Talking with the Alderman Rob van Otterdijk You’ve finally landed that job in the Brainport area or have become an international student here. Chances are you will focus on Eindhoven when it comes to housing. But it might be wise to broaden your horizon. Take a look at the towns and cities surrounding Eindhoven and weigh the pros and cons. In this article, Rob van Otterdijk, alderman for sustainability, nature, environment, education, culture and emancipation for the Green Party (GroenLinks) of Geldrop-Mierlo explains why Geldrop-Mierlo is an attractive option.
village. Civil servants who’ve come from outside are often fondly surprised by the number of activities and events Geldrop-Mierlo has to offer.”
‘Houses in GeldropMierlo are quite affordable’ Social life
Rob van Otterdijk: “The former towns Geldrop
“As a city, it is our duty to provide chances for
and Mierlo were merged on January 1st, 2004. As
newcomers to integrate within the community. At
often, but not always, happens in such a fusion
present, there are approximately 25 nationalities
both names remained intact, though hyphenated.
within our city limits. We are paying more and
Presently, Geldrop-Mierlo consists of nearly 40.000
more attention to the desires and needs of expats
inhabitants, making it a medium-sized city for Dutch
because we are well aware that expats enrich our
standards. This size offers both the advantages
society. Two of them are my neighbors. We are not
and services of a city without losing the charm of a
alone in this. I am in close contact with the alderman