4 Lithuania. Meeting Erasmus plus Project. ebook - english

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Multilateral School Partnership Erasmus+ Programme 2015-2017 “Youth, multilingualism and work perspectives in Europe�

3.10-7.10.2016 Meeting in Lithuania

Sunday - Monday 2-3.10.2016 Project Erasmus+ “Youth, Multilingualism and Work Perspectives in Europe� is already the next international project in our school. On 2-8 of October 2016 takes place the fourth meeting all of partners from six countries: Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. During the visit, we share the effects of our work, products and results of the last two months and realise lots of new activities, which are the subject of continuing evaluation.

Our travel started on Sunday at 8.20 AM. Around 12.00 we keep for lunch in Augustow, then we went to the village Kaltyniany. In place we were about 19.00 local time, where from the school our host families, in which house we will spend next week, come for us.

The next day at nine o'clock we met in the House of Culture in Koltyniany at the opening ceremony, where each of the partner countries gave a small gift to the school and other teachers from our friendly school, according to the principle of "small gifts make great friends". Students from Lithuania presented several national dances and show their vocal skills. Then, we went to the village Silale for meeting with the city authorities, which were given to us an album with photos of Lithuania made from bird's eye view. Beautiful pictures made big impression on us. Next we are went for a walk around city, we visited the local church and then we went for a nice dinner with the obligatory dessert.

After the meal we went back to school in Koltyniany. It was time to present the prepared presentations, which started to present students from Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania and Spain. All presentations related to tourism, historical values, cultural, statistical trends of development of this branch of the economy, its impact on national GDP and professions related to the above mentioned countries.

Then, each taking care of our families took us to the house where we rested and ate dinner.

Then everyone gathered again in the House of Culture in Koltyniany, where we had official yet refreshments. Each of the partner countries showed themselves prepared by the artistic part in a dance or song. It was a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the prepared presentations, but also take part in a common party. Additionally party Host has prepared several national dances, which all made a deep impression. Everyone had fun and tightened ties with their peers! :) After a brilliant evening all came with their host families to their homes. The next day we go to the "sunny city" where we hope the weather was also append.

Galeria link:​ ​https://goo.gl/photos/ghwrTwQF7aLmnf1n7

http://www.podlasie24.pl/lukow/region/gimnazjalisci-z-lukowskiej-dwoj ki-na-litwie-1e0f2.html




Tuesday 4.10.2016

Second day of stay in Lithuania was the tour to Šiauliali which is called the city of Sun. About 9 o'clock we set off from school. After we had arrived, we went to chocolate museum – Ruta which was founded in 1913.

There we were divided into two groups. We were with Spanish and Greek in group. In the beginning we were able to make chocolate lollipops and other sweets by ourselves.

Then our tour guide was talking about: history of cacao discovery by Spanish sailors; cultivation of this important plant; transporting it to Europe and production of this valuable commodity. We knew the difference between dark chocolate, milk chocolate and compound chocolate. We were surprised by level of sugar in milk chocolates, which is 50%, and even more in white chocolates.

We are happy because during this kind of lessons, English doesn't cause problems. Finally, we got free time to buy sweet traditional Lithuanian souvenirs.



When we left the corporation's building, we went to delicious lunch. After lunch, we met with our tour guide, with who we go at a walk in the city, which was hiding very interesting legend and it had its own history.

We saw local clock, which is called "Big Ben” and it is located on the longest boardwalk in Lithuania. We went to observation deck on the Photography Museum's roof where we admired city skyline.

Then we walked under an arch, and before doing it, we made a wish. According to the local legend it will become true if we come back in a year’s time not walking under the arch again. Not far from the arch there’s located a Bicycle Museum, which is one of twenty other museums in that city. Here also is the biggest bike in the world.

Walking further, we came across a fox sculpture, which was next to a lake. Close to the sculpture there was a statue of a golden boy holding an arch with the Sun under his feet and a church from the XVII century, which is also the oldest building in the city. During the World War II, the city was destroyed in over 80%. After spending a few moments with beautiful sacred music, we went to the Crosses Hill by coach.

This was the last event in our plans for that day. The origin of the hill is not completely known, as our guide told us. The legend says that in this place already in 1430 a chapel commemorating the baptism of Samogitia. Then, after unsuccessful November Uprising families of the insurgents weren’t allowed to bury their bodies, and to memorialize their death, they began to take and put crosses to this place. Today there are over than 100 000 crosses. Also our Pope,

John Paul II visited this place in 1993 during his pilgrimage to Lithuania, celebrating a Mass there. After a day full of attractions in the late evening we came back to our host families. Tomorrow among others we will give a lesson based on new technologies for the international group of our friends.

Gallery - link: ​https://goo.gl/photos/XduixG1NhHNLq2pb9 Gallery - link: https://plus.google.com/106194085914408072102/posts/Ee59PWLJn N6 Gallery - link: ​https://goo.gl/photos/etd3psqiBbeFeiVo9

http://podlasie24.pl/lukow/region/z-wizyta-w-muzeum-czekolady-1e13 4.html


Wednesday 5.10.2016

Today's DAY we spent in school, where each group of the country conducted a CLIL lesson in the ICT classroom for the international group consisting of students from partner countries.

It all began with a lesson, which conducted a group of Lithuanian.

The theme of the lessons were festivals , which are held annually in different countries in Europe. All were divided into groups, each of which complement the online presentation in application prezi about certain festivals. At the end of this lesson, each group presented its portion of the presentation. After each lesson we had a short break.

The next lesson was conducted by our friends from Bulgaria. During the activities carried out by them, each group performed interesting tasks that have been completed corresponding to the presentation of a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site located in European countries.

Spanish team was the next leading group lesson, which was devoted to tourism both in Spain and across Europe.This time, each group consisted exclusively of persons of the same nationality. In this lesson, we did not do any multimedia presentation, but it solved many tasks on the paper and watched a very interesting video on the trail of pilgrims to Santiago del Compostela. Immediately after that lesson, we were invited to a delicious lunch at the school cafeteria (during which it turned out that everyone is entitled to a double portion), however, finished a delicious dessert.

Then we went into the Art classroom , where his lesson led the team from Romania. We were divided into groups by choosing the leaves with numbers. All the groups have made a series of tasks: thematic crossword, arrangement of a dialogue between a tourist and a person residing in the region presented a brief note (could not miss there also loved by many Polish Mazurian Lakes) and a painting based


a modest



his own imagination.

Immediately after this lesson, we went to the computer room, where this time we conducted a lesson which theme was biodiversity, and various forms of nature conservation.

Students participated in a brainstorming session, and then divided into groups viewed prepared by us earlier presentations, on the basis of which performed its own themed posters online platform

www.canva.com that were later discussed in detail by them to the class.

After completing one of the main tasks of today, all in a good mood we left for a break, during which Greek team was preparing to them lesson.

In this lesson we all were divided into groups according to the list of participants and after the short presentation and film about Greece we proceeded to make our own presentation speaking about the various of Greek islands, which each group had to describe.

After literally 1 minute break, we started to present our presentation talking about the diversity of species, forms of nature protection in Poland, Europe and the world, the labor market, employment opportunities in industries related to biodiversity and its requirements.

LINK: ​https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fxXSPlCHDygs-RB9pFyvJGuXtiJYnJrNllFUGfJgAUo/edit?usp=sharing

The presentation ended our meeting today, after which everyone went to the homes of their hosts for a delicious dinner. Tomorrow, before dawn, we must stand up and be ready for another positive impression in the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius.

Galeria link: https://goo.gl/photos/jV1toiRcUt4RVbSKA Galeria link: https://plus.google.com/114637401079766864558/posts/dS1SqGrMX CM




Thursday 6.10.2016

Today’s day we started very early. Our trip began at 7 o’clock. After about 3 hours of driving we arrived to Barclays-large IT Innovation Centre, one of the biggest and oldest banks in the UK, counting a 325 years and having branches in more than 40 countries all over the world. We started our lesson of modern banking with the presentation of one of the people management department from which we heard about creation of the business, partners and the most important crucial actions firms, for example Barclays operates 20% financial trading in the UK and Barclays was the first bank which introduced credit cards and cash machines.

Lesson was very interactive and we were building together image modern bank clerk and wallet of the necessary skills various positions in the bank. Next, we went to the individual departments where we learned among other things about the process of designing and implementing application into the market whether about systems protection of personal data.

Next, we learned ways of security and emergency procedures, also about a fact that Barclays continuously monitors the biggest social networking site in order to detect malfunctions and immediately react to it.

Subsequently we visited Rise Vilnius (Start-up) where many people with an idea have a chance to present it and bring to the market, which is also financed by Barclays.

The next point of our excursion was dinner which we ate in the shopping centre. Unfortunately, we've had only 50 minutes. After the dinner we visited Centre of innovation and creativity at the University of Vilnius. There we also learned how to print objects with 3D printers and we could try out the latest inventions (electric scooter, battery powered car). We saw there also recording studio and green screen used for recording e.g films just like it does in Hollywood.

Later we got to know the story of the capital of Lithuania-Vilnius. We saw lots of old, historical buildings, churches, streets and old city. The guide told us many interesting stories and legends about this city. After a very intensive day we went to the return way. It was a very interesting as well as tiring day but everyone loved it. The next day awaits us a lot of surprises in the largest port city in Lithuania-Klaipeda.

Galeria link: https://goo.gl/photos/tDnUQwosNdBFGJE5A Galeria link: https://goo.gl/photos/LCtMNZsGgztco1Qp9


http://podlasie24.pl/lukow/region/z-wizyta-w-wilnie-1e1ba.html http://podlasie24.pl/lukow.html?pageId=169&p=2

Friday 7.10.2016 This day we began with visiting second of the biggest city in Lithuania- Klaipėda. Our adventure, in this port city, be In this port city our adventure started with greeting with tour guide and visiting the monument of marine mermaid. Our tour guide said if somebody touched the snake on the right hand, his/her wish would come true.

We also saw a monument of sweep, whose button will get us happiness if we touch. We could made selfie with dragon in the next street. We didn’t touch it because predictions weren’t propitious.

Next little figure was a little mouse, which we could whisper wishes to the ear. We had a chance to see big chess. After few minutes, we got to know that this city has history or legend around all corners. In fact, it was a fun, especially language’s, although historical titbits was easier to remember.

Next point of our programme was drama theatre, from which Adolf Hitler addressed in 1939. Unfortunately, 70% of the city was destroyed during Second World War and Soviet power built monumental city here.

Then, we went to dolphinarium, where we got to know not only interesting fact about dolphins, but also on what rely on trainer’s job and looking after dolphins. After an hour of lecture and meeting with trainers, we went to the show, which started at 12 o’clock. After we

had had a seat, the light blew out. The show started. Erasmus+ team gave a big clap to sea animals’ acrobatics.

After the end of the show, everybody went happily to delicious dinner. After coming back to school, we did an evaluation. Valedictory ceremony and presentation of certificates started at 7 o’clock. The ceremony was started with folk bands’ shows. Valedictory ceremony was given a big clap to coordinators, school administrators, parents and teachers.

After long cultural experience and commemorative photos, we had a snack. There wasn’t the end of farewell and fun. Next day we bid our friends goodbye and we came back home.

Galeria link: https://goo.gl/photos/mWgUKBy7hgWZqQVo6

Speech of Lithuanian Coordinator Dear partners, friends and all Kaltinenai community, With some of you - old friends from Comenius project - have not met for such a long time, so I should take some notes in order not to forget what I wish to say and how I’ve missed you all! I’ve prepared quite a long speech… ok, ok. that’s not true. The truth is that I’m still not good at making public speeches that’s why I needed some papers! For those who do not know me yet, well, just imagine that I’m like a life jacket used in solving some cases and solving problems of Erasmus+ project. Once someone said “you have been the one who inspired and joined all of us. You are the heart of our friendship - let it beat!” Another added: “Actually, the heart is nothing without your clapping hands and sparkling eyes but we created the influential team going to change some young hearts!!” Erasmus+ project gave us the second chance to fulfill our ideas, our new inspirational thoughts and activities to make something exceptional - something alive - something what can help our students - European students to find out the opportunities which they will use taking part in the project. It will definitely give a sense to their lives. Even if we find plenty of differences in cultures, traditions and customs in the way or style of life - we’d rather look for similarities more than ever, look for simple things which can unite us and help to become a real European community. I agree and believe, that hearts can’t beat if they are not supplied by blood - by our good wills to create a real friendship. Let our hands clap and eyes sparkle for those who sacrifice their hearts for our students for our new, innovative and open minded community! We hope you’ll enjoy every day, enjoy the people, relationships and hospitality of Kaltinenai community. We are grateful to our parents for opened hearts and the doors of their houses! Now! I’d like to invite the project coordinator Fernando to say a few words...


strona gimnazjum Galeria link: https://goo.gl/photos/mWgUKBy7hgWZqQVo6

Multilateral School Partnership Erasmus+ Programme 2015-2017 “Youth, multilingualism and work perspectives in Europe�

3.10-7.10.2016 Meeting in Lithuania

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