New faces on the council Since our last edition of ‘Diss Matters’,
2020 and, as well as being a member of the
we’ve welcomed two new faces onto the
Executive and Facilities committees, he
council. Despite coming from diverse
continues to champion younger people.
backgrounds, their shared passion for Diss
“I have found it strange to be referred to as
and commitment to their new role unites
a councillor, and it still feels a bit odd to be
them and makes them an asset to our
a member of local government. But the
other councillors and the council staff have been incredibly helpful and inviting. Being such a young councillor, I’m aware that by fulfilling the role to the best of my ability I’m proving that, in an increasingly more difficult world, younger people are perfectly capable. I am privileged to be able to represent an often under-represented group in local government and this is a real driving force for me.” Living through three lockdowns, when he hasn’t been involved in council business, Kieran’s been rediscovering Diss and his love of food! “Over lockdown one of my favourite places to go was Fair Green. It’s lovely to walk around, the space is clean and well-kept, there’s a great atmosphere, but most importantly the dog loves it!
Councillor Kieran Murphy “Another thing I discovered during A lifelong resident of Diss, Councillor Kieran
lockdown was a love of cooking! It started
Murphy turned 18 in 2020, making him one
when I tried out a few recipes I’d seen
of the UK’s youngest town councillors.
online. Now, I really enjoy cooking – it’s
Kieran joined Diss Youth Council in 2017
relaxing and rewarding and I’d recommend
and quickly became their leader and
it to everyone!”
chairperson. When he turned 18, he took being a junior town councillor one step further and become a town councillor for Diss. He was co-opted at a full council meeting on Wednesday 16th September 6 Diss Matters Summer 2021