A6: Personal Response to Portraiture
Artwork above by Harry Rowland - Holmfirth High School
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture •
For this assignment you are required to create a 'PERSONAL RESPONSE' to portraiture.
Because this work is 'YOUR' response to the portrait project you will have much freedom to create pretty much whatever you like so long as it is connected to portraiture somehow and you show clear planning, exploration and development throughout your work.
The main outcome of this assignment will provide you with marks and evidence for assessment objective 4.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the assessment objectives.
Guidance: •
You may have enjoyed a previous assignment and therefore choose to produce another piece of work in a similar way.
You may wish to combine two or more of the previous assignments, and create a response using techniques that you have previously used.
The subject matter does not need to be of a traditional portrait. It could well be a portrayal of something personal to you such as: hobbies/ interests, favourite music/ bands, video games, films or political issues.
The work does not need to be a painting or drawing either.
There are many ways in which you could create a work of art for this assignment such as: Sculpture, Collage, Photo montage, a computer generated image .
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Tips: •
Try to be original. You will get more marks if your work is unlike anything else others have done or intend to do! Consider the scale (size) of your work too. Don't do anything too small but be realistic, if you plan to work too big you may not finish the work in time for the deadline (TBA).
Before you submit your finished work for assessment make sure that it is complete! A complete artwork needs to have a full interesting background and all of the surface area of work should be covered in colour/ imagery/ line and detail(s).
Make sure you do your research before you begin this task. Check out other pupils work in the online gallery.
Begin this work in your sketchbook and develop a few ideas on a small scale first of all. Experiment with layout, proportion, medium and colour. Above all show your ideas thoroughly, using annotations that explain what/ how you intend to develop your ideas into your final work of art.
Make sure you have read the assessment objectives so that you know what you will be marked on.
Consider working on a large canvas for this assignment. Doing this is good practice for future exam pieces.
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Task 1: Initial ideas Like any good/ strong work of art you will need a 'solid' idea and/or theme for your work. To help you begin your work, and to generate evidence in your sketchbook, consider drawing out a mind-map that illustrates a range of possible ideas/ outcomes. • You can present your mind-map however you like, but you should consider using a mind-mapping tool like www.bubbl.us for strong presentation. • Your mind-map should fill a full page in your sketchbook and include: ◦ A range (3-4) of different outcomes. ◦ An indication of size/scale ◦ An indication of possible mediums/ materials ◦ WHAT? - Your idea(s) is ◦ WHY? - Your idea is appropriate to this assignment ◦ HOW? - You will develop/create your idea •
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Task 2: Research •
After you have illustrated a range of ideas (mind-map), you should then conduct research to help you develop your idea(s).
Initially, research at least TWO possible ideas for this assignment. This will help you generate lots of evidence for your sketchbook (more marks), and will also serve as a useful 'back-up' or 'plan b'.
With your ideas in mind, find a range of possible starting points such as images and examples of artwork.
Present your findings on full (separate) pages in your sketchbook and add annotations and explanations for all.
You need to include the 'sources' of your research too, this is likely to be a website address (URL) or a book title. Be specific, for example 'Google' is not specific enough, you need to find and include the exact website address of the research that google provides.
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Task 3: Development. •
You need to include examples of how your idea(s) have developed from an initial starting point (mind-map) into possible final ideas.
To do this you should illustrate each idea in your sketchbook.
Aim to illustrate each idea using different/ alternative 'compositions' and 'layouts'. Play about with a range of alternative colour options.
If your idea(s) are based on photographs, take a set of alternative photographs experimenting with view-points and light.
Try to have at least 3-4 pages of development work for each idea.
After your initial ideas have been developed, it is time to select your strongest idea/work and create 'prep' items that you can work from for your main/final outcome.
Produce TWO full-page 'prep' outcomes of your chosen idea showing/using alternative colour and layout options.
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Task 4: Artist Links/ connections with your own work The work that you produce/ create for this assignment should have a clear link/ connection to the work of an artist. Your ideas may have originated from other artists work, or you may need to find an artist that has created work similar to your own ideas/work. •
Using new sketchbook pages: Make a title-page - 'Links to my Portrait Response' A mind-map page - which illustrates how your own work will 'link' to the artist(s) that you explored during this assignment. ◦ Include an example of art created by your chosen artist(s), which has inspired your own idea/ work, or that is similar to your own idea/work. Explain why this work was/ is inspirational/ relevant/ similar, and what elements you could/will try to use within your work, and why. ◦ Create/ produce some initial examples/ studies that illustrates how your idea/ work is linked to the work of your chosen artist(s). ◦ ◦
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Task 5: The Final Outcome When all of the above tasks are completed in your sketchbook (the more you do, the more marks you can gain!), you should be ready to begin work on your final/main outcome for this assignment. Tips: •
As this is a main item of coursework, be brave and work BIG!
Painting is a main component of this course and you are likely to create paintings for your mock and final examinations. As such this is an ideal opportunity to practice and refine/develop your painting skills.
Consider purchasing a large canvas. These can be obtained from any good Art store like 'The Range'.
Be organised and ensure that you have your sketchbook and all/ any source imagery to hand for every lesson.
Work directly from your sketchbook development pages.
Begin your work (painting) with a light/loose sketchy line.
Map-out your work/outline with a light pencil line.
Reflect on your work periodically (often), so that you can spot/ identify any errors or mistakes early on.
Develop your outline with a slightly stronger line.
Remove any old sketchy line before you begin applying paint. A neat, sharp outline will provide a clear boundary for applying paint(s).
Work in layers, from the background towards the foreground. Build up these layers of colour by working in 'zones', allowing one zone to dry while you work on another, then return to previous zones and build the layers more.
Consider attending Art Clinic for extra time on your work, and should you fall behind, ensure that you catch-up any missed lessons/time.
A6: Personal Response to Portraiture Do you have a smart phone? If so you can use the camera on your phone to access online resources to help you with this assignment. All you need is a QR code reader app, point your phone web browser to one of readers below: • • • • •
http://reader.kaywa.com http://get.beetagg.com http://www.quickmark.com.tw/En/basic/download.asp http://europe.nokia.com/support/product-support/nokia-n80/phone-software/smartphone For iPhone users. Go to iTunes and search for: QR Code reader
Once you have a reader/ app on your smart phone. Simply take a quick snap of the code(s) below, and you will be redirected to the required resource, directly on your phone.
AFL: Assessment for Learning. •
Learn about the assessment objectives. http://bit.ly/gsMMUl
eGallery: •
Take a look at some examples of work for this assignment. http://bit.ly/iBG4mP
YouTube: •
Go to the Visual Arts YouTube channel and watch some amazing drawing tutorials. http://bit.ly/9iH5sc
Nouveau Calendar: •
Keep up to date, and stay organised. http://bit.ly/qOx5Vk
Colour Prints: •
Request Colour print outs here. http://bit.ly/gBCGxv
Weblinks: •
A set of useful weblinks
Visual Arts FB page:
Twitter: •
Follow us on twitter and keep up to date with news and events. http://bit.ly/m6q4Z6