Auction 25

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AUCTION 25 ANTIQUITIES London, 24th June 2016

Auction 25 Antiquities

London, 24th June 2016 Royal opera Arcade Gallery 5b Pall Mall London sW1Y 4uY Auctions times 24th June (h.3:00pm – 7:00pm, GMt+1) Viewing times 20th-23rd June (h.10:00am – 7:00pm, GMt+1)

Important information for buyers - Auction 25 - the lots are definitely awarded in the auction room on 24th June 2016 - All estimates are in PounD sterling - the lots are available for viewing at “the Royal opera Arcade (RoA) Gallery” in 5B Pall Mall London sW1Y 4uY, united Kingdom from 20th to 23st June 2016 from 10:00am GMt+1 to 7:00pm GMt+1. - the offers may be made through our websites (, or the-saleroom (, invaluable (, LiveAuctioneers (www., by fax, email, phone or directly to the offices of Bertolami Fine Arts. offers made by email, by fax and through our website or website above mentioned, can be received until 13:00 hrs GMt+1 of 24 June, 2016. - the minimum acceptable bid for each lot is the starting price shown in our website, lower bids will not be taken into consideration. - in the event of matching bids on the same lots, the earliest bid will take precedence. - in the case of only one bid on a lot, the lot will awarded at the opening price. (e.g. if the opening price is £ 1.000 and the only bid offered is £ 1.500, the lot will be awarded at £ 1000). - in the case of multiple bids on the same lot, it will be awarded to the highest bidder. the calculation of the offer will be made at predetermined increments (view “Predetermined increase”) added to the bid immediately lower than the highest received. (e.g. if the opening price is £ 1.000 and customer (A) offers £ 1,270 while customer (B) offers £ 1,800, the lot will be awarded to customer (B) at £ 1,370 (i.e. with a predetermined increment of £ 100 over the immediate lower bid of £ 1,270). - the realized sale prices list will be published on the Bertolami Fine Arts website within five days of adjudication. - Payment for the purchased lots may be made by the following methods: - Bank cheque or cashier’s check in favour of Bertolami Fine Arts LtD with surcharge of £ 10 for foreign checks - Direct bank transfers in euro may be made to Bertolami Fine Arts LtD with surcharge of £ 10 for outside european Bank transfer: Barclays, iBAn: GB59BARc20577690199966 – Account nr. 90199966 - sWiFt/Bic: BARcGB22 - credit card (VisA and Mastercard) and PayPal are subject to a 3,5% surcharge on the total amount due; - Payment of purchased items must be made within than 10 days from receipt of the invoice. if the invoice has not been paid within 30 days of the pro-forma invoice date, the interest will be charged at 1% monthly. -import costs for countries which require formal import requirements, will be charged to the buyer. in the case of unjustified contestation, by which the coins are returned to Bertolami Fine Arts, any customs and courier costs will be payable by the buyer.

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Informazioni sull’asta 25 - i lotti verranno aggiudicati definitivamente in sala durante l’asta che si svolgerà il 24 Giugno 2016 - tutte le stime sono in sterline inglesi - tutti i lotti saranno visibili direttamente presso “the Royal opera Arcade (RoA) Gallery” in 5B Pall Mall – 1-2 Royal opera Arcade, Londra sW1Y 4uY, Regno unito dal 20 al 23 Giugno 2016 dalle ore 10:00am GMt+1 alle ore 7:00pm GMt+1. - Le offerte potranno essere effettuate attraverso il nostro sito ( o il portale sixbid (, the-saleroom (, invaluable (, LiveAuctioneers (www., via fax, via email, telefonicamente o direttamente presso le sedi di Bertolami Fine Arts. Le offerte via email, via fax, attraverso il nostro sito o i vari portali potranno essere effettuate sino alle ore 13:00 GMt+1 del 24 Giugno 2016.

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Amount offer £ 0-200 201-500 501-1.000 1.001-2.000 2.001-5.000 5.001-10.000 10.001-20.000 20.001-30.000 30.001-50.000 50.001-over

Predetermined increase £ 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 2500 5000




1 terracotta statuette of a kore in daedalic style Greek, 2nd half of 7th century BC height cm 6 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 250 2

2 Head of a terracotta kore in daedalic style Greek, 2nd half of 7th century BC height cm 6 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 150 - 200 11

3 Head of a terracotta kore in daedalic style Greek, 2nd half of 7th century BC height cm 6 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 150


4 Head of a terracotta kore in daedalic style Greek, 2nd half of 7th century BC height cm 8 (3’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 150


5 terracotta statuette of a kore in daedalic style Greek, 2nd half of 7th century BC height cm 11 (5’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 150 - 200




6 antefix in tHe sHape of male Head Magna Graecia, End of 6th century BC height cm 18 (7’’) Templar architectural terracotta. Very Rare and collectible specimen. Traces of Polychrome. REFERENCES:

Riemer R. Knoop, Antefixa Satricana, Assen 1987, p. 102, n. 31; T. Ceccarini et alii (ed by.), Museo Civico di Velletri, Rome 1989, n. 2, tav. 75. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 500 - 700



7 terracotta tanagra style female figure Magna Graecia (Canusium), 3rd-2nd century BC height cm 15 (6’’) Statuette of a woman, her right arm raised, the left arm lowered, hair pulled back into a chignon. Highly refined and detailed. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 1.500 - 2.000



8 terracotta tanagra style female bust Magna Graecia (Kentoripa), 3rd-2nd century BC height cm 19 (3’’); length cm 14 (2’’) A female bust with himation, head turned on the right and hair in a high chignon; wears fines earrings and a tight necklace. Intact. Highly refined and detailed. PROVENANCE:

From an UK private Collection, before 1930.

£ 1.000 - 1.200


9 VotiVe female Head Magna Graecia, 3rd - 2nd century BC height cm 14 (6’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 200 - 250


10 a special VotiVe male bust 5th century BC height cm 7 (3’’) A male figure with swollen left cheek. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 150


11 VotiVe female Head 3rd-2nd century BC height cm 5 (2’’) A female head moulded with pileus and rounded rings. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art marked.

£ 100 - 150



13 a beautiful fragmentary campana relief 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 24 (9’’) Part of a terracotta slab with a male figure depicted from behind, head in profile, probably relating to the myth of Meleager and the calydonian boar. REFERENCES:

T. Ceccarini et alii (ed. by), Museo Civico di Velletri, Roma 1989, p. 108, n. 3, tav. 28. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000 12

12 VotiVe etruscan womb 4th -3rd century BC length cm 12 (5’’) REFERENCES:

T. Ceccarini et alii (ed. by), Museo Civico di Velletri, Roma 1989, p. 102, n. 27, tav. 26.6. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 200



VESSELS AND LAMPS 14 a large VillanoVan impasto kyatHos End of 8th century BC height cm 22 (9’’); diam. cm 30 (12’’) Restored. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 1.200 - 1.500


15 a VillanoVan impasto kantHaros End of 8th century BC length cm 14 (6’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 400 - 500


16 a VillanoVan impasto kantHaros End of 8th century BC length cm 17 (7’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 400




17 an etruscan impasto oinocHoe 7th century BC height cm 28 (11’’) The body decorated with three lively, stylised birds. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 2.000 - 2.500 17



18 an outstanding etrusco-corintHian ampHora End of 7th century BC height cm 35 (14’’) The sphinxes theme is closely related to the group of Bearded Sphinx Painter, Vulci (Lazio). Restored. REFERENCES:

M. Torelli (ed. by), Etruschi. Le antiche necropoli del Lazio, Roma 2008, p. 238, n. 126. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 10.000 - 12.000 20



19 a beautiful etrusco-corintHian olpe End of 7th century BC height cm 21 (8’’)

20 etrusco-corintHian aryballos End of 7th century BC height cm 10 (4’’)





From an English private Collection.

From an English private Collection.

£ 500 - 700

£ 200 - 250

21 etrusco-corintHian aryballos End of 7th century BC height cm 9 (4’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 250 21



22 etruscan buccHero cHalice End of 7th century BC height cm 8 (3’’) Intact.

23 tHree etruscan buccHero Vessels End of 7th century BC


From an English private Collection.

Minimal restorations. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

£ 300 - 400


From an English private Collection.

£ 500 - 800




24 a beautiful etruscan black-figure ampHora Mid 6th century BC height cm 35 (14’’) Side A) a standing figure of a warrior with panoply and crested helmet, running to the right between an ithyphallic satyr and a peacock. Side B) Athena advancing to the left, holding a spear and a shield. Restored. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 20.000 - 25.000


25 daunian olpe Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC height cm 15 (6’’) A minor hole on the body. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 400


26 daunian Jug Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC height cm 13 (5’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300

27 tHree daunian Vessels Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC highest 31 cm (12’’)


Minimal restorations. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 2.000 - 2.500



28 tHree daunian Vessels Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC Minimal restorations. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 500 - 600


29 four apulian kyatHoi Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC Minimal restorations. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 700 - 800 29

30 group of daunian disHes and bowls Apulia, 6th - 5th century BC Minimal restorations. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 400 - 500 30



31 core-formed wHite glass alabastron Eastern Mediterranean, 6th - 4th century BC height cm 11 (5’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 1.000 - 1.500

32 a bronze oinocHoe Handle Greece, 5th century BC height cm 14 (6’’) Ribbed arched handle with two stretched panthers above and terminating with an inverted palmette and volutes. Dark green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 400 26


33 a deligHtful miniaturistic red-figure cHous 5th - 4th century BC height cm 6,5 (3’’) Decorated with a bird on a basin, a winged Eros on the right and another approaching male figure with foot resting on a rock on the left; ionic kyma pattern above. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000


34 a big red-figure bell-krater Campania, end of 4th century BC height cm 45 (18’’) Side A) a wreathed youth flanked by two draped females, one holding a dish with fruits, the other a box. Side B) two draped females, one holding a dish and a bunch of grapes, the other a box, flanking a stele. Restored. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 2.500 - 3.000




35 a beautiful red-figure oinocHoe Campania, end of 4th century BC height cm 22 (9’’) Depicting a panther; close to the Caivano Painter. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 1.000 - 1.500 28

36 etruscan genucilia group footed disH End of 4th century BC height cm 6 (2’’); diam. cm 15 (6’’) Restored. REFERENCES:

M. A. Del Chiaro, The Genucilia Group: A Class of Etruscan Red Figured Plates, Los Angeles 1957. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.


£ 150 - 200

37 faliscan beak-spouted oinocHoe End of 4th century BC height cm 20 (8’’)

Totally black glazed on the neck and on the foot, central reserved orange band with a silenus profile head. An invisible chipping on the inner rim. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000


38 a miniaturistic gnatHian oinocHoe Apulia, 4th - 3rd century BC height cm 10,5 (4’’) Overpainted in white and yellow: on neck doblue lines from which hang vine shoots and grapes. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 120



39 fiVe daunian Vessels Apulia, 4th century BC Scattered breakages. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 1.000 - 1.200


40 fiVe daunian Vessels Apulia, 4th century BC Scattered chipping. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 600 - 800


41 fiVe daunian Vessels Apulia, 4th century BC Scattered chipping. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 600 - 800



42 a big bronze basin, in addition Handles ca. 4th century BC diam. cm 30 (12’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE: Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 500 - 800


43 bronze basin, in addition Handle ca. 4th century BC diam. cm 22,9 (9’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 700


44 black-glazed kylix Magna Graecia, 4th - 3rd century BC diam. cm 12,5 (5’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 150 - 200



45 black-glazed askos Magna Graecia, 4th - 3rd century BC height cm 10 (4’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 250


46 black-glazed guttus Magna Graecia, 4th - 3rd century BC height cm 8 (3’’) Invisible cut on spout. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 150


47 a miniaturistic black-glazed lamp Magna Graecia, 4th - 3rd century BC length cm 8 (3’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 120



48 black-glazed bowl 3rd - 2nd century BC diam. cm 18 (7’’) Typical product of the “Atelier des Petites Estampilles”. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.


£ 300 - 400

49 a beautiful banded agate bowl Eastern Mediterranean, 3rd - 1st century BC diam. cm 6 (2’’) Circular in form, without foot, with a rounded rim, sculpted to exploit the natural undulating bands of the stone. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From the Ogden Smith Collection, London.

£ 2.000 - 3.000


50 a miniaturistic blue glass Jug 2nd - 1st century BC height cm 4,5 (2’’) A minor hole on the body. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 400




51 a beautiful black glass unguentarium 1st century BC - 1st century AD height cm 8,5 (3’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 500



52 an outstanding terra sigillata cista witH lid Arretium, 1st century BC - 1st century AD height cm 28 (11’’); diam. cm 22,5 (9’’) Unadorned Cista with four holes on the inner rim. The Lid is signed by the maker: Certus Rasini and is decorated with tendril-bindings on the edge and around the lid knob. Unpublished vessel form typology. Wooden restored knob. Invisible hole on the body. REFERENCES:

H. Comfort et alii (ed. by), Terra Sigillata - la ceramica a rilievo ellenistica e romana, Roma 1965, pp. 69-70; F. Wald - T. D. Pryce, An Introduction to the study of Terra Sigillata, London 1920, n. 12; S. Loeschcke, Keramische Funde in Haltern, in “Mitteilungen der Altertums - Kommission für Westfalen”, Münster, 1909. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 3.000 - 5.000 35

53 an outstanding roman bronze strainer 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 27 (11’’); diam. cm (5’’) A wine strainer with handle, hemispherical basin pierced with a flower on centre and meander on rim. Intact. Beautiful green patina. REFERENCES:

G. Stefani, Menander - La casa del Menandro di Pompei, Milano 2003, pp. 156-157, n. 17 (same typology). PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 3.000 - 5.000 53


54 an roman arcHaizing bronze oinocHoe Handle 1st century BC - 1st century AD length cm 17 (7’’) Upper end adorned with a griffin with outstretched forelegs and extended wings; below, a dionysiac mask. Green patina with spots of cuprite deposit. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 500 - 700


55 roman bronze lamp 1st century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 13,6 (5’’) Flora decorations, with leaf-shaped handle. Dark green patina. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 800 - 1.000



56 roman bronze lamp 1st century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 12,2 (5’’) Bird on handle and leaf-shaped Lid. Dark green patina. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 800 - 1.000


57 roman bronze lamp 1st century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 12,2 (5’’) Lamp in form of a dolphin, with high foot, large wick hole and three small chains. Delicate light green patina. PROVENANCE:

Ex Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 286, lot 402.

£ 500 - 700


58 two roman terra sigillata disHes Gallia, 1st - 2nd century AD Intacts. Reference scale: a 1oz / 30ml shot glass of 25 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 300 - 500 58


59 roman Volute lamp 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 12 (5’’) On disk a boar right, running out of forest. Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 250 - 350 60 roman disk lamp 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 9 ca. (4’’) On disk a griffin right; olive leafs on shoulder; ornamental motifs on neck and on bottom. Intact. 59


From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 250 61 two roman Volute lamps 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 18 (7’’) each Restoreds. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 500 - 600


62 roman factory lamp 2nd century AD length cm 8,4 (3’’) QCC maker’s stamp on the bottom. Intact. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 150 - 200






64 roman terra sigillata lamp Africa, 5th - 6th century AD length cm 13,5 (5’’) On disk an hunting scene: a dog chasing a rabbit; geometrical pattern on the shoulder. Minor chipping on disk. PROVENANCE:

Ex Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 286, lot 271.


£ 250 - 300 63 roman glass ampHoriskos 3rd - 4th century AD height cm 11 (4’’)

65 two pilgrim flasks Coptic Egypt, 6th - 8th century AD height cm 8,5 (1’’) each





Ex ACR Auctions srl, Auction 10, lot 157.

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 500 - 700

£ 150 - 200 53




66 anatolian Violin-sHaped idol Kusura type, ca. 2700 - 2100 BC length cm 17 (7’’) Restored. PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

£ 800-1.000 67

67 an outstanding etruscan traVertine female Head 2nd century BC height cm 29 (11’’) A female portrait with a prominent chin, closed lips and hair picked up in a low chignon. REFERENCES:

L. Cenciaioli, L’ipogeo dei Volumni. 170 anni dalla scoperta, Perugia 2011 (similar style). PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1970s.

£ 3.000 - 5.000 41


68 VotiVe stele dedicate to zeus Cyzicus (Asia Minor), 1st century BC height cm 53 (21’’) A marble stele, dedicated by a Roman named Felix, depicting a large figure of Zeus Calaxios (God of Cyzicus) holding scepter and patera. Before, a tree and an altar; figure of eagle at the feet of Zeus; around the tree a snake coils up towards the patera; behind the altar are two worshippers and in front a small figure sacrificing a bull. Restored. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1970s and 1980s.

£ 2.000 - 3.000



69 a outstanding leaning satyr by praxiteles Roman copy: 2nd century BC - 1st century AD height cm 35 (14’’) A fragmentary statue of a young naked Satyr (the Satyr Anapauomenos attributed to Praxiteles) with pelt across his torso long until his left hip. The musculature is finely detailed but the chest seems female. He stands on his left leg, the right leg bent and the left arm, that is most preserved than the right, it’s detached from the rest of the body. On his back there is a probably fragmentary support’s element for the statue. Highly refined and detailed. REFERENCES:

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1997, pp. 265-267. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 25.000 - 35.000 43

70 a monumental Hand Holding scepter 2nd century BC - 1st century AD length cm 25 (9’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 1.000 - 1.500




71 Head of odysseus 2nd century BC - 1st century AD height cm 17 (7’’)

72 relief fragment witH apollo 1st century BC - 1st century AD length cm 11 (4’’)

A male bearded head with pylos, resembling to Odysseus and probably pertinent to a sarcophagus.


From an English private Collection.


P. Moreno, Scultura ellenistica, Vol. I, Roma 1994, pp. 383-385, n. 488. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 2.000 - 3.000 44

£ 1.000 - 1.500

73 giallo antico marble Herm Head of silenus 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 18 (7’’) PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 2.000 - 3.000 74 Head of a youtH 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 14,5 (6’’) Gently reworked on forehead. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed before 1950.

£ 2.000 - 3.000 75 Head of a goddess 2nd century AD height cm 10 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 1.200 - 1.500 73




76 relief fragment witH Jupiter 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 6 (2’’); PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300


77 antefix 1st - 3rd century AD height cm 36 (14’’) A marble spade-shaped antefix with a central crater from which come out tendrils. REFERENCES:

A. Giuliano (ed. by), Museo Nazionale Romano - Le sculture, Vol. I/7, Roma 1984, pp. 416-417, nn. 28-29. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 2.000 - 3.000


78 lesene witH a ram Head 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 18 (7’’) PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 2.500 - 3.000 78



79 inscribed arcHitraVe 1st century BC - 1st century AD length cm 90 (35’’) Architrave for the Mausoleum of the freedmen of Marcus Cluvius. The monument was built by testament by Alcibiades, for him and his family. Alcibiades was the leader of lictors who escorting magistrates with imperium (MAG CON LEGI LICTOR). PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 6.000 - 8.000

80 a Very interesting epigrapH Time of Commodus, AD 177 – 192 height cm 26 (10’’) Interesting inscription datable during time of Commodus (Line 4); citing Public Monuments (Line 1: Apollinis and Lines 5-6: porticu Iovis Capito/[linis]). On Line 6 is referred a promise (dicsistis) and later is mentioned a fund, from which to draw for commemorate an event fell on February 25 (Line 12: V Kal(endas) Mart(ias)). On the last lines, a list with the amount of food delivered during this commemoration (roosters, honey, meats, bulbs, figs). PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 3.000 - 5.000 80



81 medusa Head clipeus 2nd - 3rd century AD length cm 32 (13’’) A Medusa head inserted in a clipeus with beaded rim and acanthus leaf pattern. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 4.000 - 5.000

82 paVonazzetto marble pantHer protome 1st - 3rd century AD height cm 21 (8’’) A pavonazzo marble panther head, hollow inside. Probably a dripstone or a fountain’s element. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 4.000 - 5.000 82



83 a beautiful female bust Severan Dynasty, AD 193 – 235 height cm 35 (14’’) A female bust with tunic and pallium crossed on chest. Highly refined drapery. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 15.000 - 20.000




84 Head of Helmeted and bearded soldier 3rd - 4th century AD height cm 17 (7’’) PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 5.000 - 7.000 85 Head of a youtH 2nd- 3rd century AD height cm 9 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 2.000 - 3.000 86 statuette of fortuna 2nd - 3rd century AD height cm 35 (14’’) Headless and standing figure, wearing chiton and himation. With right hand holds the cornucopia. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 4.000 - 6.000 86


87 sarcopHagus fragment 3rd - 4th century AD height cm 60 (24’’); length cm 22 (9’’) Edge of a marble sarcophagus with a male naked figure, resembling to one of a the four Roman Seasons Genii, holding flowers in the right hand and a torch in the left. PROVENANCE:

Acquired on the UK art market in the 1990s.

£ 10.000 - 12.000 87



88 byzantine stele witH painted inscription 6th - 7th century AD height cm 60 (20’’) A rectangular sandstone grave stele with incised and painted decoration; to the top a Chi-Rho in painted red circle with green background; below ten lines of Greek text picked out in red paint with painted wavy lines to the side border; along the bottom register a kantharos painted in green. Restored. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London, formed 1970-1980.

£ 1.000 - 1.500



89 group of amber ornaments Baltic Area, 9th - 6th century BC larger diam. cm 4,5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 200-300


90 group of fiVe glass ornaments Eastern Mediterranean, 7th - 5th century BC higher cm 3 (1’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 250-350




91 pair of greek gold Hair ornaments 5th - 4th century BC height mm 38 (1’’); gr. 37,46 The wide rims decorated with filigree pattern. A greek Σ engraved. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 5.000 - 8.000


92 fiVe etruscan gold studs 5th - 4th century BC diam. ca. mm 2 (0,8’’) each PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 250-350


93 etruscan silVer scarab 5th century BC length mm 18 (0,7’’); gr. 8,74 Globular-shaped scarab with streaked border. Engraved antelope in the act of rising on the right with hind legs bent. Golden eyes. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 3.000-4.000 93

94 etruscan carnelian scarab witH turms 5th century BC length mm 13 (0,5’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 800-1000 94

95 etruscan carnelian scarab witH pegasus 5th century BC length mm 14 (0,6’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 600 - 800 94


96 greek gold lion’s Head earring 4th century BC height mm 20 (0,78’’); gr. 4,22 Tapering hoop of spiral-twisted plain wires, terminating in a facing lion head, joined over the neck by a twin dotted neckband. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

800 - 1.000


97 pair of roman gold earrings 3rd century AD length mm 29 (1’’) Gold earrings with open loop attached to cylindrical hollow bar. Beaneath a pair coiled wires suspended by closed loops at bottom of which a single pearl. PROVENANCE:

Privately purchased from Dr. Bron Lipkin, London.

£ 700 - 900


98 pair of gold earrings 1st - 2nd century AD diam. mm 16 (0,6’’) Gold earrings with circular section profile, hook clasp and little pearls. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 1.200 - 1.500




99 roman silVer Hair spiral 3rd - 2nd century BC height cm 1 (0,39 in) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 150 - 200

100 gold and lapis lazuli necklace Late Hellenistic Period length cm 45 ca. (18’’) Composed primarly of rectangular beads, interspersed with gold beads. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 2.000 - 3.000



101 glass beads necklace Late Hellenistic Period length cm 45 ca. (18’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 1.000 - 1.500 102 gold and emerald finger ring 1st century BC - 2nd century AD diam. mm 15 (0,6’’); gr 1,92 PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 600 - 800 101

103 gold and garnet intaglio finger ring 1st century BC -2nd century AD diam. 15 mm (0,6’’); gr. 1,10 PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 800 - 1.000 104 roman gold and agate finger ring 1st century AD diam. int. mm 15 (0,6’’); gr 2,57 Gold ring with intaglio of a bird, probably an ibis, turned at left, with a fly in his beak. PROVENANCE:

English private collection. 102



£ 400 - 500




105 a little gold and engraVed garnet finger ring 1st - 2nd century AD diam. int. mm 11 (0,4’’); gr 2,29 Oval and engraved garnet, almandino type, with a butterfly on a plinth. Probably belonging to a child for the extremely short shank, and for another little ring joined, maybe for a small chain.



Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 235, lot 312.

£ 600 - 800 106 roman silVer spiral-sHaped finger ring 1st century BC - 1st century AD length mm 21 (0,8’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300 107 bronze finger ring witH female portrait 1st - 2nd century AD diam. int. mm 18 (0,7’’)


108 roman gnostic finger ring 2nd - 4th century AD diam mm 16 (0,6’’)

Intaglio of a female head, left profile. Hair collected in a high band which is joined to a large chignon, and a pearls necklace.

Bronze and inscripted with cuneiform characters finger ring.



English private collection.

English private collection.

£ 300 - 400

£ 300 - 500 59

109 banded agate cameo witH a fisH 1st century AD length 20 mm (0,8’’) Carved in two layers, beige on white, showing a fish, possibly a sea bream. Naturalistically rendered. 109 PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 2.500 - 3.500 110 banded agate intaglio witH pan and syrinx 1st - 2nd century AD length 21 mm (0,8’’)


Ovid, Metamorphoses, Liber I, 689-712. Two natural holes on the agate plaque. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 2.000 - 3.000 111 carnelian intaglio witH satyr and eros Holding ampHora 1st - 2nd century AD length mm 14 (0,6’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection. 111

£ 600 - 800 112 carnelian intaglio witH a togated clasping Hands witH a goddess 1st - 2nd century AD length mm 11 (0,4’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection. 112

£ 400 - 500 113 agata intaglio witH mercury 1st - 2nd century AD length mm 13 (0,5’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 400 - 500



114 prase intaglio witH neptune 1st - 2nd century AD height 15 mm (0,6’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection. 114

£ 400 - 500 115 carnelian intaglio witH astrological symbols 3rd - 4th century AD height 11 mm (0,4’’) Finely engraved with astrological symbols including a crescent moon, a sun and two stars.



English private collection.

£ 120 - 150 116 carnelian intaglio witH cHristological symbols 4th - 5th century AD height mm 9 (0,4’’)


Engraved with Christological symbols, an anchor, a fish and the ancient Greek acronym of Christ (Ιησοῦς Χριστός Θεoῦ Υιός Σωτήρ). PROVENANCE:

English private collection.


£ 1.200 - 1.500 117 a fragment of Hematite magical gnostic intaglio 2nd - 3rd century AD height 33 mm (1’’) 118

A Lion headed god holding Medusa’s Head; above, scarabs; around and on reverse, greek Magic words, stars, and the name of Abraxas. Highly refined and detailed. PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 1.000 - 1.200 118

118 gnostic yellow Jasper intaglio 2nd - 3rd century AD length mm 12 (0,5’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 250 - 300

119 agate intaglio witH cHrist pantocrator 7th - 8th century AD height mm 11 (0,4’’) PROVENANCE:

English private collection.

£ 300 - 400 61

120 gold finger ring witH aquamarine and garnets 4th - 5th century AD diam. int. mm 18 (0,7’’); gr 8,74 Ring with smooth strap large on base, set with an acquamarine on the circular bezel and pair of garnetes setting on the each side of the hoop. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 1.500 - 2.000 120

121 pair of byzantine gold earrings 6th century - 7th century AD height cm 6 (2’’) Of semicircular openwork design with high, arching hoop for suspension and decorated with granulation. the external edge with a row of openwork gold balls. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 10.000 - 15.000 121

122 byzantine gold earring 6th century - 7th century AD height mm 42 (2’’); gr. 3,95 Crescent in form with an openwork design composed of a split palmette motif, three bosses on the beaded edge. Tapering at one end to a hook-and-loop closure. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 2.000 - 3.000


123 byzantine gold cross 6th - 8th century AD height mm 46 (2’’); gr 14,42 Blue glass in the middle. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 1.200 - 1.500



VARIA AND ORNAMENTA 124 bronze arrow Head Early Iron Age, XII-X century BC length cm 10,7 (4’’) Riverine patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 150 - 200 125 bronze flat-sHaped axe Early Bronze Age, 2000-1500 BC length cm 11 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300 126 bronze axe Head Early Bronze Age, 2150-1500 BC length cm 12,3 (5’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 500





127 bronze axe Head witH raised edges Early Bronze Age, 2150-1500 BC length cm 10,7 (4’’) PROVENANCE: 127

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 500 128 bronze axe Head Early Bronze Age, 2150-1500 BC length cm 8 (3’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 500 129 flat-sHaped bronze axe Head Early Bronze Age, 2150-1500 BC length cm 6 (2’’) 128


Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 500 130 bronze axe Head Early Bronze Age, 2150-1500 BC length cm 7 (3’’) PROVENANCE: 129

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 400 - 500 131 bronze ornament witH four felines End of the Bronze Age, 1550-1200 BC length cm 6 (2’’) 130


From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

£ 200 - 300






132 bronze sword End of the Bronze Age, 1550-1200 BC length cm 75 (30’’)


134 bronze cannon-sHaped axe Head 8th century BC length cm 11 (4’’) PROVENANCE:


From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

£ 1.000 - 1.500

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

133 torques and an oenotrian large arcH fibula Iron Age, 1200-1000 BC / 7th century BC torques: diam. int. cm 15 (6’’); fibula: length cm 20 (8’’) A bronze necklace with spiral motif, smooth at the extremities. A large bronze arch fibula with semicircular bow, decorated with two strips, pin connected to the bow by a double spiral, triangular and laminated bracket. Lightely toned.

£ 20 0- 300


From an European private Collection.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 500 - 600

£ 200 - 300

135 bronze axe Head 8th century BC length cm 11,8 (5’’) PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.


136 bronze axe Head 8th century BC length cm 11,4 (5’’) PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300



137 bronze axe Head 8th century BC length cm 10,8 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300 138 bronze axe Head 8th century BC length cm 11 ca (4’’)



From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300 139 bronze axe Head 8th century BC length cm 9,3 (4’’) 139


From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300 140 bronze serpentine-type fibula 8th century BC length cm 8,4 (3’’) A simple circular section bow, corrugated pin and a rectangular-shaped catch. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection. 140


£ 100 - 150

141 bronze spear-Head 7th-6th century BC length cm 15 ca. (6’’) Spear head with a leaf-shaped blade and long circular socket. Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 250 - 350 142 a great two-edged ritual axe Magna Grecia, 6th-5th century BC height cm 20 (8’’); length cm 36,2 (14’’)



From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 1.000 - 2.000 143 bronze belt strap 5th - 4th century BC length cm 5,4 (2’’)


Strap in the form of a lion pelt preserving the head and forepaws. Two button holes above. Extremely fine quality. REFERENCES:

J.Biers (ed.), A Peaceable Kingdom, Animals in Ancient Art from the Leo Mildenberg Collection, Vol. VI, Mainz am Rhein, 2004, n, 44. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 200 - 300


144 etruscan bronze statuette of a warrior 4th century BC height cm 20 (8’’) A standing male figure, his weight on the left leg. He is wearing an helmet, the left arm raised, probably a spear in the left hand. Green and uncut patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990. 144

£ 800 - 1.000 67

145 greek bronze ram attacHment 4th-3rd century BC length mm 35 (1’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000 145

146 etruscan bronze ex-Voto spear-Head 4th - 3rd century BC length cm 11,8 (5’’) Glossy green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 300 - 500 147 bronze knobbed mace 3rd-1st century BC diam. cm 2,3 (0,9’’) PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 150 - 200 146

148 group of twenty seVen engraVed bones pendant 3th-2nd century BC PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 500 - 700 149 bronze fibula witH HigH arcH 3rd-2nd century BC length cm 6,3 (2’’) 147

Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 80 - 100




150 etruscan bronze statuette 3rd -2nd century BC height cm 9,5 (4’’) A naked male statuette with a radiate crown, standing on his left leg, holding a patera in the left hand. Dark patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 200 - 300 151 bronze briddle-trapping 3rd-1st century BC length cm 6,8 (3’’) Two rings and two long spines, triangular in section, in the forma of an animal head above. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980. 150

£ 100 - 200 152 bronze statuette of an offrant Etruria, 3rd-1st century BC height cm 8,1 (3’’) A standing figure, is wearing an himation, which is draped on his left shoulder and arm. In the right hand holds a patera and the head is adorned by a radiate crown, as a wreath of ivy leaves. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 300 - 500


153 bronze knobbed mace 3rd-1st century BC diam. cm 3,5 (1’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200




154 bronze statuette of an offrant Etruria, 2nd-1st century BC height cm 6,3 (2’’) A standing figure, is wearing a himation, which is draped on his left shoulder and arm. In the right hand holds a patera and the head is adorned by a radiate crown, as a wreath of ivy leaves. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300 155 bronze applique witH scylla 2nd- 1st century BC diam. cm 11 (4’’) A circular-shaped applique with the greek monster Scylla depicted on the sea waves. A probable furniture decoration. PROVENANCE:


Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 4.000 - 6.000 156 roman bronze masons bob 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 6 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200 157 conical bronze masons bob 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 9,2 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980. 155

£ 100 - 200 158 conical bronze masons bob 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 4,3 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980. 156



£ 100 - 200


159 conical bronze masons bob 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 3 (1’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200


160 bronze ex-Voto stud 2nd century BC- 2nd century AD diam. cm 3,5 (1’’) Circular-shaped stud with engraved letters: EVENO/ANACTIAI/ANTONI Solar symbol in the middle composed by a cross, a vertical line and a semicircle. PROVENANCE:


From an European private Collection.

£ 200-300 161 roman bronze fragmentary femur of a larVa conViVialis 1st century BC height cm 4,8 (2’’) Extremely rare. PROVENANCE:


From an European private Collection.

£ 150 - 200 162 roman bronze tHeatre mask applique 1st-2nd century AD height cm 5 (2’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection. 162

£ 100 - 150 163 bronze bust of minerVa applique 1st-2nd century AD height cm 4,5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 300 - 500



164 iVory lion Head 3th century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 5,6 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 150 - 200 164

165 bronze crossbow fibula 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD length cm 8,7 (3’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 100 - 150


166 a dancing silenus bronze statuette 2nd century BC - 1st century AD height cm 5,5 (2’’) Statuette of a Silenus with drapery on hips, apart legs, outwards chest with curved back, right arm outstretched, left arm raised. The head is lowered and has little horns. Fragmentary, left hand lost. REFERENCES:

S. Cipriani, Bronzetti etruschi nell’Appenino Tosco-Emiliano, Montepulciano 2003, tav. X. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 300 - 500 167 bronze stud witH medusa Head 2nd century BC - 1st century AD diam. cm 6 (2’’) 166

Discoid-shaped stud with high-relief of Medusa head. PROVENANCE:

Ex Gorny & Mosch Auction 124, lot 342.

£ 800 - 1.000



168 bronze pendant in form of serapis 2nd century BC - 1st century AD height cm 3 (1’’) The god is moulded standing, wearing modius and with a cornucopia in the right hand. A little hole on back. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 200 - 300 169 bronze asclepius rod witH snake 1st century BC - 2nd century AD height cm 11 (4’’)



Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300 170 bronze pHallic amulet 1st century BC- 2nd century AD length cm 2,9 (1’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.


£ 100 - 200 171 roman bronze fibula 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 6,5 (3’’) Flat bow with an engraved quadrangular plaque, chord with four spirals and pierced catch. 170 PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 100 - 150 172 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 8,5 (3’’)



From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 100 - 150



173 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 5,5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200


174 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 5,5 (2’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.

£ 100 - 150 175 roman bronze bread-stamp 1st-2nd century AD length cm 4,4 (2’’) 174

Rectangular-shaped finger ring with letters in relief: NA-S-E. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300 176 roman bronze bread-stamp 1st -2nd century AD length cm 2,3 (0,90’’) 175

Rectangular-shaped finger ring with engraved letters : R-O-MA. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300


177 roman bronze bread-stamp 1st -2nd century AD length cm 3 (1’’) Rectangular-shaped finger ring with engraved letters : R-O-MA. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 200 - 300



178 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 7,9 (3’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200 178

179 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 6,3 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200 180 roman bronze key 1st-2nd century AD length 5,4 cm (2’’)


Light dark green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 100 - 150 181 roman bronze tHeatre mask applique 1st-2nd century AD height cm 3,5 (1’’)


In the form of a comic actor with frowned brow, hair swept back from the face and large mouth. Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 100 - 150 182 bronze winged goddess nike in arcHaic style 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 9 (4’’)


Crowned figure of kneeling and winged Nike.Wearing a finely draped himation over a chiton. Delightful green patina. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 7.000 - 9.000



183 roman bronze masons bob 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 4,6 (2’’) Green patina. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, formed in Munich 1980 to 1995. 183

£ 100 - 150 184 roman bronze key 1st - 2nd century AD length cm 5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200 184

185 roman bronze key 1st -2nd century AD length cm 4,2 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200


186 roman bronze key 1st -2nd century AD length cm 3,3 (1’’) PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 100 - 200 187 roman silVer spoon 1st-2nd century AD length cm 11 (4’’) 186

Oval bowl joined to tapering handle with a knob ending. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 300 - 400



188 roman bronze pHallic applique 1st-3rd century AD height mm 47 (2’’) A cast bronze model of male genitalia with triangular pubis above. Scattered concretions. PROVENANCE:


From a private Collection, formed in Munich 1980 to 1995.

£ 200 - 300 189 roman bronze finger 1st-3rd century AD height cm 8,5 (3’’)



From an European private Collection.

£ 200 - 300 190 roman bronze bell 1st-3rd century AD height cm 10,9 (4’’) An hollow-cast conical bell with loop handle above. 190 PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, acquired before 1980.

£ 150 - 200 191 bronze applique of a youtH 1st-3rd century AD length cm 16 ca. (6’’) The bulla as necklace identify the child as a youth roman. PROVENANCE:

From a UK private Collection, formed 1980 to 1990.


£ 100 - 150 192 roman male bronze statuette 1st - 2nd century AD height cm 13 (5’’) A standing figure, both the arms raised, wearing a garment with drapes which covers only the right shoulder. Light green patina. REFERENCES:

G. Faider-Feytmans, Les Bronzes Romains de Belgique, Mainz am Rhein 1979, n. 93, tav. 57. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 1.000-1.200 192


193 bronze axe Head 3th-4th century AD length cm 11 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300


194 mysteric lead placcHette Danube Valley, 4th-3rd century AD mm 75 x 92 (3’’ x 4’’) Naiskos with corinthian columns and two snakes on each corner. Helios-Mytra standing in a chariot, holding a globe with his left hand; below a standing goddess and two knights, Cautes and Cautopates; the third register is with a central symposium scene, two standing naked male figures on the right and two standing figure on the left side; the fourth register with a sacrificial tripod, lion, kantharos, snake and a rooster. PROVENANCE:

From an European private Collection.

£ 200 - 300


195 roman gold glass medallion depicted witH portraits bust of two cHildren 5th century AD diam. cm 6 (2’’) Modern silver frame with a suspension hook. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 5.000 - 7.000


196 bronze witH glass plaque 6th-7th century AD 43x27 mm (2’’x 1’’) Rectangular-shaped with four holes on the back side. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 800 - 1.000





197 an outstanding gold collier Egypt, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BC length cm 41 (16’’); gr 90 REFERENCES:

Egypt’s Golden Age: The art of living in the New Kingdom 1558-1085 B.C., Catalogue of the Exhibition, Boston 1982, pp. 91-92, nn. 310 and 314 (same typology). PROVENANCE:

Gallerie Maspero, Paris 1980.

£ 10.000 - 15.000


198 pectoral Egypt, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BC length cm 26 (10’’) Composed of faience, gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian pendants. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300


199 pectoral Egypt, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BC length cm 18 (7’’) Composed of faience, gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian pendants. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300 199

200 pectoral Egypt, 18th Dynasty, 1543-1292 BC length cm 52 (20’’) Composed of faience, gold, lapis lazuli and emerald pendants. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300



201 terracotta plaque witH weigHing of tHe Heart Egypt, 21th Dynasty, 1078-945 BC height cm 12,5 (5’’) Restored. PROVENANCE:

Property of an english gentleman, formerly in Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, 1970.

£ 400 - 500


202 aryballos in brownisH faience Egypt, 15th - 16th Dynasty, 712-525 BC height cm 5 (2’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From a private collection, London.

£ 300 - 500


203 scHist statuette of isis nursing Horus Egypt, Late Period, 6th - 3rd century, BC height cm 18,5 (7’’) PROVENANCE:

From a Swiss Collection, Zurich 2003.

£ 8.000 - 10.000







204 bronze statuette of Harpocrates-Horus Egypt, Late Period, 6th - 3rd century BC height cm 12,5 (5’’)

206 faience sistrum Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty, 3rd century BC height cm 11 (4’’)



From the Jean Paul Bourgis Collection, Beaulieu-Sur-Mer 1980.

From a Belgian private Collection, Bruxelles 2012.

£ 1.000 - 1.500 205 bronze braid Egypt, Late Period, 6th - 3rd century BC height cm 11 (4’’) PROVENANCE: From the Jean Paul Bourgis Collection, Beaulieu-Sur-Mer 1980.

£ 300 - 500 82

£ 1.500 - 2.000 207 ptaH-pateco faience pendant Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty, 3rd century BC height mm 43 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 150



208 nude female panel fragment Egypt, Ptolemaic Dynasty, 3rd century BC height cm 28 (11’’)

209 bronze axe Head witH Handle Iran, 2nd millennium BC length cm 5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:


From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

Property of an english gentleman, formerly in Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, 1970.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300

£ 1.500 - 2.000



210 bronze axe Head Iran, 2nd millennium BC length cm 6 (2’’)

211 copper Half finisHed axe Head Susa, Elamite Culture, 2nd millennium BC length cm 14,3 (6’’)



From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 200 - 300

£ 200 - 300 83


212 brick witH elamite inscription South-western Iran, ca. 1260- 1235 BC cm 12 x 7 (5 x 3’’) Left half of a baked brick inscribed with Untash-Napirisha character, which name is on the first part of the text. In spite of the gaps, it’s possible to complete the inscription with comparison to others baked bricks coming from the ancient City of Untash-Napirisha, a great ziggurat complex, built in the thirteenth century, dedicated to the main god, Ishnikarap. Ninety-four bricks, which were settled on the jambs of the chambers, have the same inscription with the dedication to the god on the right half of the text, missing in the our exemplar. REFERENCES:

D. T. Potts, The Archaeology of Elam, Formation and Transformation of the Ancient Iranian State, Cambridge 2016. PROVENANCE:

From a English private Collection, formed 1970s.

£ 3.000 - 5.000






213 acHaemenid Jasper seal 5th - 4th century BC height mm 20 (0,8’’)

216 fragment of painted terracotta sarcopHagus Clazomenae (Anatolia), 6th century BC height cm 43,2 (17’’)

Engraved with winged bull.


Ex Christie’s, New York, 2006. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 5.000 - 7.000

£ 600 - 800 214 acHaemenid agate seal 5th - 4th century BC height mm 23 (0,9’’) Engraved with heraldic beast locked in combat. PROVENANCE:

Ex Christie’s, New York, 2006.


£ 2.000-2.500 215 sasanian cHalcedony intaglio portrait seal 4th - 7th century AD height mm 10 (0,4’’)

217 bronze Vessel Iran, Amlash Culture, 1200-1000 BC height cm 8 (3’’); diam. cm 10,5 (4’’) Green patina, minor holes.



From an English private Collection.

From an English private Collection.

£ 600 - 800

£ 200-300 85



218 bronze beaker Beluchistan, 3000-2500 BC height cm 18 (7’’) Green patina, minor holes. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300 219 scytHian bronze pectoral Kazakistan, 6th - 5th century BC height cm 25,2 (10’’) With engraved pattern, two snakes profile heads above and circular holes at the bottom. PROVENANCE:

From the Giancarlo Ligabue Collection, Venice. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 500 - 700 220 ban-cHiang pottery Vessel Thailand (Lopburi), 4000-1000 BC height cm 26 (10’’) Intact. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 200 - 300 220





222 male standing statuette Mexico, Veracruz Culture, AD 600 – 900 height cm 25 (10’’) REFERENCES: 223

J. Blazy (a cura di), Il mondo che non c’era. L’arte precolombiana nella Collezione Ligabue,Catalogo della mostra, Firenze Museo Archeologico Nazionale (settembre 2015-marzo 2016), pp. 124-129. PROVENANCE:

221 a big priestess statue West Mexico, Colima Culture, 100 BC - AD 250 height cm 40 (16’’) REFERENCES:

J. Blazy (a cura di ), ll mondo che non c’era. L’arte precolombiana nella Collezione Ligabue, Catalogo della mostra, Firenze Museo Archeologico Nazionale (settembre 2015-marzo 2016), pp. 8085.

From an English private Collection, formed 1993-1997.

£ 400 - 500 223 gold needle Manteña Culture, 500 BC - AD 1500 length cm 5 (2’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection, formed 1993-1997.

From an English private Collection, formerly in the Cruz-De Perón Collection, Quito (Ecuador).

£ 1.500 - 2.000

£ 200 - 300



224 inca sun-sHaped copper mace Head Perù, AD 1000 – 1400 diam. cm 9 (4’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection, formerly in the Cruz-De Perón Collection, Quito (Ecuador).

£ 300 - 400 224

225 iron axe South America, 17th century length cm 8,5 (3’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection, formerly in the Cruz-De Perón Collection, Quito (Ecuador).

£ 200 - 300


226 stone bolas Patagonia, Enolitic Period, 4500 - 2000 BC length cm 7,3 (3’’) Woman-shaped throwing weapon with carvings in the form of guanaco’s pelt. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection, formed 1993-1997.

£ 200 - 300





227 an outstanding norman capital 11th - 12th century height cm 30 (12’’); length cm 45 (18’’) A limestone capital decorated with two panthers, frontally depicted and with crossed paws. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 10.000 - 15.000 89


228 a Very rare norman-arab bronze disH 11th - 12th century diam. cm 18,5 (7’’) A large bronze dish, everted rim, decorated with floral motif and a Pseudo-Kufic legend. Delightful green patina. PROVENANCE:

Property of a London gentleman, acquired in the late 1980s and 1990s.

£ 5.000 - 8.000



229 bronze spoon 15th - 16th century length cm 11,3 (4’’) Spoon with rounded ending and a little engraved stamp, probably a lily, on back. 231


From an English private Collection.

£ 100 - 200 230 gold finger ring witH st. zacHary prayer engraVed 16th century diam. cm 1,9 (0,7’’) The prayer engraved represents the benediction of St. Zachary against the European 1546 plague. PROVENANCE:

From a private Collection, London.

£ 500 - 800 232

231 compass 16th - 17th century length cm 8,5 (3’’)

232 leaden tHeriac box seal Rome, 16th century diam. cm 3 (1’’)

A bronze compass with iron pin. Beautiful patina.

Theriac: antidote for all poisons.



From an English private Collection.

From an English private Collection.

£ 150 - 200

£ 80 - 120 91


233 cHristian deHn’s casts collection Rome, 1743 box: cm 34 x 28 (13 x 11’’) Collection composed of 148 oval shapes casts, made in sulphur and sealing wax, decpicted with mythological subjects and stored in a palisander box. Each cast is with pressed cardboard framed, to reproduce a gold effect. In addition, two manuscripts: the first, with the characters represented list and notices abouts provenance of moulds, and an original nineteenth century’s list with all the subjects depicted in. The reproducing was conceived by Christian Dehn who, in Rome, start to a specialized studio for a serial production of glass paste obtained from the most famous eighteenth-century european collections. After Dehn’s death, his son-in-law Francesco Maria Dolce, took the whole collection publishing it in three tomes in which there are a description of Dehn’s Museum patterns and a careful definition of the casts topic. Two papers of the first list and two casts missing. PUBLISHED IN:

Mhytologica et Erotica, arte e cultura dall’antichità al XVIII secolo, Exhibition Catalogue, Firenze 2 october 2005-15 may 2006, O. Casazza (ed. by), Livorno 2005, pp. 79-81. PROVENANCE:

From an Italian private Collection. This lot is sold with an export licence issued by the Republic of Italy.

£ 15.000-20.000 92

234 cards witH italy’s kingdoms and princedoms 18th century cm 10 x 6 (4 x 2’’) each Fortyone numbered cards, indian ink with dukedoms and princedoms list of the Italy Republics. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 1.000 - 1.500 234




235 tHe legend of coriolanus on an exceptional glass intaglio 18th century length 34 mm (1’’) Dark orange glass Intaglio showing the meeting between the Volscian army led by Gn. Marcius Coriolanus and Roman womens (Livius, Ad Urbe Condita, II, 40); in exergue, cupid on biga. Faint traces of gilding; probably made by a sulphur impression of an antique Intaglio.

236 a carVed coral bust of an african 18th century total height 28 mm (6’’); gr 7,17 With a gold frame. PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection. PROVENANCE:

£ 900 - 1.200

From a private Collection, London.

£ 2.000 - 2.500




237 a carVed coral bust of a lady 18th century height 20 mm (8’’)

238 a carVed coral bust of a lady 18th century height 16 mm (6’’)

239 a carVed coral bust of a lady 18th century height 17 mm (7’’)




From an English private Collection.

From an English private Collection.

From an English private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000

£ 800 - 1.000

£ 800 - 1.000


240 a carVed coral bust of a lady 18th century height 17 mm (7’’) PROVENANCE:

From an English private Collection.

£ 800 - 1.000



241 ottoman marble inscribed tombstone 1758 (1172 AH) height cm 54,5 (21’’) Upper half Ottoman tombstone stele. Traditional shape with turban-like top surmounting a panel with four bands of inscription bearing the name of the deceased (Mustafa), a prayer and the date 1172. Codition consistent with age. A very similar tombstone is the collection of the British Museum, London (OA+. 6420). PROVENANCE:

Art Market, Germany. Acquired in 1911 during travels through Egypt: thence by descent. Enclosed an expert report from the British Museum, date 10/31/1990

£ 6.500 - 8.500 95

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TERMINI E CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA Le presenti informazioni sono rivolte a qualsiasi soggetto interessato all’acquisto dei lotti posti in vendita da Bertolami Fine Arts LtD (di seguito “Bertolami Fine Arts LtD”) nelle proprie aste. informazioni riguardanti l’asta in corso possono essere inserite in catalogo o comunicate in sala prima o durante la vendita. 1. IL RUOLO DI BERTOLAMI FINE ARTS LTD Bertolami Fine Arts LtD può fornire notizie sui lotti nell’interesse sia dei venditori che dei compratori. i nostri esperti sono a disposizione dei potenziali acquirenti per dare informazioni sui lotti in vendita. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD agisce in qualità di persona giuridica incaricata da una persona fisica o giuridica che è il “Venditore”, pertanto Bertolami Fine Arts LtD, tranne nei casi in cui è comunicato ufficialmente, agisce per conto del venditore. Qualsiasi dichiarazione o descrizione di un lotto è fatta in nome e per conto del venditore. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD non ha alcuna responsabilità nei confronti degli acquirenti (diretta, espressa, implicita o esplicita). se un cliente si aggiudica un lotto in asta stipula automaticamente per preventiva accettazione delle condizioni di vendita un contratto i cui termini sono stabiliti di seguito. 2. LOTTI in considerazione della descrizione scientifica in catalogo nonché delle illustrazioni in esso contenute, i lotti in vendita sono presentati così come sono, con tutti gli eventuali difetti ed imperfezioni. Le illustrazioni e le fotografie contenute nel catalogo sono inserite per esclusivo fine illustrativo. Le fotografie non possono rivelare l’effettiva condizione dell’oggetto né i reali colori dello stesso. tutti i lotti in asta possono essere visualizzati durante l’esposizione che si terrà prima dell’asta ed è interesse dei potenziali acquirenti chiedere ai nostri esperti informazioni concernenti l’attribuzione, le condizioni, la provenienza, il percorso storico, l’autenticità, lo stile, il periodo, l’età, l’idoneità, la qualità, il controllo tecnico, il valore e il prezzo di vendita stimato. È di esclusiva responsabilità del potenziale acquirente esaminare con cura e attenzione le reali condizioni dei lotti. Le condizioni effettive di un lotto non possono essere valutate in relazione al suo aspetto esteriore. il nostro personale specializzato è a disposizione per qualsiasi perizia riguardante le condizioni dei lotti. Qualsiasi persona responsabile del danneggiamento di un lotto dovrà rispondere personalmente del danno recato. 3. DESCRIZIONE DEI LOTTI E STIME il catalogo contiene, oltre le immagini, anche le descrizioni scientifiche dei beni posti in vendita fornite dai nostri esperti in materia. Stime Le stime sono stampate sotto la descrizione e sono il risultato della contrattazione tra Bertolami Fine Arts LtD e il venditore. Le stime non sono comprensive di iVA né di altri oneri. La stima non corrisponde al reale valore dell’oggetto ma è soltanto indicativa esclusivamente ai fini della vendita in asta. Le stime sono espresse nella valuta del paese di svolgimento della vendita, in questo caso in sterline(£). Rapporti sulla condizione Per quanto riguarda le condizioni dei lotti, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD può concedere a titolo gratuito informazioni sulla condizione dei lotti. una scheda sulle condizioni del lotto è rilasciata tutti i clienti che ne facciano richiesta. Responsabilità del venditore il venditore si impegna a rispettare tutti gli obblighi contrattuali qui indicati relativi la vendita degli oggetti in asta. Responsabilità di Bertolami Fine Arts LTD Bertolami Fine Arts LtD agisce in qualità di intermediario per la vendita e si assume l’impegno di consentire analisi, studi o test nell’interesse del venditore e degli acquirenti purché non siano invasive o possano danneggiare il bene. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD non si assume alcun obbligo o dovere relativamente alla completezza delle descrizioni nonché al prezzo di vendita di qualsiasi lotto.

Alterazioni Le descrizioni e le stime possono essere modificate in qualsiasi momento a discrezione di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD attraverso comunicazioni orali o scritte effettuate prima o durante la vendita oppure mediante la pubblicazione sul sito ufficiale: tutti i lotti possono essere accuratamente esaminati durante l’esposizione precedente la vendita all’asta. Autenticità La casa d’asta offre una garanzia incondizionata e senza riserva di tempo sull’autenticità degli oggetti. Le indicazioni e descrizioni contenute nel catalogo sono opinioni soggettive e sono espresse in buona fede. 4. SVOLGIMENTO DELLA VENDITA La vendita si svolge attraverso un’asta pubblica. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si riserva il diritto, ad esclusiva propria discrezione, di non consentire l’ingresso a soggetti non graditi durante l’asta e l’esposizione senza indicarne i motivi. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD ha completa discrezionalità sullo svolgimento della vendita scegliendo le modalità in cui essa è condotta. Gli interessati devono verificare la data e l’ora precisa dello svolgimento dell’asta. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD può rifiutare qualsiasi offerta, stabilire l’incremento che ritiene più opportuno,dividere i lotti a sua discrezione, ritirare lotti dalla vendita e, prima che la vendita venga chiusa, rimettere nuovamente in asta qualsiasi lotto. il banditore può, a sua assoluta discrezione, inserire offerte per conto del venditore. il banditore potrà, a sua discrezione, accettare o declinare qualsiasi offerta e ritirare i lotti dall’asta in qualsiasi momento. Qualche lotto potrebbe avere una riserva. il banditore ha il diritto di non vendere un lotto al di sotto della riserva concordata, oppure può offrire per conto del proprietario o per conto di BFA. se esiste una riserva, il banditore ha il diritto di offrire su qualsiasi lotto per conto del proprietario fino alla somma concordata contro chiunque in sala o su internet. il banditore ha il diritto di offrire su qualsiasi lotto per conto di BFA. il compratore sarà colui che si aggiudicherà il lotto al prezzo di battuta più alto in rapporto alla riserva. La risoluzione di eventuali fraintendimenti nel corso dell’asta riguardanti la riserva sono di esclusiva competenza del battitore. tutte le stime sono in sterline inglesi. A discrezione di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD può essere utilizzato un convertitore di valuta elettronico al momento della vendita riportando le valute correnti e gli equivalenti tassi di cambio. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD non accetta alcuna responsabilità dovuta al malfunzionamento del dispositivo. Per motivi di sicurezza possono essere utilizzate delle videocamere per registrare le fasi della vendita. 5. L’OFFERTA non si accettano offerte da persone che non si siano preventivamente registrate mediante l’apposito modulo di offerta prima di partecipare all’asta. Per completare il suddetto modulo devono essere forniti i dati personali completi e presentato un valido documento d’identità (passaporto, patente di guida o carta d’identità). Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si riserva la facoltà di chiedere il versamento di un deposito prima di fare un’offerta. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si può rifiutare a sua discrezione di accettare un’offerta anche se una determinata persona ha compilato correttamente il modulo di offerta. Offerta in sala Al fine di ottemperare alle procedure d’asta, è richiesto a tutti gli acquirenti interessati di munirsi di una paletta per le offerte prima che inizi la vendita. A tal fine, i potenziali clienti devono effettuare una registrazione che consiste nella compilazione e firma di un modulo disponibile presso la nostra area accoglienza come sopra indicato (sarà possibile pre-registrarsi anche durante i giorni di esposizione). compilando e firmando il modulo di registrazione e di attribuzione della paletta numerata, l’acquirente si impegna ad accettare tutte le “condizioni di Vendita” qui indicate. non si può agire per terza persona se non previa autorizzazione scritta di quest’ultima accettata dalla nostra Amministrazione. tutti i potenziali acquirenti sono pregati di portare con sé un documento d’identità. se ci dovessero essere dei dubbi riguardo al prezzo, è necessario attirare immediatamente l’attenzione del banditore prima che prosegua la vendita dei lotti successivi comunicando i motivi della contestazione. tutti i lotti venduti verranno fatturati al cliente preventivamente registrato e non potranno essere fatturati ad altri nominativo salvo diverso accordo effettuato con l’amministrazione di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD. Al termine dell’asta la paletta dovrà essere restituita al banco registrazioni.

Offerte telefoniche (disponibile solo su lotti con stima superiore ai 500 £) e’possibile fare offerte per via telefonica. Poiché le linee telefoniche disponibili sono limitate, è necessario effettuare richiesta almeno 24 ore prima dell’inizio dell’asta. i collegamenti telefonici durante l’asta potranno essere registrati. suggeriamo ai clienti di lasciare un’offerta massima che eseguiremo per suo conto nel caso in cui Bertolami Fine Arts LtD dovesse avere problemi con la linea telefonica. il servizio telefonico è un servizio discrezionale e non è disponibile per tutti i lotti. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD non è responsabile di eventuali interruzioni della linea durante la vendita. il nostro personale sarà disponibile per telefonate in lingua straniera purché preventivamente concordato. Offerta per posta o fax Possono essere inviate all’ufficio responsabile della vendita offerte via fax o per posta. È necessario far pervenire il modulo di offerta scaricandolo dal sito di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD o prendendolo dal catalogo cartaceo, appena possibile. nel caso in cui due o più offerenti presentino offerte identiche tra loro, la prima offerta ricevuta avrà la priorità. in ogni caso, tutte le offerte devono pervenire almeno 24 ore prima dell’inizio della vendita. L’offerente deve verificare che il modulo delle offerte sia stato ricevuto, pertanto Bertolami Fine Arts LtD non è responsabile per la mancata ricezione dei moduli. tutte le offerte saranno effettuate al prezzo più basso, tenendo conto dei prezzi di riserva e di altre eventuali offerte. Al fine dell’aggiudicazione dei lotti gli offerenti devono fornire i propri dati persone e le eventuali referenze richieste. La comunicazione non corretta dei dati determinerà l’annullamento dell’offerta. Offerte via internet si prega di visitare il nostro sito web a per conoscere i dettagli su come fare un’offerta via internet. Offerte in live-bidding Per partecipare all’aggiudicazione dei lotti durante l’asta live, è necessario registrarsi prima dell’asta su uno dei portali indicati sul nostro sito web. tale modalità di partecipazione deve essere preventivamente autorizzata dalla nostra società. Offerta tramite terzi Possono essere accettate offerte tramite terzi solo se in cliente lo autorizza preventivamente per iscritto. Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione potete contattare il servizio clienti di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD. 6. CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA TRA L’ACQUIRENTE E IL VENDITORE E IL VENDITORE E BERTOLAMI FINE ARTS LTD. il lotto che viene aggiudicato dal compratore dovrà rispettare le condizioni del contratto stipulate tra il venditore e Bertolami Fine Arts LtD. il compratore dovrà pagare il prezzo di acquisto, che è il prezzo di aggiudicazione in asta oltre le commissioni e l’iVA di legge. Le condizioni tra Bertolami Fine Arts LtD come mediatore e l’acquirente sono regolati da altro contratto. i potenziali aggiudicatari, sono pregati di leggere attentamente i termini e le condizioni contrattuali per la vendita contenute nel catalogo. in qualità di mediatore della vendita, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si avvale della possibilità di cambiare i termini di uno o entrambi gli accordi stipulati prima della loro vendita in asta, inserendoli nel catalogo e/o inserendo un avviso nel nostro sito internet o presso la sede di vendita e/o attraverso annunci orali prima e durante la vendita. 7. PREZZO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE, COMMISSIONE D’ACQUISTO E IVA Al prezzo di aggiudicazione del lotto sarà aggiunta una commissione d’acquisto che l’acquirente è tenuto a pagare quale parte dell’ammontare totale dovuto. La commissione d’acquisto è indicata nelle informazioni dell’asta. Al fine di armonizzare le procedure fiscali tra i paesi dell’unione europea, con decorrenza 1 gennaio 2001 sono state introdotte nuove regole con l’estensione alle case d’Asta del regime del margine. L’art. 45 della legge 342 del 21 novembre 2000 prevede l’applicazione di tale regime alle vendite concluse in esecuzione ai contratti di commissione definiti con: • soggetti privati; • soggetti passivi d’imposta che hanno assoggettato l’operazione al regime del margine; • soggetti che non hanno potuto detrarre l’imposta ai sensi degli art. 19, 19-bis, e 19-bis2 del DPR. 633/72 (che hanno venduto il bene in esenzione ex-art. 10, 27-quinquies) • soggetti che beneficiano del regime di franchigia previsto per le piccole imprese nello stato di appartenenza.

in forza della speciale normativa, nei casi sopracitati eventuali imposta iVA, ovvero una somma sostitutiva di iVA, se applicabile, viene applicata dalla casa d’Asta. nessun simbolo verrà usato per i lotti venduti nel regime del margine. 8. PAGAMENTO DEGLI ACQUISTI il pagamento dei lotti aggiudicati deve essere effettuato immediatamente dopo l’asta e può essere effettuato mediante bonifico bancario, contanti, assegno circolare, assegno bancario di conto corrente, carta di credito (Visa o Mastercard). Bertolami Fine Arts LtD intesterà la fattura alla medesima persona che risulti all’atto della registrazione della paletta salvo diversi accordi precedentemente concordati con l’Amministrazione. come richiesto dalla legge, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD è tenuta a richiedere ai propri clienti l’esibizione di un documento di identità (carta di identità, patente, passaporto) e la conferma del domicilio. L’acquirente che intende pagare con assegno sia circolare che bancario deve prendere accordi conl’Amministrazione. non è possibile consegnare le merci contro pagamento a mezzo assegno bancario o circolare sino all’incasso dell’assegno, se non diversamente concordato prima dell’asta. Le coordinate bancarie per i bonifici sono le seguenti: Barclays, iBAn: GB59 BARc 2057 7690 1999 66 – Account nr. 90199966 - sWiFt/Bic: BARcGB22 il pagamento può essere fatto mediante Visa o Mastercard solo dal titolare della carta. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si riserva la facoltà di controllare la provenienza dei pagamenti ricevuti. Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si riserva il diritto di non accettare pagamenti ricevuti da persone differenti dall’acquirente. tuttavia in limitate circostanze e comunque con il consenso del venditore, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD ha la possibilità di offrire agli acquirenti che ritenga affidabili la facoltà di pagare i beni acquistati a cadenze dilazionate. Le modalità di pagamento dilazionato dovranno essere definite prima della vendita. Prima di stabilire se concedere o meno pagamenti dilazionati, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD può chiedere referenze sull’affidabilità dell’acquirente e documentazione sulla sua identità ed affidabilità. non sarà permesso a nessuno di ritirare il lotto sino a che non sarà effettuato il pagamento, a meno che non sia stato accordato un credito prima dell’asta. 9. RITIRI Al momento del ritiro del lotto, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD chiederà all’acquirente un documento attestante la sua identità. i lotti saranno consegnati esclusivamente all’acquirente o a persona da lui stesso incaricata per il ritiro solo ad avvenuto pagamento. eventuali spese di trasporto, interessi e magazzinaggio saranno addebitati ai clienti acquirenti per i lotti non pagati e ritirati nei tempi qui stabiliti. 10. MAGAZZINAGGIO Le spese di trasporto e dell’eventuale magazzinaggio sono a carico del compratore. Per maggiori informazioni in merito è necessario contattare i nostri responsabili al magazzinaggio. 11. RESPONSABILITA’ DI PERDITA/DANNEGGIAMENTO Bertolami Fine Arts LtD è responsabile per la perdita o danneggiamento del bene per un massimo di dieci (10) giorni lavorativi dalla data della vendita. 12. SPEDIZIONE i responsabili delle spedizioni di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD sono a disposizione dei clienti per informazioni circa l’esportazione ed il trasporto dei beni. i beni acquistati potranno essere spediti immediatamente dopo il pagamento e dopo aver ricevuto istruzioni scritte da parte dell’acquirente su modalità e luogo di consegna nonché dopo avere ottenuto eventuali licenze di esportazione o certificati necessari al trasporto. tutti i costi di spedizione incluse le spese per gli imballi sono a carico dell’acquirente. Potranno essere richiesti al dipartimento spedizioni preventivi di spesa ed informazioni in merito alle spedizioni. Le spese di magazzinaggio per periodi superiori ai dieci (10) giorni stabiliti per il ritiro dei beni acquistati sono a carico del compratore. L’acquirente deve concordare con il trasportatore la copertura assicurativa senza alcuna responsabilità per Bertolami Fine Arts LtD. tale copertura è a spese dell’acquirente.

Bertolami Fine Arts LtD è a disposizione degli acquirenti per fornire eventuali alternative alla copertura assicurativa del trasportatore. invitiamo i clienti acquirenti ad effettuare un attento controllo delle condizioni dei beni consegnati al momento della consegna da parte del trasportatore e di segnalare immediatamente qualsiasi problema riscontrato. 13. RESPONSABILITA’ DEI VENDITORI E/O DI BERTOLAMI FINE ARTS LTD oltre le responsabilità e gli obblighi dei venditori e di Bertolami Fine Arts LtD di cui sopra, né venditori né tanto meno Bertolami Fine Arts LtD si ritengono responsabili per qualsiasi errore nella descrizione dei lotti o nella loro stima per la vendita nonché per qualsiasi tipo di omissione che possa comportare perdite o danni materiali o immateriali all’acquirente. 14. TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI in conformità con le norme sul trattamento dei dati personali, Bertolami Fine Arts LtD agirà nel rispetto delle informazioni di tutti coloro avessero intenzione di partecipare alla nostra asta.

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