Arriola & Fiol urban civic projects

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Arriola & Fiol urban civic projects

Mallorca 289

08037 Barcelona


WAGRAMER STRASSE Wien 2014 245 1st prize competition Just few times you have the possibility of radically transforming an area of the city of Vienna and link the city with the landscape. A landscape totally humanized and manipulated by men’s actions by centuries. This transformation is a great opportunity to restore the connection between the landscape and the city. The parterres disposition harmonizes with the structure of the viennese valley agricultural fields, strengthening the Wargramer urban axis as a new centre for social and commercial activities in Kagran. The tree rows along the avenue define and limit the rest and walking areas, the play areas, bars and shops in their outdoor parts. They naturally integrate with the original Danube landscape. In Czernetzplatz the existing topography is modified by 50 cm high terraces, that create quite playing areas and water mirrors that use the difference in height. The urban furniture and the lighting system elements designed for the occasion will be sober, resistant, originals, integral and classical. The urban activities and the social relationships grow when a continuity between buildings and open spaces exists. This continuity is also supported by the introduction of adequate species of plants that contribute to the green corridor continuity and support biodiversity into sustainable system.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Arriola, A. Curreli, E. Angelats, S. Leccis, A. Mellado, A. Monedero EGKK (collaborators) Magistrat der Stadt Wien 23.032 m2 8.600.000 â‚Ź 2014

T+34 93 4570357



The program develops thirteen homes on land that faces the Via Augusta and New Street of Santa Eulalia, with a height of the floor between two ends of the both front streets. Community areas and two houses are located on the ground floor. On1st, 2nd and 3rd floor there are homes and on the 4rth floor there are two units placed that completes the number of thirteen homes planned. The access and mobility inside the building happens through the courtyard with staircase and galleries that, at the same time, that provides ventilation of dwellings and facilitates the distribution of these to the second facade. The access galleries were proposed as a semi-private spaces with a function of making relations between residents. The same is with terraces or balconies in the courtyard. This project is a structure with frames of exposed plywood facade as a grid of wood that was filled with locks brickwork and window holes. The brick factory is also used in the interior courtyard facades to accentuate its ‘exterior‘ character. Its structural scheme was conceptually proposed in a very simple way, based on cross-laminated timber frames of a single bay, with pillars embedded in the two longitudinal walls and beams picking up edge varies depending on the light cover. The energy efficiency of the building is one of the main challenges of the project to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and ensure an adequate level of comfort for users. The active and passive cooling elements were included.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelis, A. Curreli, Z. Kmita, C. Langauer, S. Lisai, A. Mellado A. Monedero, S. Ruggiu R. Skugor, G. Vos Patronat Municipal de l’Habitatge de Barcelona 1346,85 m2 98.017 € 2014


Espace public

PLACE SAINTE-ANNE Rennes 2014 236 2ème prix concours restreint LE PALIMPSESTE URBAIN L’espace de la place de Sainte-Anne est aujourd’hui une agglomération d’espaces et sous-espaces urbains qui ont été le résultat de différents processus de transformation au long des années au centre-ville de Rennes. En fait on peut appliquer le concept de ‘palimpseste’ pour définir le site objet du projet d’aménagement. C’est dans cette logique qu’on trouvera le sens et l’intégration de l’espace urbain de Sainte-Anne dans la ville de Rennes. Composer un système cohérent et holistique de l’ensemble d’espaces que permettra de retracer l’histoire de formalisation du site. L’aménagement urbain de Sainte-Anne deviendra aussi ‘hub’ de la nouvelle centralité de la Ville. En fait, c’est croisée de la Culture, de Civique¸ de l’Échange et de

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Communication dans le domaine public de Rennes. L’autre enjeu urbain que le projet doit résoudre c’est la finalisation de l’église de Saint-Aubin. Non dans le sens littéral de la finalisation de l’édifice inachevé, mais dans le sens de son intégration dans l’ensemble physique du tissu urbain. L’architecture de l’église est mal adaptée à son entour. L’accès est difficile à un niveau différent de la place, son périmètre est protégé par des obstacles que rendent très difficile non seulement la perception de son architecture, mais aussi son intégration dans l’ensemble urbain. Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelats, P. Angius, A. Curreli, A. Mellado, A. Monedero, C. Langauer, G. Vos, R. Skugor,Z. Kmita, J.Craiu MAP (paysagistes) Speeg+Michel et associés (lumière) EMCH + BERGER (VRD) Ville de Rennes 168.900 m2 3.860.000 € 2014




Calgary’s Civic District is at an important crossroads located in the east section of downtown. Throughout the Civic District, a number of organizations are undergoing or planning for expansions and new developments, including Calgary Municipal Land Corporation, Bow Valley College, EPCOR Centre for Performing Arts, National Music Centre, TELUS Convention Centre and the new Central Library. The City of Calgary has been undertaking significant capital improvements and upgrades in the District in areas aimed to define Calgary’s identity as a city. With such change comes the responsibility to steward this evolution in a manner that ensures that the present and future needs of the city are met in a holistic way. The Civic District comprises a concentrated locus of cultural infrastructure and amenities. The development of the East Village in general promises to cement this reputation. Additionally, the planned redevelopment of the Municipal Building and Olympic Plaza will greatly transform the character of the District.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola Erik Angeli, Alessandra Curreli, Zofia Kmita, Adrian Mellado, Anton Monedero, Gert-Jan Vos City of Calgary 47,6 ha 2014

Amènagement urbain

QUARTIER BERÈE Lausanne 2013


Un ruisseau configure ce nouveau quartier de la ville de Lausanne. Celui-ci arrondi les sept bâtiments ainsi que l’espace piéton comme des galets érodés par l’eau. Les eaux claires suivent gentiment la topographie et aménagent l’espace autour d’elles, dans un exemple d’urbanisme écologique. ESPACE URBAIN: GALLETS L’accent est mis dans l’espace urbain, qui cherche à relier le nouveau quartier à la ville à travers des moyens de transports non polluants comme les vélos et faciliter les communications à pied. Cinq éléments décrivent l’espace public : -La rue. La matérialité de la chaussée cherche à relier les bâtiments à l’espace public, ainsi qu’à créer une ambiance semblable au lit mineur d’un fleuve. -Au centre une place, cœur du quartier. -La rue est découpée par quatre espaces d’eau qui découvrent le ruisseau préalable. Cet élément est censé être le symbole du quartier. - Une prairie fleurie couvre l’espace entre les bâtiments à l’extérieur de l’axe principale. -Des plateformes en bois marquent l’entrée aux bâtiments. Cette surface d’environ 20 m². BÂTIMENTS Nous retrouvons 2 familles de bâtiments : - Bâtiments A & B - Tours, 7 étages et plus. -Bâtiments C, D, E &F - Maximum 5 étages avec un volume très semblable aux bâtiments des autres projets. La façade a un aspect rocailleux qui s’inspire des galets de rivière : arrondis, poreux et de couleurs mats. Le décalage entre les étages donne du rythme à la façade sans compromettre la structure ou le budget. L’accès au parking, les couverts à vélos et les buanderies sont situés au rez-de-chaussée pour libérer le parc de petites constructions et permettre un accès plus aisé aux services communs pour les résidents. LOGEMENTS Les appartements réunissent tous des caractéristiques qui assurent leur qualité. Il s’agit d’habitations fonctionnelles et flexibles qui cherchent à s’adapter aux différents prototypes de familles aujourd’hui.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Angelats, A. Mellado, U. Belandia, A. Monedero SILL (Société Immobilière Lausannoise pour le Logement) 18.900,00 m2 2013

Civic infrastructure

LA ROSE DE CHERBOURG Paris 2014 231 1st prize and current project Since their construction in the 60s, the Circular Boulevard of La Défense and the traffic elevated junction of La Rose de Cherbourg in Puteaux have seen, until today, La Défense evolve and develop around them. Today it is the turn of the traffic junction to evolve to better adapt and to provide new and innovative urban design perspectives for the benefit of all citizens. Under the renewal plan of La Défense, the traffic interface becomes a civic interface. The elevated highway and the ring traffic junction were acting as an obstacle, a barrier to communication between La Défense and the neighborhood of Puteaux. The first functional purpose of La Rose is to become an element of communication that will restore a public space system. Under this continuous green, there is also a mineral continuity: the square of La Rose in continuity with the place Degrés and Charles de Gaulle Avenue. The square is the meeting place and crossroads of soft mobility and pedestrians, as well as the largest urban space of the overall system. This is a square on two levels with a gazebo, a stage and a scenario. The vegetation is the manifestation of its new role and change. The ring can be a garden, support for recreational or sports activities and a terrace or an outdoors scene.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Arriola, E. Angelats, P.Angius, A. Curreli, A. Martinovic, A. Mellado, A. Monedero F. Magos (lighting) Atelier Jours (landscape) Artelia (VRD) EPADESA 50.000 m2 37.083.116 € 2014 -

Public building


The area is considered as an extension of the system of public gardens; this landscape will define the head of the garden system and extend in this way the current body of the Art Gallery to interact with the new exhibition spaces. The extension is proposed through the construction of pavilions which are connected by open galleries of the exhibition ‘en plein air’, an open-air sculpture garden. This strategy of expansion allows the inclusion of the existing building of the ‘department’ which were to be found at the edge of the composition of the new extension. The transformation of facade towards Viale San Vincenzo in the ‘front’ of the ‘new’ Gallery is proposed, solving the problem of marginalization and offering a new urban public face. There should be a new access to the Art Gallery from Viale San Vincenzo, for service and all other uses of the program which are operating in a different schedule than the exhibitions. The organization of the program is divided into three floors, connected by accessible service systems of ramps and elevators; in the layout of the functional program there is a possibility of using a part of the exhibition rooms and facilities, and separating service rooms and main rooms. The project involves lining the halls of local limestone regarding both the exterior and the interior. The gallery is separated from the exhibition areas through sliding panels. This supports the museological concept of how to control heat and light. It is also possible of opening the corridor to the open spaces through laminated sliding glass panels that separates the gallery from the gardens of sculptures, allowing visitors to move more free and interactive.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Fiore, S. Sorrentiono City of Cagliari 2011

Aménagement Urbain

LES GRAND-PLACES Fribourg 2013 210 Projet lauréat De la ligne de chemin de fer au nord-ouest jusqu’à l’abrupte rupture de pente des gorges de la Sarine au sud-est, de lq ville au grand paysage, du centre ancien aux extention périphériques, de la Gare au Funiculaire, le site des GrandsPlaces voient le jeux de nombreux axes structurants pour la ville de Fribourg. De nombreuses interventions composent cet espace décousu et alambiqué, se juxtaposent sans visions d’ensemble. L’idée directrice du projet est de considérer les Grand-Places comme une plateforme continue et fluide. Cette plateforme est le lieu de deux transitions : - l’une, horizontale, travaille sur les interfaces de la ville vers le paysage, du minéral vers le boisé, du chemin de fer au fleuve, des hauteurs vers le coteau, du glaciaire vers le fluvial et, plus loin, vers les Préalpes fribourgeoises. - l’autre, verticale, articule les connections entre le monde souterrain, qui s’étend dans tout le sous-sol (parking, magasins), et la surface.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Arriola, A. Mellado Paysagegestion (Paysagisme) MRS (VRD) Ville de Fribourg 63.000 m2 2013



Le programme fonctionnel définit par le Maître d’ouvrage est une école de six espaces situés au rez de chaussée aux étages supérieurs, avec en plus un jardin privé et des terrasses. L’ accés principal de l’école se situe au chanfrein de la rue Borrell avec la rue Consell de Cent. Elle dispose aussi d’un accès de service directement sur le passage des jardins et donnant dans la cuisine. Les Jardins “d’Emma” vont être attribué aux enfants. Aux rez de chaussées, on dispose des classes pour les plus jeunes mais aussi de la garderie. Pour la cuisine et la buanderie elles aussi situées au rez de chaussée, on a créé une entrée secondaire de service. Le bureau pour l’administration est situé à côté de l’entrée. Enfin, il est prévu d’ajouter un ascenseur pour la distribution verticale des étages. L’espace extérieur est conçu pour l’école avec des sanitaires et une vaste terrasse. De plus il est orienté afin d’être ensoleillé le midi.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, A. Curreli, G. Maniscalco, G. Milza, S. Tiracchia, R. Steiner, M. Bozek BOMA, A. Obiol (Structure) PROEIXAMPLE, Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona (Maître d’ouvrage) 773 m2 723.452 € 2009

Urban project



The project of the new public space is the catalyst which starts the process of transformation of a much broader area. It also will solve the relationship between the River Fez and the city.The first move is the emptying of the area. The historical bridge remains the centre of the new square and will also be subject of a restoration. The new buildings are strategically located and are inspired by the 4 traditional architectural types: Souk, Fondouk, Sar and Medersa.The typology of these follows the central courtyard that becomes the core as well as an extension of the outdoor public space. The goal is to achieve a continuous public space that will make much easier the passage of visitors from the public space to the inner courtyard where the artisan’s activities will take place.The same principle will be applied to the existing buildings.In the new system of public spaces The project proposes a system of stairways, ramps and terraces that not only solve the communication between the two sides of the river but also facilitate the use and the promenade along the river itself.These new system of stepped terraces are also new and valuable spaces in themselves, incorporating the green planting which will counterbalance the mineral, dry condition of the place.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M.Bettler, E.Borri, A.Bruckmayer, N.Bukovits, E.Deiana, M.Masi, S.Nicoli, M.Solinas Agency of Partnership for progress MCA Morocco 12.503 m2 2010




Master/visual-quality plan and Regional Implemenation Plan (RUPs) The master plan is the translation of a spatial planning vision. The vision, often portrayed through spatial concepts, leads to the capturing of a number of key design choices, the spatial ‘rules’. These ‘rules’ will be further elaborated and refined in function of a real spatial image. The master plan covers both the urban design process and the outcome. As a result the master plan/urban design gives the city an appealing image for a proposed development. The design makes the underlying views and orientations explicit. It is not a blueprint for a determinate end-state, but a preferential and plausible effect based on unsubstantiated goals/purposes and assumptions. Division of the masterplan in modules: -General frame -Landscape structure -Settlement structure -Multimodal network -Urban functions and amenities -Public spaces Machelen -Public spaces Diegem -Sustainability

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola Kris Huysmans,M.Bettler, E.Borri, A.Bruckmayer, N.Bukovits, C.Cabras, J.De Vito, V.Fabrizi, M.Masi, J.Moschn, S.Nicoli, S.Tiracchia Vlaams Bouwmeester, Machelen and Diegem municipality 11.500.500 m2 2010



Im Park Schnelsen ergab sich eine Struktur aus vielen Rechtecken, indem die beideseitig des Tunnels bestehenden Grundstücksgrenzen bis auf den Deckel verlängert wurden, um ihn mit seinem städtebaulichen Umfeld zu verzahnen. Diese Rechtecken folgen die Orientierung den vorhandenen Stadtteilstrukturen und verstärkt die Errichtung von Ost nach West. Der Park ist unterteilt in die Kleingartensiedlung im Süden, die multifunktionalen öffentlich nutzbaren Flächen im mittleren Abschnitt sowie die Sportflächen im Norden. Im Süden entsteht eine Kleingartenlandschaft mit 40 Kleingärten variierender Grösse. Durch die einheitliche Form bilden Park- und Kleingartenflächen ein harmonisches Miteinander. Weitere Kleingärten befinden sich im mittlerem Abschnitt mit multifunktionalen öffentlichen Grün- und Platzflächen für Jung und Alt als Ruhezonen und Aktivitätsbereiche mit der Möglichkeit als Platz z.B. für Floh- und Wochenmärkte. Im südlichen Bereich wird das Vereinhaus mit Festplatz positioniert. Im Norden gibt es weitere öffentlichen Grün- und Platzflächen für die sportliche Nutzung als Basketball und Fußballplatz. Um die Verkehrssicherheit an der Frohmestraße und besonders im Bereich der Kindertagestätte zu gewährleisten werden die Straßen hier leicht erhöht. In der Nähe der Kleingärten werden die PKW-Parkplätze angelegt.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola F.Brouillet, D.Canu, E.Deiana, J.De Vito, V.Fabrizi, N.Garlich, M.Guichard, E.Policriti, A.Puck, A.Sabino, S.Tiracchia. Behörde für Stadtentwiclung und Umwelt Amt für Landes- und Landschaftsplanung 9.000 m2 2.515.810 € 2010


Public building



The New Polish History Museum is an opportunity for restoring the unique landscape continuity composed by the western river embankment, crowned by castles and palaces which was cut through by Highway. The key is re-designing the highway into a city boulevard which, in keeping with its functional conditions, must coexist with the historical landscape while improving communication and the environmental conditions of the site. From that premise the construction of the new Museum suggests a topographical move, a geographical proposal that restores the pre-existing condition of the original cliff along the western embankment of Vistula River. The Trasa Lazienkowska Bridge is converted it into the museum car park transforming it into a stable ‘building’ and gives meaning and density to the present bridge. This enhances the accessibility of the museum complex which is reached at lower level by private cars, coaches and public buses, and from there to the upper level via escalators, stairs and ramps.The building is proposed as two spirals which emphasize the linking and reconnecting aspect of the project over the cut which separated the historical parks. These spirals are aligned, on the northern side to Ujazdow and on the southern side to the eastern façade of Ujazdow castle. Both converge at the heart of the new facility: the museum forum which is a skylight-covered courtyard meeting area from which all visits start.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Curreli, A. Puck, M. Fanari, M. Chabert, L. Cattoni Museum of Polish History 80.643.480 € 3197 m2 2009


TORRE JUSSANA Barcelona 2009 175

It is one of the better examples of a mansion that, during the 19th century, the wealthy families of Barcelona built on the outskirts of the city. Currently the interior has totally been transformed and received some municipal dependences. The project foresees the restoration of the mansion and its garden. The organization of the program seeks the best use of the different orientations of both the mansion and the taking advantage of the spaces as to optimize the energy expense. Thus, the files and storage concentrate on the ground floor, where the preservation of the funds is done in conditions of low sun exposure, while the rooms and offices are installed in the upper plants to enjoy views and sunlight by way of the upper terraces. The central structure of the mansion, with two symmetrical axes and a great distribution space situated at the centre, make convenient the disposition of the stair in a likewise central position and linked to the spaces of circulation and distribution that are produced on this point. The project foresees the demolition of the added volumes of the roof and the construction of a new cover with beams of laminated wood and zinc, with four slopes, in order to give it the height, demanded by regulation.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, V. Caddeo, L. Cera, M. Lundström BOMA (Structure) JG (Installations) A.Villarreal (Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 1009 m² 2.094.701 € 2006-2009

Parc Urbain

LOHSEPARK Hamburg 2009 174 Finaliste concours restreint Cet espace vert de 4 HA, de 74 m de large et de 530 m de long, va devenir le nouveau centre de la nouvelle HafenCity de Hambourg. Son caractère central, en étant bien reliée par les bus et U-Bahn avec le reste de la ville, sera renforcé par sa conception spaciale. Le projet sera de transformer cet espace non seulement en un morceau de nature mais aussi en caisse de résonance de toutes les activités de l’ensemble du quartier. Il est important d’intégrer le programme dans le rectangle élargi du parc, nous pensons qu’il est fondamental de découvrir quels sont les mécanismes formels qui permettent de faire la couture entre toutes les nouvelles parcelles construites et le nouveau parc, de sorte que chaque espaces puissent interargir les uns avec les autres comme un tissu urbain intégré.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Fanari, A. Puck, J.You, C.Brunelat A. Obiol (Structure) J & G (Installations) HafenCity Hamburg GmbH 28.130.24 m2 11.250.000 € 2009


CORREDOR VERD Cerdanyola del Vallès 2009 173 Finaliste concours restreint Le couloir vert s’intègre à l’intérieur de la Voie Verte entre les espaces naturels protégés de la Collserola et de Sant Llorenç del Munt. Son potentiel écologique du fait de son emplacement entre les deux espaces forestiers a été l’argument fondamental du projet. La proposition donne la priorité à la fonctionnalité de l’espace avec l’écologique, de telle sorte que toutes les activités proposés suivront fondamentalement cet objectif. Ces mêmes objectifs seront de résoudre les problèmes actuels de sols (dégradés). Dans ce projet, on a tenter de faire des compromis entre toutes les contraintes du programme: le côté écologique du site, les habitats autochtones (espaces ouverts, habitats de rivage, forêt ...), la bio-diversité, les paysages en mosaïque agro-forestier et une utilisation éducative de loisir.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola Cave Terram X. Arriola, A. Curreli, M. Fanari, M. Lundstrom, L. Porceddu Altelier Girot, Enginyeria Reventós, Estudis Ambientals Minuartia Mediambiental Centre Direccional de Cerdanyola del Vallès 10.000.000 m2 2009




LUNGOMARE SAN GIROLAMO Bari 2009 170 Mention speciale pour le concours pour la remodelation de la ligne de côte Le projet de la côte de San Girolamo, est de créer un grand quai afin de maintenir la plage dans la rone orientale de l’intervention. En harmonie avec l’idée d’augmenter au maximum la zone de bain dans le tronçon de côte incluse dans l’intervention, nous avons pensé préserver la plage existante et ainsi créer une plage de dimensions considérable le long du quai principal. La zone interne entre les deux côtés agit sur deux fronts : en préservant le caractère de la côte rocheuse qui n’est pas encore érodée par les courants et en incluant dans la partie déja érodée, un système de plates-formes de blocs de béton semblable à ceux des bains Adria. Nous avons conçu les bords de côte sur trois niveaux : - Un premier niveau, composé d’une chaussée très large, avec des arbres et deux voies de trafic et une piste ciclable. - Le second niveau est composé d’une ligne d’arbres qui permettent de faire la connexion entre les deux zones vertes - Le dernier niveau est conçu comme une promenade piétonne, avec des commerces et des restaurants.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, A. Curreli, M. Fanari, L. Porceddu, F. Podda, F. Masala, M. Lund, M. Chabert, L. Cattoni, G. Barsalou, G. Bartolucci, M. Lundström BDF architetti (Structure) Alessandra Dentamaro EUROPRINCIPIA Comune di Bari 13.989.750 € 2009


HABITATGES CAL DOCTOR Alella 2009 169 1st prize competition INCASÒL The project for 61 apartments in Alella is developed within the detailed plan of ‘Cal Doctor’ on the river bed of the stream ‘la Coma Fosca’. The volumetric of the plan predetermines two lineal blocks, situated transversally towards the river bed and with the ground floor slightly above the height of the natural surrounding terrain. The project proposes an ordination of the adjacent free space with a system of terraces and podia that give unity to the complex. The organization of the two buildings is made through an interior gallery that gives access to the different flats distributed in the ground floor, first and second floor. This gallery is crossed by various skylights used as chimneys of light and ventilation. The crossed ventilation of the flats is directed towards the skylights through the double wall that lines the entire perimeter of the gallery. This double wall also serves for the canalization of all the installations for the flats.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, M. Lundström BOMA JG INCASÒL 6049 m2 5.754.554 euros 2006 - 2009

Infrastructure civique

PARC LOGÍSTIC DE TRANSPORT Santa Perpètua de Mogoda 2009

Le projet du nouveau Parc Logistique s’insère dans le paysage du Torrent des Salzies avec la volonté de diminuer les méfaits qu’une installation de cette échelle provoque dans un environnement naturel. Ainsi, le croquis des voies d’accès est fait en zig-zag, en organisant les plates-formes des parkings séparés par des pentes plantées avec de la végétation autochtone. On a conçu deux bâtiments linéaires, disposés comme deux pentes parallèles au système d’infiltrations vertes. Sa volumétrie est disposée à cheval entre deux terrasses consécutives, de telle sorte que le volume résultant soit équivalent à celui de la forêt adjacente. Les usages sont eux aussi organisés en deux blocs totalement autonome: les edification liées à la partie logistique sont dans la partie supérieure. Enfin dans la partie inférieure, le département des sport.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, M. Lundström, K.Brüggen, B. Tomova, E.Ferrucci, A.Sedda BOMA, A. Obiol (Estructura) Moventia 8.072 m2 3.435.728 € 2005 - 2009



PARC DE LES VIES Palma de Mallorca 2008


Finaliste du concours restreint Le “Parc de les Vies” est la prolongation du Parc de la Gare et donne une continuité à un système d’espaces verts qui, depuis la Plaza de Catalunya, arrive jusqu’au futur parc de l’autoroute, système d’espaces libres situé entre la promenade Vell de Bunyola et l’autoroute de Inca et au-dessus des voies de chemin de fer. Gares, rues et autoroutes: la progression et le changement d’échelle de ce couloir vert se développe comme le système des branches d’un arbre. Enraciné dans le centre de la ville où se situe la gare, ce grand arbre pousse comme un tronc le long de l’avenue Jacint Verdaguer, en développant ses feuilles dans les grands espaces situés entre les branches de l’autoroute de l’Inca. Le long du tronc de l’avenue Jacint Verdaguer certaines de ces branches relient aussi des espaces annexes lorsqu’elles rencontrent des espaces plus grands, comme pour la rue Tomàs de Vitoria et le parc de Son Costa. Le tronc accueille divers accès au voies du train (urgences, entretien). Cet arbre/parc forme un paysage unitaire qui s’étend depuis la place de Catalunya jusqu’à la Fira de Ram.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, A. Curreli, L. Porceddu, J. Steiner Ayuntamiento de Palma de Mallorca 72.887 m2 4.620.039 € 2008

Urban project


The installation of the plot of the old convent claims to supplement the plot of the district of Cerda Eixample delimited by the streets of Count Borrell, Consell of One hundred, Viladomat and Diputació. We provide to the site a concentration of equipments and public spaces in a way to develop a social condenseur made by a mix of equipment, education and social uses for the district. the one that will be dedicated for the equipement use will be situated in the plot of the old convent and it’ll be constitued by: 1. Students accomodations (flat) 2. Seniors accomodations (flat) 3. Secondary school. 4. Municipal School of Music 5. Social Service centre 6. Nursery We project a concentration of the edificability along the street Consell de cent by rebuilding the frontage which proposes a continuity in the rhythm of abundance and the vacuum, while combining what is built with the continuity of the alignment of frontage. On the ground floor, we lay out a continuous face of scale and proportion equivalent to the old fence of the convent which still exists. In the higher floor we alternate the faces built with any height with the courses opened, which illuminate and give public spaces to the educational equipment and the school of music. This rhythm gives permeability to the frontage with the interior devoted to new and extended garden of Emma, the new sketch of which the integral course and sporting tracks of the nursery.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola G. Asara, D. C. Marranci, M. L. Mela, B. Pregnolato BOMA (Structure) PROEIXAMPLE 15.971 m2 2008

Public space

KOBMAGERGADE, HAUSER PLADS I KULTORVET Copenhagen 2008 151 Finalist of Restricted International Competition The rich history of Købmagergade is reinforced and reintroduced within a contemporary context. The new Kultorvet plaza will re-present the site in a highly memorable and experience enhancing manner, reinstating Copenhagen as one of the world’s premier cities, with KultorvetKøbmagergade at its center. Kultorvet and Hauser Plads dialogue each other through their topography. At Kultorvet we introduce a soft “valley” and at Hauser Plads, a gentle hill. As people move through Kultorvet they will note their position in the plaza through the slight level change. The slope enhances one’s ability to see (from the edges) and be seen (from the center), building on the spectacle that is a public plaza. Furthermore, the opportunity for large concerts or improvised performances is much improved. At Hauser Plads the hill itself becomes the element for play. The slope allows opportunities for roller skating, slides, and children’s games. The spiral form creates a spatial center and hierarchy to an otherwise flat place. Trinitatsplads is opened up. The church and tower that were before located on a street corner is now conceived as one object placed in the center of a grand urban space. The streets are given the same paving as the rest of the project, tying the whole area together.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Lundström, A. Kunst, X. Arriola D. Goldstein, A. Curreli Ingo Maurer GMBH, Bisgaard Landskabsarkitekter ApS (Consultants) City of Copenhagen 24.458 m2 10.741.382 € 2008


GRAN VIA DE LLEVANT Barcelona 2007


Finalist X Spanish Biennal of Architecture and Urbanism 2009 This is a project to improve the conditions of Gran Via the A-19 motorway. It proposes a new section: a projection of the service roads to forms 3.5 meter projections over the central carriageway. This solution reduces noise and atmospheric pollution. Sound screens situated along the edge of the side projections protect the buildings in the Gran Via from the noise produced by traffic on the central carriageway. The walkways situated at the end of all of the perpendicular streets reinforce relations between the two sides. Traffic is organized into three levels: (1) a central trunk that channels fast traffic, (2) service roads aver the projections, (3) two traffic lanes and a parking strip with services (access to the central carriageway, car park entrances, loading bays, bus stops), and three-meter wide pavement and a bicycle lane. Linear parks resolve the difference in level between the buildings in Gran Via and those in the roads on either side. The resulting 20% gradients are divided into level squares and sloping green spaces.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Amat, X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, M. Cró, M. Fiore, C. Kólar, M. Lundström, S. Rux, J.Morla BOMA, A. Obiols (Structure) Grup JG, J. Gallostra (Enstallatio) H. Arau (Acoustic engineer) Generalitat de Catalunya Ajuntament de Barcelona 250.000 m2 72.158.749 € 2001-2007

City Park

PARC CENTRAL DE NOU BARRIS Barcelona 2007 138 International Urban Landscape Award 2007 Finalist: III European Landscape Biennal of Barcelona 2003; European Prize de L’Espace Public Urbain 2004 convoqué par le CCCB; Prix DECADA Fondation Oscar Tusquets Blanca 2009; Finaliste Europèen Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award 2005.

Architectural skills applied to the urban space have produced a certain degree of uniqueness and newness to the landscape practice, fundamentally in the urban environment. These works might be labeled more than urban spaces as outdoor rooms. Parc Central de Nou Barris, in the northern edge of Barcelona was designed with the above as a tentative approach. The site is the empty space left over by the massive construction of housing blocks during the 60’ and 70’ in a part of Barcelona which up to that moment was not more than crop fields. Besides the size of the problem the dimension of the area could hardly be seen because of the arrangement of the housing urban design. The project attempts to suggest another landscape that not only will propose a new urban park in the core of the dense neighborhood but also will integrate the skyline and the massing of the housing as an inseparable and essential part of the new landscape.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola E. Amat, X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, M. Boutin, A. Carreras, L. Dazio, D. Dethlefsen, M. Fiore, U. Huber, C. Kolar, I. Kuhn, B. Marugg, A. Soler, R. Nana, S. Rux A. Obiols (structure) CEA (engineering) Ll. Roig, Ll. Fontanet (quantity surveyor) Pro Nou Barris S.A. 166.000 m2 15.897.729 € 1995 - 2007


SALA DE BALL LA PALOMA (Manuel Mestre 1919) Barcelona 2007 133

La transición de la popular sala de baile a sala de conciertos y discoteca por la noche se hizo gradualmente en los últimos años sin que se hayan hecho las medidas correctoras que permitan la convivencia con el barrio y sus residentes más próximos, especialmente por la noche. Por otra parte, el crecimiento de las actividades de la sala ha provocado también el crecimiento de los espacios anejos a la actividad. El proyecto de remodelación de la sala de La Paloma prevé la ordenación y racionalización de los usos de la sala de baile y de los otros usos que justifican su actividad. Esta ordenación se hace con el fin de incorporar los usos que actualmente están fuera de la nave de Paloma con el objetivo de concentrar la actividad de la sala en la proyección de la misma, minimizando la contaminación acústica que actualmente se produce, vía plantas bajas, a los inmuebles del resto de la isla comprendida entre las calles Paloma, Tigre y León. Paralelamente se proyecta la insonorización integral de la evolvente de la sala, actuando en los paramentos verticales y horizontales así como en todas los


Arriola & Fiol





Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Curreli, B. Pregnolato, M. Caldas, M. del Río BOMA, A. Obiol (Estructura) Proyectos, S.A. Ingeniería Estudio Acustic RAU (Instalaciónes) Sala La Paloma 1.600 m2 3.323.159 € 2007


Amènagement Urbain

ALLOGGI E ATTREZZATURE A PORTA MAGGIORE Roma 2007 Finaliste concours international restreint

Dans la zone d’intervention, au-dessus des voies du chemin de fer, Nous somme intervenu en superposant le parking, qui contient les installations sportives dans sa couverture. Les nouveaux bâtiments de logements et de service sont soutenus par un sol artificiel où les espaces semi-publics s’insèrent entre les nouveaux bâtiments dans lesquels il y a davantage de services directement en rapport avec la résidence, tandis que par la voie du Pigneto on trouve les espaces et les services publics, ainsi que des services commerciaux diffus. Le marché à l’air libre est liberé et est maintenu sur la voie du Pigneto. On prévoit que le tronçon soit continue depuis la Place du Pigneto jusqu’à la place. Le viaduc est très important dans le projet, parce qu’en s’appuyant sur un des bâtiments il se transforme en une extension du bâtiment lui-même. Ainsi, la branche qui met un terme au projet devient une pente transformée en un chemin piétonnier accessible aux deux-roues.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola, Giuseppe Vallifuoco A. Curreli, G. Guidazzi, E. Koch, M. Lundström, B.Pregnolato, D. Weiss Urbanismo y Paisaje, 3TI, Alessandro Mazzoli_Ingeniería Ilene Steingut (Colaborateurs) Comune di Roma 26.200 m2 2007




The building has premises on the ground floor with direct access to the street, entrance hall to the upper floors for ceded housing and a basement for parking and storage. The facade is organized with two different types that comprise the building envelope. These two facades are composed with windows of vertical proportion. The Borrell openings dispose flying balconies of 1.00 m, while the openings to the interior of the island are not projected beyond the plane of facade, even when having balconies. The materials of both facades are different. On the other hand, a different type is projected to solve the chamfer and the lateral plane that limits the access to the gardens of Emma. It projects a facade translucent polycarbonate light and colorless cell that is used both as a ventilated façade and curtain wall framing in areas of clear glass windows. The perception of the facade is therefore different from day and night, so that the play of light reflected and projected, is changing throughout the day.

Arriola & Fiol Carmen Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Curreli, M. Lündstrom, K. Brüggen, B. Pregnalato, M. del Río, B. Tomova BOMA, A. Obiol (structure) PROVIURE SL 5.118 m2 4.903.776 € 2007


HABITATGES INNOVACIÓ TECNOLÒGICA Sant Vicenç dels Horts 2007 1st prize competition INCASÒL The site where the building will be located has an irregular configuration with considerable changes in slope. Bordering the Well of Sant Josep on one side, and a strong slope on the other. The establishment of the building is made through the idea to continue the alignments of the streets with two compact volumes that are articulated in a central nucleus. Considered is also the existing building typology and proportion. This typology permits that the building leave space between the construction and the slope. The building is oriented N-S as the buildings that surround it to obtain an optimum situation considering levels of sun lighting and of natural air conditioning. An exterior walkway system of access is to it be planted I silence and flats with crossed ventilation. This typology is considered optimum for the Mediterranean climate of Sant Vicenç dels Horts. The vertical circulations are centralized in the point of inflection where the only access to the building is located. There are two evacuationstairs in the extremes to comply the regulation of accessibility

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola K. Brüggen, B. Pregnolato, B. Tomova, M. Lackenman BOMA, A. Obiol (Structure) F. Sotelo (Installation) V. del Río (Measurements) INCASÒL 3.761 m2 3.620.414 € 2007


Public building

MUSEU DE LA MÚSICA Barcelona 2007


The project of the Auditori- Barcelona Musical Centre was initiated in the year 1989. The editing of the program predicted one program of musical activities that surpassed by far a simple concert hall. Thus, the new centre would house more than three halls for listening (symphonic, chamber and polyvalent), a school for higher musical studies, and a museum of music. The present project of construction of the Music Museum will complete the assembly of the Auditori. The project develops in the third, second stories and basement of the building. The spaces which house the program of the Museum are organized around a great patio. Main entrance to the Museum is provided from the main staircase from the Plaza de les Arts that arrives directly to the second floor. In this floor is grouped all the administration of the Museum, reception and information, services, meeting rooms, permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition. From the second floor, the interior stairs arrive to the third floor where the Library is found. The Library has an accessible collection and a room for research. Finally, in the basement are found the workshops for restoration and photography, publications archives administration and the storage.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola Rafael Moneo X. Arriola, M. Lundström Dani Freixas (Museography) Grup JG (Installacion) Ajuntament de Barcelona 3.500 m2 7.016.330 € 2002 - 2005

Public space

EAU CLAIRE PLAZA Calgary 2006 122

Public space must be both timely and timeless, the delights of the seasons. The proposed planning and conceptual design methodology for the redevelopment of Eau Claire Plaza has been formulated to provide the necessary tools to make manifest a vision for a revitalized landmark space in downtown Calgary. We have adjusted the scope of work to focus on the vision – a vision that embraces the triple bottom line requirements enumerated in the Request for Proposal. This multi-faceted vision incorporates social and community values, environmental and stewardship values, economic requirements and, we would add, cultural and integrated art possibilities

Arriola & Fiol

Andreu Arriola G. Balls Landplan Associates, B. Baker, M. Boutin, M. Stanley City of Calgary 5.000 m2 2006

Public space



The object of the project is the restructuring of the plaza Pompeu Fabra, called ‘the Tortoises’, in Igualada. The project develops the transformation of the existing plaza, re-defining its perimeter in the western border expanding it to the disadvantage of the present traffic isle. The new plaza is proposed like a flexible and continuous space that, by means of a system of original and unique pavement, resolves all the surfaces and uses for the plaza at the same time that the existing plantations are maintained conveniently reorganized and new ones are added. The fractality in scale of the construction of the project that starts with the hexagonal piece of small dimension and is expanded in the abstractions of the shells of the smooth, simple tortoise in the paved surface or rough in the shrubbery surfaces, met in the sand zone of and in the skating rink, they give dynamics to the man in the landscape.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, L.Grigoletto, M. Lundström, M. Seibel Ajuntament d’Igualada 3052 m2 458.400 € 2006

Espace public


Le projet de la place est tout d’abord un projet de rationalisation des réseaux de rues et stationnements. Le concept est de redonner à la place sa vocation de lieu de réunion. Ici, on a créé une place pavée piétonne, avec éventuellement, une possibilité d’accès au parking par les véhicules en accord avec la demande de l’administration de la Police. Le projet propose la substitution de la surface en asphalte qui couvre toute la place en un nouveau pavement de pierres naturelles disposées de façon égale afin d’éliminer toutes les inégalités de la chaussée. La conception générale interprète, de façon moderne, la stratification des rues de l’ancienne ville du quartier où les tranches de pierre de Trani sont alternées avec les tranches de pierre de lave du Vesuve en accord avec un critère : chaos apparent et caractère aléatoire. Les solutions pour le mobilier urbain prévoit l’insertion des éléments suivants - Chaises et Banc - Poubelles - Luminaires

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol Vincenzo Bagnato G. Guidazzi Comune di Bari 1300 m2 300.000 € 2006


Spazio pubblico

GIARDINO DI VENERE San Girolamo (Bari) 2006

Il progetto consiste in una piazza pavimentata su cui si inseriscono cinque grandi vasconi “verdi” di diversa dimensione, paralleli e sfalsati, con una distanza reciproca di circa 2 m. I vasconi sono costituiti da tre muri di contenimento di cls armato grigio non verniciato: uno di essi avrà forma di scarpata con inclinazione pari a 45 gradi, gli altri due saranno costituiti da gradonate. La superficie verde, costituita da prato calpestabile, è inclinata secondo il suo asse longitudinale con una pendenza del 5%. Le 5 corti ottenute dallo slittamento dei vasconi sono concepite come spazi per la sosta e l’incontro; una di queste ospita l’area attrezzata a gioco per i bambini. Il materiale prescelto per i rivestimenti e per le scarpate è la pietra di Apricena; solo la piazzuola destinata all’area a gioco per bambini sarà interamente rivestita con un pavimento antinfortunistico in gomma. Le soluzioni di arredo urbano prevedono l’impiego di panche monolitiche in conglomerato cementizio di vario disegno e colore, di cestini portarifiuti in acciaio cor-ten concepiti come piccole sculture in prossimità dei bordi dei vasconi e di una fontanella vicino all’area giochi.

Arriola & Fiol

Andreu Arriola M. Fiore R. M. Rana (Impianti) A. Bernardoni, P. De Nicola N. Martinelli (Consulenti) Comune di Bari 2178 m2 310.626 € 2006



TORRE SOSTENIBLE URRUTIA Barcelona 2007 114 Finalist at the X Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism 2009 The project for 100 dwellings for young people next to Parc Central Nou Barris is part of a new housing policy for the City of Barcelona meant to promote and make it easier for youths below 25th finding dwellings. The program consists of a group of smaller apartments around 40 square meters, almost single person flats, with some shared services. The project is carried out in a 16 storied tower lining the crossing of the Fabra i Puig and Passeig de Urrutia streets with the objective to show minimum of facade towards the Parc Central thus offering views and routes for the pedestrians along the Passeig d´Urrutia. The tower looses mass as it rises, terraces itself and shifts its material, making a transition from heavy to light and from brick wall to metal and fibreglass.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, M. Fiore, V.Bagnato, S. Rux BOMA, A. Obiol (Structure) J&G, J. Castillo (Installations) F. García (Quantity Surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 6.800 m2 4.088.996 € 2002-2005

Espacio público



2º premio concurso internacional ‘Tre piazze per Firenze’. El proyecto consiste en la inclusión de soluciones de diseño arquitectónico y de mobiliario urbano que puedan reducir la velocidad de flujo vehicular, en vista también de un cambio parcial a la nueva calle que discurre junto al río Arno. Se quiere preservar la estructura del territorio, transfiriéndola a escala urbana: la sección de la nueva plaza está organizada en cuatro secciones longitudinales, que de un frente a otro organizan las funciones, de paseo, de tráfico de vehículos, de estar personas (verde) y automóviles (aparcamientos) y de nuevo de paseo. Todos los pavimentos son accesible a los vehículos: en particular, el ladrillo de las zonas pavimentadas se reforzará con una base de hormigón. En vista de reducir aún más el flujo de tráfico se prevé que el pavimento de hormigón de la parte central puede ser sustituido por un pavimento de ladrillo. Esta organización en secciones longitudinales se ve interrumpida por elementos transversales que unen la dimensión urbanística a la planificación urbana del proyecto: la amplitud variable de las manzanas, la calle de acceso a los diversos jardines y parking privados, las conexiones al ferrocarril, definen reales zonas urbanas que relacionan el espacio privado con el público, siendo a la vez plataformas de acceso a los edificios y pequeñas plazas públicas para la reunión y el paseo.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, P. Bernacka, K. Bernacki, M. Fiore, M. Hölling, M. Lundström, F. Melis Comune di Firenze 3.400 m2 798.900 € 2005

Public building

PARC DE BOMBERS Montblanc 2005


The project is organized around a central hall where the fire trucks are parked. The rest of the program, that is, the sitting and dining room, kitchen and bedrooms in the second floor, are complementary to this main working room. This concept is carried out to the spatial volume of the fire station, where the roof of this central room is extended to the whole building and to its façades. The four doors for the cars, as big squared mouths opening at different directions, reinforce the movement of the building. The alignments of the building and its three dimensional volume refer to the dented line of the Montsant hills in the background. From the beginning the building itself was understood more as a topographic accident in the landscape than a small nave in an industrial zone.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola M. Alonso, X. Arriola, M. Fiore, V. Bagnato BOMA, A. Obiol (Structure) Ibering (Installations) GISA 893,37 m2 1.182.528 â‚Ź 2003 - 05

Public space



3rd prize invited competition The project of restructuring Calle Serrno recognizes the street´s historic vocation as the main facade of the Barrio de Salamanca, by means of widening its west sidewalk to collect the orthogonal flows into Serrano and to consolidate it as the characteristic commercial axis in this sector of the city. URBAN LIGHTING A column of 10m on the edge of the wide sidewalk, with two perpendicular arms at different heights, and similar luminary features illuminate the street and the sidewalk. A column of 4m, of stainless steel, with a luminary of indirect light illuminates the other sidewalk. CIRCULATION a functional section with a separate lane for public transportation, 4 lanes of circulation plus one more lane of short-term parking is organized. PAVING A framework is formed by pieces of pavement slabs of basaltic, blazed stone and slabs of calcareous stone of roman travertine type. The juxtaposition of ivory and anthracite form a carpet of light and dark colours and materials, from the clear pavement adjacent to the building facades to the edge of the sidewalk. URBAN FURNITURE The expanded sidewalk permits the disposition of a line of services where to locate it. The bollards are eliminated to be substituted in their greater part by banisters. THE URBAN IMAGE is given a classic outline, timeless yet contemporary. Concise lines reinforce the prestige of the public buildings and of the commercial establishments in harmony with the civic modernity of the capital of Spain.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, P. Bedoy, M. Lundström P. Bernacka, G. Clausen M. Hölling, K. Bernacki Ayuntamiento de Madrid 38.000 m2 2004

Public building


The project of the Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya takes place in the interior of the Auditorium building and with the aim of revive this music complex for not only classical music auditions, but as well other complementary activities. Consequently, as time goes by, the Auditorium program will articulate itself to be transformed in a self-sufficient music city. The new Conservatoire will include music studios of the second and third course, a library, a specialized score library and sound library, practice rooms, labs for electrical acoustics, administration office and a 700-seats auditorium with all complementary backstage rooms and storage rooms for musical instruments. This intervention is located at first, second, third and fourth floors of the Auditorium building at the Lepanto Street in Barcelona. The rooms were the program of the ESMUC will take place, are organized around large courtyards. The central atrium is open along its whole length with a crystal impluvium supporting Pablo Palazuelo´s paintings and the superior courtyard open at the second and third floors being accessed from the third floor.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola Rafael Moneo H. Arau (Acustic) J&G (Installations) A. Obiol (Structure) FCC (Construction) Conselleria d’Ensenyament 9.000 m2 15.000.000 € 2000-2004

City Park

PARC DEL TORRENT Santa Margarida de Montbui 2003

The project of the Parc del Torrent is planned to become the new central space of meeting and communication of the modern urban center of Santa Margarida de Montbui. In a transversal direction the project proposes a transition among the paved perimeter with turning points at the ends of the streets of Sant Pere, Lleida, Santa Anna and San Miquel, toward a polygonal step that takes up the unevenness of some 5m at its highest elevation and resolves the communication with the slightly inclined plan where the program of the park and the activities of the promenade develops. This plan is as much in level by foot from the Mercé street as of the Primer de Maig and Escoles streets, where the arrival of the ‘promenade’ is done in a continuous and smooth way. At the same time, the system of pavements, in cross direction, makes a progressive evolution from a system of hard paving, apt to bear the cars in the perimeter of the crossway of Sant Pere, to a soft pavement, drained by grained pressed materials, or of surfaces of lawn with plantations, that explain the transformation from a built, urban context, to a natural and more vegetated context.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola X. Arriola, V. Bagnato, C. Coers, M. Lundström A. Obiol (Structure) J. C. Morla (Quantity surveyor) Diputació de Barcelona 22.000 m2 2.280.000 € 2003


Public space



Finalist invited international competition UNESCO The restricted contest , promoted for the UNESCO and the Metropolitan Government of Algiers deals with the urbanization of the Emir Square and the two streets which connect this colonial sector of the city with the sea front. The project eliminates all the physical barriers which could prevent the fluidity of pedestrians (stairs, parterres or grades) and proposes mechanical connections (lifts and stairs) that solve the gap to the highest level. In the front of the ocean a new esplanade has been urbanized. It holds the new flows like it happened in the two others existing squares. The language of the pavement drawing of the Place Abdelkader and the introduction of the vegetation- palm trees and tamarix- are in the way of a research for a sign of identity of an Algerian urban space.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol A.Arriola, B. Gerber, B. Coigné M. Ciocognani Govern Metropolità d’ Alger UNESCO 50.000 m2 1999

Public space



International Urban Landscape Award 2007 The remodeling of the Virrei Amat square does not only plan the previous round about area, but also proposes a new configuration which gives this public area a new dimension, from 2500 m2 to 18500 m2, adding new spaces and tracing the new traffic flows. The traffic organization results in many adjacent streets to be only for pedestrian use and be incorporated as part of this new public development. Moreover, the importance of the public transport system to be redistributed and bus stops to be newly allocated. The square is identified as a large space for leisure and pedestrian circulation with an artificial pond and fountains as the main motif of the most representative part. Its surrounding pavement is shaped topographically as a beach, which has an inclination until it meets the superior level of the pond. Finally, the new square develops out of its own spacious surrounding and relates to its neighbourhood. The volumes of the pond, “beach”, pergola, vegetation areas and terraces organize itself, orientating the access, paths and views in relationship to the immediate landscape.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola T. Bessai, D. Dethlefsen, U. Huber, B. Marugg BOMA, A. Obiol Grup JG, J.M. Salvany Ll. Roig, L. Fontanet Pro Nou Barris S.A. 2.289.913 euros 17.000 m2 1997 - 1999

Public building

MUSEU DE LES TERMES ROMANES Sant Boi de Llobregat 1998 Finalist PREMIS FAD of Architecture and Interior Design 1999 The project for a permanent exhibition, to be part of the future museum, made it possible to complete archaeological research into the Roman baths and construct a roof which guarantees the definitive consolidation of the remains. Accessibility to the ruins below street level and the museum tour conditioned the organization of basic museum installations, attended by one or two permanent members of staff. The design of the roof provides two experiences; above the archaeological artefact it is continuous and transparent, built of polycarbonate and suspended on the framework of the bath’s roof. The remaining areas comprised of the entrance foyer and the stepped viewing platforms are covered by fragmented opaque plates of copper, which echo both the movement around the Roman ruins and mediate the irregular site and topography. The construction of the vertical walls built of handmade and mechanical masonry achieves the contradictory effect of allowing the ruins to engage their setting directly while blurring the level of the surrounding streets and creating an atmospheric environment for the viewing the ruins. An urban scale reconstruction of the Roman flooring pattern is tiled on the projects back wall, which addresses its context on the town’s periphery facing an intra-urban highway.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola I.Schwartz,L. Hohne, N.Simpson, K. Schussler, X. Arriola, J. Opher, S. Kuppel, H. Ritzer A. Obiol Ll. Roig, L. Fontanet, J. Ardèvol Diputació de Barcelona 500 m2 1.430.460 € 1990 - 1998


Urban project

THAMES BARRIER PARK London 1991 031 Finalist of the invited international competition. London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC). The program called for both active and passive park space, connection to the existing Thames Barrier, and a residential/ parking component of 250 units. Two issues, which had to be addressed by the design were the project areas vast scale and the site’s industrial neighbours. The design concept was derived from an analysis of aerial photographs which identified two patterns of evolution in the development of this area; the allotment of land perpendicular to the river, and the occurrence of development in bar buildings scattered loosely perpendicular to the river and adjacent either to the river or the service road which bounded the opposite end of the site. The solution proposed a number of grassed ramps, which allowed vistas of the Thames without the noise of the heavy traffic from the road, while effectively dealing with the scale. Juxtaposed to these planes are green belts of trees reflecting the meandering of the river so characteristic of east London and alternatively screening or framing views to the Thames. The housing units, two bar buildings of 8 stories at opposite sides, which relate to the existing built fabric and sectionally open to the park while shielding the park from the adjacent industry. These green platforms and the service road are pulled back from the edge of the site in a random manner to form a car park and entrance square. Here they are at their highest point and are formed into slopes of redbrick, creating by their juxtaposition a distinctive image for the park. At the river’s edge, the ramps are also pulled back in order to widen the river promenade. A series of paved open spaces are created in which public activities can take place such as concerts, meetings and shows, as well as activities relating to the riverside of walking cycling and even skating.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola J. Opher, B. Figueras M. Boutin (structure) HUNTLEY & CARTRWRIGHT London Docklands Development co. 90.000 m2 1995

Public space

PLAÇA D’ISLANDIA Barcelona 1995 029 Special mention awards of culture of Belém, 1994 The site lies in what used to be one of the outlying areas of Barcelona, which until the middle of the last century was separated from the historic center by a military protection zone. It is just off the Meridiana motorway and through it passes the old Rec Comtal, the canal built to bring water from the river Besòs into the old town center. The whole area was incorporated into the city by the laying out, in the 19th century of the Cerdà grid with its distinctive chamfered corners. Bofarull street however follows the older street pattern aligned to the Rec Comtal, which has all but disappeared under the footprint of the Cartesian grid. By opening up Palencia street of the grid, circulation in the area is improved and a new crossing, and triangular plaza are created between Bofarull, Palencia and Espronceda streets. On this is placed a large fountain, evoking the water of the Rec Comtal, and establishing a new symbolic center for the neighborhood. The continuation of Bofarull each side of the triangle, is perceived as an extension of the riverbed and thus, in this conflict of urban geometries an attempt is made to create a place of calm and tranquility. The design for the paving is generated from lines drawn parallel to the waterway and then manipulated and stretched apart into a more wavelike effect.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola J. Opher A. Obiol (Structure) G. García (Quality surveyor) E. Frias, Imes, Hedinn (Installations) Districte de Sant Andreu 10.000 m2 1.202.068 € 1993 - 1995

Public space

EL MERCADAL Girona 1994 028

The design sets out to achieve this by creating a more fluid relationship with the Barri Vell side of the river. The paving pattern is developed from the rotation through 180 degrees of the plan of the Barri Vell streets, and placing this onto an orthogonal grid superimposed over the Mercadal streets. A metaphorical link and a sense of unity with the opposite bank are thus established. A promenade ring is formed by the existing mall of Rambla de la Llibertat to the north, over the bridges and along the new mall of Santa Clara forming the heart of the regeneration. The desire for the re-establishment of a coherent identity for the area resulted in the design of a distinctive series of street furniture and lighting. The Magic Flute series of lights, benches, planters and drinking fountains developed from the desire to inhabit the urban landscape with a set of familiar elements or characters. During the design process of the luminaries as an assembly of over-lapping cones of an ethereal and feathery quality, Mozart’s Magic Flute characters were brought to mind. Lampageno and Lampagena play principal roles in the scenery of the street.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Llorens, K. Schuessler, J. Opher M. Tarragó (Supervisor) E. Frias (Electrical engineer) G. García (Quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Girona 17.000 m2 1.329.233 € 1993 - 1994


CASA MADORELL Molins de Rei 1992 023

The architecture of this multi-family housing edifice developed out of its irregularly shaped, flat site, creating a building 9.5 m. wide and 11 m. deep. Its three levels are planned in a rhomboidal organization, resulting in three open facades, each addressing different site conditions; the street, the interior garden, and the rear yard. The street facade is mostly opaque with a singular pedestrian passage providing access to the units, while the only expressed fenestration are slot windows providing framed views from the stairway landings. In contrast, the garden facade opens to provide light and views to all rooms. The envelope here can be described as a “curtain wall”, exploiting the potential for an interior/exterior relationship while maintaining solar protection. The rear yard elevation is conceived as the service facade. Its composition balances the provision of light and exterior access for the kitchen areas, the two-storey glass block wall of the stairway, and access to the roof terrace. Functionally each floor is occupied by one unit of similar plan, allowing for maximum privacy and its potential for cross ventilation.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola I. Schwarz, N. Simpson, K. Schuessler, N. Losinger R. Brufau (Structure) Ll. Roig, J. Ardevol Mado, S.C.P. 450 m2 360.607 € 1990 - 1992


PLAÇA DE LES GLÒRIES CATALANES Barcelona 1992 022 Finalist of the Spanish Biennal of Architecture The first time Plaça de les Glòries appears in history is in the Ildefonso Cerdà plan for the extension of Barcelona (1859), where he defines two diagonal axes, criss-crossing in a main square, which was entitled Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes. It is one of the major exits of Barcelona, linking the city to the A-19 highway. As well, all infrastructures ended before arriving to this area, therefore the design had to address the creation of a public square, the resolution of the traffic junction, and the provision of the area’s infrastructure. A primary concern was the resolution of the automobile traffic, which had left small interstitial green areas of no value. The layout of the intersection was revised in order to put all these leftovers together in one single plaza. The new junction assumed the form of a double roundabout of the overall dimensions. A ground level link for the more civic streets which are mainly diagonal and serve local traffic, and an upper link for the main traffic of Gran Via to the A-19 highway. The new junction allows for any movement and the resulting building section provided space which could accommodate parking. The design was seen as not only a traffic junction but as a building, addressing the need for an architecture that could define the domain of the place.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola A. Juanmartí, J. Mas, S.Guerrero, P.Sánchez-Contador A. Monclús (Trafic engineer) B. Figueras (Landscape) J. Rui-Wamba (Structure) G.García (Quantity surveyor) Holding Olímpic S.A. 25.000 m2 30.050.605 € 1989 - 1992

City Park



Finalist of the Spanish Bienal of Arquitecture and Urbanism 1990- 1992 The park is located on the grounds previously occupied by railway tracks which extended from the old Estació del Nord up to the Plaça de les Glòries. Its precise perimeter is a rectangular area of about two hectares next to the south facade of the station building and defined by the streets Nàpols, Almogàvers and Sardenya. The master plan of the whole zone: park, sport fields and cultural facilities, will connect the historical center of Barcelona, through Passeig Lluís Companys, with the new civic center area of Plaça de les Glòries. A new boulevard is built along carrer Almogàvers accommodating views to the sculptural walls which frame the main gates to the park. The construction of carrer Sardenya on a bridge allows the park to extend below, connecting to the sport fields and thereby defining a continuity with the northern part of the city. The landscape design of the park develops two simple concepts: the creation of the first lawn in Barcelona, an environment much removed from the mediterranean landscape tradition, and the creation of an artificial landscape where sculpture and park melt together: the sculpture becoming the park and the park becoming the sculpture. Foremost in this endeavour was the partnership formed with the sculptor Beverly Pepper.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola B. Pepper (Sculptor) J. Raventós (Ceramist) IBERING (Structure) J. de Querol, G. García (Quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona/Impusa 25.553 m2 2.131.658 € 1985 - 1991

Public space

JARDÍ AL CARRER MADRID Badalona 1989 017

The idea was to redefine the site by means of designing its borders and edges at a first stage, and later to work out its parts as parks or other structures. This park is conceived as a very small garden-plaza. The existing situation had a difficult topography: a very steep slope and a narrow, flat portion at the bottom that was the only area used by the neighborhood. The design is based on the simple idea of the consolidation of the large steep slope and the narrow flat portion by the extension of a singular slope throughout as a useable surface. A geometry was generated utilizing the model of the Campidoglio by Michelangelo, and manipulating it in terms of scale and topography in order to lend the park a unified presence. The undulating planes of the surface changes depending on the viewer’s vantage point creating interest and rhythm in the site. Few materials are used in response to the small and intimate scale of the site and in order to maintain a clean, singular expression. The different surfaces of paving are distinguished by delineating lines on pavement and the specially-designed openings in the paving for the trees.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola S. Nedir, A. Simon, P. Cladera Ll. Roig (Quantity Surveyor) BJC (Lighting) Metropolitana de Barcelona 2.000 m2 385.836 € 1989

Public space

FOSSAR DE LES MORERES Barcelona 1989 016 Finalist ‘PREMIS FAD of Architecture and Interior Design 1989’. Finalist of ‘Premio Nacional de Arquitectura del Ladrillo, Hyspalit 1988 1991’ The aim of the work on the project was to convert the residual rectangular space adjacent to the basilica of Santa Maria del Mar into a symbolic space; a memorial to the events of 1714. The most significant formal elements conditioning the proposal are the magnificent facade of the basilica and the Calle Malcuinat, a street perpendicular to the facade and situated on the opposite side of the square. The virtual axis of this street, which links Pla del Palau with the church of Santa Maria, becomes the basic datum of the project. The work includes the polygonal limit of the existing paving of sandstone cobbles and slabs of Montjuïc stone as a trace of the recent history of the place. The work on the surface outlined by this perimeter defines the physical framework of the Memorial. The symbolic presence of the place is attained through the topographical manipulation of its surface. The geometrical definition of this change in level, consolidated by the positioning of a low wall in red granite and the construction of the polygonal concavity in solid brick, links the slight depression of the pavement with the current perimeter now defined by the limestone and a cast grille.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol P. Farrussola (quantity surveyor) Ajuntament de Barcelona 989 m2 180.310 € 1988 - 1989

City Park

PARC DEL MOLINET Santa Coloma de Gramenet 1987 Finalist ‘PREMIS FAD of Architecture an Interior Design 1987’ The project grew out of a master plan for Sector Esperit Sant which is located on the periphery of Northeastern Barcelona. The area was void; an emptiness arising out of its location as “in between” space between three municipalities, at this time undergoing urban erosion. The theory was to develop a multi-functional social condenser that could invert these processes. The functions for the area were pre-designed by the Masterplan: to include parks, sports facilities, schools, and a circulation system with new connections for traffic and pedestrians. As the site for Parc del Molinet provided an interesting topography, with the only trees around and views to the city of Barcelona. The concept for the park hinged on taking advantage of these givens. The lay-out is based on the geometry of the spiral, which links all the episodes of the park. Starting at the belvedere it runs through the amphitheaters which were already existing. The design can be understood in three different parts. The first being the defining of edges, making links and giving access to pedestrians. The second part is the densest portion of the park and the highest position in reference to the surrounding roads and was designed as a sequence of “episodes” ultimately leading to the belvedere. The third part of the park are the amphitheaters and the design was a matter of superimposing a geometry on the landscape following the traces of the existing amphitheaters.

Arriola & Fiol

C. Fiol, A. Arriola, M. Quintana A. de Luna, M. Muixart BOMA, A. Obiol (Strucutre) Ll. Roig, Ll. Fontanet (Quantity Surveyor) Corporació Metropolitana de Barcelona 70.000 m2 12.246.661€ (I - II Fase) 993.207 € (III Fase) 1986 - 1987 (I - II Fase) 2005 - 2007 (III Fase)


Urban project

PARC DE LA VILLETTE Paris 1982 004 1st prize ex-aequo Concours International Proposal for the first XXI century park together with the new Museum of Science and Techniques and a large music complex in a 55 ha area, result of the demolition of the old Parisian abattoirs. The Parc de la Villette is understood as another part of the city belonging to the urban structure of the “Quartier de La Villette”. The canal itself is integrated into the general scheme without fragmenting the park in two halves. The plantation of trees is the basis of the general urbanization of the park. At the same time, it accompanies the main circulatory scheme, it bounders different spaces in the program. The trees outline creates a landscape with a unique personality in the shape of a fan. Tapering lines are introduced instead of using parallelism in order to create diversity of spaces. The East-façade consists of a linear residential building complex of 450 dwellings and an over-head walkway ‘supported’ by towers. The towers and buildings flank the street, acting as the center of activities of the park, this street links the North and South entrances with the Square over the canal. The astronomical garden has incorporated a special itinerary within the maze of the Discovery Gardens. The thematic Gardens are a morphological unity in the park, organized in terraces and linked by a water stream.

Arriola & Fiol

Carme Fiol, Andreu Arriola B. Galí, M. Quintana, F. Gual, A. Santos, M. Torras, B. Figueras Ministère de Culture de France 550.000 m2 1982

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