1 Bulgaria meeting Erasmus plus project ebook ang

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Multilateral School Partnership Erasmus+ Programme 2015-2017 Youth, multilingualism and work perspectives in Europe

23.11-27.11.2015 Meeting in Bulgaria Â

Monday 23.11.2015 First day we with our new friends went to the school where they gave us traditional bulgarian bread. Then the Headmaster- Mr. Emil Mollov greeted us and told in few words the plan for the week. We also watched film about Velingrad. We found out that e.g it’s famous for clear and healthy water which is so hot that it’s possible to boil egg in it!

After that we were divided into five groups and took part in a Safari game.

We were walking along the town, making photos and interviewing. We were in a Grand hotel, Olymp hotel, Labour Office, next to the Nicolai Ghiaurov’s sculpture- the most famous bulgarian opera singer, outside his house and we also saw Black Fir and Gingo Biloba. Meanwhile our teachers with Headmaster and bulgarian coordinator- Mrs. Ivanka Pukneva went to the city hall’s premises. There with Mr. Fernando Masetre showed the mayor of Velingrad- Mr. Kostandov Koevov the tasks of the Erasmus+ “Youth, Multilingualism and Work Perspective in Europe”. About 1 o’clock we had lunch break.

After the meal we came back to school and made presentations about Velingrad after antemeridian exploration of the city. Every described







experiences in interesting presentations using project’s tablet and known apps. Thanks for the Safari game we met each other, saw the city and exercises English with our multicultural friends, thanks for that out “first ice” got broken,



Everyone enjoys it.



Then we had about two hours free time for meritorious relax. About seven o’clock started welcome evening where we harked back friendly relations with our partners.

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Tuesday 24.11.2015 Today's morning has started a little bit earlier than the previous one. After a breakfast and morning toilet, we went to school where a bus was waiting for us.

We've taken our seats and gone to Plovdiv, bulgarian town regarded as the one of the oldest cities in Europe with some remainings from neolithic times. We could observe some beautiful views and a nearby lake through our trip.


Then, we stopped near a church which has historical meaning for bulgarian people. It was the last rebel stronghold during the April's Uprising in 1876 against The Ottoman State. Our next stop was a paper factory that we sightseed carefully from a showroom to the last stage of paper production. We have taken many pictures during the paper production display. We had an occasion to hear from specialists in those processes and ask them many questions,of course - in English language, which becomes more natural for us each day.

We have arrived to Plovdiv after that, we began sighsteeing from the Old Town and roman amphitheatre. It was built during

the first and the second century of our era and it's one of the best preserved buildings of this type. It can hold even 7000 spectators. That was amazing time travel for us! After visting both of these places it was time for a dinner. We headed to the bus then and the driver took us back to our bulgarian friends and host families. We spent the whole evening sharing our impressions about Plovdiv and paper factory.

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Wednesday​ 25.11.2015 ​ Today we started meeting at school. At the beginning spoke v. Director-Emil Mollov again greeted us warmly and welcomed the possibility of hosting the thresholds of the local school of so many representatives of different nationalities.


the youth





presentations on a variety of industries in Europe and the labor market. Then spoke coordinator of the project from the Bulgarian Ivanka Pukneva presenting the agenda today. Then, together with a representative of the local labor office presented the key aspects of the requirements posed by today, but not only Bulgarian labor market. We have learned that the

very important aspects can be called soft skills like ability to work in a team, creativity, and ease of networking.

Of course competencies as hard as knowledge of the new technologies and education are also crucial. We are pleased that the project Erasmus plus in which we participate strengthens all of these very important skills for future labor market. Our next task was to "brainstorm", which explored what should guide the choice of work.

After a short break, work on industry in their respective countries presented in sequence all the project partners. All the presentations were very interesting and informative and require participants to have a lot of work and commitment.

The next task is to read the forms confirming likeness of mobility and the experience - the so-called Europass Mobility. First, project coordinator presented the theoretical assumptions and then we went to the computer room where the finishing work complemented documentation.After finishing work we went for lunch with our friends from other countries.

After a short lunch break we went to school to participate in a lesson CLIL, which was prepared by the partners of Romania. The theme of the meeting was the first heavy industry.

During this meeting we worked in groups and with new technologies. We got to know the specificity of the industry, products, occupations associated with it, and many specialized words and phrases. Then the lesson on the chemical industry leads our group for all students from the partner countries.

During a lesson many tasks have been completed using our design tablet using a variety of online applications such as: Kahoot platform for learning specialist, google documents: presentations, spreadsheets, forms, maps, blogs, etc .. Owing to this together in

six groups we created the documents Online, or we could automatically check the degree of achievement of planned objectives of the lesson and the effect of acquired skills and knowledge by our partners.

We have also prepared attractive experiments, eg. "Paste for elephant". Our lesson very pleased our colleagues but demanded from our group a strong commitment to create materials for this lesson. It was worth it! This day was very tiring, but we relaxed while we were staying at the swimming pool, where they took us teachers. So we spent usefully next day.

Youtube film

Film - link Youtube Slideshow

Slideshow ​ ­ link

Thursday 26.11.2015 Next morning we started really early. Like ordinary we met our friends in the school and at 8 o’clock we went to one-day trip. Fortress Tsari Mali Grad was our first pretty, historic city - Samukov.

aim. It was located in

It was a little bit difficult to mount because the fortress was located on the peak of hill. Last 200m we used cable car to climb. We could have admired beautiful landscapes. They were extremly scenic!

In Samukov


found out the local history and obviously the history of the fortress.


showed us a lot of exhibitions, e.g. old, remaining things used

in former times exhibition (including coins, ceramics, weapons, armour). It was really fascinating but there was something ever better... We all fell in love with views, which we were raving from the towers and an observation deck!

While we were coming back, we went for a walk. We didn’t use cable car that time. It was long and steep way but it was worth out effort. It was absolutely spectacular! We were talking a lots with friends while we were walking.

When we went down to the bus, we went away to next goal. But we had had a lunch in Manastir before we have went sightseeing. It was an unrepeatable chance to see one of the most picturesque monuments in Bulgaria.

Our the third and last aim was monastery in Bogovgrad.

It was definitely memorable trip. The atmosphere was amazing. Everyone was nice to one another. We got back to Velingrad at 7:30 pm. All of us planned the rest of that night. Some people went bowling, some to the cafe and some to our Bulgarian friends houses cause of fatigue.

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Friday 27.11.2015 Today we arrived to school later than yesterday. There was brilliant atmosphere. Bulgarians turn on the positive music.

Next lessons about paper and furniture industry were started. They were made by bulgarian teachers. And after that lessons about automative industry were started. They were made by spanish teachers. In this lessons we get new knowledge about evolutions of cars and about making paper. After all presentations we went to ICT classes and we filled in documents about all our

stay in Bulgaria. And later we went to another class to get certificates of out stay in Bulgaria.

Next we ate dinner and

aftet that we went to the bus to arrived to the museum, where people find ancient remains of mammoths from about 5 mln years ago. Finally we arrived to factory of carpets, which is producing carpets for english Queen and for film “Harry Potter”. And after that brilliant attraction we back home to get ready for night party. And that’s how last and the best day in Bulgaria were finished.

Gallery: ​ LINK

Relacja z MasterTV

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rf_Uh3AP3Y Full version by D.Nikiel


Multilateral School Partnership Erasmus+ Programme 2015-2017 Youth, multilingualism and work perspectives in Europe

23.11-27.11.2015 Meeting in Bulgaria

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