GCSE Digital Photography
Academy Closure
Firstly........... a massive WELL DONE on the completion of Assignment 4 “Expressive Portraiture”. You have worked with great enthusiasm this term. Let‟s keep this going!
Now, for the next two weeks the name of the game is: “A5 Photomontage”.
During the closure of the Academy you will miss 3 lessons of your course: Tuesday 29th March 2011 P3 Monday 4th April 2011 P2 Wednesday 6th April 2011 P3 As such, this pack has been put together to help you continue with you new assignment „A5 Photomontage‟ throughout the closure.
Last lesson, you were introduced to your new assignment and given a guidance paper to read through. Please ensure you have this to hand over the academy closure as you will need it to aid you through the following research tasks: 1. 2. 3.
What is Photomontage? Links to other Artists and Photographers? Magazine Illustration? The Wire Time I-D
Assignment 5 will be your third outcome from the current project „Portraiture‟. This assignment in particular will be focusing on Photoshop (the industry standard image manipulation programme) and how it can be used to manipulate photographs to achieve a desired result, such as Photomontage.
In the project brief you are asked to: Produce two cover illustrations for a real magazine company. Throughout this assignment you will be using images from assignments 3 or 4, which you will put through the “digital darkroom” (Photoshop) to create a „Montage‟ effect. You will then use your manipulated image as the main cover story for your magazine illustration. So…….you will need to consider what magazine company lends itself to your image. For example, “my chosen image could represent a cover story for a new solo artist so I am going to use the magazine “Wire”. See below!
REMEMBER: Your journals have been handed in for assessment therefore these assignments are research tasks. You are required to present and organise all sought information neatly on paper or in a document such as „word‟. They are in response to Assessment Objectives 1 & 3 and will need to be presented in your journals when you return after the Easter holidays. A01: Develop ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.
Examples/Evidence: Ideas pages, annotation, mind maps, thorough research (artists, photographers, galleries, films, music, etc), understanding your theme/idea, different times, cultures, traditions and religions, contemporary and traditional art.
A03: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions in visual and other forms.
Examples/Evidence: Selecting appropriate images from previous assignment, your own photographs (viewpoints, closeups, lighting), research of magazines, researching different magazine covers for text / cover story ideas.
TASK 1: What is Photomontage (AO1)? To begin this assignment you need to familiarise yourself with the theme Photomontage. You can use a popular search engine such as “Google” to conduct a web search that will help you with this task. Try typing in key words such as: What is Photomontage? Portrait Photomontage? Also collect a range of images as visual research which you can annotate in your sketchbook to form ideas and links to the work of others.
TASK 2: Links to other Artists and Photographers (A01)? David Hockney is well known for his Montage Mosaics. Using Hockney as a starting point, research and explore 4 Artists / Photographers that have worked in the field of “Photomontage”. In your own words document relevant information about them and their work and explain why you have chosen them as inspiration for this assignment. You must analyse their work using your critical studies sheets, and remember to use specific photography vocab such as composition, mood, content, technique etc.
Useful websites: Photographer Analysis –
A timeline of fantastic photomontage and its possible influences: David Hockney Cornelia Hediger Joseph Cornell etc.
TASK 3: 1. 2. 3.
Magazine Illustration (A03)? The Wire Time I-D
Conduct research to illustrate knowledge / content on each of the above Magazine‟s.
What is the Magazine about/what is its subject matter? What are the Magazines main interests? How often is it published? Target audience? Analyse the design and layout? What type of text is used?
Your magazine selection will depend highly on the “look” of your final image montage, as explained at the beginning of this magazine. So make sure your final selection is based on the “look” of your imagery from assignment 3 or 4 which you are going to use as a basis for this assignment.
Happy Holidays…………………Miss Smith