Today is ...... day! Our goal is to gather special holidays, moments and occasions worldwide that unite people. We love to point out those ‘not to miss’ funny occasions. If you have suggestions for special days in April and May, please send them to: February 10th | International Epilepsy Day
March 3rd | World Wildlife Day
Celebrated: Worldwide
Celebrated: Worldwide
Since: 2015 Why:
Since: 2014 Epilepsy
How: It’s the most important annual day dedicated
awareness of epilepsy in more than 120 countries.
to all life on our planet. World Wildlife Day creates
People come together to highlight the problems
opportunities to highlight the solutions we’ve built
faced by people with epilepsy, their families and
for a more sustainable future. It’s also our chance
to focus on the accomplishments of countless
February 13th | World Radio Day
individuals who devote their lives to bringing our vision of a healthy planet to fruition.
Celebrated: Worldwide Since: 2012 Why: Radio has been recognized as having such a profound impact on the world today that the Spanish Radio Academy put in a formal request to have February 13th be established as ‘World Radio Day’. On September 29th, 2011 UNESCO officially proclaimed that the first World Radio Day was to be celebrated on February 13th, 2012.
March 20th | International Day of Happiness Celebrated: Worldwide Since: 2014 Why: The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which recognized happiness as a “fundamental human goal”. Put a smile on your face and celebrate it by doing something that makes you happy.
March 30th | World Bipolar Day February 24th | World Bartender Day
Celebrated: Worldwide Since: World Bipolar Day promotes awareness with
Celebrated: Worldwide
the goal to eliminate the social stigma commonly
Why: To celebrate the bartending craft, and to
attached to the disorder. World Bipolar Day takes
give recognition and appreciation to the men and
place on March 30th because that’s the birthday
women behind the counters at bars, pubs, breweries
of Vincent van Gogh, who was posthumously
and wineries. So, give your local bartender an extra
diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
smile on February 24th.