2013 Diary
Education, Skills Development and Youth Programmes
CONTENTS How to use this guide
Contact Details
ADE Projects and Co-productions 2013
Grade 12 Set Works
High School Drama Festival and Gala Event
School’s Arts Festival
Heritage Festival
Resource Centre Projects
Special Projects
Associated Companies
Associated Artscape Departments
Collaborative Institutions
Associated Projects
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Annexure D
Annexure E
Annexure F
Artscape Resource Centre Membership Benefits
Code of Conduct for Artscape Theatre Users
Artscape Theatre Centre Contacts
Western Cape Education Department Contacts
The Western Cape Cultural Commission Contacts
Calendar of Events 2013
How to use this guide The Artscape Audience Development and Education Department (ADE) is involved in a number of projects throughout the year to realise their vision of taking arts to all the communities in the Western Cape. This booklet is divided into sections to give you detailed information about what is happening and who to contact about each specific project for more information or assistance.
The sections are as follows: 1. Contact details for ADE, Resource Centre and the School Liaison Unit Here you will find the contact details for the above-mentioned departments, who are responsible for a project and each person’s abbreviation eg: Debbie Damons (DD) which will appear next to each project for which she/he is responsible, thus giving you a quick reference about who to contact for any queries you might have. 2. Projects and co-productions 2013 This section gives you a brief overview of all the exciting projects, which the ADE team has put together for this year along with the co-productions the department is involved in. Sub-sections include the High School Drama Festival and the popular Schools Arts Festival. 3. The School Liaison unit Works primarily with schools in liaising and collaborating with the Western Cape Education Department. 4. Resource Centre Projects Find out about a variety of interesting projects focused on developing such skills as arts management, computer training and much more. 5. Special Projects These are special projects, which fall within the mandate of the Artscape Audience Development and Education Programme.
6. Associated Companies These are the companies associated with Artscape and with which ADE works very closely and who provide a variety of services. 7. Collaborative Institutions ADE has formed partnerships with various institutions to be able to provide a greater spectrum of entertainment catering to all tastes. 8. Associated Projects ADE works closely with a number of different organisations to be able to provide a wide and varied arts experience to our audiences. 9. Code of Conduct of Artscape Theatre This section briefly outlines the code of conduct for all Artscape Theatre users. 10. Artscape Theatre Centre Contacts General contact information for the different Artscape departments. 11. Annexures Here you will find the registration forms for the events that require this.
Die uitvoerende kunste het die potensiaal om ’n fundamentele katalisator te wees vir ekonomiese groei, menslike ontwikkeling en maatskaplike saamklewing. Since its inception, Artscape has embarked on a committed path to realise this potential through ingenious initiatives that successfully positioned the Artscape Theatre Centre as one of the most productive performing arts complexes in the country. Over the years Artscape has established an innovative education and training programme that forms part of the building blocks in establishing a fully functional training academy; a proudly South African institution that offers hope and career options to young South Africans and even young performers on the African continent. Thabatha la mathuba afumaneka ngokulula, fumana amava olonwabo ngethiyatha uze ubeyinxalenye yeArtscape Live Vision 20!20.
Michael Maas CEO: Artscape
Artscape continuously endeavours to place multi-cultural arts and artistic forms as the central focus of productions, events and activities staged at Artscape Theatre Centre. We provide programmes in arts education and development to affirm that the arts, culture, artists and musicians are positive change agents in the realization of a rich arts and culture community. Ukuhlonela nokuxhasa ukuzibonisa ngobuchule kunikela ekomelezeni unxibelelwano loluntu nolwesizwe. The Artscape Audience Development and Education Department (ADE) places emphasis on the development and education of youth in theatre by offering educational programmes in both urban, peri-urban and rural communities. We forge relationships nationally and internationally to ensure our audiences and recipients of our developmental programmes achieve a culturally diverse education in the arts. Each year we also stage theatre productions in rural communities to gain a maximum reach to all communities. Ons bevorder die uitvoerende kunste deur die jeug in die beginsels daarvan te onderlê om sodoende ’n ryk en volhoubare erflating in kuns en kultuur daar te stel. Kuns en kultuur is ’n lokomotief vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Deur die jeug op te lei, bou ons ’n nasie asook die toekomstige kuns en kultuurleiers. Kom neem deel aan ons programme en wees deel van die span wat ’n ryke kultuurerfenis vir toekomstige generasies bou.
Marlene le Roux
Director: Audience Development & Education
Abbrev. Portfolio
Contact Details
Charmaine Hess
Personal Assistant
Tel: 021 4109958 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: charmaineh@artscape.co.za
Charles Banjatwa
Community Liaison
Tel: 021 410 9945 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: charlesb@artscape.co.za
Debbie Damons
Programme Manager
Tel: 021 4109915 Fax: 021 4109845 E-mail: debbied@artscape.co.za
Mammie Qwazi
Project Assistant
Tel: 021 410 9202 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: mammieq@artscape.co.za
Michael de Beer
Special Events and Marketing Co-ordinator
Tel: 021 4109934 Fax: 021 4109845 E-mail: miked@artscape.co.za
Naboweya Prince
Resource Centre Operations Administrator
Tel: 021 410 9986 Fax: 086 571 2848 E-mail: naboweyap@artscape.co.za
Riaan Visman
School Liaison Unit (SLU) Manager
Tel: 021 410 9927 Fax: 086 601 9135 E-mail: slu@artscape.co.za
Tarnia van Zitters
Logistics Manager
Tel: 021 410 9803 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: tarniav@artscape.co.za
Toberin Meyer
Project Manager
Tel: 021 4109917 Fax: 021 4109845 E-mail: toberinm@artscape.co.za
Ukhona Mlandu
Resource Centre Manager
Tel: 021 410 9952 Fax: 086 604 3223 E-mail: ukhonam@artscape.co.za
Euginia Budaza
School Liaison Unit (SLU) Administrator
Tel: 021 410 9938 Fax: 086 601 9135 E-mail: euginiab@artscape.co.za
29 January – 2 February 10th Suidoosterfees Venue: Artscape Theatre Die Burger Suidoosterfees in samewerking met die Stad Kaapstad, bied jaarliks ’n uitstaande fees van teater en kulturele vermaak aan. Professionele asook gemeenskapsproduksies word op die planke gebring. Kontak: Dr Niel le Roux Uitvoerende Hoof – Die Burger Suidoosterfees Tel: 021 446 1559 Faks: 021 446 1563 Webwerf: www.suidoosterfees.co.za TvZ
31 January, 1, 2 February ’n Plekkie In Die Son Venue: Artscape Theatre
’n Plekkie in die Son showcases the talents of Mitchells Plain’s acclaimed performers. Loukmaan and Emo Adams, SA’s Got Talent winner James Bhemgee, Khoisan rapper Blaqpearl and edgy comedienne Melanie Jones… ’n cast wat skrik vir niks. Included are upcoming Hip Hop artists from Mitchells Plain, Beat Down Squad and Return to Burn. The book, ’n Plekkie In Die Son, was launched in February 2011. The production highlights stories of people from Mitchells Plain, listening to the voices of the past and giving ideals to the voices of the future. This production is sponsored by Artscape and Suidoosterfees. DD
6 February Artscape Education, Skills Development and Youth Programmes Launch Venue: Artscape Time: 17h00
Artscape’s Education, Skills Development and Youth Development programme for 2013/14 will be launched on 6 February 2013. The education, skills and youth development programmes demonstrate how the Theatre’s involvement in a number of projects throughout the year realises its vision of taking arts to all the communities of the Western Cape. The programme launch will highlight productions and programmes that demonstrate Multicultural Consciousness, Development of New Artistic Products, Youth Development and Performing Arts Education. This annual event is attended by various stakeholders including donors, sponsors, the education and theatre fraternity.
2 March 2013 Hannes Thiart Photo Exhibition – Die Klopse Foto Uitstalling Venue: Oude Libertas Auditorium Time: 13h00 Hannes Thiart, award winning photojournalist and owner of t-ART photo+design and videography, iFLY Productions says: “I was absolutely amazed at the rich history that unfolded right before my eyes (camera lens) during the multiple Wellington Klopse photoshoots. At the same time I was saddened by the fact that I never – during my dozens of years working as a photojournalist at the two top Cape Town newspapers, Die Burger and the Cape Argus – knew or read any articles about this vivid artistic Wellington community. A sad day indeed for Cape Town journalism.” Hannes Thiart, bekroonde fotojoernalis en sedert 1999 eienaar van t-ART photo+design and videography, iFLY productions, vertel: “Ek was absoluut verstom oor die ryke geskiedenis wat vlak voor my oë (die kameralens) ontvou het gedurende my talle fotosessies met die kloepsetroepe. Terselfdertyd het dit my hartseer gestem dat ek in al my jare as fotojoernalis by die twee voorste Kaapse dagblaaie, Die Burger en die Cape Argus-groep, nooit bewus was van enige artikels oor hierdie aanskoulike Wellingtonse kunstenaars nie. Dis inderdaad ’n jammerlike dag vir Kaapstadse joernalistiek.” Contact: Hannes Thiart Owner: t-ART photo+design and videography, iFLY productions Cell: 072 4848 440 E-mail: hannes@t-art.co.za Website: www.t-art.co.za and www.iflyproductions.co.za
2 March 2013 Book Launch – Die Wellingtonse Klopse – 100 Jaar se Onvertelde Stories Venue: Oude Libertas Auditorium Met Michael le Cordeur en Marlene le Roux Onder redaksie van Ria Olivier Wellington is the only town outside the Cape Metropole with an established “klopse” tradition. The authors, the University Stellenbosch, two student teachers and Artscape lift the veil on the best kept secret in our country. A photo exhibition about the Minstrels taken by photographer, Hannes Thiart, form part of the book launch. Wellington is die enigste dorp buite die Kaapse metropool met ’n gevestigde klopsetradisie. Die skrywers, die Universiteit Stellenbosch, twee onderwysstudente en Kunstekaap lig die sluier oor die besbewaarde geheim in ons land. ’n Foto-uitstalling oor die klopse, geneem deur die fotograaf, Hannes Thiart, vorm deel van die boekbekendstelling.
The Wellington Youth Band is a special Artscape project, under the leadership and direction of renowned jazz musician and educator, Ian Smith, which aims to further the talents of aspiring jazz musicians in the Wellington area. The project is presented in partnership with the Breytenbach Centre and the Wellington Minstrels. The band will perform at Neethlingshof on 2 March 2013, one of the highlights of the Stellenbosch Woordfees, alongside well-known musicians such as Arno Carstens, Karen Zoid, trumpeter and jazz musician Ian Smith and renowned jazz pianist and head of the Cape Music Institute, Camillo Lombard. Kyk uit vir die Wellington Jeugorkes onder leiding van Ian Smith, ’n spesiale Kunstekaapprogram, wat saam met ander kunstenaars en in samewerking met die Breytenbach-sentrum en die Wellingtonse Klopse by Neethlingshof optree, ’n hoogtepunt by die Stellenbosch Woordfees. Contact: Michael de Beer Tel: 021 410 9934 E-mail: miked@artscape.co.za DD
17 March Fleur Du Cap Awards Venue: Artscape Theatre
The Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards Gala event will take place at the Artscape Theatre. These awards are for distinguished acting, directing and technical abilities for productions, which took place in Cape Town and surrounds. The Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards is organised and supported by Distell Foundation which has been supporting arts development in South Africa for many decades. Contact Person: Ms Irma Albers Arts & Culture Controller, Distell Tel: 021 809 8106 Email: ialbers@distell.co.za
Fax: 021 809 7596
TvZ 20 March Wellington Skills Development Showcase – Human Rights Day Concert Venue: Wellington
On 20 March 2013, a showcase of talent that many in the broader community have been unaware of will enthrall Wellington. Leading into Human Rights Day, this event on 20 March 2013 celebrates the launch of the Wellington Minstrels Book, an exhibition and a performance of the Wellington Youth Band with renowned jazz musicians, Ian Smith and Camillo Lombard. Artscape and the Breytenbach Centre will host this event. This event also sees the launch of a Cathsseta Learnership in Music Industry Practice that will be facilitated by Artscape in association with the Breytenbach Centre and the Frank Pietersen Music School. Contact: Tarnia van Zitters Tel: 021 410 9803 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: tarniav@artscape.co.za
2 March Wellington Skills Development Showcase Venue: Neethlingshof
GRADE 12 SET WORKS Rationale For Productions Artscape’s Audience Development and Education Department will be presenting a series of Grade 12 set work productions at the Artscape Theatre during April and May 2013. The staging of the set works in the three major languages of the Western Cape – English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa – gives our learners the opportunity to experience theatre and the power it has to make the set works come alive. It also assists learners to achieve a greater understanding of Grade 12 language set works through bringing characters, dialogue, monologues and interpretation of story line to life. 26, 29, 30 April; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 May English Set Work – Nothing But The Truth Venue: Artscape Theatre Time: 10h30 Ticket Price: R40
Nothing But The Truth is a play that was written around the era of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The play is about a man coming to terms with the past by letting every bit of resentment and hatred about the past that he has been harbouring within, out. It is a play about Black anger over the past. It explores how some people saw the TRC as an excuse that allowed mostly people who were guilty of all kinds of crimes against humanity to be set free without paying the price. The main character takes the mirror and turns it to look at himself. It is a heart-rendering play that makes the audience search their hearts for the truth. It is written by John Kani, one of South Africa’s greatest actors of our times. Director: Fatima Dike 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 May Afrikaans Set Work – Poetry: Vers en Kabaret Venue: Artscape Arena Time: 10h30 Ticket Price: R40
Vers en Kabaret ontvou die warmte en grootsheid van Afrikaanse poësie. Eenvoud op een snaar en veelvuldigheid vanuit die diepste onthulling van ons taal, kultuur en die oorverdowende plesier van die digkuns. Poësie, lied-verryklike, kleurvolle en feestelike ontploffing van talent gee uiteindelik nuwe diepte-insig in die psige van die Afrikaanse Digkuns. The warmth and greatness of Afrikaans poetry unfold in Vers en Kabaret. It is filled with simplicity on one string, the multiplicity from the deepest disclosure of the Afrikaans language, culture and the overwhelming and deafening pleasure of poetry. Poetry, lyrically delightful, colourful and festive explosions of talent give now a new in depth insight into the psyche of Afrikaans poetic art. Regisseur: Alfred Rietmann
Eli bali lisekwe kwilali ethile eTranskei. Mcuphi uthile waseBhayi uphanda umba wemfihlelo nanomdla wabucala kuwo. Eli tyala limbuyisela emva kwilali apho umfazi atshate naye asuka khona. Utyelelo lwakhe kule lali lwenzeka xeshanye nomngcwabo wababini abangamaqabane abagwintwa ngendlela engaqondakaliyo eRhawutini. Adultery, deceit and lies are just some of the ingredients of this intriguing tale. We see an investigator whose investigations take him to Johannesburg, then Swaziland and back to Port Elizabeth. As he is trying to solve the mystery, he stumbles across the evidence he was looking for in the first place. Thokozile Ntshinga adapted the book into a script and directed a star-studded cast in this production previously. Director: Peggy Tunyiswa INFORMATION ON TICKET SALES FOR SET WORK PRODUCTIONS Tickets can be bought directly from any Computicket (now available at most Shoprite/Checkers stores or Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 410 7695. Be aware that if you are booking at Computicket, you CANNOT pay by cheque, only cash or credit cards are acceptable. If you are not able to use the above methods please call Computicket on 083 9158000 for block bookings and payment advice. ◗◗ Educators need to purchase tickets for the performance. ◗◗ Please be sure to buy the tickets as early as possible. ◗◗ On the day of seeing the performance please do not bring learners along who do not have tickets. ◗◗ Schools are responsible for arranging their own transport. ◗◗
For further information please contact: Riaan Visman Tel: 021 410 9927 E-mail: slu@artscape.co.za TvZ
4, 5 May Kader Miller Brass Band Pops Venue: Artscape Theatre
The aim of Brass Band Pops is to promote and advocate youth participation in learning to read classical music and play musical instruments. The Brass Band Pops will stage their 8th annual performance at Artscape Theatre after seven concurrent successful years of performing at the City Hall. Musicians in the bands range from 10 to 24 years old, from areas including Delft, Mitchell’s Plain, Hanover Park, Manenberg, Bonteheuwel and Bo-Kaap. Contact: Mr Kader Miller, Midea Marketing and Promotions Tel: 021 5343000 Fax: 021 5345000 Cell: 082 8828577 E-mail: miller@mideapromotions.co.za Website: www.mideapromotions.co.za
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 May isiXhosa Set Work (Grade 12) – Amaza by ZS Qangule Venue: Artscape Theatre Time: 10h30 Ticket Price: R40
16, 17, 18 May City of Cape Town Acting Competition Venue: Artscape Theatre
The City of Cape Town Acting Competition for high school learners has been organised by Bellville High School since 2002. This national competition involves learners from Grade 8 to Grade 12 and the focus is placed on individual acting ability. After nationwide elimination rounds, 60 competitors are invited to take part in the final four rounds. This year the completion celebrates its 12th Anniversary. Contact: Herman van der Westhuizen Bellville High School Tel: 021 948 4140 Cell: 083 564 272 E-mail: herman@bellvillehigh.co.za
25 May Africa Day Festival – Choral Celebration Venue: Artscape Theatre, Foyers, Arena
Africa Day is the annual commemoration of the 1963 founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), presently recognised as the African Union (AU). The African Union comprises of 53 member states, and has brought together the continent of Africa to collectively address the challenges it faces, such as climate change, poverty and armed conflict. In celebrating Africa Day, we have the opportunity to recognise and honour our unique heritage, our rich linguistic history and the variety of art forms and music which gives this continent its rhythms and beat. The line-up will include the Indigenous Orchestra and well-known Western Cape Choirs who will both be directed by Bongani Sotshononda, as well as a performance by Friedel Mitas who will be accompanied by the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Contact: Debbie Damons Tel: 021 410 9915 E-mail: debbied@artscape.co.za
26 May, 18 August, 6 October Fine Music Radio Jazz at Artscape Venue: Artscape Theatre
CAPE TOWN will be celebrating JAZZ with the brand-new series, FMR JAZZ @ ARTSCAPE. A Cape Town radio station and a Cape Town landmark venue join forces to present the finest exponents of JAZZ in Cape Town! Contact: Patric van Blerk Tel: 021 447 1937 Cell: 082 899 2525 Fax2Email: 086 725 3452Â E-mail: patric@capetownsound.com Website: www.capetownsound.com
Featuring Community Plough Back Cultural Ensemble hailing from Langa, Nyanga, Guguletu, and Khayelitsha and the Vadhini Indian Arts Academy accompanied by Bongani Sotshononda’s Indigenous Orchestra. The programme will also feature internationally renowned jazz singer, Melanie Scholtz and well-known jazz bassist, Ringo Ndzuzo under the direction of Mfundo Tshazibani. Contact: Debbie Damons Tel: 021 410 9915 E-mail: debbied@artscape.co.za TvZ
14 June Artscape Youth Jazz Festival 2013 Venue: Artscape Theatre
In 2003 Artscape initiated the Youth Jazz Festival, and to date the project has grown extensively to accommodate the enormous interest and exceptional talent of young Jazz musicians. Thus far, young aspiring musicians have participated in the annual mentoring programme, which culminated in an extraordinary festival of Jazz in the Artscape Theatre. With the focus still mainly on development and the education of young Jazz aspirants, the project now offers young, talented singers and solo instrumentalists the opportunity of performing with a professional Jazz Ensemble. Artscape approached legendary musician, Camillo Lombard, to steer this project. Contact: Camillo Lombard Cell: 079 087 3001 E-mail: camillo.micallo@gmail.com Please see Annexure B for entry form. TvZ
15 June Youth Jazz Festival – Sekunjalo Edujazz Venue: Artscape Theatre
The Sekunjalo Edujazz Concert is an annual event which raises funds to support primary and high school students from the poorest communities in the Western Cape in the form of bursaries and jazz workshops. The concert features primary and high school jazz bands that perform alongside well-known jazz artists. Contact: Cherié Hendricks Contact: Donovan Witten Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director Organizing Company for Sekunjalo Edujazz Sekunjalo Investments Ltd Donovan J & Associates Tel: 021 4271400 Tel: 021 761 2684 Fax: 021 4190731 Fax: 021 761 4673 E-mail: cherieh@sekunjalo.com E-mail: don@donovanj.co.za Website: www.sekunjalo.com
7, 8 June Multi-Cultural Celebration – Celebrating South Africa through Song and Dance Venue: Artscape Theatre
12–16 June Festival of Youth Venue: Artscape Arena, Theatre, Foyers
12, 13, 14 June African Theatre Initiative Workshops Venue: Artscape iSibaya Conference Room
Each year, around the world, children and young people meet to celebrate and share their skills through the power and the magic of Music, Dance and Drama. Unfortunately, the rich diversity of Young People’s Theatre from Africa is often missing. This is soon to change in an initiative to put African Dance and Drama firmly on the International stage. The first stage in this process will take place at a Symposium and series of Workshops to be held during the Festival of Youth at Artscape in Cape Town, June 2013. A number of guests from Africa and from the Young People’s Theatre Movement in Europe will be invited to take part, in preparation for a Festival of African Youth Theatre and Dance to be held at Artscape in 2015. Proposed contributions include: “Zimbabwe leads the way!”, The work of the Chipawa Theatre Trust, Storytelling and the Power of the Drum in Uganda, Drama as a tool for change in South Africa, Dreams and Realities from the Young People’s Theatre movement in Europe. Contact: Richard Finch Tel: 032 5863433 Cell: 078 7800735 E-mail: richard.finchvso@gmail.com
13, 14, 15, 16 June Fietna Lekka Jy Venue: Artscape Arena
Fietna Lekker Jy is a sensitive drama/comedy in Afrikaans, originally written by Hein Poole in 2011 and reworked in 2012. The story is set in the Boland in the 1980’s and is about boys discovering their sexuality. A bond between three close friends is also explored throughout the piece. It tells the story of ordinary people in the community and how parents ignored the gay status of their children. However, the gay community grew and became a serious and sensitive matter at the time. The cast members are Ivan Abrahams, Andre Samuels, Dean Van Der Ventel, Hein Poole and Gearin Hauptfleisch. Contact: Hein Poole Cell: 072 377 4703 E-mail: hein_poole@hotmail.com
The Department of Arts and Culture and Sport will showcase a selection of their developmental youth projects. This will include performances in the genres of choral, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary African dance and indigenous music. Youth from Saldanha, Worcester and the Cape Metro will showcase their talents at this performance. Contact: Lindsay Jeptha Assistant Director: Arts & Culture Component Tel: 021 483 9722 Cell: 071 638 8555 Fax: 021 483 9711 or 086 606 3314 E-mail: Lindsay.Jeptha@pgwc.gov.za DD
17 June Discover Islam – Nasheed Venue: Artscape Theatre
Nasheed is Islamic vocal music that is either sung in a cappella or accompanied by a duff. The Discover Islam Centre hosts an annual inter-school Nasheed Competition for Islamic primary and high schools. Not only has the competition grown in popularity, but the quality of the renditions has grown along with it. Artscape Theatre Centre has partnered with the Discover Islam Centre to host the 2013 Nasheed competition. Contact: Rughsaun Adams Discover Islam Centre Tel: 021 696 8375 Cell: 083 524 8994 E-mail: info@discoverislam.co.za
Website: www.discoverislam.co.za TM
20, 21, 22, 23 June iKapa Dance Theatre – My Space Venue: Artscape Arena
My Space is an exploration of our current society’s need for power, control and a sense of ownership. The choreography portrays the physicality of various feelings that arise from the experience of living and existing with others. The production explores the sharing of space in intimate relationships, control of space by government and the ownership of space by a society. Through movement the dancers display this natural need for control – a human instinct that in turn provides us with power, a sense of ownership and a comfort of belonging. Contact: Thandeka Nheke Administrator & Project Manager Tel: 021 461 4801 Cell: 076 040 9098 E-mail: admin@ikapadancetheatre.co.za
Website: www.ikapadancetheatre.co.za
16 June DACS Youth Celebration Showcase Venue: Artscape Theatre
26, 27 July Hip Hop Festival – Break Venue: Artscape Theatre
Break is a historical journey of hip-hop in South Africa from during Apartheid up to its current reality. The play deals with the stereotypes and pre-conceived ideas people have of hip-hop and its application and influence within the hip-hop community past and present. Break refers to the idea of losing yourself to the music as with the bushman trans-dance, break-dance, the break of the music that created break-dancers, breaking stereotypes, breaking the mental shackles of apartheid and modern day media mind control, physical break in the body of elders carrying the load of a broken people. Finally we hope that the play will give Hip-Hop the break and respect it deserves. Contact : Heal The Hood Shaquille Southgate, Office Administrator Tel: 021 706 0481 Fax: 021 706 0481 E-mail: healthehood@mweb.co.za RV 29, 30, 31 July, 1 August Shakespeare Schools Festival – As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7, (139–143) Venue: Artscape Theatre
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…” In Scene 7, Duke Senior, preparing for his banquet, inquires as to Jaques’ whereabouts. Jaques enters immediately afterward in an ebullient mood, having met Touchstone: “A fool, a fool/ I met a fool in the forest.” Touchstone, Jaques recounts, had “railed on Lady Fortune in good terms”. This is an opportunity which Jaques cannot afford to miss and there follows one of the best known and most frequently quoted passages in any of Shakespeare’s plays. The idea of the seven ages of man has been used in art and poetry many times. Jaques draws his picture from his usual cynical point of view and intends to belittle man in all his ages. Contact: Kseniya Filinova-Bruton Festival Director Cell: 072 2332074 E-mail: kseniya@educape.co.za Website: www.ssfsa.co.za
Various works will be performed by Dance For All dancers who come from disadvantaged communities. Contact: Philip Boyd Chief Executive Officer Tel: 021 697 5509 Fax: 021 697 1516 E-mail: philip@danceforall.co.za Website: www.danceforall.co.za DD
12–30 August Vlooi Venue: Artscape Theatre Vlooi en die Eiland/Kipper and the Island
The Vlooi series of children’s books are read by Grade 1 to Grade 5 pupils. The stories are based on and around the character of Vlooi and his friends experiencing different adventures. This winning formula has created a built-in audience and is an excellent way of introducing theatre to young audiences. The production is presented in association with Krazy Katz Productions. Contact persons: Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck Cell: 083 3033430 E-mail: margitm@mweb.co.za Marinda Engelbrecht Cell: 082 4467265 E-mail: mepro@vodamail.co.za TvZ
16, 17 August Vuyani Dance Theatre Four Seasons – a prescribed work for Grades 10–12 Venue: Artscape Theatre
Four Seasons is a dance performance depicting destruction and deterioration of the human mind towards us, towards life, towards each other and towards the earth. It further embraces the beauty this planet provides. It is about giving hope to generations to come. A simple piece yet portraying a hard hitting message identifying with the world where it has come from to where it is going to; how the world is at the mercy of human hands. Four Seasons is about a dying world – as we watch how Maqoma takes his audience from his winter season of loss and despair meandering through to summer as hope for new beginnings, starting to shed light and prosperity for the human race to start living again. Symbolic to this obvious cyclical seasonal movement, Maqoma relates it to our own experiences as we each have a period of seasonal change within ourselves, thus each season describes not only the world and the human effect on the world but the state of the human psyche. Four Seasons is choreographed by Gregory Maqoma and performed with the backing of live musicians.
3 August Dance For All Venue: Artscape Theatre
Thami Makhanya Marketing Officer: Vuyani Dance Theatre Tel: 011 838 7666 Fax: 086 554 1244 E-mail: info@vuyani.co.za Website: www.vuyani.co.za
Vuyani Dance Theatre Workshops will be held on: 16 August 2013 from15:00-17:00 for high school dance teachers. The workshop will focus on contemporary dance teaching and improvisation ◗◗ 17 August 2013 from12:00-14:00 for primary dance teachers. The workshop will focus on teaching dance technique and improvisation for primary schools ◗◗ 17 August 2013 after the matinee performance a discussion will be held on stage with the learners/audience about Four Seasons. ◗◗
For further information about the workshops Contact: Jennifer van Papendorp Tel: 021 467 2593 Fax: 021 467 2620 E-mail: Jennifer.Papendorp@westerncape.gov.za
Contact: Tarnia van Zitters Tel: 021 410 9803 Fax: 021 410 9845 E-mail: tarniav@artscape.co.za
DD 24, 25 August Cafda Dance Theatre/Cafda Youth Dance Company 34/18 – Momentum Venue: Artscape Theatre
Momentum is a pulsating and exhilarating fusion of dance. More than 100 dancers from the age of four years and up will perform works in ballet, hip-hop, contemporary and modern dance. Directed by Wendi Abrahams, Momentum will be a celebration of CAFDA DANCE THEATRE’s successes over the last 50 years . «The mind, body and soul has been freed to fulfill themselves ... The sun will never set on so glorious a human achievement ...» Nelson Mandela Contact: Wendi Abrahams Cell: 082 923 5434 E-mail: wendiabrahams@yahoo.com
This will be the 42nd annual Artscape / Cape Philharmonic Youth Classical Music Festival and has become a tradition over the years. The purpose of this event is to provide young classically trained musicians and singers the opportunity of rehearsing and performing with a professional orchestra. The Festival is generously supported by the Distell Foundation for the Performing Arts. Please see Annexure C for information, criteria and the entry form. RV
1 September ComArt Festival Venue: Artscape Theatre
ComArt is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) that provides access to arts training and resources as a means to promote community growth, development and nation building. The organisation is based in Elsies River, an area of high unemployment, severe social economic challenges and limited access to arts and resources. ComArt works with other community organisations as well as local and international strategic partners to present sustainable access to a range of skills development activities in the Elsies River community and beyond. The performance will showcase the Elsies River Schools stage productions. Contact: Bertha Losper ComArt Tel: 021 931 7868 E-mail: comart@telkomsa.net NH
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 October Artscape National Youth Music Competition Venue: Artscape Theatre
This competition affords young classical musicians between the ages of 14 and 19 the opportunity to showcase their musical and technical skills under competitive circumstances. The competition is open to pianists and orchestral instrumentalists. To obtain a brochure and entry form please contact: Nellie Hewana Tel: 021 410 9921 E-mail: nellieh@artscape.co.za
31 August Western Cape Youth Classical Music Festival Venue: Artscape Theatre
12, 13, 14, 15, 17 August High School Drama Festival Venue: Artscape Arena
The High School Drama Festival gives learners the opportunity to create and present an original drama around a central theme on a professional stage. It also gives learners a platform to express real life situations, views and concerns through the medium of theatre. The experience broadens horizons and exposes learners to the diverse array of cultures in the Western Cape. The theme for the 2013 High School Drama Festival is Against All Odds / Noba kumnyama entla / Teen Alle Waarskynlikheid In. High School Mini Festivals Schools need to prepare a 35 minute original production based on their own interpretation of the theme. It should be real and researched. 10 minutes of the play should be presented at the mini festival as an abridged version of the original production. The dates and venues are as follows: Alexander Sinton, Athlone Mondale High School, Mitchell’s Plain Schoonspruit High School, Malmesbury Brackenfell High School, Brackenfell Worcester High School, Worcester Luhlaza High School, Khayelitsha Zwaanswyk Academy, Tokai
27 May 2013 28 May 2013 29 May 2013 30 May 2013 31 May 2013 01 June 2013 03 June 2013
Please see Annexure A for further information.
16 August Ubuntu Teen Film Festival & Screening Venue: Artscape Arena
LivingIt is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) that aims to provide a local and global platform for the voice of the youth concerning the true meaning of Ubuntu and Unity in Diversity. Individuals 12-28 years of age are inspired and trained to make short movies – documentaries, dramas, music videos or animations – of five minutes and less. Movies are screened annually in June at the Ubuntu Teen Film Festival at Oude Libertas, Stellenbosch, and critiqued by high-profiled judges from the prestigious Cape Winelands Film Festival. Productions are awarded at an Artscape screening in August, and selected works screened at the Cape Winelands Film Festival. Promising productions are screened regularly on Cape Town TV, posted on the JIP Die Burger, Volksblad and Beeld website, loaded onto YouTube and facebook and in the past have been sent around the globe by the Global Oneness Project. Support is given in the form of workshops and feedback by the Cape Winelands Film Festival, CityVarsity, and other knowledgeable individuals. Affluent groups are paired with those from less privileged backgrounds. LivingIt links previously disadvantaged youths with potential and drive to organisations who will consider sponsoring their tertiary studies, thereby helping them prepare for a professional career. For entry forms, Terms and Conditions or more information contact the Project Director, at LivingIt and ‘like us’ on facebook: Ubuntu Teen Film Festival. Contact: Ronèl Geldenhuys Project Director: LivingIt Cell: 082 934 7395 E-mail: ronel@livingit.org.za Please see Annexure F for entry forms, terms and conditions.
SCHOOLS’ ARTS FESTIVAL 12, 13, 14, 15 August; 19, 20, 21, 22 August; 26, 27, 28 August Schools’ Arts Festival Venue: Artscape Theatre
The Schools’ Arts Festival gives learners the opportunity to showcase their talent for performing on a professional stage. This can be done in the form of music, verse or dance. The Festival stimulates a love of theatre and performing, while creating an individual sense of self-esteem, pride and achievement. The project encourages nation-building as young people and their parents from different cultures and backgrounds come together to experience a common goal. On 29 August, selected productions from schools participating in the Schools’ Arts Festival will be showcased at a Gala event. Please see Annexure D for information, criteria and the application form.
HERITAGE FESTIVAL 16–28 September Venues: Artscape Arena and Theatre Foyers 18 September Venue: Arena
Launch of Freedom’s Child – Melanie Scholtz sings the words of James Matthews Freedom’s Child was born out of a need to collaborate, create and facilitate change. Melanie Scholtz, Standard Bank Young Artist for Jazz 2010, went on a soul stirring journey using the words of iconic South African poet, James Matthews as a use for a new album called Freedom’s Child. The album was written over two years and was recorded in 2011 thanks to the generous support of the British Council. Produced by Mark Fransman, fellow Standard Bank Award recipient, the album also features acclaimed British saxophonist, Soweto Kinch, as well as an array of South Africa’s finest jazz musicians. The album serves to highlight and document our history as a people through the words of James Matthews and the compositions of Melanie Scholtz. Freedom’s Child is ’n opwindende produksie waarin Melanie Scholtz, Standard Bank Jong Kunstenaar vir Jazz 2010, vlerke aan die woorde van ikoniese SA digter James Matthews gee. Dit sluit van SA se bekendste jazz-musikante in. Contact: Melanie Scholtz Cell: 082 9587500 E-mail: melaniescholtz@gmail.com
Written and directed by Thando Baliso, this story explores the theme of identity, morals of society and culture through the life of a young boy raised by his grandfather who believes in truth, honour and dignity. But, he is confronted by the reality that life has eroded with time. The play deals with the issue that every young South African faces in his/her daily life; the celebration of life, the excitement and fear of the unknown. The cast includes Masizole Marafana, Dumisani Siziba, Thulisa Mayalo, Sisipho Mbopa and Thando Baliso. Umdlalo uza kusa kuhambo lobomi, isimo sengqondo nentlonipho ngempucuko nezithethe eziqhubeka zitshintsha njengoko ixesha lihamba. Contact: Thando Baliso Cell: 073 510 1862 E-mail: ttm.production@gmail.com TM
25, 26, 27, 28 September Jungle Theatre – Falling Moon/Die Vallende Maan Venue: Artscape Arena
Falling Moon/Vallende Maan is a compelling, adventurous romp through the Karoo with a delightful team of three misfits, trying to find their way in the world. They face one tremendous and seemingly insurmountable problem: the moon has fallen out of the sky. The three characters set off on a quest to solve this problem. The play is about the strength of diversity and is an interactive play, which involves the audience from the outset and requires the audience to facilitate the storytelling. Contact: Miranda Tait Project Coordinator Tel: 021 701 8088 Fax: 086 574 2502 Cell: 072 908 5160 Email: info@jungletheatre.co.za Website: www.jungletheatre.co.za
20, 21 September TTM Productions – The Last Ride Venue: Artscape Arena
RESOURCE CENTRE PROJECTS The Artscape Resource Centre seeks: To provide and make visible a wide range of information and reference material to the local and national emerging arts communities ◗◗ To bridge the skills gap trough capacity building skills and transfer initiatives ◗◗ To create a network and hub of arts practitioners that support each other by exchanging ideas, sharing information and pursuing collaborations ◗◗ To open platforms for emerging arts communities to access the Artscape facility and other opportunities within the sector ◗◗
The Resource Centre opens for members on 16 January 2013. Die Hulpbronsentrum open vir lede op 16 Januarie 2013.
Please see our membership form attached to the back for this booklet for membership options and benefits. Please know that you are always welcome to pay us a visit during our operation times of Monday-Thursday 8:30-16:00 and on Friday from 8:30-15:00. We will also be open on the following Saturdays: 16 March, 8 June, 28 September and 9 November from 8:30-13:00. Openingstye: Maandag-Donderdag 8:30-16:00 en Vrydag 8:30-15:00. Ons is ook oop op die volgende Saterdae: 16 Maart, 8 Junie, 28 September en 9 November 8:30-13:00. The Resource Centre will close for members on 13 December 2013. Die sentrum sluit vir lede op 13 Desember 2013.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Should you wish to be included in our mailing list, please email Naboweya Prince at naboweyap@artscape.co.za.
2013/14 PROGRAMME WORKSHOPS AND FORUMS 6 February 2013 Info Connectionz An opportunity to reconnect after the festive break! The beginning of each year is also the time that most organisations kick off their program for the year. Individuals also seek information to guide their decisions for the year ahead. The ARC gets together industry bodies to present their plans for the year and talk about opportunities that exist for individual artists and organisations. 25, 26, 27 28 February, 1 March 2013 Basic IT Skillz Venue: Artscape Resource Centre Technology is relevant and influences every area of our lives, including the arts. This course is a beginner’s course in elements of technology that could get you on your way towards maximising its benefits.
Proposal Writing Workshop Sponsorship of the arts industry is slow in trickling in and part of the reason is that funders and corporate sponsors hardly receive well-written proposals from the industry. This workshop will give the attendees the tools and skills to write an effective and concise proposal to unlock funding for their organisation. 20 July 2013 Networking Forum Networking, connecting and sharing. 5,12,19,26 OCTOBER Arts Marketing Workshop Arts Marketing is about how to manage this process of offering an artistic product or programs that are in line with your mission, letting people know about the art, letting people know about your existence as an entity, being ‘top of mind’ and making them want to spend money as consumers or sponsors of your organisation. This workshop will give you some tools on how to achieve this.
EXHIBITION We invite all emerging artists who have never had the experience of a professional exhibition to submit their work to be considered by a panel of judges: The criteria are: The artist needs to be an emerging artist i.e. has never had a major exhibition in a major gallery ◗◗ It should be sufficiently established, through research, that the artist is really in need of such exposure and that she/he has not been a beneficiary of similar developmental initiatives ◗◗ That the quality of the work should show potential ◗◗
There will be a total of 3 exhibitions, one in April, one in July and one in October. The deadline for submissions will be announced.
CREATIVE CAPACITIES Creative Capacities is an organisational development program that is designed to fit the needs of the potential participating organisation. It is a long-term customized capacity building skills transfer program over two years that targets four emerging arts organisations. In this programme we will: ◗◗ Collectively set goals, define needs and expected outcomes with each participating organisation ◗◗ Establish tools to measure progress and impact ◗◗ Establish tools to be used to gather data for case study documenting process which will be used during the process ◗◗ On-going goal setting, needs evaluation and case study documentation forms part of the programme
22, 23, 24, 25, 26 April 2013
The following organisations will form part of Creative Capacities: Theatre Through Motivation – commonly known as TTM Productions Our mission is to present, in creative and dramatically satisfying ways, complex social issues, to produce multi-disciplinary integrated forms of art that add to the ever growing body of South African theatre works. TTM was established in 2008 by former Arts and Media Access Centre (AMEC) but officially registered in 2010 as an independent and vibrant theatre company. The organisation has grown to having a dynamic and unique approach to theatre development. We cast both professionals and evolving professionals in each service we offer to enable peer learning and interaction. Based in Paarl and Kraaifontein, TTM Productions has since 2008 been involved with performances in theatre centres such as; The Baxter Theatre Centre, Artscape Theatre Centre, Zabalaza Festival, Magnet Theatre, UNIMA Active Puppets, The Cape Town Carnival and community centres all over the Western Cape. Contact: Thando Baliso Cell: 073 079 7559 or 073 510 1862 E-mail: ttm.production@gmail.com
Tag Changers Tag Changers (TC) was established in 2008, by a group of young people. Tag Changers inspires young people to empower themselves to change their communities. TC works in Casablanca and adjacent communities in the Strand. They also work on the Lyndoch farms outside Stellenbosch and have been invited as far as Upington in the Northern Cape. Tag Changers facilitates drama training classes called TC Creative Art Development. Through the Artscape Theatre Resource Centre they are able to source young people into on-going programmes, courses and workshops that the Centre offers or referrals made by the centre. TC has also performed in the Artscape School’s Drama Festival. Through the TC Heritage and Culture Education Programme they partner with the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) to educate the youth on their heritage by using innovative storytelling, engaging debates and interactive learning methods. We also include trips to our National Museums in Cape Town. TC also has a Nature Conservation, Nutrition, Sports and Recreation programmes. Contact: Keith Knoop Cell: 071 0052 478 E-mail: knoopkf@gmail.com
Cathy Achillers Cell: 073 592 8805 E-mail: cathyachilles@gmail.com
Future Line Arts Academy Future Line Arts Academy (FLAA) seeks to develop young people in all art forms by enabling young people to express and interpret who they are through art forms. FLLA also seeks to prepare them for tertiary level and enhances their discipline in art by exploring and revealing their hidden and undiscovered talents. FLAA furthermore performs and educates about social issues through art. The organisation was established on Freedom Day, 27 April 2008. Some of their achievements include winning Best Director at the Artscape High School Drama Festival, performing at the Artscape School’s Arts Festival, touring to the National Arts Festival Fringe in 2011 and performing in SA’s Got Talent in 2011.
Tiervlei Arts presents training workshops in various art disciplines and in so doing facilitate nation building by healing the hurt, pain and anger of the past through self-expression. We aim to establish Ravensmead / Tiervlei as the artistic hub of the northern suburbs by creating a sustainable Cultural Arts Centre. In 2006 Tiervlei Arts coordinated the Tygerberg Arts Festival in Ravensmead in collaboration with the Fountain Community Church. Since 2007 Tiervlei Arts has been participating in the High School Drama Festival and the Schools Arts Festival at the Artscape Theatre. Tiervlei Arts collaborated with the Soundhouse to present a workshop for 20 learners between the ages of 9–14 in music and sound technology at the Baxter Theatre in Rondebosch. Tiervlei Arts teamed up with the Australian group Fusion in running open crowd festivals in their community on public holidays. In 2010 three visiting artists from Greatmore Studios did their outreach with a group of participants ranging from senior citizens, primary and high school children. THEATRE HANDBOOK FOR DEVELOPMENT The Theatre Handbook for Development is a step-by-step practical manual designed to support community groups, theatre practitioners, educators and non-governmental organisations in making theatre for social change. From first ideas through to training, starting and sustaining projects, making theatre, planning and running workshops, performing and evaluation, the book is a complete package. The Theatre for Development Handbook will form the basis and introduction to methodologies and approaches and will serve as a resource and basis for an intervention, particularly on the production process of creative content. The project objects are as follows: Make sure a large enough sample of organisations have the handbook ◗◗ Allow them time to work through it mostly independently, but provide periodic designed opportunities for interaction while encouraging peer self-regulated interaction ◗◗ One annual training workshop with authors ◗◗
The Artscape Resource Centre is situated at the Artscape Theatre Centre and is soon to relocate to a more improved and exciting space still within the complex. Join our mailing list by becoming a member of our network to keep abreast of this exciting development.
TIERVLEI CULTURAL ARTS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (Tiervlei Arts) Tiervlei Cultural Arts was established in 2006 and registered as an NPO in 2010. Our vision is to enable our community; especially our youth to understand, appreciate and nurture an everlasting passion for the arts. We aim to facilitate their creative process.
SPECIAL PROJECTS March Wellington Music Skills Development Programme Venue: Wellington
TvZ, MdB, CB
A special Artscape project to further the talents of aspiring jazz musicians in the Wellington area, the project is presented in partnership with the Breytenbach Centre, Wellington Minstrels and jazz musician and educator, Ian Smith. Practice sessions are held on Saturdays at St Albans Primary School and the band will perform at Neethlingshof in Stellenbosch on 2 March 2013, one of the highlights of the Woordfees. Contact: Michael de Beer Tel: 021 410 9934 E-mail: miked@artscape.co.za
31 May Bredasdorp Talent Search Venue: Albert Myburgh High School
This special project will be held in Bredasdorp as part of Artscape’s Sustainable Development of Rural Artistic Talent programme. In 2008 we held our annual Rural Project in Bredasdorp. This year Artscape will assist the Bredasdorp Arts Organisation with a talent search and production. The talent search will mainly focus on youth from areas such as Bredasdorp, Caledon, Arniston, Elim and Napier. Contact: Reverend André du Plooy Cell: 083 256 1453 Tel: 028 424 1668 E-mail: duplooyaj@absamail.co.za TM Artscape Internship Programme In 2006 Artscape launched its first arts and administration internship programme. The project has had four successful years of giving a diverse group of young unemployed people, with an interest in the arts and arts administration, the opportunity to gain practical work experience under the guidance and tutelage of mentors.
Travelling Arts Exhibition: Faces of the Western Cape Artscape’s Audience Development and Education Department has identified specific ongoing rural community development projects to take theatre to the people. The exhibition Faces of the Western Cape, forms part of this project as multi-talented artist, Manfred Zylla records these travels and captures portraits of local members and icons within the various communities which are visited. The works on display in this travelling exhibition include charcoal portrait drawings, identifying the faces of the various communities, giving back dignity to each individual and the community as a whole.
Corporate sponsors contributing to date are: ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗ ◗◗
Artscape Theatre Centre and The City of Cape Town (3 panels); British Council (1 panel); Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany (2 panels); Distell Foundation (1 panel); Greatmore Studios – through the National Lottery (3 panels); GrandWest CSI (3 panels); The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (5 panels); The Prince Claus Trust – Netherlands (10 panels); The Department of Economic Development and Tourism (1 panel).
Artscape Technical Training Academy University of Stellenbosch accredited (NQF level 6) Short Course Programme in Technical Stage Practice Duration: One year full time Next Course starting date: 2013 course already full. Applications for 2014 are open and can be done online at www.artscape.co.za/technical-training Aim: The aim of the programme is to educate and train students in the key technical disciplines of Professional Theatre Arts. On successful completion of the programme the student will have the required skill associated with professional Technical Stage Practice. Course Structure: The course is structured to have a theoretical and a practical component with sufficient teaching and training time allocated to achieve the goals of both the theoretical and practical components. Students furthermore require practical experience through assignments to professional productions. Evaluation: Students are evaluated through written assignments, written tests, practical assignments and practical evaluations. Evaluation is on a regular and continuous basis. Contact: Kobus Rossouw Artscape Technical Training Academy Office: 021 4109800 Cell: 0716088814 E-mail: kobusr@artscape.co.za Website : www.artscape.co.za/technical-training
MdB The Mural Project The mural project was initiated and sponsored by The City of Cape Town. Renowned local artsists, musicians and selected artists are transforming the link parking tunnel between Artscape and the Civic Centre as a visual arts project. The design follows a thematic progression with the character and feel of indigenous Khoisan iconography – a colourful celebration of our original cultural heritage, taking in the cultural forms and shapes of dance, music, mythology and landscape. The theme depicts a movement “from darkness to the light” following the contours of the tunnel. Corporate sponsors are invited to contribute towards the completion and branding of this project.
Artscape New Writing Programme The programme is devoted to the professional writing and production of new South African plays and is directed by Professor Roy Sargeant, formerly Head of the Department of Speech and Drama, Rhodes University, Grahamstown and a leading professional theatre producer and director as well as Artistic Director of the Siyasanga Cape Town Theatre Company. There are two modules within the ambit of the Artscape Audience Development and Education Department: ◗◗ The Programme accepts unsolicited fully-written play scripts in Afrikaans, English or isiXhosa. These scripts are sent out to professional readers for assessments and then the reports may be made available to the playwrights Scripts can be submitted throughout the year and sent to Artscape for the attention of: Juliet Jenkin, PO Box 4107, Cape Town, 8000. Tel: 021 410 9855. Email: julietj@artscape.co.za. Writers must ensure that on the title page of their scripts they include ALL their contact details and most importantly a postal address. The Programme guarantees a response within three months of receiving the submission. ◗◗
Beginners’ Playwriting Workshop This workshop is designed to introduce delegates to the business of playwriting. In so doing, many examples are used from established plays in the great European, American and African traditions. These examples may be printed or be on video. The object is to give delegates the tools, the techniques to go away and write plays and to be able to test their writing against long-established and tried principles. Delegates have to write extensively during the workshop so that by the end of it they produce the first, short scene of a tenminute play. The Workshop takes place over three and a half days.
For more information contact Juliet Jenkin Literary Consultant Tel: 021-410 9855 E-mail: julietj@artscape.co.za
Cathsseta Learnership: Certificate in Music Practice This learnership funded by Cathsseta will be implemented in the Wellington and Paarl areas. It leads to a qualification – National Certificate in Music Industry Practice and aims to equip unemployed musicians to develop their musical ability, acquire skills to access opportunities in the music industry. The learnership commences in February 2013 and is facilitated in partnership with the Breytenbach Centre, the Wellington Minstrels and the Frank Pietersen Music Centre in Paarl. Contact: Amanda Barnes Project Manager Tel: 072 9117592 Email: mandybarnes@iafrica.com
The theme of the 7th Annual Women/Humanity Festival is Against All Odds / Noba kumnyama entla / Teen Alle Waarskynlikheid. The Women/Humanity Festival featured in the Artscape calendar of events each year, brings together drama groups and artists from diverse backgrounds and communities. The festival is Artscape’s response to celebrating National Women’s Day and especially celebrating the many women in South Africa who have made, and continue to make, a significant contribution to the empowerment of women – young and old – in our beautiful city, country and continent. The 2013 Artscape Women/Humanity Arts Festival will honour and acknowledge the many women and men who have achieved their ambitions and dreams despite the challenges and obstacles they have faced along this journey to success. This year’s festival will feature productions which formed part of the 2012 Paralympics London Celebrations. The World Disability Festival was celebrated alongside the 2012 Paralympics, which has been the motivation and focus for the 2013 Women/Humanity Festival at Artscape.
Highlights of the 2013 Festival include: Unlimited Global Alchemy Unlimited Global Alchemy is celebratory and upbeat yet tackles big issues head-on: the politics of HIV/AIDS, living with chronic health conditions, and surviving against the odds. It is about access to art in the broadest sense: about participation and about how art can bridge cultural, educational and geographical divides. The project had its beginnings in a chance encounter in June 2010 between UK artist Rachel Gadsden and a body-map painting made by South African artist and activist Nondumiso Hlwele at the MAA Cambridge. Gadsden identified directly with the fragility and hope depicted in the painting – the experience of being kept alive by medical intervention being a shared experience – and was inspired to set about finding this artist. After a long search, and on receiving an Unlimited Award, Gadsden had the tremendous opportunity of exploring a shared humanity and artistic interest with Hlwele and five members of the Bambanani artist-activist group in South Africa. The Bambanani Group, led by Nondumiso Hlwele, consists of Noloyiso Balintulo,Bongiwe Mba, Thozama Ndevu, Thobani Ncapai and Zodwa Somlayi. The collaboration, Unlimited Global Alchemy, began life in Khayelitsha Township; and over six exciting weeks in October and November 2011 a large number of drawings, sketchbooks and paintings were created, and a series of portraits directed by Gadsden were made with filmmakers Deborah May and Cliff Bestall. In 2012 Gadsden was also commissioned to lead Starting Line – a multilayered art/film/dance outdoor performance commission along with artistic director Ryan Dawson Laight for the London 2012 Paralympic Torch Celebrations in Aylesbury. Artscape has commissioned Unlimited Global Alchemy to form part of the 2013 Artscape Women’s/ Humanity Arts Festival where the production will be showcased for the duration of the festival. Contact: Rachel Gadsden Tel +44 (0) 7949757450 E-mail: rachelsgadsden@blueyonder.co.uk www.rachelgadsden.com | www.unlimitedglobalalchemy.com
4–10 August Women/Humanity Festival Venue: Various Artscape Venues
In The Wings An original play by Jared Kruger, featuring Bo Petersen, Danieyella Rodin, Madele Vermaak and Jaques de Silva. Wheelchairs are tricky things, clumsy things, funny things. So are lives. This is a story of two sisters as they battle to work past their limitations to create the future the rest of the world sometimes fails to see. In the Wings is a coming of age story of two sisters and while one has cerebral palsy, it is by no means a sad or sentimental story. The show offers lots of entertainment value. An audience will thoroughly enjoy the journey. The play aims to engage people with what life is like with a disability. Showing that living with a disability is not always easy, but it isn’t impossible either. People are people no matter what… a wheelchair doesn’t change that! In the Wings is a play about purpose; about living and negotiating the everyday stuff; it’s a play about dreams and obstacles that get in the way of the realisation of those dreams. While this production is aligned with the Chaeli Campaign and has its roots in advocacy, it nonetheless functions in its own right as a powerful piece of theatre that will move and inspire audiences of all ages and backgrounds”. Contact: Jared Kruger Education Specialist: Visible Insight Project Co-ordinator: The Chaeli Campaign Cell: 083 564 3253 Email: jedski.jared@gmail.com
It’s a Man’s World Umhlaba Wethu – It’s A Man’s World is a theatre play by Durban (South African) director and composer Jerry Pooe and the Netherlands-based Het Waterhuis theatre company. The play is directed by Jerry Pooe and Roel Twijnstra and was written by Dick van de Heuvel and Jerry Pooe. It’s a Man’s World focuses on the issue of macho culture and the role African men play in the spread of HIV. It tells the story of four brothers struggling with issues of power, violence, anger, frustration, bitterness, and emptiness following the death of their mother. The theatrical production is a fairy-tale looking at the reality of society and the role of men today. Contact: Jerry Pooe Founder and Director : Eager Artists Wushwini Arts and Culture Heritage Centre Cell: 083 732 1640 E-mail: jerrypooe@yahoo.com
Nancy (in Gayle – the unofficial gay language specific to Cape Town – “nancy” means “no!”) Nancy is a workshop play (under the supervision of Abduragman Adams and Riaan Visman) that delivers commentary on the South African/ universal gay experience, with raising themes such as friendship, homophobia, hate crimes, HIV and Aids. These themes are explored through the lives of the three central characters. The three actors also portray various other supporting characters synonymous to the gay experience. These include Johan’s wife, Estelle (27), having to face the truth of her husband’s sexuality: Shakir (28) currently busy with his thesis, “Negotiating Gay Identity in Islamic Societies” and Thembikile Radi (56), a construction worker coming to terms with his son Sipho’s sexuality.
Manuelfemme Manuelfemme will stage a concert at the Artscape Women/Humanity Festival with the aim of showing the young girls they work with what their current situations are; where they are now and how brilliant their futures can be by empowering themselves and uplifting themselves by studying and continuing their schooling thereby proving how important education is. Many of the actors are facing these challenges in reality and that becomes the twist – it’s a reality concert. We also aim to create a “safe zone” for girls to communicate after the concert to discuss pressing issues affecting themselves and their peers. Contact: Maryam Manuel Chief Executive Officer Manuelfemme Cell: 0730996542 Email: manuelfemme@yahoo.com
Dejavu Tafari – Ntutopia Productions Dejavu Tafari has been involved in the performing arts since her high school days. Having discovered her abilities as a writer at an early age she has honed her skills in creative writing and used them as a means of social commentary making a name for herself in the slam poetry scene as a writer and performer of note. Having completed a Live Performance course at Cape Town’s A.M.A.C in 2004 and gone on to further her studies in Theatre Performance at UCT, her work fuses elements of physical theatre, contemporary live performance, music and storytelling to deliver impactful social commentary on issues such as spirituality, cultural heritage, child abuse, peer pressure, love and various other issues which affect the youth. Contact: Felicity Vuyokazi Ngemntu Cell: 073 5148223 E-mail: dejavu.tafari@gmail.com
Contact: Abduraghmaan Adams Tel: 021 424 0204 Cell: 083 391 3875 E-mail: abdu7764@gmail.com
ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Cape Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) An orchestra for all seasons – “The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra is arguably the most versatile and active orchestra on the continent of Africa and contributes handsomely in making Cape Town part of a global culture.” The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, South Africa’s “orchestra for all seasons”, is a financially and culturally sustainable, multi-functional orchestra delivering a world-class musical experience to all communities of the Western Cape. Contact: Luvuyo Kakaza PR & Marketing Manager Tel: 021 410 9809 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: luvuyo@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Laurika Steenkamp Outreach and Education Manager Tel: 021 410 9982 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: laurika@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (CPYO) The Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra was launched in 2004 as part of the CPO’s development and transformation plan. Most of the members of the CPYO come from previously disadvantaged communities. The Orchestra now has 58 members who rehearse every Saturday in Cape Town. The members of the professional orchestra are committed to a programme of teaching and training the young musicians through regular workshops, orchestra rehearsals and one-on-one tuition. The CPYO regularly performs a curtain raiser for the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra as well as perform side-by-side concerts. They also form part of the Orchestra’s Summer Festival to which they drew a capacity audience at the Artscape Theatre in February 2012. Brandon Phillips (previous winner of the Len van Zyl Conductors competition) has been appointed as their Artistic Director and Conductor since March 2012. In 2012 they performed at the Stellenbosch International Chamber Festival, Hugo Lambrecht’s Music Centre Orchestra Festival, Iziko Museum Youth Day Celebrations and the opening of the International congress of the HPCA at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Contact: Luvuyo Kakaza PR & Marketing Manager Tel: 021 410 9809 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: luvuyo@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Laurika Steenkamp Outreach and Education Manager Tel: 021 410 9982 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: laurika@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Cape Philharmonic Youth Wind Ensemble (CPYWE) The Cape Philharmonic Youth Wind Ensemble made their debut before a local audience on 1 May 2004 and has become a well-established group participating in many concerts with the CPO but also performing on their own. The CPYWE is privileged to have Sean Kierman, the retired head of Brass (UCT) as its conductor. Sean Kierman started the wind band movement in South Africa in the 1960’s and brings a vast amount of experience to this programme.
Contact: Luvuyo Kakaza PR & Marketing Manager Tel: 021 410 9809 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: luvuyo@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Laurika Steenkamp Outreach and Education Manager Tel: 021 410 9982 Fax: 021 425 1009 E-mail: laurika@cpo.org.za Website: www.cpo.org.za
Cape Town Opera (CTO) Cape Town Opera was established in 1999 and has since made a notable success of transforming opera and the performing arts sector in South Africa. The company performs between four and six fully staged operas annually; not only in Cape Town, but also in world famous international opera houses. The annual nationwide educational tour to various high schools throughout South Africa takes young CTO singers to schools to assist with their preparation of the South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod competition. Cape Town Opera recognises the need to retain its current audience base, while simultaneously identifying and fostering new audiences. A number of initiatives and events are hosted throughout the year to enthuse audiences with the magic of opera – Siyaphuma: Taxi Night at the Opera, Opera Talks for the Public and Final Dress Rehearsals which local schools, community organisations and SMME’s are invited to attend. All information and updates are readily available on www.capetownopera.co.za. Annual Outreach and Education Activities encompass the following: National Tour of 3 weeks to 40+ schools and 2,000 beneficiaries across the country ◗◗ Short opera performances in community venues across the country as part of the National Tour ◗◗ Invitations to schools to attend final dress rehearsals of operas free of charge; ◗◗ Community concerts with partners in and around Cape Town . ◗◗
Contact: Cape Town Opera Tel: 021 410 9807 Fax: 021 425 3623 E-mail: info@capetownopera.co.za Website: www.capetownopera.co.za
Cape Town City Ballet (CTCB) South Africas National Ballet Company performs throughout the year, not only in Cape Town, but nationally and internationally. The Company is a regular visitor to festivals such as Grahamstown’s National Arts Festival and also takes performances to many smaller communities. The CTCB remains committed to the upliftment of the formerly disadvantaged communities through its comprehensive Outreach, Audience Development and Development training programmes.
Some of the CPYWE’s highlight performances in the past years have included participation in the Artscape Wind Band Festival and their international debut at the First Cape Town International Summer Music Festival. They have recently performed at the Waterfront and were part of the Greyton/Genadendal Classics for All Festival where they also presented a workshop to the local children of the Overberg. In May 2012 they participated in the Windworx Fanfare in Cape Town and was awarded a Diploma (90% and higher) for their performance.
The Outreach Programme includes initiatives which take performances to schools and provides teaching in the disadvantaged community of Hout Bay’s Imizamo Yethu. Classes are also arranged for young children from Gugulethu in collaboration with the ZAMA Dance School and the Amy Biehl Foundation, while the Audience Development Programme brings new young audiences into our performance venues. The Young Male Dancer Development Programme and the Graduate Programme offer training and skills development to aspiring young dancers through their appearances in performances with the CTCB. Contact person: Keith Mackintosh Artistic Coordinator Director Operations Cape Town City Ballet Tel: 021 6502400 Fax: 021 6505250 E-mail: keith@capetowncityballet.org.za Website: www.capetowncityballet.org.za
Jazzart Dance Theatre Formed in 1973, Jazzart Dance Theatre is a national cultural asset, a dynamic celebration of South Africa’s phenomenal talent and a leading dance company. At the cutting edge of contemporary dance, Jazzart aims to be a transformative contemporary African dance company rooted in a deep and reflective understanding of the world. The professional dance company creates and stages world-class innovative performances that reflect the ever-changing social environment of South Africa. In addition, the training programme provides dance theatre training rooted in a social justice framework. Jazzart’s creative process embodies a movement language based on improvisation, a core element of the company’s training methodology manifesting in dynamic choreographic practices. Jazzart has a reputation as South Africa’s most artistically accolade, innovative and imaginatively conceptualized performing arts company. The Company gracefully and confidently delivers dance, performance, training and creative interventions to South African communities most in need of opportunities to express and free their individual and collective artistic impulses. Contact: Asanda Jezile Tel: 021 410 9848 / 021 4109998 Fax: 086 726 1928 Email: dance@jazzart.co.za Website: www.jazzart.co.za
Siyasanga Cape Town Theatre Company The Siyasanga Cape Town Theatre Company is a unique, professional theatre repertory company, started by Fatima Dike and Roy Sargeant in 2002. The Company aims to produce original, relevant stage productions, both in townships and major theatre venues as well as being aware of the needs of school learners. Siyasanga is designed to develop young, mainly previously disadvantaged theatre workers through on-the-job-training, mentorship and performances of the highest quality. Contact: Fatima Dike Tel: 021 410 9800 Email: fatimad@artscape.co.za
Contact: Bongani Sotshononda Cell: 083 760 6252 E-mail: bonganimusic@gmail.com
Kader Miller Brass Band Pops The company is managed by former minstrel Kader Miller, who says his aim is to promote and advocate youth participation in learning to read classical music and play musical instruments. The main objective is for the youth who participate in Brass Band Pops to receive recognition, either in the form of a bursary or job offers. It is my wish to give these youngsters the opportunities that I never had, but would have liked, as a young musician. Contact: Mr Kader Miller, Midea Marketing and Promotions Tel: 021 5343000 Fax: 021 5345000 Cell: 082 8828577 E-mail: miller@mideapromotions.co.za Website: www.mideapromotions.co.za
Sekunjalo Investments Ltd – Edujazz Sekunjalo Investments Ltd has an active corporate social investment (CSI) programme managed by the Sekunjalo Development Foundation. Focus areas have been selected which have an impact on individual and societal development and play a significant role in nurturing young people who represent the future. The Sekunjalo Edujazz Concert held its first concert in 2001. The concert raises funds to support primary and high school students from the poorest communities in the Western Cape in the form of bursaries and jazz workshops. The Sekunjalo Jazz Concert has two primary objectives. The most important objective is to raise funds for educational bursaries for disadvantaged students at disadvantaged primary and high schools in the Western Cape. The other objective is to promote the rich culture of jazz music in Cape Town, by staging a well known group or artist alongside up-and-coming young artists from either Primary or High Schools. It furthermore supports and promotes the development of young black musicians in our communities by providing them with a platform to showcase their talents to the public. Sekunjalo works closely with the organizing company, Donovan J & Associates as well as espAfrika. This event has become synonymous with Sekunjalo Investments Limited as a BEE corporate, concerned with the promotion of both education and the arts, specifically amongst previously disadvantaged communities. Contact: CheriÊ Hendricks Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director Sekunjalo Investments Ltd Tel: 021 4271400 Fax: 021 4190731 E-mail: cherieh@sekunjalo.com Website: www.sekunjalo.com
Indigenous Orchestra The Indigenous Orchestra Ensemble is a project under the directorship of marimba / xylophone maestro Bongani Sotshononda. Bongani Sotshononda is an internationally acclaimed chromatic marimba player, percussionist and composer, who has wowed audiences locally and abroad for the past twenty years. He also directed the ever-popular Marimba Extravaganza.
Contact: Donovan Witten Organizing Company for Sekunjalo Edujazz Donovan J & Associates Tel: 021 761 2684 Fax: 021 761 4673 E-mail: don@donovanj.co.za
EduCape – Shakespeare Schools Festival Shakespeare Schools Festival is the largest youth drama festival in the UK. Its organisers have granted EduCape exclusive rights to organise a festival using the same model in South Africa (SSF SA). In 2013 SSF SA will be hosted for the Third time in Cape Town and Johannesburg while launching its first Pilot festival in Durban. In 2013 all three major provinces of South Africa will be united under the umbrella of the Shakespeare Schools Festival SA allowing more learners and teachers this exciting opportunity to present their “Shakespeare in 30 minute” productions in the professional theatre environment. Cape Town can look forward to a four day SSF SA that will take place at Artscape Theatre. Contact: Kseniya Filinova-Bruton Festival Director Cell: 072 2332074 E-mail: kseniya@educape.co.za Website: wwwssfsa.co.za
Fikelela Aids Project (Zonnebloem House) Our mission at Fikelela ‘s vision is to provide an active Christian response to the HIV/Aids pandemic in South Africa; To mobilise the Anglican community to make a sustained positive contribution to the reduction of the number of new HIV infections and to drive HIV/Aids education and care, in partnership with others. Fikelela operates in four areas viz. Care for Children including orphans and vulnerable children at the Fikelela Childrens Centre, Heaven Nest, The Warehouse & Zonnebloem Cottage. We also facilitate Support groups & HIV/Aids task groups in areas such as Youth Training (Agents of Change) and The Jerry Giraffe Sunday school programme. Contact: Mildred Jutzen FIKELELA Aids Project Tel: 021 4651557 Cell: 083 4439 641 E-mail: jutzen@ctdiocese.org.za Website: www.fikelela.org.za
Studio 41 Studio 41 is a revolutionary creative working space in Cape Town, where the leading minds in fashion, technology, IT, fine arts and social media start-ups push the boundaries of their work and foster innovation in their industries. Our mission is: Working towards creating something special for #wdc2014 (World Design Capital 2014). Contact: Zavick Cell: 082 556 6808 Email: studio41capetown@gmail.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Studio-41/131599293636543 Twitter: @ZavickStudio41
Contact: Mr. Sizwe Febana (Managing Director) Mr. Ayanda Mpono (Managing director) Cell: 084 274 1592 Office: 021 386 1157 E-mail: sizwefebana@webmail.co.za Cell: 083 483 1191 E-mail: ayandampono@yahoo.com
Unlimited Alchemy Rachel Gadsden is a contemporary British visual artist, who exhibits internationally and works across mainstream and disability art sectors. In 2011 Gadsden was awarded an International Unlimited London 2012 Cultural Olympiad commission to create Unlimited Global Alchemy in collaboration with the Bambanani Group of Khayelitsha Township Cape Town. The commission culminated in an exhibition of artworks, 7 short films, a full colour catalogue and live art/dance performance which was shown at the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, Cambridge Dada Fest 2012 at the Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool and at the South Bank Centre, London for the Unlimited Festival. Contact: Rachel Gadsden Tel +44 (0) 7949757450 E-mail: rachelsgadsden@blueyonder.co.uk www.rachelgadsden.com www.unlimitedglobalalchemy.com
The Chaeli Campaign The Chaeli Campaign is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) and is the only NPO in South Africa founded by children who are active members of the management committee. The Chaeli Campaign began in 2004 when Chaeli Mycroft, her sister Erin and their friends the Terry sisters (Tarryn, Justine and Chelsea) decided to raise money for a motorised wheelchair for Chaeli. Chaeli is cerebral palsied and has a degenerative neuropathy. The Chaeli Campaign is now active in seven provinces in South Africa and runs six different programmes: assistive devices, therapies, inclusive education, advocacy, vocation & rehabilitation training and youth leadership. The main objective of The Chaeli Campaign is to mobilise the minds and bodies of differently-abled children, with a key focus on inclusion.
Vulela Creative Productions Vulela Creative Productions Co-operative was founded in October 2011 by two young South African Entrepreneurs, who have a vast experience in the creative industry. Our mission is to provide strategic & technical quality value to our customers by conceptualising, designing, implementing and supporting productions in creative industry. ◗◗ We conceptualise, design, implement and support productions in the creative industry. ◗◗ Initiate & host events, festivals, conferences, creative productions, arts exhibitions and theatre productions. ◗◗ One stop events management service ◗◗ Creative project management services ◗◗ Initiate and conduct promotional events ◗◗ Community participation events ◗◗ Conceptualize and produce industrial theatre productions ◗◗ Individual artists & groups agency
Contact: Jared Kruger Education Specialist: Visible Insight Project Co-ordinator: The Chaeli Campaign Cell: 083 564 3253 Email: jedski.jared@gmail.com
Eager Artists Jerry Pooe and Ben Zungu formed the theatre company, Eager Artists, in 1993 which provides opportunities for non-drama students to showcase their talents. Eager Artists Productions strives to serve and develop communities and to take developed youth to professional stages for their talents to shine. Eager Artists Productions has toured to countries such as USA, Canada, Spain, France, Holland, Belgium, Mozambique and Rwanda. With assistance from the National Department of Arts and Culture, Eager Artists acquired premises and formed the Wushwini Arts and Culture Heritage Centre which is today the permanent home of Eager Artists Productions. Contact: Jerry Pooe Founder and Director : Eager Artists Wushwini Arts and Culture Heritage Centre Cell: 083 732 1640 E-mail: jerrypooe@yahoo.com
Manuelfemme Manuelfemme was created by Maryam Manuel and her two younger sisters, Rodiyah and Ghodeejah Manuel. The organisation was formed in response to the need to empower young ladies who are passionate about their professions and skills. Manuelfemme aims to alleviate some poverty through inspiring young ladies to develop their potential and adopt the skills required to become entrepreneurs. By turning these young rose buds (young ladies) into full-bloomed roses, we continuously strive to connect these young ladies to a brighter future. Contact: Maryam Manuel Chief Executive Officer Manuelfemme Cell: 073 099 6542 Email: manuelfemme@yahoo.com
Vuyani Dance Theatre (VDT) Vuyani Dance Theatre has for the last 12 years provided a platform to establish artistic direction, to communicate qualities and values which addressed our fundamental humility, to be audacious and bold in dealing with contentious political and gender issues and, most importantly, to establish the company as an important element in the history of contemporary African dance in this country and beyond. These years mark our childhood memories which we hold dear as they define our innocence and serve as a constant reminder of the legacy we leave behind for future generations. These memories are the defining tools of the movement aesthetic, mixed in with a streak of the psychoanalytical and a highly developed curiosity so beautifully captured in our choreographed award- winning works. Founded by Gregory Maqoma in 1999, Vuyani Dance Company has become one of South Africa’s leading dance companies and has performed consistently over the last 12 years to great acclaim.
Contact: Thami Makhanya Marketing Officer Tel: 011 838 7666 Fax: 086 554 1244 E-mail: info@vuyani.co.za Website: www.vuyani.co.za
CAFDA Dance Theatre/CAFDA Youth Dance Company (CYDC) 34/18 Founded by the late Francis Harrison this dance school has grown into a dynamic dance outfit. Every week more than 100 dancers cross its threshold to learn the arts of Ballet, Modern Jazz and Hip Hop. In the year 2000 the present artistic director, Wendi Abrahams, started CAFDA’s acclaimed semi-professional youth dance company CYDC 34/18.Cafda boasts many accolades which include three performances at The Edinburgh Arts Festival, Scotland. Contact: Wendi Abrahams Cell: 082 923 5434 E-mail: wendiabrahams@yahoo.com
Jungle Theatre Jungle Theatre Company creates original proudly South African family theatre productions that use the mediums of multi-lingual storytelling; visual puppetry; physical theatre; music and dance. The team of ten young actors and drama facilitators create and workshop productions and facilitate drama training programmes under the mentorship of Artistic Director and Founder Vincent Meyburgh. As an award winning, dynamic non profit and public benefit organisation, Jungle Theatre Company uses theatre and drama as a vehicle to promote their vision of a society that is environmentally, socially and culturally conscious and active. Jungle Theatre is committed to building intercultural audiences and performs trilingually. The organisation strives to make theatre accessible to all and tours schools and communities with their repertoire of productions in the unique “Jungle” style. Contact: Miranda Tait Project Coordinator Jungle Theatre Company Tel: 021 701 8088 Fax: 086 574 2502 Cell: 072 908 5160 E-mail: info@jungletheatre.co.za Website: www.jungletheatre.co.za
VDT is now recognised as an exciting and innovative dance company that produces great dancers and has good teaching techniques and is of good quality all round, with programmes including: Corporate Productions, performances, choreography and events management, Community Outreach Programmes, Open Dance Classes, Theatre Productions (national and international), Dance Workshops, Lectures (administered by Gregory Maqoma) and Dance Trainee Programmes. Vuyani Dance Theatre is funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF) for a period of three years.
College of Magic Its approach to the education of marginalised young people through the power of arts is ground-breaking. Faced with such overwhelming odds, South Africa’s youth are blighted by a landscape of hopelessness and destitution. A future without hope is a scary one indeed. The College of Magic believes that young people need to understand that their circumstances are not the only factors that determine their destiny – they must be given the hope and skills to create, shape, participate in and plan their own future. A sense of wonder needs to be rekindled in the young people and the understanding that in the magic of the performing arts, nothing is impossible. The College of Magic’s efforts span across the disciplines from magic through to the allied arts of juggling, mime, clowning, puppetry and technical theatrical skills. Its programmes have received worldwide acclaim having been featured on CNN, in The New York Times, Canada’s Globe & Mail, International Herald Tribute, and most recently in the award-winning documentary Make Believe. For more information on the College of Magic’s training programmes www.collegeofmagic.com Contact: Craig Mitchell Tel: 021 683 5480 Cell: 083 324 9654 E-mail: info@collegeofmagic.com / craig@mitchell.co.za
Field Band Foundation Started by Bertie Lubner in 1997, the Foundation provides opportunities for the development of life skills in the youth through the means of music and dance, based on 9 Field Band Values. The Cape Whalers range from 7 to 21 years, and are from the schools near Somerset West and Stellenbosch (Cloetesville and Kayamandi). They learn to play brass, percussion, marimbas, steel drums and dance. HIV/Aids education is a major focus point. Four Cape Whalers are members of the National Field Band Foundation who launched a Ten Year Celebrations CD during the 2007 National Championships. Other opportunities for Field Band members are international exchanges as well as study bursaries. Two members are currently studying BMus at the University of Stellenbosch. Rehearsals take place on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. For more information please contact Belinda Jackson Project Officer Cell: 083 500 9871 E-mail: belindajac@yahoo.co.uk or bemjack@gmail.com
Jikeleza Dance Project This project provides quality dance and music tuition to children from the Hout Bay communities of Imizamo Yethu and Hangberg, Nyanga Township and the Learn-to-Live programme for street youths in Green Point. The project adopts a holistic approach to children’s development with counselling, life-skills training and job creation, forming part of the programme. Jikeleza was awarded the Arts and Culture Trust Chairperson’s Award for the most successful community project of 2007.
Youth Focal Units – Western Cape Department of Social Development The Department of Social Development identifies strategic areas that are the primary focus of service delivery, policy formulation and development. They are: children and families; disability services; HIV and AIDS; institutional capacity-building and support; youth development; older people; substance abuse and sustainable livelihoods. Artscape facilitated the process of the infrastructural support on behalf of the Western Cape Department of Social Development for the Youth Focal Units in the 16 district offices. The main aim of the project is to develop a unit within each district that would focus on the needs of young people. Artscape was approached for support based on its experience in youth development initiatives. The 16 district offices are: Gugulethu, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town, Beaufort West, Vredenburg, Worcester, Wynberg and Bellville. For more information please contact: Manager : Youth Programmes Tel: 021 483 8580
Afrikaanse Taalraad (ATR) The main purpose of the ATR is to create with the Afrikaans community (first and second language users) a political language situation in a multi-lingual South Africa where Afrikaans, as an official language – together with the other official languages – is purposely promoted and maintained as a high function language and a language of empowerment in the broader community. The ATR consists of more than 50 organisations from all over South Africa and has a membership of approximately 400 000 people. Contact: Prof Jacques van der Elst Tel: 021 997 2647 Cell: 082 880 7636 E-mail: jvde@absamail.co.za
African Theatre Initiative For over 20 years, the International Amateur Theatre Association / Association Internationale du Theatre Amateur (IATA/AITA) has supported a number of World Festivals of Children’s Theatre. Over 80 countries have participated in festivals since 1990. In 1992 at the Standing Committee for Children and Youth, theatre for and by young people has become an integral part of IATA/AITA’s Performing Arts events around the world. At the 20th anniversary of these vibrant and uplifting Youth People’s Festivals in 2010 it was again recognised that such festivals not only give a platform for young people from all over the world to share their creativity, but also stimulate and invigorate the development of young people’s artistic achievements in their respective countries. In 2010 the Steering Committee for Children and Youth with the support of colleagues in Uganda and Zimbabwe challenged Richard Finch to develop an African Initiative which would aim to raise the profile of Young People’s Theatre in Africa and also give greater prominence to this on the International stage. ADE DIARY 2013
For more information please contact: Renee Kerchhoff Cell: 082 551 6329 E-mail: renee@formeset.co.za
After initial discussions with IATA/AITA it was agreed that such a Festival takes place in Africa at a time to suit the host nation. Groups from four to six countries mainly from Southern Africa are to be invited to attend. This would include Zimbabwe, Uganda and Burkina Faso with their experience and acclaim at International Festivals of late. South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Zambia and Swaziland will be targeted. At least two groups identified by the proposed host nation would take part. For more information please contact: Contact: Richard Finch Tel: 032 586 3433 Cell: 078 780 0735 E-mail: richard.finchvso@gmail.com
German Africa Foundation The German Africa Foundation wants to give new impulses to the German-African relationship. In order to reach this, the foundation serves as a centre of communication and information for representatives of the German industry and economy and for political and African conversational partners. Furthermore, the German Africa Foundation attends to African guests and accredited diplomats. In this way, the foundation is able to arbitrate between the highest levels. It is in steady contact not only with representatives of the government, but also with leaders of oppositional groups of African countries to enable the dialogue with all sections of the population. Contact: Elmar Frank Phone: +49 (0)30 280 94727 E-mail: info@deutsche-afrika-stiftung.de
help2read help2read is a child literacy organisation based in Cape Town. The mission of help2read is to motivate the literate adult population in South Africa to pass on their skills to the next generation, helping children to become confident readers. The key to the future of help2read is the recruitment and development of volunteers from underprivileged communities. Volunteers are trained and then placed in primary schools where they help children who struggle with reading English. Contact: Marco Andolfi Business Development Manager Tel: 021 685 8085 Fax: 086 511 2399 E-mail: marco@help2read.org Website: www.help2read.org
SOS Children’s Villages SOS Children’s Villages builds families for orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in need by helping them shape their own futures and sharing in the development of their communities. We work for children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose families are unable to care for them. We give these children the opportunity to build lasting relationships within a family. Our family approach in the SOS Children’s Village is based on four principles: each child needs a mother and grows up most naturally with brothers and sisters, in their own house, within a supportive village environment. We enable children to live according to their own culture and religion, and
Contact: Cynthia Slingers National Donor / Liaison and Legacy Coordinator Cape Town Tel: 021 531 9487 Fax: 021 531 9868 E-mail: Cynthia.Slingers@sos.org.za Website: www.sosvillages.org.za
Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children The vision of the SBCWC is the creation of a safe and secure society and a human rights culture, where women and children are empowered to exercise their full rights. The mission of the SBCWC, as a human rights-based, non-governmental organisation, is to provide a comprehensive range of services that are accessible and safe to women and children. We do this by: ◗◗ Working in partnership with organisations that advocate ending violence against women and children; ◗◗ Providing 24-hour emergency shelter, short and medium term residential care, and childcare services; ◗◗ Prioritising awareness of women’s rights on issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, legal and socio-economic rights. Contact: Shaheema McLeod Centre Manager Tel: 021 633 5287 Fax: 021 637 3487 E-mail: shaheema@womenscentre.co.za Website: www.saartjiebaartmancentre.org.za
DUO MARCHIO Marisa Marchio, soprano and guitarist Uliano Marchio performed in South Africa for several years as a duo apart from working with other musicians in other musical contexts. They lived in Rome for twenty years performing as a duo in several European and Middle East countries and Marisa also as an opera singer in Italy. Both of them taught in Italian conservatories. Having returned to South Africa they continue to perform and teach. Marisa was a voice coach at Cape Town Opera and at College of Music, University of Cape Town for several years. She is presently teaching singing at the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre. Uliano teaches guitar at Westerford High School, the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre and also teaches part-time at the College of Music, University of Cape Town. Marisa offers voice coaching to teachers and choir conductors. Uliano offers guitar training to teachers. To apply for voice coaching or guitar lessons, please fill in the application form at Annexure F and return to duomarchio@telkomsa.net.
to be active members of the community and help these children to recognise and express their individual abilities, interests and talents. We ensure that children receive the education and skills training they need to be successful and contributing members of society. We share in community life and respond to the social development needs of society’s most vulnerable children and young people. We establish facilities and programmes that aim to strengthen families and prevent the abandonment of children. We join hands with community members to develop self-reliance, support education and health care initiatives, and respond to emergencies where necessary.
A.M.C. – The Movement of the Composer’s Association from the Baixada Fluminenese (a quarter of the City of Rio de Janeiro, a non profit organisation created in 1991 One of its main projects is the children’s music school for community children age 9 to 17, created in 1998. This school gives the children an alternative to formal education to develop personal and professional skills, using musical language. They work with Brazilian popular culture, mainly with “samba” and “choro” roots, which in great part comes from Africa. The project allows community kids, who very often are lost and without a positive life, perspective to have an alternative occupation and stay out of the streets. They learn guitar, flute, clarinet, drums and other instruments. The young musicians have been presenting themselves in different venues, including UNESCO. The school also has a special program for training music teachers. It is envisaged to bring six selected young musicians from the school to interact with South African teenage musicians and perform together in Cape Town in 2013. Contact: Débora Barenboim Consul-General Federative Republic of Brazil Tel: 021 421 4040 E-mail: debora.barenboim@itamaraty.gov.br Website: http://www.escolamc.com.br/Site%20Antigo/Historico.htm
People First Foundation People First Foundation consists of seven voluntary trustees with the main focus being building much needed organisational capacity amongst survivalist and marginalised community based organisations. This is achieved by hosting regular, relevant and affordable workshops, and leadership forums as well as circulating a quarterly newsletter with practical information. The trustees have expertise in the areas of non-profit law, governance, strategic planning, marketing and media, public relations, fundraising, organisational development, monitoring and evaluation. Our vision is to build an effective, strong, sustainable and vibrant communitybased sector in South Africa and our mission is to work in collaboration with communitybased organisations in South Africa to strengthen their capacity to effectively mobilise resources, deliver valuable services to their communities and contribute meaningfully towards the eradication of poverty. Contact: Frank Julie Chairperson Mobile: 078 812 4603 Email: peoplefirst.za@gmail.com Website: www.peoplefirstfoundation.weebly.com
Set Design and Props This specialized craft is executed by professional carpenters, metal workers, painters and artists, under the guidance of every production’s designer. Sets and props create the illusion described and required by the script for each stage production. Sets and props vary in size with the detail being carefully crafted, creating realistic visuals to be enjoyed by the audience. Contact: Cassiem Ismail Sets and Props (Epping) Facility Manager Tel: 021 534 6467 Fax: 021 534 0973 Email: cassiemi@artscape.co.za
Wardrobe and Costumes The Wardrobe and Costume Department produces all the costumes used in theatre productions. They create costumes that not only have their own identity, but must be comfortable to wear for the actor on stage. Different people work together and are involved in all stages of production – from the initial design to the choice of colour and fabrics, pattern-cutting, dressmaking and finishing. Contact: Fagrie Nasiep Wardrobe Manager Tel: 021 410 9810 (Ext. 3207) Fax: 086 247 3901 Email: fagrien@artscape.co.za
COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONS African Arts Institute The mission of the African Arts Institute is to harness relevant expertise, resources, infrastructure, markets, knowledge and information to help develop and sustain creative practice in Africa, and the protection and promotion of the continent’s cultural heritage and assets in line with our vision. For more information please contact: Belisa Rodrigues Tel: 021 465 9027/8 Fax: +27 21 465 9027 E-mail: info@afai.org.za Website: www.afai.org.za
Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuur Vereniging (ATKV) Die ATKV is ’n kultuurorganisisasie wat die Afrikaanse kultuur kreatief bedryf tot voordeel van die maatskapy, die Afrikaanse gemeenskap en ’n suksesvolle multikulturele Suid-Afrika. Kontak: 011 919 9000 Gauteng Kantoor
Alliance Française Mitchells Plain & Cape Town This partnership incorporates hosting various cultural events at Artscape as well as making use of the Alliance Française premises as a satellite theatre. Contact: Ludmilla Ommundsen Director Tel: 021 423 5699 Fax: 021 423 5704
Arterial Network What is the Arterial Network? Arterial Network is a dynamic network of individuals, organisations, donors, companies and institutions engaged in the African creative and cultural sector. Arterial Network is administered by a Secretariat based in Cape Town, South Africa. The network has also decentralised its operations by establishing regional secretariats in West and East Africa, Mali and Kenya respectively. Central, South and North African Secretariats will be launched soon. How many National chapters have been launched in Africa? Since the adoption of the Constitutional Framework, national chapters are at the core of Arterial Network’s structure as they are the primary means to change the working conditions and to deliver real and substantial benefits to artists on the ground. Arterial Network is now structured as a continental (African) network of national networks. 40 national chapters have been officially launched to date: ◗◗ Northern Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Tunisia and Morocco ◗◗ West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Guinea and Gambia ◗◗ East Africa: Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Mauritius ◗◗ Central Africa: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville and Gabon ◗◗ Southern Africa: Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe How does one become a member of Arterial Network? Full membership is open to any African artist or cultural NGO or enterprise based in Africa that subscribes to Arterial Network’s aims and agrees to abide by its principles. Membership applications may be completed online at www.arterialnetwork.org. There is no membership fee. Associate membership is available to partners and to Africans living abroad. Membership Benefits? Members may stand for election and vote in all matters pertaining to the Network, receive regular newsletters and preferential news alerts about benefits, project tenders, partnerships, opportunities, may participate in Arterial Network events and training courses at no expense or at reduced costs, receive priority when allocating project tenders and other income-generating opportunities, benefit from touring, funding and other opportunities created for members and have access to the Network’s extensive database, its website and newsletter to distribute information and marketing material. For more information about Arterial Network: www.arterialnetwork.org Contact: Espera Donouvossi Tel: 021 465 9027 E-mail: espera@arterialnetwork.org
Contact: Frank Mallows Tel: 021 761 1894 or 021 761 9005 E-mail: frank@bs.wcape.school.za
British Council The British Council runs programmes and offers products and services that continue to provide opportunities and open doors for young South Africans to connect with the United Kingdom. They are involved in such areas as professional development; connecting classrooms; climate change; scholarships; leadership; education; exams and sport. Contact: Thabisa Ndlazi Project Manager Tel: 021 460 6663 Fax: 021 460 6691 Website: www.britishcouncil.org/africa
Cape Academy of Performing Arts The Cape Academy of Performing Arts opened its doors in Bergvliet, Cape Town, in 1986 under the direction of Debbie Turner. Today CAPA is an all-encompassing dance and theatre education environment in which young artists are exposed to a variety of dance techniques as well as dramatic studies and vocal training, developing and nurturing their theatrical skills for future employment. Touring locally and internationally the students are given the opportunity of experiencing first-hand the profession they aspire to enter. Contact: Haley Sundelson Administrator Tel: 021 701 0599 E-mail: haley.capa@mweb.co.za Website: www.capedancecompany.co.za
Cape Dance Company The now well-known Cape Dance Company has been under the artistic direction of Debbie Turner since 1995. It works on a project basis and is resident at a custom-designed dance facility at the foot of the Constantiaberg Mountains in Westlake, Cape Town. Touring both locally and internationally for the past 15 years, the company presents a distinctive, edgy and athletic repertoire using a wide variety of revered South African and international choreographers. The company subscribes to the notion of dance as accessible and stimulating entertainment and the celebration of the human spirit. Contact: Debbie Turner Tel : 021 712 9945 E-mail: dturner@mweb.co.za
Beau Soleil Beau Soleil offers tuition on all the instruments of the orchestra, namely flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, violin, cello, double-bass, etc. An open evening is held once a year during which most of the instruments are demonstrated and prospective pupils and parents have an opportunity to learn more about Beau Soleil.
Chrysalis Academy Chrysalis Academy is a social crime prevention and youth development organisation which empowers young people “at risk” to take responsibility for their personal growth. This is achieved through a three month residential programme on the beautiful Porter Estate in Tokai. The three month programme is divided into four phases starting with an orientation phase where students learn personal development skills such as goal setting, basic health and well-being, first aid and fire prevention amongst many others; an outdoor phase where they head to the great outdoors to test their personal limits, discover their strengths and weaknesses, develop teamwork skills and experience the healing power of nature. Hiking, abseiling, canoeing and rock climbing are some of the experiences in the outdoor phase; a skills phase where students are taught various skills such as welding, carpentry, electrical circuitry, depending on their needs and aptitude and then a community phase where they are prepared for the lives back in their communities. You are welcome to apply if you are: aged between 17 and 25; have passed Grade 9; have no criminal record and are unemployed. For further information and application forms: Contact: Chrysalis Academy Tel: 021 712 1023 Fax : 086 503 9188 E-mail: langeveld@chrysalisacademy.org.za Website: www.chrysalisacademy.org.za
City of Cape Town The partnership formed between Artscape and the City of Cape Town enables a number of projects to reach the wider community of Cape Town. Contact: Lesley Truter Department of Arts & Culture, City of Cape Town Tel: 021 417 4098 E-mail: Lesley.Truter@capetown.gov.za
Community Plough Back Movement (CPBM) The Community Plough Back Movement, ordinarily referred to as CPBM, is a registered NPO and PBO (Public Benefit Organisation) which was formed in 2002. CPBM Cultural Ensemble The CPBM Cultural Ensemble is the Performing Arts flagship project under the auspices of the Community Plough Back Movement. CPBM has adopted a Multi-Disciplinary, Integrated, Comprehensive and Holistic (MICH) approach which seeks to intervene in combating the hopelessness and apathy that the apartheid system instilled in the “township” communities. We believe that given the tools of education and self respect that these communities can be meaningfully involved in their own development. CPBM is currently involved in 4 programmes viz. ◗◗ CPBM Cultural Ensemble – the performing arts ◗◗ Women Learning to Earn – sewing & designing of traditional afro chic clothing for sale ◗◗ School after care ◗◗ Food Security/ Food Gardening/ Healthy Living programme currently funded byIDT/ EPWP.
The overall aim is to contribute to those processes and programmes that promote self help, self respect and self esteem. For more information contact: Prof Nomvula Mtetwa Ms Ambesiwe Manona Founder/Executive Chair Admin Assistant Cell: 083 436 2438 Tel: 021 694 2571 E-mail: nr.mtetwa@gmail.com Cell: 071 498 1127 E-mail: cpbm.langa@telkomsa.net
Ringo Ndzuzo Ringo Ndzuzo began his music career in 1988 when he started teaching piano at a community church in Langa. Between 1988 and 2003 his career included being the founder of Mapp Jazz School in Athlone and working in Europe as a sound engineer at the North Sea Jazz Festival. He also worked at the then CAPAB as a Community Builder and Sound Engineer on the Transnet Truck. Ringo has initiated many stage performances and tours with the likes of Judith Sephuma, Winston Mankunku, Jimmy Dludlu and Hugh Masekela. For the past 8 years, Ringo has been working on the Barnyard Theatre circuit as a Bass player for different rock shows and also tours abroad with different musicals. Contact: Ringo Ndzuzo Cell: 074 995 1661 E-mail: rndzuzo@gmail.com
Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL) The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL) is provided for in section 185 (1) of the South African Constitution and its primary objectives are to promote respect, peace, friendship, humanity, tolerance and national unity on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and free association. By promoting these objectives it aims to “contribute meaningfully and constructively to social transformation and nation-building for the attainment of a truly united South African nation”. The CRL will host its 3rd National Consultative Conference on 7, 8, 9, 10 March 2013 at the St. George’s Hotel in Johannesburg. The objectives of the National Consultative Conference are as follows: ◗◗ The CRL Commission will report on its activities, accomplishments and challenges.
The CPBM Cultural Ensemble is an intergenerational performing group whose main aim is to promote African Arts & Culture. The objectives of the Ensemble are: ◗◗ To promote and preserve African Traditions/Indigenous Songs and Dances and Jewellery in the form of beading. ◗◗ To build the capacity of unemployed women, men and youth by using their God given skills. ◗◗ To raise awareness in the communities “townships” on how they can use Traditional/ Indigenous Arts and Culture for their economic development. ◗◗ To serve as an income generation for the performers who are mainly unemployed as they do not possess the skills to compete in the formal sector.
The National (Countries’) Progress Report with regard to the promotion of respect for and the furthering of the protection of the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic communities will be presented Presentation of Resolutions before the conference on requests, recommendations and priorities for the Commission Identify and present steps to intensify assistance to communities in the promotion and protection of their cultural, religious and linguistic rights
Contact: Edward Mafadza Tel: 011 537 7600 E-mail: EDDIE@crlcommission.org.za Website: www.crlcommission.org.za
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (Western Cape Provincial Government) – Cape Town Vision: A socially cohesive, creative and active Western Cape. Mission: We encourage excellence and inclusiveness in sport and culture through the effective, efficient and sustainable use of our resources, and through creative partnerships with others. In moving to excellence, we will create the conditions for access and mass participation, talent identification and skills development. Values: Integrity, Accountability, Competence, Responsiveness, Caring Contact: Lindsay Jeptha Assistant Director: Arts & Culture Component Tel: 021 483 9722 Fax: 021 483 9711 or 086 606 3314 E-mail: Lindsay.Jeptha@pgwc.gov.za
The Western Cape Cultural Commission (WCCC) The Western Cape Cultural Commission was established according to the Western Cape Cultural Commission and Cultural Councils Act, 1998 (Act 14 of 1998). The aims of the Cultural Commission are to preserve, promote and develop culture in the Western Cape, in accordance with a policy determined by the Provincial Minister. WCCC Funding for cultural councils A registered cultural council may apply to the Cultural Commission for financial support for culturally related projects, research and the holding of conferences. WCCC Funding for Arts and Culture organisations The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport calls for funding applications from arts and culture organisations, NGO’s etc. once per financial year. The Western Cape Cultural Commission may be contacted at: The Secretariat Western Cape Cultural Commission Tel. 021 483 9717 Fax: 021 483 9711 E-mail address: Clement.Williams@westerncape.gov.za
DWDE has three main focus areas: Supported employment services ◗◗ Business development ◗◗ Protective workshops and Self-Help Groups ◗◗
Tel : 021 674 6139 Fax: 021 674 6238 E-mail: faye@dwde.co.za
Distell The Distell Group supports Artscape. Contact Person: Ms Irma Albers Arts & Culture Controller, Distell Tel: 021 809 8106 Fax: 021 809 7596 Email: ialbers@distell.co.za Website: www.distell.co.za
Fine Music Radio 101.3fm (FMR) FMR is not just another radio station… but the calm in the chaos, enjoyed by the discerning listener. FMR presents a wide range of classical music programmes, providing specialist as well as accessible easy listening. The Classical and Jazz Music genres are covered exclusively. The Jazz programming covers Dixieland, swing, bebop, cool, hard-bop to the avant-garde and modern fusion sound. There are regular special interest programmes such as World Music, Classic Business, Book Choice and Arts Diary. FMR is pro-active in promoting South African music and musicians and broadcast topical news and interviews about a wide variety of cultural events in greater Cape Town. Contact: FMR Tel: 021 401 1013 E-mail: manager@fmr.co.za
Frank Pietersen Music Centre At present the Frank Pietersen Music Centre has five full-time educators (permanent) and eight part-time educator posts shared by various educators. Much emphasis is placed on development work. Many learners cannot provide their own instruments, so the Music Centre provides and maintains a large number of instruments for hire at a minimum tarrif. Lessons are given in all orchestral instruments. The tuition programme includes Western Classical (all orchestral instruments and piano), Jazz, African Percussion, Singing and theory. There are various ensembles and orchestras as well as three choirs. The Music Centre also offers music as a subject (FET: Grade 10 to 12) and a bridging course. The tuition programme also caters for adults. Contact person: VRF Pietersen – Principal Tel: 021 872 2123/4 Cell: 082 823 3909 E-mail: admin@fpmusiccentre.org.za / head@fpmusiccentre.org.za
Disability Workshop Development Enterprise (DWDE) Disability Workshop Development Enterprise is a NGO based in the Western Cape focusing on economic empowerment of persons with disabilities through employment opportunities and entrepreneurship. The organisation works with youth and adults across all disabilities.
French Institute of South Africa The French Institute of South Africa is the cultural agency of the French Embassy in South Africa. It initiates and organises, in collaboration with partners, the cultural programming for the French Services throughout the country. Contact: French Institute of South Africa Tel: 011 403 0458 Fax: 011 403 0465 Website: www.ifas.org.za
GrandWest Corporate Social Investment (CSI) GrandWest Corporate Social Investment is committed to uplifting and developing their surrounding communities. Social transformation is at the core of the CSI responsibility programme. The objectives are: to empower, to be a responsible corporate citizen and to contribute to economic and social development in South Africa. The key focus areas are: education, informal sports, substance abuse, job creation and skills training, youth development, women’s empowerment and emergency services. Contact: Heidi Edson GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World Corporate Social Investment Manager Tel: 021 505 7535 Fax: 021 534 1278 Cell: 083 636 2901 Email: heidi.abrahams@za.suninternational.com Website: www.suninternational.com
Guga S’thebe This arts and culture centre is situated in Langa and focuses on the community’s cultural enrichment. The centre is equipped to present programmes such as workshops, classes, exhibitions, performances and youth capacity initiatives. Contact: Andile Dyasi Tel: 021 695 3493 or 021 695 3173 Fax: 021 695 3328 E-mail: Andile.Dyasi@capetown.gov.za
HCI Foundation HCI Foundation is an independent trust, controlled by trustees drawn from people across the spectrum of social development and financial experience. It supports social development nationally and has identified a number of areas in which it hopes to make a significant contribution that will make a real difference. In general the objective is to uplift needy communities and individuals and to enhance the quality of life and opportunities of those it supports. Contact: Carol van der Rheede Tel: 021 424 6010 Fax: 021 424 6019 E-mail: cvanderrheede@hcifoundation.co.za
Contact: The Director Tel: 021 939 9105 Fax: 021 939 9123 E-mail: director@hugolambrechts.co.za
I am Somebody! I Am Somebody!’s vision is to build a reconciled South Africa whose society has learned from and transformed its history. Through storytelling and youth development we are building resilient, reconciled and integrated communities. We use several interconnected long-term programmes to create the space for diverse young people, their families, mentors and friends, to confront their challenges together, grow through honest reflection, tell their stories and be witnessed for the wisdom they bring. Our 18-month Rites of Passage Programme plays a central role in our organisation. Through nature based storytelling camps, workshops and mentorship sessions this programme offers 18-25 year old participants the opportunity to identify and mark a change they want to make in their lives. Contact: Nicole le Roux Tel: 071 568 8970 E-mail: nicci.leroux@gmail.com Website: www.iamsomebody.co.za
Ian Smith Music Productions Ian Smith has toured extensively with many overseas stars, done numerous TV and radio shows and has appeared at most major venues throughout the country. He spent four years as a fulltime music teacher at the SA College High School where he conducted the award winning SACS Windband and led them on a highly successful 1993 tour of Scandinavia and Europe. He has received renowned success as a jazz performer with his own and many local ensembles. He is one of the most sought after studio and recording players in South Africa. His main focus is to develop and promote Jazz in all its forms in particularly amongst the youth in disadvantaged communities. Contact: Ian Smith Cell: 082 458 3176 E-mail: ian@vjr.co.za Website: www.iansmithmusicproductions.com
Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre At Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre opportunities are created for students to feel at home in the atmosphere of music making at a high level. The Centre offers quality practical tuition in all symphonic instruments. The aim of the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre is to provide pupils with the opportunity of experiencing all variations of musical playing i.e. solo playing, chamber music and orchestral playing.
Ibuyambo Dizu Plaatjies is a traditional music artist and cultural historian. Dizu Zungula Mzikantu Plaatjies was born in Lusikisiki in Mpondoland. His father, Dr Shadrack Plaatjies, was instrumental in developing his son’s artistic needs. As a traditional doctor he made it a point that his children were present to witness every occasion and, when the time came, to participate in these events. Since the formation of his group, Amampondo, Dizu has travelled worldwide, sharing his cultural exchange ideas with great success. Dizu is currently lecturing African Music at the College of Music at the University of Cape Town. Contact: Dizu Plaatjies Cell: 072 424 2447 E-mail: dizuplaatjies@ibuyambo.co.za
iKapa Dance Theatre iKapa Dance Theatre was established in Cape Town in 2007 as a non-profit organisation (NPO 060938). iKapa Dance Theatre is a medium for social transformation, youth development and job creation. iKapa has a unique style of dance and the company philosophy of excellence goes beyond performance and is visible in its social responsibility activities of empowerment and job creation. The company’s activities have developed in three main areas: 1. Creating unique and educational dance productions. 2. Developing and empowering young people in previously disadvantaged communities through the iKapa Dance Training and Outreach and Apprenticeship Programme. 3. Growing the youth dance market through the iKapa Youth Dance Theatre Company which trains young talented dancers for the professional dance environment, whilst focusing on cultural integration. The founders and directors established iKapa Dance with the aim of developing the Arts and Culture of South Africa through creating innovative, world-class technical contemporary dance inspired by South African issues and tales that could be created and performed by a culturally diverse group of young, talented artists. Whilst selecting these young artists it became clear that there was a need for social development through dance and by utilizing the company’s ability and passion. iKapa began to use dance as a medium to teach life skills to the youth of areas affected by poverty and crime. Through the Training and Outreach programme, children learn an appreciation of Arts and Culture while being inspired to realise their potential and discouraged from partaking in anti-social behavior. Contact: Thandeka Nheke Administrator & Project Manager Tel: 021 461 4801 Cell: 076 040 9098 E-mail: admin@ikapadancetheatre.co.za Website: www.ikapadancetheatre.co.za
La Rosa Spanish Dance Theatre La Rosa Spanish Dance Theatre, based in Cape Town, provides a platform for local dancers to gain regular opportunities to perform in a professional environment. Classes are offered for adults and children from 8 years of age. Apart from learning Spanish dance technique, students are exposed to Spanish culture, its traditions and innovations.
Contact: La Rosa Tel: 021 461 4201/4301 Fax: 021 461 5050 E-mail: studio@larosa.co.za
Magnet Theatre The Magnet Theatre Educational Trust seeks to challenge participants through experiences that shift bodies, assumptions, feelings, beliefs and understandings. Magnet Theatre strives to be a moving force in the lives and minds of people in relation to changing local and global contexts. In addition to creating a repertoire of new professional productions, Magnet Theatre has designed a two-year programme offering classes in play, imagination, physical theatre, voice, dance, singing, improvisation and playmaking. Training takes place Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 16:30 and includes skills classes, production work, organised visits to the theatre and work shadowing in various aspects of theatre industry. Participants are encouraged to maintain their connection with their communities and with their groups. The programme is designed by Jennie Reznek, Mandla Mbothwe and Mark Fleishman and is intended as a bridge to entrance into tertiary institutions of education and the theatre industry as a whole. Classes are taught by experienced professional theatre practitioners and teachers. Community Arts Development programmes form a large part of Magnet’s work. This includes year round work in the Cederberg Municipality and a Cape Town Townships Culture Gang intervention. Contact: Magnet Theatre Tel: 021 448 3436 Fax: 086 667 3436 E-mail: admin@magnettheatre.co.za Website: www.magnettheatre.co.za
Metrorail The partnership with Metrorail, a division of PRASA, provides much needed transport for many of the ADE projects throughout the year. Reduce your carbon footprint and travel by train. Contact: Metrorail Tel: 021 449 2366 E-mail: railtourism@metrorail.co.za
Nants’ingqayi Arts Development (NAD) The Nants’ingqayi Arts Development Foundation is a non-profit Section 21 company established in 2004 by a group of women from Langa. The company provides the community with a platform for the development and expression of various forms of artistic endeavours, providing them with skills in a number of artistic and related disciplines, which have become the inspiration for cultural expression and interaction.
La Rosa Spanish Dance Theatre is involved with various organisations in and around Cape Town, providing teaching services.
The NAD aims to: bridge the gaps between old and young ◗◗ bridge the gap between cultures ◗◗ encourage interaction between sexes ◗◗ create a platform for development ◗◗ create spaces for the promotion of arts ◗◗ to preserve and promote cultural values, bringing back confidence and dignity in our community through the arts. ◗◗
Contact person: Thoko Ntshinga Cell: 076 224 8997 E-mail: nantsi.ngqayi@gmail.com
Nyanga Arts Development Centre (NADC) The NADC is a project initiated by the Nyanga Arts Initiative, with the intention to contribute to the arts, skills and enterprise development in the Nyanga community and surrounding areas. NADC has an Amphitheatre/art infrastructure for the community, with a strong focus on juveniles, youth and various emerging talents within the community. Its mission is to be among the leading African-owned Amphitheatre/art gallery institutions in the community and for the community, attracting economic growth, building a creative spark in the community and nurturing and fostering arts development in Nyanga. Contact person: Ayanda Mpono Tel: 021 386 0310 E-mail: bskepe@nadc.co.za
Ovalhouse – London The things under the bed. Theatre for people with something to say. New work for new audiences. Since the 1960’s, Ovalhouse has been a pioneering support of gay, feminist and diverse performance work. We remain committed to challenging preconceptions of what theatre is and can be. Ovalhouse’s current programme embodies our commitment to true artistic diversity, our appetite for experimentation with form and our dedication to process. Contact: Rebecca Atkinson – Lord Director of Theatre (with Rachel Briscoe) Ovalhouse, 52-54 Kennington Oval | SE11 5SW Tel: 020 7582 0080 ext 210 Website: www.ovalhouse.com
Pan Intercultural Arts – London Pan Intercultural Arts is a London-based organisation using the arts for social change. Pan works with disadvantaged groups to increase their self-confidence and creativity so that they can use their imaginations and vision to make positive decisions for the futures they aspire to, and avoid decisions which will lead to negative outcomes.
Contact Person: John Martin Tel: 0207 833 2111 E-mail: post@pan-arts.net
Performing Arts Network of South Africa (PANSA) PANSA is a NGO that promotes and protect the interests of people in the performing arts industry. It is also a networking organisation whose mission is that of facilitating the creation of a strong, vibrant and sustainable performing arts industry. PANSA’s vision is a connected and energized performing arts industry that is locally esteemed and internationally renowned. For more information please contact: Nolonwabo Base Tel: 021 448 3513 Fax: 021 448 3513 E-mail: westerncape@pansa.org.za
Remix Dance Company Remix is currently the only company that features professional artists with a disability. Since its inception, Remix has worked with many theatre practitioners like Lara Foot, Ina Wichterich, Tossie van Tonder, Adam Benjamin, Neo Muyanga, who have brought with them skills in physical theatre, mime puppetry and voice work which have broadened the depth of knowledge and exploration within Remix’s work. At present Remix focuses on the contemporary dance genre, drawing on release technique and contact improvisations, its primary disciplines in training. The company’s technique also draws on the distinct physical characteristics of the different bodies. Both the able-bodied and differently-abled dancers have particular restrictions and capacities unique to the individual. The dialogues created between the dancers in the process of expressing their distinctive movement style leads to a powerfully poignant experience. The central aesthetic of the work recognises and seeks to unearth the personal stories and social history contained in these bodies. The diversity and complexity of the company is further accentuated by the broad range of racial groups represented. Contact: Malcolm Black Cell: 072 422 5937 E-mail: info@remixdancecompany.co.za Website: www.remixdancecompany.co.za
Our work with Refugee groups, Trafficked women, Marginalised Communities and those involved in Gun and Knife Crime has seen marked successes in London. This is matched by our overseas work, training groups to use theatre to manage their own social change in many countries, including India, Bangladesh, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Burma and Switzerland. Pan has worked with and for many international agencies such as: The British Council, International Labour Organisation, United Nations Development Programme and the Red Cross.
Rotary International Volunteers from Rotary International are helping to meet humanitarian needs in a community near you. To learn more about Rotary: Contact: 021 686 4499 E-mail: dist9350@iafrica.com Website: www.rotary.org
Sibikwa Arts Centre The Sibikwa Arts Centre is a visionary arts centre that promotes quality vocational training in the performing arts, performance and job creation in South Africa. It was established in 1988 by a group of Daveyton, East Rand parents who came together to voice their concern about children’s poor attendance at school and the increasing violence in their township. Spearheaded by Smal Ndaba, a resident of Daveyton and assisted by Phyllis Klotz, Sibikwa came into being. From its humble beginnings Sibikwa has grown, garnered numerous awards, initiated new programmes in arts education, vocational training and has developed a brand of South African performances which reflects the lives and aspirations of the majority of its people. The Sibikwa Arts Centre is recognised by the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation and is an accredited service provider with CATHSSETA, a centre of excellence situated in Benoni. It boasts excellent facilities which include a studio theatre, dance studio, rehearsal spaces, a library and media centre. Contact person: Phyllis Klotz Cell: 083 324 1909 E-mail: phyllis@sibikwa.co.za
Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA) Die Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans is ’n dinamiese en progressiewe nieregeringsorganisasie wat op die bevordering van goeie leesvaardighede in die moedertaal fokus. Nie net lê dit die grondslag vir akademiese sukses nie, maar dit stel ook meer mense in staat om vaardighede te bekom en ’n aktiewe en gesonde ekonomiese en kulturele bestaan as ’n volwassene te kan voer. Die SBA se programme sluit in die voorsiening van addisionele leesmateriaal aan 350 skole, gespesialiseerde leesonderrig aan leerders met baie swak leesvaardighede, addisionele eksamenvoorbereidingsklasse vir matrikulante, lesonderrigen bestuurswerkswinkels aan onderwysers en prinsipale en vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme aan werklose volwassenes. Kontak: Danie van Wyk Tel: 021 914 1379 Faks: 021 914 1095 E-pos: Daniel.vanwyk@media24.com
Kontak: Dr Niel le Roux Uitvoerende Hoof – Die Burger Suidoosterfees Tel: 021 446 1559 Faks: 021 446 1563 Webwerf: www.suidoosterfees.co.za
The Cape Town Gilbert and Sullivan Society The Cape Town Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a non-profit, amateur theatre group that has staged musicals and Gilbert and Sullivan Operas in the Artscape Theatre Centre for the last 20 years. It is a tradition that the final dress rehearsal is made available to Artscape ADE for disadvantaged communities. Contact person: Steve Broekman – Chairperson E-mail: steve@broekmanns.co.za
The South African National Dance Trust (SANDT) The South African National Dance Trust has been formed to promote, preserve and support the art form of classical ballet and contemporary dance throughout South Africa. The Trust aims to increase awareness and widely inform the South African public about dance and will provide the opportunity for national, grand-scale, bi-annual, dance productions to be performed in all the major cities and arts festivals in South Africa. SANDT seeks to involve and collaborate with all the professional dance companies and dance training organisations, orchestras and theatres to achieve its aims and offers them unique creative and performance opportunities as well as financial benefits. Particular encouragement will be given to organisations that foster performers from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. SANDT will focus strongly on education, incorporating all avenues of dance (performance, music, visual, design, technical and arts management) to students studying the various art forms, as well as inviting and encouraging new audiences to theatre productions to appreciate and enjoy the wealth of talent that South Africa has to offer. Contact person: Robyn Taylor Trustee/Project Manager Cell: 082 376 3447
Langeberg Municipal District (Robertson) This year’s Rural Community Outreach Project is envisaged to take place in Robertson which is in the Langeberg Municipal District. The aim of the project is to create the opportunity for rural communities throughout the Western Cape to experience professional theatre. The performances include ballet, contemporary dance, classical and African music. As part of Artscape’s nation-building vision, this multi-cultural showcase further ensures that through theatre different cultures can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country.
Suidoosterfees Die Burger-Suidoosterfees in samewerking met die Stad Kaapstad, bied jaarliks ’n uitstaande fees van teater en kulturele vermaak aan. Professionele asook gemeenskapsproduksies word op die planke gebring.
Open Day The aim of the Open Day is to introduce Grade 12 learners and the general public to the career opportunities available in the theatre. These include dance, music, drama, wardrobe, set design, stage management, lighting design and sound design. Information stalls will be available to answer any questions and the different career options will be presented on stage. The Co-ordinator of this project is Tarnia van Zitters. Contact: Tarnia van Zitters Tel: 021 410 9803 E-mail: tarniav@artscape.co.za
Vadhini Indian Arts Academy The Vadhini Indian Arts Academy in Cape Town is the first Indian dance academy in the Cape Province with a 26-year track record in staging both small, community-orientated events and large-scale performances at various venues both locally and internationally. Vadhini has hosted a number of exotic shows presenting Indian dance in its original classical styles and with an innovative modern twist. Twenty-six years of hard work and dedication by teachers, dancers and parents has increased the awareness and understanding of this beautiful art form. In the new South Africa which respects, protects and promotes cultural diversity, Vadhini has seized the opportunity to consolidate, strengthen and widen the scope for cross-cultural expression by taking the Indian arts beyond the confines of the Indian community to include a fusion of all dance forms. Contact: Vadhini Indian Arts Academy Tel: 021 637 0581 E-mail: vadhini@telkomsa.net
Western Cape Education Department The partnership formed between Artscape and the Western Cape Education Department enables a number of projects to reach the wider community of Cape Town. Women’s Hope Education and Training Trust (WHEAT Trust) The Women’s Hope Education and Training Trust is a registered Trust and a fundraising and grant making organisation in South Africa. It has 12 years of history of investing in women through education, training and capacity building and developing women leadership. Since 1998, the WHEAT Trust has been making small grants to grassroots women-led organisations that work in their communities to advance women’s rights. The WHEAT Trust has provided education, training and capacity building and technical support to more than 700 womenled organisations in South Africa’s rural and peri-urban areas. As part of the WHEAT Trust’s objectives to strengthen and sustain a new culture of giving, WHEAT mobilises local women and companies to invest in grassroots women-led organisations. Contact: WHEAT Trust Tel: 021 762 6214 Fax: 021 797 2878 E-mail: development@wheattrust.co.za Website: www.wheattrust.co.za
Zip Zap is a school of performing arts teaching practical circus skills for the creation of work opportunities for youth outside of the normal school curriculum, through life skills training. Contact: Zip Zap Circus School Tel: 021 421 8622 E-mail: info@zip-zap.co.za
Stellenbosch Woordfees The Woordfees of the University of Stellenbosch is an annual literary and arts festival that celebrates language in its range of contexts and forms such as poetry, prose, debates, drama and music. While the main focus is on Afrikaans, it also draws on languages closely associated with Afrikaans. This festival prides itself on its inclusive nature and is aimed at students, scholars and the public at large. The festival takes place from 1-10 March 2013 at various venues in Stellenbosch. The 2013 Woordfees will showcase Artscape’s activities in Wellington which includes a performance by the Wellington Youth Band, the launch of the Wellington Minstrels Book entitled Wellington se Klopse: 100 Jaar se onvertelde stories, and exhibition of it Oude Libertas. Dejavu Tafari – Ntutopia Productions Dejavu Tafari currently co-owns Ntutopia Productions, a township-based production company and uses this platform to generate theatre and television productions which focus on telling stories that empower the black youth demographic by reinforcing positive values. She has gained popularity within the Slam Poetry scene as a result of her consistent performances at events such as Uncut (Cape Tech), Afro (UCT), Kopano (Langa), All N.YZ (Guguletu), Goemaratti (Cape Town) and various other youth-orientated initiatives around the Western Cape. She has also collaborated with an acoustic ensemble called the Umthwakazi Band adding indigenous Xhosa music to her witty lyrics to create a kaleidoscope of experimental word-sound-power that has been well received by her widening audience base. Other performances include the Speak The Mind Poetry Extravaganza (Artscape Theatre Sept. 2009), Poetry on Long (New Space Theatre Jan. 2010), Verses (Feb. 2010), Badilisha Poetry’s 100 000 Poets for Change (2011) and Woman To Woman (2012). Her work has been featured on compilations such as “BlaqT mixes Korianda (2007), MaB Khambi of Driemanskaap’s mixtape (2010) and an all-female spoken word compilation entitled Words of a Rebel Sistah (2012). Dejavu is currently working on her debut album which will be released alongside a live performance DVD and a poetry anthology towards the end of 2013. Contact: Felicity Vuyokazi Ngemntu Cell: 073 5148223 E-mail: dejavu.tafari@gmail.com
Zip Zap Circus School The Zip Zap Circus School, based in Cape Town, is a unique organisation that utilises the challenging medium of circus arts training and performance for the purpose of educational outreach and youth development of South African children from all walks of life. The school also comprises a corporate aspect where skilled riggers and stunt performers are provided for business and the film industry.
ASSOCIATED PROJECTS ComArt ComArt is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) that provides access to arts training and resources as a means to promote community growth, development and nation building. The organisation is based in Elsies River, an area of high unemployment, severe social economic challenges and limited access to arts and resources. ComArt works with other community organisations as well as local and international strategic partners to present sustainable access to a range of skills development activities in the Elsies River community and beyond. Contact: ComArt Tel: 021 931 7868 E-mail: comart@telkomsa.net
Dance For All (DFA) Dance for All is a non-profit organisation that has been teaching dance to historically disadvantaged children and youth in the townships of Cape Town since 1991. This outreach work has also been expanded to the rural areas of Montagu and Barrydale. The company’s mission is to offer children in these communities the opportunity for enjoyment and empowerment in a safe environment where, through the medium of dance, they have the chance to develop self-esteem, as well as life skills such as discipline, focus and commitment. This enables them to take responsibility for their lives and to set goals for their future, which in turn facilitates positive social change. DFA offers its students a consistently high standard of training in ballet, contemporary and African dance, which opens up career options for them in the performing arts. It has trained a number of exceptionally talented dance students to a professional level, many of whom are now engaged in dance companies locally and internationally. Contact: Philip Boyd Chief Executive Officer Tel: 021 697 5509 Fax: 021 697 1516 E-mail: philip@danceforall.co.za Website: www.danceforall.co.za
Ibhabhathane Project The Ibhabhathane Project provides art lessons for all school learners including LSEN and ABET learners. The project also provides in-service training for teachers in visual arts and design and develops learning support materials. The Ibhabhathane Project particularly enjoys creating and presenting education support programmes for local and national exhibitions at galleries and museums. Contact: Colin Stevens Cell: 083 713 5498 E-mail: colin@worker.com
ASSITEJ South Africa – International Association for Theatre for Children and Young People ASSITEJ South Africa is a registered NPO (066-875), which operates as a networking platform for people working with or interested in theatre for children and young people. It aims to promote and foster high quality theatre for children and young people, to raise standards within the industry, to increase access and awareness, to be an advocate for the right of every child to arts education in schools, and to build relationships within the sector locally, nationally, across the continent and globally. Members include: actors, musicians, dancers, directors, choreographers, theatre educators, stage designers and dramatists, as well as theatre companies, organisations and institutions, critics and cultural journalists, cultural officers, amateur drama groups, organizers, societies and other networks. ASSITEJ has members in all provinces of the country. Contact: Yusrah Bardien Office Manager: ASSITEJ South Africa Tel: 021 8220070/1/2 Fax: 086 232 7367 E-mail: info@assitej.org.za Website: www.assitej.org.za Website: www.assitej-iinternational.org
SMS ‘theatre4youth’ to 38490 and donate R10 to the “Take a Child to the Theatre Today” campaign
The Breytenbach Centre The Breytenbach Cultural Centre in Wellington was established in 2007 in the former home of internationally acclaimed poet Breyten Breytenbach and his siblings, whose parents used it as a boarding house in the fifties. After the Breytenbach family sold the house in 1974, it deteriorated to such an extent that the Drakenstein Municipality considered demolishing it. However, in the nineties a group of enthusiastic art lovers bought the house from the Municipality and, with the support of the Breytenbach family, embarked on the lengthy process of developing the building into an art and cultural centre. The Breytenbach Cultural Centre strives to: Promote South African arts, including visual arts, music, drama and literature, ◗◗ Provide a platform for showcasing the talents of local, national and international artists. ◗◗ Develop talent and present artists with opportunities they would not otherwise have. ◗◗ Be a fully-fledged, multi-dimensional cultural centre that contributes to conserving the country’s cultural heritage. ◗◗ Empower people through relevant training and self-development in order to stimulate enterprise and job creation. ◗◗ Undertake projects that will lead to the improvement of individuals’ overall circumstances. ◗◗ Undertake projects that are guaranteed to be sustainable. ◗◗
UNIMA Active Puppets: As part of UNIMA SA’s development portfolio, the Active Puppets Programme’s vision is to reduce poverty in poor communities through developing artistic talent, specialist skills in puppetry, entrepreneurial ability and leadership. The Active Puppets does this through providing training and mentorship programmes to community theatre groups. For more information on the different programmes please visit our website: www.unimasouthafrica.org or contact our office at 021 462 5811.
Contact: Olivia Ockhuis General Manager Tel: 021 8732786 Email: info@breytenbachsentrum.co.za Website: www.breytenbachsentrum.co.za
Awesome Talents Adriaan Januarie is the founding member of Awesome Talents. The project is based in Malmesbury and seeks to promote the abundance of talent in this area. After conducting research, it was discovered that there is a need for opportunities and a platform for talent to be recognised in the Swartland. The research also found that there is a lack of entertainment especially in certain communities. The conclusion of the research project gave rise to the formation of Awesome Talents which strives to develop the young people’s talent in Malmesbury by organizing events to showcase to different audiences the wonderful talent which exists here. Contact: Adriaan Januarie Tel: 022 485 7073 Fax: 022 485 7266 Cell: 073 025 7170 E-mail: ajajanuarie@gmail.com
Discover Islam Centre (DIC) Discover Islam Centre is a non-profit faith based organisation established in 2005. The centre engages in a host of community-based programmes which seek to build bridges of understanding and religious tolerance. Education and assisting in creating frameworks for growth and understanding in impoverished communities are essential elements of what we do. The constitutional statement ‘Unity in Diversity’ informs our actions as a proudly South African community organisation. Contact: Rughsaun Adams Discover Islam Centre Tel: 021 696 8375 Cell: 083 524 8994 E-mail: info@discoverislam.co.za Website: www.discoverislam.co.za
Heal the Hood In 1998, Emile Jansen of Black Noise was approached by Annette Liljefors of Svenska Rikskonserter, to co-ordinate a tour by a group of youth from Hammarkullen, Sweden, to tour schools in Cape Town, South Africa. This tour exposed youth from the Swedish immigrant community to youth from the Cape Flats. They spoke about topics of racism and xenophobia and ways of combating this around the world. The tour was called Heal the Hood (hood being short for neighbourhood)...Heal the Hood was born. Contact: Heal The Hood Shaquille Southgate Office Administrator Tel: 021 706 0481 Fax: 021 706 0481 E-mail: healthehood@mweb.co.za
Contact: Camillo Lombard Cell: 079 087 3001 E-mail: camillo.micallo@gmail.com
Valleys Kids Valleys Kids is a community development charity based in the South Wales Valleys, with a 34-year track record of working with disadvantaged children and families. Our work is about changing lives for the better. These Valleys now rank in some of the most deprived areas of Europe. Valleys Kids works alongside local people to improve the lives of children and families in these communities, helping people to help themselves. Valleys Kids vision is: “A celebration of the achievement of individuals who, through trying different activities and having different experiences, broaden their horizons and achieve their potential.” Contact: Margaret Jervis Co-Founder and Operational Director Tel: +44 (0)1443 420870 Fax: +44 (0) 1443 420877 E-mail: Margaret@ValleysKids.org Website: www.ValleysKids.org
Micallo Music Productions Camillo Lombard started playing piano at age 4, and has since developed his talent and skill into becoming church organist at age 12 and choir director at age 16. At age 19, he joined his first professional band “Topaz” and has performed with a host of consummate performers like Jimmy Dludlu, Judith Sephuma, David Kramer, Vicky Sampson, Nico Carstens, Mynie Grove, to name but a few. He has proceeded to become a Musical Director for many stage productions, and songwriter, arranger and producer for recording artists. Camillo has also been seen on television in music programs like Liriekeraai, Maak ’n Las, All That Jazz and many more. Together with his partner Ezra Delport, they have created their own music industry training and development program called Cape Music Institute that has been in existence since 2006. Camillo manages his company called Micallo Music Productions that procures work for other artists.
ANNEXURE A HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA FESTIVAL 2013 Artscape boasted another very successful High School Drama Festival in 2012. It was yet again great to witness our young students share their talent and stories with us on stage in August. The aim of the High School Drama Festival is to give learners a platform to voice their own creativity, views and concerns to a captive audience and alongside that the opportunity to broaden their horizons by experiencing the magic of live theatre, professional lighting and sound and with an audience. They are able to learn the discipline essential to being a performer. The High School Drama Festival will be preceded by mini festivals on 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st May 2013, 1st and 3rd June 2013. From these a maximum of 16 productions will be selected to take part in the main festival which will be held on 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th August 2013 followed by the award ceremony which will take place the morning of the 17th August 2013 in the Artscape Arena. High School Mini Festivals Theme: Teen alle waarskynlikheid in/ Against all odds/ Noba kumnyama entle Schools are required to prepare a 35 minute original production based on their own interpretation of the theme. It should be real and researched. Taken from that an extract of 10 minutes of the play should be presented at the mini festival as an abridged version of the original production. The dates and venues are as follows: Alexander Sinton, Athlone ◗◗ Mondale High School, Mitchell’s Plain ◗◗ Schoonspruit High School, Malmesbury ◗◗ Brackenfell High School, Brackenfell ◗◗ Worcester High School, Worcester ◗◗ Luhlaza High School, Khayelitsha ◗◗ Zwaanswyk Academy, Tokai ◗◗
27 May 2013 28 May 2013 29 May 2013 30 May 2013 31May 2013 01 June 2013 03 June 2013
Please note that schools may select the date on which they would like or are able to participate. Kindly ensure that you book the date early, as schools would be allocated on a first come first served basis. ±15 Schools can be accommodated per venue and we will re-allocate venues if necessary. The Ubuntu Teen Film Festival Award Ceremony will take place on the 16th of August 2013 at 19h00 in the Artscape Arena. CONDITIONS FOR ENTERING:
• Closing date for applications is 6th March 2013 • Only original scripts will be accepted, no previously published scripts. Please bear in mind that the main selection criteria is to what degree the script adheres to the theme.. • The Abridged Version at the Mini Festival should be 10 minutes of the original production. • For the Main Festival in August, the same production as in the mini community festivals must be presented. The full play should be a maximum 35 Minutes. We are looking for an extended version of the audition piece done at the mini festival.
REGISTRATION FORM HIGH SCHOOL MINI DRAMA FESTIVAL Full name of the school: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Educator: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tel:.......................................................................................................... Fax........................................................................................................................... Cell: ....................................................................................................... E-Mail: ................................................................................................................. Alternate Educator............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Tel........................................................................................................... Cell:......................................................................................................................... Date & venue your school is selecting for Mini Festival: ............................................................................................................................. Principal’s signature: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Principal’s name (Printed) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Please fax this form back to us by 06 March 2013. Fax number: 021 410 9980 Please do not hesitate to contact: Riaan Visman Tel: 021 410 9927 Fax: 086 601 9135 E-mail: slu@artscape.co.za
• The registration form MUST have an Educator currently working at the school as contact person, who will take on the responsibility of communicating with the learners or outside parties, if they are assisting the drama group. Artscape will under no circumstances communicate with community members who are assisting the school, but only with the allocated contact Educator at the school. • Please supply contact numbers where this Educator can be reached easily. If the school does not have access to fax/e-mail, please supply alternative numbers/addresses which we can use as most of our communication happens in this form. • All response dates must be strictly adhered to. In the past we experienced problems getting cast lists and technical requirements from schools. In these cases we cannot prepare adjudication books meaning that the play cannot be considered for the Best Script, Best Director, Best Performer or Best Supporting Performer awards. • If we do not receive the technical requirements by the due date, we will assume that there are none. You will be informed of these dates in advance ensuring enough time to respond. • Artscape will provide general lighting and sound assistance to each school. Tables and chairs can be arranged if the above dates are adhered to. Any additional set and props must be provided by the school itself. • Please note that no entry will be accepted without the school principal’s signature. ALL FIELDS should be completed with as much DETAILED information as possible.
ANNEXURE B ARTSCAPE YOUTH JAZZ FESTIVAL 2013 In 2003 Artscape initiated the Youth Jazz Festival, and to date the project has grown extensively to accommodate the enormous interest and exceptional talent of young Jazz musicians. Thus far, young aspiring musicians have participated in the annual mentoring programme, which culminated in an extraordinary festival of Jazz in the Artscape Theatre. With the focus still firmly on development and the education of young Jazz aspirants, the project will change slightly this year. Young, talented singers and solo instrumentalists are offered the opportunity of performing with a professional Jazz Ensemble. Artscape approached Jazz legend trumpeter, Ian Smith, to steer this project. The 11th Artscape Youth Jazz Festival will be held in the Artscape Theatre on Friday 14 June 2013. PLEASE TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:
• Candidates should be bona fide professional, semi-professional or amateur performing artists. The age restriction is 25 years in the year of participation. • Candidates must be resident or studying in the Western Cape. • Auditions will take place on Saturday 13 April at Artscape in Cape Town. Please note that artists are required to attend auditions at own cost. • Candidates must submit a preferred list of pieces / songs, with keys. Candidates are encouraged to choose works from this standard jazz repertoire. Where possible, candidates should provide sheet music for piano, bass and drums. • A maximum duration of about 15 minutes is recommended for the performance. • A very high concert standard of performance is essential. • Candidates must be available for all required rehearsals at Artscape in Cape Town from Wednesday 12 June 2013 (Times to be announced). • Complete the entry form fully and neatly (please print) and return by Friday 22 March 2013 to Artscape Youth Jazz Festival, Artscape, PO Box 4107, Cape Town, 8000. Fax: 021 410 9845 Enquiries: Tarnia van Zitters, Tel 021 410 9803 E-mail: tarniav@artscape.co.za
ARTSCAPE YOUTH JAZZ FESTIVAL Surname: ........................................................................................... First Name: ...................................................................................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................. Postal Code: ..................................... Date of Birth: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone number: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Title of Work
Instrument / or voice type: ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Brief biography of yourself including previous performance experiences / awards etc. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
For solo instrumentalists and singers Artscape Theatre, Cape Town: Saturday 31 August at 19:30 The 42nd Western Cape Youth Music Festival hosted by ARTSCAPE and the CAPE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA will be held in the Artscape Theatre, Cape Town on Saturday 31 August 2013. Young singers and solo instrumentalists are offered the opportunity of performing with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra. PLEASE TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT INFORMATION:
• Candidates should be bona fide full-time students during the year of participation. The age restriction is 23 years for instrumentalists and 27 years for singers in the year of participation. • Candidates must be resident or studying in the Western Cape Province. • Auditions will take place on Thursday, 9 May 2013 at Artscape in Cape Town and on Friday, 10 May 2013 at the Fismer Hall in Stellenbosch. Please indicate at which centre you wish to be auditioned. Please note that candidates are required to attend auditions at own cost. • Candidates must arrange for their own accompanists at auditions. • Successful candidates must perform the same work at the concert as played for the audition. • Instrumentalists are required to perform a single movement of a concerto or concertante. Two-piano works are unfortunately not acceptable. Singers are required to perform a work for solo voice and orchestra (or an appropriate part thereof). Candidates are encouraged to choose works from the standard repertoire. The orchestra parts of chosen works should be easily obtainable – the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra Librarian, Daniel Neal, can be contacted on telephone number (021) 410 9880 or daniel@cpo.org.za for advice and queries in this regard. • A maximum duration of about 15 minutes is recommended for the performance. • A very high concert standard of performance is essential. • Candidates must be available for all required rehearsals at ARTSCAPE (Orchestral Studio) in Cape Town from Tuesday, 20 August 2013 (times to be announced). • Complete the form fully and neatly (please print) and return by Friday, 12 April 2013, to: Western Cape Youth Music Festival, ARTSCAPE, P O Box 4107, Cape Town, 8000 Fax: 021 410 9845 Enquiries: Debbie Damons, Tel: 021 410 9915
Vir solo instrumentaliste en sangers Kunstekaap Teater, Kaapstad: Saterdag 31 Augustus om 19:30 Die 42ste Wes-Kaapse Jeug Klassieke-musiekfees word op Saterdag 31 August 2013 deur KUNSTEKAAP en die KAAPSE FILHARMONIESE ORKES in die teater aangebied. Jong sangers en instrumentaliste word die geleentheid gebied om saam met die Kaapse Filharmoniese Orkes op te tree. LET ASSEBLIEF NOUKEURIG OP DIE VOLGENDE BELANGRIKE INFORMASIE:
• Kandidate moet bona fide voltydse musiek student wees in die jaar van deelname. Die ouderdomsperk is 23 jaar vir instrumentaliste en 27 jaar vir sangers in die jaar van deelname. • Kandidate moet in die Wes-Kaapse Provinsie woonagtig wees of studeer. • Oudisies vind op Donderdag, 9 Mei 2013 by Kunstekaap in Kaapstad en op Vrydag10 Mei 2013 by die Fismersaal in Stellenbosch plaas. Dui asseblief aan in watter sentrum jy oudisies wil bywoon. Let asseblief daarop dat oudisies op eie onkoste bygewoon word. • Kandidate moet hul eie begeleier vir oudisies reel. • Gekeurde kandidate moet op die Musiekfees dieselfde werk uitvoer as vir die oudisie. • Instrumentaliste moet ’n enkele beweging uit ’n concerto of konsertwerk vir instrument en orkes uitvoer. Werke vir twee klaviere is ongelukking nie aanvaarbaar nie. Sangers moet ’n werk vir solostem en orkes, of toepaslike gedeelte daarvan uitvoer. Kandidate word aangemoedig om werke te kies waarvan orkespartiture maklik beskikbaar is. Vir advies of inligting in hierdie verband kan u die Bibliotekaris van die Kaapse Filharmoniese Orkes, Daniel Neal, skakel op telefoon nommer (021) 410 9880 of daniel@cpo.org.za. • ’n Maksimum tydsduur van 15 minute word aanbeveel vir die uitvoering. • ’n Hoë professionele standaard van uitvoering word verlang. • Kandidate moet vir alle aanvanklike repetisies by KUNSTEKAAP beskikbaar wees vanaf Dinsdag, 20 Augustus 2013 (tye sal aangekondig word). • Voltooi asseblief die vorm volledig en netjies (drukskrif asseblief), en stuur dit voor Vrydag, 12 April 2013 aan: Weskaapse Jeugmusiekfees, KUNSTEKAAP, Posbus 4107, Kaapstad, 8000 Faks: 021 410 9845 / Navrae: Debbie Damons, Tel: 021 410 9915
Surname / Van: ................................................................................. First Name / Voornaam: ........................................................................... Adress / Adres: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... Postal Code / Poskode: ....................................................... Date of Birth / Geboortedatum: ................................................................................................................................................................................. Telephone number / Telefoon nommer: .............................................................................................................................................................. Email address / Epos-adres: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Name & tel. no. of music teacher / school / university etc. / Naam & tel. nr. Van onderwyser / skool / universiteit ens: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Indicate preferred Audition Centre / Dui Oudiesiessentrum aan:
or / of
ACCURATE DETAILS OF THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED AKKURATE BESONDERHEDE VAN DIE WERK WAT OPGEVOER GAAN WORD Composer / Komponis: ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Title of the work / Naam van die werk: .................................................................................................................................................................. Opus No.: Key / Toonraad: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Instrument / or voice type/of stemtipe: ............................................................................................................................................................... Movement number of the concerto if applicable / Beweging nommer van die concerto waar van toepasing: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Accurate time, in minutes, of the section to be performed / Akkurate tydsduur, in minute, van die gedeelte wat opgevoer gaan word: ................................................................................. Brief biography of yourself including previous performance experiences / awards etc. Kort agtergrond van jouself insluitend vorige optredes / toekenings ens. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ANNEXURE D SCHOOLS ARTS FESTIVAL 2013 As part of Artscape Audience Development and Education’s (ADE) ongoing vision to develop a love for the performing arts, and contributing to practical Nation building, we would like to inform you of this wonderful opportunity for your Learners. Approximately 10 Schools share the same stage each evening, contributing to an exciting and diverse theatre experience, from classical choirs to contemporary dance. The festival culminates in a glittering Gala performance by selected schools, attended by various dignitaries and showcases the talent which exists in our schools.
12–28 August 2013 The Schools Arts Festival gives Learners the opportunity to showcase their talent by performing on a professional stage. The presentation can be in the form of musical items (vocal and/or instrumental), dance showcases (any dance form) and speech performances, (poetry, verse, but not drama). The Festival also aims to stimulate a love of theatre and performing, while creating an individual sense of self-esteem, pride and achievement. The project encourages nation building as young people and their parents from different cultures and backgrounds come together to experience a common goal.
29 August 2013 Selected Schools of the School Arts Festival will be showcased at the Gala event.
12–30 August 2012 The Ibhabhathane Project will host a visual arts exhibition in the foyers during the Schools Arts Festival. This will showcase work from selected Schools around the Western Cape. Visual arts displays are welcome and a selection team from the Ibhabhatane Project will select the items to be exhibited in the foyer for the duration of the festival. These may include drawings, paintings, sculptures, crafts. Please see BELOW for information, criteria and the application form.
DATES FOR 2013 are: 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28 August, with the Gala event happening on 29 August 2013. To avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to make some ground rules clear: • Each performance piece must be 8 minutes or less. • Schools will be supplied with the date of their performance no later than end June 2013. On the day of the performance there will be a technical rehearsal on stage in the afternoon. All schools need to be at Artscape by 14h00. • Educators are responsible for supervising the learners while they are in the Artscape building. Holding rooms are provided. No more than 2 Educators per school group. • Musical groups have to bring their own instruments and music stands. Artscape provides a baby grand piano and standard drum set. • Dance groups need to supply good recordings on CD only of their music as soon as they can. • Artscape provides lighting. We are sharing the theatre with another production, so lighting cannot be too extravagant, but our technical team does its best to satisfy everybody’s requirements. • We will contact you early in 2013 for details about your performance and your technical or other requirements. • We will need a little information about the school and the performance piece. We will inform you of when to send these.
In the interim, kindly complete the attached application form and start planning an exciting performance piece which you will be rehearsing with your learners. Please do not hesitate to contact Riaan on 021 410 9927 should you have any queries.
DATES: 1 2, 13, 14, 15 August, 19, 20, 21, 22 August and 26, 27, 28 August 2013 Gala event: 29 August 2013 If you are interested in having learners from your school perform at this festival, please complete this form and return it via email or fax no later than 3 May 2013. Fax number: 021 410 9980 or 086 601 9135 E-mail: slu@artscape.co.za
Attention: Riaan Visman
ENTRY FORM SCHOOLS ARTS FESTIVAL 2013 NAME OF SCHOOL: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Contact PERSON: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TEL. ....................................................................................................... FAX: ....................................................................................................................... CELL: .................................................................................................... E-MAIL ADDRESS: ......................................................................................... NATURE OF PERFORMANCE PIECE (E.g. choir, marimba band, modern dance, poem.) .................................................................................. NUMBER OF PERFORMERS/LEARNERS.................................................................................................................................................................... NATURE OF VISUAL EXHIBIT AND NUMBER OF EXHIBITS: (E.g. sculpture, craft, etc.)............................................................................ PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. PRINCIPAL’S NAME (printed): ........................................................................................................................................................................................ A brief synopsis about your school and performance piece: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DEADLINE FOR RETURNING THIS APPLICATION: 3 MAY 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact the School Liaison Unit should you need to discuss anything. Riaan Visman Tel: 021 410 9927 Office Fax: 021 410 9980 Fax 2 email: 086 601 9135 E-mail: slu@artscape.co.za
ANNEXURE E (Fill in the form and fax to 086 571 2848)
Artscape Resource Centre Membership Application Form (Fill in the form and fax to 086 571 2848)
Choose your membership Type: The Arty Arty Farty The Arty Party The Amakreatives Artscape Resource CentreTheMembership Application Form Name of Organisation
Choose your Membership Type:
The Arty
The Arty Farty
The Arty Party
No of Members
The Amakreatives
Gender Name Name of Organisation
No of Members
Title Gender
Surname Name
Age Title
Date of Birth Surname
No ofAge Dep.
Marital Date ofStatus Birth
Language(s) No of Dep.
Race Country of origin
Country of Origin
Marital Status
Language(s) Telephone No(s) Telephone No(s) Fax No Fax No Mobile No No E-mailMobile Address Address PostalE-mail Address
Postal Address
City / Suburb
City / Suburb
What is your field of a activity? (Please tick appropriate box)
Visual Arts
What is your field of activity? (Please tick appropriate box)
Visual Arts
Comedic Performance Comedic Perfromance
Other (Please give details)
Other (Please give detail)
How did you hear about the Artscape Resource Centre? (Please tick appropriate box) How did you hear about the Artscape Resource Centre? (Please tick appropriate box)
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What Area ofofArts like to tolearn learnmore moreabout? about? What Area ArtsAdministration Administration would would you you like (Please give detail) (Please give details) Which Arts body do you belong to? (Please tick appropriate box)
Which Arts body do you belong to? (Please tick appropriate box) Cape Film Commission
Cape Film Commission
VANSA (Visual Arts Network of SA)
VANSA (Visual Arts Network of SA) Signed At
Signed at Member Signature
Cape Mic
Cape Craft & Design Institute
Cape Craft & Design Institute
Cape Mic
PANSA (Perfroming Arts Network of SA)
PANSA (Performing Arts Network of SA)
Other (Please give detail)
Other (Please give details) Date
Artscape Resource Centre Admin
Member Signature Artscape Resource Centre Admin Print Form
ANNEXURE F MARISA AND ULIANO VOICE COACHING/GUITAR TRAINING FOR TEACHERS APPLICATION FORM FOR SINGING/ GUITAR LESSONS FOR TEACHERS Surname: ...........................................................................................
First Name: .....................................................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................. Postal Code: .................................................................................................... Date of Birth: .................................................................................. Tel Number: .................................................................................................... School currently based at and area: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Please tick the applicable box : Voice Coaching
Guitar Lessons
Brief biography about yourself including any previous voice coaching/guitar training; previous performance experience (if any); reason for applying for voice coaching/guitar training ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
For further information, contact Marisa or Uliano at duomarchio@telkomsa.net.
ARTSCAPE RESOURCE CENTRE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Choose the membership benefit that best suits your needs: THE ARTY R50 Individual Membership • A login and password that gives you access to 25 hours internet free and pc use per month with a limit of maximum 2 hours per day. • Use of the ARC meeting room when booked in advance. • Reduced fee for Artscape Resource Centre workshops. • Access to the ARTS ADMIN READERS CORNER Books. • Information on opportunities within the industry to be sent via email and facebook. • An invite to ARC networking events. • One pair of complimentary tickets to 1 Audience Development and Education production per year. • Access to mentorship on scheduled appointments around arts administration (on request). • Referrals to other industry bodies that can benefit your work. • Access to dvd viewing facilities (to be booked 1 week in advance). • Subsidised photocopying, printing and faxing facilities. THE ARTY FARTY R100 Individual Membership • A login and password that gives you 35 hours free internet and pc use per month. • Use of the ARC meeting room when booked in advance for use during ARC working hours. • One 2 hour usage time with meeting room facilities of the ARC meeting over weekend when booked 1 week in advance. • Being informed first about upcoming courses and having first right of refusal to attend the course within the allocated deadline. • Reduced rate on fee for arts administration courses. • Access to ARTS ADMIN RADERS CORNER and being able to call and reserve a book. • Information on opportunities to be sent via email and facebook. • 1 pair of tickets to final dress rehearsals of shows (depending on availability) • First invitation refusal to attend ARC networking events • One pair of complimentary tickets to 3 Audience Development and Education productions per year. • An invite for you and a partner to 1 Audience Development and Education launch cocktail or opening event. • Scheduled informal mentorship on an area of your choice around arts administration with scheduled appointments. • Referrals to other industry bodies for networking that can benefit your work. • Access to dvd viewing facilities to be booked in advance. • Subsidised photocopying, printing and faxing facilities. THE ARTY PARTY R200 Group Membership (under 15 members) • 2 login(s) and password for designated memvers of your group gives you 25 hours free internet and pc use per month per user. • Use of the ARC meeting room when booked in advance for use during ARC working hours. • Reduced rate on fee for arts administration courses. • Access to ARC ARTS ADMIN READERS CORNER. • Information on opportunities to be sent via email and facebook. • 15 tickets to final dress rehearsals of shows depending on availability. • First refusal to attend ARC networking events with a number of invitees being determined for each event. • One pair of complimentary tickets to one (1) Audience Development and Education production per year. • Informal mentorship on an area of your choice with scheduled appointments around arts administration. • Referrals to other industry bodies that can benefit your work and for networking. • Access to dvd viewing facilities to be booked in advance. • Subsidised photocopying, printing and faxing facilities. THE AMAKREATIVES R350 Group Membership (15 – 25 members) • 3 login (s) and password as that gives you 25 hours free internet and pc use per month per user. • Use of the ARC meeting room when booked in advance for use during ARC working hours. • One 2 hour use of the ARC meeting room during the weekend when booked in advance. • Being informed first about upcoming courses and having first right of refusal to attend the course within the allocated deadline. • Reduced rate on fee for arts administration courses and further discount on block bookings of more than 10 people. • Access to ARC ARTS ADMIN READERS CORNER and being able to call and reserve a book. • Information on opportunities to be sent via email and facebook. • 30 Tickets to a final dress rehearsal of shows depending on availability. • First right of refusal to attend ARC networking events for 3 members of the group. • Three (3) pairs of complimentary tickets to 3 Audience Development and Education productions per year. • An invite to 5 members of your group to an Audience Development and Education launch cocktail or opening event. • Informal mentorship on an area of your choice with scheduled appointments as well as one meeting with an Artscape member of staff who can offer more expertise about their area of interest. • Referrals to other industry bodies that can benefit your work and for networking. • Access to dvd viewing facilities to be booked in advance. • Subsidised photocopying, printing and faxing facilities. • Marketing your productions, upcoming events via the ARC facebook group and database.
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All audience members are subject to the Code of conduct at all times during any production. You are kindly asked not to jeopardise future productions with poor behaviour. Teachers / chaperones are kindly asked to monitor the behaviour of learners at the Theatre. Educators are to be present at all times while learners are at Artscape. Audience members are kindly asked to respect the property of the theatre and not to cause damage to property in any way. Please ensure that you are on time. Organisers reserve the right to keep latecomers out of the theatre venues until a suitable interval. Some productions do not have an interval. Once seated in the theatres we ask you to respect the theatre process and not to disrupt the experience of those around you by coming and going during the performance, or engaging in disruptive behaviour such as talking or using your cell phone. Cell phones should be switched off and kept in a safe place. No food or drinks may be consumed in the theatre. Please understand that we are not trying to ruin your fun, be we believe in placing value on socially acceptable behaviour which empowers and challenges our audiences to be richer, fuller human beings. By observing these basic courtesies, we hope to establish an audience that is both respectful and sensitive to the needs of performers and fellow audience members, and to promote a receptive environment where all present may enjoy the event.
Artscape Theatre Centre DF Malan Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001 Po Box 4107, Cape Town, 8000 Tel.: +27 21 410 9800 Fax +27 21 421 5448 E-mail: artscape@artscape.co.za www.artscape.co.za Council Dr Somadoda Fikeni (Chairperson), Professor Nomvula Mtetwa (Deputy Chairperson), Mr Neo Muyanga, Mr Andrew Horne, Ms Marian Lucouw, Mrs Ruth Benjamin-Swales, Mr Tiisetso Tsukudu, Mr Brandon Losper, Ms Nobandile “Bandie” Biko, Mr Dudley Cloete-Hopkins, Professor Vuyisa Tanga Management Chief Executive: Michael Maas Chief Financial Officer: Pieter Lourens Director: Operations and Planning: Alastair Cockburn Director Audience Development and Education: Marlene le Roux Manager Indigenous Arts: Mzwakhe (Sticks) Mdidimba Manager: Human Resources: Lungisani Nkomo Artscape Theatre Centre Contacts Guy Burbridge Planning Manager (Venues) Tel: 021 410 9946 Fax: 021 410 9980 John Hawkins Theatre Manager (General) Tel: 021 410 9945 Fax: 021 410 9980 Marius Golding Technical Manager Tel: 021 410 9950 Fax: 021 410 9980 Switch Board Tel: 021 410 9800 Fax: 021 421 1425 Box Office Tel: 021 410 9821 Fax: 021 421 5448 Dial-a-Seat Tel: 021 421 7695 Fax: 021 421 5448 Cape Philharmonic Orchestra Tel: 021 410 9809 Fax: 021 425 1009 Cape Town City Ballet Tel: 021 410 9807 Fax: 021 686 8807 Cape Town Opera Tel: 021 410 9807 Fax: 021 425 3623 Costume Hiring Tel: 021 462 1975 Fax: 021 461 0236 Fine Music Radio Tel: 021 401 1013 Fax: 021 401 1014 Jazzart Dance Theatre Tel: 021 410 9848 Fax: 086 726 1928 Set Building / Hiring Tel: 021 534 6468 Fax: 021 534 0973 Resource Centre Tel: 021 410 9917 Fax: 021 410 9980
E-mail: guyb@artscape.co.za Email: johnh@artscape.co.za Email: mariusg@artscape.co.za
Western Cape Education Department Contact Numbers Mrs Mary Joan Swartz School Enrichment Coordinator Metro East Education District Tel: 021 900 7253 Cell: 082 341 2455 Fax: 086 528 6486 E-mail: mjswartz@westerncape.gov.za
Mrs Cathlene Ronél Beukes School Enrichment Coordinator District: West Coast Tel: 021 860 1210 Cell: 083 232 2833 Fax: 086 650 7388 E-mail: cbeukes@westerncape.gov.za
Mr Kobus Mike School Enrichment Coordinator District: Overberg Tell: 028 214 7368 Cell: 078 535 4952 Fax: 086 505 3771 E-mail: kmike@westerncape.gov.za
Mr Christopher Banda Senior Kurrikulumbeplanner: Afrikaans Tel: 021 467 2258 Cell: 082 578 2497 E-mail: christopher.banda@pgwc.gov.za
Mrs Lucia Petersen Kurrikulumbeplanner: Afrikaans Tel: Cell: E-mail: lupeters@novell.pgwc.gov.za
Mrs Fazeela Haffajee Deputy Chief Education Specialist: English Tel: 021 467 2868 Cell: 074 954 9083 E-mail: fazeela.haffejee@pgwc.gov.za
Mrs Nicola Schorn Senior Education Specialist – Dance Studies Tel: 021 4679276 Cell: 083 4484802 E-mail: ngschorn@telkomsa.net
Mrs Ina Bruce Senior Education Specialist - Further Education and Training: Dramatic Arts Cell: 083 3111575 E-mail: ibruce@pgwc.gov.za
Mrs Anina Lundie Deputy Chief Education Specialist: Arts and Culture Tel: 021 467 2016 E-mail: anina.lundie@pgwc.gov.za
Mr Keith Tabisher Senior Education Specialist: Music Tel: 021 938 3147 Cell: 073 268 7444 E-mail: Keith.Tabisher@westerncape.gov.za
Mr Mlamli Matshingana Deputy Chief Education Specialist: IsiXhosa Tel: 021 467 2590 Cell: 072 455 2891 E-mail: Mlamli.Matshingana@pgwc.gov.za
Mrs Jennifer van Papendorp Senior Curriculum Planner: Dance Studies Tel: 021 467 2593 Cell: 083 556 6054 E-mail: jennifer.papendorp@westerncape.gov.za
Mr Leon Buchner Deputy Chief Education Specialist: Design & Visual Arts Tel: 021 467 2556 Cell: 082 824-8871 E-mail: Leon.Buchner@westerncape.gov.za
Western Cape Cultural Committee (WCCC) Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Name Position E-Mail Mr. Myer Smith Chairperson mertam@iafrica.com Dr. Andreas Boezak Deputy chairperson willaboezak@gmail.com
JANUARY 16 21 31
Resource Centre opens for Members Creative Capacities Commencement ’n Plekkie In Die Son
Resource Centre Theatre
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’n Plekkie In Die Son ADE & Resource Centre: Education, Skills, Youth and Audience Development Programme Launch Info Connectionz Basic IT Skillz
Theatre Piazza, Theatre Foyer, Theatre Well
Theatre Foyer Resource Centre
✓ ✓
Wellington Skills Development Basic IT Skillz Die Klopse Foto Uitstalling Book Launch: Die Wellington Klopse – 100 Jaar se Onvertelde Stories Wellington Skills Development Showcase Fleur Du Cap Awards Wellington Skills Development Showcase
Wellington Resource Centre Oude Libertas Auditorium Oude Libertas Auditorium
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Neethlingshof, Stellenbosch Theatre Wellington
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Proposal Writing Workshops Nothing But The Truth Visual Arts Exhibitions
iSibaya Theatre Resource Centre
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Kader Miller Brass Band Pops Afrikaans – Poetry Amaza City of Cape Town Acting Competition Africa Day Festival – Choral Celebration Fine Music Radio Jazz Concert High School Drama Mini Festivals Bredasdorp Talent Search
Theatre Arena Theatre Theatre Theatre, Foyers, Arena Theatre Various Schools Bredasdorp
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High School Drama Mini Festivals Multi-Cultural Celebration – Celebrating South Africa Through Song and Dance Youth Day Programme African Theatre Initiative Fietna Lekker Jy Youth Jazz Festival Sekunjalo Jazz Showcase DACS Youth Celebration Showcase Discover Islam – Nasheed iKapa – My Space
Various Schools Theatre
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Theatre, Arena, Foyers iSibaya Arena Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre Arena
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FEBRUARY 1, 2 6 6 25, 28 MARCH Feb – March 1 2 2 2 17 20 APRIL 22–26 26, 29–10 May MAY 4, 5 14–24 13–24 16, 17, 18 25 26 27–31 31 JUNE 1, 3 7, 8 12–16 12–14 13–16 14 15 16 17 20–23
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DATE JULY 20 26, 27 29–31, 1 Aug
AUG 3 4–10 12–30 12–17 16 16, 17 18 12–15; 19–22; 26–28 29 24, 25 31 SEPTEMBER 1 16–28 18 20, 21 25, 26, 27, 28
Networking Forum Hip Hop Festival – Break Shakespeare Schools Festival – As You Like It Visual Arts Exhibitions
iSibaya Theatre Theatre
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Resource Centre
Dance For All Women/Humanity Festival Vlooi High School Drama Festival Ubuntu Teen Film Festival Vuyani Dance Theatre – Four Seasons Fine Music Radio Jazz Concert School Arts Festival
Theatre Theatre, Arena, Foyers Theatre Arena Arena Theatre Theatre Theatre
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Schools Arts Festival Gala CAFDA Dance Theatre Youth Classical Music Festival
Theatre Theatre Theatre
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ComArt Festival Heritage Festival Launch of Freedom’s Child TTM Productions – The Last Ride Jungle Theatre – Die Vallende Maan
Theatre Arena, Foyers Arena Arena Arena
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Rural Outreach Arts Marketing Workshop Artscape National Youth Music Competition Fine Music Radio Jazz Concert Visual Arts Exhibitions
Robertson iSibaya Theatre Theatre Resource Centre
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OCTOBER 5, 12, 19, 26 1–5 6
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ARTSCAPE Theatre Centre, DF Malan Street, Cape Town 8001 Artscape Switchboard 021 410 9800 Fax 021 421 5448 Email artscape@artscape.co.za Website www.artscape.co.za