Auction 37

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London, 19th -20th September 2017 Viewing Times: 16th -18thSeptember 10:00 am - 7:00 pm (BST) Auction Times: 19th - 20th September 19th September - Lots 1- 451 3:00 pm (BST) 20th September - Lots 452 -858 3:00 pm (BST)

Royal Opera Arcade Gallery 5b Pall Mall Street - 1-2, Royal Opera Arcade London SW1Y 4UY Ph. +44 7741757468 · +39 0632609795





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Important information for Auction 37 - The lots are definitely awarded in the auction room on the days of sale: 19th and 20th September 2017 – 3:00pm BST. - The lots are available for viewing at “Royal Opera Arcade (ROA) Gallery” in 5B Pall Mall – 1-2 Royal Opera Arcade, London SW1Y 4UY, United Kingdom from 16th to 18th September 2017 from 10:00am BST to 7:00pm BST. - The offers may be made through our websites (, or Biddr (, Sixbid (, by fax, email, phone or directly to the offices of Bertolami Fine Arts. Offers made by email, by fax and through our website or website above mentioned, can be received until 12:00pm BST of 19th September, 2017 for lots 1-451 and until 12:00pm BST of 20th September, 2017 for lots 452-858. - BFA may accept absentee bids which are below the reserve price. If the bidding ends before the reserve is reached, Bertolami Fine Arts will submit the consignor the highest absentee bid (until 12.00 pm on 15th September, 2017) below the reserve price received. The decision of the seller will be communicated to the bidder within fifteen days from the auction date. - In the event of matching bids on the same lots, the earliest bid will take precedence. - In the case of only one bid on a lot, the lot will awarded at the opening price. (e.g. if the opening price is £ 1.000 and the only bid offered is £ 1.500, the lot will be awarded at £ 1000). - In the case of multiple bids on the same lot, it will be awarded to the highest bidder. The calculation of the offer will be made at predetermined increments (view “Predetermined increase”) added to the bid immediately lower than the highest received. (e.g. if the opening price is £ 1.000 and customer (A) offers £ 1,270 while customer (B) offers £ 1,800, the lot will be awarded to customer (B) at £ 1,370 (i.e. with a predetermined increment of £ 100 over the immediate lower bid of £ 1,270). - The realized sale prices list will be published on the Bertolami Fine Arts website within five days of adjudication. - Payment for the purchased lots may be made via the following methods: • Bank cheque or cashier’s check in favour of Bertolami Fine Arts LTD with surcharge of £ 10 for foreign checks • Direct bank transfers in Euro may be made to Bertolami Fine Arts LTD with surcharge of £ 10 for outside European Bank transfer: - Barclays in Pound, IBAN: GB59BARC20577690199966 – Account Nr. 90199966 - SWIFT/BIC: BARCGB22 - Barclays in Euros, IBAN: GB60BARC20577642545400 – Account Nr. 42545400 - SWIFT/BIC: BARCGB22 • Credit card (VISA and MasterCard) and PayPal are subject to a 3,5% surcharge on the total amount due; - Payment of purchased items must be made within than 10 days from receipt of the invoice. If the invoice has not been paid within 15 days of the pro-forma invoice date, the interest will be charged at 1% monthly. -Import costs for countries which require formal import requirements, will be charged to the buyer. In the case of unjustified contestation, by which the items are returned to Bertolami Fine Arts, any customs and courier costs will be payable by the buyer. - Bertolami Fine Arts reserves the right to withdraw any lot. The auctioneer during the auction, has the right to unite or separate lots and possibly vary the order of sale. He may, at its own discretion, withdraw lots if the bids in the auction does not reach the reserve price agreed between Bertolami Fine Arts and seller.

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Amount offer £ 0-199 200-499 500-999 1.000-1.999 2.000-4.999 5.000-9.999 10.000-19.999 20.000-29.999 30.000- more

Predetermined increase £ 10 20 50 100 200 500 1.000 2.000 2.500

Informazioni sull’asta 37 - I lotti verranno aggiudicati definitivamente in sala durante l’asta che si svolgerà il 19 e 20 settembre 2017 – 15:00 BST. - Tutti i lotti saranno visibili direttamente presso “Royal Opera Arcade (ROA) Gallery” in 5B Pall Mall – 1-2 Royal Opera Arcade, Londra SW1Y 4UY, Regno Unito dal 16 al 18 settembre 2017 dalle ore 10:00 BST alle ore 19:00 BST. - Le offerte potranno essere effettuate attraverso il nostro sito ( o il portale Biddr (, Sixbid (, via fax, via email, telefonicamente o direttamente presso le sedi di Bertolami Fine Arts. Le offerte via email, via fax, attraverso il nostro sito o i vari portali potranno essere effettuate sino alle ore 12:00 BST del 19 settembre 2017 per i lotti 1-451 e sino alle ore 12:00 BST del 20 settembre 2017 per i lotti 452-858. - BFA può accettare offerte pre-asta sui lotti posti in vendita anche sotto l’importo di riserva. Ove un lotto non riceva offerte superiori o pari alla riserva, Bertolami Fine Arts, sottopone all’approvazione del venditore la maggiore offerta pervenuta nella fase pre-asta, vale a dire entro le ore 12:00 BST del 15 settembre 2017. La decisione del venditore viene comunicata all’offerente entro quindici giorni dalla data dell’asta. - A parità di offerta sul medesimo lotto ed in assenza di nuove offerte in sala, quest’ultimo verrà assegnato all’offerta con data anteriore. - In caso di una sola offerta su un lotto, l’importo di aggiudicazione sarà quello dell’importo di base. Esempio: importo base £ 1.000,00. Importo unica offerta £ 1.500,00. Il lotto viene aggiudicato al cliente che ha effettuato l’unica offerta per £ 1.000,00. - In caso di offerte multiple sul medesimo lotto, l’offerta vincente sino a quel momento verrà calcolata mediante un incremento prestabilito (vedi tabella “Predetermined increase”) da aggiungere alla offerta immediatamente inferiore rispetto a quella più alta ricevuta. Esempio: prezzo base £ 1.000,00. Cliente (A) offerta £ 1.270,00. Cliente (B) £ 1.800,00. In tal caso l’offerta vincente sarà quella del cliente (B) per l’importo di £ 1.370,00 (ossia con l’incremento prestabilito come da tabella per lo scaglione corrispondente pari ad £ 100,00 oltre l’offerta immediatamente inferiore di £ 1.270,00). - L’elenco delle aggiudicazioni verrà pubblicato da Bertolami Fine Arts sul proprio sito, ai soli fini informativi entro cinque giorni dalla chiusura dell’asta. - Il pagamento dei lotti aggiudicati potrà avvenire come segue: • assegno bancario o circolare non trasferibile intestato ad Bertolami Fine Arts LTD, con aggiunta all’importo della fattura di £ 10,00 per gli assegni esteri. • bonifico bancario a favore di Bertolami Fine Arts LTD con aggiunta all’importo della fattura di £ 10,00 per i bonifici extra-Europei da effettuarsi su: - Barclays in Pound, IBAN: GB59BARC20577690199966 – Account Nr. 90199966 - SWIFT/BIC: BARCGB22 - Barclays in Euro, IBAN: GB60BARC20577642545400 – Account Nr. 42545400 - SWIFT/BIC: BARCGB22 • Carta di credito (Visa e MasterCard) e PayPal con aggiunta all’importo della fattura del 3,5% - Il pagamento dei lotti aggiudicati dovrà avvenire entro e non oltre 10 giorni dal ricevimento della fattura di acquisto. A partire dal 15° giorno della data della fattura pro-forma, verranno calcolati 1% di interessi di mora mensile. - I costi doganali e di spedizione sono a carico del compratore. Nel caso in cui, per contestazioni ingiustificate, le monete dovessero essere restituite ad Bertolami Fine Arts, le spese doganali e di spedizione sono a carico del cliente.

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Importo offerta £ 0-199 200-499 500-999 1.000-1.999 2.000-4.999 5.000-9.999 10.000-19.999 20.000-29.999 30.000- oltre

Incremento automatico prestabilito £ 10 20 50 100 200 500 1.000 2.000 2.500

Greek World and Ancient Near East

Central Italy

2 1

1 Umbria, Tuder (?), Cast Sextans, 3rd century BC; AE (g 29,66; mm 33; h -); Club, Rv. Two pellets. HNItaly 54; ICC 199. Dark green patina, high relief, extremely fine.


2 Etruria, Populonia, 20 asses, 3rd century BC; AR (g 7,47; mm 20); Facing head of Metus, hair bound with diadem; below, oXI:IXo, Rv. Blank. HNItaly 152; Vecchi 55.Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



4 3



3 Suessa Aurunca, Didrachm, c. 265-240 BC; AR (g 7,23; mm 22; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo r.; on l., owl, Rv. A Dioscurus riding l., leading second horse and holding palm branch; in ex. SVESANO. HNItaly 447. Very rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


4 Phistelia, Obol, c. 325-275 BC; AR (g 0,65; mm 10; h 12); Young male head facing; around ΦΙΣΤΕ – ΛΙΑ (in Greek), Rv. Corn-grain between mussel and dolphin. HNItaly 613. Rare, weakness on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.


5 1,5:1


6 1,5:1





5 Phistelia, Obol, c. 325-275 BC; AR (g 0,68; mm 11; h 12); Young male head facing, Rv. Fistlvis (in Oscan), corn-grain between mussel and dolphin. HNItaly 613. Large flan, good extremely fine.


6 Phistelia, Obol, c. 325-275 BC; AR (g 0,62; mm 19; h 12); Young male head facing, Rv. Fistlvis (in Oscan), corn-grain between mussel and dolphin. HNItaly 613. Toned, extremely fine.


7 Phistelia, Obol, c. 325-275 BC; AR (g 0,65; mm 12; h 10); Female head facing, wearing necklace, Rv. Lion advancing l.; in ex. snake. HNItaly 619. Iridescent tone, good extremely fine.







8 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 510-500 BC;; AR (g 8,03; mm 24; h 11); TΑΡΑΣ, oecist riding dolphin r.; below, shell, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 826; Vlasto 68. Very rare. Lightly toned and in fine archaic style, extremely fine.


9 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 500-480 BC; AR (g 8,03; mm 19; h 12); TΑΡΑΣ (retrograde), oecist riding dolphin l.; below, shell, Rv. Wheel with four spokes. HNItaly 833; Vlasto 81. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


10 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 380-340 BC; AR (g 7,74; mm 21; h 3); Horseman galloping r.; below, Δ, Rv. [T]APA[Σ], oecist riding dolphin l., holding kantharos; below, ΠΟ (?). HNItaly 880; Vlasto -. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.





11 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 332-302 BC; AR (g 7,76; mm 22; h 6); Horseman galloping r., holding spears and shield; below, [ΣIM], Rv. [ΦI]ΛIΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holding distaff; on r., eagle; below, waves. HNItaly 933; Vlasto 574. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


12 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 332-302 BC; AR (g 7,85; mm 22; h 8); Horseman galloping r., holding spears and shield; below, ΣIM, Rv. ΤΑΡΑΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holding distaff; on l., eagle; below, ΦΙ and waves. HNItaly 933; Vlasto 576. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


13 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 332-302 BC; AR (g 7,74; mm 21; h 5); Horseman galloping r., holding spears and shield; below, ΣA, Rv. TAPAΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holding distaff; below, prow. HNItaly 934; Vlasto 586. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.




14 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 332-302 BC; AR (g 7,83; mm 22; h 3); Horseman advancing r., crowning himself; below, ΣΑ and capital, Rv. TAPAΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holging snake and whip; below, KOM. HNItaly 942; Vlasto 657. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


15 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 332-302 BC; AR (g 7,81; mm 23; h 10); Horseman advancing r., crowning himself; below, ΣΑ and capital, Rv. [TAP]AΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holging snake and whip; below, KOM. HNItaly 942; Vlasto 657. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.





16 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 302-280 BC; AR (g 7,58; mm 21; h 1); Horseman advancing r., crowning horse; on l., AΓΩ; below, KPAT / INOΣ, Rv. TAPAΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holging kantharos; below, ZOP. HNItaly 958; Vlasto 677. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


17 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 302-280 BC; AR (g 7,70; mm 20; h 6); Horseman riding l., holding shield; on r., ΣΙ; below, [ΦΙΛΟΚΛΗΣ], Rv. ΤΑΡΑΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holding wreath; below, ΛΥ. HNItaly 965; Vlasto 574. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


18 1,5:1


18 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 280-272 BC; AR (g 6,36; mm 21; h 8); The Dioskouroi riding l.; above, monogram; below, ΣΩΔ – A – M – O – Σ, Rv. TA – PAΣ, oecist holding spears, shield, and Nike, who crowns him with wreath, riding dolphin l.; below, waves. HINtaly 1011; Vlasto 780. Lightly toned, well centered specimen, good extremely fine.




19 Tarentum, Nomos, c. 240-228 BC; AR (g 6,38; mm 20; h 6); Cuirassed and cloaked soldier on horse l., raising hand; in upper r., TPK monogram and pileus; below, ΞE – NOKPA / T – HΣ, Rv. [TAP]AΣ, oecist riding dolphin l., holding trident and raising drapery; on r., monogram; in lower field, waves and squid. HNItaly 1058; Vlasto 958. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


20 Tarentum (Campano-Tarentine coinage), Didrachm, c. 281-228 BC; AR (g 7,23; mm 21; h 11); Diademed head of nymph l., wearing earrings and necklace; behind, EY, Rv. TA, horseman advancing r., crowning horse; below, dolphin. NHItaly 1098; Vlasto 995. Rare, dark patina. Large flan and high relief, about extremely fine.




21 1,5:1

21 Poseidonia, Stater, c. 445-420 BC; AR (g 8,14; mm 19; h 11); ΠOΣEIΔ, Poseidon advancing r., holding trident and wearing chlamys, Rv. ΠOΣEIDA (retrograde), bull standing l. on double groud-line, lienar and dotted. HNItaly 1116. Very rare and in exceptional condition for the issue. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine / extremely fine.






22 Velia, Didrachm, c. 440-400 BC; AR (g 7,56; mm 19; h 7); Head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with olive wreath, Rv. Lion pulling down stag r. HNItaly 1270. Cabinet tone, good very fine – about extremely fine.


23 Velia, Didrachm, c. 400-340 BC; AR (g 7,64; mm 19; h 9); Head of nimph r., hair in krobylos, Rv. Lion r.; above, owl flying; in ex. YEΛHTEΩN. HNItaly 1277. Rare, good very fine – about extremely fine.


24 Velia, Didrachm, c. 340-334 BC; AR (g 7,63; mm 23; h 11); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin; behind neck-guard, Θ, Rv. Lion walking r.; above [Φ] and below, Θ; in ex. ΥΕΛHΤΩΝ. HNItaly 1284. Lighly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




25 Velia, Didrachm, c. 334-300 BC; AR (g 7,46; mm 21; h 2); Head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with griffin, Rv. Lion standing l., foreleg raised; above, Θ; below, monogram; in ex. YEΛHTΩN. HNItaly 1290 var (Athena r.). Very rare. Nice cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


26 Velia, Didrachm, c. 334-300 BC; AR (g 7,49; mm 21; h 12); Head of Athena l., wearing crested Phrygian helmet decorated with centauress; on r., monogram, Rv. YEΛHTΩN, lion tearing prey l.; below, Φ – monogram. HNItaly 1294. Signed by Kleudoros. Cabinet tone and extremely fine.





27 Velia, Didrachm, c. 334-300 BC; AR (g 7,28; mm 20; h 7); Head of Athena l., wearing crested Phrygian helmet decorated with centauress; on r., monogram, Rv. YEΛHTΩN, lion tearing prey l.; above, Λ; below, monogram. HNItaly 1294. Signed by Kleudoros. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine / good extremely fine.


28 Velia, Didrachm, c. 334-300 BC; AR (g 7,51; mm 20; h 1); Head of Athena facing, slightly l., wearing winged and crested Phrygian helmet; on helmet bowl, KΛEYΔΩΡOY, Rv. Lion standing l., tearing prey; above, A; below, monogram; in ex. ΥΕΛΕΤΩΝ. HNItaly 1295. Rare and signed by Kleudoros. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


29 Velia, Didrachm, c. 334-300 BC; AR (g 7,59; mm 21; h 1); Head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with olive wreath; behind neck, monogram, Rv. Lion standing l., head turned r., forelegs on ram’s head; below, monogram; in ex. YEΛHTΩN. HNItaly 1297. Scarce and signed by Kleudoros. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.





30 1,5:1

30 Velia, Didrachm, c. 280 BC; AR (g 7,39; mm 22; h 8); Head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with griffin; on neckguard, palmette; on l., A; on r., IE in incuse square, Rv. YEΛ[HTΩN], lion pulling down stag l. HNItaly 1318. Cabinet tone, minor chip on obverse, anyway extremely fine.


31 Heraclea, Stater, c. 390-340 BC; AR (g 7,88; mm 24; h 5); Head of Athena r., wearing Attic crested helmet, decorated with Skylla hurling rocks; before, letter, Rv. HPAKΛHIΩN, Herakles standing r., strangling the Nemean lion; on l., club; below, owl. HNItaly 1377. Old cabinet tone, well centered specimen, extremely fine.




32 Heraclea, Stater, c. 281-278 BC; AR (g 7,81; mm 21; h 5); HPAKΛHIΩN, head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla hurling stone; on l., E, Rv. APIΣ, Herakles standing facing, wearing lion skin and holding bow, club and arrow; on l., owl. HNItaly 1385. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


33 Metapontion, Stater, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 8,17; mm 28; h 12); MET, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1459; Noe 10. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.





34 Metapontion, Stater, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 8,19; mm 28; h 12); MET, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1459; Noe 14. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


35 Metapontion, Drachm, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 2,57; mm 19; h 12); MET, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1464; Noe 48. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


36 Metapontion, Stater, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 5,91; mm 29; h 12); META, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1479; cfr. Noe 126-127. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.






37 Metapontion, Stater, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 7,95; mm 28; h 12); [M]ETA, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1479; Noe 127. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


38 Metapontion, Drachm, c. 540-510 BC; AR (g 2,66; mm 19; h 12); MET, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1468; Noe 81. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


39 Metapontion, Stater, c. 510-470 BC; AR (g 7,67; mm 24; h 12); META, barley-ear, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1482; Noe 189. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.





40 Metapontion, Stater, c. 340-330 BC; AR (g 7,82; mm 21; h 10); Helmeted head of Tharragoras r.; behind, Σ, Rv. META, barley-ear; abobe leaf, trophy; below, Π. HNItaly 1567; Johnston pl. 3, 7.13. Very rare, cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


41 Metapontion, Stater, c. 340-330 BC; AR (g 7,93; mm 19; h 2); Head of Demeter r., wearing barley wreath, earrings and necklace, Rv. META, barley-ear; on r., jug and ΦI. HNItaly 1568; Johnston pl. 3, 8.3. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


42 Metapontion, Stater, c. 340-330 BC; AR (g 7,84; mm 21; h 3); Head of Leucippus r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., NI, Rev. META, barley-ear; upon leaf r., AΠH and crescent. HNItaly 1573; Johnston pl. 4, 9.4. Rare. Old cabinet tone, graffito on reverse, good extremely fine.





43 Metapontion, Stater, c. 330-290 BC; AR (g 7,57; mm 20; h 11); Head of Demeter l., wearing barley wreath, earrings and necklace; on l., [AY], Rv. META, barley-ear; on l., griffin and ΛY. HNItaly 1589; Johnston pl. 13, 6.2. Lightly toned, about extremely fine / extremely fine.


44 Metapontion, Stater, c. 290-280 BC; AR (g 7,86; mm 20; h 9); Head of Demeter r., wearing barley wreath, earrings and necklace, Rv. META, barley-ear. HNItaly 1615 or 1624. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


45 Metapontion, Bronze, c. 300-250 BC; AE (g 3,33; mm 16; h 12); Laureate head of Apollo l., Rv. META, barley-ear with leaf to l.; on r., tripod. HNItaly 1675; Johnston 40. Rare. Brownish patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.






46 Metapontion, Bronze, c. 300-250 BC; AE (g 4,50; mm 17; h 2); Head of Athena facing, slightly r., wearing triple crested helmet, Rv. META, barley-ear; above, cross torch. HNItaly 1682; Johnston 46. Brownish patina, good extremely fine.


47 Metapontion, Bronze, c. 225-200 BC; AE (g 3,15; mm 15; h 6); Athena Alkidemos r., carrying shield and thunderbolt, Rv. META, owl standing r., wings closed, on stalk of barley-ear. HNItaly 1704; Johnston 68a. Brownish patina, good extremely fine.


48 Sybaris, Stater, c. 550-510 BC; AR (g 8,16; mm 30; h 12); Bull advancing l., head turned back; in ex. MV (retrograde), Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1729. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


50 49

49 Sybaris, Stater, c. 550-510 BC; AR (g 8,03; mm 30; h 12); Bull advancing l., head turned back; above, MV (retrograde), Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1729. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


50 Sybaris, Drachm, c. 550-510 BC; AR (g 2,66; mm 18; h 12); Bull advancing l., head turned back; in ex., MV (retrograde), Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1736. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




52 1,5:1

51 Sybaris, Drachm, c. 550-510 BC; AR (g 2,40; mm 18; h 12); Bull advancing l., head turned back; in ex., MV (retrograde), Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 1736. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


52 Thurium, Stater c. 380-340 BC; AR (g 7,84; mm 22; h 6); Head of Athena r., wearing Attic crested helmet, decorated with Skylla, holding oar and pointing, Rv. ΘOYΡIΩN, bull butting r.; in ex. fish. HNItaly 1800. Scarce. Struck from dies of pleasing style, minor scratch on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.







53 The Brettii, Hemidrachm, c. 216-214 BC; AR (g 2,25; mm 15; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, star, Rv. BPETTIΩN, Artemis with hound standing l., holding torch and arrow; above, crab. HNItaly 1965. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.


54 The Brettii, Didrachm, c. 211-208 BC; AE (g 17,41; mm 27; h 10); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin; behind, dagger, Rv. BPETTIΩN, Athena advancing r., holding shield and spear; on r., plough. HNItaly 1992. Dark green patina,large flan, good extremely fine.


55 Terina, Drachm, c. 300 BC; AR (g 2,32; mm 16; h 9); TEPINAIΩN, female head r., wearing earrings; behind, triskeles, Rv. Winged Nike seated on cippus l., holding caduceus. HNItaly 2641. Iridescent tone, good extremely fine.




56 Caulonia, Stater, c. 525-500 BC; AR (g 6,15; mm 30; h 12); KAVΛ, Apollo standing r., holding branch and small figure running; on r., stag, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 2035. Old cabinet tone, good very fine – about extremely fine.


57 Caulonia, Stater, c. 500-480 BC; AR (g 7,86; mm 25; h 12); KAVΛO, Apollo standing r., holding branch and small figure running; on r., stag; on r., stag, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 2038. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



59 1,5:1


58 Caulonia, Stater, c. 474-425 BC; AR (g 7,99; mm 22; h 1); KAVΛ, Apollo standing r., holding branch and small figure running; on r., stag, Rv. KAVΛ, stag standing r.; on r., laurel branch. HNItaly 2046. Scarce. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


59 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 8,28; mm 30; h 12); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, serpents and ornaments, Rv. Tripod incuse. HNItaly 2075. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





60 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 8,25; mm 28; h 12); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, serpents and ornaments, Rv. Tripod incuse. HNItaly 2075. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


61 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 8,19; mm 29; h 12); [%]PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, serpents and ornaments, Rv. Tripod incuse. HNItaly 2075. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.





62 Croton, Drachm, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 2,82; mm 21; h 12); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws, on lebes, serpents and ornaments, Rv. Tripod incuse. HNItaly 2076. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


63 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 8,04; mm 23; h 12); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, ornaments; on r., marsh-bird, Rv. %PO – TON, tripod incuse. HNItaly 2081 var (reverse). Rare, lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


64 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 7,93; mm 24; h 11); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, ornaments; on r., marsh-bird, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 2081. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





65 1,5:1

65 Croton, Stater, c. 530-500 BC; AR (g 8,03; mm 23; h 6); %POTON, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, serpents and ornaments Rv. Incuse eagle flying r. HNItaly 2084 var (legend position). Rare. Lightly toned, about extremely fine / good extremely fine.


66 Croton, Stater, c. 480-430 BC; AR (g 8,01; mm 21; h 12); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; on lebes, ornaments; on r., marshbird, Rv. Tripod incuse. HNItaly 2102. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


67 Croton, Triobol, c. 525-425 BC; AR (g 1,32; mm 11; h 11); %PO, tripod with legs ending in lion’s paws; below, two serpents, Rv. %PO, crab. HNItaly 2130. Rare and toned, about extremely fine.






68 Croton, Stater, c. 350-300 BC; AR (g 7,87; mm 23; h 1); Eagle standing l., on olive branch, Rv. KPOTΩNIATAN, tripod; on r., B. HNItaly 2171. Rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine. 69 Laos, Drachm, c. 510-500 BC; AR (g 2,35; mm 17; h 12); ΛAFΣ, man headed bull standing r., head turned back, Rv. Same type incuse. HNItaly 2271. Extremely rare. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine. Ex Artemide Kunkauctionen GmbH, Auction 39, lot 51. 70 Lokroi Epizephyrioi, Stater, c. 400-350 BC; AR (g 7,27; mm 22; h 1); Laureate head of Zeus r., Rv. [ΛO]KP[ΩN], eagle standing l., open wings, holding hare with claws. HNItaly 2327. Cabinet tone, minor peeling, anyway about extremely fine.





73 71




71 Akragas, Didrachm, c. 500-495 BC; AR (g 8,74; mm 19; h 9); AKPA, eagle standing l., with closed wings, Rv. Crab. SNG Copenhagen 26. SNG ANS 941. Old cabinet tone, very pleasant style, extremely fine.


72 Akragas, Tetradrachm, c. 471-430 BC; AR (g 17,05; mm 26; h 1); AKPAC – ANTOΣ (partially retrograde), eagle standing l., with closed wings, Rv. Crab. SNG Copenhagen 41; SNG ANS 977. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


73 kamarina, Diobol, c. 406-405 BC; AV (g 1,06; mm 10; h 9); Head of Athena r., wearing Attic helmet decorated with winged hippocamp, Rv. KA, surrounded by olive sprig with two berries. Westermark & Jenkins 206; HGC 2, 518; SNG ANS 1209; Rizzo VII, 17; Weber 1248. Very rare: an emergency issue struck to finance a defence against the great Carthaginian expedition which was at that time ravaging the Greek cities of Sicily. About extremely fine.




74 Gela, Didrachm, c. 490-475 BC; AR (g 8,53; mm 22; h 10); Horseman galloping r., holding spear, Rv. ΓEVAΣ, forepart of man-headed bull swimming r. Jenkins 57 (O 17 / R 26). Toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


75 Gela, Tetradrachm, c. 420-415 BC; AR (g 17,27; mm 25; h 5); Slow quadriga driven l. by charioteer, holding kentron and reins; above, Nike flying l. to crown the horses, Rv. ΓΕΛΑΣ, forepart of man-headed bull swimming l. Jenkins 469 (O 91 / R 182). Lightly toned, about extremely fine / extremely fine.




76 1,5:1

76 Himera, Tetradrachm, c. 440-425 BC; AR (g 16,98; mm 28; h 9); IMEP[AION] (retr.), charioteer driving slow quadriga r.; above, flying Nike l., holding wreath, Rv. The nymph Himera standing facing, wearing chiron and himation, holding patera l. over a lighted altar; at r., barley grain, behind naked Satyr bathing in a rectangular trough fed by a lion’s head spout. SNG Copenhagen 306; SNG ANS 167. Rare, cabinet tone. Minor weakness on reverse, anyway extremely fine.








77 Himera, Bronze, c. 425-407 BC; AE (g 3,46; mm 15; h 3); Man-headed bull l., Rv. Boar l. CNS I, 44. Very rare and with a beautiful glossy brownish patina. Probably the best specimen known: about fdc.


78 Himera (as Thermai Himerensis), Bronze, c. 407-406 BC; AE (g 3,28; mm 15; h 11); Head of Hera r., wearing stephane decorated with palmettes, Rv. Head of a young Herakles r., wearing lion skin. CNS I, 5. Beautiful reverse style and nice glossy brownish patina: about fdc.




79 Leontinoi, Tetradrachm, c. 455-422 BC; AR (g 17,58; mm 25; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo l., Rv. LE – O – N – TI – N – ON, lion’s head r., with jaws open and tongue protruding; around, four barley grains. SNG Budapest 190 (same dies); Rizzo, pl. XXIV, 4 (ibidem). Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


80 Messana, Tetradrachm, c. 450-439 BC; AR (g 16,76; mm 28; h 1); Charioteer driving biga of mules r.; above, Nike holding wreath; in ex. olive leaf and berry, Rv. MESS – ANION, hare springing r.; below, olive twig. Caltabiano D 160 / R 148 (die combination not recorded). Lightly toned, about extremely fine.



81 1,5:1


81 Motya, Tetras, c. 413-409 BC; AE (g 6,70; mm 20; h 6); Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue; below, three pellets, Rv. Palm tree between a complete punic legend for Motya. CNS I, – (legend MTV). Unpublished. In exceptional condition for this kind of issue. Brownish patina, extremely fine.






82 Motya, Bronze, c. 409-397 BC; AE (g 1,74; mm 13; h 6); Male head, with beard and moustache r., Rv. Crab. CNS I, 10. Green patina, beautiful style and good extremely fine.


83 Selinus, Didrachm, c. 540-515 BC; AR (g 8,77;mm 23; h 9); Selinon leaf; above, two pellets; below, two pellets, Rv. Incuse square, divided in twelve sections. SNG ANS 665; Selinus Hoard 10. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.






84 Solous, Bronze, first half of 4th century BC; AE (g 4,04; mm 19; h 5); Head of young Heracles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. Hippocamp r. CNS I, 1. Rare and with a beautiful glossy brownish patina. Among of the finest specimens known: good extremely fine.


85 Solous, Bronze, post 241 BC; AE (g 3,52; mm 17; h 11); Laureate head of Poseidon r., Rv. COΛΟΝ – ΤΙΝΩΝ, naked warrior charging l., with spear and shield. CNS I, 23. Scarce. Reddish patina, good extremely fine.


Syracuse 86 1,5:1





86 Second Democracy (465-405), 10 Litrae, c. 410-406 BC; AV (g 0,69; mm 9; h 11); SYPA, head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet, Rv. Aegis with gorgoneion at centre. Rizzo, pl. XLVIII, n. 6; Weber 1608; SNG ANS 316. Rare and lustrous; rusty reverse die, anyway fdc.


87 Dionysios I (405-367), Tetradrachm, c. 405-400 BC; AV (g 1,16; mm 12; h 10); SYPA, head of Herakles l., wearing lion skin, Rv.S – Y – P – A, in quadripartite incuse square; in deeper circle incuse, small head of Arethusa l. Weber 1607; Rizzo Pl. XLVIII, n. 9; SNG ANS 351. Scarce and lustrous, rusty obverse die, anyway about fdc.



89 88

88 1,5:1

88 Dion (357-354), Hemidrachm, c. 357-354 BC; AE (g 13,31; mm 24; h 8); ZEYΣ E – ΛEY – ΘEPIOΣ, laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios r., Rv. ΣYPAKO – ΣIΩN, winged thunderbolt; on r., eagle. CNS II, 72 st2. Struck on a full flan, good extremely fine.


89 Timoleon and Third Democracy (344-317), Stater, c. 344-336 BC; AR (g 8,18; mm 21; h 9); Pegasos flying l., Rv. ΣΥΡAKOΣIΩN, head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet. Pegasi 1/1. Lightly toned, large flan and good extremely fine – about fdc.


91 90



90 Timoleon and Third Democracy (344-317), Dilitron, c. 344-336 BC; AE (g 18,82; mm 27; h 12); ZEYΣ E – Λ – EYΘEPIOΣ, laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios l., Rv. ΣYPA – [K]OΣ[IΩN], horse prancing l. CNS II, 80 st6. Rare and struck from artistic dies. Attractive and untouched green patina, good extremely fine.


91 Timoleon and Third Democracy (344-317), Bronze, c. 344-317 BC; AE (g 5,41; mm 16; h 11); Head of Aphrodite l., Rv. Forepart of Pegasos l.; below, Σ. CNS II, 79. Glossy brownish patina, good extremely fine.









92 Agathokles (317-289), Decadrachm, c. 317-311 BC; AV (g 4,24; mm 15; h 10); Laureate head of Apollo l. Rv, Charioteer driving biga r., holding kentron and reins; around, ΣYPA – K – [OΣIΩN]; below, triskeles. SNG ANS 552. A very pleasant obverse style. Overstruck on uncertain undertype, extremely fine.


93 Agathokles (317-289), Decadrachm, c. 317-311 BC; AV (g 4,28; mm 15; h 7); Laureate head of Apollo l. Rv, Charioteer driving biga r., holding kentron and reins; around, ΣYPAKO – Σ – I – ΩN; below, triskeles. SNG ANS 552. Well centered on a large flan, about extremely fine.


94 Agathokles (317-289), Half Stater, c. 310-304 BC; EL (g 3,61; mm 15; h 7); Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, wreath, Rv. ΣYPAK – OΣIΩN, tripod; below, Π. SNG ANS 630 var. (orientation of ethnic); BMC 264; SNG Fitzwilliam 1290; McClean 2775 . Hairline flan crack, anyway extremely fine. Ex Classical Numismatic Group – Triton IX (10 January 2006), lot 708; auction 29 (12 June 2003), lot 535.









95 Agathokles (317-289), Half Stater, c. 310-304 BC; EL (g 3,63; mm 15; h 3); Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, bucranium, Rv. ΣYPAK – OΣIΩN, tripod. SNG ANS 627. Good extremely fine.


96 Agathokles (317-289), Half Stater, c. 310-304 BC; EL (g 3,65; mm 16; h 9); Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, cornucopia, Rv. ΣYPAK – OΣIΩN, tripod. SNG ANS 626; SNG Stockholm 548. Toned, extremely fine.







97 Agathokles (317-289), Half Stater, c. 310-304 BC; EL (g 3,63; mm 16; h 5); Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, lyre, Rv. [ΣYPAK] – OΣIΩN, tripod. Jenkins group B (O8/R4); BAR Issue 10; SNG ANS -. About extremely fine.


98 Agathokles (317-289), Quarter Stater, c. 310-305 BC; EL (g 1,85; mm 12; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo l., Rv. ΣΥΡΑΚ – ΟΣΙΩΝ, kithara. SNG ANS 617; SNG Fitzwilliam 1295. Minor flattening on obverse, otherwise good extremely fine.


99 Agathokles (317-289), Quarter Stater, c. 306-305 BC; EL (g 1,70; mm 10; h 1); Laureate head of Apollo l., Rv. ΣΥΡΑ[Κ] – ΟΣΙΩΝ, kithara. SNG ANS 617; SNG ANS 619. About extremely fine.


100 102


102 1,5:1

100 Agathokles (317-289), Bronze, c. 310-309 BC; AE (g 2,91; mm 14; h 11); ΣYPAKOΣIΩN, wreathed head of Persephone l.; behind, symbol, Rv. Bull charging l.; above, ΣΩ. CNS II, 106. Glossy brownish patina, extremely fine.


101 Agathokles (317-289), Bronze, c. 317-289 BC; AE (g 9,24; mm 22; h 11); ΣYPAK[OΣIΩN], head of Athena l., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with griffin; behind, palladium, Rv. Pegasos flying l.; below, trident. CNS II, 115. Attractive green patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


102 Agathokles (317-289), Bronze, c. 310-309 BC; AE (g 3,57; mm 17; h 2); ΣYPAKOΣIΩN, head of Athena r., wearing Attic crested helmet decorated with griffin, Rv. Horseman running r., holding spear and wearing chlamys. CNS II, 117. Glossy brownish patina, extremely fine.





103 Hicetas (288-279), Bronze, c. 288-279 BC; AE (g 8,69; mm 22; h 6); ΔIOΣ EΛΛANIOY, laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, palladium, Rv. [ΣYPAK]OΣIΩN, eagle standing l. on thunderbolt; on l., star. CNS II, 157. Green patina good extremely fine.


104 Time of Pyrrhos, Bronze, c. 278-276 BC; AE (g 10,02; mm 22; h 6); Head of Herakles l., wearing lion skin, Rv. Σ – Υ – Ρ – Α, within an eight-rayed star. CNS II, -. Unpublished in the standard references. Green patina, good very fine / very fine.







105 Hieron II (275-215), Bronze, c. 275-265 BC; AE (g 6,72; mm 21; h 1); ΣYPAKOΣIΩN, wreathed head of Persephone l.; behind, poppy head, Rv. Bull charging l.; above, club and Φ; in ex. IE. CNS II, 191 Ds89. Glossy brownish patina, good extremely fine.


106 Hieron II (275-215), Bronze, c. 263-218 BC; AE (g 8,33; mm 22; h 10); Head of Poseidon l., wearing tainia, Rv. IEP – ΩNOΣ, ornamented trident head flanked by two dolphins. CNS II, 194. Beautiful style. Glossy brownish patina, good extremely fine.


108 107


109 1,5:1

107 Hieron II (275-215), Bronze, c. 230-215 BC; AE (g 17,49; mm 27; h 9); Diademed head of Hieron II l., Rv. ΙΕΡΩΝΟΣ, helmeted cavalryman riding horse prancing to r., holding spear; above, A; below, ΣΩ. CNS II, 195. Green patina, beautiful portrait, good extremely fine.


108 Hieron II (275-215), Decadrachm, c. 220-217 BC; AV (g 4,27; mm 15; h 12); Head of Persephone l., wreathed with grain ears, wearing single-pendant earring and necklace; behind, bucranium, Rv. [I]ERNΩNOΣ, charioteer driving biga l., holding kentron and reins; below, monogram. SNG ANS 867 var. (obverse symbol); SNG Copenhagen 816 var. (same); BMC 519; SNG München 1344; Hunterian 299. About extremely fine.


109 Gelon II, son of Hieron II (275-215), 8 Litrai, c. 240-216 BC; AR (g 6,88; mm 20; h 11); Diademed head r., Rv. ΣYPAKOΣION, Nike driving fast biga r., holding reins; before, Σ; below, ΓΕΛΟΝΟΣ. CCO pl. XXVI (D1/R1); BMC 531. Cabinet tone, beautiful portrait, extremely fine.





110 Philistis, wife of Hieron II (275-215), 16 Litrai, c. 218-215 BC; AR (g 14,00; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and veiled head of Philistis l.; behind, oak leaf, Rv. BAΣIΛIΣΣAΣ, Nike driving fast quadriga r., holding reins and kentron; below, E; in ex. ΦIΛIΣTIΔOΣ. CCO pl. III, 20 (D2 / R5). Lighty toned, extremely fine.


111 Philistis, wife of Hieron II (275-215), 16 Litrai, c. 218-215 BC; AR (g 14,14; mm 26; h 6); Diademed and veiled head of Philistis l.; behind, wreath, Rv. BAΣIΛIΣΣAΣ, Nike driving slow quadriga r., holding reins; before, Φ; in ex. ΦIΛIΣTIΔOΣ. CCO pl. XIV, 147 (D3 / R6). Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


112 1,5:1






112 Tauromenion, Tetradrachm, c. 275-210 BC; AV (g 1,06; mm 10; h 7); Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, bee, Rv. TAYROME – NITAN, tripod; on l., API ligate. SNG ANS 1115. Rare. Minor weakness on obverse, anyway good extremely fine.


113 Tauromenion, Bronze, post 336 BC; AE (g 5,47; mm 20; h 12); ΑΡΧΑΓΕΤΑΣ, laureate head of Apollo l., Rv. TAYPOM – ENITAN, tripod. CNS III, 16. Scarce. Dark patina and extremely fine.


114 Mercenaries (ATL), Bronze, 357-336 BC; AE (g 3,10; mm 15; h 9); ΑΘΛ, head of Athena r., wearing crested Attic helmet, Rv. Female figure seated r., holding trident and bow. CNS III, 3. Very rare and the finest specimen known of this difficult issue: almost fdc.


The Carthaginians in the Mediterranean

116 117

115 1,5:1


115 Carthage, Bronze, c. 400-350 BC; AE (g 2,78; mm 16; h 11); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace, Rv. Horse standing r. before palm tree. MAA 18. Dark patina, good extremely fine.


116 Carthage, 1/10 Shekel, c. 350-320 BC; AV (g 0,89; mm 8; h 8); Palm tree with two clusters of dates, Rv. Horse head r. MAA 8; SNG Copenhagen 962. Very rare, extremely fine.


117 Carthage, Stater, c. 310-290 BC; EL (g 7,46; mm 19; h 12); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace; on l., pellet, Rv. Horse standing r.; below, two pellets. MAA 12; Jenkins 261. About extremely fine – extremely fine.





119 1,5:1

118 Carthage, Stater, c. 310-290 BC; EL (g 7,45; mm 19; h 12); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace, Rv. Horse standing r. MAA 12; Jenkins 309. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


119 Carthage, Shekel, c. 300-264 BC; AE (g 5,27; mm 19; h 5); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace, Rv. Head of horse r. MAA 57. Dark patina, in exceptional condition for this kind of issue: about fdc.


120 Carthage, Stater, c. 290-270 BC; EL (g 7,44; mm 18; h 12); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace, Rv. Horse standing r. MAA 13; Jenkins 338.1. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


120 121

121 1,5:1

121 Sardinia, Dishekel, c. 264-241 BC; AE (g 14,99; mm 29; h 9); Head of Tanit l., wearing wreath of grain, earrings and necklace, Rv. Head of horse r.; before, crescent. MAA 58. Dark patina, in exceptional condition for this kind of issue: good extremely fine.



122 Achaean League, Aigion, Hemidrachm, c. 37-31 BC; AR (g 2,29; mm 2,30; h 12); ΑΙΓΙεωΝ, laureate head of Zeus r., Rv. AX monogram; above, API; on l., CTO; on r., ΔΑ; below, MOC; all within laurel wreath. BMC 24. Cabinet tone, minor flattening on obverse, anyway extremely fine.





123 Anaktorion, Stater, c. 350-300 BC; AR (g 8,51; mm 20; h 9); Pegasos flying l.; below, monogram, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian helmet; on r., monogram and sacred implement (temple key?). Pegasi 17. Rare, lightly toned, extremely fine.


124 Anaktorion, Stater, c. 350-300 BC; AR (g 7,84; mm 21; h 5); Pegasos flying r.; below, monogram, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., crayfish; on r., EΠI. Pegasi 47. Very rare, cabinet tone, good extremely fine.







125 Anaktorion, Stater, c. 350-300 BC; AR (g 8,19; mm 21; h 3); Pegasos flying r.; below, monogram, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., ithyphallic herm; on r., EYAN; below, monogram. Pegasi 55. Very rare, cabinet tone, about fdc.


126 Echinos, Stater, post 344 BC; AR (g 8,14; mm 22; h 9); Pegasos flying r., Rv. Helmeted head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., hook and E. Pegasi 1/10 var (Pegasus flying l.). Unpublished variant, cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


127 Leukas, Stater, c. 435-380 BC; AR (g 8,41; mm 20; h 2); Pegasos flying l.; below, Λ, Rv. Head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian helmet; on r., Λ and caduceus. Pegasi 82. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.


128 Leukas, Stater, c. 435-380 BC; AR (g 8,28; mm 21; h 4); Pegasos flying l.; below, Λ, Rv. Head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian helmet; on r., Λ and caduceus. Pegasi 84. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.






129 Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 500-480 BC; AR (g 17,87; mm 22; h 12); Archaic head of Athena r., wearing crested Attic helmet and earring, Rv. ΑΘΕ, owl standing r., head facing; behind, olive sprig; all within incuse square. Seltman group G; SNG Copenhagen 19. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


130 Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 500-480 BC; AR (g 16,58; mm 22; h 12); Archaic head of Athena r., wearing crested Attic helmet and earring, Rv. [Α]Θ[Ε], owl standing r., head facing; behind, olive sprig; all within incuse square. Seltman group G; SNG Copenhagen 19. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


131 Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 475-465 BC; AR (g 17,21; mm 24; h 8); Helmeted head of Athena r., with frontal eye, Rv. ΑΘΕ, owl standing r. head facing, spread tail feathers; behind, olive sprig and crescent; all within incuse square. Starr Group IV; HGC 4, 1595. Untouched patina, good extremely fine.





132 Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 454-404 BC; AR (g 17,28; mm 24; h 8); Helmeted head of Athena r., with frontal eye, Rv. ΑΘΕ, owl standing r. head facing; behind, olive sprig and crescent; all within incuse square. Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


133 Athens, Tetradrachm, c. 454-404 BC; AR (g 16,73; mm 24; h 9); Helmeted head of Athena r., with frontal eye, Rv. ΑΘΕ, owl standing r. head facing; behind, olive sprig and crescent; all within incuse square. Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




134 Athens, Drachm, c. 454-404 BC; AR (g 4,19; mm 16; h 9); Helmeted head of Athena r., with frontal eye Rv. ΑΘΕ, owl standing r., head facing; behind, olive; all within incuse square. Kroll 10; HGC 4, 1631. About extremely fine.


135 Boeotia, Thebes, Stater struck in the name of magistrate Agla, c. 363-338 BC; AR (g 12,32; mm 21; h 12); Beotian shield, Rv. AΓ – ΛA, amphora. BCD Boiotia 551; SNG Copenhagen 314. Lustrous, extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.






136 Corinth, Stater, c. 405-345 BC; AR (g 8,24; mm 22; h 8); Pegasos flying r.; below, %, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., aphlaston; on r., [ΘYE]. Pegasi 246; Ravel 650. Lightly toned, about fdc.


137 Corinth, Stater, c. 405-345 BC; AR (g 8,40; mm 20; h 10); Pegasos flying r.; below, %, Rv. Head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., aphlaston. Pegasi 246/2; Ravel 652. Lightly toned, extremely fine / good extremely fine.


138 Corinth, Stater, c. 405-345 BC; AR (g 8,08; mm 21; h 1); Pegasos flying r.; below, %, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., trident and K.; on r., [A]. Pegasi 354; Ravel 968. Old cabinet tone, minor porosity anyway good extremely fine.





139 Corinth, Stater, c. 405-345 BC; AR (g 8,56; mm 20; h 5); Pegasos walking r.; below, %, Rv. Helmeted head of Athena l., wearing Corinthian helmet; on l., [Y]; on r., E. Pegasi 359; Ravel 657. Rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


140 Corinth, Drachm, c. 350-300 BC; AR (g 2,71; mm 15; h 6); Pegasos flying l.; below, %, Rv. Head of Aphrodite l., her hair elaborately bound up, wearing earring and necklace; behind, A. BCD Corinth 150 var (controls). Lightly toned, extremely fine.




141 1,5:1

141 Crete, Phaistos, Stater, c. 280 BC; AR (g 11,33; mm 27; h 9); Herakles, nude and seen from behind, striding to l., battling the Hydra; on r., ΦAIΣTIO[N], Rv. Bull walking l., head facing. BMC 13; Le Rider pl. XXIII, 15; SNG Lockett 2592; Svoronos 53. Rare. Attractively toned and very well centered; overstruck on Thebes, about extremely fine.


142 Thessaly, Larissa, Drachm, c. 356-342 BC; AR (g 6,08; mm 19; h 4); Facing head of nymph Larissa, slightly l., wearing amphix, Rv. ΛAPIΣ / AIΩN, horse grazing r. BCD 319; SNG Copenhagen 121. Lustrous and extremely fine.




143 Islands of Thrace, Thasos, Tetradrachm, post 148 BC; AR (g 16,85; mm 28; h 12); Wreathed head of Dionysos r., Rv. HPAKΛEOYΣ / ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΘAΣIΩN, Herakles standing l., holding club and lion skin; on r., monogram. SNG Copenhagen 1046-1048. Lightly toned, high relief, extremely fine.


144 Aeolis, Myrina, Tetradrachm of Stephanophoric type, c. 160-143 BC; AR (g 16,70; mm 34; h 12); Laureate head of Apollo r., Rv. ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ, Apollo Grynios standing r., holding phiale and filleted laurel branch; on l.; on r., omphalos and amphora; all within laurel wreath. Sacks Issue 35; SNG von Aulock 1662. Lightly toned, extremely fine.




145 Caria, Rhodes, Didrachm, c. 400-333 BC; AR (g 6,55; mm 17; h 12); Facing head of Helios, slightly r., Rv. POΔION, rose with bud r.; on l., bunch of grape; below, E – Y. Weber 6716. Lightly toned, extremely fine. Ionia



146 Ephesos, Cistophoric Tetradrachm, c. 166-67 BC; AR (g 12,70; mm 28; h 1); Serpents emerging from cista mistica; all within wreath, Rv. Two serpents coiled around the staff of a legionary eagle; on l., EΦE; on r., B and Artemis bust. SNG von Aulock 7842. Lustrous, large flan, good extremely fine. Ex Henry Hall Wilson Collection. 147 Magnesia ad Maeandrum, Tetradrachm of Stephanophoric type struck in the name of magistrate Erasippos, c. 155145 BC; AR (g 16,73; mm 32; h 12); Diademed and draped bust of Artemis r., bow and quiver over shoulder, Rv. Apollo Delphios standing l., elbow resting on tall tripod behind, holding branch tied with fillet; on l.,EPAΣIΠΠOΣ APIΣTEOY; on r., MAΓNHTΩN; below, meander pattern below; all within laurel wreath. Jones obv. die 32; SNG von Aulock 2042; SNG Copenhagen –. Cabinet tone, large flan and beautiful style: good extremely fine.




Kings of Macedonia

148 149

149 1,5:1

148 Philip II (359-336, and posthumous issues), Pella, Stater, c. 323-315 BC; AV (g 8,54; mm 18; h 1); Laureate head of Apollo r., Rv. Charioteer driving fasta biga r., holding kentron and reins; below, thunderbolt; in ex. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Le Rider 416. Well centered and well struck, good very fine.


149 Philip II (359-336, and posthumous issues), Pella, Tetradrachm, c. 323-315 BC; AR (g 15,35; mm 26; h 7); Laureate head of Zeus r., Rv. ΦIΛIΠ – ΠOY, horseman galloping r., holding palm-branch; below, snake; on r., Boeotian shield. Le Rider pl. 22, 531; SNG ANS 449. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.



150 1,5:1


150 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Aegae, Double stater, c. 336-323 BC; AV (g 17,09; mm 22; h 9); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake, Rv. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Nike, wearing long chiton, standing l., holding stylis and wreath; on l., thunderbolt; below, monogram Ao. Price 191. Rare, high relief on obverse, good very fine – about extremely fine.




151 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Salamis, Stater, c. 332-323 BC; AV (g 8,55; mm 18; h 1); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake, Rv. [A]ΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing l., holding wreath and stylis; on l., eagle standing l. Price 3125. About extremely fine.


152 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Amphipolis, Stater, c. 325-319 BC; AV (g 8,50; mm 17; h 8); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake, Rv. AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing l., holding wreath and stylis; on l., thunderbolt. Price 164. Good very fine.




153 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Amphipolis, Stater, c. 325-319 BC; AV (g 8,56; mm 18; h 11); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake, Rv. AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing l., holding wreath and stylis; on l., trident head downward. Price 172. Good very fine.


154 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Miletus, Stater, c. 300-295 BC; AV (g 8,56; mm 17; h 12); Head of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a snake, Rv. AΛEΞANΔP[OY], Nike standing l., holding wreath and palm branch; on l., monogram above double axe. Price 2142. Rare variant with Nike holding palm branch instead of stylis. About extremely fine – extremely fine.



155 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Amphipolis, Tetradrachm, c. 307-298 BC; AR (g 17,08; mm 26; h 6); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., Λ and torch; below, monogram. Price 455. Lightly toned, minor lack of metal on obverse, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





156 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Mesembria, Tetradrachm struck in the name of magistrate Dioskouridas, c. 225-175 BC; AR (g 14,56; mm 28; h 12); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., Corinthian helmet; in ex. ΔIOΣKOYPIΔA. Price 1004. Lightly toned, good very fine – about extremely fine.


157 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Perge, Tetradrachm, c. 205-204 BC; AR (g 16,21; mm 31; h 12); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., IC. Price 2928. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.




158 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Perge, Tetradrachm, c. 200-199 BC; AR (g 16,61; mm 31; h 12); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., Φ and KC; countermark: anchor within oval incuse. Price 2940 and p. 68 for countermark. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.350


159 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Mesembria, Tetradrachm, c. 150-120 BC; AR (g 16,59; mm 30; h 12); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus Aëtophoros enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., Corinthian helmet and ΔA; below, monogram. Price 1062. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.



160 Alexander III (336-323, and posthumous issues), Odessos, Tetradrachm, c. 120-90 BC; AR (g 16,39; mm 29; h 10); Head of Herakles r., wearing lion skin, dotted border, Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre; on l., ΔH; below, monogram. Price 1179. Lightly toned, large flan and good extremely fine.



Seleucid kings of Syria


161 Seleukos I Nikator (312-294), Susa, Tetradrachm, c. 305-297 BC; AR (g 17,05; mm 25; h 10); Head of Alexander r. in Dionysian helmet covered with panther’s skin and adorned with bull’s ear and horns; panther’s skin tied around neck, Rv. BΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ, Nike standing r., crowning trophy; in lower l. field, monogram; in lower central field, AX. Kraay-Hirmer pl. 204, 720. ESM 417. Seleucid Coins 173.12. Kritt A53/P13. Rare. A bold portrait, lightly toned, the reverse weakly struck, otherwise about extremely fine. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 59 (4 April 2011), lot 640.




162 Antiochos I Soter (281-261), Seleukeia on the Tigris, Tetradrachm, c. 281-261 BC; AR (g 16,25; mm 30; h 6); Diademed head of Antiochos r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated l. on omphalos, holding bow and arrow; on field, two monograms. SC 379.3a. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


163 Demetrios I (162-150), Antioch, Tetradrachm, c. 152-151 BC; AR (g 16,91; mm 27; h 12); Diademed head of Demetrios r.; around, laurel wreath, Rv. [BA]ΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, Tyche seated l., holding sceptre and cornucopiae; on l., two monograms; in ex. AΞP. SC 1641.6 var. Lightly toned, extremely fine.




164 Antiochos VIII Epiphanes Grypus (121-96), Damaskos, Tetradrachm, 119-118 BC; AR (g 16,56; mm 30; h 1); Diademed head of Antiochos r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus Ouranios standing l., holding sceptre and star; on l., two monograms;in ex. date; all within laurel wreath. SC 2322.3a; HGC 9, 1196e. Lightly toned, minor porosity, anyway extremely fine.


165 Antiochos VIII Epiphanes Grypus (121-96), Ake Ptolemais, Tetradrachm, c. 116-113 BC; AR (g 16,50; mm 31; h 1); Diademed head of Antiochos r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus Ouranios standing l., holding sceptre and star; on l., M; all within laurel wreath. SC 2335.2. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.





166 Antiochos VIII Epiphanes Grypus (121-96), Ake Ptolemais, Tetradrachm, c. 115-113 BC; AR (g 16,46; mm 29; h 12); Diademed head of Antiochos r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus Ouranios standing l., holding sceptre and star; on l., monogram; all within laurel wreath. SC 2336.2a; HGC 9, 1197h. Dark patina, extremely fine.


167 Philip I (95-75), Antioch, Posthumous tetradrachm struck under Roman Administration, c. 57-52 BC; AR (g 15,34; mm 27; h 1); Diademed head r., Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ [Φ]ΙΛΑΔΕΛ[ΦΟΥ], Zeus Nikephoros seated l.; on l., monogram; in ex. date (off flan). McAlee 1; SC 2489.1; HGC 9, 1356. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


Ptolemaic kings of Egypt

169 168


168 Ptolemy I Soter (323-305), Alexandria, Tetradrachm, c. 311-305 BC; AR (g 15,53; mm 27; h 11); Diademed head of the deified Alexander r., wearing elephant skin. Rv. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos advancing r.; on r., monogram, Corinthan helmet and eagle standing r. on thunderbolt. Svoronos 164; SNG Lockett 3393. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine. 169 Arsinoe II, wife of Ptolemy II (282-246), Ake Ptolemais, Octodrachm, c. 251-250 BC; AV (g 27,71; mm 27; h 12); Veiled head, with ram’s horn, wearing stephane; in background, lotus-tipped sceptre, Rv. APΣINOHΣ – ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOY, double cornucopiade decorated with grape bunches and fillets; on l., ΛΕ (year date); below, ΕΘ (Ptolemais monogram). Svoronos pl. 25, n. 14; Troxell pl. 25, n. E 251/1 (this coin). Extremely rare, only very few specimens known. A very attractive portrait struck in high relief, extremely fine. Ex M. Jean Vinchon, Paris 2 December 1975, lot 180.




170 Ptolemy VI (180-145), Alexandria, Tetradrachm, c. 180-145 BC; AR (g 12,02; mm 24; h 12); Diademed head of Ptolemy r., wearing aegis, Rv. BAΣIΛEOΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, eagle with closed wings, standing on winged thunderbolt l. Svoronos 1489; SNG Copenhagen 266-268. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.



Kings of Thrace


171 Lysimachos, (323-281, and posthumous issues), Uncertain mint, Stater, post 281 BC; AV (g 8,95; mm 18; h 8); Diademed head of Alexander r., with horns of Zeus Ammon, Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena enthroned l., holding Nike, spear and shield; in ex. monogram. SNG Stockholm -; SNG München -. Rare, possibly an unpublished variant, about extremely fine / extremely fine.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.



172 Lysimachos (323-281, and posthumous issues), Uncertain mint, Tetradrachm, post 281 BC; AR (g 17,12; mm 28; h 6); Diademed head of Alexander r., with horns of Zeus Ammon, Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena enthroned l., holding Nike, spear and shield; on l., monogram; on throne, ΔΩ. Meydancikkale 2723; Müller -; Thompson in Essays Robinson -. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction H (1998), lot 1303.

173 Kings of Mysia, Eumenes I (263-241), Pergamon, Tetradrachm, c. 255-241 BC; AR (g 16,90; mm 28; h 12); Laureate head of Philetairos r., Rv. ΦIETAIPOY, Athena enthroned l., holding laurel wreath, spear and shield; on l., leaf and A; on r., bow. SNG Copenhagen 335; SNG von Aulock 1356-1357; SNG France 1610-1616. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



Ex Spink, Auction 60 (1987), lot 96; formerly in the James Lindley collection.




174 Achaemenid kings of Persia, Darius I to Xerses II, Sardes, Daric of Lydo-Milesian standard, c. 485-420 BC; AV (g 8,30; mm 16); Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance r., holding spear and bow, Rv. Incuse punch. Carradice Type IIIb, Group A/B; Meadows, Administration 321; BMC Arabia pl. XXIV, 26. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


175 Kings of Persis, Uncertain king, Drachm, 2nd century BC; AR (g 4,03; mm 17; h 9); Head r., wearing satrapal cap, Rv. King standing r., before, temple; above, Ahura-Mazda; on r., standard surmounted by eagle. Alram 552. High relief, lustrous, good extremely fine.


176 Sasanian kings, Vahran II (276-293), Dinar, c. AD 276-293; AV (g 7,42; mm 20; h 3); Bust r., wearing winged crown with korymbos, Rv. Fire altar flanked by two attendants, the l. wearing winged crown with korymbos, the r. wearing mural crown; fravahr and taurus symbol flanking flames; triple pellets on altar shaft. SNS type I1/1(1a); Göbl type I/1.7. Very rare, good extremely fine.



India, Kushan Empire



177 Vima Kadphises (100-128), Mint I (A), Dinar, c. AD 100-128; AV (g 7,95; mm 19; h 12); Crowned and diademed bust l. on clouds, holding club and sword hilt; on r., tamgha, Rv. Ithyphallic Siva, nimbate, standing facing, head l., holding trident and holding a he-goat skin; on field, tamghas. MK 15/15A (Göbl notes that the only example of this die combination is the Donum Burns specimen). Rare, about extremely fine.


178 Kanishka I (127-151), Main mint in Baktria (Balkh?), Dinar, c. AD 127-151; AV (g 8,01; mm 19; h 12); Kanishka standing l., holding goad and sceptre, sacrificing over altar to l.; flame at shoulder, Rv. Siva standing l., pouring water from flask and holding vajra (thunderbolt), trident, and he-goat; on l., tamgha. MK 37. Dot on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.




179 Huvishka (152-192), Mint II (B), Dinar (1st emission), c. AD 152-192; AV (g 7,95; mm 19; h 12); Crowned bust l. on clouds, Rv. Miiro (Mithra) standing facing, head l., raising hand in benediction and holding sceptre; on l., tamgha. MK 291. About extremely fine – extremely fine.


180 Vasudeva I (190-230), Subsidiary mint in Gandhara (Peshawar?), Dinar, c. AD 190-230; AV (g 8,04; mm 20; h 12); Vasudeva, nimbate, standing facing, head l., sacrificing over altar and holding trident; flame at shoulder; filleted trident to l., Rv. Ithyphallic Siva standing facing, holding a garland or diadem and trident; behind, the bull Nandi standing l.; to upper l., tamgha. MK 535. Extremely fine.



181 Kushano-Sassanids, Vahran I (330-365), Balkh, Dinar, c. AD 330-365; AV (g 8,37; mm 32; h 1); Kushano-Bactrian legend, king standing l., wearing crown with ribbons and surmounted by lotus, flames at shoulders, holding trident and sacrificing over lighted altar; on l., crescent above trident; on r., symbol sopra tamgha and βοχλο; below, retrograde swastica with pellet, Rv. Kushano-Bactrian legend, Siva standing r., wearing diadem and holding trident; behind, bull Nandi standing l.; in ex. pellets. SNG ANS Kushan 2360; Cribb 7 var (symbol above tamghda); MK 752 var (idem). Extremely fine.



A selection from the Simonetta collection of Parthian coins A coin collection is like an album of family pictures – flicking through its pages one perceives the memories and relives the emotions of who has, item by item, selected and created the collection itself. Every collection is a celebration of remembrance and an invitation to preserve the mark of memory by means of items belonging to the past. In order not to forget, we are remembering, preserving, storing in our memory. The past brightens everything current, while shedding light onto it: as a result, the more obscure the past, the darker is bound to be the present. Alberto Simonetta very much followed in his father Bono’s footsteps, since the latter, a collector of coins from Cappadocia, is commonly viewed as the foremost expert on currency from this region. Remarkably, the former not only collected Parthian coins, but he also studied them for decades, with the same scientific rigor applied by his father before him, in order to analyse the development of this coinage. He published his findings in the most prestigious journals of the field, including, but not limited to, the Rivista Italiana di Numismatica, the Quaderni Ticinesi, the Numismatic Chronicle, Parthica and the Schweizer Münzblätter. Throughout these endeavours, he worked with some of the most prominent scholars of the field. The various groups within the Simonetta collection were kept for three generations alternatively between London, Paris and Florence. While the Italian group has been recently subject to theft, most of it has been successfully recovered by the Carabinieri Art Squad. While the Parthians invaded the Seleucid Empire in the mid-3rd century BC, it is certain that their own, original coinage began only under Mithridates I. Parthian coins are distinguishable as they consistently have a depiction of the sovereign on the obverse, one that remained very realistic until Mithridates II (124/23-88/87 BC), and that then became gradually more stylised. These very depictions are often the only indication of the existence of kings who would have otherwise remained unknown to historians. The pinnacle of the Parthian Empire (247 BC – 224 AD) occurred in the 1st century BC, during which it controlled the access to all of the trade routes with the Far East and China and when it represented a grave, constant threat for Rome. Indeed, the most disastrous defeat suffered by the Romans at the hands of the Parthians took place in the battle of Carrhae (53 BC), when the Roman legions under triumvir Crassus notoriously lost their insignia, that would only be regained 33 years later by Augustus as a result of complex negotiations.



182 Arsaces I (238-211), Drachm, Nisa (?), c. 238-211 BC; AR (g 4,05; mm 18; h 12); Head r., wearing bashlyk, Rv. ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ, king seated l., on backless throne, holding bow. Sellwood 1.1. Extremely rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


183 Arsaces I (238-211), Drachm, Nisa (?), c. 238-211 BC; AR (g 4,12; mm 17; h 12); Head l., wearing bashlyk, Rv. ΑΡΣΑΚΟY (partially Aramaic scripts), king seated l., on backless throne, holding bow, below the throne, monogram. Sellwood 4.1. ery rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.




184 Mithradates I (171-138), Drachm, Hekatompylos, c. 171-138 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 19; h 12); Head l., wearing bashlyk, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ / ΑΡΣ – ΑΚΟY, king seated r., on omphalos, holding bow. Sellwood 10.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


185 Mithradates I (171-138), Drachm, Hekatompylos, c. 171-138 BC; AR (g 4,68; mm 20; h 12); Head l., wearing bashlyk, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ / ΑΡΣ – ΑΚΟY, king seated r., on omphalos, holding bow. Sellwood 10.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.






186 Mithradates I (171-138), Drachm, Hekatompylos, c. 171-138 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 21; h 12); Didemed bust l., wearing diadem and torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ / ΑΡΣ – ΑΚΟY, king seated r., on omphalos. Sellwood 11.2. Very rare. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


187 Mithradates I (171-138), Diobol, Hekatompylos, c. 171-138 BC ; AR (g 2,03; mm 13; h 12); Bust l., wearing bashlyk and torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΡ – ΣΑΚΟY, king seated r., on omphalos, holding bow. Sellwood 9.6. Extremely rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


188 Mithradates I (171-138), Tetrachalkos, Ekbatana, c. 171-138 BC; AE (g 7,69; mm 21; h 6); Bearded bust r., wearing diadem, earrings and spiral torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY, the Dioscuri galloping r. Sellwood 12.10. Rare. Green patina, about extremely fine.





189 Mithradates I (171-138), Chalkos, Hekatompylos, c. 171-138 BC; AE (g 1,68; mm 15; h 12); Didemed bust l., wearing diadem and torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY, elephant walking r. Sellwood 11.7. Rare. Dark patina, good extremely fine.


190 Artabanus II (127-126), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, 127 BC; AR (g 16,11; mm 31; h 1); Diademed and bearded bust r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ APΣAKOY, Demeter seated l., holding cornucopiae and Nike, crowning her. Sellwood 18.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

191 Artabanus III (126-122), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, 125 BC; BI (g 16,13; mm 29; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust r., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY, Demeter enthroned l., holding Nike Nike crowning her and cornucopiae; on l., monograms; in ex. HΠP. Sellwood 21.2. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




192 Artabanus III (126-122), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. 126-122 BC; AR (g 4,09; mm 21; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem, earrings and torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟY / ΦΙΛΕΛΛHNOΣ, king seated r., on omphalos, holding bow. Sellwood 22.1 (?). Rare and lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


193 Artabanus III (126-122), Drachm, Ekbatana, 125 BC; AR (g 4,06; mm 20; h 1); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem, earrings and torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟY / ΦΙΛΕΛΛHNOΣ, king seated r., on omphalos, holding bow; in ex. EKP. Sellwood 22.2. Lustrous, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





194 Mithradates II (123-88), Tetradrachm, Susa, 121-119 BC; AR (g 13,72; mm 28; h 1); Diademed and bearded bust r., Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ APΣAKOY, Apollo seated on omphalos l., holding palm branch and bow; on l., monogram. Sellwood 18.2; G.R.F. Assar. “”A Revised Parthian Chronology of the Period 91-55 BC”” in Electrum 11 (2006), fig. 30; Sunrise, p. 120; Shore –; PDC –. Extremely rare and the best of two specimens known. Dark patina, good very fine – about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

195 Mithradates II (123-88), Drachm, Rhagae, 116-112 BC; AR (g 4,16; mm 23; h 1); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem, earrings and pellet ended torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., A. Sellwood 24.18. Scarce. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.




196 Mithradates II (123-88), Drachm, Ekbatana, 120-109 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 22; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem, earrings and pellet ended torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood 24.30 var. (seated on omphalos) Very rare variant, cabinet tone, extremely fine.


197 Mithradates II (123-88), Drachm, Rhagae, 109-95 BC; AR (g 4,10; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem, earrings and spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow.; on r., monogram. Sellwood 27.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




198 Mithradates II (123-88), Drachm, Rhagae, c. 123-88 BC; AR (g 4,05; mm 22; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with pellets and eight pointed star, earrings and pellet ended torque; behind, monogram, Rv. ΒΑΣ – ΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood 28.7 var (torque). Rare variant. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


199 Mithradates II (123-88), Dichalkos, Uncertain mint, c. 123-88 BC; AE (g 3,95; mm 19; h 11); Diademed and bearded bust l., BAΣIΛEΩΣ / BAΣIΛEΩΣ / MEΓAΛOY / APΣAKOY, male figure r. (Apollo or Arsakes), holding arrow and resting hand on bow; on r., H. Sellwood -, but cf. Type 27 for possible placement of issue; Shore -; De Morgan -; Sunrise -. Extremely rare, the third known, good very fine.


Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 90 (23 May 2012), lot 786.





200 Mithradates III (87-80), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. 87-80 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with six pointed star and torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / AYTOKPATOPOΣ / ΦΙΛOΠATOPOΣ / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood 31.5. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


201 Mithradates III (87-80), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. 87-80 BC; AR (g 4,17; mm 18; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with six pointed star and torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / AYTOKPATOPOΣ / ΦΙΛOΠATOPOΣ / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood 31.5. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


202 Unknown king, Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 80-70 BC; BI (g 15,61; mm 28; h 11); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem and spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΘΕΟΠΑΤΟΡΟΣ / ΕYΕΡΓΕΤΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟ, king enthroned r., holding bow; above, monogram. Sellwood 30.4. Rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.




203 Sinatruces (75), Drachm, Rhagae, 75 BC; AR (g 4,11; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with fleur de lys and crest; on r., anchor (erased), Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕYΕΡΓΕΤΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood 34.6. Scarce. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


204 Phraates III (70-57), Drachm, Rhagae, c. 70-57 BC; AR (g 4,16; mm 12; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing with a horn on side and a row of recumbent stags around crest, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣ – ΑΚΟY / ΕYΕΡΓΕΤΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 39.4. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.




205 Mithradates IV (57-54), Drachm, Mithradatkart, c. 57-54 BC; AR (g 4,06; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem and necklet with medallion; behind, crescent above star, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΜΕΓΑΛΟY / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΘΕΟY / EYΠATOPOΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., two monograms. Sellwood 41.5. Lighty toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


206 Orodes II (57-38), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 57-38 BC; BI (g 12,00; mm 27, h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on forehead, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r.; before him, Tyche kneeling l., reaching out to him and holding sceptre; above, monogram. Sellwood 45.3-8. Rare, lustrous, extremely fine.





207 Orodes II (57-38), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 57-38 BC; BI (g 14,33; mm 29; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on forehead, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r.; before him, Tyche kneeling l., reaching out to him and holding sceptre; above, monogram. Sellwood 45.1. Very rare. Cabinet tone, good very fine.


208 Orodes II (57-38), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 57-38 BC; AR (g 15,79; mm 31; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on forehead, wearing griffin ended spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a palm branch from Tyche l., holding sceptre; in ex. AP and monogram. Sellwood 46.5. Overstruck on uncertain undertype. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

210 209

209 Orodes II (57-38), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 57-38 BC; BI (g 15,52; mm 30; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing griffin ended spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., holding sceptre and Nike, crowning him. Sellwood 48.1. Cabinet tone, graffito on obverse, about extremely fine.


210 Orodes II (57-38), Drachm, Traxiane, c. 57-38 BC; AR (g 4,02; mm 21; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on forehead, wearing spiral pellet ended torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., hoding bow; on r., T. Sellwood 45.27. Lustrous, good extremely fine.


211 1,5:1


211 Orodes II (57-38), Obol, Ekbatana, c. 57-38 BC; AR (g 0,56; mm 10; h 1); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on forehead, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑCΙΛΕΩC / ΒΑCΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡCΑΚΟY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY, king enthroned r., hoding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 48.15. Very rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.





212 Phraates IV (38-2), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 38-2 BC; AR (g 14,34; mm 27; h 11); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a palm branch from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae. Cfr. Sellwood 51.13 (same reverse type). Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

213 Phraates IV (38-2), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, August 34 BC; AR (g 14,47; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing griffin ended spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY/ EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a palm branch from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above Tyche, crescent; below the throne, ΘOC. Sellwood 51.9. About extremely fine.




214 Phraates IV (38-2), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 33 BC; AR (g 12,23; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., holding sceptre and Nike crowning him; below the throne, [ΠΣ]. Sellwood 54.1-6. Overstruck on uncertain undertype, about extremely fine.


215 Phraates IV (38-2), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. 38-2 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 21; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing segmented necklet; before, star above crescent; behind, eagle, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 54.7. Lustrous, extremely fine.



216 Tiridates (29-27), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. 29-27 BC; AR (g 13,46; mm 17; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ Rv. King enthroned l., holding bow; in l. field, monogram. Sellwood 55.10. Cabinet tone, graffito on obverse, about extremely fine.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.





217 Phraataces (2 BC – AD 4), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, July 2 BC; AR (g 13,24; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY/ EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned, receiving a wreath from Tyche, holding cornucopiae; in central field, IT and pellet. Sellwood 56.2. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

218 Vardanes I (40-45), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 43; AR (g 14,24; mm 26; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a palm branch from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above, ENT. Sellwood 64.20-27. About extremely fine.



This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.




219 Gotarzes II (40-51), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, January AD 46; AR (g 14,59; mm 29; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a wreath from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above, HNT. Sellwood 65.10. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

220 Gotarzes II (40-51), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 46; AR (g 14,52; mm 29; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a wreath from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above, HNT. Sellwood 65.8-17. Lighty toned, about extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy. 221 Gotarzes II (40-51), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 48; AR (g 14,30; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a wreath from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above, BΞT. Sellwood 65.28-30. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.






222 Gotarzes II (40-51), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. AD 48; BI (g 14,35; mm 26; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., receiving a wreath from Tyche l., holding cornucopiae; above, ΞT. Sellwood 65.20. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine. 223 Vologases I (51-78), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, August AD 63; AR (11,33; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a palm branch from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, EOT. SNP 466 A; Sellwood 70.4. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.



224 Vologases I (51-78), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, September AD 77; AR (g 14,19; mm 29; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing bouble band diadem, tiara decorated with hooks, earrings and spiral torque; on r., B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΟΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ Rv. King enthroned l., receiving a wreath from Tyche, holding sceptre; above, θΠT. SNP 710 A; Sellwood 72.2 (Vologases II). Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

225 Vologases I (51-78), Drachm, Ekbatana, AD 51-78 ; AR (g 3,40; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with hooks and horn; behind, abbreviated king’s name wl (Aramaic scripts), Rv. “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. SNP -; Sellwood (Vologases II) -. Unpublished in the standard references. Lustrous, extremely fine.


226 1,5:1


226 Vologases I (51-78), Diobol, Uncertain mint, AD 51-78; AR (g 1,12; mm 13; h 12); Diademed bust l., wearing torque, Rv. “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow. SNP -; Sellwood -; D. Sellwood, “New Parthian Coin Types”, NumChron 1989, pl. 42, type 1. Rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.



228 227

227 Vardanes II (55-58), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, March AD 56; AR (g 13,89; mm 28; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wart on brow, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY/ EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, HΞT. SNP 388; Sellwood 69.7-9 var (month). Lightly toned, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy. 228 Vologases II (77-80), Diobol, Uncertain mint, c. 77-80 BC ; AR (g 2,03; mm 13; h 12); Bust l., wearing bashlyk and torque, Rv. ΚΥΡΙΥ ΟΛΙΓΑΣΟΥ ΤΟ, king enthroned r., holding bow. Sellwood -; D. Sellwood, “New Parthian Coin Types”, NumChron 1989, pl. 42, type 3. Rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.






229 Pacorus II (78-105), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 78; BI (g 14,09; mm 29; h 12); Beardless bust l., wearing double band diadem and spiral torque; behind, A, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / ΠAKOPOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche r., holding sceptre; above, ΘΠT. SNP 637 A (this coin); Sellwood 73.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


Ex Ars Classica, Auction 12 (18 October 1926), lot 2421.

230 Pacorus II (78-105), Ekbatana, Diobol, c. AD 78-105 ; AR (g 1,28; mm 12; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing bouble band diadem, tiara decorated with hooks on crest, earrings and spiral torque, Rv. “ Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on l., monogram. Sellwood -; D. Sellwood, “”New Parthian Coin Types””, NumChron 1989, pl. 42, type 8. Rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine. 231 Artabanus III (80-90), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 80; BI (g 13,62; mm 28; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΤΑΒΑΝΟΥ / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving an untied diadem from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, B%T. SNP 859 A (this coin); Sellwood 74.2-5. Rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine. Ex Petrowicz (1904), lot 143,1; Ars Classica, Auction 12 (18 October 1926), lot 244.






232 Artabanus III (80-90), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, November AD 80; BI (g 13,73; mm 28; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΤΑΒΑΝΟΥ / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving an untied diadem from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, B%T. SNP 846 A (this coin); Sellwood 74.3. Very rare. Lightly toned, about extremely fine. Ex Classical Numismatic Group – Triton VI (14 January 2003), lot 513. 233 Artabanus III (80-90), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, October AD 80; BI (g 11,23; mm 30; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΤΑΒΑΝΟΥ / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving an untied diadem from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, B%T. SNP 842 A (this coin) Sellwood 74.2 Rare. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 372 (30 October 2002), lot 696.



234 Artabanus III (80-90), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. AD 80; BI (g 13,72; mm 27; h 12); Diademed and bearded bust l., wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΤΑΒΑΝΟΥ / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY/ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving an untied diadem from Tyche l., holding sceptre; above, B%T. SNP 851 A (this coin); Sellwood 74.2-5. Rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



Ex Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 229 (17 September 2003) lot 2029.

235 Vologases III (105-147), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, January AD 121; BI (g 10,70; mm 29; h 12); Busto barbato a s., indossa doppio diadema a bande, tiara decorata, orecchini e torque discoidale; a d., B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛAΓAΣOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, il re seduto in trono verso s., riceve una corona da Tyche; sopra, ΓΛY. Sellwood 79.3. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





236 Vologases III (105-147), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, January AD 121; BI (g 8,04; mm 30; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing bouble band diadem, tiara decorated with hooks, earrings and spiral torque; on r., E, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛAΓAΣOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r. receiving a wreath from Tyche r.; above, ΓΛY. Sellwood 79.6. Dark patina, extremely fine.


237 Vologases III (105-147), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 122; BI (g 10,60; mm 27; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing bouble band diadem, tiara decorated with hooks, earrings and spiral torque; on r., A, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛAΓAΣOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r. receiving a wreath from Tyche r.; above, ΔΛY. Sellwood 79.8-10. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




238 Vologases III (105-147), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 123; BI (g 11,58; mm 29; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing bouble band diadem, tiara decorated with hooks, earrings and spiral torque; on r., B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛAΓAΣOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r. receiving a wreath from Tyche r.; above, EΛY. Sellwood 79.14. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.

Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 372 (30 October 2002), lot 700.

239 Vologases III (105-147), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 125; BI (g 14,13; mm 26; h 12); Busto barbato a s., indossa doppio diadema a bande, tiara decorata, orecchini e torque discoidale; a d., A, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛAΓAΣOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, il re seduto in trono verso s., riceve una corona da Tyche; sopra, ZΛY. Sellwood 79.23. Lightly toned, extremely fine.



Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 50 (23 June 1999), lot 987.


240 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,66; mm 21; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.4. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.






241 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,81, mm 20; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.4. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


242 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,54; mm 20; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.4. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


243 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,89; mm 19; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.4. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




244 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,62; mm 19; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; below the throne, two pellets; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.6. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


245 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,55; mm 18; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; below the throne, two pellets; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.7. Cabinet tone. Graffito on obverse, about extremely fine.




246 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,41; mm 20; h 1); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.11 var (throne). Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


x Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 388 (1 Noveber 2006), lot 661 ( from the Dr. Robert Gonnella Collection); Classical E Numismatic Group – Triton XIII (5 January 2010), lot 777 ( from the Todd A. Ballen Collection).

247 Vologases III (105-147), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 105-147; AR (g 3,48; mm 19; h 12); Diademed bust l., with long beard, wearing torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 78.11 var (different throne back). Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





248 Osroes I (109-129), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 109-129; AR (g 3,81; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., hair bounded above diadem and behind ears, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ (stylized Greek), king enthroned l., wearing bow, on l., A. Sellwood 80.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


249 Parthamaspates (116), Drachm, Ekbatana, AD 116 ; AR (g 3,57; mm 21; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with crescents and star, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ (Greek stylized scripts), king seated r., holding bow; on r., A. Sellwood 81.1. Scarce, good extremely fine.




250 Parthamaspates (116), Drachm, Ekbatana, AD 116 ; AR (g 3,80; mm 22; h 12); Bearded bust r., wearing tiara decorated with crescents and star, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ (stylized Greek), king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., A. Sellwood 81.1. Scarce, large flan, good extremely fine.


251 Mithradates V (140), Drachm, Ekbatana, AD 140; AR (g 3,61; mm 18; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing diadem with single band, Rv. King Mithradates (Aramaic scripts) ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩN / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / EYEPΓETOY / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠIΦΑNOYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ (Greek stylized scripts), king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 82.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




252 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, November AD 151; BI (g 11,15; mm 28; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΓΞΥ. Sellwood 84.11. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine. Privately purchased from Spink & Son in 1955. 253 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, November AD 150 ; BI (g 13,06; mm 31; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, BΞΥ. Sellwood 84.10. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 66 (19 May 2004), lot 816.






254 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, November AD 152; BI (g 13,22; mm 29; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΔΞΥ. Sellwood 84.13. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.

Privately purchased from L. Forrer in 1949.

255 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 166; AR (g 13,13; mm 26; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, HOY. Sellwood 84.33 var (month). Lightly toned, about extremely fine.



Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger, Auction 388 (1 November 2006), lot 686.

257 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, c. AD December 171 ; AR (g 10,46; mm 26; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΓΠΥ. Sellwood 84.42. Lightly toned, extremely fine.



256 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 167 ; AR (g 13,94; mm 26; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΘOΥ. Sellwood 84.34-35. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.300


Ex Classical Numismatic Group – Triton III (30 November – 1 Dicember 1999), lot 676.






258 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, October AD 172; BI (g 13,85; mm 25; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΔΠΥ. Sellwood 84.46. Lustrous, good extremely fine.


Gift from Sellwood.



259 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, February AD 176 ; AR (g 13,76; mm 25; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΗΠΥ. Sellwood 84.53. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.


260 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, May AD 177; AR (g 13,83; mm 27; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΘΠΥ. Sellwood 84.59. Dark patina, about extremely fine.


Ex Glendining & Co, 1955, lot 660.


261 Vologases IV (147-191), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, February AD 190; AR (g 13,65; mm 25; h 1); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΒΦ. 84.125. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





262 Vologases IV (147-191), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 191-208 ; BI (g 3,75; mm 20; h 3); Bearded bust facing, hair bunded above diadem and behind ears, wearing spiral torque, Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned l., holding bow; on l., monogram. Sellwood 86.3. Rare. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.

Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 70 (21 September 2005), lot 442.

263 Vologases V (191-208), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, May AD 192; AR (g 11,85; mm 26; h 12); Didemed bust l., hair bunded above diadem and behind ears, wearing spiral torque, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, ΔΦ. Sellwood 87.6. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Ex Petrowicz (1904), lotto 2496.



264 Vologases VI (208-228), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, January AD 208; BI (g 11,12; mm 25; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara with curved neckflap; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, KΦ. Sellwood 88.2. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



Ex Petrowicz (1904), lot 2511.

265 Vologases VI (208-228), Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris, AD 209; BI (g 13,63; mm 25; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing double banded diadem and tiara with curved neckflap; behind, B, Rv. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ / ΑΡΣΑΚΟY / OΛΑΓΑΣΟΥ / ΔΙΚΑΙΟY / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟYΣ / ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, king enthroned l., receiving a diadem from Tyche l.; above, AKΦ. Sellwood 88.3-4. Cabinet tone, minor scrath on reverse, about extremely fine.





266 Vologases VI (208-228), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 208-228; AR (g 3,70; mm 20; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara with earflaps, decorated with pearls and crest; behind, abbreviated king’s name (Aramaic scripts), Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 88.19. Good very fine.


267 Vologases VI (208-228), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 208-228; AR (g 3,54; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara with earflaps, decorated with pearls and crest; behind, abbreviated king’s name (Aramaic scripts), Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 88.19. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





268 Vologases VI (208-228), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 208-228; AR (g 3,50; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara with earflaps, decorated with pearls and crest; behind, abbreviated king’s name (Aramaic scripts), Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 88.19. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


269 Vologases VI (208-228), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 208-228; AR (g 3,55; mm 18; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara, with very long earflaps, decorated with pearls, crest and crescent (erased), Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 88.24. Very rare. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 36 (5-6 December 1995), lot 462.

270 Vologases VI (208-228), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 208-228; AR (g 3,01; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara, with very long earflaps, decorated with pearls, crest and crescent, Rv. King Vologases (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 88.23. Very rare. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.




271 Artabanus IV (216-224), Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 216-224 ; AR (g 2,91; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with pellets and crest, wearing necklet; behind, abbreviated king’s name (Aramaic scripts), Rv. King Artabanus (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., X. Sellwood 89.3. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


272 Artabanus IV (216-224),Drachm, Ekbatana, c. AD 216-224 ; AR (g 3,54; mm 19; h 12); Bearded bust l., wearing tiara decorated with pellets, crest and star, wearing necklet, Rv. King Artabanus (Aramaic scripts) “Greek” legend, king enthroned r., holding bow; on r., monogram. Sellwood 90.1. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



The Roman Republic


273 Anonymous, box set of a complete cast bronze series, Rome, 4th century BC; AE (g 325 As; 160 Semis; 91 Triens; 79 Quadrans; 46 Sextans; 27 Uncia); Crawford 14/1-6; ICC 25-31. Good very fine quality.



From the Giorgio Fallani Collection (Basel).


Anonymous, Didrachm, Neapolis (?), 289 BC; AR (g 6,65; mm 19; h 6); Head of Hercules r., hair bound with ribbon, with club and lion’s skin over shoulder, Rv. She-wolf r., suckling twins; in ex. ROMANO. Crawford 20/1; Sydenham 6; HNItaly 287. Lightly toned, extremely fine / about extremely fine.





275 Anonymous, Didrachm, Rome, before 269 BC; AR (g 6,31; mm 20; h 12); Laureate head of Apollo r., Rv. Horse prancing l.; above, ROMA. Crawford 26/1; Sydenham 27; HNItaly 306. Iridescent old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


276 Anonymous, Quadrigatus, Rome, from 269 BC; AR (g 6,51; mm 24; h 6); Laureate head of Fontus, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory r., holding sceptre and thunderbolt; in ex. ROMA incuse on raised tablet. Crawford 28/3. Cabinet tone. Struck in high relief on a very large flan, good extremely fine.




277 Anonymous, Quadrigatus, Rome, from 269 BC; AR (g 6,48; mm 19; h 4); Laureate head of Fontus, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory r., holding sceptre and thunderbolt; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 28/3. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


278 Anonymous, Quadrigatus, Rome, from 269 BC; AR (6,77; mm 21; h 1); Laureate head of Fontus; below, dot, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory r., holding sceptre and thunderbolt; in ex. ROMA incuse on raised tablet. Crawford 31/1. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.



279 Anonymous, box Box set of a complete cast bronze series, Rome, 4th century BC; AE (g 267 As; 118 Semis; 76 Triens; 69 Quadrans; 28 Sextans; 22 Uncia); Crawford 35/1-6; ICC 74-83. Good very fine – about extremely fine quality.

From the Giorgio Fallani Collection (Basel).




280 Anonymous, Cast As, Rome, c. 225-217 BC; AE (g 256; mm 67; h 12); Head of Janus; below, mark of value set horizontally, Rv. Prow r.; above, I. Crawford 35/1; Sydenham 71; HNItaly 337; ICC 74. Untouched green patina, high relief, extremely fine / about extremely fine.




281 Anonymous, Sextans, Rome, c. 217-215 BC; AE (g 27,50; mm 30; h 8); Head of Mercury r., wearing winged petasus; above, 째째, Rv. Prow r.; above, ROMA; below, 째째. Crawford 38/5; Sydenham 85. Untouched green patina, good very fine.


282 Anonymous, Denarius, Rome, post 215-214 BC; AR (g 4,46; mm 20; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 53/2; Sydenham 229. Cabinet tone, minor flan crack, extremely fine.


283 1,5:1

1,5:1 284

283 Anonymous, Sestertius, Rome, post 215-214 BC; AR (g 1,05; mm 13; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, IIS, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 44/7; Sydenham 142. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


284 Anonymous, As, Rome, c. 206-190 BC; AE (g 34,60; mm 35; h 2); Laureate head of Janus; above, I, Rv. Prow r.; above, I; below, ROMA. Crawford 56/2; Sydenham 143; Mc Cabe J1.As.1. Beautiful green patina and high relief; an exceptional As specimen of very nice style. Good extremely fine.






285 First cornucopiae series, Denarius, Rome, 207 BC; AR (g 3,63; mm 19; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, cornucopiae; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 58/2; Sydenham 216. Iridescent tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


286 Anonymous, Victoriatus, Sicily, end of 3rd century BC; AR (g 3,33; mm 18; h 11); Laureate head of Jupiter r., Rv. Victory standing r., crowning trophy; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 70/1; Sydenham 83. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


287 Staff series, Denarius, Sicily, c. 209-208 BC; AR (g 4,52; mm 18; h 12); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, staff; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 78/1; Sydenham 208. Scarce. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.





288 ROMA in monogram series, Quinarius, South-East Italy, c. 211-210 BC; AR (g 1,67; mm 15; h 12); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, V, Rv. Dioscuri galloping r.; below, ROMA in monogram; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 84/2; Sydenham 188. Rare. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


289 Anonymous, Denarius, Rome, 157-156 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding goad and reins; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 197/1a; Sydenham 376. Lustrous, extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

290 C. Maianus, Quadrans, Rome, 153 BC; AE (g 6,97; mm 20; h 12); Head of Hercules r., wearing lion skin; behind, °°°, Rv. Prow r.; before, °°°; below, ROMA. Crawford 203/5; Maiania 5; Sydenham 428c. Extremely rare, riverine patina, extremely fine.






. Saufeius, Denarius, Rome, 152 BC; AR (g 3,77; mm 18; h 2); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga L r., holding reins and whip; below, L SAVF; in ex. ROMA in partial frame. Crawford 204/1; Saufeia 1; Sydenham 384. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


292 P. Cornelius Sulla, Denarius, Rome, 151 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 19; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; below, P SVLA; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 205/1; Cornelia 1; Sydenham 386. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


293 Spurius Afranius, Denarius, Rome, 150 BC; AR (g 4,05; mm 19; h 5); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding whip and reins; below, S AFRA; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 206/1; Afrania 1; Sydenham 388. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.






294 Decimius Flavus, Denarius, Rome, 150 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Luna in biga r., holding reins and whip; below, FLAVS; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 207/1; Decimia 1; Sydenham 391. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


295 L. Sempronius Pitio, Denarius, Rome, 148 BC; AR (g 3,32; mm 19; h 5); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, PITIO; before, X, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, L SEMP; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 216/1; Sempronia 2; Sydenham 402. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.


296 C. Antestius, Denarius, Rome, 146 BC; AR (g 4,29; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, X; behind, C ANTESTI, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, puppy r. with both fore-feet raised; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 219/1e; Antestia 1; Sydenham 411. Lustrous, good extremely fine.





297 M. Junius Silanus, Denarius, Rome, 145 BC; AR (g 4,19; mm 18; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, X; behind, ass head, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, M IVNI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 220/1; Junia 8; Sydenham 408. Lustrous, about extremely fine. 100


298 C. Valerius C.f. Flaccus, Denarius, Rome, 140 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding whip and reins; above, FLAC; below, C VAL C [F]; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 228/2; Valeria 7; Sydenham 440. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.


299 C. Renius, Denarius, Rome, 138 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 17; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Juno in biga of goats r.; below, C RENI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 231/1; Renia 1; Sydenham 432. Lightly toned, well centered reverse, good extremely fine.





300 C. Renius, Denarius, Rome, 138 BC; AR (g 3,83; mm 17; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. Juno in biga of goats r.; below, C REN[I]; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 231/1; Renia 1; Sydenham 432. Lightly toned and good extremely fine.


301 Ti. Veturius Gracchi f. Sempronianus, Denarius, Rome, 137 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 20; h 3); Helmeted and draped bust of Mars r.; behind, X and TI VET, Rv. Oath-taking scene: two warriors face each other, hold spear in l. hand and with sword in r. hand touches pig held by figure kneeling between them; above, ROMA. Crawford 234/1; Veturia 1; Sydenham 507. Lightly toned, minor scratch on obverse, anyway good extremely fine.


302 Sex. Pompeius Fostlus, Denarius, Rome, 137 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, jug; before, X, Rv. She-wolf r., suckling twins; behind, ficus Ruminalis; on l., Faustulus identified by legend F – [OSTLVS]; on r., SEX PO; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 235/1c; Pompeia 1; Sydenham 461a. Lustrous, good extremely fine.






303 M. Baebius Q.f. Tampilus, Denarius, Rome, 137 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 19; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma l.; behind, TAMPIL; before, X, Rv. Apollo in quadriga r., holding reins, branch, bow and arrow; below, ROMA; in ex. M BAEBI Q [F]. Crawford 236/1a; Baebia 12; Sydenham 489. Lustrous, weakness on obverse, anyway good extremely fine.


304 Cn. Lucretius Trio, Denarius, Rome, 136 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, TRIO; before, X, Rv. The Dioscuri galloping r.; below, CN LVCR; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 237/1a; Lucretia 1; Sydenham 450. Lustrous, good extremely fine.


305 L. Antestius Gragulus, Denarius, Rome, 136 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, *; behind, GRAG, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga r., holding reins, thunderbolt and sceptre; below, L ANTES; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 238/1; Antestia 9; Sydenham 451. Lightly toned, minor flattening on reverse, anyway extremely fine – good extremely fine.





306 C. Servilius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 136 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 19; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, wreath; below, * ROMA, Rv. The Dioscuri riding apart; in ex. C SERVEILI M F. Crawford 239/1; Servilia 1; Sydenham 525. Cabinet tone, high relief, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


307 M. Marcius Mn.f., Denarius, Rome, 134 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, *; behind, modius, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; below, M MAR C, divided by two ears of corn; in ex., RO MA. Crawford 245/1; Marcia 8; Sydenham 500. Iridescent tone, about fdc.


308 P. Maenius M.f. Antiaticus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 18; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, *, Rv. Victory in quadriga r., holding reins, palm-branch and wreath; below, P MAE ANT; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 249/1; Maenia 7; Sydenham 492. Lustrous, about fdc.




309 M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, Denarius, Rome, 132 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 19; h 8); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, GEM; before, *, Rv. Sol in quadriga r., holding reins and whip; below, M ABVRI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 250/1; Aburia 6; Sydenham 487. Lustrous, fdc.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

310 M. Opimius, Denarius, Rome, 131 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 18; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, tripod; before, *, Rv. Apollo in biga r., with quiver over shoulder, holding bow with arrow and reins; below, M OPEIMI; in ex. ROMA. Crawford 254/1; Opimia 16; Sydenham 475. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.






311 T. Cloelius, Denarius, Rome, 128 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 19; h 2); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, wreath; below, ROMA, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; below, corn-ear; in ex. T. CLOVLI. Crawford 260/1; Cloulia 1; Sydenham 516. Lustrous, large flan, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


312 C. Servilius Vatia, Denarius, Rome, 127 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 18; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, lituus; before, *; below, ROMA, Rv. Battle on horseback between two warriors; the shield of horseman on r. inscribed M; in ex. C SERVEIL. Crawford 264/1; Servilia 6; Sydenham 483. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine / extremely fine.


313 Q. Fabius Maximus, Denarius, Rome, 127 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 2); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, ROMA; before, * and Q MAX, Rv. Cornucopiae superimposed on thunderbolt; around, wreath composed of ear of barley, ear of wheat and assorted fruits. Crawford 265/1; Fabia 5; Sydenham 478. Lovely iridescent tone and good extremely fine.





314 M. Tullius, Denarius, Rome, 120 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 20; h 5); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, ROMA, Rv. Victory in quadriga r.; holding reins and palm-branch; above, wreath; below, X; in ex. M TVLLI. Crawford 280/1; Tullia 1; Sydenham 531. Lustrous, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.


315 M. Furius L.f. Philus, Denarius, Rome, 119 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 4); Laureate head of Janus; around, M FOVRI L F, Rv. Roma standing l., holding sceptre and crowning trophy; behind, ROMA; above, star; on the l. field, trophy surmounted by a helmet in the form of a boar’s head and flanked by carnyx and shield on each side; in ex. PHILI. Crawford 281/1; Furia 18; Sydenham 529. Lustrous, about fdc.


316 M. Sergius Silus, Denarius, Rome, 116 or 115 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 19; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, EX S C; behind, ROMA and *, Rv. Horseman l., holding sword and severed gallic head; before, Q; below, M SERGI; in ex. SILVS. Crawford 286/1; Sergia 1; Sydenham 534. Cabinet tone, high relief, good extremely fine.




317 Anonymous, Denarius, Rome, 115-114 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 20; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; below, ROMA, behind, X, Rv. Roma seated r. on pile of shields, holding spear; at feet, helmet; before, she-wolf suckling twins; on either side, bird flying. Crawford 287/1; Sydenham 530. Lustrous, good very fine.


318 M. Cipius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 115 or 114 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 16; h 4); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, M CIPI M F; behind, X, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and palm brach; below, rudder; in ex. [ROMA]. Crawford 289/1; Cipia 1; Sydenham 546. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.






319 Mn. Aemilius Lepidus, Denarius, Rome, 114 or 113 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 19; h 7); Laureate female bust r., draped and wearing diadem; before, ROMA; behind, *, Rv. Three arches, on which stands equestrian statue; around, MN AE – MILIO; between arches, L E P. Crawford 291/1; Aemilia 7; Sydenham 554. Lustrous, extremely fine.


320 P. Licinius Nerva, Denarius, Rome, 113 or 112 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 17; h 5); Helmeted bust of Roma l., holding shield and spear; above, crescent; before, *; behind, ROMA, Rv. Voting scene in the Comitium: one voter on l. of pons receives ballot from attendant below, another voter on r. of pons places ballot in cista; above, P NERVA; at top of coin, bar on which stands tablet bearing letter P. Crawford 292/1; Licinia 7; Sydenham 548. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


321 L. Caesius, Denarius, Rome, 112 or 111 BC; AR (g 3,83; mm 20; h 10); Togate bust of Apollon Veiovis l., holding thunderbolt; behind, monogram APV, Rv. Lares Praestites seated r., with dog between; above, bust of Vulcan with tongs over shoulder; on l., LA (ligate); on r., [RE] (ligate) in ex. L CAESI. Crawford 298/1; Caesia 1; Sydenham 564. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.




322 Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus and Q. Urbinius, Denarius, Rome, 111 or 110 BC; AR (g 4,01; mm 17; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, quadrangular device, Rv. Victory in triga r., holding reins; in ex. AP CL T MAL Q [VR]. Crawford 299/1a; Claudia 2, Mallia 1; Sydenham 570. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


323 L. Memmius, Denarius, Rome, 109 or 108 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 18; h 7); Young male head r. wearing oak-wreath; before, *, Rv. The Dioscuri standing facing between their horses, each holding spear; in ex. L MEMMI. Crawford 304/1; Memmia 1; Sydenham 558. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





324 L. Valerius Flaccus, Denarius, Rome, 108 or 107 BC; AR (g 3,85; mm 19; h 3); Draped and winged bust of Victory r.; before, *, Rv. Mars advancing l., holding spear and trophy; behind, corn ear; before, apex and L VALERI / FLACCI. Crawford 306/1; Valeria 11; Sydenham 565. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


325 M. Herennius, Denarius, Rome, 108 or 107 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 18; h 12); Head of Pietas r., wearing diadem; behind, PIETAS, Rv. One of the Pii fratres (Anphinomos or Anapias) running r., bearing his father on his shoulders; behind, M HERENNI; before, control mark. Crawford 308/1b; Herennia 1; Sydenham 567a. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


326 L. Memmius Gal(eria tribu), Denarius serratus, Rome, 106 BC; AR (g 4,02; mm 19; h 5); Head of Saturn l; behind harpa and ROMA, Rv. Venus in biga r., holding sceptre and reins; above, flying Cupid with wreath; below, control letter; in ex., L MEMMI / GAL. Crawford 313/1c; Memmia 2; Sydenham 574a. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.






327 L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 19; h 6); Head of Juno Sospita r., wearing goat-skin; behind, downwards, I S M R, Rv. Bull charging r.; above, control-mark, O; below. L THORIVS; in ex. BALBVS. Crawford 316/1; Thoria 1; Sydenham 598. Lovely iridescent tone, dot on edge, extremely fine.


328 L. Thorius Balbus, Denarius, Rome, 105 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 6); Head of Juno Sospita r., wearing goat-skin; behind, downwards, I S M R, Rv. Bull charging r.; above, control-mark, O; below. L THORIVS; in ex. BALBVS. Crawford 316/1; Thoria 1; Sydenham 598. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


329 Q. Minucius Thermus M.f., Denarius, Rome, 103 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 20; h 3); Helmeted head of Mars l., Rv. Roman soldier fighting barbarian soldier in protection of fallen comrade; in ex. Q THERM M F. Crawford 319/1; Minucia 19; Sydenham 592. Cabinet tone, minor flattening on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.





330 Q. Minucius Thermus M.f., Denarius, Rome, 103 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 19; h 9); Helmeted head of Mars l., Rv. Roman soldier fighting barbarian soldier in protection of fallen comrade; in ex. Q THERM M F. Crawford 319/1; Minucia 19; Sydenham 592. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


331 L. Cassius Caecianus, Denarius, Rome, 102 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 18; h 6); Draped bust of Ceres l., wearing corn earwreath; above, control letter; behind, CAEICIAN, Rv. Yoke of oxen l.; above, control letter; in ex. L CASSI. Crawford 321/1; Cassia 4; Sydenham 594. Lovely iridescent cabinet tone, high relief, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


332 C. Fabius C.f. Hadrianus, Denarius, Rome, 102 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 20; h 9); Veiled bust of Cybele r.; behind, control letter, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and goad; below, bird; in ex. C FABI C F. Crawford 322/1a; Fabia 15; Sydenham 589. Lightly toned, well centered specimen; minor porosity, otherwise good extremely fine.




333 M. Lucilius Ruf., Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 3,94; mm 21; h 1); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, PV; laurel wreath as border, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and whip; below, M LVCILI; above, RVF. Crawford 324/1; Lucilia 1; Sydenham 599. Iridescent tone, large flan, extremely fine.


334 C. Fundanius, Denarius, Rome, 101 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 18; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, control mark, Rv. Triumphator in quadriga r., holding laurel branch and staff; on near horse, rider holding laurel branch; above, Q; in ex. C FVNDAN. Crawford 326/1; Fundania 1; Sydenham 583. Lustrous, extremely fine.






335 P. Servilius M.f. Rullus, Denarius, Rome, 100 BC; AR (g 3,98; mm 21; h 3); Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Minerva l.; behind, RVLLI, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding palm branch and reins; below, P; in ex. P SERVILI M F. Crawford 328/1; Servilia 14; Sydenham 601. Cabinet tone, minor flattening on reverse, about extremely fine.


336 P. Vettius Sabinus, Quinarius, Rome, 99 BC; AR (g 1,69; mm 14; h 11); Laureate head of Jupiter r.; behind, control letter, Rv. Victory standing r., crowning trophy; between, P SABIN; in ex. Q. Crawford 331/1; Vettia 1; Sydenham 587. Minor porosity, extremely fine.


337 L. Pomponius Molo, Denarius, Rome, 97 BC ; AR (g 3,94; mm 19; h 12); Laureate head of Apollo r.; around, L POMPON – [MOLO], Rv. Lighted altar; to l., Numa Pompilius holding lituus; to r., victimarius leading goat; in ex. [NVMA POMPIL]. Crawford 334/1; Pomponia 6; Sydenham 607. Iridescent cabinet tone, extremely fine.





338 L. Caecilius Metellus, C. Poblicius Malleolus and A. Postumius Sp.f. Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 96 BC (?); AR (g 3,72; mm 20; h 11); Laureate head of Apollo r.; before, [A] ALB S F; behind, L METEL; below, star, Rv. Roma seated l., on pile of shields, holding sword and spear, crowned from behind by Victory; on l., C MA[LL]; in ex. [RO]MA. Crawford 335/1b; Caecilia 46, Poblicia 3, Postumia 3; Sydenham 611a. Cabinet tone and high relief; minor flattening, anyway good extremely fine.


339 A. Postumius Sp.f. Albinus, Denarius, Rome, 96 BC (?); AR (g 3,82; mm 19; h 6); Draped bust of Diana r., with bow and quiver over shoulder; below, [ROMA], Rv. Three horsemen charging l.; before, fallen warrior; in ex. A ALBINVS S F. Crawford 335/9; Postumia 4; Sydenham 613. Lightly toned, minor flattening, anyway good extremely fine.


340 D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 18; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, control letter, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; above, control numeral; in ex. D SILANVS L F / ROMA. Crawford 337/3; Junia 15; Sydenham 646. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.




341 D. Junius Silanus L.f., Denarius, Rome, 91 BC; AR (g 4,10; mm 16; h 3); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, control letter, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins; above, control numeral; in ex. D SILANVS L [F] / ROMA. Crawford 337/3; Junia 15; Sydenham 646. Lustrous, extremely fine.


342 L. Calpurnius Piso L.f. L.n. Frugi, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,69; mm 20; h 4); Laureate head of Apollo r.; before, coltrol letter, Rv. Horseman galloping r., holding palm branch; below, L PISO FRVGI / ROMA; above, control symbol. Crawford 340/1; Calpurnia 8; Sydenham 658a. Struck on a broad flan with a lovely tone and good extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 59, lot 743.





343 L. Calpurnius Piso L.f. L.n. Frugi, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 2); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, fractional sign, Rv. Horseman galloping r., holding palm branch; below, L PISO FRVGI; above, control letter. Crawford 340/1; Calpurnia 11; Sydenham 664e. Iridescent tone, extremely fine.


344 L. Calpurnius Piso L.f. L.n. Frugi, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 18; h 7); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, control letter; before, different control letter, Rv. Horseman galloping r., holding palm branch; below, L PISO FRVGI / control letter. Crawford 340/1; Calpurnia 11; Sydenham 665a. Lustrous, extremely fine.


345 C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,61; mm 18; h 9); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, PANSA, Rv. Minerva in quadriga r., holding reins, spear and trophy; in ex. C VIBIVS C F. Crawford 342/5b; Vibia 1; Sydenham 684. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





346 C. Vibius C.f. Pansa, Denarius, Rome, 90 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 19; h 7); Minerva in quadriga l., holding reins, spear and trophy; in ex. [PANSA], Rv. Minerva in quadriga r., holding reins, spear and trophy; in ex. [C VIBIVS C F]. Crawford 342/6a; Vibia 5; Sydenham 687. Scarce, toned, good very fine.


347 M. Porcius Cato, Quinarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 2,02; mm 14; h 11); Head of Liber r., wearing ivy-wreath; behind, M CATO; below, control symbol, Rv. Victory seated r., holding patera and palm branch; in ex. VICTRIX. Crawford 343/2b; Porcia 7; Sydenham 597c. Dark patina, good extremely fine.


348 M. Porcius Cato, Quinarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 1,98; mm 10; h 6); Head of Liber r., wearing ivy-wreath; behind, M CATO; below, control symbol, Rv. Victory seated r., holding patera and palm branch; in ex. VICTRIX. Crawford 343/2b; Porcia 7; Sydenham 597c. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.




349 L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 20; h 7); Head of king Tatius r.; behind, SABIN; before, palm-branch, Rv. Rape of the Sabine women; in ex. L TITVRI. Crawford 344/1b; Tituria 2; Sydenham 698a. Cabinet tone, minor flattening on reverse, anyway extremely fine.


350 L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 4,01; mm 18; h 4); Bearded head of King Tatius r.; before, palm-branch; behind, downwards, SABIN, Rv. Killing of Tarpeia; above, star in crescent; in ex. [L T]ITVRI. Crawford 344/2b; Tituria 4; Sydenham 699. Lustrous, about extremely fine.






351 L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus, Denarius, Rome, 89 BC; AR (g 3,86; mm 20; h 7); Head of king Tatius r.; behind, [SABIN], Rv. Victory in biga r., holding wreath and reins; below, L TITVRI; in ex. control symbol. Crawford 344/3; Tituria 6; Sydenham 700. Lustrous, extremely fine.


352 Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus, Denarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 3,83; mm 19; h 6); Helmeted bust of Mars seen from behind, with head turned to r., spear and sword over shoulders, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and wreath; in ex. [C]N LENTVL. Crawford 345/1; Cornelia 50; Sydenham 702. Rare to find in this preservation. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


353 C. Marcius Censorinus, Denarius, Rome, 88 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 18; h 12); Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius, bearbed, and Ancus Marcius, not bearbed, r., Rv. Desultor r., wearing conical cap and holding whip; below, control mark; in ex. [C CENSO]. Crawford 346/1b; Marcia 18; Sydenham 713b. Rare to find in this preservation. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.





354 L. Rubrius Dossenus, Denarius, Rome, 87 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 15; h 7); Laureate head of Jupiter r., with sceptre over shoulder; below, DOSSEN, Rv. Triumphal quadriga r., side-panel decorated with thunderbolt; above, Victory holding wreath; in ex. L RVBRI. Crawford 348/1; Rubria 1; Sydenham 705. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


355 GAR, OGVL, VER series, Denarius, Rome, 86 BC; AR (g 4,07; mm 18; h 6); Head of Apollo r., wearing oak-wreath; below, thunderbolt, Rv. Jupiter in quadriga r., holding reins and thunderbolt. Crawford 350A/2; Sydenham 723. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


356 L. Julius Bursio, Denarius, Rome, 85 BC; AR (g 4,13; mm 18; h 6); Male head r. with attributes of Apollo, Mercury and Neptune; behind, control-mark, Rv. Victory in quadriga r., holding reins and wreath; in ex. L IVLI BVRSIO. Crawford 352/1a; Julia 5; Sydenham 728. Lustrous, about extremely fine.




357 Mn. Fonteius C.f., Denarius, Rome, 85 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 21; h 1); Laureate head of Apollo r.; below, thunderbolt, behind, MN FONTEI; on r., C F, Rv. Winged figure on goat r.; on either side, pileus; in ex., thyrsus; all within laurel wreath. Crawford 353/1c; Fonteia 10; Sydenham 724a. Cabinet tone, large flan, good extremely fine.


358 Mn. Fonteius C.f., Denarius, Rome, 85 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 3); Laureate head of Apollo Veiovis r.; below, thunderbolt; behind, MN FONTEI [C F]; before, monogram, Rv. Winged figure on goat r.; above, pilei; in ex. thyrsus; laurel wreath as border. Crawford 353/1a; Fonteia 9; Sydenham 724. Lustrous, about extremely fine.






359 C. Licinius L.f. Macer, Denarius, Rome, 84 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 21; h 6); Draped bust of Veiovis seen from behind, with head turned to l. and holding thunderbolt, Rv. Minerva in quadriga r., holding reins, shield and javelin; in ex. C LICINIVS L [F] / MACER. Crawford 354/1; Licinia 16; Sydenham 732. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


360 C. Norbanus, Denarius, Rome, 83 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 20; h 11); Head of Venus r.; below, C NORBANVS; behind, control numeral, Rv. Prow-stem, fasces with axe, caduceus and corn ear. Crawford 357/1a; Norbana 1; Sydenham 740. Cabinet tone, large flan and high relief; good extremely fine.


361 P. Crepusius, Denarius, Rome, 82 BC; AR (g 3,78; mm 17; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, sceptre and control letter; before, control symbol, Rv. Horseman r., brandishing spear; behind, control numeral; in ex. P CREPVSI. Crawford 361/1c; Crepusia 1; Sydenham 738a. Lustrous, about extremely fine.




362 C. Mamilius Limetanus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 82 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 21; h 1); Draped bust of Mercury r., wearing winged petasus; behind, caduceus and control letter, Rv. Ulysses standing r., holding staff and extending hand to dog Argus; on l., C MAMIL; on r., LIMETAN. Crawford 362/1; Mamilia 6; Sydenham 741. Old cabinet tone, large flan, good extremely fine.


363 L. Marcius Censorinus, Denarius, Rome, 82 BC; AR (g 4,18; mm 17; h 8); Laureated head of Apollo r., Rv. Marsyas walking l., holding wine-skin over shoulder; behind, column bearing statue of Victory; before, L CENSOR. Crawford 363/1d; Marcia 24; Sydenham 737. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.





364 L. Marcius Censorinus, Denarius, Rome, 82 BC; AR (g 4,09; mm 17; h 4); Laureated head of Apollo r., Rv. Marsyas walking l., holding wine-skin over shoulder; behind, column bearing statue of Victory; before, L CENSOR. Crawford 363/1d; Marcia 24; Sydenham 737. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


365 Q. Antonius Balbus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 83-82 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 19; h 6); Laureate head of Jupiter r.; behind, S C, Rv. Victory on quadriga r., holding wreath and palm-branch; below, control letter; in ex. Q ANTO BALB / PR. Crawford 364/1d; Antonia 1; Sydenham 742. Lovely iridescent tone, good extremely fine.


366 L. Manlius Torquatus for L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, Denarius, Mint moving with Sulla, 82 BC; AR (g 3,80; mm 19; h 11); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, L MANLIÂŹ; behind, PRO Q, Rv. Triumphator on quadriga r., crowned by flying Victory, holding reins and caduceus; in ex. L SVLLA IM. Crawford 367/3; Manlia 8, Cornelia 43; Sydenham 759 var. Cabinet tone, minor scratch on obverse, anyway extremely fine / good extremely fine.






367 C. Servilius Vatia, Denarius, Rome, 82-80 BC; AR (g 3,78; mm 17; h 1); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, B and lituus; before, *; below, ROMA, Rv. Horseman galloping l., holding round shield inscribed with M, spearing another horseman; in ex. C SERVEIL. Crawford 370/1b; Servilia 7; Sydenham 720. Scarce, cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


368 Q. Fabius Maximus, Denarius, Rome, 82-80 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 17; h 4); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, ROMA; below, Q MAX; before, lyre and *, Rv. Cornucopiae superimposed on thunderbolt; around wreath. Crawford 371/1; Fabia 6; Sydenham 718. Cabinet tone. Countermark on obverse, good extremely fine.


369 Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, Denarius, North Italy, 81 BC; AR (g 3,69; mm 18; h 6); Head of Pietas r.; before, stork, Rv. elephant l.; in ex. Q C M P I. Crawford 374/1; Caecilia 43; Sydenham 750. Deposits on obverse, about extremely fine.





370 Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, Denarius, North Italy, 81 BC; AR (g 3,61; mm 20; h 4); Diademed head of Pietas r.; before, stork, Rv. Jug and lituus; in ex. IMPER; all within laurel wreath. Crawford 374/2; Caecilia 44; Sydenham 751. Cabinet tone, extremely fine. 371 L. Procilius f., Denarius, Rome, 80 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 19; h 4); Laureate head of Jupiter r.; behind, S C, Rv. Juno Sospita r., holding spear and shield; behind, L PROCILI / F; before, snake. Crawford 379/1; Procilia 1; Sydenham 771. Cabinet tone, extremely fine. 372 L. Procilius f., Denarius serratus, Rome, 80 BC; AR (g 3,75; mm 18; h 5); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, S C, Rv. Juno Sospita in biga r., holding shield and spear; below, snake; in ex. [L PROCILI F]. Crawford 379/2; Procilia 2; Sydenham 772. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.






373 C. Poblicius Q.f., Denarius serratus, Rome, 80 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 20; h 4); Helmeted and draped bust of Roma r., behind, ROMA; above, control letter, Rv. Hercules strangling Nemean lion; at his feet, club; on l., bow and quiver; above, control letter; on r., C POBLICI Q F. Crawford 380/1; Poblicia 9; Sydenham 768. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


374 C. Naevius Balbus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 79 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 19; h 8); Diademed head of Venus r.; behind, S C; before, control letter, Rv. Victory in triga r., holding reins; in ex. C NAE BALB. Crawford 382/1a; Naevia 6; Sydenham 769. Lustrous, good extremely fine.





376 1,5:1

375 Ti. Claudius Ti.f. Ap.n., Denarius serratus, Rome, 79 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 18; h 5); Draped bust of Diana r., with bow and quiver over shoulder; before, S C, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins, wreath and palm branch; below, control numeral; in ex. TI CLAVD TI [F ]/ AP N. Crawford 383/1; Claudia 5; Sydenham 770. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


376 L. Papius, Denarius serratus, Rome, 79 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 18; h 4); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, control symbol, Rv. Gryphon leaping r.; below, control symbol; in ex. L PAPI. Crawford 384/1 (s. 39); Papia 1; Sydenham 773. Cabinet tone, minor flan crack, anyway good extremely fine.





377 L. Papius, Denarius serratus, Rome, 79 BC; AR (g 3,65; mm 19; h 9); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, control symbol, Rv. Gryphon leaping r.; below, control symbol; in ex. L PAPI. Crawford 384/1 (s. 47); Papia 1; Sydenham 773. Very rare couple of symbols. Iridescent tone, graffito on obverse, good very fine.


378 M. Volteius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 78 BC; AR (g 3,58; mm 18; h 6); Head of Hercules r., wearing lion skin, Rv. Erymanthian boar r.; in ex. M VOLTEI M F. Crawford 385/2; Volteia 2; Sydenham 775. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


379 L. Rutilius Flaccus, Denarius, Rome, 77 BC; AR (g 4,14; mm 19; h 5); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, FLAC, Rv. Victory in biga r., holding wreath and reins; in ex. L RVTILI. Crawford 387/1; Rutilia 1; Sydenham 780. Lovely iridescent tone and virtually as struck: fdc.





380 P. Satrienus, Denarius, Rome, 77 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 19; h 7); Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, control numeral, Rv. She-wolf l.; above, ROMA; in ex. P SATRIE / NVS. Crawford 388/1b; Satriena 1; Sydenham 781. Iridescent tone, large flan, good extremely fine.


381 L. Rustius, Denarius, Rome, 76 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 19; h 8); Helmeted head of Minerva r.; behind, S C; before, *, Rv. Ram r.; in ex. L RVSTI. Crawford 389/1; Rustia 1; Sydenham 782. Scarce. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


382 L. Lucretius Trio, Denarius, Rome, 76 BC; AR (g 3,42; mm 18; h 6); Radiate head of Sol r., Rv. Crescent surrounded by seven stars; above, TRIO; below, L LVCRETI. Crawford 390/1; Lucretia 2; Sydenham 783. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.





383 L. Farsuleius Mensor, Denarius, Rome, 75 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 18; h 6); Diademed and draped bust of Libertas r.; behind, pileus and control numeral; before, MENSOR; below, S C, Rv. Warrior, holding spear and reining biga r., assists togate figure into biga; below, scorpion; in ex. L FARSVLEI. Crawford 392/1a; Farsuleia 1; Sydenham 789a. Iridescent tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine. 384 Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, Denarius, Spanish mint (?), 76-75 BC; AR (g 3,87; mm 18; h 7); Draped bust of Genuis Populi Romani r., with sceptre over shoulder; above, G P R, Rv. Sceptre with wreath, globe and rudder; in field, EX – S C; below, CN LEN Q. Crawford 393/1a; Cornelia 54; Sydenham 752. Cabinet tone, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.





385 C. Postumius At or Ta, Denarius, Rome, 74 BC; AR (g 3,63; mm 18; h 7); Draped bust of Diana r., with bow and quiver over shoulder, Rv. Hound running r.; below, spear; in ex. C POSTVMI / AT (or TA). Crawford 394/1a; Postumia 9; Sydenham 785. Lustrous, good extremely fine.


386 Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n., Denarius serratus, Rome, 71 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 19; h 6); Helmeted and draped bust of Virtus r.; before, VIRTVS; behind, III VIR, Rv. Warrior, holding shield and raising up fallen figure; on r. field, MN AQVIL; in l. field, MN F MN N; in ex. SICIL. Crawford 401/1; Aquilia 2; Sydenham 798. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


388 387

387 1,5:1

387 Q. Fufius Calenus and P. Mucius Cordus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 70 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 20; h 3); Jugate heads of Honos and Virtus r.; on l., HO; on r., VIRT; below, KALENI, Rv. Roma and Italia clasping hands; between, cornucopiae; on l., winged caduceus and ITAL; on r., [RO]; in ex. CORDI. Crawford 403/1; Fufia 1, Mucia 1; Sydenham 797. Lovely iridescent tone, reverse slightly off-centre, otherwise virtually as struck and fdc.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 84, lot 799.

388 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 69 BC; AR (g 3,71; mm 20; h 11); Draped female bust l., wearing winged diadem; behind, control-mark, Rv. Anguipedic monster on pediment of temple, with base inscribed M PLAETORI; in ex. CEST S C. Crawford 405/1b; Plaetoria 9; Sydenham 799a. Very rare, iridescent cabinet tone, minor weakness on obverse, extremely fine.






389 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 69 BC; AR (g 3,74; mm 18; h 6); Draped bust of Fortuna r.; behind, control symbol, Rv. Half-length figure of boy facing, holding tablet inscribed [SO]RS; around, M PLAETORI CEST S C. Crawford 405/2; Plaetoria 10; Sydenham 801. Cabinet tone, countermark on obverse, about extremely fine.


390 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 69 BC; AR (g 3,83; mm 20; h 6); Female bust r., draped and decorated with poppy heads; behind, control symbol, Rv. Winged caduceus; on r., [M] PLAETORI; on l., CEST EX S C. Crawford 405/3b; Plaetoria 6; Sydenham 805. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


391 P. Sulpicius Galba, Denarius, Rome, 69 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 16; h 5); Head of Vesta r., wearing veil; behind, S C, Rv. AE – CVR, between knife, culullus and axe; in ex. P GALB. Crawford 406/1; Sulpicia 7; Sydenham 839. Lustrous, about extremely fine.





392 C. Hosidius C.f. Geta, Denarius, Rome, 68 BC; AR (g 3,95; mm 17; h 3); Draped bust of Diana r., with bow and quiver over shoulder; before, GETA; behind, III VIR, Rv. Boar r, wounded by spear and attacked by hound; in ex. C HOSIDI C F. Crawford 407/2; Hosidia 1; Sydenham 903. Lustrous, minor flattening on reverse, good extremely fine.


393 C. Calpurnius Piso L.f. Frugi, Denarius, Rome, 67 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 19; h 6); Head of Apollo r., hair tied with band; behind, control symbol, Rv. Horseman r., with palm; below, C PISO L F FRV / control symbol. Crawford 408/1b; Calpurnia 24; Sydenham 851o. Lightly toned, minor graffito on obverse, extremely fine.


394 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 67 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 18; h 6); Draped bust r., with attributes of Isis, Minerva, Apollo, Diana and Victory; before, cornucopiae and S C; behind, CESTIANVS, Rv. Eagle on thunderbolt; around, M PLAE – TORIVS M – F AED CVR. Crawford 409/1; Plaetoria 4; Sydenham 809. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine / extremely fine.




395 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 67 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 19; h 6); Draped bust r., with attributes of Isis, Minerva, Apollo, Diana and Victory; before, cornucopiae and S C; behind, CESTIANVS, Rv. Eagle on thunderbolt; around, M PLAE – TORIVS M – F AED CVR. Crawford 409/1; Plaetoria 4; Sydenham 809. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


396 M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 67 BC; AR (g 3,74; mm 18; h 7); Head of Cybele r.; behind, forepart of lion and CESTIANVS; before, globe, Rv. Curule chair; on l. field, control symbol (tong); around, M PLAETORIVS AED CVR EX S C. Crawford 409/2 (s.-); Plaetoria 3; Sydenham 808. Lightly toned and scratch on obverse; control symbol unpublished in the standard references. Good very fine.






397 Q. Pomponius Musa, Denarius, Rome, 66 BC; AR (g 4,10; mm 19; h 10); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, two flutes in saltire, Rv. Euterpe standing r., resting elbow on column and holding two flutes; on l., [Q] POMPONI; on r., MVSA. Crawford 410/5; Pomponia 13; Sydenham 815. Lightly toned, minor graffito on obverse, good extremely fine.


398 L. Roscius Fabatus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 64 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 19; h 6); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, control symbol; below, L ROSCI, Rv. Girl standing r., feeding serpent to r.; on l., control symbol; in ex. FABATI. Crawford 412/1 (s. ?); Roscia 3; Sydenham 915. Apparently unlisted symbol. Cabinet tone, large flan, about extremely fine.


399 L. Roscius Fabatus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 64 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 19; h 5); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, control symbol; below, L ROSCI, Rv. Girl standing r., feeding serpent to r.; on l., control symbol; in ex. FABATI. Crawford 412/1 (s. 20); Roscia 3; Sydenham 915. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.




400 L. Roscius Fabatus, Denarius serratus, Rome, 64 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 19; h 5); Head of Juno Sospita r.; behind, control symbol; below, L ROSCI, Rv. Girl standing r., feeding serpent to r.; on l., control symbol; in ex. FABATI. Crawford 412/1 (s. 54); Roscia 3; Sydenham 915. Old cabinet tone, graffito on obverse, good extremely fine. 401 L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus, Denarius, Rome, 62 BC; AR (g 3,86; mm 17; h 7); [P]AVLLVS LEPIDVS CONCORDIA, veiled and diademed head of Concordia r., Rv. Trophy; on r., togate figure (L. Aemilius Paullus); on l., three captives (King Perseus of Macedon and his sons); above, TER; in ex. PAVLLV[S]. Crawford 415/1; Aemilia 10; Sydenham 926. Lustrous, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.



This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

403 M. Aemilius Lepidus, Denarius, Rome, 61 BC; AR (g 3,96; mm 19; h 3); Diademed and laureate female head r.; behind, wreath; before, simpulum, Rv. Horseman r., carrying trophy over shoulder; in ex. M LEPIDVS. Crawford 419/1d; Aemilia 20; Sydenham 828. Lustrous, large flan, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



402 L. Scribonius Libo, Denarius, Rome, 62 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 20; h 6); Head of Bonus Eventus r.; before, BON EVENT; behind, LIBO, Rv. Puteal Scribonianum in Roman Forum, decorated with garland and two lyres; at base, hammer; above, PVTEAL; below, SCRIBON. Crawford 416/1a; Scribonia 8; Sydenham 928. Lightly tone, about extremely fine.


From the Leo Benz Collection (Numismatik Lanz MĂźnchen, Auction 88, 23 November 1998, lot 124).





404 M. Nonius Sufenas, Denarius, Rome, 59 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 19; h 6); Head of Saturn r.; behind, S C, harpa and oval object; before, SVFENAS, Rv. Roma seated l., on pile of shields, holding sword and spear, crowned from behind by Victory; around, PR L – V – P F; in ex. SEX NONI. Crawford 421/1; Nonia 1; Sydenham 919. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine. 405 M. Aemilius Scaurus and P. Plautius, Denarius, Rome, 58 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 18; h 5); Dromedary r.; before, kneeling figure, holding reins and olive-branch; above, M SCAVR / AED CVR; on either side, EX – S C; in ex. [REX ARETAS], Rv. Jupiter in quadriga l., holding reins and thunderbolt; below horses, scorpion r.; above, P HVPSAE / AED CVR; behind, [CAPTV]; in ex. C HVPSAE COS / PREIVE. Crawford 422/1b; Aemilia 8, Plautia 8; Sydenham 913. Iridescent tone, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.





406 C. Servilius C.f., Denarius, Rome, 57 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 3); Head of Flora r.; behind, lituus; before, FLORAL PRIMVS, Rv. Two soldiers facing each other and presenting swords; in ex. C SERVEIL; on r., C F. Crawford 423/1; Servilia 15; Sydenham 890. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


407 L. Marcius Philippus, Denarius, Rome, 56 BC; AR (g 4,09; mm 19; h 7); Diademed head of Ancus Marcius r.; behind, lituus; below, ANCVS, Rv. Aqueduct, on wich stands equestrian statue with floral support; on l., PHILIPPVS; within arches of aqueduct, A Q V A MAR C I. Crawford 425/1 var (legend in exergue); Marcia 29a = Sydenham 919b = BMCRR Rome 3895 note = Marcia 29; Elsen 78, lot 206 (same dies); Benz Collection (Lanz 88), lot 483 (same dies); CNG 88, lot 1167 (same dies). A variety of the highest rarity. Lightly toned, minor flattening, anyway extremely fine.




408 L. Marcius Philippus, Denarius, Rome, 56 BC; AR (g 3,54; mm 18; h 5); Diademed head of Ancus Marcius r.; behind, lituus; below, ANCVS, Rv. Aqueduct, on wich stands equestrian statue with floral support; on l., PHILIPPVS; within arches of aqueduct, A Q V A MAR. Crawford 425/1; Marcia 28; Sydenham 919. Lightly toned, good extremely fine. 409 C. Memmius C.f., Denarius, Rome, 56 BC; AR (g 3,33; mm 19; h 12); Head of Ceres r.; before, C MEMMI C F, Rv. Trophy; before, kneeling captive with hands tied behind back; on r., C MEMMIVS; on l., IMPERAT[OR]. Crawford 427/1; Memmia 10; Sydenham 920. Lustrous, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.







410 Q. Cassius Longinus, Denarius, Rome, 55 BC; AR (g 3,74; mm 20; h 6); Head of Libertas r.; before, Q CASSIVS; behind, LIBERT, Rv. Temple of Vesta in Roman Forum; within, curule chair; on l., urn; on r., tablet inscribed A C. Crawford 428/2; Cassia 8; Sydenham 918. Dark patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


411 Q. Cassius Longinus, Denarius, Rome, 55 BC; AR (g 3,77; mm 18; h 8); Head of Genius Populi Romani r.; behind, sceptre, Rv. Eagle on thunderbolt r.; in field, lituus and jug; in ex., Q CASSIVS. Crawford 428/3; Cassia 7; Sydenham 916. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


412 P. Fonteius P.f. Capito and T. Didius, Denarius, Rome, 55 BC; AR (g 4,05; mm 18; h 1); Veiled and draped head of Concordia r.; around, P FONTEIVS CAPITO III VIR CONCORDIA, Rv. The Villa Publica in the Campus Martius; on l., T DIDI; below, IMP; on r., VIL PVB. Crawford 429/2a; Didia 1, Fonteia 18; Sydenham 901. Rare, cabinet tone, extremely fine.





413 Cn. Plancius, Denarius, Rome, 55 BC; AR (g 3,13; mm 17; h 18) ; Female head r., wearing causia; before, CN PLANCIVS; behind, AED CVR S C, Rv. Cretan goat r.; behind, bow and quiver. Crawford 432/1; Plancia 1; Sydenham 933. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


414 Cn. Plancius, Denarius, Rome, 55 BC; AR (g 3,92; mm 17; h 1); Female head r., wearing causia; before, CN PLANCIVS; behind, AED CVR S C, Rv. Cretan goat r.; behind, bow and quiver. Crawford 432/1; Plancia 1; Sydenham 933. Lustrous, minor flattening on obverse, about extremely fine.


415 M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,83; mm 20; h 6); Head of Libertas r.; behind, LIBERTAS, Rv. L. Junius Brutus (Cos. 509), walking l., between two lictors and preceded by an accensus; in ex. BRVTVS. Crawford 433/1; Junia 31; Sydenham 906. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.





416 M. Junius Brutus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,62; mm 17; h 9); Head of L. Junius Brutus (Cos. 509) r.; behind, BRVTVS, Rv. Head of C. Servilius Ahala (Mag. Eq. 439) r.; behind, AHALA. Crawford 433/2; Junia 30; Sydenham 907. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


417 Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 12); Head of Sulla r.; before, SVLLA COS, Rv. head of Q. Pompeius Rufus (Cos. 88) r.; behind, RUFVS COS; before, Q POM RVFI. Crawford 434/1; Pompeia 4, Cornelia 48; Sydenham 908. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


418 Q. Pompeius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 54 BC; AR (g 4,06; mm 18; h 3); Curule chair; on l., arrow; on r., laurel branch; above, Q POMPEI Q F / RVFVS; below on tablet, COS, Rv. Curule chair; on l., lituus; on r., wreath; above, SVLLA COS; below on tablet, Q POMPEI RVF. Crawford 434/2; Pompeia 5; Sydenham 909. Cabine tone, about extremely fine.






419 C. Coelius Caldus, Denarius, Rome, 51 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 18; h 9); Head of C. Coelius Caldus (Cos. 94) r.; before, C COEL CALDVS; below, [COS]; behind, tablet inscribed L D, Rv. Radiate head of Sol r.; behind, oval shield and/ or [S]; before, Macedonian shield and CALDVS III VIR. Crawford 437/1a-b; Coelia 4; Sydenham 891-892 Scarce. Cabinet tone, dots on edge, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

420 Q. Sicinius, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 4,02; mm 17; h 12); Diademed head of Fortuna Populi Romani r.; before, FORT; behind, P R, Rv. Palm branch tied with fillet and winged caduceus, in saltire; above, wreath; below, Q SICINIVS; in field, III – VIR. Crawford 440/1; Sicinia 5; Sydenham 938. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


421 Mn. Acilius Glabrio, Denarius, Rome, 49 BC; AR (g 3,58; mm 18; h 4); Laureate head of Salus r.; behind, SALVTIS, Rv. Valetudo standing l., resting arm on column and holding snake; on r., MN ACILIVS; on l., III VIR VALETV. Crawford 442/1a; Acilia 8; Sydenham 922. Cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




422 Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius, Denarius, Mint moving with Pompeius, 49 BC; AR (g 3,93; mm 18; h 6); Head of Apollo r., hair tied with band; below, star; before, Q SICINIVS; behind, III VIR, Rv. Club upright, on which hangs lion’s skin (head in profile); on r., bow and C COPONIVS; on l., arrow and PR S C. Crawford 444/1a; Coponia 1, Sicinia 1; Sydenham 939. Lustrous, good extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

423 L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus, Denarius, Ephesus, 49 BC; AR (g 3,53; mm 20; h 9); Head of Jupiter r., Rv. Artemis of Ephesus facing; on l., MAR COS; on r., L LENTVLVS. Crawford 445/3b; Cornelia 66; Sydenham 1031. Extremely rare, old cabinet tone and good very fine.





424 L. Hostilius Saserna, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (3,81; mm 20; h 1); Female head r., with long hair; behind, carnyx, Rv. Artemis standing facing, holding spear and placing hand on head of stag; on r., L HOSTILIVS; on l., SASERNA. Crawford 448/3; Hostilia 4; Sydenham 953. Dark iridescent patina, die shift on obverse, extremely fine.


425 C. Vibius C.f. C.n. Pansa Caetronianus, Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 18; h 6); Mask of bearded Pan r.; below, PANSA, Rv. Jupiter seated l., holding patera and sceptre; on r., C VIBIVS C F C N; on l., IOVIS AXVR. Crawford 449/1a; Vibia 18; Sydenham 947. Lustrous, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


426 Albinus Bruti f., Denarius, Rome, 48 BC; AR (g 3,88; mm 20; h 9); Head of Pietas r.; behind, PIETAS, Rv. Two hands clasped round caduceus; below, ALBINVS BRVTI F. Crawford 450/2; Postumia 10, Junia 25; Sydenham 942. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.






427 L. Plautius Plancus, Denarius, Rome, 47 BC; AR (g 4,08; mm 18; h 11); Head of Medusa facing; below, L PLAVTIV, Rv. Victory facing, holding palm branch and leading four horses; below, PLANCVS. Crawford 453/1e; Plautia 14; Sydenham 959b. Cabinet tone, minor flattening on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.


428 C. Antius C.f. Restio, Denarius, Rome, 47 BC; AR (g 3,82; mm 19; h 2); Jugate heads of Penates r.; around, DEI PENATES, Rv. Hercules advancing r., holding club, trophy and cloak; before, C ANTIVS C F. Crawford 455/2a; Antia 1; Sydenham 971. Scarce, lightly toned, about extremely fine.


429 C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 17; h 6); Diademed head of Venus r., Rv. Aeneas advancing l., carrying on his shoulder Anchises and holding palladium; on r. field, CAESAR. Crawford 458/1; Julia 10; Sydenham 1013. Dark patina, good extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.



430 C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 19; h 6); Diademed head of Venus r., Rv. Aeneas advancing l., carrying on his shoulder Anchises and holding palladium; on r. field, CAESAR. Crawford 458/1; Julia 10; Sydenham 1013. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


431 Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio, Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC; AR (g 3,97; mm 18; h 6); Laureate head of Jupiter r.; before, Q METEL; below, PIVS, Rv. Elephant r.; above, SCIPIO; in ex. IMP. Crawford 459/1; Caecilia 47; Sydenham 1046. Old cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine. 400





432 M. Porcius Cato, Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC; AR (g 3,58; mm 19; h 10); Draped and diademed female bust r.; behind, ROMA; before, M CATO PRO PR, Rv. Victory seated r., holding wreath and palm branch; in ex. VICTRIX. Crawford 462/1b; Porcia 10 var; Sydenham 1053a. Cabinet tone, minor flan crack, extremely fine.


433 Mn. Cordius Rufus, Denarius, Rome, 46 BC; AR (g 3,75; mm 20; h 6); Jugate heads of the Dioscuri r., wearing laureate pilei; behind, RVFVS III VIR, Rv. Venus standing l., holding scales and sceptre; on her shoulder, Cupid; behind, MN CORDIVS. Crawford 463/1a; Cordia 2; Sydenham 976. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


434 T. Carisius, Denarius, Rome, 46 BC; AR (g 3,99; mm 18; h 1); Bust of Victory r., Rv. Victory in biga r., holding reins and wreath; in ex. T CARISI. Crawford 464/4; Carisia 2; Sydenham 986. Rare to find in this preservation. Lightly toned, extremely fine.





435 C. Julius Caesar, Denarius, Spain, 46-45 BC; AR (g 3,84; mm 18; h 2); Bust of Venus l., draped, wearing diadem and with star in hair; on shoulder, Cupid; behind, sceptre; on l., lituus, Rv. Trophy with oval shield and carnyx in each hand; below, two captives: male and female (Gallia); in ex. CAESAR. Crawford 468/2; Julia 12; Sydenham 1015. Toned with underlying luster, a lovely example, extremely fine – good extremely fine. From the Michael L. Fogarty Collection; in NGC encapsulation graded AU, Strike: 4/5; Surface: 5/5. 436 M. Poblicius for Cn. Pompeius Magnus, Denarius, Spain, 46-45 BC; AR (g 3,76; mm 21; h 6); Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, [M] POBLICI LEG PRO; behind, PR, Rv. Female figure standing r., with shield slung on back, holding two spears and presenting palm branch to soldier standing l. on prow of ship; on r. field, CN [MAG]NVS IMP. Crawford 469/1d; Poblicia 10, Pompeia 9; Sydenham 1035. Scarce. Cabinet tone, large flan, extremely fine.






437 C. Caesar Octavianus, Aureus, Gallia Cisalpina, 43 BC; AV (g 8,12; mm 18; h 7); Head of Octavianus r.; around, C CAESAR COS PONT AVG, Rv. Laureate head of Caesar r.; around, C CAESAR DICT PERP PONT MAX. Crawford 490/2; Julia 64; Sydenham 1321; Calicò 52; Gorny & Mosch, Auction 215, lot 992 (same dies). Very rare, of great numismatic and historical importance; two magnificent portraits: good very fine.





438 P. Clodius M.f., Denarius, Rome, 42 BC; AR (g 3,90; mm 20; h 6); Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, lyre, Rv. Diana standing r., with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding two lighted torches; on r., P CLODIVS; on l., M F. Crawford 494/23; Clodia 15; Sydenham 1117. Lustrous, large flan, good extremely fine.


439 C. Vibius Varus, Denarius, Rome, 42 BC; AR (g 3,78; mm 18; h 2); Head of Liber r., wearing ivy wreath, Rv. Panther l. springing up towards garlanded altar upon which rests mask and against which rests thyrsus; on r., VARVS; in ex. C VIBIVS. Crawford 494/36; Vibia 24; Sydenham 1138. Rare, lightly toned, good extremely fine.


440 L. Mussidius Longus, Denarius, Rome, 42 BC; AR (g 3,72; mm 18; h 2); Diademed and veiled head of Concordia r.; behind, CONCORDIA; below, crescent, Rv. Shrine of Venus Cloacina, the platform inscribed CLOACIN; above, L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS. Crawford 494/42c; Mussidia 6; Sydenham 1093b. Scarce. Lustrous and extremely fine.





441 M. Antonius, Denarius, Mint moving with Antonius, 42 BC; AR (g 3,66; mm 18; h 5); Head of M. Antonius r., bearded; behind, M ANTONI; before, [IMP], Rv. Distyle temple; within, medallion bearing radiate bust of Sol facing, draped; below, [III] VIR; on r., R. P. C. Crawford 496/1; Antonia 34; Sydenham 1168. Rare, cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


442 C. Cassius Longinus with P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, Denarius, Mint moving with Brutus and Cassius, 43-42 BC; AR (g 3,60; mm 20; h 7); Diademed bust of Libertas r.; before, LEIBERTAS; behind, C CASSI IMP, Rv. Jug and lituus; below, LENTVLVS / SPINT. Crawford 500/3; Cassia 16, Cornelia 75; Sydenham 1307. Rare. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





443 Q. Junius Brutus Caepius, Denarius, Mint moving with Brutus, 43-42 BC; AR (g 4,02; mm 20; h 5); Draped bust of Libertas r.; before, LEIBERTAS, Rv. Plectrum, lyre and laurel-branch tied with filled; around, CAEPIO BRVTVS PRO COS. Crawford 501/1; Junia 34; Sydenham 1287. Scarce. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


444 Q. Junius Brutus Caepius with L. Sestius, Denarius, Mint moving with Brutus, 43-42 BC; AR (g 3,54; mm 17; h 12); Veiled and draped bust of Libertas r.; around, L SESTI P[RO] Q, Rv. Tripod; on l., axe; on r., simpulum; around, Q CAEPIO BRVTVS PRO COS. Crawford 502/2; Junia 37, Sestia 2; Sydenham 1290. Scarce. Cabinet tone, countermarks, about extremely fine.


445 Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius, Denarius, Sicily, 42-40 BC; AR (g 3,53; mm 19; h 9); Head of Neptune r., trident over shoulder; around, MAG PI – VS – IMP ITER, Rv. Trophy with trident above and anchor below, prow-stem on l. and aplustre on r., two heads of Scylla at base; around, [PRAEF CLAS ET O]R – AE MAR IT EX S C. Crawford 511/2c; Pompeia 21; Sydenham 1347. Rare. Dark iridescent patina, extremely fine.




446 M. Antonius and Octavianus with M. Barbatius, Denarius, Mint moving with Antonius, 41 BC; AR (g 3,68; mm 19; h 12); M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M BARBAT Q P, bare head of Marcus Antonius r., Rv. CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR [R P C], bearded head of Octavian r. Crawford 517/2; Antonia 51, Barbatia 2, Julia 96; Sydenham 1181. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


447 M. Antonius and Octavia Minor, Cistophorus, Jonia: Ephesus, c. 39 BC; AR (g 11,56; mm 28; h 12); Diademed head of M. Antonius r., wearing ivy-leaf wreath, jugate with draped bust of Octavia Minor r.; around, M ANTONIVS IMP COS DESIG ITER ET TERT, Rv. Dionysus standing l. with cantharus and thyrsus on cista mystica with serpents on both sides; on l., III VIR; on r., R P C. Sydenham 1198; Antonia 61; RPC 2202. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.






448 C. Caesar Octavianus, Bronze, Uncertain mint (Italy ?), c. 38 BC; AE (g 18,57; mm 31; h 6); Bearded head of Octavianus r.; before, CAESAR; behind, DIVI F, Rv. Laureate head of Caesar r.; before, DIVOS; behind, IVLIVS. Crawford 535/1; Julia 98; Sydenham 1336. Beautiful portraits. Brownish patina with areas of green, good extremely fine.




449 M. Antonius, Denarius, Mint moving with Antonius, 32-31 BC; AR (g 3,35; mm 17; h 1); Ship r., with sceptre tied fillet on prow; above, ANT AVG; below, III VIR R P C, Rv. Aquila between two standards; below, LEG – IV. Crawford 544/17; Antonia 108; Sydenham 1219. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



Ex Schulten, Auction of 31 March 1981, lot 205.

450 M. Antonius, Denarius, Mint moving with Antonius, 32-31 BC; AR (g 3,52; mm 18; h 1); Ship r., with sceptre tied fillet on prow; above, ANT AVG; below, III VIR R P C, Rv. Aquila between two standards; below, LEG – XXI. Crawford 544/37; Antonia 136; Sydenham 1244. Lightly toned, good extremely fine / extremely fine.


451 Cleopatra VII, Dichalkon, Syria: Chalcis, 32-31 BC; AE (g 4,91; mm 19; h 12); BA[CIΛICCHC KΛЄO]ΠATΡAC, diademed and draped bust r., Rv. [ЄTOVC KA TOY KAI G ΘЄAC NЄWT]ЄPAC, Nike advancing r., holding palm; all within wreath. RPC 4772. Rare, green patina and about extremely fine.



The Roman Empire Augustus (27 BC – AD 14)




452 Denarius, Spain: Colonia Patricia (?), c. 19 BC; AR (g 3,70; mm 20; h 6); CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, bare head r., Rv. OB CIVIS / SERVATOS, oak wreath. RIC 75a; C 210. Cabinet tone, large flan, extremely fine.


453 Denarius, Spain: Colonia Caesaragusta (?), c. 19-18 BC; AR (g 3,77; mm 19; h 6); CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, bare head r., Rv. S P Q R / CL V, in two lines on shield. RIC 42a; C 294. Cabinet tone, high relief, extremely fine.


454 Denarius, Spain: Colonia Patricia (?), c. 18-16 BC; AR (g 3,77; mm 21; h 6); Bare head r., Rv. Capricorn r., holding globe attached to rudder and cornucopiae above its back; below, AVGVSTVS. RIC 126; C 21. Rare. Cabinet tone, high relief and large flan: good extremely fine.




455 Denarius, Spain: Colonia Patricia (?), c. 18-16 BC; AR (g 3,73; mm 19; h 7); S P Q R CAESARI AVGVSTO, bare head r., Rv. VOT P SVSC PRO SAL ET RED I O M SACR, Mars, helmeted, standing l., holding vertical vexillum and parazonium over shoulder. RIC 150a; C 325. Very rare. Cabinet tone and about extremely fine.


456 Denarius, Lugdunum, 15-13 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 18; h 6); AVGVSTVS – DIVI F, bare head r., Rv. Bull butting r.; in ex. IMP X. RIC 167a; C 137. Lustrous, graffito on obverse, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.




457 Denarius, Rome, 12 BC; AR (g 3,91; mm 19; h 10); AVGVSTVS, bare head r., Rv. L CANINIVS – GALLVS III VIR, barbarian kneeling r., offering vexillum. RIC 416; C 383. Scarce. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


458 Denarius, Lugdunum, 2 BC – AD 4; AR (g 3,72; mm 21; h 11); CAESAR AVGVSTVS – DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head r., Rv. AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesares standing front, each resting on shield; behind each shield, a spear; above, lituus and simpulum; in ex. C L CAESARES. RIC 210; C 43. Lightly toned, extremely fine.


459 Denarius, Lugdunum, 2 BC – AD 4; AR (g 3,71; mm 18; h 4); CAESAR AVGVSTVS – DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head r., Rv. AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesares standing front, each resting on shield; behind each shield, a spear; above, lituus and simpulum; in ex. C L CAESARES. RIC 207; C 43. Cabinet tone, extremely fine / good very fine.




460 As, Rome, AD 11-12; AE (g 11,13; mm 29; h 1); IMP CAESAR DIVI F AVGVSTVS IMP XX, bare head l., Rv. PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POT XXXIIII, around large S C. RIC 471; C 226. Beautiful portrait, brownish patina, extremely fine.




461 Divus Augustus, Dupondius, Rome, AD 96; AE (g 12,24; mm 30; h 6); DIVVS AVGVSTVS, radiate head r., Rv. IMP NERVA CAES AVG REST, rudder, with globe behind; below, S C. RIC 131 (Nerva); C 568. Scarce, green patina, good very fine.


462 Divus Augustus, Antoninianus, Mediolanum, AD 250-251; AR (g 5,09; mm 21; h 12); DIVO AVGVSTO, radiate head r., Rv. CONSECRATIO, eagle standing r, with open wings. RIC 77 (Trajan Decius); C 577. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 64 (17-18 May 2012), lot 2412; Gorny & Mosch sale 112 (2001), lot 4257; from the Alberto Campana collection.

Tiberius (14-37)




463 Aureus, Lugdunum, AD 14-37; AV (g 7,68; mm 18; h 4); TI CAESAR DIVI – AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. MAXIM – PONTIF, Livia-Pax seated on throne r., holding sceptre and branch. RIC 29; C 15; Calicò 305. Nice portrait, high relief, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


464 Denarius, Lugdunum, AD 14-37; AR (g 3,78; mm 18; h 4); TI CAESAR DIVI – AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. PONTIF – MAXIM, female figure (Livia – Pax) seated r., holding sceptre and branch. RIC 30; C 16. Lovely iridescent tone, large flan, about fdc.


465 Anonymous, Tessera, Rome, c. AD 17; AE (g 3,85; mm 19; h 9); Radiate head of Augustus r., Rv. VIIII within wreath. Buttrey, NC 1973, B6/VIIII. Green patina, extremely fine.





466 Julia, daughter of Augustus, Sestertius, Rome, AD 22-23; AE (g 24,53; mm 35; h 3); S P Q R / IVLIAE / AVGVST, carpentum drawn r. by two mules, Rv. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P M TR POT XXIIII, round S C. RIC 51 (Tiberius); C 6. Rare. Dark green patina, about extremely fine.


467 Gaius, called Caligula (37-41), As, Rome, AD 39-40; AE (g 11,08; mm 28; h 6); C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P P, bare head l., Rv. VESTA, Vesta seated l., holding patera and sceptre. RIC 47. Green patina, about extremely fine.





468 Germanicus, father of Caligula, As, Rome, AD 37-41; AE (g 11,17; mm 28; h 7); GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F DIVI AVG N, bare head l., Rv. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, round S C. RIC 35 (Gaius); C 1. Green patina, about extremely fine.


469 Nero and Drusus Caesares, brothers of Caligula, Dupondius, Rome, AD 37-38; AE (g 16,65; mm 28; h 6); NERO ET DRVSVS CAESARES, Nero and Drusus caesares riding r., Rv. C [C]AESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, around S C. RIC 34 (Gaius); C 1. Dark patina, good very fine.


Privately purchased from Spink. 470 Agrippa, General of Augustus, As, Rome, AD 37-41; AE (g 11,19; mm 30; h 7); M AGRIPPA L – F – COS III, head l., wearing rostral crown, Rv. Neptune cloaked standing l., holding small dolphin and trident; in field, S – C. RIC 58 (Gaius); C 3. Green patina, good very fine – about extremely fine.



Claudius (41-54)




471 Aureus, Rome, AD 41-42; AV (g 7,70; mm 20; h 12); TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P, laureate head r., Rv. PACI – AVGVSTAE, winged Pax-Nemesis advancing r., pointing winged caduceus at snake before her, and holding out fold of drapery below chin. RIC 9; C 50; Calicó 363. Large flan, about extremely fine.


472 As, Rome, AD 42-43; AE (g 11,62; mm 29; h 6); TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, bare head l., Rv. LIBERTAS AVGVSTA / S – C, Libertas standing r., holding pileus and extending l. hand. RIC 113. Green patina, about extremely fine.


473 Aureus, Rome, AD 50-54; AV (g 7,54; mm 18; h 6); TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TRIB POT P P, laureate head r., Rv. AGRIPPINAE – AVGVSTAE, draped bust of Agrippina Minor r., wearing crown of corn-ears, her hair in long plait behind. RIC 80; C 3; Calicò 396. Rare, good very fine.


475 474

474 Sestertius, Rome, c. AD 50-54; AE (g 29,43; mm 36; h 7); TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head r., Rv. SPES – AVGVSTA, Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising skirt; in ex. S C. RIC 115; C 85. Beautiful portrait struck on a large flan; brownish patina somewhat smoothed, otherwise good extremely fine. As, Rome, c. AD 50-54; AE (g 10,07; mm 29; h 6); TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head l., Rv. CONSTANTIAE – AVGVSTI, Constantia standing l., holding spear and raising hand; in field, S – C. RIC 111; C 14. Beautiful portrait, green patina, good extremely fine.






476 Drusus Maior, father of Claudius, Aureus, Rome, AD 41-45; AV (g 7,61; mm 18; h 11); NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP, laureate head l., Rv. Triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue between two trophies; over and on architrave, DE / GERM. RIC 69 (Claudius); C 1; Calicò 315. Rare, good very fine.


477 Nero, as Caesar, Aureus, Rome, AD 50-54; AV (g 7,58; mm 19; h 8); NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IVVENT, draped bust l., Rv. SACERD COOPT IN OMN CONL SVPRA NVM EX S C, simpulum on tripod and lituus on patera. RIC 76 (Claudius); C 311; Calicò 441. A gentle portrait, good very fine – about extremely fine.



Nero (54-68)



479 1,5:1

478 Aureus, Rome, AD 62-63; AV (g 7,78; mm 19; h 5); NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head r., Rv. PONTIF MAX – TR P VIIII COS IIII P P, Roma standing r., foot on helmet by dagger and bow, inscribing round shield; in field, EX S C. RIC 38; C 230; Calicò 436. Scarce. Deep red toning typical of Bosco Reale coins. Expressive portrait struck in high relief, about extremely fine.


479 Aureus, Rome, AD 64-65; AV (g 7,24; mm 19; h 7); NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. VESTA, domed, hexastyle temple; within, Vesta seated, holding sceptre and patera. RIC 61; C 334; Calicò 448. A very beautiful specimen, about extremely fine.


480 481

480 Aureus, Rome, c. AD 64-65; AV (g 7,32; mm 18; h 7); NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. IVPPITER – CVSTOS, Jupiter seated l., holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC 52; C 118; Calicó 412. Good very fine. 481 Sestertius, Rome, c. AD 64; AE (g 27,04; mm 35; h 6); [...]CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GER PM TR P IMP[...], Laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES SC, Annona standing r., holding cornucopia, facing Ceres seated l., holding grain ears and torch; between them, modius on garlanded altar, ship’s stern in background. RIC 139. Expressive portrait struck in high relief on a broad flan; delightful malachite-green patina, extremely fine.




482 1,5:1

482 Dupondius, Rome, c. AD 64; AE (g 12,33; mm 29; h 6); NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER PM TR P IMP P P, radiate head r., Rv. MAG AVG, Façade of the Macellum Magnum; II (mark of value) in exergue. RIC 184. Outstanding riverine patina, beautiful style, about extremely fine – extremely fine.






483 Dupondius, Rome, c. AD 64; AE (g 15,28; mm 30; h 6); NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER PM TR P IMP P P, radiate head r., Rv. SECVRITAS AVGVSTI, Securitas seated r., holding sceptre; altar to r., against which leans torch resting on bucranium; II (mark of value) in exergue. RIC 191. Beautiful portrait struck in high relief, green patina, good extremely fine.





484 Aureus, Rome, AD 65-66; AV (g 7,33; mm 18; h 6); NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. AVGVSTVS – AVGVSTA, Nero, radiate, standing l., holding patera and sceptre; beside, Poppaea Sabina standing l., holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC 44; C 42; Calicò 401. Some invisible scratches, anyway good very fine – about extremely fine.


485 Aureus, Rome, c. AD 65-66; AV (g 7,39; mm 18; h 6); NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. Salus seated l., holding patera; in ex. SALVS. RIC 59; C 313; Calicò 443. Good very fine.


486 Denarius, Rome, c. AD 65-66; AR (g 3,42; mm 18; h 6); NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS, laureate head r., Rv. Salus, draped, seated l., holding patera; in ex. SALVS. RIC 60; C 314. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



487 Sestertius, Lugdunum, c. AD 65; AE (g 21,37; mm 34; h 7); NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head r., globe at point of neck, Rv. S C across field, Triumphal arch, hung with wreath across front and l. side; above, Nero in facing quadriga escorted on r. by Victory holding wreath and palm and on l. by Pax holding caduceus and cornucopiae; just below the quadriga on extreme l. and r., two small figures of soldiers; on l. side of arch in niche, figure of Mars standing facing, holding spear and round shield; ornamental reliefs on the faces and plinths of the arch. RIC 392. Green patina, gently smoothed, extremely fine.





488 Dupondius, Lugdunum, c. AD 66; AE (g 13,47; mm 30; h 6); IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P, laureat head r., globe at point of bust, Rv. SECVRITAS – AVGVSTI, Securitas seated r., holding sceptre; before, altar against which leans lighted torch; in ex. S C. RIC 518; C 324. Grey-green patina, about extremely fine.


489 Dupondius, Lugdunum, c. AD 66-67; AE (g 12,40; mm 31; h 6); IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P, laureate head s., globe at point of bust, Rv. VICTORIA – AV – GVS – TI, Victory walking l., holding wreath and palm; in field, S – C. RIC 523; C 344. Green patina, about extremely fine.



490 As, Lugdunum, c. AD 66; AE (g 9,81; mm 28; h 8); IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P , bare head r., globe at point of neck, Rv.S C, Victory advancing l., holding in both hands shield inscribed S P Q R. RIC 543. Expressive portrait, green patina, about extremely fine – extremely fine.





491 Sestertius, Lugdunum, c. AD 67; AE (g 26,88; mm 34; h 6); IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR POT P P, laureate head l., globe at point of bust, Rv. Nero on horseback prancing r., holding spear; behind him, soldier on horseback holding vexillum; above, S – C; in ex. DECVRSIO. RIC 582; C 88. Expressive portrait in high relief. Brownish patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




492 Drachm, Caria: Rhodes, c. 64-68; AE (g 23,21; mm 37; h 1); AYTOKPATΩP NEPΩN KAICAP, laureate and radiate head r., Rv. Victory standing l. on prow, holding wreath and palm; on l., POΔI / ΩN and rose. RPC I 2772; SNG Keckman 769; SNG Copenhagen -. Beautiful emerald-green patina with earthen highlights; good very fine.


Galba (68-69)


493 Sestertius, Rome, June – August AD 68; AE (g 25,25; mm 35; h 7); SER GALBA IMP CAES AVG TR P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. S P Q R/OB CIV SER in three lines within oak wreath. RIC 271; C 295. Brown-green patina gently smoothed and with some roughness, otherwise about extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 51 (5 March 2009), lot 888.


494 1,5:1


Sestertius, Rome, end of September or early October AD 68; AE (g 24,57; mm 36; h 6); IMP SER GALBA CAES AVG TR P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. Victory alighting l., holding palladium and palm; in field, S – C. RIC 352; C 261. An incredible bold portrait struck on a very large flan; riverine patina, good extremely fine. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 78 (26 May 2014), lot 2148.

Restoration and cleaning report by Professor G. Pierbattisti (Conservator Safe Coins s.r.l.): during the analysis of this Galba Sestertius, the microscopy observation has revealed the artificial deposition of resin-pitch and wax on the surfaces of the coin. Under stereoscopic magnification, these layers was chemically and mechanically removed, showing a spectacular riverine brownish patina on both sides of the coin.




495 Uniface Medal, c. AD 68-69; AR (g 8,23; mm 23); Laureate head of Galba l.; under neck, GALBA (engraved), Rv. Blank. RIC -; C -; Gnecchi -. Unpublished in the standard references. A very bold portrait, cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Vitellius (69)



496 Denarius, Rome, c. late April – 20 December AD 69; AR (g 2,72; mm 17; h 6); [A VITELLIV]S GERMAN IMP TR P, laureate head r., Rv. S P Q R / OB / C S, in oak wreath. RIC 83; C 86. Rare. Bold portrait, lightly toned, extremely fine.


497 Denarius, Rome, c. late April – 20 December AD 69; AR (g 3,37; mm 18; h 7); A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head r., Rv. LIBERTAS RESTITVTA, Libertas standing facing, head r., holding pileus and vindicta. RIC 105; C 47. Rare, lightly toned, extremely fine.


Vespasian (69-79)



498 Aureus, Lugdunum, AD 70-71; AV (g 7,17; mm 19; h 6); IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG TR P, laureate head r., Rv. FORTVNA – AVGVST, Fortuna standing l., holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC I 285 (note: cast in BMC) = II 1116; C -; Calicò 634 (Existe ?). Of the highest rarity, good very fine.


499 Denarius, Ephesus, AD 71; AR (g 3,25; mm 18; h 6); IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head r., Rv. LIBERI IMP AVG VESPAS, heads of Titus, bare, r. and Domitian, bare, l., confronting; between, EPHE. RIC I 313-314 var. (legend on D/) = II 1429; C 10-11 var. (legend on D/). Very rare. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.



500 Sestertius, Rome, AD 71; AE (g 27,56; mm 35; h 6); VESPASIAN AVG PM TR P P P COS III, laureate head r., Rv. IVDAEA CAPTA / S C, palm tree; to l., Jew standing l., looking back, with his hands tied behind his back; to r., Jewess seated r. on shield, in attitude of mourning; helmet on ground to l. RIC 163 var ( Judaea seated on cuirass). Rare. A strong portrait struck on a very broad flan; somewhat tooled, otherwise extremely fine.




501 Sestertius, Rome, AD 71; AE (g 24,80; mm 26; h 7); IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM TRP P P COS III, laureate head r., Rv. PAX AVGVSTI, Pax standing l., holding branch and cornucopia. RIC 96. A strong portrait struck on a full flan; brownish patina gently smoothed on obverse, good very fine – about extremely fine.



502 1,5:1


Dupondius, Rome, AD 71; AE (g 13,83; mm 27; h 5); IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, radiate head r., Rv. Roma seated l., holding wreath and parazonium; behind, shields; in field, S – C; in ex. ROMA. RIC I 476 = II 279; C 411. A very nice portrait struck in high relief; emerald patina, good extremely fine.




503 Aureus, Rome, AD 74; AV (g 7,25; mm 19; h 6); IMP CAESAR – VESP AVG, laureate head r., Rv. FORTVNA – AVGVST, Fortuna standing l. on base decorated with rams’ heads, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC I 81 = II 682; C 174; Calicò 632. Toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


504 Dupondius, Rome, AD 74; AE (g 12,61; mm 27; h 6); IMP CAES VESP AVG P M T P COS V CENS, radiate head l., Rv. FELICITAS PVBLICA / S – C, Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 716. Untouched green patina, good very fine.


505 1,5:1


505 Aureus, Rome, AD 76; AV (g 7,33; mm 20; h 6); IMP CAESAR – VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head l., Rv. COS VII, cow standing r. RIC I 97 = II 842; C 116; Calicò 621. Expressive portrait in high relief, good extremely fine.




506 Denarius, Rome, AD 76; AR (g 3,12; mm 12; h 6); IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. IOVIS CVSTOS, Jupiter standing facing, holding sceptre and sacrificing from patera over altar to l. RIC 849; C 222. Scarce, iridescent tone, extremely fine.


Titus, as Caesar



507 Aureus, Rome, AD 72-73; AV (g 7,37; mm 19; h 7); T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, laureate head r., Rv. VIC – AVG, Victory standing r. on globe, holding wreath and palm. RIC I 158 = II 367 (Vespasian); C 352; Calicò 797. Scarce, about extremely fine.


508 Denarius, Rome, AD 74; AR (g 3,28; mm 18; h 7); T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head r., Rv. PONTIF TR P COS III, Titus seated r. on curule chair, holding sceptre and branch. RIC 705 (Vespasian); C 161. Cabinet tone, bold portrait, extremely fine.



509 1,5:1


509 Aureus, Rome, AD 77-78; AV (g 7,23; mm 19; h 6); T CAESAR – VESPASIANVS, laureate head r., Rv. ANNONA – AVG, Annona seated l., with sack of corn ears. RIC I 218 = II 971 (Vespasian); C 16; Calicò 726. Expressive portrait struck in high relief on a full flan, good extremely fine.


510 Julia Titi, daughter of Titus, Denarius, Rome, c. AD 80-81; AR (g 2,75; mm 18; h 7); IVLIA IMP T AVG F – AVGVSTA, draped bust r., Rv. Vesta seated l., holding palladium and sceptre; in ex. VESTA. RIC 389 (Titus); C 16. Very rare, cabinet tone, good very fine.


Domitian, as Caesar


511 1,5:1


511 Aureus, Rome, AD 77-78; AV (g 7,41; mm 18; h 5); CAESAR AVG F – DOMITIANVS, laureate head r., Rv. Captive kneeling r., offering standard with vexillum; in ex. COS V. RIC I 240 = II 959 (Vespasian); C 48; Calicò 819. Elegant portrait, extremely fine.


512 Denarius, Rome, AD 77-78; AR (g 3,53; mm 19; h 4); CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head r., Rv. COS V, Soldier on horseback rearing r., raising r. hand. RIC 957 (Vespasian); C 49a. Lightly toned, cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



513 514

513 Denarius, Rome, AD 79; AR (g 3,17; mm 18; h 6); CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI, laureate head r., Rv. PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, Salus standing r., resting on column, holding and feeding snake from patera. RIC 1084 (Vespasian); C 384. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


514 Dupondius or As, Thrace (?), AD 80-81; AE (g 12,43; mm 28; h 7); CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII, laureate head r., Rv. CERES – AVGVST, Ceres standing l., holding torch and cor-ears; in field, S – C. RIC I 165a (Rome) = II 512 (Thrace); C 32; RPC 508 (Thrace). Dark green patina, about extremely fine.



516 1,5:1


515 Domitian (81-96), Denarius, Rome, AD 88; AR (g 3,33; mm 19; h 6); IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VII, laureate head r., Rv. IMP XIIII COS XIIII GENS P P P, Minerva standing l., holding spear. RIC 584; C 233. Lustrous, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


516 Anonymous, Quadrans or Tessera, Rome, c. AD 81-96; AE (g 2,20; mm 18; h 6); Two horse shoes within serpentheaded torque, Rv. TRI – VMP, olive-branch; across field, IO – IO. BMCRE p. 412, note 7; Göbl, Antike pl. 9, 101; cf. Cohen pp. 267-268. Scarce and in exceptional condition for the issue; riverine patina, good extremely fine.


Nerva (96-98)


517 Denarius, Rome, AD 96; AR (g 3,48; mm 18; h 8); IMP NERVA CAES AVG – P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head r., Rv. FORTVNA – P R, Fortuna seated l., holding corn-ears and sceptre. RIC 5; C 76. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.



518 1,5:1

518 As, Rome, AD 97; AE (g 11,60; mm 27; h 5); IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head r., Rv. FORTVNA AVGVST / S – C, Fortuna standing l. holding rudder and cornucopia. RIC 83. Scarce. Expressive portrait, reddish-brown patina, extremely fine / about extremely fine.



Trajan (98-117)


519 Sestertius, Rome, AD 98-99; AE (g 24,46; mm 33; h 5); IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM PM, laureate head r., Rv. TR POT COS II P P / S C, Pax seated l., holding olive branch and sceptre. RIC 401. Green patina, large flan, good extremely fine.





520 Dupondius, Rome, AD 98-99; AE (g 12,36; mm 27; h 6); IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M, radiate head r., Rv. TR POT – COS II P P, Abundantia seated l. on chair formed of two cornuacopiae, holding sceptre; in ex. S C. RIC 382; C 595. Beautiful green patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


521 Restitution Denarius, Rome, AD 98-117; AR (g 3,22; mm 20; h 7); ROMA, helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X, Rv. IMP CAES TRAIAN AVG GER DAC P P REST, Roma seated r. on pile of shield, holding spear; before, she-wolf suckling twins; on either side, two prows. RIC 771; BMC 673. Extremely rare and of great importance and fascination. Cabinet tone, good very fine – about extremely fine.


522 Hemidrachm, Cyrenaica: Cyrene, AD 98-117; AR (g 2,00; mm 15; h 6); AVT KAIΣ NEP TRAIAN ΣEB ΓEPM, head of Trajan laureate r.; Rv. ∆ΗΜΑΡX ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤ Γ, head of Zeus Ammon r. Sydenham Caesarea 178. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.





523 Sestertius, Rome, AD 103-104; AE (g 23,79; mm 33; h 7); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head r., Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO – PRINCIPI, front of the Temple of Jupiter: monumental gateway; on the sides, are various reliefs: biga driven by Victory, aegis, Gigantomachy, arms, and she-wolf suckling twins; the second tier surmounted by a trophy and giant to either side, gateway spandrels with Victories, pediment with Jupiter between two seated figures, panel above pediment inscribed IOM (= Iovi Optimo Maximo), the whole surmounted by six-horse chariot driven by Jupiter and flanked by Victories. RIC 572; C 547; Banti 276. Very rare and among the finest specimens known, with a very detailed reverse composition. Untouched green patina and good extremely fine.





524 Aureus, Rome, AD 103-111; AV (g 7,09; mm 19; h 7); IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Abundantia standing r., emptying corniucopiae. RIC 168; C 475; Calicò 1099. Extremely rare: drawn on Calicò and none on CoinArchives. Large flan, very fine.


525 Denarius, Rome, AD 103-111; AR (g 3,18; mm 17; h 7); [IMP T]RAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, the Danube reclining l., resting elbow on an urn and hand on ship’s prow; above, cloak floating; in ex. DANVVIVS. RIC 100; C 136. Lightly toned, minor test cut on reverse, anyway extremely fine.




526 Denarius, Rome, AD 103-111; AR (g 2,88; mm 17; h 69; IMP TRAIANO AVG G[ER DAC P M] TR P COS V P P, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacia seated r. in mournful attitude on shield; below, curved sword. RIC 217; C 530. Iridescent tone, about extremely fine.


527 Quinarius, Rome, AD 103-111; AR (g 1,56; mm 14; h 6); IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Victory seated l., holding wreath and palm branch. RIC 134; C 72. Rare and lustrous, good extremely fine.




528 Sestertius, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 28,85; mm 34; h 6); [IMP] CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Abundantia standing l., holding corn ears and cornucopiae; on l., modius; on r., prow; in field, S – C. RIC 492; C 469. Delicate brownish patina, extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy. 529 Sestertius, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 23,97; mm 32; h 7); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Roma seated l. on shields and cuirass, holding Victory and sceptre; in ex. S C. RIC 489 var (drapery on l shoulder); C 391. Dark patina, good very fine – about extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.





530 Sestertius, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 22,87; mm 34; h 7); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS V PP, Laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, The Danube standing l., placing knee on Dacia, whom he forces to the ground. RIC 556. Brownish patina, somewhat smoothed, about extremely fine.


531 Sestertius, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 22,28; mm 33; h 7); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, emperor riding r., thrusts spear at Dacian in front of horse; in ex. S C. RIC 543; C 508. Brownish patina, about extremely fine.


R estoration and cleaning report by Professor G. Pierbattisti (Conservator Safe Coins s.r.l.): during the analysis of this sestertius, the microscope observation has revealed the artificial deposition of copper nitrate on the surface.Under microscope magnification, was chemically and mechanically operations removed this layer, showing again the original dark patina on both side of the coin.



532 Dupondius, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 13,86; mm 29; h 6); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, radiate head r. with drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacia seated l. on shield and arms; before her, a trophy; in ex. S C. RIC 563; C 533. Green patina, good very fine.


533 As, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 10,52; mm 28; h 6); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, aquila between two standards in field, S – C. RIC 588 Green patina, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



534 As, Rome, AD 103-111; AE (g 9,41; mm 28; h 6); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., wearing aegis, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, oval shield; behind, two spears, shield, sword and vexillum; in ex., S C. RIC 584; C 569. Brownish patina, good very fine – about extremely fine.




535 1,5:1

535 Sestertius, Rome, AD 107-110; AE (g 27,90; mm 34; h 6); IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS V P P, laureate bust r., slight drapery, Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI / S C, Trajan standing l., holding thunderbolt and reversed spear, being crowned by Victory standing l., holding palm. RIC 549. Green patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker, Auction 262 (13 March 2015), lot 8025.



536 Denarius, Rome, AD 112-114; AR (g 3,35; mm 18; h 7); IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Pietas standing l., sprinkling incense over lighted altar, holding sceptre; in ex. PIET. RIC 262; C 201. Iridescent tone, extremely fine.


537 Denarius, Rome, AD 113-114; AR (g 3,11; mm 29; h 7); IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Aquila between two signa. RIC 294; C 577a. Iridescent cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




539 1,5:1

538 Dupondius, Rome, AD 114-117; AE (g 13,18; mm 26; h 6); IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P, radiate and draped bust r., Rv. SENATVS – POPVLVSQVE – ROMANVS, Trajan standing facing, between two trophies. RIC 676; C 356. Dark patina, about extremely fine.


539 As, struck in Rome for circulation in the East, AD 116; AE (g 7,64; mm 24; h 6); IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GERM, radiate and draped bust r., Rv. DAC PARTHICO PM TR POT XX COS VI P P / S • C within oak wreath. RIC 647; McAlee 509. Riverine patina, good extremely fine.




540 1,5:1

540 Sestertius, Rome, AD 116-117; AE (g 25,08; mm 33; h 7); IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO PM TR P COS VI PP, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. PROVIDENTIA AVGVSTI SPQR / S – C, Providentia standing l., holding sceptre and leaning on draped column, pointing to globe at feet to l. RIC 663. Untouched green patina, large flan, good extremely fine.


541 1,5:1


541 Plotina, wife of Trajan, Aureus, Rome, AD 112-115; AV (g 7,29; mm 20; h 6); PLOTINA AVG – IMP TRAIANI, diademed and draped bust r., hair in long tail at back, Rv. CAES AVG GERM – A DAC COS VI P P, Vesta seated l., holding palladium and sceptre. RIC 730; C 2; Calicó 1146; LHS, auction 95, lot 803 (same dies). Very rare. An attractive portrait struck in high relief, extremely fine.





542 Plotina, wife of Trajan, Denarius, Rome, AD 112-115; AR (g 3,16; mm 20; h 8); Plotina (Trajan, 98-117), Aureus, Rome, AD 112-115, AV, (g 7,00, mm 20, h 6). PLOTINA AVG – IMP TRAIANI, diademed and draped bust r., hair in long tail at back, Rv. CAES AVG GERM[A] DAC COS VI P P, Altar on face of which figure of Pudicitia standing on curule chair; in ex. ARA PVDIC. RIC 733; C 7; MIR 707 (this coin). Very rare and cabinet tone. An attractive portrait struck in high relief, minor flan crack, anyway good extremely fine.

Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH, Auction 216 (October 2012), lot 964; Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 41 (20 November 2007), lot 74.



Hadrian (117-138)



543 Dupondius, Rome, AD 120-122; AE (g 13,72; mm 27; h 6); IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG PM TR P COS III, radiate bust r., slight drapery, Rv. SALVS PVBLICA / S – C, Salus standing l., with r. foot on globe, holding patera and rudder. RIC 604a. Light green glossy patina, extremely fine / good very fine.


544 Sestertius, Rome, AD 121-122; AE (g 25,64; mm 32; h 6); IMP CAESAR TRAIAN – HADRIANVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P – COS III, Virtus standing l., foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium; in field, VIRT – AVG / S – C. RIC 614a; C 1465. Expressive portrait, riverine patina gently smoothed, extremely fine.




545 Aureus, Rome, AD 125-128; AV (g 7,41; mm 19; h 6); HADRIANVS – AGVSTVS, laureate head r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. C – O – S, she-wolf standing r., suckling the twins. RIC 192; C 429; Calicò 1231. Extremely fine / about extremely fine.


546 Denarius, Rome, AD 125-128; AR (g 3,20; mm 19; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. COS – III, Roma standing r., foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium. RIC 160; C 353. Bold portrait struck in high relief, cabinet tone, extremely fine.




547 Sestertius, Rome, AD 125-128; AE (g 28,53; mm 33; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. COS III, Diana standing r., holding arrow and bow; in field, S – C. RIC 631b; C 316. Brownish patina, somewhat smoothed: about extremely fine – extremely fine.


548 Sestertius, Rome, AD 125-128; AE (g 22,46; mm 34; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS, laureate bust r., drapery on l. shoulder, Rv. COS – III, Roma seated l., holding Victory and cornucopiae; behind, shield; in ex. S C. RIC 636; C 343. Large flan, expressive portrait, green patina, extremely fine / good very fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.



549 Sestertius, Rome, AD 132-134; AE (g 25,79; mm 32; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS, bust bare with aegis r., Rv. IVSTITIA AVG – COS III P P, Iustitia seated l., holding patera and sceptre; in ex. S C. RIC 710; C 885. Brownish patina, nice detailed reverse; gently smoothed on obverse, anyway good extremely fine.






Aureus, Rome, AD 134-138; AV (g 7,30; mm 19; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P, bare head r., Rv. AFRICA, Africa reclining l., hand resting on a lion, arm on a basket; behind basket, corn-ears. RIC 298; C 149; Calicò 1197 (same dies). Very rare. Beautiful portrait struck in high relief on a large flan, and an interesting and fascinating reverse type; about extremely fine.





552 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,28; mm 17; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P, laureate head r., Rv. SALVS – AVG, Salus standing r., feeding snake coiled round altar. RIC 267d; C 1333. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


553 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,21; mm 19; h 6); HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P, laureate head r., Rv. PROVIDEN – TIA AVG, Providentia standing l., holding sceptre and pointing at globe. RIC 261; C 1204. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy. 554 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,49; mm 17; h 6); HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head r., Rv. VOTA PVBLICA, Hadrian standing l., sacrificing from patera over tripod. RIC 290; C 1484a. Lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.





555 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,23; mm 18; h 7); HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. RESTITVTORI HI – SPANIAE, emperor standing l., extending hand to kneeling figure of Hispania; in center, rabbit. RIC 327; C 1262. Rare and lustrous, good extremely fine.


556 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,32; mm 17; h 7); HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head r., Rv. AFRICA, Africa reclining l., wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding scorpion and cornucopia; basket of fruit and grain ears to l. RIC 299; C 140. Rare, lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.




557 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,35; mm 18; h 6); HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, Laureate head r., Rv. AEGYPTOS, Egypt reclining l., holding sistrum and resting arm on basket; at feet to l., ibis standing r. on column. RIC 297; C 107. Scarce. Cabinet tone, somewhat smoothed, anyway good extremely fine.


558 Denarius, Rome, AD 134-138; AR (g 3,32; mm 18; h 12); HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head r., Rv. FELICITATI AVGVSTI, Galley l., with four oarsmen and hortator at stern. RIC 240; C 712. Scarce, lightly toned, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


559 1,5:1


559 As, Rome, AD 134-138; AE (g 11,95; mm 27; h 6); HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. FELICITAS AVG, Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 748. Green patina, nice style and extremely fine.




560 Sabina, wife of Hadrian, Aureus, Rome, AD 128-136; AV (g 7,44; mm 20; h 6); SABINA AVGVSTA – IMP HADRIANI AVG P P, draped bust r., hair coiled on top and with diadem, Rv. Ceres seated l. on basket, holding corn-ears and torch. RIC 416; C 93; Calicò 1423. Very rare but ex jewelry: some scattered scratches and marks, otherwise very fine.


561 Sabina, wife of Hadrian, Denarius, Rome, AD 128-136; AR (g 3,45; mm 18; h 6); SABINA – AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust r., hair in long tail at back, Rv. VVENERI G – E – N – ETRICI, Venus standing r., holding apple and drawing up robe on shoulder. RIC 396; C 73. Lustrous, about extremely fine.





562 Sabina, wife of Hadrian, Sestertius, AD 128-136; AE (g 25,62; mm 32; h 5); SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, draped bust r., with hair drawn up, wearing stephane, Rv. Ceres seated l. on modius, holding grain ears and torch. RIC 1019. Rare. A nice portrait struck on a full flan, dark patina gently smoothed on obverse, otherwise good extremely fine.


563 Antinous, favourite of Hadrian, Drachm, Egypt: Alexandria, c. AD 136-137; AE (g 20,91; mm 36; h 12); ANTINOOY – HPωOC, bust of Antinous l., Rv. Antinous as Hermes on horseback r., carrying caduceus; on field, L K A. Dattari 2089; Blum pp. 53-55. Rare. Elegant portrait in high relief, untouched green-brown patina, good very fine.


Antoninus Pius (138-161)



564 As, Rome, AD 139; AE (g 10,93; mm 29; h 6); ANTONINVS – AVG PIVS P P, laureate head r., Rv. TR POT – COS II, Pax standing l., holding branch and cornucopiae; in field, S – C; in ex. PAX. RIC 569a; C 578. Brownish patina, about extremely fine.


565 Sestertius, Rome, AD 140-144; AE (g 25,90; mm 33; h 12); ANTONINVS – AVG PIVS P P, laureate head r., Rv. TR POT – COS III, Italia, towered, seated l. on starry globe, holding sceptre and cornucopiae; in field, S – C; below, ITALIA. RIC 747a; C 470. Riverine patina, gently smoothed on reverse, good extremely fine.


567 566

566 Sestertius, Rome, AD 141-143; AE (g 24,92; mm 34; h 11); ANTONIVS AVG PI VS P P TR P COS III, laureate head of Antoninus Pius r., Rv. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius r. RIC 1212. Green patina, gently smoothed, good very fine – about extremely fine.


567 Aureus, Rome, AD 143-144; AV (g 7,41; mm 19; h 7); ANTONINVS AVG PI – VS P P TR P COS III, laureate head r., Rv. IMPERA – TOR II, Victory standing r., holding trophy. RIC 109; C 429; Calicò 1548. Rare, good very fine.




568 1,5:1

568 Sestertius, Rome, AD 145-147; AE (g 22,22; mm 30; h 6); ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head r., Rv. SALVS AVG / S – C, Salus standing facing, head l., feeding from patera a serpent arising from altar, and holding rudder on globe. RIC 784. Expressive portrait, green patina, about extremely fine.





569 Sestertius, Rome, AD 145-147; AE (g 22,93; mm 31; h 1); ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, laureate head r., Rv. COS IIII / PAX – AVG, Pax standing l., setting fire to pile of arms with torch and holding cornucopia. RIC 777. Dark patina, somewhat tooled, otherwise about extremely fine.


570 Sestertius, Rome, AD 145-147; AE (g 25,57; mm 32; h 11); ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, laureate head r., Rv. [COS] IIII, Salus standing l., feeding serpent arising from altar and holding rudder. RIC 761. Green patina, somewhat tooled on reverse, otherwise about extremely fine.



571 Sestertius, Rome, AD 145-161; AE (g 23,26; mm 30; h 12); ANTONINVS AVG PI – VS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head r., Rv. Securitas seated l., holding sceptre and propping head on hand; in field, S – C. RIC 782; C 757. Brownish patina, extremely fine. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.




572 1,5:1

572 Sestertius, Rome, AD 145-161; AE (g 23,77; mm 32; h 11); ANTONINVS AVG PI – VS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head r., Rv. SA – LVS – AVG, Salus standing l., holding rudder on globe and feeding snake coiled round altar; in field, S – C. RIC 784; C 718. Expressive portrait, green patina, about extremely fine.



573 1,5:1

573 Dupondius, Rome, AD 150-151; AE (g 11,98; mm 27; h 5); ANTONINVS AVG PI – VS P P TR P XIIII, radiate head r., Rv. COS – IIII, Aequitas standing l., holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC – (cfr. 866, Sestertius); C -. Unpublished in the standard references. A very nice and detailed portrait, riverine patina, good extremely fine.




574 Sestertius, Rome, AD 159-160; AE (g 23,49; mm 33; h 5); ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII, laureate head r., Rv. PIETATI AVG COS IIII / S – C, Pietas standing l., holding globe and child; a child standing on either side of her. RIC 1031. Brownish patina, extremely fine.


Divus Antoninus Pius, Sestertius, Rome, post AD 161; AE (g 27,24; mm 34; h 12); DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head r., Rv. DIVO PIO, Column surmounted by statue of Pius holding eagle and sceptre. RIC 1269 (Marcus Aurelius). Scarce. Light green patina and good very fine.



Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 46 (2 April 2008), lot 1078.



576 Faustina Maior, wife of Antoninus Pius, Denarius, Rome, AD 139-141; AR (g 3,29; mm 18; h 6); FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust r., Rv. IVNONI REGINAE, Throne behind which rests sceptre; on throne, peacock with tail spread. RIC 340 (Antoninus Pius). Rare and lustrous, good extremely fine.


Diva Faustina Maior, wife of Antoninus Pius




577 Aureus, Rome, post AD 141; AV (g 7,01; mm 19; h 7); DIVA FAV – STINA, draped bust r., hair coiled on top of head, Rv. AVGV – STA, Ceres standing l., holding torch and sceptre. RIC 356 (Antoninus Pius); C 95; Calicò 1763. Good very fine.


578 Denarius, Rome, post AD 141; AR (g 3,44; mm 19; h 5); DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust r., Rv. CONCORDIAE, Antoninus standing r., holding palladium, clasping r. hands with Faustina standing l., holding sceptre. RIC 381b var. (Antoninus Pius holding roll); C 158. Rare and lustrous, good extremely fine.


579 Denarius, Rome, post AD 141; AR (g 3,23; mm 18; h 7); DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, draped bust r., Rv. DEDICATIO AEDIS, frontal view of a hexastyle temple of Diva Faustina. RIC 388 (Antoninus Pius); C 191. Rare and lustrous, good extremely fine.




580 Sestertius, Rome, post AD 141; AE (g 27,96; mm 32; h 1); DIVA AVGVS – TA FAVSTINA, veiled and draped bust r., Rv. Faustina, holding grain ears, seated l. atop a triumphal chariot drawn l. by two elephants with riders; in ex. EX S C. RIC 1140 (Antoninus Pius); C 202. Rare. Riverine patina and about extremely fine. Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker, Auction 124 (17 March 2007), lot 9173; formerly in the Dr. Adolf Wild collection.




581 1,5:1

581 Sestertius, Rome, post AD 141; AE (g 21,52; mm 32; h 12); DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust r., wearing pearls bound on top of her head, Rv. AVGVSTA, Ceres standing l., holding torch in each hand. RIC 1120 (Antoninus Pius). A wonderful light green patina and about extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 98 (The AMP Collection of Roman Numismatic Portraiture, 2016), lot 1185.



582 As or Dupondius, Rome, post AD 141; AE (g 10,34; mm 26; h 6); DIVA FAV – STINA, draped bust r., hair coiled on top of head, Rv. AETER – NITAS, Diva Faustina’s exastyle temple; in field, S – C . RIC 1168 (Antoninus Pius); C 66. Green patina, extremely fine.


583 As or Dupondius, Rome, post AD 141; AE (g 11,06; mm 27; h 12); DIVA – FAVSTINA, draped bust r., hair coiled on top of head, Rv. AETER – NITAS, Pietas standing l., raising hand and holding box of incense; in field, S – C. RIC 1162 (Antoninus Pius); C 44. Elegant portrait, dark patina, about extremely fine.


Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar

585 584

584 Sestertius, Rome, AD 140-144; AE (g 28,76; mm 34; h 12); AVRELIVS CAE SAR AVG PII F COS, bare bust r., with slight drapery, Rv. IVVENTAS, Juventas standing l., dropping incense on candelabrum and holding patera. RIC 1232a (Antoninus Pius). Elegant portrait struck in high relief, green patina, about extremely fine.


585 Denarius, Rome, 145-147; AR (g 3,37; mm 19; h 5); AVRELIVS CAE SAR AVG PII F, bare head r., Rv. COS II, Spes standing l., holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RIC 431 (Antoninus Pius); C 103. Lustrous and extremely fine.






Sestertius, Rome, AD 145; AE (g 21,36; mm 33; h 12); AVRELIVS CAES – AR AVG P II F COS II, bare head r., Rv. HILAR – I – TAS, Hilaritas standing l., holding lon palm and cornucopiae; in field, S – C. RIC 1242a (Antoninus Pius); C -. Bold portrait, large flan. Gently smoothed on obverse, anyway extremely fine.


587 Sestertius, Rome, AD 152-153 ; AE (g 29,58; mm 34; h 11); AVRELIVS CAE – SAR AVG PII FIL, draped bust r., Rv. TR POT – VII – [CO]S II, Minerva seated r., holding long sceptre. RIC 1311 (Antoninus Pius); C -. Green patina with spots of cuprite deposits, gently smoothed, extremely fine.


Marcus Aurelius (161-180)



588 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 26,43; mm 34; h 12); IMP CAES M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P M, bare bust r., with slight drapery, Rv. LIB AVGVSTOR TR P XV COS III, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus seated l. on platform; before them, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and wand; at base of steps, citizen standing r. RIC 806. Portrait struck in high relief on a very broad flan; green patina, extremely fine.


589 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 25,78; mm 35; h 11); IMP CAES M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P M, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XV, COS III in exergue, S C across field, Marcus Aurelius standing r., holding volumen, and Lucius Verus standing l., vis-à-vis, clasping r. hands. RIC 795. Very high reliefs, dark patina, good extremely fine.


591 590

590 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 25,21; mm 34; h 11); IMP CAES M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P M, bareheaded and cuirassed bust r., Rv. CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XV, COS III in exergue, S C across field, Marcus Aurelius standing r., holding volumen, and Lucius Verus standing l., vis-à-vis, clasping r. hands. RIC 796. Expressive portrait struck on a large flan; green patina gently smoothed, otherwise good extremely fine. 591 Dupondius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 10,94; mm 28; h 12); IMP CAES M AVREL ANTININVS AVG P M, Radiate bust r., slight drapery, Rv. CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XV, COS III in exergue, S C across field, Aurelius and Verus standing vis-à-vis, clasping hands. RIC 799. Elegant portrait, green patina, extremely fine. Ex B.T. Collection (Baldwin’s, March 1937).




593 592

592 Sestertius, Rome, AD 164-165; AE (g 28,01; mm 33; h 12); M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. TR POT – XIX – IMP II COS III, Felicitas standing l., holding winged caduceus and cornucopiae; foot on globe; in field, S – C. RIC 902; C 799. Elegant portrait, brownish patina, about extremely fine.


593 Denarius, Rome, AD 165; AR (g 3,36; mm 23; h 12); M ANTONINVS AVG – ARMENIACVS, laureate head r., Rv. P M TR P XIX – IMP III COS III, Annona standing l., holding corn ears and cornucopiae; on l., modius; on r., prow. RIC 142; C 484. Lustrous, good extremely fine.





94 Denarius, Rome, AD 167; AR (g 3,10; mm 20; h 6); M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head r., Rv. TR P XXI IMP IIII COS III, Aequitas standing l., holding scales and cornucopia. RIC 171; C 882. Lustrous, extremely fine.


595 Denarius, Rome, AD 170; AR (g 3,54; mm 17; h 6); M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head r., Rv. SALVTI AVG COS III, Salus standing l., holding sceptre and feeding out from patera snake coiled around altar. RIC 222; C 546. Iridescent tone, about fdc.



Sestertius, Rome, AD 172-173; AE (g 23,93; mm 30; h 12); M ANTONINVS – AVG TR P XXVII, laureate and draped r., Rv. GERMANIA SVBACTA IMP VI COS III, Germania seated r. at foot of trophy in field, S – C. RIC 1054. Scarce. Untouched green patina, good extremely fine.



597 1,5:1

597 Sestertius, Rome, AD 177; AE (g 22,88; mm 31; h 12); M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM TR P XXXI, laureate head r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVG VII IMP VIII COS III P P, Liberalitas standing facing, head l., holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC 1205. Untouched glossy brownish patina, extremely fine.



598 599

598 Divus Marcus Aurelius, Denarius, Rome, post AD 180; AR (g 3,34; mm 17; h 6); DIVVS M ANT – ONINVS PIVS, bare head r., Rv. CONSECRATIO, eagle standing l. on globe, head r. RIC 274 (Commodus); C 88. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


599 Divus Marcus Aurelius, Sestertius, Rome, post AD 180; AE (g 20,48; mm 32; h 1); DIVVS M AN – TONINVS PIVS, bare head r., Rv. CONSECRATIO, eagle on garlanded altar; in field, S – C. RIC 657 (Commodus); C 85. Green patina, extremely fine.


Faustina Minor, daughter of Antoninus Pius and wife of Marcus Aurelius

600 601

600 Aureus, Rome, AD 138-161; AV (g 7,13; mm 20; h 12); FAVSTINAE AVG – PII AVG FIL, draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. LAETITIA – PVB – LICAE, Laetitia standing l., holding wreath and sceptre. RIC 506b (Antoninus Pius); C 155; Calicò 2067. Rare. Nice portrait struck on a large flan in high relief, about extremely fine.


601 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 25,15; mm 31; h 12); FAVSTINA AVGVSTA AVG PII F, draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. Diana standing l., holding arrow and resting on bow; in field, S – C. RIC 1383 (Antoninus Pius); C 206. Dark green patina, about extremely fine.


602 603

602 Denarius, Rome, AD 161-175; AR (g 3,14; mm 18; h 6); FAVSTINA – AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. SAECVLI FELICIT, draped throne on which there are two children: Commodus and Annius Verus. RIC 712 (Marcus Aurelius); C 191. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


603 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161-175; AE (g 23,54; mm 32; h 12); FAVSTINA – AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. SALVTI AVGVSTAE, Salus seated l., feeding snake twined round altar; in ex. S C. RIC 1668 (Marcus Aurelius); C 200. Fine portrait, brownish patina, about extremely fine.



Lucius Verus (161-169)

605 604

604 Sestertius, Rome, AD 161; AE (g 24,04; mm 34; h 11); IMP CAES L AVREL VERVS AVG, Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. CONCORD AVG TR P / COS II, Concordia seated l., holding patera; cornucopia under seat. RIC 1276. Expressive portrait struck in high relief on a broad flan; delightful malachite-green patina, extremely fine.


605 Denarius, Rome, AD 165; AR (g 3,01; mm 18; h 7); L VERVS AVG ARM – PARTH MAX, laureate head r., Rv. TR P V IMP III COS II, parthian seated r.; at feet, weapons. RIC 540; C 273. Expressive portrait, iridescent tone, good extremely fine.


607 606

606 Sestertius, Rome, AD 165; AE (g 23,65; mm 34; h 12); L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head r., Rv. TR POT V IMP II COS II, Mars advancing r., holding spear and trophy. RIC 1420. Beautiful portrait; green patina and large flan; minor scratches, anyway about extremely fine – extremely fine.


607 Lucilla, daughter of Marcus Aurelius and wife of Lucius Verus, Denarius, Rome, AD 164-167; AR (g 3,52; mm 18; h 5); LUCILLA – AVGVSTA, draped bust r., Rv. PVDI – CITIA, Pudicitia standing l. RIC 780 (Marcus Aurelius); C 60. Lustrous, extremely fine.


Commodus (177-192)

608 609

609 1,5:1

608 Denarius, Rome, AD 181; AR (g 3,50; mm 20; h 6); M COMMODVS AN – TONINVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. TR P VI IMP IIII – COS III P P, Providentia standing l., holding wand over globe and sceptre. RIC 19; C 804. Iridescent tone, extremely fine.


609 Dupondius, Rome, AD 183; AE (g 14,38; mm 26; h 12); M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG PIVS, radiate head r., Rv. TR P VIII IMP VI COS IIII PP / S-C, Fortuna standing l. with cornucopia and rudder set on globe. RIC 388. Expressive portrait, green patina, extremely fine.





610 1,5:1

610 Sestertius, Rome, AD 192; AE (g 16,77; mm 32; h 5); L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, head r., wearing lion’s skin headress, Rv. HERCVL / RO-MAN / AVGV / S – C, club within laurel wreath. RIC 637. Attractive portrait and green patina; a very large flan, extremely fine.


611 Crispina, wife of Commodus, Denarius, Rome, AD 178-192; AR (g 3,07; mm 17; h 6); CRISPINA – AVGVSTA, draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. VE – NVS, Venus standing l., holding apple and gathering up drapery on l. shoulder. RIC 286a; C 35. Lustrous, about extremely fine.



612 Crispina, wife of Commodus, Sestertius, Rome, c. AD 178-192; AE (g 23,01; mm 32; h 6); CRISPINA – AVGVSTA, draped bust r., hair knotted behind, Rv. S – ALVS, Salus seated l., feeding out of patera snake coiled roud altar; in field, S – C. RIC 672a; C 33. Untouched green patina, high relief, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.




613 Pescennius Niger (193-194), Denarius, Antioch, AD 193-194; AR (g 3,20; mm 18; h 12); [IMP CAES C PESC – NI]GER IVST AVG, laureate head r., Rv. BONI E – VENTVS, Fides standing facing, head l., holding corn ears and basket of fruit. RIC 5b. Rare. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


Clodius Albinus Caesar (193-197), Denarius, Rome, AD 193; AR (g 3,49; mm 19; h 12); D CLODIVS AL – BINVS AVG, bare head r., Rv. PROVID AVG COS, Providentia standing l., holding wand over globe and sceptre. RIC 1; C 58. Expressive portrait, old cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


615 Clodius Albinus Caesar (193-197), Sestertius, Rome, AD 194; AE (g 21,20; mm 30; h 1); D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bBare head r. with slight drapery, Rv. FELICITAS COS II / S – C, Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and long sceptre. RIC 52b. Rare. Nice portrait and a green patina; somewhat tooled, anyway about extremely fine.




Septimius Severus (193-211)




616 Sestertius, Rome, AD 210; AE (g 18,89; mm 30; h 2); L SEPT SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. P M TR P XVIII COS III P P / S C, Septimius Severus and Caracalla, togate and with their drapery drawn up over their heads, standing vis-à-vis and sacrificing over an altar; behind them, in the centre, standing figure of Concordia or Pietas. RIC 798. Scarce. Beautiful portrait and riverine patina; a minor flan crack, anyway extremely fine.




617 Sestertius, Rome, AD 211; AE (g 28,71; mm 33; h 12); SEPT SEVE RVS PIVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. VICTORIAE BRITTANICAE / S C, two Victories standing facing one another, placing small round shield on palm; two captives seated at base of palm. RIC 818. Rare. Elegant portrait struck on a very broad flan; dark green patina, somewhat smoothed, otherwise extremely fine.


618 Sestertius, Rome, AD 211; AE (g 27,12; mm 32; h 6); L SEPT SEVE – RVS PIVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. VICT BRIT P M TR P XIX COS III P P, Two Victories, standing l. and r., fixing a shield on palm, at feet of which are two captives; in ex. S C. RIC 808 var (legend on obverse); C 723. Rare, brownish patina gently smoothed, anyway about extremely fine.



619 Tetradrachm, Syria: Laodicea ad Mare, AD 208-209; BI (g 12,78; mm 27; h 12); AYT KAI – CEOYHEPOC C – E, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. ΔHMAP – X EΞ YΠA TO Γ, eagle standing front, head l., holding wreath in beack; below, star. Prieur 1149. Lightly toned, about fdc.



Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus and mother of Caracalla and Geta


620 1,5:1

620 Sestertius, Rome, AD 196-211; AE (g 21,72; mm 33; h 12); IVLIA – AVGVSTA, draped bust r., Rv. PIETATI AV – G – VSTAE, Julia standing facing, between Severus and Caracalla, who hold a globe betwenn them; Severus, togate, holds roll, Caracalla, laureate and in military dress, holds spear; in ex. S C. RIC 864; C 158; Mazzini -; Cayòn 31. Extremely rare, excellent preservation and elegant portrait; large flan typical of a medallion and brownish patina, good extremely fine.




621 Sestertius, Rome, AD 211; AE (g 25,60; mm 32; h 12); IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust r., Rv. MAT AVGG MAT SEN M PATR / SC, Domna seated l., holding olive branch and sceptre. RIC 588 (Caracalla). Untouched green patina, about extremely fine / good very fine.


622 As, Rome, AD 211; AE (g 11,52; mm 27; h 5); IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust r., Rv. HILARITAS / S C, Hilaritas standing l., holding long palm frond and cornucopia. RIC 877 (Caracalla). Green patina, large flan, about extremely fine.



623 Bimetallic Medallion, Rome, c. AD 211-217; AE (g 45,34; mm 39; h 1); IVLIA – AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust l., holding cornucopiae and a statuette of Concordia, Rv. VESTA – MATER, six Vestal Virgins sacrificing over altar in front of the Temple of Vesta. Gnecchi, II, n. 8, pl. 95.1; C 241. Of the highest rarity, the second specimen known (the first one in Berlin). Green patina with some deposits, about extremely fine.



Caracalla (198-217)

625 1,5:1


625 Aureus, Rome, AD 202; AV (g 7,16; mm 20; h 6); ANTON P AVG PON – TR P V COS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. CONCORDIAE AETERNAE, jugate busts r. of Septimius Severus, radiate, draped and cuirassed, and Julia Domna, diademed, draped on crescent. RIC 60; C 26; Calicò 2850 (same obverse die). Very rare and in unusually good condition for this difficult issue: extremely fine.





626 Sestertius, Rome, 213-214; AE (g 26,44; mm 32; h 12); M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., seen from behind, Rv. SECVRITATI PERPETVAE, Securitas seated r., holding sceptre, resting head on r. hand; altar before. RIC 536b. Bold portrait struck on a very broad flan; brownish patina, extremely fine.


Ex Spink, May-June 1940, lot 1576.


627 Sestertius, Rome, AD 214; AE (g 23,32; mm 33; h 1); M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. PM TR P XVII IMP III COS IIII P P, Mars standing l., holding Victory and resting hand on shield, spear leaning on him; captive before. RIC 524a. Bold portrait and brownish patina; somewhat tooled, otherwise good extremely fine.





628 Sestertius, Rome, AD 214; AE (g 20,88; mm 32; h 6); M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Ev. P M TR P XVII IMP III COS IIII P P, Mars standing l., holding Victory and resting hand on shield, spear leaning on him; captive before. RIC 524a. Bold portrait, green patina, about extremely fine.


629 Tetradrachm, Seleucis et Pieria: Laodicea ad Mare, AD 212-213; BI (g 14,77; mm 27; h 1); AYT KAI – ANTΩNEINOC – Cε, laureate head r., Rv. ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠATOC TO Γ, eagle standing front, head l., holding wreath in beak; below, star. Prieur 1176. Extremely fine – good extremely fine.




630 Bronze, Thrace: Bizya, AD 198-202; AE (g 9,70; mm 27; h 7); M AVPHΛ ANTΩNINOC KAI, Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. BIZVH N ΩN, Demeter standing r., holding corn-ears and resting on long torch. Varbanov 1467. Nice portrait and emerald patina; minor die shift on obverse, good extremely fine.


631 Geta, as Caesar, Denarius, Rome, AD 198-200; AR (g 3,41; mm 18; h 7); L SEPTIMIVS – GETA CAES, draped bust r., Rv. SEVERI P II AVG FIL, priestly implements. RIC 3 (Septimius Severus); C 188. Nice portrait. Lightly toned, about extremely fine.





632 Geta (209-211), Sestertius, Rome, AD 210-211; AE (g 22,18; mm 32; h 12); P SEPTIMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, Laureate head r., Rv. VICT BRIT TR P III COS II / SC, Victory seated r. on cuirass, inscribing shield balanced on her knee; arms around. RIC 172b Rare. Nice portrait struck on a very broad flan; malachite green patina, extremely fine.



Macrinus (217-218)


633 Denarius, Rome, AD 217; AR (g 3,06; mm 19; h 12); IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust r., with younger features, Rv. [FI]DES PVBLICA, Fides standing l., holding two standards; in field, two standards. RIC 70; C 31. Stylish portrait, old cabinet tone, extremely fine.


634 1,5:1


634 Sestertius, Rome, AD 217; AE (g 22,27; mm 32; h 2); IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. IOVI CONSERVATORI / S C, Jupiter standing l., holding thunderbolt and sceptre; small figure of Macrinus before him. RIC 189. Rare. A nice portrait struck on a full flan, green patina; minor flan crack, anyway about extremely fine.


Ex L. de Sartiges Collection, Ars Classica Auction XVIII (Lucerne), 10 October 1938, lot 363; E.A. Sydenham Collection, Glendining Auction, 10 December 1941, lot 252.



635 Denarius, Rome, AD 218; AR (g 3,70; mm 20; h 6); IMP C M OPEL SEV – MACRINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing l., holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC 53; C 2. Cabinet tone, extremely fine. As, Rome, AD 218; AE (g 11,76; mm 25; h 11); IMP CAES MOPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P, Felicitas standing l., holding long caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 156. Rare. Brownish patina gently smoothed, good very fine.




Diadumenian, as Caesar


637 Denarius, Rome, AD 217; AR (g 3,47; mm 20; h 11); M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. SPES PVBLICA, Spes advancing l., holding flower and raising hem of dress. RIC 116; C 21. Nice portrait, cabinet tone, extremely fine.






Denarius, Rome, AD 217; AR (g 3,07; mm 20; h 6); M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES, draped bust r., Rv. PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding sceptre and standard; on r., two standards. RIC 102; C 3. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy. 639 As, Rome, AD 217; AE (g 10,51; mm 26; h 6); M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, bust draped and cuirassed, Rv. PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian standing l., head r., holding sceptre and standard; on r., two standards; in ex. S C. RIC 212; C 8. Rare, brownish patina, about extremely fine.




640 1,5:1

640 Elagabalus (218-222), Aureus, Rome, AD 218-222; AV (g 6,66; mm 20; h 6); IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR – ANTONINI AVG, Victory advancing r., holding wreath and palm branch. RIC 156; C 288; Calicò 3038. Rare, large flan and high relief, about extremely fine.


641 Elagabalus (218-222), Dupondius, Rome, AD 218-222; AE (g 13,38; mm 25; h 11); IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r., seen from behind, Rv. VICTOR ANTONINI AVG / S C, Victory running r., holding wreath and palm. RIC 375. Rare. Green patina and high relief, extremely fine.


Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 38 (New York 1996), lot 1062.

643 642

642 Julia Maesa, grandmother of Elagabalus and Severus Alexander, Sestertius, Rome, AD 218-222; AE (g 21,92; mm 30; h 12); IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped and diademed bust r., Rv. SAECVLI FE – LICITAS, Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and sacrificing out of patera over altar; on l., star; in field, S – C. RIC 422; C 49. Rare. Green patina with traces of cuprites, good very fine.


643 Severus Alexander, as Caesar, Denarius, Rome, July AD 221; AR (g 3,36; mm 19; h 6); M AVR ALEXANDER AVG, bare headed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. PIETAS AVG, lituus, knife, vase, simpulum and sprinkler. RIC 3 (Elagabalus); C 198. Very rare. Cabinet tone, good very fine – about extremely fine.


Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 147 (7 March 2006), lot 2238; Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 64 (17 May 2012), lot 2676.


Severus Alexander (222-235)


644 1,5:1

644 Aureus, Rome, AD 227; AV (g 6,32; mm 20; h 5); IMP C M AVR SEV – ALEXAND AVG, laureate and draped bust r., Rv. P M TR P VI – CO – S II P P, Mars advancing r., holding trophy and spear. RIC 60c; C -; Calicò 3111. Very rare, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


Ex H.D. Rauch, Auction 75 (6 May 2005), lot 644.



646 1,5:1

645 As, Rome, AD 229; AE (g 10,77; mm 25; h 12); IMP SEV ALE XANDER AVG, Laureate bust r., Rv. P M TR P VIII COS III P P, Severus Alexander driving triumphal quadriga r., holding eagle-tipped sceptre and reins. RIC 498b. Expressive portrait, nice green patina, extremely fine.


Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 204 (5 March 2012), lot 2425. 646 Dupondius, Rome, AD 231-235; AE (g 13,28; mm 25; h 12); IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, radiate head r., slight drapery on far shoulder, Rv. PROVIDENTIA AVG / S C, Providentia standing facing, head l., holding two corn-ears over modius and cornucopiae. RIC 643. Nice portrait, about extremely fine.




647 Sestertius, Rome, AD 232; AE (g 23,21; mm 31; h 1); IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. MARS VLTOR / S C, Mars Ultor running r., holding spear and shield. RIC 635. Green patina, about extremely fine.


648 Sestertius, Rome, AD 232; AE (g 19,35; mm 29; h 12); IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, Laureate bust r., slight drapery, Rv. PROVIDENTIA AVG / S C, Providentia standing l., holding cornucopia and two grain ears over modius filled with grain ears. RIC 642. Elegant portrait, green patina, about extremely fine.


Ex Ratto, 1928-1929.





649 Sestertius, Rome, AD 232; AE (g 20,30; mm 30; h 1); IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing l., holding cornucopia and two grain ears over modius filled with grain ears. RIC 642. A real untouched coin; malachite green patina, good extremely fine.



650 Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander, Sestertius, Rome, AD 228; AE (g 26,72; mm 31; h 1); IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, Draped bust r., wearing stephane, Rv. Felicitas standing l., holding long caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 670 (Severus Alexander). Nice portrait, malachite green patina, good very fine.


651 1,5:1


651 Orbiana, wife of Severus Alexander, Sestertius, Rome, AD 225; AE (g 25,62; mm 33; h 1); SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG, Diademed and draped bust r., Rv. CONCORDIA AVGVSTORVM / S C, Severus Alexander standing r., holding role and clasping hands with Orbiana, veiled, standing l. RIC 657. Rare, green patina and large flan: about extremely fine.



Maximinus I (235-238)


652 Denarius, Rome, AD 235-236; AR (g 2,88; mm 20; h 11); IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VOTIS / DECENNA / LIBVS, in laurel wreath. RIC 17; C 117. Lightly toned, minor scratches on obverse, extremely fine.





653 Sestertius, Rome, AD 236; AE (g 24,54; mm 31; h 7); IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVG / S C, Victory advancing r., holding palm frond and wreath. RIC 67. Nice portrait, untouched green patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




654 Sestertius, Rome, AD 236-237; AE (g 23,41; mm 30; h 1); MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing l., holding signum in each hand. RIC 78. Green patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




655 1,5:1

655 Maximus Caesar, Sestertius, Rome, AD 236; AE (g 25,93; mm 32; h 2); M IVL VERVS MAXIMVS CAES, Bareheaded and draped bust r., Rv. PIETAS AVG, Emblems of the pontificate: lituus, secespita, patera, guttus, simpulum and aspergillum. RIC 6 (Maximinus I). Rare. Nice portrait, green patina with spots of cuprite deposit, about extremely fine.


657 656

656 Maximus Caesar, Sestertius, Rome, AD 236-237; AE (g 25,29; mm 31; h 2); MAXIMVS CAES GERM, Bareheaded and draped bust r., Rv. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Maximus standing l., holding baton and spear; two signa to r. RIC 13 (Maximinus I). Rare, untouched green patina, about extremely fine.


657 Pupienus (238), Denarius, Rome, April – June AD 238; AR (g 2,57; mm 21; h 6); IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P COS II P P, Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and sceptre. RIC 6; C 26. Rare, lustrous, extremely fine.


659 658

658 Pupienus (238), Sestertius, Rome, April – June AD 238; AE (g 16,01; mm 31; h 12); IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P – COS II P P, emperor, togate, standing l., holding branch and parazonium; in field, S – C. RIC 15; C 30. Rare, expressive portrait and riverine patina; minor flan crack, about extremely fine.


659 Balbinus (238), Denarius, Rome, April – June AD 238; AR (g 3,14; mm 20; h 6); IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P – COS II P P, Emperor, togate, standing l., holding branch and parazonium. RIC 5; C 20. Lightly toned, about extremely fine – extremely fine.




660 Balbinus (238), Sestertius, Rome, April – June AD 238; AE (g 19,27; mm 29; h 1); IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P COS II P P / S C, Balbinus standing l., holding branch and parazonium. RIC 16. Rare. Bold portrait and brownish patina; somewhat tooled, otherwise good extremely fine.


Gordian III (238-244)




Aureus, Rome, AD 239; AV (g 4,92; mm 20; h 6); IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P II COS P P, Providentia standing l., holding sceptre and globe. RIC 23; C 195; Calicò 3213. Rare, about extremely fine.


662 Sestertius, Rome, AD 239; AE (g 19,23; mm 30; h 1); IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P II COS P P / S C, Gordian standing l., holding parazonium and sacrificing out of patera over lighted tripod to l. RIC 271. Expressive portrait, riverine patina, extremely fine – good extremely fine.





Sestertius, Rome, AD 239; AE (g 18,94; mm 30; h 12); IMP CAES GORDIANVS PIVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVG III / S C, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and double cornucopia. RIC 269a. Nice portrait, untouched malachite green patina, extremely fine / good very fine. Sestertius, Rome, AD 239; AE (g 21,26; mm 30; h 12); IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVG II / S C, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and double cornucopia. RIC 269a. Untouched green patina, about extremely fine.





665 1,5:1

665 Aureus, Rome, AD 240; AV (g 4,86; mm 20; h 5); IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC 42; C 129; Calicò 3205. Rare, large flan, about extremely fine.




666 1,5:1

666 Sestertius, Rome, AD 240-243; AE (g 16,23; mm 31; h 1); IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. AETERNITATI AVG, Sol standing l., raising hand and holding globe. RIC 297a. Green patina, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


667 Sestertius, Rome, AD 241-243; AE (g 19,85; mm 31; h 12); IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P IIII COS II P P / S C, Gordian standing r., holding spear and globe. RIC 306a. Riverine patina, well centered specimen, extremely fine.




668 Sestertius, Rome, AD 244; AE (g 22,13; mm 30; h 1); IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. FELICIT TEMPOR, Felicitas standing l., holding long caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 328a. Green patina, large flan, about extremely fine.


669 Tetradrachm, Syria: Antiochia ad Orontem, AD 240; BI (g 12,27; mm 29; h 7); AYTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. ΔHMAP – X EΞOYCIAC, eagle standing front, head l., holding wreath; in ex. [S C]. Prieur 282. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine.


Philip I (244-249)


670 Sestertius, Rome, AD 244; AE (g 23,31; mm 30; h 6); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing l., holding signum in each hand. RIC 172a. Expressive portrait, untouched emerald patina, extremely fine.





671 Sestertius, Rome, AD 244-249; AE (g 17,31; mm 31; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVGG II, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and cornucopiae; in field, S – C. RIC 180a; C 88. Dark patina, good extremely fine.


672 Dupondius, Rome, AD 244-249 ; AE (g 11,49; mm 26; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing l., holding standard and sceptre. RIC 173c. Green patina, about extremely fine.





Sestertius, Rome, AD 246; AE (g 16,75; mm 29; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. ANNONA AVGG / S C, Annona standing l., holding cornucopia and grain ears over modius to l. RIC 168a. Untouched green patina, extremely fine / good very fine.


674 As, Rome, AD 247; AE (g 8,36; mm 25; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VOTIS / DECENNA / LIBVS / S C in four lines within laureal wreath. RIC 195b. Rare. Untouched green malachite patina, about extremely fine.




675 Sestertius, Rome, AD 249; AE (g 20,72; mm 31; h 1); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. SAECVLARES AVGG, Cippus millenarius inscribed COS / III in two lines. RIC 162a. A bold portrait, a wonderful brown tone and extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction A (1991), lot 1915 and New York sale n. 23 (2010), lot 204. From the Paulo Leitão collection.

676 Tetradrachm, Syria: Antiochia ad Orontem, AD 244; BI (g 12,06; mm 27; h 12); AYTOK K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOY CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC, eagle standing front, head l., holding wreath; over r. wing, ς; in field, S – C; in ex. MON VRB. Prieur 310. About fdc.





677 Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I, Sestertius, Rome, AD 249; AE (g 19,93; mm 31; h 12); MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG, Draped bust r., wearing stephane, Rv. PIETAS AVGVSTAE / S C, Pietas standing l., raising hand and holding acerrum. RIC 208a. Green patina, large flan, extremely fine.


678 Philip II, as Caesar, Sestertius, Rome, AD 244-246; AE (g 21,74; mm 31; h 12); M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare head, draped bust r., Rv. PRINCIPI IVVENT, Philip II, in military dress, standing r., holding spear and globe; in field, S – C. RIC 255a; C 55. Brownish patina, large flan, good extremely fine.


Philip II (247-249)





679 Aureus, Rome, AD 247-249; AV (g 4,63; mm 22; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. PAX – AETERNA, Pax standing l., holding branch and sceptre. RIC -; C -; Calicò -. Unpublished in the standard references, large flan, extremely fine.


680 Sestertius, Rome, AD 247-249; AE (g 18,28; mm 30; h 12); IMP M IVL PHILI[P]PVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVGG III, Philip I and II seated l. on curule chairs; in ex. S C. RIC 267a; C 18. Elegant portrait, untouched green patina, good extremely fine.



681 Tetradrachm, Syria: Antiochia ad Orontem, AD 248; BI (g 12,31; mm 26; h 6); AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC YΠATOΓ, eagle standing r., holding wreath; in ex. ANTIOXIA / S C. Prieur 412. Lightly toned, good extremely fine.



Trajan Decius (249-251)



682 Double Sestertius, Rome, AD 249-251; AE (g 37,15; mm 35; h 1); IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r., seen from behind, Rv. FELICITAS SAECVLI, Felicitas standing l., holding long caduceus and cornucopia. RIC 115c. Elegant portrait struck in high relief, green patina, extremely fine.


683 Double Sestertius, Rome, AD 249-251; AE (g 37,30; mm 38; h 12); IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVG, Victory running l., holding wreath and palm-branch; in field, S – C. RIC 126d; C 117. Bold portrait struck on a large flan; dark patina somewhat smoothed, anyway good extremely fine / extremely fine.




684 Sestertius, Rome, AD 249-251; AE (g 16,78; mm 30; h 1); IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. DACIA / S C, Dacia standing l., holding staff surmounted by head of ass. RIC 112a. Green patina, good very fine.


685 Dupondius, Rome, AD 249-251; AE (g 12,75; mm 27; h 12); IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Radiate and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LIBERALITAS AVG, Liberalitas standing l., holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC 120c. Rare. Expressive portrait and brownish patina gently smoothed; good extremely fine.




686 Tetradrachm, Syria: Antiochia ad Orontem, AD 249-251; BI (g 10,25; mm 26; h 1); AYT K Γ ME KY ΔEKIOC TPAIANOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r.; below, °°, Rv. ΔHMAPX E[Ξ]OYCIAC, eagle standing r. on palm branch, holding wreath; in ex. S C. Prieur 525. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


687 Trebonianus Gallus (251-253), Sestertius, Rome, AD 25; AE (g 15,69; mm 28; h 1); IMP CAES C VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GAL[…], Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. ROMA AETERNAE / S C, Roma seated l., holding Victory and spear; shield at side. RIC 120. Nice portrait, untouched green-brown patina, good extremely fine / good very fine.



Postumus (The Gallic Empire, 260-269)



688 Double Sestertius, Treveri, AD 261; AE (g 25,77; mm 35; h 6); IMP C M CAESS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LAETITIA / AVG, galley l., with four rowers. RIC 143; Bastien 89. Dark patina, large flan, about extremely fine.


689 Double Sestertius, Lugdunum, AD 261; AE (g 17,08; mm 34; h 6); IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. LAETITIA / AVG, galley l., with four rowers. RIC 143; Bastien 87. Brownish patina, large flan, about extremely fine.


691 690

690 Sestertius, Lugdunum, AD 261; AE (g 25,78; mm 32; h 6); IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. P M TR P COS II P P, Postumus standing l., holding globe and spear. RIC 107; Bastiene 59a. Green patina, about extremely fine.


691 Severina, wife of Aurelian, As, Rome, AD 275; AE (g 8,21; mm 25; h 6); SEVERINA AVG, Draped bust r., wearing stephane, Rv. IVNO REGINA, Juno standing l., holding patera and sceptre; to l., peacock standing left; ς. RIC 7 (Aurelian). Rare, green patina, good very fine – about extremely fine.


692 1,5:1


Probus (276-282), Medallion, Rome, AD 281-282; AE (g 23,91; mm 32; h 11); IMP PROBV – S P F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust l., holding spear and shield ornamented with Victory moving to l., leading the emperor, who is on horseback to l., his hand raised in salutation, followed by a soldier marching l., Rv. MONETA A – VG, the three Monetae standing facing, heads l., each holding scales and cornucopiae; at their feet, heaps of coins. Gnecchi, II, n. 24, pl. 120.5; C 376. Very rare. Extremely detailed, with lovely silvered dark surfaces; good extremely fine. 692






693 Diocletian (284-305), Argenteus, Siscia, c. AD 294-295; AR (g 2,79; mm 18; h 7); DIOCLETI – ANVS AVG, Laureate head r., Rv. VIRTVS – MILITVM, tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before city enclosure with eight turrets. RIC VI 43a; C 516†m. Cabinet tone, minor flan crack, good extremely fine.


694 Diocletian (284-305), Argenteus, Rome, c. AD 295-297; AR (g 3,28; mm 18; h 12); DIOCLET – IANVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. VIRTVS – MILITVM, six-turreted camp gate in front of which the four tetrarchs swear over tripod; in ex. B. RIC 32a. Lustrous, extremely fine.


695 Galerius Maximianus, as Caesar, Argenteus, Ticinum, c. AD 295; AR (g 2,78; mm 18; h 6); MAXIMIAN – VS CAESAR, laureate head r., Rv. VICTORIA – SARMAT, tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before city enclosure with six turrets. RIC 17b. Lovely iridescent tone, about fdc.





696 Maximian Herculius (286-310), Argenteus, Rome, c. AD 295-297; AR (g 3,05; mm 19; h 6) ; MAXIMIA – NVS AVG, laureate head r., Rv. VIRTVS – MILITVM, six-turreted camp gate in front of which the four tetrarchs swear over tripod; in ex. ε. RIC 40b. Lustrous, extremely fine.


697 Constantius I (305-306), Argenteus, Serdica, AD 305-306; AR (g 3,37; mm 20; h 1); CONSTAN TIVS AVG, Laureate head r., Rv. VIRTVS MILITVM, camp gate; •SM•SDΔ•. RIC VI 11a var. (officina not recorded); C 304a corr. Rare. Lovely iridescent tone and large flan, fdc.


698 Constans (337-350), Nummus, Siscia, AD 348-350; AE (g 6,16; mm 24; h 1); CONSTA NS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r.; A to l., Rv. FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Constans standing l. on galley, holding Victory on globe and labarum; at stern sits Victory, steering the ship; A-*//•ΓSIS•. RIC 256. Original silvering, about fdc.


Constantius II (337-361)



699 Nummus, Siscia, AD 348-351; AE (g 7,67; mm 25; h 12); D N CONSTAN TIVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. FEL TEMP RE PARATIO, Soldier l., spearing fallen horseman to lower l.; shield to r.; Γ/-// CONSE*. RIC 81. Original silvering, about fdc.


700 Nummus, Siscia, AD 348-350; AE (g 6,35; mm 25; h 12); D N CONSTAN TIVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r.; A behind, Rv. FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor standing facing, head l., on galley sailing l., holding Victory on globe and labarum; behind, Victory seated l., steering galley; A//•ESIS•. RIC 251. Original silvering, good extremely fine.



701 1,5:1


701 Solidus, Thessalonica, AD 350-355; AV (g 4,63; mm 21; h 6); D N CONSTANTIVS – MAX AVGVSTVS, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. GLORIA – REI – PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinople, holding sceptre and resting foot on prow, support a shield inscribed VOT / XXX / MVLT / XXXX; in ex. *TESSU*. RIC 153; C 122. An almost invisible mark on cheek, otherwise virtually as struck and about fdc.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 80 (20 October 2014), lot 269.





Solidus, Thessalonica, AD 350-355; AV (g 4,01; mm 20; h 6); D N CONSTANTIVS – MAX AVGVSTVS, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. GLORIA – REI – PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinople, holding sceptre and resting foot on prow, support a shield inscribed VOT / XXX / MVLT / XXXX; in ex. *TES*. RIC 195; Depeyrot 14/1. Good extremely fine.


703 Light Miliarense, Rome, AD 352-355; AR (g 4,12; mm 23; h 12); D N CONSTAN – TIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VIRTVS – EXERCITVS, soldier, helmeted, standing l., head r., holding spear and leaning on shield; in ex. R. RIC 238. Rare, dark patina, good very fine.


704 Solidus, Antioch, AD 355-361; AV (g 4,46; mm 21; h 6); CONSTAN TIVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed head r., Rv. GLORIA REI PVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned facing, holding between them a wreath inscribed VOT / XXXX in two lines; ANTΘ. RIC 172; Depeyrot 12/1. About extremely fine.





705 Siliqua, Lugdunum, AD 360-361; AR (g 2,00; mm 17; h 6); D N CONSTAN – TIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA – DD NN AVG, Victory walking l., holding wreath and palm; in ex. LVG. RIC 214; C 259. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


706 Siliqua, Lugdunum, AD 360-361; AR (g 2,26; mm 17; h 6); D N CONSTAN – TIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VOTIS / XXX / MVLTIS / XXXX, in laurel wreath; below, LVG. RIC 216. Cabinet tone, extremely fine.


707 Julian II (360-363), Siliqua, Treveri, AD 360-363; AR (g 1,60; mm 17; h 6); D N C L IVLI ANVS AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VOTIS V MVLTIS X within wreath; TR. RIC 365; C 157b. Lightly toned, good very fine.





708 Jovian (363-364), Solidus, Antioch, AD 363-364; AV (g 4,42; mm 21; h 1); D N IOVIAN VS P F P AVG, Pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. SECVRITA S REI PVBLICAE, Roma seated facing and Constantinopolis seated half-l., foot on prow, each holding sceptre, supporting shield between them inscribed VOT/V/MVL/X in four lines; ANTA. RIC 223; Depeyrot 18/2. Nice portrait, about extremely fine.


709 Jovian (363-364), so-called “Double Maiorina”, Antiochia, AD 363-364; AE (g 8,02; mm 28; h 6); D N IOVIAN – VS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA – ROMANORVM, emperor, in military dress, standing facing, head r., holding standard and Victory on globe with wreath and palm-branch; in ex. ANTΔ. RIC 228. Green patina, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


Valens (364-378)




710 Solidus, Rome, AD 364; AV (g 4,40; mm 20; h 12); D N VALEN S P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. RESTITVTOR REI PVBLICAE, Valens standing facing, head r., holding labarum and Victory on globe; ·RQ(palm). RIC 2c.10; Depeyrot 27/2. Bold portrait, about extremely fine.


711 Solidus, Antioch, AD 364-367; AV (g 4,46; mm 21; h 6); D N VALENS – PER F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. GLORIA – RO – MANORVM, Roma and Constantinopolis, helmeted and seated on throne; Roma facing, Constantinopolis turning head towards Roma, each holding sceptre and both together shield inscribed VOT / X / MVL / XX; Constantinopolis resting r. foot on prow; in ex. ANOBΘ. RIC 16c; C 7. Extremely fine.


712 Solidus, Antioch, AD 365; AV (g 4,49; mm 21; h 5); D N VALENS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. RESTIVTOR REIPVBLICAE, Valens standing facing, head right, holding labarum and Victory on globe; ANTZ. RIC 2d; Depeyrot 22/2. Large flan, about extremely fine.




713 Siliqua, Treveri, AD 367-375; AR (g 2,01; mm 18; h 12); D N VALEN – S P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VRBS – ROMA, Rome seated on throne l., holding Victory on globe and spear; in ex. TRPS[°]. RIC 27b; C 109. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


714 Siliqua, Siscia, AD 375-378; AR (g 1,88; mm 18; h 11); D N VALEN – S P F AVG, diademed, cuirassed and draped bust r., Rv. VOT / XV / MVLT / XX, in laurel wreath; below, SISCPS. RIC 19a; C 98. Rare and toned, extremely fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.


Valentinian I (364-375)




715 Solidus, Antioch, AD 364--367; AV (g 4,41; mm 21; h 11); D N VALENTINI – ANVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. RESTITVTOR – REI PVBLICAE, emperor standing front, head r., holding labarum and Victory on globe; on r., cross; ; in ex. *ANTΓ*. RIC 2b; C 28. Good very fine.


716 Siliqua, Antioch, AD 367-375; AR (g 1,98; mm 18; h 11); Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VOT/ X/ MVLT/ XX in four lines within laurel wreath; •ANT*. RIC 34. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


717 Solidus, Treveri, AD 373-375; AV (g 4,45; mm 20; h 6); D N VALENTINI – ANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR – IA AVGG, Valentinian and Valens enthroned facing, holding globe between them; above, Victory facing with wings spread, palm frond between; in ex. TROBT. RIC 17b.6; Depeyrot 43/1 About extremely fine – extremely fine.


Gratian (367-383)

718 1,5:1


718 Solidus, Thessalonica, AD 378-383; AV (g 4,44; mm 20; h 5); D N GRATIA NVS P F AVG, Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR IA AVGG, Valentinian I and Gratian enthroned facing, each with r. hand on a globe between them; above, Victory facing with wings spread; palm between; TESOB. RIC 34b.1; Depeyrot 34/1. Nice portrait, about fdc.


719 720

719 Siliqua, Treveri, AD 378-383; AR (g 1,97; mm 18; h 12); D N GRATIA NVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. RVIRTVS RO MANORVM, Roma seated facing on throne, head l., holding globe and spear; TRPS. RIC 58a.1; C 56†a. Lustrous, about extremely fine.


720 Medallion, Rome, AD 378-383; AE (g 11,90; mm 29; h 12); D N GRATIA – NVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VRBS – ROMA, Roma seated l. on throne, holding globe and reversed spear; on the side of throne shield; in ex. R Q. Gnecchi, II, n. 3, pl. 140.8; C 88; RIC 42a. Extremely rare. Delightful green patina and about extremely fine.


Ex Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 21 (17 May 2001), lot 580.





721 Solidus, Treveri, AD 374-375; AV (g 4,46; mm 20; h 1); D N GRATIA NVS P F AVG, Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR IA AVGG, Valentinian I and Gratian enthroned facing, each with r. hand on a globe between them; above, Victory facing with wings spread; palm between; TROBS. RIC 39c.2; Depeyrot 43/3. Extremely fine.


722 Valentinian II (375-392), Solidus, Treveri, AD 377; AV (g 4.45; mm 20; h 6); D N VALENTINIANVS IVN P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR IA AVGG, Valentinian II and Gratian enthroned facing, holding a globe between them; above throne, Victory facing with wings spread; palm frond between; TROBT. RIC 39e3; Depeyrot 47/3. Large flan, about extremely fine.


Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 142 (10 October 2005), lot 3055. 723 Valentinian II (375-392), Solidus, Mediolanum, AD 378-383; AV (g 4,46; mm 21; h 6); D N VALENTINI – ANVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR – IA AVGG, two emperors seated facing, holding globe; above, Victory; between them, palm branch; in ex. COM. RIC 5e; C 37. Scarce, large flan, about extremely fine.




724 Theodosius I (379-395), Solidus, Constantinopolis, AD 379-383; AV (g 4,44; mm 21; h 6); D N THEODO – SIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. CONCOR – DIA AVGGG, Constantinopolis seated facing, head r. and foot on prow, holding globe and sceptre; in ex. CONOB. RIC 43b; C -. Rare, good very fine – about extremely fine.


725 Theodosius I (379-395), Solidus, Mediolanum, AD 380-382; AV (g 4,43; mm 21; h 6); D N THEODO SIVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTOR IA AVGG, Gratian and Theodosius I enthroned facing, holding a globe between them; Victory facing above throne with wings spread; palm frond between; COM. RIC IX 5f & 8b; Depeyrot 1/3. Rare, good very fine.





726 Flavius Victor (387-388), Siliqua, Mediolanum, AD 387-388; AR (g 1,44; mm 17; h 12); D N FL VIC TOR P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VIRTVS RO MANORVM, Roma enthroned facing, head l., holding globus and spear; MDPS. RIC IX 19b; C 6Ac. Rare. Old cabinet tone, extremely fine – good extremely fine.




727 Honorius (393-423), Solidus, Ravenna, AD 402-406; AV (g 4,47; mm 20; h 12); D N HONORI VS P F AVG, Pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORI A AVGGG, Honorius standing r., foot on captive, holding labarum and Victory on globe; R-V//COMOB. RIC 1287; Depeyrot 7/1. About extremely fine.





728 Theodosius II (408-450), Light Miliarense, Constantinopolis, AD 408-420; AR (G 4,29; mm 24; h 12); D N THEODO – SIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust l., Rv. GLORIA – ROMANORVM, Theodosius, nimbate, standing facing, head l., holding globe and raising hand; on l., *; in ex. CON. RIC X 370; MIRB 61a; C 20a. Old cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


From the M. A. Armstrong Collection; ex Sotheby’s, 9 October 1995, lot 342.




729 Galla Placidia, daughter of Theodosius I and wife of Constantius III, Solidus, Ravenna, AD 421-422; AV (g 4,32; mm 21; h 6); D N GALLA PLA CIDIA P F AVG, draped bust r., wearing pearl diadem, Chi-Rho on shoulder, Hand of God above, holding crown, Rv. SALVS REI PVBLICAE / R-V, Victory seated r. on cuirass, inscribing Chi-Rho on shield resting on her knee; COMOB. RIC 1333. Very rare, about extremely fine – extremely fine.


730 Leo I (457-474), Solidus, Constantinopolis, AD 457-468; AV (g 4,47; mm 20; h 6); D N LEO PE – RPET AVG, busto frontale corazzato, elmato e diademato, porta lancia e scudo, Rv. VICTORI – A AVGGG H, Vittoria stante verso s., sorregge una grande croce gemmata; nel campo a d., stella; in ex. CONOB. RIC 605. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


731 Leo I (457-474), Solidus, Constantinopolis, AD 457-468; AV (g 4,35; mm 20; h 12); D N LEO PE – RPET AVG, busto frontale corazzato, elmato e diademato, porta lancia e scudo, Rv. VICTORI – A AVGGG Γ, Vittoria stante verso s., sorregge una grande croce gemmata; nel campo a d., stella; in ex. CONOB. RIC 605. About extremely fine.



Great Migrations and the Romaioi 733



732 Merovingians, Solidus in the name of Anastasius, c. AD 500-580; AV (g 4,27; mm 20; h 6); D N ANASTA SIVS PP AVG, Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding spear and shield, Rv. VICTORI A AVGGGA, Victory standing l., holding long voided cross, star to r.; CONOB. MEC 343. Rare, ex jewelry, very fine. Ex D.T.M. Davis, 28 April 1933.


733 Merovingians, Tremissis, Austrasia: Domgermain (Meurthe-Moselle), c. AD 585-675; EL (g 1,30; mm 12; h 11); DOMN VEMIO, diademed bust r., Rv. +AVDERICV MONE, Cross potent on two steps within dotted border. Lafaurie, J & Pilet-Lemière, Cahiers Ernst-Babelon 8 Monnaies du haut moyen âge découvertes en France (V-VIII siècle), Cahiers Ernst-Babelon 8, Paris 2003. p. 227, 57.463.5; Depeyrot –; Belfort –; Prou –; MEC –. Extremely Rare, only the second specimen known, good very fine.


734 Merovingians, Tremissis in the name of Maurice Tiberius, Arelatum (Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône), c. AD 600-620; AV (g 1,25; mm 15; h 4); [D N ]MAVRI ooo IIVB PP P V, diademed and draped bust r., Rv. [VICAORI A]VTOAV around wreath enclosing cross potent; A-R across upper fields, V-II across lower fields, CONOB in exergue. G. Depeyrot, le numéraire mérovingien l’Iâge de l’or, IV, Wetteren 1998, p. 82, 8, (= pl. 28, 8); Belfort 273; Prou 1360a; Cf: J.P.C. Kent, 1975, Catalogue of the Sutton Hoo coins, blanks and billets, in R.L.S. Bruce-Mitford, ‘The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial’, I, no. 22. An example of this extremely rare issue from Arles was found amongst the 37 Merovingian coins in the celebrated 1939 Sutton Hoo treasure now in the British Museum, and helped to establish the burial date of the ship to the early decades of the 7th century AD. Very fine.




735 Ostrogoths, Athalaric (526-534), Solidus in the name of Justinian I, Rome, AD 526-527; AV (g 4,43; mm 22; h 6); D N IVSTINI ANVS P F AVG, Helmeted, diademed, and cuirassed bust facing slightly r., holding spear and shield, Rv. VICTORI A AVGGG, Victory standing l., holding jeweled cross; star to l.; A//COMOB. COI 34; MEC 1, 119. Rare, large flan, extremely fine – good extremely fine.


736 Ostrogoths, Athalaric (526-534), Tremissis in the name of Justinian I, Rome or Ravenna, AD 526-527; AV (g 1,45; mm 16; h 6); D N IVSTINI – ANVS PP AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing r., bust three quarters l., holding wreath and globe cruciger; on r., star; in ex. CONOB. Cfr. MEC 123-124. Rare, about extremely fine.


737 1,5:1


737 Ostrogoths, Baduila (541-552), Half Siliqua in the name of Anastasius I, Ticinum, AD 549-552; AR (g 0,69; mm 12; h 6); Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. D N/ BADV/ILΛ/ REX in four lines within wreath. Kraus 40; cf. MIB 62. Very rare, dark patina, extremely fine.



738 1,5:1


738 Visigoths, Tremissis in the name of Honorius, Uncertain mint of Gaul, 5th century AD; AV (g 1,48; mm 13; h 11); DN HONORI – PPSAV, draped and diademed bust of king r., Rv. Cross within laurel wreath; below, [CONOB]. MEC I, n. – (For the types, cfr. RIC X, pl. 78; MEC I, nn. 171-172). Extremely rare, about fdc.




739 Anastasius I (491-518), Tremissis, Constantinople, AD 492-518; AV (g 1,47; mm 15; h 6); D N ANASTA SIVS P P AVG, Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and globus cruciger; star to r.; CONOB. MIBE 13; DOC 10; S 8. Good very fine.


740 Justinus I (518-527), Solidus, Costantinople, AD 522-527; AV (g 4,45; mm 20; h 6); DNIVSTI-NVS PP AVC, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly r., holding spear and shield, decorated with horseman, Rv. VICTORI – A AVCCC Γ, Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globe cruciger; at r., star. In ex., CONOB. DOC 2; Sear 56. Good very fine.




741 Justinian I (527-565), Solidus, Carthage, AD 534-545; AV (g 4,46; mm 18; h 6); D N IVSTINI – ANVS PP AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger and decorated shield, Rv. VICTORI – A AVGGG I, angel standing facing, holding Staurogramstaff and globe cruciger; on r., star, in ex. CONOB. DOC 277e; S 250. Very rare, about extremely fine.


742 Justinian I (527-565), Tremissis, Ravenna, AD 540-565; AV (g 1,40; mm 17; h 6); D N IVSTINI – ANVS PP AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger; on r., star; in ex. CONOB. DOC –; S 312d; Ranieri 328. Rare. Dot on edge, good very fine.







Justinus II (565-578), 250 Nummus, Ravenna, AD 565-578; AR (g 0,72; mm 12; h 6); D N IVSTI – NVS PP AV, bust r. diademed and draped r.; Rv. Large C N in a wreath. DOC 213; Sear 411. Cabinet tone, good extremely fine.


744 Maurice Tiberius (582-602), Solidus, Antioch, AD 582-602; AV (g 4,38; mm 21; h 7); oN mAVRC – TIb PP AVI, helmeted, cuirassed and draped bust facing, holding globe cruciger and decorated shield, Rv. VICTORI – [A A]VGG Γ, angel standing facing, holding Staurogramstaff and globe cruciger; in ex. CONOB. DOC 149a; S 524. Good very fine.






745 Maurice Tiberius (582-602), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 583-602; AV (g 4,28; mm 22; h 6); D N MAVRC TIB P P AVG, Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger; star to r., Rv. VICTORI A AVGG, Angel standing facing, holding holding globus cruciger and long staff surmounted by staurogram; star to R.; I//CONOB. MIBE 11; DOC 150d (Antioch); S 481. Good very fine.


746 Maurice Tiberius (582-602), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 583-601; AV (g 4,36; mm 21; h 6); oN mAVRC – TIb PP AVI, helmeted, cuirassed and draped bust facing, holding globe cruciger and decorated shield, Rv. VICTORI – A AVGG S, angel standing facing, holding Staurogramstaff and globe cruciger; in ex. CONOB. DOC 5f; S 478. Good very fine.


747 Maurice Tiberius (582-602), Solidus, Ravenna, AD 583-602; AV (g 4,46; mm 21; h 6); D N MAVRI TIb PP AVG, Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger, Rv. VICTORI A AVGG R, Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger and staff surmounted by staurogram; B//CONOB. MIBE 38; cf. DOC 285; S. 589. Very rare, about extremely fine.




748 Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine (610-641), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 613-616; AV (g 4,44; mm 21; h 6); dd NN hεRACLIyS εT hεRA CONST PP AV[…], crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine facing, wearing chlamys; above cross, Rv. VICTORIA – AVGy ε, cross potent on three steps; below, CONOB. DOC 9a; S 736. About extremely fine – extremely fine.


749 Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas (610-641), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 632-635; AV (g 4,34; mm 21; h 5); Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas standing facing, each holding globus cruciger; cross to upper l., Rv. VICTORIA AVGЧ Γ, cross potent on three steps; monogram in r. field; CONOB. MIB 39; DOC 33; S 758. Minor flattening, anyway good extremely fine.250




750 Constans II (641-668), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 641-647; AV (g 4,32; mm 21; h 7); D N CONSTAN TINVS PP AV, Crowned and draped bust facing, holding globus cruciger, Rv. VICTORIA AVGV, Cross potent set on three steps; Z//CONOBK. MIB 4; DOC 2d (Heraclonas); S 937. Very rare, extremely fine.


751 Constans II (641-668), Tremissis, Syracuse, AD 645-649; AV (g 1,27, mm 13, h 6); dNCONStAN – tINuS PP AV, diademed and draped bust r., Rv. VICTORIA AVgy three pellets, cross potent on base; at r., Y, in ex., CONOB . DOC 175 var.; Sear 1102. Scarce, good very fine.


This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.





752 Constans II with Constantine IV (641-668), Solidus, Carthage, AD 641-668; AV (g 4,37; mm 12; h 6); DN CONSTANTI[…], Facing busts of Constans and Constantine IV, Rv. VICTORIA, Cross potent on three steps; IΓ/CONOB. MIB 66; DOC 118; S 1039. Extremely fine.


753 Constantine IV with Heraclius and Tiberius (668-685), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 668-673; AV (g 4,44; mm 21; h 7); DN CONST ANUS PP, Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bearded bust facing slightly r., holding spear over shoulder and shield, Rv. Cross potent on three steps; Heraclius and Tiberius, each crowned and holding long cross, standing facing to either side; H//CONOB. MIB 4C; DOC 6g; S 1153. About extremely fine.


754 Constantine IV with Heraclius and Tiberius (668-685), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 674-681; AV (g 4,31; mm 18; h 6); D N CON – t – AN[…], cuirassed bust facing, wearing helmet with crest and plume and holding spear and shield, decorated with horseman, Rv. VICTOA – A – VgyS, standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius facing, wearing clamys and holding globe cruciger; between them, cross potent on three steps; below, CONOB. DOC 10e; S 1156. About extremely fine – extremely fine.




755 Justinian II (First reign, 685-695), Solidus, Syracuse (?), AD 685-695; AV (g 4,35; mm 20; h 5); DN ISTINI ANUS PE AV, Crowned facing bust, wearing slight beard and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger, Rv. VICTORIA AVSUS A, Cross potent set on three steps; CONOB. MIB –; DOC –; S 1320 (Uncertain Italian mint). Very rare, extremely fine.


756 Leontius (695-698), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 695-698; AV (g 4,38; mm 19; h 6); D LEO N PP AV, Crowned bust facing, wearing loros, holding mappa and globus cruciger, Rv. VICTORIA AVGV, Cross potent set on three steps; I//CONOB. MIB 1; DOC (1i); S 1330. Rare, good extremely fine.





757 Tiberius III Apsimar (698-705), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 698-705; AV (g 4,42; mm 20; h 6); D TIbERI VS PE AV, Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear and shield decorated with soldier on horseback motif, Rv. VICTORIA AVGV, Cross potent set upon three steps; Δ//CONOB. MIB 1; DOC 1c; S 1360. Bright and choice, featuring a nice strike and lovely lustrous surfaces, fdc.






758 Justinian II (Second reign, 705-711), Semissis, Syracuse, AD 705-711; AV (g 1,36; mm 13; h 6); blundered legend, crowned and draped bust facing, holding globus cruciger, Rv. Blundered legend, cross potent. S 1288. Very rare, extremely fine.


759 Philippicus (711-713), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 711-713; AV (g 4,44; mm 19; h 6); D N FILEPICVS […], Crowned bust facing, wearing loros, holding globus cruciger and eagle-tipped sceptre surmounted by cross, Rv. VICTORIA AVGV, Cross potent set on three steps; E//CONOB. MIB 1; DOC 1e; S 1447. Good extremely fine.


760 Anastasius II (713-715), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 713-715; AV (g 4,45; mm 20; h 6); DN ARTEMIUS A NASTASIU MUL AN, facing bust with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, holding globus cruciger and akakia, Rv. VICTORIA AVSU, cross potent on three steps; H/CONOB. MIB 2; DOC 2g; S 1463. Graffito on reverse, anyway good extremely fine.


Ex Fritz Rudolf Künker, Auction 112 (20 June 2006), lot 1050.



761 Leo III (717-741), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 735-741; AV (g 4,38; mm 20; h 6); Dn LεO – N PAM[…], crowned bust facing of Leo III, wearing chlamys, holding globe cruciger and akakia, Rv. CONSt – […]M, crowned bust facing of Constantine V, wearing chlamys, holding globe cruciger and akakia. DOC 5.5; S 1504. Extremely fine.


762 Constantine V with Leo III (741-775), Tremissis, Syracuse, AD 741-775; AV (g 1,16; mm 12; h 6); Crowned facing bust of Leo, wearing slight beard and chlamys, and holding akakia and globus cruciger, Rv. Crowned facing bust of Constantine, wearing chlamys and holding akakia and cross potent. DOC 17; S 1567. Good very fine.






763 Nicephoros I (802-811), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 803- 811; AV (g 4,45; mm 20; h 6); nICI – FOROS bASILE’, crowned bust facing, wearing chlamys, holding cross potent and akakia, Rv. STAVRA – CIS dESPO X, crowned bust Stauracius facing, wearing chlamys, holdin globe cruciger in r. hand akakia in l. hand. DOC 2; Sear 1604. Rare, extremely fine.


Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 88 (14 September 2011), lot 1715.

764 Theophilus (829-842), Tremissis, Syracuse, AD 830-831; AV (g 1,20; mm 10; h 6); ΘEO FILOS bA, Crowned facing bust, wearing loros, holding cross potent in r. hand; star at start of legend, Rv. ΘEO FILOS bA, Crowned facing bust, wearing chlamys, holding globus cruciger in right hand. DOC 20; S 1679. About fdc.




765 Basil I with Constantine (867-886), Solidus, Constantinople, AD 871-886; AV (g 4,47; mm 19; h 7); + IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM, Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing; star at end of legend, Rv. bASILIOS ET CONSTANT AVGGb, Crowned facing busts of Basil, wearing loros, and Constantine, wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them. DOC 2c; S 1704. Extremely fine.




766 Michael VII (1071-1078), Histamenon nomisma (scyphate), Constantinople, AD 1071-1078; EL (g 4,34; mm 31; h 6); Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cr., pallium and colobium, and raising r. hand in benediction; in l. hand book of Gospels; to l. IC; to r. XC., Rv. +MIXAHA RACIA, bust facing, beraded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum and globus cruciger; double border. DOC 2; BN 1-10; BMC 2-10; Sear 1868. About extremely fine.


767 Alexius I (1081-1118), Hyperperon, Constantinople, AD 1092-1118; AV (g 4,24; mm 30; h 6); + KE RO – HθEI, figure of Christ enthroned facing, wearing stola and kolobion, r.hand raised in blessing, holding Gospels; in field, IC – XC, Rv. ΑΛεΞΙω – Τω ΚοΜΝΗΝω, full-lenght figure of emeperor standing, wearing divitision and chlamys, holding labarum and globe cruciger; above, manus Dei. Handy pl. 4, n. 3; S 1913. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


743 2:1

738 2:1 757 2:1


Middle Ages and Modern Times



768 The Carolingians, Charlemagne (768-814), Denier, Bourges, 793-812; AR (g 1,60; mm 21); +CARLVS REX FR, cross, Rv. +BITVRICAS, around KRLS in monogr. MEC 739. Very rare, toned, about extremely fine.


769 The Carolingians, Charlemagne (768-814), Denier, Milan, 793-812; AR (g 1,52; mm 20); +CARLVS REX FR, cross, Rv. +MEDIOL, around KRLS in monogr. MEC 739. Rare, toned, about extremely fine.




770 The Carolingians, Charlemagne (768-814), Denier, Pavia, 793-812; AR (g 1,57; mm 21); +CARLVS REX FR, cross, Rv. +PAPIA, around KRLS in monogr. MEC 744-745. Lightly toned, minor flan cracks, good very fine.


771 Abbasid Caliphate, Umar ibn al-‘Alā (771-782), Hemidrachm, Tabaristan, 776; AR (g 1,95; mm 23); Crowned Sasanian-style bust r.; behind, in Pahlavi, “May xvarrah increase”; before, in Pahlavi, “Umar ibn al-‘Alā”, Rv. Fire altar with attendants flanking; flanking flames, star and crescent. Malek 77. Rare and lustrous, fdc.




772 House of Hohenstaufen, Henry VI (1191-1197), Tarí, Amalfi, summer 1194; EL (g 9,79; mm 25); HEINRICVS SEXTVS, crowned bust facing, with sceptre in r. hand; in r. field, star, Rv. + ROMAN6 IMPATR, cross with pellet at each end. Sambon Repertorio 1096. CNI 1-3. MEC 14, 476. Exceedingly rare, only very few specimens known. Reddish tone and very fine. 773 House of Hohenstaufen, Frederick II (1198–1250), Augustale, Brindisi, after 1231; AV (g 5,28; mm 18; h 6); CESAR AVG IMP ROM, laureate and draped bust of Frederick II r., Rv. + FRIDERICVS, eagle standing l., with open wings and head r. Kowalski H 34 B 5; Spahr 100; MEC XIV, 516. Good very fine – about extremely fine. Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 166 (18 March 2008), lot 4032.







774 House of Hohenstaufen, Frederick II (1198–1250), Augustale, Messina, after 1231; AV (g 5,27; mm 22; h 7); CESAR AVG IMP ROM, laureate and draped bust of Frederick II r., Rv. + FRIDERICVS, eagle standing l., with open wings and head r. Kowalski V 3 A 52; Spahr 98; MEC XIV, 514-515. Very rare variant (double dotted border) and a very nice couple of dies; flan crack, anyway extremely fine. Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 148 (8 March 2006), lot 4318.



775 House of Hohenstaufen, Frederick II (1198–1250), Augustale, Messina, after 1231; AV (g 5,28; mm 18; h 6); CESAR AVG IMP ROM, laureate and draped bust of Frederick II r., Rv. + FRIDERICVS, eagle standing l., with open wings and head r. Kowalski, Gruppo A, 4; Spahr 98; MEC XIV, 514-515. Struck from rusted dies and ex-jewelry, good very fine.



Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 64 (24 September 2003), lot 1544.

776 House of Hohenstaufen, Frederick II (1198–1250), Augustale, Messina, after 1231; AV (g 5,30; mm 18; h 6); CESAR AVG IMP ROM, laureate and draped bust of Frederick II r., Rv. + FRIDERICVS, eagle standing l., with open wings and head r. Spahr 98; MEC XIV, 514-515. Good very fine.


778 777 1,5:1


777 House of Hohenstaufen, Conrad I (1250-1254), Multiple of Tarì, Messina, 1250-1254; AV (g 7,68; mm 18; h 12); + R CONRADVS, eagle standing l., with head r. and open wings; around, pseudo legend, Rv. Cross; at sides, IC XC NI KA; below, two stars; around, double linear circle and pseudo legend. Spahr 151; MEC XIV, 576. Extremely rare and among the finest specimens known; toned and about extremely fine.


778 House of Valois-Anjou, Charles I (1266-1285), Multiple of Tarì, Messina, 1266-1282; AV (g 4,46; mm 14; h 3); + K DEI GRACIA, horseman galloping r., Rv. + REX SICILIE, cross; at sides, IC CX NI KA, below, pellets. Spahr 16; Biaggi 1284. Extremely rare and about extremely fine.


Ex Munzen & Medaillen AG Basel, 1987, lot 207; formerly in the Martorana collection.



779 House of Valois-Anjou, Philip VI of Valois (1328-1350), Angel d’or, Paris, 1328-1350; AV (g 5,80; mm 32; h 10); PhILIPPVS D – GRA FRA REX, Archangel Michael standing facing holding long cross and coat of arms of France; above, Gothic arc; below, defeated dragon, Rv. XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT, cross fleurée, all within quadrilobe; around, four crowns. Duplessy 255A. Rare, extremely fine.




780 House of Valois-Anjou, Philip VI of Valois (1328-1350), Chaise d’or, Paris, from 17 July 1346; AV (g 4,68; mm 31; h 8); +PҺILIPPVS DЄI GRΛCIΛ FRΛnCORVM RЄX, the king seated on elaborate gothic throne facing, holding sceptre surmounted by Hand of Justice and lis-tipped, Rv. +XPC VInCIT XPC RЄGИAT XPC IMPЄRΛT, arched cross fleurée, all within arches. Duplessy 258; Ciani 292. About extremely fine.


781 House of Valois-Anjou, Henry VI of England (1422-1453), Salut d’or, Paris, from 6 September 1423; AV (g 3,50; mm 27; h 1); (Crown) hЄИRICVS DЄI GRA FRACORV Ƶ AGLIЄ RЄX, Gabriel’s Annunciation to the Virgin Mary above French and English coats of arms, Rv. (crown) XPC * VIИCIT * XPC * RЄGNΛT * XPC * IMPЄRΛT, Latin cross within arches; on l., lis; on r., leopard; below, h. Duplessy 443A. Good very fine.




782 Albania, Zog I (1925-1939), 20 Franga, Rome, 1927; AV (g 6,47; mm 21); Fr. 2. Toned, extremely fine. 783 Albania, Zog I (1925-1939), 100 Franga, Rome, 1938; AV (g 32,27; mm 35); Fr. 15. Only 500 pieces struck. Toned and extremely fine.


250 2.000


784 Austria, Jean-Ernest (1687-1709), Thaler, Salzbourg, 1706; AR (g 29,19; mm 42); The Virgin facing, holding Holy Child and sceptre, over coat-of-arms, Rv. St. Rupert standing facing, holding globe and pastoral; coat-of-arms before. Dav. 1234. Cabinet tone, about extremely fine – extremely fine.



785 Austria, Franz Joseph I (1848-1916), 100 Corona, 1915; AV (g 33,88; mm 37); KM 2819. Good extremely fine.



786 Bolivia, Carlos IV (King of Spain, 1788-1808), 8 Escudos, Potosi 1806; AV (g 27,01; mm 37); Cal. 89. Good very fine.



787 Brazil, Joao V (King of Portugal, 1706-1750), Dobra, Minas Gerais, 1729; AV (g 34,55 with gold frame; mm 36); KM 148. Good very fine – about extremely fine.




788 Brazil, Joao V (King of Portugal, 1706-1750), Peรงa, Rio de Janeiro, 1744; AV (g 14,20; mm 31); Fr. 46. Extremely fine.


790 789

789 Brazil, Peter II (1831-1889), 20.000 Reis, Rio de Janeiro, 1856; AV (g 17,89; mm 30); Fr. 121. About extremely fine.


790 Brazil, Republic (1889-1930), 10.000 Reis, 1901; AV (g 8,83; mm 22); Fr. 125. Fine.



791 Chile, Carlos III (King of Spain, 1759-1788), 8 Escudos, Santiago, 1778; AV (g 26,91; mm 37); Cal. 228. Good very fine.



792 Chile, Carlos IV (King of Spain, 1788-1808), 8 Escudos, Santiago, 1796; AV (g 27,06; mm 36); Cal. 155. Good very fine.




793 Chile, Carlos IV (King of Spain, 1788-1808), 8 Escudos, Santiago, 1798; AV (g 27,01; mm 37); Cal. 157. Good very fine – about extremely fine.





794 China, Republic, Gold Dollar, Tientsin, 1921; AV (g 35,77; mm 39); 3/4 facing bust of President Hsu Shih-chang, Rv. Entrance to Pavilion in circle, Legend above reading, in Chinese characters, “”Chinese Republic, 10th Year, 9th month,”” legend below in Chinese characters, “”Commemorative Coin””. Fr. –; Kann 1570. Issued to commemorate General Hsu Shih-Chang’s succession to the office of President, albeit three years late in the striking. A stunning example, with no significant flaws. The shimmering luster is bright, and the patina a vibrant golden color, with fields that display abundant reflectivity; about fdc. 10.000


795 China – Taiwan, Republic, 1.000 Yuan, 1976; AV (g 31,21; mm 33); KM-XM 630. For the 90th Birthday of Chiang Kai-shek; good extremely fine.





796 Colombia, Carlos III (King of Spain, 1759-1788), 8 Escudos, Santa Fe de Nuevo Reino, 1782; AV (g 27,01; mm 36); Cal. 186. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


797 Colombia, Carlos IV (King of Spain, 1788-1808), 8 Escudos, Popayan, 1790; AV (g 26,99; mm 37); Cal. 67. Good very fine – about extremely fine.




798 Colombia, Fernando VII (King of Spain, 1808-1833), 8 Escudos, Santa Fe de Nuevo Reino, 1814; AV (g 32,02 with gold frame; mm 36); Cal. 103. Good very fine – about extremely fine.


799 Cuba, Republic, 5 Pesos, 1916; AV (g 8,38; mm 21); KM 20. Toned, extremely fine.




800 Egypt, Abdul Hamid II (1876-1909), 500 Piaster, 1876; AV (g 42,51; mm 37); Fr. 17. Extremely fine.


801 Egypt, Fuad I (1917-1936), 500 Piastres, 1922; AV (g 42,48; mm 37); KM 342. Minor marks on obverse, anyway extremely fine.




802 Egypt, Republic, 5 Pounds, 1958; AV (g 42,45; mm 37); Fr. 41. Extremely fine – good extremely fine.



803 Egypt, United Arab Republic, 10 Pounds, 1964; AV (g 51,99; mm 40); KM 409. Good extremely fine.



804 Ethiopia, Menelik II (1889-1913), Fantasy Gold Talari, 1897; AV (g 38,01; mm 40); KM X1. Fdc.



805 France, Louis XVIII (1815-1824), Medal ‘Refus d’abdication de Louis XVIII à Varsovie’ (opus: F. Andrieu and Dir. De Puymaurin), 1803; AR (g 82,24; mm 50); Trésor – . Very rare in silver, iridescent tone, good extremely fine.




806 France, Napoleon III (1852-1870), 100 Francs, Paris, 1866; AV (g 32,24; mm 35; h 6); Gad. 1136. Rare. Some scratches, anyway extremely fine.



807 France, Napoleon III (1852-1870), Contemporary Imitation 20 Francs, Paris, 1866; Platinum (g 6,36; mm 21); Gad. 1062, nt. 2. About extremely fine.



808 Germany, Federal Republic, 10 Dukaten Medal commemoring the return of Saarland in the Federal Germany, 1957; AV (g 34,95; mm 50); Struck by the Bayerisches HauptmĂźnzamt (Munich). Fdc.




809 Great Britain, George V (1910-1936), 5 Pounds, London, 1911; AV (g 39,94; mm 36); S 3994. Good extremely fine.


810 Great Britain, George V (1910-1936), 5 Pounds, London, 1911; AV (g 38,80; mm 36); S 3994. About extremely fine.




811 Great Britain, George V (1910-1936), 2 Pounds, London, 1911; AV (g 15,96; mm 28); S 3995. Good extremely fine.



812 Greece, Medal for the Intercalated Olympic Games, Athens, 1906; AR (g 59,28; mm 51); Unpublished in the standard references. Very rare. Iridescent tone, minor dot on edge, anyway good extremely fine.




813 Hungary, Maria Theresa (1745-1765), Ducat, Kremnitz, 1765; AV (g 3,48; mm 22); Fr. 180. Extremely fine – good extremely fine.


814 India, Mughal Empire, Mohur, 16th century; AV (g 10,75; mm 20). About extremely fine.




815 India, Mughal Empire, Taimur Shah (1772-1793), Mohur, Shahjahanabad (Delhi); AV (g 10,86; mm 20). Good very fine.


816 India, Bengal Presidency (1651-1835), Half Mohur, Murshidabad (Calcutta), 1793-1807; AV (g 5,15; mm 23); KM 112. About extremely fine.




817 India, Private issue (Manilal Chimanlal & Co), Bombay, 5 Tolas; AV (g 58,34; mm 37). About extremely fine.


820 819

819 Iran, Pahlavi Dynasty (1925-1979), 5 Pahlavi, Theran, 1960; AV (g 40,71; mm 40); Mohammad Reza Shah. KM 1164. Extremely fine.


820 Iran, Pahlavi Dynasty (1925-1979), 2 – 1/2 Pahlavi, Theran, 1976; AV (g 20,30; mm 30); Mohammad Reza Shah. KM 1201. Good extremely fine.




821 Iran, Pahlavi Dynasty (1925-1979), 10 Pahlavi, Theran, 1976; AV (g 81,43; mm 49); Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Pahlavi Dynasty. KM 1210. Extremely fine.


822 Israel, Republic, 100 Lirot for the 20th Anniversary of Independence / Unification of Jerusalem, 1968; AV (g 25,02; mm 33); KM 52. Good extremely fine.



824 823

823 Israel, Private issue, Medal for the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948, c. 1960; AV (g 24,86; mm 37); KM –. About fdc.


824 Japan, Mutsuhito (1867-1912), 10 Yen, Osaka, 1909 (year 42 of Meiji Ära); AV (g 8,27; mm 21); Fr. 51. About extremely fine.




825 Mexico, Carlos III (King of Spain, 1759-1788), 8 Escudos, Mexico City, 1782; AV (g 26,97; mm 37); Cal. 15. About extremely fine.


826 Mexico, Fernando VII (King of Spain, 1808-1833), 8 Escudos, Mexico City, 1809; AV (g 27,01; mm 36); Cal. 44. Good very fine – about extremely fine.




827 Monaco (Principality), Albert I (1889-1922), 100 Francs, Paris, 1895; AV (g 32,28; mm 35); Fr. 13. Minor scratches on obverse, good very fine. 828 Nepal, Shah Dynasty, Pratap Simha (1775-1777), Mohar, 1774; AV (g 11,44; mm 29); KM 480. Good extremely fine.




829 Peru, Carlos IV (King of Spain, 1788-1808), 8 Escudos, Lima, 1801; AV (g 26,95; mm 35); Cal. 19. Good very fine.




830 Peru, Republic, 20 Soles, Lima, 1863; AV (g 32,29; mm 35); KM 194. Good very fine.



831 Portugal, João V (1706-1750), 4000 Reis, 1721; AV (g 10,70; mm 30); Crowned arms, vertical value at l., Rv. Jerusalem cross with quatrefoils in angles. KM 184. Good very fine – about extremely fine.



832 Romania, Carol I (1866-1914), 50 Lei for the 40th Anniversary of Reign, 1906; AV (g 16,12; mm 40); KM 39. About extremely fine.



833 Romania, Carol I (1866-1914), 50 Lei for the 40th Anniversary of Reign, 1906; AV (g 16,12; mm 40); KM 39. About extremely fine.



835 834

834 Romania, Ferdinand I (1914-1927), 50 Lei, 1922; AV (g 16,11; mm 40); Fr. 11. Extremely fine.


835 Russia, Alexander I (1801-1825), 5 Roubles, Saint-Petersbourg, 1823; AV (g 6,51; mm 22); Bitkin 22. Good extremely fine.



836 Russia, Alexander II (1855-1881), Medal on his Coronation (opus: A. Lyalin and M. Kuchkin), 1856; AV (g 98,30; mm 51); Diakov 653.1. Very rare, brilliant golden luster with a nice strike, good extremely fine.


Алекса́ндр II Николаевич. Золотая медаль 1856. На коронацию. Штемпель А.Лялина и М.Кучкина. Реверс. Двуглавый орел с коронами с гербом на груди. 98,30 г. Дьяков 653.1. Очень редкая. Состояние отличное.



837 Russia, Alexander III (1881-1894), 5 Roubles, Saint-Petersbourg, 1889; AV (g 6,45; mm 21); Bitkin 34. Good very fine.


838 Russia, Nicholas II (1894-1917), 15 Roubles, Saint-Petersbourg, 1897; AV (g 12,90; mm 24); KM 65.2. Extremely fine.




839 Russia, Nicholas II (1894-1917), 10 Roubles, Saint-Petersbourg, 1903; AV (g 8,58; mm 22); Bitkin 11. About extremely fine.


840 Russia, Nicholas II (1894-1917), 5 Roubles, Saint-Petersbourg, 1899; AV (g 4,27; mm 18); Bitkin 24. Good very fine – about extremely fine.





841 Spain, Carlos III (1759-1788), 4 Escudos, Madrid, 1782; AV (g 13,42; mm 29); Cal. 308. Toned, extremely fine.


842 Spain, Carlos III (1759-1788), 4 Escudos, Madrid, 1785; AV (g 13,48; mm 29); Cal. 310. Good very fine – about extremely fine.




843 Spain, Carlos IV (1788-1808), 4 Escudos, Madrid, 1803; AV (g 13,37; mm 29); Cal. 207. About extremely fine.


844 Spain, Isabel II (1833-1868), 10 Escudos, Madrid, 1865; AV (g 8,37; mm 22); Cal. 43. Extremely fine.




845 Spain, Isabel II (1833-1868), Medal; AV (g 2,90; mm 18); Unpublished in the standard references. Extremely fine.


846 Thailand, 300 Baht commemorating the 36th birthday of Queen Sirikit, 1968; AV (g 15,25; mm 27); Fr. 28. About fdc.


847 848

847 Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid II (1876-1909), 500 Kurush, c. 1877-1878; AV (g 35,75; mm 34); KM 727. About extremely fine.


848 Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Mahmud V (1909-1918), 250 Kurush, 1909; AV (g 16,88; mm 44); Fr. 65. Looped, about extremely fine.



850 1,5:1



849 Turkey, Republic, 250 Kurus, 1926; AV (g 36,01; mm 34); Fr. 80. Extremely fine.



850 United States of America, 1 Dollar, 1853; AV (g 1,65; mm 13); KM 73. Very fine.


851 United States of America, 3 Dollars, 1857; AV (g 5,00; mm 20); KM 84. Good very fine – about extremely fine


853 852 1,5:1


1,5:1 1,5:1

852 United States of America, 1 Dollar, 1862; AV (g 1,66; mm 15); KM 86. Good extremely fine.


853 United States of America, 1/4 Dollar, California, 1873; AV (g 0,15; mm 10); KM 6.2. Extremely fine – good extremely fine.





854 United States of America, 20 Dollars, San Francisco, 1899; AV (g 33,38; mm 34); Fr. 178. Very fine – good very fine.


855 United States of America, 20 Dollars, Philadelphia, 1924; AV (g 33,42; mm 34); Fr. 185. Extremely fine.


856 United States of America, 20 Dollars, Philadelphia, 1924; AV (g 33,44; mm 34); Fr. 185. About extremely fine.




857 Venezuela, Banco Italo – Venezolano, series of 14 gold coins commemorating “Caciques de Venezula”, 1955; AV (total g 310,8; each mm 30); Manaure, Guaicamacuto, Murachi, Paramaconi, Naiguatà, Mara, Yoraco, Arichuna, Urimare, Paramacay, Tiuna, Chicuramay, Tamanaco, Terepaima. Each proof-like and uncirculated.




858 Venezuela, Banco Italo – Venezolano, series of 17 gold coins commemorating “Chiefs in the Second War”, 1957; AV (total g 377,4; each mm 30); Mussolini, Tito, De Gaulle, Chiang Kai-Shek, Tojo, Mackenzie King, Montgomery, Churchill, Rommel, Mac Arthur, Stalin, Truman, Vittorio Emanuele III, Petain, Hitler, Roosevelt, Eisenhower. Each proof-like and uncirculated.



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