Architecture and its Aspects, essay by Alexandra Alvarez

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Essay Alexandra Alvarez ID: 20029843

Architecture and its Aspects "The image of the architect as a singular hero is stubbornly persistent one"1 wrote the English writer Harriet Harriss in her book "Architects After Architecture: Alternative Paths to Practice". The history of architecture explores many expressions of the human being. From the time of the Göbekli Tepe to the current buildings, which are part of our culture. It can be difficult to identify the birth of modern architecture. However, “the architect Louis Sullivan, who designed the buildings for the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, became the foundation of modern architects” 2. “At its roots, architecture exists to create the physical environment in which people live. However, architecture is more than just the built environment, it is also part of our culture. It is a representation of how we see ourselves, as well as how we see the world ”.3

For some people, the most important aspect of architecture is what is on the inside, even though this is true, others might consider that architecture is often built around those who inhabit the interior. “It has the ability to affect and influence our emotions and perceptions through factors such as space, light and geometry, even the same materials that are used in its construction”. In addition," it is not just an instinctive feeling either. Scientists have shown that certain cells in the hippocampus region of our brain are attuned to the places and spaces we inhabit ".4

Architecture arose at the beginning of time, when human beings tried to protect themselves from the weather and predators by building shelters. On the other hand, it can be said that architecture and its history can be related to art such as Roman architecture, although it is not the oldest architecture, it is the best persevered. In general, the history of architecture has as many years as the history of humanity, also similar in complexity, one could say that the exact origin of the architecture dates to the Neolithic period, or simply when people stopped living in caves. "The history of architecture has proven to be many things: comfortable, elegant, modern, brutal, indexed, vernacular, and yet one of its most interesting aspects is its ability to reflect the spirit of the time. Its parallels with human history are justified by its strong material presence that serves as the best physical evidence of social change ”.5


Harriss Harriet, Architects after architecture, 2021, page.8. Lauren Thomann, The Spruce, updated 12/18/20. Available in:,usually%20involves%20sharp%2C% 20clean%20lines Accessed: 25/05/21 3 George Vangelatos, HMC Architects. Available in: Accessed: 25/05/21 4 InterFocus, The Science of Architecture: How Design Affects the Way We Feel. Available in: Accessed: 25/05/21 5 Aquitectura Pura. Available in: C%20m%C3%A1s,el%20arte%20de%20la%20canter%C3%ADa. Accessed: 25/05/21 2


Essay Alexandra Alvarez ID: 20029843 Architecture and science go hand in hand so it is not only necessary to just create avant-garde buildings, we also must think about the environment and its problems. Alexander, Christopher said, “I began in 1964, with Notes on the Synthesis of Form, the first work that truly looked at architecture from a scientist's point of view, yet moving towards the core and meaning of architecture, not merely technics. (Of course, there had been many decades of technical science in architecture, addressing problems of heat, materials, lighting, etc. I am not talking about that, but rather about a vision which allows us to see architecture itself – the deepest problems of architecture – in a scientific way)”.6

High technology and sustainability in architecture are elements incorporated into global trends, for which (Mercado Marín) emphasized the importance of solving the new architectural paradigms where collaboration with science is necessary. “Here we see that science supports and helps us, so that architects increasingly have to collaborate with experts in different sciences that are necessary for a cutting-edge construction or building. All of this is beneficial for architecture because it helps to develop architectural projects that are much more attached to the human being”, the architect and professor Mercado Marín said in an interview with the Conacyt Information Agency.7

At a press conference in 2016, the Chilean Pritzker Prize winner said he believed that architecture's potential to alleviate some of the world's problems comes from a balance between practicality and intelligence. He also suggested that architecture should be viewed as a set of tools for understanding society, rather than simply a profession.8 the world of architecture knows the problems: large-scale housing problems, rebuilding urban infrastructure, greenhouse gasses, inclusive design, creating and preserving heritage and the solutions. however, the solutions have not yet been implemented, the world of architecture knows the problems and the solutions. However, the solutions have not yet been launched, although the issues are on the table in the world of architecture, it is taking small steps forward to realise that the solutions are a relief and not just another problem. “Architecture is about finding imaginative and creative solutions to improve people's quality of life. Our job is to gather knowledge of an often-frictionless set of constraints and draw lessons from that”.9


Alexander, Christopher. "The Interaction of Architecture and Science." Katarxis Nº 3: New Science, New Urbanism, New Architecture? 3, no. 3 (2004). Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 7 Hugo Valencia Juliao, Architecture from the point of view of science. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 8 Rethinking the future, Five BIG problems architects can (and should) solve, Source: UNSW Newsroom. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 9

Alejandro Aravena, Rethinking the Future. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/2


Essay Alexandra Alvarez ID: 20029843

I wanted to name some of the most recognized architects: Antoni Gaudi for Casa Batllo, Friedensreich Hundertwasser for Hundertwasserhaus, César Pelli for Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur.

Recent research says that poor architecture can harm residents, such as: metals can overheat and reflect off glass on a sunny day, this can also be hazardous to drivers as it reflects light into their eyes. Here is an example of those famous, elegant and majestic buildings.

London’s Walkie Talkie building, left.10

In architecture, we can see wonderful buildings that illuminate us and leave us majestically paralyzed due to how incredible they are. However, we hardly ever stop to think or see the consequences and the pros and cons of a building. We are going to go back to the past and look at how they were built in ancient times. They also made some wonderful buildings and yet they did not destroy the planet, comparing to our time we can only see that our planet is being destroyed by the bad construction of unnecessary buildings, construction that is very damaging to the environment is being done, I am not saying that the architecture is bad but I think we can highlight radical changes and quickly so that we can maintain a structure with good seeds and make this place called earth sustainable.


Frank Augstein, Photography. Available in:


Essay Alexandra Alvarez ID: 20029843

Creating a building in the mind is something magical but doing it physically must be fascinating, it must have a god like feeling when one has created a building. I am a design student but thinking of changing to architecture and I think it would be very good to learn to do things that do not harm humanity or the planet so for me the most important thing is to do things that serve the human being and not just simply to build something beautiful.

Egyptian pyramids.

In conclusion, we must return to the beginnings of architecture, to be able to understand why it began to be built and from that point we begin to create our works for humanity, since it is humans who will live within those walls or work within them we will call it work or home. If we continue to build without reflecting, then we can see the drastic and dramatic consequences that will occur in the future. I know that time is being fought to do a great job at a scientific and ecological level. However, as I mentioned before, what you should think about is the commitment to build, so that those who are inside and outside feel good, but also, so that those who are around can have and an above all a healthy mental and physical life. Thus, and only thus can we say that we have managed to rebuild a better world.


Essay Alexandra Alvarez ID: 20029843

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) Harriss Harriet, Architects after architecture, 2021, page.8. 2) Lauren Thomann, The Spruce, updated 12/18/20. Available in: 0a%20style,usually%20involves%20sAccessed: 25/05/21 3) George Vangelatos, HMC Architects. Available in: Accessed: 25/05/21 4) InterFocus, The Science of Architecture: How Design Affects the Way We Feel. Available in: Accessed: 25/05/21 5) Aquitectura Pura. Available in: historia%2C%20m%C3%A1s,el%20arte%20de%20la%20canter%C3%ADa Accessed: 25/05/21 6) Alexander, Christopher. "The Interaction of Architecture and Science." Katarxis Nº 3: New Science, New Urbanism, New Architecture? 3, no. 3 (2004). Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 7)Hugo Valencia Juliao, Architecture from the point of view of science. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 8)Rethinking the future, Five BIG problems architects can (and should) solve, Source: UNSW Newsroom. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/21 9)Alejandro Aravena, Rethinking the Future. Available in: Accessed: 26/05/2 10) Frank Augstein, Photography. Available in:


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