trozt seiner zentralen Lage wirkt isolirt und introvertiert, und fehlt eine Einheit in seiner Struktur, und also auch, was ihm so neue Nutzungs- und Aufenthaltsqualität gibt. Deshalb war es das Ziel des Entwurfs, dem Park die fehlende einheitliche und aussdrucksstarke Struktur zu geben. Der Park soll im Sinne des “sense of place” zu seinem urbanen Umfeld in Bezug gesetzt werden und ihn zu einem beliebten Aufenthaltsort zu machen. Der mäanderförmige Flussverlauf der Spree, welcher die südliche Grenze Moabits bildet, wird als verbindendes und strukturierendes Element auf den inmitten der „Moabiter Insel“ gelegenen Kleinen Tiergarten übertragen. Die kontinuierlichen Mäander durchströmen alle Parkfragmente und lassen den Kleinen Tiergarten zu einer Einheit zusammenwachsen. Sie binden auch den neu entstehenden Thusnelda-Platz so wie den Mathilde-Jakob-Platz mit ein. Um den Kleinen Tiergarten in seinem urbanen Umfeld sichtbar zu machen, wurde der Park völlig geöffnet, mit einer bewusste Auswähl in Wuchshöhe der Neubepflanzung mit Sommerblumen im violett/blauweissen Farbspiel und aromatische Stauden wie Lavendel, Salbei und Thymian. Der Park ergänzt sich noch mit neu eingebauten Bänke und mit einem Informationspunkt auch zum Bequemlichkeit und mit einem Skatepool als attraktives Angebot für Jugendliche.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola R.Steihl, E.Deiana, J.You, N.Garlich, F.Brouillet, M.Guichard Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin Planen 62.000 m2 1.714.867 € 2010
Public space
KOBMAGERGADE, HAUSER PLADS I KULTORVET Copenhagen 2008 151 Finalist of Restricted International Competition The rich history of Købmagergade is reinforced and reintroduced within a contemporary context. The new Kultorvet plaza will re-present the site in a highly memorable and experience enhancing manner, reinstating Copenhagen as one of the world’s premier cities, with KultorvetKøbmagergade at its center. Kultorvet and Hauser Plads dialogue each other through their topography. At Kultorvet we introduce a soft “valley” and at Hauser Plads, a gentle hill. As people move through Kultorvet they will note their position in the plaza through the slight level change. The slope enhances one’s ability to see (from the edges) and be seen (from the center), building on the spectacle that is a public plaza. Furthermore, the opportunity for large concerts or improvised performances is much improved. At Hauser Plads the hill itself becomes the element for play. The slope allows opportunities for roller skating, slides, and children’s games. The spiral form creates a spatial center and hierarchy to an otherwise flat place. Trinitatsplads is opened up. The church and tower that were before located on a street corner is now conceived as one object placed in the center of a grand urban space. The streets are given the same paving as the rest of the project, tying the whole area together.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Lundström, A. Kunst, X. Arriola D. Goldstein, A. Curreli Ingo Maurer GMBH, Bisgaard Landskabsarkitekter ApS (Consultants) City of Copenhagen 24.458 m2 10.741.382 € 2008
Public space
EAU CLAIRE PLAZA Calgary 2006 122
Public space must be both timely and timeless, the delights of the seasons. The proposed planning and conceptual design methodology for the redevelopment of Eau Claire Plaza has been formulated to provide the necessary tools to make manifest a vision for a revitalized landmark space in downtown Calgary. We have adjusted the scope of work to focus on the vision – a vision that embraces the triple bottom line requirements enumerated in the Request for Proposal. This multi-faceted vision incorporates social and community values, environmental and stewardship values, economic requirements and, we would add, cultural and integrated art possibilities
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola G. Balls Landplan Associates, B. Baker, M. Boutin, M. Stanley City of Calgary 5.000 m2 2006
Public space
The object of the project is the restructuring of the plaza Pompeu Fabra, called ‘the Tortoises’, in Igualada. The project develops the transformation of the existing plaza, re-defining its perimeter in the western border expanding it to the disadvantage of the present traffic isle. The new plaza is proposed like a flexible and continuous space that, by means of a system of original and unique pavement, resolves all the surfaces and uses for the plaza at the same time that the existing plantations are maintained conveniently reorganized and new ones are added. The fractality in scale of the construction of the project that starts with the hexagonal piece of small dimension and is expanded in the abstractions of the shells of the smooth, simple tortoise in the paved surface or rough in the shrubbery surfaces, met in the sand zone of and in the skating rink, they give dynamics to the man in the landscape.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, L.Grigoletto, M. Lundström, M. Seibel Ajuntament d’Igualada 3052 m2 458.400 € 2006
Spazio pubblico
GIARDINO DI VENERE San Girolamo (Bari) 2006
Il progetto consiste in una piazza pavimentata su cui si inseriscono cinque grandi vasconi “verdi” di diversa dimensione, paralleli e sfalsati, con una distanza reciproca di circa 2 m. I vasconi sono costituiti da tre muri di contenimento di cls armato grigio non verniciato: uno di essi avrà forma di scarpata con inclinazione pari a 45 gradi, gli altri due saranno costituiti da gradonate. La superficie verde, costituita da prato calpestabile, è inclinata secondo il suo asse longitudinale con una pendenza del 5%. Le 5 corti ottenute dallo slittamento dei vasconi sono concepite come spazi per la sosta e l’incontro; una di queste ospita l’area attrezzata a gioco per i bambini. Il materiale prescelto per i rivestimenti e per le scarpate è la pietra di Apricena; solo la piazzuola destinata all’area a gioco per bambini sarà interamente rivestita con un pavimento antinfortunistico in gomma. Le soluzioni di arredo urbano prevedono l’impiego di panche monolitiche in conglomerato cementizio di vario disegno e colore, di cestini portarifiuti in acciaio cor-ten concepiti come piccole sculture in prossimità dei bordi dei vasconi e di una fontanella vicino all’area giochi.
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola M. Fiore R. M. Rana (Impianti) A. Bernardoni, P. De Nicola N. Martinelli (Consulenti) Comune di Bari 2178 m2 310.626 € 2006
Spazio pubblico
2º premio concorso internazionale ‘Tre piazze per Firenze’ Il progetto prevede l’inserimento di soluzioni architettoniche e di arredo urbano che riducano la velocità del flusso veicolare, anche nell’ottica di un suo parziale spostamento verso la nuova via che corre lungo il fiume Arno. Si intende conservare la struttura del territorio, trasferendola alla scala urbana: la sezione della nuova piazza viene organizzata in quattro fasce longitudinali che, da un fronte edilizio all’altro, organizzano le funzioni del passeggio, della circolazione veicolare, della sosta di persone (verde) ed automobili (parcheggi) e nuovamente del passeggio. Tutti i pavimenti sono carrabili: in particolare, le zone pavimentate in laterizio verranno rinforzate con una base in cemento. Nell’ottica di una futura ulteriore riduzione del flusso di traffico, si prevede che il cemento della parte centrale possa essere sostituito con una pavimentazione in laterizio. Questa organizzazione per fasce longitudinali viene interrotta da elementi trasversali che legano la dimensione urbanistica a quella urbana del progetto: l’ampiezza variabile degli isolati, gli accessi carrabili ai vari giardini privati e ai parcheggi, le connessioni con la ferrovia, definiscono dei veri e propri ambiti urbani che relazionano lo spazio privato con quello pubblico, essendo al tempo stesso piattaforme di accesso agli edifici e piccole piazze pubbliche per l’incontro e il passeggio.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, P. Bernacka, K. Bernacki, M. Fiore, M. Hölling, M. Lundström, F. Melis Comune di Firenze 3.400 m2 798.900 € 2005
Espacio público
PLAZA MAYOR Torrejón de Ardoz 2005
1º premio concurso restringido El anteproyecto de la remodelación de la Plaza Mayor de Torrejón de Ardoz se ha realizado de acuerdo con el programa de necesidades, contemplando el carácter de la tipología edificatòria existente, manteniendo el arbolado y proveyendo un ajardinamiento de un 18% de la superficie de la plaza. Se mantiene un nivel único para toda la plaza eliminando todo tipo de desniveles incluyendo también los soportales. Se coloca nuevo mobiliario urbano e iluminación. Se incorpora una fuente central como elemento ornamental principal y un quiosco de música mediante conchas acústicas como elemento ornamental secundario que refuerza la singularidad de la zona de la Iglesia y Ayuntamiento. La espectacularidad de una fuente de gran dimensión con estas características ha sido experimentada en otras prestigiosas plazas contemporáneas. Ejemplos como la precursora plaza del centro de Lyon o la Plaza Central de Berna, sede del Parlamento Suizo y del Banco Nacional, donde se compatibiliza el uso del mercado por la mañana con el de fuente por la tarde.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola K. Schuchardt, N. Föhn, M. Fiore, M. Lundström,X. Arriola Ayuntamiento de Torrejón de Ardoz 9.691,94 m2 1.726.000 € 2005
Espacio público
3º premio concurso restringido El proyecto de remodelación reconoce la vocación histórica de la fachada principal del Barrio de Salamanca mediante la ampliación de la acera levante, para recoger los flujos ortogonales que desembocan en Serrano y que lo consolidan como el eje comercial característico de este sector de ciudad. ALUMBRADO URBANO Una columna de 10m en el límite de la amplia acera con dos brazos perpendiculares a distinta altura, y con luminarias semejantes iluminan la calle y la acera. Una columna de 4m con una luminaria de luz indirecta, de acero inoxidable ilumina la otra acera. CIRCULACIÓN Se organiza una sección funcional de carril segregado para transporte público y 4 carriles de circulación más una banda de aparcamiento horario. PAVIMENTACIÓN Un entramado de piezas de pavimento formado por losas de piedra basáltica flameada y losas de piedra calcárea de tipo travertino romano, en su contraposición de color marfil y antracita, alfombran mullidamente el tránsito de color claro a oscuro, desde el pavimento claro adyacente a las fachadas hasta la línea de bordillo. MOBILIARIO URBANO La acera ampliada permite la disposición de una banda de servicios dónde ubicarlo. Se eliminan los bolardos para ser sustituidos en su mayor parte por barandillas.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, P. Bedoy, M. Lundström P. Bernacka, G. Clausen M. Hölling, K. Bernacki Ayuntamiento de Madrid 38.000 m2 2004
Public space
HUERTO DE LOS LEONES Alcalá de Henares 2001 068 Finalist invited international competition. UNESCO At the same time that the Huerto de los Leones is a neighbourhood garden, it will be a representative memorial of the city foundation where the water noise and the series of grass planes will frame the Alcalá de Henares Cathedral. This proposal establishes a green “carpet”, set into a series of levels, to emphasize the church’s protagonism acting as a background screen for the new gardening. The steps, which form those platforms, are made of bone color limestone with a sharp rounded edge. To make the itineraries as free as possible, the polygonal step lines are opened or closed and sloped. The lowest part has a linear pond, which is built with the same kind of limestone and is parallel to the cathedral nave. On this wall, a memorial quote is written about the Huerto de los Leones and the Magistral church as the initial point of the urban development of Alcalá de Henares. Tiled walls defined the “Hortus Conclusus” boundary. The existing acacias at the Museum courtyard will be kept, framing views and protecting the place from exterior distractions. The trees are complemented by myrtles at the site perimeter. Flowerpots are placed at the borders of the main access to route users from the two entrances until the site center.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol C. Kólar, M. Fiore, G. Garbani UNESCO 4.800 m2 2001
Public space
Finalist invited international competition UNESCO The restricted contest , promoted for the UNESCO and the Metropolitan Government of Algiers deals with the urbanization of the Emir Square and the two streets which connect this colonial sector of the city with the sea front. The project eliminates all the physical barriers which could prevent the fluidity of pedestrians (stairs, parterres or grades) and proposes mechanical connections (lifts and stairs) that solve the gap to the highest level. In the front of the ocean a new esplanade has been urbanized. It holds the new flows like it happened in the two others existing squares. The language of the pavement drawing of the Place Abdelkader and the introduction of the vegetation- palm trees and tamarix- are in the way of a research for a sign of identity of an Algerian urban space.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol A.Arriola, B. Gerber, B. Coigné M. Ciocognani Govern Metropolità d’ Alger UNESCO 50.000 m2 1999
Public space
International Urban Landscape Award 2007 The remodeling of the Virrei Amat square does not only plan the previous round about area, but also proposes a new configuration which gives this public area a new dimension, from 2500 m2 to 18500 m2, adding new spaces and tracing the new traffic flows. The traffic organization results in many adjacent streets to be only for pedestrian use and be incorporated as part of this new public development. Moreover, the importance of the public transport system to be redistributed and bus stops to be newly allocated. The square is identified as a large space for leisure and pedestrian circulation with an artificial pond and fountains as the main motif of the most representative part. Its surrounding pavement is shaped topographically as a beach, which has an inclination until it meets the superior level of the pond. Finally, the new square develops out of its own spacious surrounding and relates to its neighbourhood. The volumes of the pond, “beach”, pergola, vegetation areas and terraces organize itself, orientating the access, paths and views in relationship to the immediate landscape.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola T. Bessai, D. Dethlefsen, U. Huber, B. Marugg BOMA, A. Obiol Grup JG, J.M. Salvany Ll. Roig, L. Fontanet Pro Nou Barris S.A. 2.289.913 euros 17.000 m2 1997 - 1999
Public space
PLAÇA D’ISLANDIA Barcelona 1995 029 Special mention awards of culture of Belém, 1994 The site lies in what used to be one of the outlying areas of Barcelona, which until the middle of the last century was separated from the historic center by a military protection zone. It is just off the Meridiana motorway and through it passes the old Rec Comtal, the canal built to bring water from the river Besòs into the old town center. The whole area was incorporated into the city by the laying out, in the 19th century of the Cerdà grid with its distinctive chamfered corners. Bofarull street however follows the older street pattern aligned to the Rec Comtal, which has all but disappeared under the footprint of the Cartesian grid. By opening up Palencia street of the grid, circulation in the area is improved and a new crossing, and triangular plaza are created between Bofarull, Palencia and Espronceda streets. On this is placed a large fountain, evoking the water of the Rec Comtal, and establishing a new symbolic center for the neighborhood. The continuation of Bofarull each side of the triangle, is perceived as an extension of the riverbed and thus, in this conflict of urban geometries an attempt is made to create a place of calm and tranquility. The design for the paving is generated from lines drawn parallel to the waterway and then manipulated and stretched apart into a more wavelike effect.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola J. Opher A. Obiol (Structure) G. García (Quality surveyor) E. Frias, Imes, Hedinn (Installations) Districte de Sant Andreu 10.000 m2 1.202.068 € 1993 - 1995
Public space
EL MERCADAL Girona 1994 028
The design sets out to achieve this by creating a more fluid relationship with the Barri Vell side of the river. The paving pattern is developed from the rotation through 180 degrees of the plan of the Barri Vell streets, and placing this onto an orthogonal grid superimposed over the Mercadal streets. A metaphorical link and a sense of unity with the opposite bank are thus established. A promenade ring is formed by the existing mall of Rambla de la Llibertat to the north, over the bridges and along the new mall of Santa Clara forming the heart of the regeneration. The desire for the re-establishment of a coherent identity for the area resulted in the design of a distinctive series of street furniture and lighting. The Magic Flute series of lights, benches, planters and drinking fountains developed from the desire to inhabit the urban landscape with a set of familiar elements or characters. During the design process of the luminaries as an assembly of over-lapping cones of an ethereal and feathery quality, Mozart’s Magic Flute characters were brought to mind. Lampageno and Lampagena play principal roles in the scenery of the street.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Llorens, K. Schuessler, J. Opher M. Tarragó (Supervisor) E. Frias (Electrical engineer) G. García (Quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Girona 17.000 m2 1.329.233 € 1993 - 1994
Public space
PLAÇA DE L’ ÀNGEL Barcelona 1990
Finalist of the Decade Award 2000. Foundation Oscar Tusquets Blanca, Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown The Plaça de l’Àngel project deals with the chaotic state in which the square previously was found. The furniture agglomeration, complex traffic and pedestrian circulation made any possible spacious identification difficult. Starting out of this context, the project is a sensible operation for a revival of an existing urban space, although not recognizable. The aim of liberating a square of 25 m x 30 m. The geometry and the pavement outline are based on two fundamental and distinctive lines. One, which is diagonal to the Argentería Street orientating to the tower of the Santa María del Mar; and the second one, as a defined axis along the main façade with an ‘Àngel’ ornament. The original street lamps were restored and located in new places base on the new geometrical orientation. A bench made of polished limestone with a stainless steel base is as well allocated. This assembly, treated with a deliberate austerity, is an expression of the urban emptiness; a vestibule and the underground access. It is as well faithful to the old Barcelonese concept of ‘pla’, equivalent to the symmetry of the Pla de la Boqueria where the gates to ancient Roman enclosure were placed and now the political center is.
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola J. Artigues, C. Ribas J. Miras (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 750 m2 180.000 € 1984 - 1990
Public space
JARDÍ AL CARRER MADRID Badalona 1989 017
The idea was to redefine the site by means of designing its borders and edges at a first stage, and later to work out its parts as parks or other structures. This park is conceived as a very small garden-plaza. The existing situation had a difficult topography: a very steep slope and a narrow, flat portion at the bottom that was the only area used by the neighborhood. The design is based on the simple idea of the consolidation of the large steep slope and the narrow flat portion by the extension of a singular slope throughout as a useable surface. A geometry was generated utilizing the model of the Campidoglio by Michelangelo, and manipulating it in terms of scale and topography in order to lend the park a unified presence. The undulating planes of the surface changes depending on the viewer’s vantage point creating interest and rhythm in the site. Few materials are used in response to the small and intimate scale of the site and in order to maintain a clean, singular expression. The different surfaces of paving are distinguished by delineating lines on pavement and the specially-designed openings in the paving for the trees.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola S. Nedir, A. Simon, P. Cladera Ll. Roig (Quantity Surveyor) BJC (Lighting) Metropolitana de Barcelona 2.000 m2 385.836 € 1989
Public space
FOSSAR DE LES MORERES Barcelona 1989 016 Finalist ‘PREMIS FAD of Architecture and Interior Design 1989’. Finalist of ‘Premio Nacional de Arquitectura del Ladrillo, Hyspalit 1988 1991’ The aim of the work on the project was to convert the residual rectangular space adjacent to the basilica of Santa Maria del Mar into a symbolic space; a memorial to the events of 1714. The most significant formal elements conditioning the proposal are the magnificent facade of the basilica and the Calle Malcuinat, a street perpendicular to the facade and situated on the opposite side of the square. The virtual axis of this street, which links Pla del Palau with the church of Santa Maria, becomes the basic datum of the project. The work includes the polygonal limit of the existing paving of sandstone cobbles and slabs of Montjuïc stone as a trace of the recent history of the place. The work on the surface outlined by this perimeter defines the physical framework of the Memorial. The symbolic presence of the place is attained through the topographical manipulation of its surface. The geometrical definition of this change in level, consolidated by the positioning of a low wall in red granite and the construction of the polygonal concavity in solid brick, links the slight depression of the pavement with the current perimeter now defined by the limestone and a cast grille.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol P. Farrussola (quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 989 m2 180.310 € 1988 - 1989
Espacio público
CARRER MAJOR Montcada i Reixac 1989
Para superar las estrictas limitaciones dimensionales de la calle se proponen tres nuevas plazas articuladas por el recorrido de la calle Mayor y apoyadas por los edificios públicos de la Estación, el Ayuntamiento y la Iglesia. El proyecto es un ejercicio de pavimento el cual da soporte formal al artificio de las plazas virtuales. Este pavimento está formado por tres tipos de piezas. En primer lugar, hay losas de hormigón prensado de unas dimensiones de 60 x 30 x 6 cm. En segundo lugar, unas franjas de losas de piedra artificial de árido granítico de gran calidad, de 60 x 60 x 6 cm, delinean la caligrafía del pavimento. Intercalados entre los dos materiales de pavimento hay unos separadores de acero inoxidable que refuerzan la caligrafía del pavimento y hacen la transición entre los dos materiales. Finalmente, para resolver el pavimento soporte de la Plaza del Ayuntamiento, donde aparecen zonas de difícil resolución con piezas de gran tamaño, se utilizan adoquines de hormigón prensado de 20 x 10 x 8 cm. En el nuevo pavimento se colocan los elementos de mobiliario - bancos, luces, papeleras y jardineras y se planta el arbolado - Phitulacca Dioica, Magnolia Grandiflora y Tipuana Tipu - de acuerdo con la geometría que se desprende de las nuevas plazas.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Aparicio, K. Schuessler. Ll. Roig (Aparejador) P. Largo (Instalaciones) Diputació de Barcelona 5.172 m2 337.014 € 1989
Espacio público
JARDÍ JOAN DE MENA Barcelona 1987
Como en la mayoría de los barrios residenciales de los años sesenta en el extrarradio de Barcelona, en este sector del distrito de Horta solamente se construyeron las viviendas. El proyecto traza y construye la calle Joan de Mena y urbaniza el jardín adyacente. La avenida de magnolias relaciona el jardín con los espacios libres existentes en el interior de la manzana. La pérgola de madera de carácter tradicional protege el jardín del ruido de la calle. El parterre con vegetación mediterránea relaciona el jardín con el paisaje cercano.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol F. Vázquez (Aparejador) Ajuntament de Barcelona 10.175 m2 410.886 € 1986 - 1987
Public space
JARDÍ DE LA TORRE DE LES AIGÜES Barcelona 1987 Finalist ‘PREMIS FAD of Architecture and Interior Design 1987’
The project represents the first public garden inside an Eixample block which is limited by the streets Llúria, Bruc, Consell de Cent and Diputació and occupies the whole patio of the block. The strategy was within the politics of restoring internal courtyards of the Barcelona Eixample for public use. The entrance is through Roger de Llúria street 56, after a cast iron door the visitor is guided through a tunnel which leads to the central courtyard. The new garden design regards for the singular Water Tower presence which used to supply this part of the city during the 20th century. The tower is surrounded by a pond and a magnolia garden. A perimetral bench to the pond which at its end there is a water fountain to emphasize water as a play element. The ceramics pavement and the colored marble mosaic at the walls present the space as more intimate.
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola C. Ribas J. de Querol (Quantity Surveyor) R. Llimós (Quantity Surveyor) O. Mestres i A. Dardet (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 6.400 m2 295.000 € 1985 - 1987
Public space
JARDĂ? DE LES CORTS Barcelona 1987 008
The design of the Numancia-Nicaragua garden, in a central area of Barcelona developed in a recent sectorial plan, has been greatly influenced by the unique position of this piece of land within a city block. Due to the lack of green space it was necessary to fulfill the requirements of active and non-active spaces such as promenades and playgrounds. The topography derived from the gentle slope of the perimeter streets and the disposition and nature of the vegetation, are the basic tools of the composition. Two different parts can be easily distinguished owing to their form and functional uses, a central contemplative part formed by an enclosed channel bordered by two footpaths that link the two main streets and the platforms at both sides that conform the active spaces.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol P. Vidal (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 7.650 m2 300.517 1984 - 1987
Public space
PLAÇA DE TETUÁN Barcelona 1985 007 Finalist of ‘1st FAD of Architecture and Interior design 1985’ The project for the square redesign begins with the ending of the restoration process of Doctor Robert monument, which was taking place on the same site. The contact area between the monument and the square is a stone platform, which is one meter high. There are steps surrounding the platform to solve the level difference level. The local vegetation treatment is made through two fundamental criteria’s: the maintenance of existing trees and the cleaning up of lowest vegetation and bushes which obstructed the view to the sculptures made by Josep Llimona. The square outer boundary has to meet up many existing incompatible conditions. In one hand, it will isolated itself from the aggressive exterior to impose itself as a square, like an oasis surrounded by Granvia heavy traffic. On the other hand, it has to keep its visual transparency for exterior observers to justify its condition as a civic monument. The solution consists in the construction of wall around the perimeter made of the same material and at the same height as the monument platform. To finish up, this wall will have a balustrade, a replica of that one at the Passeig de Lluís Companys. It has the function of keeping a unity between the urban furniture of the Passeig de Sant Joan. At the interior part of the square, only the balustrades stand up and the unevenness of the exterior wall is gently modify by the allocation of cypresses which brings identity to the whole of the interior boundary.
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola J . Llimona (Sculptor) J. de Querol (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 500.000 € 5.000 m2 1984 - 85
Public space
PLAÇA DE SÓLLER Barcelona 1984
The project for the Sóller square in Nou Barris is developed with a declare autonomy towards its immediate surroundings. This independence is not the result of an introverted reaction to the suburban landscape; it is a strong affirmation towards its vocation as a ‘social condenser’, the decisive will to change the neighbourhood. The Square define itself having its boundary constructed as a architecture of porches and terraces which save the level difference of six meters between the lowest and the highest border. Its limit follows the superior site level and raised itself towards the natural site topography, and to finish up as a portico in the Paseo Palma de Mallorca perspective. Consequently, the interior space is defined and organized as two distinctive spaces: the ‘salón’ of the lowest level with a geometrical pavement, clearly limited by the portico and the landscape garden of varied vegetation. The ‘salon’ is clearly segregated from the built area by the portico, which limited the access and strongly formalized the most representative part of the square. The garden, however, is opened all along its higher level with no limiting device between the city and the natural landscape. The trees are planted as to follow the terrain lines, except for the black poplars, which are geometric lined to provide shade at the highest level. Behind this hill, the watercourse starts, building up a cascade, which ends up at the lowest pond.
Arriola & Fiol
Andreu Arriola J. Delgado, J. M. Julià, C. Ribas Xavier Corberó (Sculptor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 19.200 m2 1.204.834 € 1981 - 84
Public space
PLAÇA DE LA CONCÒRDIA Barcelona 1982 002
The Plaça de la Concòrdia is a square in the middle of Les Corts district. Of the three squares forming the old center - the other two are Plaça Comas with the town hall and Plaça de Roses on Carrer Numància - this one where the church stands is the most characteristic. The church tower rising above the mass of streets around it makes it stand out easily from the rest of the city. The church occupies one side of the square and on the other three sides are to be found, among other things, the baker’s shop, the tobacconist-cum-post-office, the grocer’s, the hairdresser’s, two chemists and the cake shop. However, the paving was in very poor condition. The church, the most significant building, which simultaneously gives the square its structure, was completely isolated from it by the physical and visual barrier produced by a street and several lines of parked cars. The scheme to rearrange the square included the façade of the church and emphasized further its key role in the structure of the square. The new pavement, basically of concrete, with slabs of natural stone to form the edge, the flight of steps and the relocation of the items of street furniture most typical of a square: the two lamp-standards and the fountain. On the perimeter, trees, lacking until then, were planted and benches and waste-paper baskets sited. In the part furthest away from the church the kiosk was placed. Two pedestriancrossings and bollards protect strollers from the vehicle access permitted to the front of the church.
Arriola & Fiol
Carme Fiol P. Vidal (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 3025 m2 60.101.00 € 1982