A mayoral update After serving Diss as mayor for two years,
Easter competition and formed part of the
Councillor Sonia Browne handed over her
COVID-19 Beacon Committee, the Fair
robes this May to Councillor Eric Taylor.
Green Community Group and the Christmas
Here we hear from them both as they
Lights Committee. I chaired Full Council
reflect on the challenges of the past year
meetings each month, attended all other
and look ahead to an exciting new chapter
council committee meetings and networked
for the town.
with people from other councils. I supported our town’s youth councillors and
A message from Councillor Sonia Browne
continued to make appearances on Park Radio. I was privileged to be able to mark Black History month with Norfolk
“This past year has been, for many, difficult
Constabulary officers. And I mustn’t forget
to live through with so many changes and
my virtual photography group, the panto at
restrictions. But, despite this, I’ve seen
The Corn Hall and switching on the
many examples of people living out my
Christmas lights (accompanied by Father
themes of community, communication and
kindness. “I’m extremely proud and privileged to have “Being mayor during a pandemic made
been your mayor and would like to wish our
being in the community very hard. Most of
new Mayor of Diss, Councillor Taylor, all the
the functions and charity events I would
best for his year ahead.
usually be involved in were either cancelled or rescheduled. I found this tough. Not
“And finally…though I’m not your mayor, I
being able to raise money as I normally
will continue to support all of our
would was hard. I also really missed not
communities in my role as town councillor.
being able to meet physically with friends,
And, together with my colleagues, to
colleagues, business owners and all the
promote our council vision to make Diss a
amazing people I’ve been fortunate enough
successful, vibrant, attractive town, where
to get to know since becoming mayor.
people want to live, work and visit.”
“Despite this, with the help of technology and social distancing, I managed to attend quite a few virtual events and meetings. “I took part in a special VE Day commemoration and a very moving Remembrance Day ceremony. I judged an
8 Diss Matters Summer 2021
Cllr Sonia Browne