4spainvisitofcomeniusproject ebookang

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Multilateral Schools Partnership of Comenius Project

“Let’s create a multicultural Europe”

19.10-24.10.2014 Visit in Spain

The first day 19.10.2014

We left Łuków AT 3 am and we arrived on the airport in Warsaw at 5 am. We were all excited and curious but also really sleepy and exhausted. At 6.40 am we flew to Paris, where we had a transfer. Charles de Gaulle Airport impressed us a lot. The next airplane took us straight to Valencia.

The continuation of the first day

We arrived to this amazing and picturesque town at about 12am. We didn’t know the right direction, so Mr Artur decided to ask an indigene for help which turned out as a great idea. With Ms’s Olga help we went to the city centre and the railway station by underground. We were eulogizing over great architecture of the railway station and the buildings located in the city centre. On the ground we saw a huge building which looked like the Roman Colosseum. M. Olga told us that it is the arena. From the beginning of May to the beginning of October bloody fights between bulls and bullfighters take place here. Obviously, we had to have the photo session which was taken by an amazing photographer­ Ms. Agnieszka with students’ support. We’ve bought postcards in the city centre to send them to our friends in Poland and we’ve also tried traditional Spanish dishes for example seafood that we enjoyed a lot.

The continuation of the first day

We arrived in Elda Petre city at 3:02pm. When we got off we saw our friends’ friendly faces that welcomed us. Then we went to our houses and we spent incredible evening with our “new families”. We were talking a lot while walking in wilderness. Next day we went to welcome ceremony, press conference, meeting with local council on which we gave small gifts from masters, mayor and district head. We also had a lot other educational attractions.

The second day 20.10.2014 We started the second day with a meeting at school

with the rest of Comenius participants at 8 am before the sunrise. During different educational games we got to know each other and we spent our time pleasantly. Teachers from Sax came up with some interesting games connected with learning English.

T​ hen we went to historic parts of the town,

where Spanish teachers led CLIL lessons. The helped us to find out more about the turbulent history of the town, region and country. We obviously climbed ruins of the "Castillo de Sax", which is the heart of the town. The oldest tower of


castle was built in X century. We’ve also visited the most important church, which was built in XVI century and other facts connected with it. It’s the most effective way of learning the language! We were taking photos and making videos by tablets and professional camera, which were bought with money from project. In the evening we made e­gallery to keep in touch with our friends and family in Poland. At 2pm we came back home for dinner, which included traditional Spanish dishes like paella, mushrooms and local herbs

The continuation of the second day

We met at the meeting room at the town hall in Sax. The official conference, which started the next meeting of partners from 7 countries. Mayor and Head of the Department of education took part in that meeting. Then local leaders and coordinator of the project­Mr. Artur Baranowski took the floor. Mr. Artur Baranowski was talking about implementation of new technologies into the process of education and about



methods like LdL and CLIL, which are an important aspect of Comenius project. The meeting was really important event for local community and was recorded by local media. After the presentation of the schools and towns we were given some gifts from our Spanish friends. We also gave some gifts from Poland from mayor and district head to mayor and the leader. .

We were in the hall called Mayordomia to see our presentations from Olympiads and eleven sport competitions Then were proffered gold, silver and brown medals for the best country in each competition. At 9 pm we went to a dinner, which was made by parents. The dinner included traditional Spanish dishes like Gazpacho/Salmarejo, which is a cold soup with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers, bread, olive and salt. The second traditional dish was paella made of rice, azafran, chicken and pepper.There were a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and different kinds of meat. After 16 hours of activity we all went to rest a bit.

The third day 21.10.2014

. The third day of the program was scheduled trip to Valencia. Cities that in the fifteenth century was the center of the birth of a new social class ­ the bourgeoisie , so traders , bankers and landowners. The city also served as one of the most important roles of cultural development in the region. Were formed and many school libraries . We woke up around 7.00 , but in complete darkness to the hasty breakfast and get ready to leave Sax 8.00 towards this beautiful city full of contradictions and contrasts After 2 hours the way we got there . Our eyes appeared high buildings of a modern futuristic science and art. In the old part of the city, from which we started the day , we saw beautiful churches and many other historical monuments testifying to the uniqueness of the place and the time of its splendor , which undoubtedly continues today . We left the bus , we split into two groups and went on CLIL lessons taught by Greek teachers , on the history of Spain, its culture and traditions. We started getting to know the city. At the beginning we went to a big supermarket that holds together all the delights of seafood and this raises the earth . We could not believe our eyes when we saw in 1000 stands where you could buy everything.

The continuation of the third day Then we went to see the Palace of Silk ­ Lonja de Valencia , which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was there that the largest financial transactions and loans were made up in what was then the largest of the Mediterranean world . The palace in its raw splendor while impressive towering arches typical of the Gothic style in their vault bearing tons of stones. The most time spent in the Old Town and in one of the many present in the center of the cathedral , where our guide you , a teacher from the school in Sax, told us about architecture, art , artists , and religion. Thanks to the many information could supplement the work card , which at the end of the day and lessons were collected and tested . We are also on the lookout tower , which was once the main gateway to the city. Here we admired the wonderful views and photos did contrasts of modernity and history. We saw the entire Valencia ! Left finally it was time for dinner . We came to the climate tavern , where we were served a delicious traditional food, started starters , main course and dessert . I think that everyone deserves at him , because walking in the pouring hot sun but nice it very tiring . More about 19.00 , when we said goodbye to Valencia local thermometers showed 35 degrees Celsius ! While enjoying their meals we talked with our new friends and had a nice time . Of course it was not the end . Immediately after dinner we went to the City of Arts and Sciences, where we could see the other side of the moon , or make estimated distance measurements between the stars . Here you can actually move in time in the future , which capture the numerous buildings like straight out of science­fiction genre .

The fourth day 22.10.2014r . Today started with a common marathon . We were wrong attitude from morning to run, because we are not accustomed to such high temperatures. However, all participants overcame more than kilometer route . The last 195 meters we ran together . After the race , we found that the marathon was a very good idea , and the route we ran with great pleasure by helping each other. The result of the marathon , which is 42 kilometers and 195 meters overcame a very decent time , namely in 3 hours and 40 minutes. On this day, we took part in the classes in the library , which were the subject of human rights. Then, a little tired, but with a smile on his lips, went to families to dine and relax. About 15.30 we were back in school and started classes LdL . The first presentation belonged to us. We were a bit nervous , but properly done our job . Our presentation and exercises advocated in particular the Poles , who in their actions and work treated about racism , human rights , freedom and equality in the Polish state and the world. Speech about our noblistach Czeslaw Milosz and Lech Walesa and a huge heart man Janusz Korczak . Choir of all we find that learning a language through practice and direct contact is most effective . We all experience this every day on her skin.

The continuation of the fourth day After completing the task with curiosity took an active part in lessons conducted by our partners from Lithuania, Greece, Spain, Turkey , Finland and Romania. All the presentations and the tasks to be performed were different and very original . We were impressed by the ease with which all our peers used a variety of information and communication technologies . After the session, it was time for another sports rivalry , that competition in the pool water ! We spent a very nice time , we took part in the relay and competed with each other. Also measured with the teachers , and the victory did not come easily though it was very sweet :) . It was a great day. Increasingly we like it here, and every day more and more attach to people close to us and this wonderful place .

The fifth day 23.10.2014 The fifth day was full of excitement

again. We woke up before dawn like every day to set off to Nature Reserve El Fondo, which motto are wetlands, which fit to the Ramsar Convention to protect the birds staying here. Here on the site we took part in a few lessons CLIL conducted by teachers form Spain as well as employees of the reserve and a natural history museum.. When we arrived, we was pleasantly surprised. Water everywhere, birds and other intyresting animals. The place was very picturesque and there was a lot of green. Practical observations of birds by special for this





binoculars and spotting scopes, brought additional positive impressions. All birds found so far in this area was more than 180 species. The terrain itself was much more extensive, but in the fight against malaria in more than 90% w ramach walki z malarią w ponad 90% was under drying 200 years ago. Because of that we were able to visit diffrent nooks of park and observe flamingos, grebes, many species of ducks, herons and cormorants.

The continuation of the fifth day While we were walking in the park we were also talking with ours friends from other countries. Enjoying the views we were listening to interesting stories about the animals and plants living here permanently. Here we could also taste different fruits from the tree. It was unusual opportunity to taste new flavors. After terrain and natural lessons we went for a delicious dinner.Then, after a very exquisite meal given by several waiters and many traditional appetizers, two dishes, dessert and bon­bon coffe, we went to Alicante. We arrived there at 6 o'clock p.m. and each of us had opportunity to get to know at least a little this city, which has over half milion inhabitants. The biggest impressed had on as located on a high mountain Castle St, Barbara. Here we spent the last moments until sunset. Then at dark night we came back to Sax to families, who host us.

The sixth day 24.10.2014r. Trip into mountains was planned on

sixth day. In the morning we went to the adventurous. We were a bit shocked, when they told to climb quite high rocks, but it turned out to be quiet a pleasant activity and it looked pathetically only from bottom. While we were climbing we were learning new things about natur and students passed us informations about plants and animals, which live in the local mountains. This mountains are ladscape park. On these LdL lessons, which were conducted by pupils, we had 25 stations and on each we found out many very interesting informations about the local nature. We were a little tired, but happy. Next we went to the castle in biar and we were sightseeing this beautiful monument of the twelfth century. We should tell that in this region each town has got own monumental castle, which is glory for inhabitants.

The continuation of the sixth day Later we went for the dinner at the school canteen. Then we were plaing football, baseball and








suitable. In the evening it was time for the festive close of our journey. Local orchestra played for us deveral beautiful traditional songs on folk instruments. In the rhythm of the music they were given diplomas.

Our joy of the project, which turned out to be a great success again, "crop up" to the center of city, where everyone with the characteristic Spanish temperament we were celebrating in the folk rhythm­ singing and dancing. Many tears flowed. We became acquainted... After the ceremony began farewell dance. We were dancing, laughing and spending the last moments with our friends.

And here the best of the best :)

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