Funding that delivers If you’re a voluntary or not-for-profit organisation working for the benefit of Diss residents, you could be entitled to a council community grant. Three of the town’s beneficiaries this year- the Diss Primary Academy Partnership, Diss Youth Work and Diss Community Team - share how the grant has helped them. Support for schooling provided opportunities and support for the “The community grant received by Diss
whole community and helped a wide range
Primary Academy Partnership has had a
of people. All of us involved are extremely
huge impact on our families,” says Executive
grateful for the extra funding.”
Headteacher, Jo Cerullo. “It meant we could ensure every family in our school
Support for the high street
community had home internet access by supplying wifi boxes and usb sticks to those
“The Diss Community Team is a Community
who needed them. We were also able to
Interest Company run by volunteers,” says
give families the loan of a school laptop to
Alan Franks, one of its directors. “When
support learning from home. I felt
Beales department store closed in early
incredibly humbled to receive the grant
2020 (rapidly followed by COVID-19 and the
from Diss Town Council. Their generosity
first lockdown), we decided to shift our
made sure all of our children could
attention from events to helping reverse the
communicate with their teachers and peers
decline of the retail sector. A variety of
and continue to develop their skills
initiatives were discussed with the town and
district councils, all designed to safely bring people back into the town and brighten up
Support for youth work
the streetscape.
“Diss town council’s community grant
“With the help of our community grant, we
scheme has funded a Youth & Community
were able to start a project covering the
Worker to run local Diss Youth Work
fronts of empty shops with attractive
projects including the Diss Youth Council, a
window displays. This has made a real
range of media, gardening and
difference. A number of empty units have
intergenerational projects, some detached
now been taken over by independent
youth work and the FareShare scheme.
traders bringing interest and variety back
Youth & Community Worker Julia
into the town.”
Fairbrother, says, “This funding has Diss Matters Summer 2021 39