What’s next for our neighbourhood plan? The Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan
The DDNP is now almost ready for the final
(DDNP) is a local planning document that
stage of consultation (‘Regulation 14
will, once adopted, help shape the future
Consultation’) when feedback will be
development of Diss and the six
collated and analysed, and any changes to
neighbouring parishes of Roydon,
the Plan can be made in readiness for
Palgrave, Burston & Shimpling, Scole,
submission to South Norfolk Council.
Brome & Oakley and Stuston. While it can’t stop housing development, it
“The Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan is a
gives communities (you!) a voice,
project that’s very close to my heart,” says
empowering people to input into what’s
new Diss Town Mayor, Councillor Eric Taylor.
built and where.
“I’ve been involved in it from the beginning and am a strong believer in its power to
A big step forwards
help us deliver infrastructure improvements and good quality homes in preferred
Hundreds of neighbourhood plans are in place across the country. The DDNP is one of the most complicated, as it involves seven different parishes working in partnership across two different local authorities. But the good news is, after indepth consultation and collaboration, the final draft is nearing completion and will
The Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan is a project that’s very close to my heart. I’ve been involved in it from the beginning and am a strong believer in its power to help us deliver infrastructure improvements and good quality homes in preferred locations, whilst protecting the town’s heritage and local green spaces. Diss Town Mayor, Eric Taylor
locations, whilst protecting the town’s heritage and local green spaces.” It’s hoped that the DDNP consultation period, which must last six weeks, will start
soon be made available for you to read and
in the summer. If social restrictions are
respond to.
lifted, there may also be a public
All neighbourhood plans have to be
information display at a site in Diss where
consulted on by a wide range of statutory
questions can be asked directly to members
bodies, as well as the people living in the
of the DDNP steering group. Watch this
parishes they cover.
space! Diss Matters Summer 2021 11