Council news It’s been over a year since COVID-19 hit.
area has also been transformed. It’s now
And what a year it’s been. Despite the
pedestrianised, with new surfacing,
many challenges, Diss’ community spirit
reconditioned sleepers and refurbished
has shone through. From painting
toilets. It’s lovely to see this iconic part of
rainbows for businesses struggling to
town so well used and enjoyed.
operate to running foodbanks for those facing economic hardship, we’ve witnessed
Restarting events
many examples of kindness, generosity
Despite the challenges brought by COVID-
and strength in the face of adversity. Thank
19, we kept the solemnity and significance of
you for making Diss such a supportive and
Remembrance Day alive and made sure our
caring place to work and live.
pretty town sparkled at Christmas. We also paid tribute to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh through a service of commemoration at St Mary’s church and a book of condolences, which has been archived with South Norfolk Council. And we have lots to look forward to this summer, most of which centres around our lovely park. There will be a special ceremony to mark the installation and lighting of our
Here at the town council, work to enhance
Beacon of Hope, a ‘Meresterious Figures in
our beautiful town has continued at pace
the Park’ event organised by WARTS, a free,
too - despite the lockdowns.
family-friendly walk organised by the Rotary Club of Diss & District, five Corn Hall
Improving facilities
outdoor theatre productions and a
The Diss Youth and Community Centre
university outreach event.
(DYCC) has had a facelift in more ways than
(If you’re interested in running a summer
one. At the end of 2020, we redecorated
event in the park, we’re offering a discount
and installed a
to local organisations, so get in touch!)
new kitchenette. More recently,
On 29th September, we’d love residents to
we’ve supported
join us (in person, not Zoom!) at our Annual
its transformation
Town Meeting (ATM). Our ATM is an
into a COVID-19
opportunity to share ideas, successes and
vaccination site for
plans, and to network with a mix of local
Diss and the
organisations. The giving and receiving of
surrounding area.
our Honoured Citizen awards is also a
The Mere’s Mouth
special part of the meeting.
4 Diss Matters Summer 2021