Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art)
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Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art)
Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art)
You will need to consider the following: 1. Techniques: As outlined above your final piece will be created from your knowledge and understanding of the techniques, processes and ideas that you have explored in assignment 1. Remember to work to your strengths; your final outcome must be strong, imaginative and original. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to explore your own creative textiles and create really exciting new and interactive ideas.
2. Subject Matter: Throughout assignment 1 you have explored a variety of responses to the given theme ‘The Environment’. Now you need to select, refine, and develop those ideas into a final product, for this exhibition. Think outside of the box to combine techniques and processes to create an original / innovative piece of textile artwork.
3. Materials: So far throughout this project you have been using a variety of materials that have been accessible to you throughout your textile lessons. If you require any additional materials, you will have to source these outside of the academy. Make sure this is identified in your planning and think ahead ready for your lessons.
4. Scale: Your final outcome will take its shape around a 30cm x 30cm canvas. You need to consider these measurements when creating your piece of artwork, and set aside for an ‘allowance’ which will allow your artwork to be stretched.
5. Design Sheet: To document the design process and to make the links to assessment objectives 1 – 3, you are required to create a design sheet. This design sheet can be any size ranging from A3 – A1 cartridge paper. Make sure you document thumbnail sketch frames of your initial thoughts and ideas, links to artists, and any materials and techniques that you will be using.
6. Presentation:
Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art) You will need to consider what type of art work you are going to create. Try researching and exploring current textiles exhibitions for inspiration? Your final outcome will be stretched onto a 30cm x 30cm canvas, which opens up a wide variety for 2D - 3D relief textile artwork.
Do you have a smart phone? If so you can use the camera on your phone to access online resources to help you with this assignment. All you need is a QR code reader app, point your phone web browser to one of readers below: ● ● ● ● ● For iPhone users. Go to iTunes and search for: QR Code reader
Once you have a reader/ app on your smart phone. Simply take a quick snap of the code(s) below, and you will be redirected to the required resource, directly on your phone.
AFL: Assessment for Learning. ●
Learn about the assessment objectives.
eGallery: ●
Take a look at some examples of work for this assignment.
Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art)
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Go to the Visual Arts YouTube channel and watch some amazing drawing tutorials.
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Knowledge of Textiles – Environment A3: Personal Response (Exhibition Art)
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