5 Finland visit of Comenius Project ebook ang

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Multilateral Schools Partnership of Comenius Project

“Let’s create a multicultural Europe”

May 2015 Visit in Finland

Sunday 3 May 2015

We have been waiting for a long time before a trip to this exciting country ­ FINLAND, the partner of our project "Let's create a multicultural Europe", coordinated by our school. The project has been lasting for two years from 2013 to 2015 and we gained more than 150 000 Euros. It enabled us the implementation of many activities and especially it motivated us to work harder within the program. Its mobilities let us the intercultural exchange between the partner countries. The aim of the project is to implement in the educational process by LdL lessons ­ the new method of teaching and CLIL lessons for preparing and providing lessons for their peers by the students, of course, in English, science, the subject ­ history, biology, geography, culture also conducted in English by teachers and qualified guides or scientists. All our activities are supported by modern technology, applications and work in the so­called cloud. The idea behind the project is thematic while breaking down barriers and stereotypes through intercultural knowledge, understanding and acceptance other cultures. We firmly believe that our European diversity is a source of our wealth. We arrived to Helsinki by Finnish airlines in the afternoon and then by bus and train we got there to the village of Hyvinkaa. There were already waiting for us our host families, teachers and our Finnish counterparts. After a warm meal and hearing the family members went out to walk with our friends to better know the neighborhood. In the current mobility have the chance to take part in the students who most involved in activities relating to the project in recent times, ie. Wiktoria Mączyńska, Katarzyna Płudowska, Kinga Nowicka, Nela Puchacz, Sergiel Wasilewski, Maciej Kruczek and Szymon Domański. Teachers are Magorzata Chrobak, Andrzej Pieniak and project coordinator Artur Baranowski. Full of impressions and tired we went to bed, to the next day be in good shape.

gallery: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6145635367979434289

Monday 4th May 2015 Today began with a formal welcome all partners. Before the participants of each of the individual countries introduced themselves spoke Ms. Head of the Department of Education and the city of Hyvinkää.The director of the school welcomed the possibility of hosting the thresholds of school and the city of so many representatives of many European nationalities. We gave small gifts as received from the municipal government in Lukow, together with the Polish typical sweets like marshmallow. After the ceremony, we were visiting school, learning about the working conditions of teachers, artists studios accessories, chemical or physical, and the entire infrastructure of multimedia equipment. We were very impressed with not only the complete equipment sets for laboratory experiments but also music equipment or a sewing machines. The teachers emphasized that the current education system in Finland is at a very high level and global PISA tests Finland position is always in the top three for many years, often taking first deposit. After school we went to the school canteen where we were treated to a delicious dinner. Here we wondered once again that in Finland all meals are free for all students. However, they are cooked in one place and physical delivery to all 19 schools and kindergartens in the 55 thousandth city, which is quite economical solution. Then we were invited on a tour of the city Hyvinkää, we saw among others the Church Kirkonmäki, we saw a typical Finnish style buildings and many others. The dominant religion in the country's Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Finnish Orthodox Church with the status of national churches. The weather was good so students willingly took part in sports games proposed by the hosts. After dinner, along with a group of Polish we spent most of their time in the studio rehearsing music for Friday's show, at the end we had the Swedish language lessons. Swedish is the second official language after Finnish in Finland. In the afternoon we also had the opportunity to see the education system in Finland, it's financing and the winner of many competitions


presented us with a

number of the winning



betrayed the secret of how


cooperate with the school

to from







coordinate projects liczęce


partners , how to effectively

motivate students to

learn the language and thus

achieve success. We

fulfilled after leaving the

school we went to a

well deserved rest. We

spent the rest of the


friends from Finland. We are looking forward to the next day!



gallery: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6145629281519302593

Tuesday 5th May 2015

Today we went to Helsinki ­ the capital of Finland. Because of the morning rain we had a CLIL lesson about the history of Finland and the most important monuments and buildings from the bus windows. During the lesson we were familiarizes with finish poets, politicians, painters, musicians and composers as well as scientific recognized by Nobel Prize. We were really glad that we understood almost everything. The next step was the CLIL lessons in the Museum of Journalism. Here we have found out about the print history and journalist’s day in the past and nowadays. Then the teachers divided us into groups and we had a chance to work as journalists for a while. We have been taking photographs in the streets which had to express different emotions like: sadness, happiness, joy, mystery or surprising.

At 1 pm we went for dinner to the restaurant which were run by vocational school educated students as waiters, cooks or barmen. After dinner we went by ferry to Suomenilinna Island were we had another CLIL lessons provided by our teachers and museum guides. The lessons were based on interactive exhibitions, watching films, making notes as well as active routes outside with finding clues, doing tasks and finding historic points on the Island. In the past this fortification was very important to finish army and this is only the museum but recognized by UNESCO as the world heritage. At 6 pm really tired but full of emotions we went back to Hyvinki and our families.

gallery: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6145518293989657809

Wednesday 6th May 2015

Today all together at 8.00 we met in school. Each country had the task to prepare a LdL lesson containing information about various regionalisms and cultural differences in each country. The first were students from Romania who in national costumes told us about history of their creation and national minorities in Romania. Then our Polish team led a lesson about national and regional dances, costumes and music. The lesson was based on the images, sounds, films and also engaged manually by adjusting all the items of clothing to one of several major regional costumes. Also, we treated our new friends with traditional Polish cakes, such as “keks” and gingerbread. We were all dressed in our national costumes, what also made our lesson very lively and interesting. After a short break Greeks, Lithuanians and the second Polish group presented their works. This time, with a beautiful visualization in professional presentation, students told about causes of national minorities in Poland. Then all the students did some activitationing exercises. After that students from Spain showed us some songs in their language and a presentation with a map of Spain, on which all regionalisms, habits, ceremonies and characteristic dishes were talked. After lunch the whole group went to Villa Arttu ­ Art Centre ­ the urban center of culture to get a CLIL art lessons where the teacher first showed us around the center and told about works of art, as well as international exhibitions that are there. Each of us had the task of performing several works of any subject matter in a variety of artistic techniques. Also we visited a nearby school to admire impressive and modern endowing of that school. We were very satisfied of our works and glued them on a dedicated wall. Then we went to see city hall located in the historic yarn factory,primary school and secondary school. Director told us the story of the school, and then showed us around her. We had the opportunity to see there a lot of students works of this school and sports hall. We returned to our school after 16:00 and went home for a short rest and lunch. Then we went to the skating rink and the swimming pool. It was a very nice touch that day. For sure, everyone will remember this day very nice.

gallery: ​ https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6145669108357193601

Thursday 7th May 2015 At 8.30 we left Hyvinkaa and went to Nuuksio National Park . We arrived at 9:40 . When we were walking into a nature center Haltia, guide divided us into groups. At the beginning he told us the story of the center. We learned that center is visited by as many as 100 thousand tourists and that the building is built mainly of pine. He told us also about Finland's natural environment and animals inhabiting it . Guide explained that Finland in Finnish called " Suomi ", which means swamp country . In the country there are 39 national parks. There live such animals as reindeer, wolverines, wolves and bears. After the lesson from left to self­ guided walk with a map to a nearby forest . About 12.00 we returned to Haltii for dinner . Later we visited Solvalla Sports Academy, where we where divided into groups had to find marked points. To accomplish this task we were given a GPS, which pointed us in the direction where we had to go. One group decided to find all the points, but cared not without obstacles, as they had to repeatedly run through the swamp and climb on the high cliffs. Later we played at the hall in " capture the flag ". The last point of our trip was the sauna and swimming in the lake. Jumping into the water was a very big challenge because the temperature was a little over 3 °C, but it was not a problem for all of us because everyone had a great time. While we were bathing, organizers prepared sandwiches and sausages. At 19 we returned to Hyvinkaa.

gallery: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6146456697060302801

Friday 8th May 2015 Friday was the day when we all took part in European Day. About 9.00 every partners team presented its culture, tradition, clothes, dances, story telling, songs. Teachers, parents and invited guest e.g. local authorities and media watched the programme. First was the Greek team presented two dances: Calamatiano i Ikariotiko. Than Lithuanian student told and sang the folk song and story.Than Spanish dance from region Sax called Danzas sajeñas and Turkish music Ney which expresses the melody coming out of your mind and heart. The next was Romanian team singing two songs in Romanian language and two dances eg. Brosoveonca. Our Polish team started with the song O niebo lepiej "M.Szczęśniaka i "Broken Vow" J.Grabana by M. Kruczek.Than in a musical (theatre and song) we presented the love story from the poem Lipka and the folk song “W moim ogródecku ­ in my garden”. At the end we dances Polish traditional dance Krakowiak. The last was Finish team presented Finnish Polka dance. The whole artistic entertainment enriched our knowledge about European Culture Diversity. Then we had LdL and CLIL lessons for subject like: cooking, maths and PE. After the break we started preparing to our “Farewell party”. It was started with ballet dance and other Finish dances. Then we had a chance to taste the Finish Cuisine. The very surprising for all of us was a Santa Claus visit giving sweet presents and sharing with good words. Finally we got Certificates and we started saying goodbye with many tears in our eyes hoping to see them soon!

Greek Team

Lithuanian Team

Spanish Team

Turkish Team

Romanian Team

Polish Team

Finish Team

Finish Team

galeria: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6146489793030502321

Saturday 9th May 2015 On Saturday we have preparing for the trip back home but some time we had to stay with our friendly families as well as had a nice walk in local nature reserve.

gallery: ​ https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/106776515772315584197/albums/6146927494479090529

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