Diss Matters Summer 2022

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S u m m e r 2022

Fun in the sun Free events for all

Royal Fresh reflections faces Relive Diss’s regal past

Meet our new town traders

2 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Welcome New faces, old memories, and dates for the diary In this issue of Diss Matters we look ahead to a summer full of fun (and FREE) events and activities. Kicking of the party vibe, our Glow in the Park


event takes place on Thursday 2 June. A lantern


Council news

procession, beacon lighting ceremony,


A mayoral update


A week in the life of...

all make Diss “glow” in honour of the Queen’s


An update on the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan

Platinum Jubilee.


The Corn Hall: Live and kicking


The Corn Hall: What’s on

spectacular firework display and street-theatre sensations, LED drumming troupe Spark!, will

Our beloved Diss Carnival also returns this year. And we’ve got a few teasers to whet your appetite for what’s in store. Circus-themed,

14-15 Station manager goes off-air

Carnival 2022 is set to be a real showstopper.


So, dust off your top hat and tails and join us

18-19 A trip down memory lane

for the procession, followed by a party to remember, on Sunday 3 July.

Open the boot

20-21 (Cold) tea on Rectory Meadow

Party central, our beautiful park will also host

22-23 Lighthouse inspires Platinum party

our popular car boot sales. There’s also some


great new play equipment for the kids to enjoy.

26-27 The great ‘Comeback Carnival’

While we get ready for what the summer

Museum reopening gets royal treatment

brings, we also step back in time to remember

28-29 A play park for all

some of our town’s past events. Inspired by this


year’s royal milestone, we discover more about

32-33 New on the market

Diss’ floating lighthouse that marked the Queen’s Coronation back in 1953. We bring

Diss says “bonjour!” to boules

36-37 Rotary round-up

back memories of the street parties that also


New on the high street

accompanied the occasion. And relive the royal


Diss youth update

visit of 1866. Finally, we return back to the future, to meet a new generation of town traders. Lots to look forward to. Lots to be thankful for. And lots of memories still to be made.

Diss Matters is published by Falcon Publications, Units 10a-11 Red House Yard, Gislingham Road, Thornham Magna, Eye, Suffolk IP23 8HH Tel: 01379 773347 / 48, www.falconpublications.co.uk falconpublications@artseastmag Design & Artwork: Ian Foster, Copy Concept Diss Town Council: 01379 643848 Diss Matters Summer 2022 3

Council news Diss Town Council’s 14 councillors and

Work continues

team of 13 staff have been busy working

to restore an

hard to make Diss a better place to live,

ancient walkway

work and visit.

at the rear of

In the last six months, we have improved

the DYCC. The

facilities, considered 10 planning

Woodland Walk

applications, spent hundreds of hours

opens in June to

planning events, progressed with the DDNP

mark the

to submission stage, provided £6,670 of


grant funding, dealt with 2,086 public

Platinum Jubilee,

enquiries, attended 14 committee

and is the result

meetings, welcomed four new market

of a partnership between Parish Fields

traders and a new town councillor, and

Friends, Diss Town Council and South

administered over 600 enquiries relating to

Norfolk Council.

our sites (including processing burials and hiring our venues). Thank you to the many


volunteers and partners who make this all

2022 is a big year for events, after a lull due


to COVID. Glow in the Park takes place on Thursday 2 June in celebration of her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. And 3 July sees the long-awaited return of the hugely popular Diss Carnival. Acknowledging community effort Lots of you joined our Annual Town Meeting at the end of April to thank members of our community who have made a difference to

Improving facilities

the lives of others. George Waterman and

New play equipment in the park includes

Lou Hines were presented with our

single interactive pieces for different ages,

Honoured Citizen awards. And Plamena

enabling inclusive play for children with

Marinova received our Junior Good Citizen

additional needs.

award. George set up the town’s successful

CCTV across the town is being upgraded at

litter picking group, provides volunteering

the Skateboard Park, in the town park,

opportunities for young people and is a key

around the boardwalk and gardens and at

member of the Community Fridge project.

the Diss Youth & Community Centre (DYCC).

Lou fundraises to ensure young people in

We’ve supported the Community Fridge

Diss have access to mental health support.

initiative by giving it a home at the DYCC,

And Plamena uses her spare time to

planting three fruit trees on the site to

champion the voice of young people.

provide a food source for the project.

Town Mayor, Councillor Eric Taylor, also

4 Diss Matters Summer 2022

made a special award to Reverend Canon

As part of our strategic objective to reduce

Tony Billett, Rector of Diss Team Ministry,

costs and deliver better value, we’ve also

for 20 years’ service to the Diss community.

increased the revenue from our Sports

Also in April, Council Leader, Councillor

Ground site and are looking at ways to

Simon Olander, presented Chris Moyse,

improve facilities.

former Station Manager at Park Radio, with a certificate in recognition of his significant

Reducing carbon footprint

contribution to establishing a truly local

We recently supported the Climate and

radio station.

Ecological Emergency Bill as part of our

And, to acknowledge our community’s

strategic objective of creating a greener

resilience during the pandemic, a

town. We have replaced almost all our streetlighting to LED, (reducing our energy and carbon consumption by over 50%), increased in-house recycling, and are investigating renewable energies across our sites. Infrastructure improvements In partnership with Norfolk County Council (NCC), we’re making highway-related improvements. The Parish Partnership Scheme – funded equally by us and NCC – is one example of this. This year, the public right of way (PROW) linking Walcot Green and Burston Road will be made more accessible. And we’ve been successful in a second bid for a third speed sign. Improvements to the Causeway PROW, and the Vince’s Road junction, are

commemorative plaque was presented to

both scheduled for this year. Other

Diss Town Council by Philippa Taylor, one of

partnership projects include the

Norfolk’s Deputy Lieutenants.

pedestrianisation of Mere Street and a review of parking

Cost savings


We’ve been successful in a grant application to the National Lottery ‘Awards for All’. This

Sarah Richards,

will cover most of the costs associated with

Town Clerk at Diss Town Council

the Beacon surround extension project, and aspects of the Glow in the Park, Jubilee event.

Diss Matters Summer 2022 5

A mayoral update services in some of the area’s most interesting towns. I attended civic services for the Mayor of Beccles, the Mid Suffolk Chairman at Stowmarket, the Mayor of Hunstanton and the High Sheriff of Norfolk’s Justice Service at Norwich Cathedral. My visit to Thetford was particularly fascinating because Thetford is one of the oldest mayoralties in the country. The third oldest after the City of Catch up on all the mayoral events so far

London and Winchester, its history dates

this year. Find out where Councillor Eric

back over 800 years.

Taylor’s been, who he’s met and what he’s been up to since his last update.

Remembering those who sacrificed their lives

My diary I’ve attended around 20 events, in addition to my regular council and committee meetings. Events like these are a chance to promote Diss, support the organiser’s charities, and engage and network with other chairmen and senior officers at parish, district and county council levels. Here are some highlights of my year so far. Another highlight for me was Remembrance Sunday, when hundreds gathered in Diss to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom. Lining the streets from Mere’s Mouth up to the Market Place, crowds watched as over 30 local organisations and community groups paraded through the town. Eric with Mayor of Hunstanton, Cllr Adrian Winnington

Led by the Reverend Tony Billett, Rector of Diss Team Ministry, the town fell still and

Exploring the area and enjoying

silent at St Mary’s church for two minutes of

the history

reflection. The wreath-laying ceremony that

Learning about other towns and how they

followed included representatives from Her

promote their heritage interests me. And I

Majesty the Queen, local and central

thoroughly enjoyed attending the civic

government, the armed forces, emergency

6 Diss Matters Summer 2022

services, sports clubs and charities.

hardy souls in the early afternoon period

The flypast of two Apache helicopters at the

when the rain was at its worst. They

conclusion of the wreath laying was a fitting

deserved a much bigger audience.

and moving climax.

Let’s hope for better weather this year!

Lighting up the town

Reopening the town

Another outstanding event was the

I was invited by Parish Fields Friends to

Christmas lights switch-on. Unfortunately,

reopen the ancient woodland walkway

the weather on the day was very wet and

they’ve reclaimed behind the DYCC and the

windy (particularly in the afternoon). But

Citizens Advice offices. When they first asked

thankfully it cleared up just before the grand

me to take on the stewardship, supported by both Diss Town Council and South Norfolk Council, I jumped at the chance because it created another open space for the community to enjoy. Although not yet finished, it will hopefully be completed around the time of the Queen’s Jubilee in June. On a sunny day in March, crowds gathered to witness the reopening of Diss Museum. In a nod to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Basil Abbot the museum manager organised a historical re-enactment of the royal family’s 1866 visit to Diss to mark the occasion. A well-organised and well-attended event, I

switch-on. It was very heart-warming to see

played a small part in the re-enactment and

so many people turning up, despite the

was honoured to be there when His Majesty

weather. With the previous year’s event

King Edward VII and Her Majesty Queen

cancelled due to COVID, it was clear to see

Alexandra officially proclaimed the museum

how eager and excited people were to have

open again.

it reinstated.

It was so lovely to see so many adults and

By the time the event came to a close, I was

children entering into the spirit and dressing

completely soaked to the skin. But I had

in Edwardian costumes. The King and Queen

enjoyed every minute. It was lovely to see

obviously thought so too, giving out prizes

the sea of happy smiling faces (of mums and

for the best adult and children’s costumes.

dads as well as children) as I rode on the

Overall, it was a lovely day with a large

vintage fire engine with Father Christmas up

appreciative audience. It was great to see

Mere Street. The only downside on the day

the museum open and welcoming visitors

was seeing so many talented people

once again.

performing on stage to just a handful of

Diss Town Mayor, Cllr Eric Taylor Diss Matters Summer 2022 7

A week in the life of…A deputy town clerk Deputy clerks, working for town councils,

Here’s a little taste of what Sonya’s average

are busy people who keep the cogs of

week might look like:

community life turning. But what do they actually do? Diss Town Council’s Deputy

Task 1. Site visit to the play park with our

Town Clerk, Sonya French, walks us through

maintenance manager to check on the

a week in her shoes.

installation of our new, inclusive play

“Being a deputy clerk is like being a town

equipment. While there, I noticed that the

resource,” says Sonya. “We’re the link

wet pour safety matting was not as we

between higher tier authorities and local

expected and had to organise for the

information. We might not always have the

contractors to come back to site to rectify it.

right answer, but with patience we can usually find it. Having the confidence and

Task 2. Meet with Mervyn Lambert on site

contacts to make that phone call or reach

to sort out road closures, signs and health

out to someone else to try and find an

and safety barriers for our annual Diss

answer, is what makes the difference. And

Carnival procession.

this is what I love about my job.” 8 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Task 3. Meet with contractors at the

telephone, so I called on his behalf to get

cemetery for a “toolbox talk” ahead of

the information and help needed to ensure

works to stabilise the chapel walls and

his safety. I then went to the shop to buy

upgrade the chapel roof.

him some food and drink to keep him going until the homelessness team came to

Task 4. Draft the minutes of a recent

attend and assess him.

Executive Committee meeting to provide transparency and an accurate record of

Task 11. Help a resident who came to the

what was discussed at the meeting.

office looking for her lost glove.

Task 5. Write a monthly update for the local

Task 12+: Manage staff queries that have

newspaper, updating the public on what

arisen throughout the week. These

Diss Town Council is working on and has

included: Is there room on the market to


allow for a new stall? Can we install a monument at the cemetery for a recent

Task 6. Meet with the Carnival Committee

interment? What press articles need to go

Chair to decide on acts, scope out maps of

out for the upcoming Queen’s Jubilee event?

the park, and agree health and safety, risk

Can you help me write a social media post

and method statements for the District

for Carnival? When do I need to do the road

Council’s Safety Advisory Group.

closure application for upcoming events? Can you fix my laptop as it has stopped

Task 7. Meet with County/District Councillor

working and will not load anything?

Kiddie to decide where the new bunting will be installed ahead of this summer’s events.

And finally: Just as I was winding up for the week, I get a phone call about a problem

Task 8. Meet with councillors to discuss the

with the scaffolding at the cemetery. So, on

Sports Ground and Diss Youth &

my way home, I put on my hard hat, don my

Community Centre (DYCC) and the

scaffolder’s outfit, and go to the cemetery

improvement projects planned for the

to try and sort it out.”

coming year. Task 9. Draft new contracts and rental agreements for all our long-term hirers. Task 10. Help the homeless man who came to our office asking for housing. Diss Town

Find out more about the council at:

Council doesn’t own any accommodation,


so we needed to contact the District Council

Want to meet the rest of the team? Find

who deal with housing and homelessness.

us at: www.diss.gov.uk/meet-the-team.

The gentleman didn’t have a mobile Diss Matters Summer 2022 9

Contractors to H.M. Government

Scrap Metal Collection Free Metal Dump We Buy in Metal Why not pop down and see what we have from nuts and bolts to picks and shovels, buckets and spades, tools and hardware from racking and shelves, benches to kitchenware and cutlery. Items to recycle from vintage to retro.

Open 8.30am-4pm Weekdays 8.30am-noon Saturdays Call us on 01379 642983 Oxford House, Mission Road Diss IP22 4HX peter.gillings@virgin.net www.gillingsofdiss.com

10 Diss Matters Summer 2022

An update on the Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan Question: What's happening with the Diss &

"There has also been a strengthening of the

District Neighbourhood Plan?

Surface Water Management policy and the

Answer: Quite a lot! Read on to find out

Local Green Space policy," said DDNP Steering

more about how your views are helping to

Group representative for Diss, Councillor Eric

shape the plan.

Taylor. “We’ve also reflected on what the Waveney Quarter proposal in Diss could look

Public feedback prompts second

like. We’ve come a long way already. But


there’s still a way to go. The next step is for

Following on from

the DDNP to submit the final plan to South

the initial

Norfolk District Council for further

Regulation 14


consultation that ran from June to

Keeping up the pace

August last year,

One of the most complex neighbourhood

the plan has had

plans currently underway in the UK today, the

some significant

DDNP has come a long way since it started

changes made to

developing back in 2017. There’s still some

it. As a result, a second Regulation 14 'Major

way to go, but with public involvement and

Modifications' consultation followed, which

the commitment of everyone involved it’s

has since helped fine-tune several policies

making speedy progress.

and proposals.

“I’d like to thank everyone, from individuals to

Most significantly, the housing allocation

local organisations, who took the time to

numbers have been reduced and some of the

submit their feedback,” says Councillor Eric

sites allocated have been withdrawn. For

Taylor. “We’ve used it all to review and revise

example, we’ve seen the:

the plan. Work on the DDNP started some

• removal of the site allocation at Rose Farm, Bungay Road in Scole • removal of the site allocation north of the B1118 in Lower Oakley • reduction in the number of dwellings on land south of the B1118 in Lower Oakley • reduction in the number of dwellings on

years ago. And, due to the scale and scope of the project, it’s taking some time to reach a conclusion. But thanks to everyone’s contribution and feedback we’ve made great progress over the past two years and are on course to maximise on that momentum.” To find out more about the DDNP as it

land off Denmark Lane, Diss (including part

reaches its final stages prior to submission,

of Roydon parish)

visit www.ddnp.info

• reduction in the number of dwellings allocated on land north of Diss cemetery, and • new allocation of 50 homes on land east of Norwich Road in Scole. Diss Matters Summer 2022 11

Live and kicking us to enjoy live experiences again. The team is working tirelessly to squeeze in 18 months of rescheduled events, into an already jam-packed schedule. Which means on average there are three to four shows a week. Alongside the impressive programme, The Corn Hall provides a welcoming community hub for Diss, which supports a wide range of community groups and workshops such The long-awaited return to live events at The Corn Hall has been wholly embraced in the recent months by the people of Diss. If you visit The Corn Hall today, it’s a hive of activity, with a busy café and a

of home grown talent, whose return to The Corn Hall has been warmly welcomed.

Thomas and Terence Blacker, and theatre

Like all arts venues across the country, The Corn Hall experienced significant setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic and had to close for a total of almost 12 months. No shows, and as a result no income, became reality as uncertainty threatened the Diss venue.

companies like RoughCast, Open Space and Common Ground, as well as Garlic Theatre and Greasepaints Academy for families, to name but a few! Whether it’s popping in for a coffee (and one of those famous scones), coming along to the Wednesday films or an evening of live music, we would love to see you!

The incredible community support during the ups and downs of COVID-19 was truly heart-warming. And now, to judge from the sheer delight on the faces of our audiences and lots of sell-out shows, it’s clear that live entertainment at The Corn Hall is back!

With the lifting of restrictions, theatre shows and gigs have been re-igniting people’s passion for the arts with a renewed sense of perspective - every live event now feels that bit more special. The pandemic has taught 12 Diss Matters Summer 2022

The Corn Hall is home to a brilliant selection

Ingham’s jazz shows, the Bootleg Boss, Dave

something for everyone.

Angela Sykes, Programme Manager

Wednesdays and hosting the food bank.

There’s local poet Luke Wright, Chris

programme rich with diversity and

as the Dementia Café, Meet Up

And will the Christmas Panto will be back? Oh yes it will. The Corn Hall Team

What’s on May to October events OUTDOOR THEATRE Sunday 29 May, 7pm (doors 6pm) The HandleBards present: Twelfth Night The Handlebards are back! Join them for a bicycle-powered, laugh-out-loud production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This production will be performed in Diss park, so please bring your own chair or blanket to sit on, a picnic to dig into, and dress for the weather! COMEDY Saturday 18 June, 8pm Shaparak Khorsandi: It was the 90s! The decade where Shaparak left an important part of her brain somewhere in a field in Hampshire…From indie discos to unflattering

The HandleBards

crop tops, how does the decade of binge drinking and walks of shame look now without snakebite and black tinted specs?

SAVE THE DATES MUSIC Fri 10 Jun: The Counterfeit Sixties Fri 17 Jun: The Budapest Café Orchestra Wed 27 Jul: Davina and The Vagabonds Thurs 25 Aug: The George Michael Story Sat 8 Oct: Ricky Ross – Short Stories Vol 2 FAMILY Sat 11 Jun: The hilariously funny world of James Campbell

Shaparak Khorsandi

THEATRE Sun 28 Aug: Pygmalion by DOT Productions

The box office, café and galleries are open Monday to Saturday between 10am to 4pm. To book or for more information visit www.thecornhall.co.uk, pop in or call 01379 652241. Diss Matters Summer 2022 13

Station Manager goes off-air were still other projects and personal goals I needed to pursue. But I also knew that I couldn’t go anywhere until I’d secured the station’s future. And this meant getting the licence to 2027 approved, seeing the station through COVID, ensuring business sustainability, and restructuring the business. Once all of those were in place, I felt ready to hand over the reins. “And, of course, having a great team to pass the baton onto makes all the difference. I know that with Jono Woodward in place as If you think of Park Radio, the chances are you’ll think of Chris Moyse too. The two have become synonymous over the years, ever since Chris joined the project back in 2010. But like all the best partnerships, it’s important to know when it’s time to move on. And, for Chris, that time was in March

new Station Manager, an experienced and committed Board of Directors, and a whole host of talented presenters and hardworking volunteers on board, the station is in safe and supportive hands.” Time to reflect

this year.

Since making his decision, Chris has had

Time to change

challenges he’s led his team through. And

After 12 years at the helm, Managing Director and Station Manager Chris Moyse hung up his headphones at the end of March this year. From broadcasting intermittent test broadcasts under Candies shoe shop to providing a 24-hour service from bespoke studios in the DYCC, Chris’s input has seen the station grow and thrive. And it’s this that has prompted his departure. “I’ve lived and breathed Park Radio since 2010,” says Chris. “But during the pandemic, I started to think about moving on. While in lockdown, I realised (like many others) how precious life is. And I knew that, however much I loved managing Park Radio, there

14 Diss Matters Summer 2022

time to reflect on what he’s achieved. The some of the many highlights. ''For me, helping to establish a truly local radio station in my hometown has been a dream come true,” says Chris. “And it has surpassed all of my expectations over the last 12 years. There have, of course, been challenges. But I’d like to think I've helped hold it together during those tricky times. “My biggest challenge (and one of my biggest achievements too) was keeping the service going throughout the pandemic. I can’t deny it was tough. But it was so worth it. The feedback we received from residents reminded us how important having a community radio station is, particularly in times of uncertainty and hardship.”

Time to travel So, what’s next? Well, it seems all that time

“Park Radio has an on-air sound that’s

in the studio has given Chris itchy feet.

varied and full of personality. It’s upbeat,

“I plan to travel around Europe,” says Chris.

positive and contemporary. And I know the

“I’m going to take some time out and see a

station is going to go from strength to

bit of the world. But I’ll be back. And, when I


do, one of the first things I’ll do is turn on the radio!

“Long live Park Radio!”

''It’s been a real privilege working with everyone at Park Radio. I'm so very, very proud of what we’ve achieved for our communities. And I’d like to thank our many volunteers, listeners, advertisers and supporters, without whom there wouldn’t have been a radio station at all.

Diss Matters Summer 2022 15

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There’s so much more in store for you!

16 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Open the boot

Car boot sales are a satisfying and fun way

Not only can you get an item of clothing for

to make money out of the things you no

50p, but you can often discover hidden

longer love or need. Lockdown provided

treasures, including local memorabilia and

plenty of opportunities to de-clutter the


home, sort through unwanted wardrobe items, and have a good general clear-out.

Want to join?

And now that restrictions have all been

Up to eight car boot sales are permitted in

lifted, it’s a great time to park up, set up

the park each year and slots are given on a

your pitch and make a bit of money. And

first come, first served basis. If you’re a

where better to do it than in our very own

charitable organisation and are interested

Diss park? Right by the Mere, with shops,

in hiring the park for a car boot sale, visit

cafés, and other amenities within walking

diss.gov.uk/car-boots to download an

distance, it’s the perfect location to attract

application form. Or enquire at the Diss

buyers and make a bit of cash.

Town Council office. The season may have already started (the first car boot sale took

All in a good cause

place on 1 May raising money for Diss

Car boot sales aren’t just good for your

Carnival), but we still have a few dates

pocket. By recycling your old bits and bobs


you can support sustainability and do your bit for the planet too. And help support good causes. Every year, our car boot sales raise hundreds of pounds for lots of local and national charities and community groups. And by buying a pitch (usual cost is £5) you’re playing a big part in that. Bargain hunters And, for those looking to hunt down a deal, car boot sales certainly offer that and more.

Diss park car boot sales 2022: Future dates and availability • Sunday 12 June - AVAILABLE • Sunday 26 June - AVAILABLE • Sunday 10 July - AVAILABLE • Sunday 24 July - Park Radio • Sunday 7 August - Town Mayor’s charity • Sunday 21 August - AVAILABLE • Sunday 4 September - Citizens Advice • Sunday 18 September - AVAILABLE

Diss Matters Summer 2022 17

A trip down memory lane Local historian and retired carpenter,

enthusiasm for collecting memorabilia. I still

Dennis Cross, has lived and worked in and

have some very rare postcards of Burston

around Diss all his life. After decades of

Station, which are my most treasured items.

collecting Diss memorabilia, Dennis turned to fundraising, selling charity

Where do you source your photos and

calendars in aid of the Big C.

postcards from?

Featuring an extensive collection of old

I found most of my items from antique fairs

photographs, postcards and press cuttings

and postcard fairs. I started going to these

dating back to 1865, his calendars have

in 1976 and, after finding a few fascinating

been a big success over the years, raising

postcards, I became hooked. It then became

thousands for the Norfolk cancer charity.

a weekly trip on a Saturday to a different

With sales growing year-on-year, the

fair. I discovered a very early postcard of

calendars are well travelled, with copies

Sunnyside in Diss at an antique shop in

sold in New Zealand!

Felixstowe! The more I collected, the more I

We took the opportunity to find out more

wanted to collect. I then joined the Norfolk

about the man behind the memorabilia.

Postcard Club, where I continued to collect local memorabilia. People would know what

Dennis, tell us a bit about yourself:

I was interested in and they’d reserve

I’ve lived and worked in the Diss area my

postcards for me. Friends would also keep

whole life. I grew up

an eye out for me, and

in Shimpling, went to

the photos would often

Burston Primary

be a good talking point

School then Diss

in the pub

Secondary School and later moved to

You have a lot of

Diss where I’ve lived

stories to tell Dennis,

for many years.

how do you remember

I started out as an

them all?

apprentice carpenter

I’ve done many things in

and learned the trade

my life, worked with

on the job, doing various carpentry jobs in

many people in different jobs and learned a

Diss. I’ve seen many changes to the town

lot. The more you do, the more memories

over the years.

you make. I can remember one of my earliest memories – learning to ride a bike

What sparked your interest in collecting

with my mum in Shimpling. She kept telling


me to turn left and I went straight ahead,

As a child, I was always fascinated with

into a hawthorn bush! I also have a lot of

railway stations - my father worked on the

farming memories growing up. Living in a

railway. I used to collect railway tickets,

village with lots of fields meant I had to help

which I suppose was the early signs of my

with the regular farming duties.

18 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Of all the historic events in Diss, what

What gave you the idea of creating a

stands out most in your mind?

charity calendar?

I remember when Aldridge’s Brush Factory

I have a huge collection and, after

in Diss, which was built in the

producing my books, I always wanted

early 1900s,

to do another project. I’ve known

caught fire. I

many people who have battled with

ended up

cancer in their lives and it dawned

helping to lay a

on me one day that I could use all

flat roof on top

the images I’d collected to raise a

of the remains.

bit of money for a good cause. I was chatting to my friend Rob,

Where can our

from Photo

readers view

Elite, and we

your images and postcards?

came up with

Once I’d got a good collection of

the idea of

items, I produced a couple of

creating a

books with all my local snaps


and postcards in. My first book


was published in 1991 called ‘A


Portrait in Old Picture Postcards’

images of Diss

followed by a second book ‘Memories of

and local villages. I sourced the images and

Diss’. I still have some copies available for

Rob helped with the production. The £10

people to buy.

sale of each calendar went to the Big C

I also have regular features in the ‘Village

charity. We started the first one in 2016 and

People’ magazine, where I share photos and

it’s become more popular every year! I’ve

postcards of a different local village every

raised between £5,000-£6,000 in total.

two months. Recently, I was featured in the Diss Town Guide too.

Dennis will soon be working on a 2023 calendar, which he hopes will be ready for sale in August. Featuring even more unseen images and postcards from Diss and local villages, this one is sure to be another hit! If you have any historic photos or postcards of Diss and our local villages, Dennis would love to hear from you on 01379 651897. Diss Matters Summer 2022 19

(Cold) Tea on Rectory Meadow Copyright: Ivan J. Underwood – (Cold) Tea on Rectory Meadow

On Coronation Day June 2, 1953, hundreds

“I remember this. We lived at No 5 Uplands

of Diss residents gathered, amid flurries of

Way. Mum (Irene Madgett) became

snow, for a celebratory tea in Rectory

secretary of the Uplands-Willbye

Meadow. Local photographer at the time,

Association, which grew out of this event. I

Ivan J. Underwood, captured the

still have the Coronation mug and plate. I

celebrations on his camera. As Diss

seem to remember all of us being given a

prepares to mark the Queen’s Platinum

new 1953 Elizabeth II shiny shilling.”

Jubilee in June, we share this iconic

Paul Madgett

photograph, and some of the memories it has brought back.

“If I recall correctly, the Coronation film came to the Picture House a week or two

“It was a chilly day, hence the winter coats.

after the event itself. I can remember

On the back of photo, mum wrote ‘Very

milling around outside the Picture House

cold, flurry of snow early morning’.”

before we were let in.”

June Eagle

Michael Rice

“Doris Riley is my grandma and Maureen

“I remember this day very well. My mum

Riley my mum. They can recall going to the

bought me a red, white and blue check

Rectory Meadow and walking from the

dress, red sandals and white socks. I felt

school to the picture house to watch it.”

very special. I still have the bible we were

Anne Emsden

given, but unfortunately the mug got broken over the years.” Pauline Scoulding

20 Diss Matters Summer 2022

the lounge with the curtains drawn trying to watch it on our very dim and unreliable TV. I was hobbling around free and let myself out of the open front door. Dad ran out to catch me before I made it to the road!” Paul Frindle “Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation was the first national event I remember, although I was probably unaware that it was the Coronation. My brother and I dressed in fancy dress and we attended a concert in “We had only moved to the area the year before. My sister Jackie and I were in the fancy dress parade in Roydon. Our mother made our costumes. I was Britannia and Jackie was a red, white and blue rosette!!”

Chitty’s garage on the same day. I can remember someone playing the piano and singing ‘How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?’ In the evening, we went to the Picture House to see Alan Ladd in ‘The Red

Gill Steggles

Beret’. As we came home up The Entry,

“I remember Coronation Day vividly even

Meadow. Schoolchildren were all given

though I was only 2 years old. People from up and down Croft Lane were huddled in

there was a gymkhana on the Rectory mugs to commemorate the Coronation; and I still have mine.” Basil Abbott

Life behind the lens: Ivan J. Underwood Living locally for most of his life, Ivan Underwood’s photography business was based on Victoria Road in Diss. Known by many as “the local photographer”, he was involved in active service with Bomber Command and took part in over 40 flight missions. He passed away on Monday 23 November 2015, aged 94. His memory lives on in the moving photograph opposite (and many others he took of local scenes and events).

Diss Matters Summer 2022 21

Lighthouse inspires Platinum party

Image: Jerry Rolfe

On Thursday 2 June, Diss park hosts a free,

the Coronation celebrations. This will be

public party in honour of Her Majesty the

regretted, as many who would have gone to

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Called Glow in

see these will not view the wonderful

the Park, the event will use light in some

transformation at Mere’s Mouth. To offset

of its many forms to mark this special

this, a few residents have a lighthouse

occasion. A lantern procession, beacon

which will be built in the centre of the

lighting ceremony, spectacular firework


display and street-theatre sensations, LED

This idea was well-received. Particularly by

drumming troupe Spark!, will all make

local businessman and barber, Dan Jones.

Diss “glow”. But there’s more to the theme

“I read with interest of a lighthouse being

than a simple love of lights. Let’s look at

placed on the Mere by a ‘Real Dissean’,”

the inspiration behind the event.

wrote Mr Jones in the following edition of the Diss Express. “We are grateful that

What no fireworks?

somebody has thought of something to

In June 1953*, someone calling themselves

liven our Diss Coronation celebrations.

a ‘Real Dissean’, wrote to the Diss Express

Since the council has done such a good job

with concerns about the forthcoming

of work to the mouth of the Mere.”

Coronation celebrations. Saddened about

Appreciative of his interest and enthusiastic

the lack of fireworks, they suggested an

response, the ‘Real Dissean’ swiftly invited

alternative. A lighthouse on the Mere.

Mr Jones to attend the event. And play a

“In reading through your paper of May 1st,”

part in proceedings.

says the Real Dissean “It is noted that there

“It is now certain that the lighthouse will be

will be no fireworks on the Mere to finish

in position on the Mere on Saturday,” said

22 Diss Matters Summer 2022

the ‘Real Dissean’. “To Mr Dan Jones is the

The ‘lighthouse’ was taken around the town

honour of switching on the lights at

on a lorry on Friday night, a collection being


made en route, and on Saturday night it was cited on the Mere in the presence of a

The Three Bs

large company. The lights, which are

Aware that many residents would be away

intermittent, came on and Mr Roger Bryant

on the Saturday, plans to parade the

was rowed out to it by Mr S. F. Bedford, a

lighthouse round the town the night before

rather precarious crossing. On arriving

were revealed. And so, the event was born,

safely, Mr Bryant christened it ‘The Three Bs’

powered by a team they called ‘The Three

by breaking a gaily decorated bottle of

Bs’. Here’s how the Diss Express reported it

“wine” on the framework.

back in 1953.

“This was followed by trips around the

“At last, there is a lighthouse on the Mere at

lighthouse at 1/- per head. Mr Bedford

Diss, the same being placed in position on

being the “skipper” and several availed

Saturday night, and at 9.30 it started to

themselves of the offer.

show forth alternate white, green and red

“The sum raised for the lighthouse fund was

lights. Though not part of the Coronation

£10 and Mr. Roger Bryant expresses his

effort, it does impart a little novelty. The


idea originated with Mr Roger Bryant who

“On Tuesday, at midnight, the lighthouse

thought it would be an opportunity to help

keeper must have slept because it was

the Lifeboat Fund. And he had the willing

partially destroyed by fire. We believe this

assistance of Mr A. E. Betts of sweet fame

was done intentionally by the organiser, but

who erected the frame and covering. Mr L.

it would not burn.”

A. Boggis who provided and installed the electrical equipment, and many others.

*The Coronation took place over a year

“Below the lights were seagulls and at the

after the Queen’s accession to the throne in

base crabs etc. and sea birds.


Glow in the Park takes place in Diss park on Thursday 2 June 2022 from 4pm to 10.30pm. It’s free! And everyone’s welcome. Event includes: live music, street food, a lantern procession, beacon lighting ceremony and a spectacular firework finale followed by a headline performance from street-theatre LED drummers, Spark!. More information: www.facebook.com/DissTC/events/ Photo: Lucy Kayne

Diss Matters Summer 2022 23

24 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Museum reopening gets royal treatment

In March, about 100 people, many in

the tape to open the museum.

Edwardian costume, enjoyed Diss’s first

The building was decorated with British

royal visit for 156 years.

and Danish bunting, as the Queen was Danish. Jonny Ling provided barrel organ

Part of Diss Museum’s grand reopening,

music and Ray Russell played the bagpipes.

King Edward VII (Bernard Thorndyke) and

Museum Manager Basil Abbott, who acted

Queen Alexandra (Keshar Whitelock) paid a

as MC, said: “It was a terrific event and the

return visit to the town they passed

perfect start to the town’s Platinum Jubilee

through in 1866 as Prince and Princess of

celebrations. It’s good to be open again


after our lengthy closure and we’re pleased

Arriving in an open-topped Beauford car,

to be able to open and share collections

they were greeted by Town Mayor,

that are particularly relevant in this, the

Councillor Eric Taylor, and presented with

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year. Our

flowers by Arthur (7) and Ivy (6) Bishop-

Austerity Years display fits in with the


Coronation period. We also have a cabinet

Chris Mordey recited Tennyson’s poem

with royal mugs and memorabilia and a

about the Queen, who then went on to

wall display of newspapers and pictures of

address the crowd before presenting prizes

Diss at the time. We look forward to

for the best costumes. The King then cut

welcoming visitors back.” Diss Matters Summer 2022 25

The great ‘Comeback Carnival’ The annual Diss Carnival is back – and you’re all invited! On Sunday 3 July, the ‘The Great-Diss Showman’ procession will make its way through the town, ending at the park where more fun awaits. There will be craft and food stalls, entertainers, live music, have-a-go activities, and a whole lot more. Hosted by ringleader, Paul Preston Mills, the show goes on after the procession has finished, with fun for all the family (even the pets!). Titan the Robot (who you may have seen on this year’s ‘Britain’s Got Talent’) will be performing his unique mix of comedy and street theatre, the Foolhardy Folk will be showing us their circus skills, and the amazing Lost in Translation circus artistes will be flying funfair and, of course, our well-loved Fun Dog Show.

Diss Carnival is special. I particularly enjoy the whole feel of the day, the atmosphere and the 'togetherness’! Amy Bobbins, Tribe ALL Fitness

In keeping with the theme, the committee has lots planned to make sure that this year’s Comeback Carnival is a real showstopper. But, with your help, they can make it even better. They’re still interested in hearing from stallholders, crafters, entertainment providers, procession entrants, event sponsors, window dressing competition entrants and volunteers. So, if you’re keen to get involved, please get in touch.

26 Diss Matters Summer 2022


M reston

Paul P

through the air!! Not forgetting Larry Gray’s

Lost in Tran


y Circus


Follow @DissCarnival on Facebook for updates and news of this year’s attractions as they get announced. If you want to get involved, forms are available at: diss.gov.uk/diss-carnival

Titan the Robot

Diss Matters Summer 2022 27

A play park for all Play equipment is vital for children’s


social, physical and emotional

These promote social interaction,

development. And we know how

imaginative play, speech development and

important the playground in Diss park is

turn-taking (both in speaking and listening).

in supporting this. Which is why we’re

Ages: 2+

committed to keeping it current, updated,

Requires: 2 users

interactive, inclusive and, most


importantly, fun!

• Stimulate hearing capacities • Accessible at ground level for wheelchairs

If you’ve visited Diss park in the last few months, you’ll have noticed several new additions to the play area. Using feedback from a public consultation last summer, we

• Suitable for children with visual impairments • Children with learning difficulties will encounter appropriate types of stimulation

sourced three different designs that were better suited to 4 to 8-year-olds and


children with additional needs.

These encourage physical and practical play and improve coordination and

We asked you to choose your favourite. And


a design by equipment maker Proludic,

Ages: 1+

which featured a fully wheelchair accessible

Requires: 3 users

seesaw, came out on top. The new


equipment, acquired using allocated park

• Encourages communication for children

play equipment funds, has now been installed. And it’s been a big hit with children of all ages and abilities so far.

with autism • The flowers provide visual stimulation through movement, bright colours and contrast

So, what’s there to explore? What makes it

• The curved shape of each stem means

so inclusive? And how can it support your

optimal user-friendliness for children in

child’s development? Let’s look.

wheelchairs GIANT FOUR IN A ROW Encourages role play and social play. Has 48 movable red and yellow sliding discs that easily glide around the panel. Ages: 2+ Requires: 2 users INCLUSIVE ELEMENTS • Sensory, tactile

28 Diss Matters Summer 2022

INCLUSIVE ELEMENTS • Encourages communication for children with autism • The wheel provides visual stimulation through movement and sound • The low-level height is suitable for children in wheelchairs DIABOLO MULTIPLAY UNIT Encourages role play, climbing, sliding, TIC TAC TOE

meeting, resting, handling, hiding and

Develops logical understanding and


improves coordination. The colours are high

Ages: 2+

contrasting and the Os and Xs are all laser

Accommodates up to 25 users

cut, so the game can be played through


sight or touch.

• Motor, sensory and mental inclusion

Ages: 3+

• Tactile Stimulation

Requires: 2 users INCLUSIVE ELEMENTS • Installed at wheelchair transfer height • The Os and Xs are laser cut making this item suitable for children with visual impairments • Children with learning difficulties encounter appropriate types of stimulation • Predominantly a 2-player game, a child can build stronger connections with their peers and communicate through playing.

WHEELCHAIR SPRINGER SEESAW Encourages balancing, role play, swinging,


resting and social skills.

Powered purely by kinetic energy, this fun

Ages: 3 +

wheel comes with a USB stick so it can

Accommodates up to 6 users

generate its own sound. Great for role-


playing, kids can be a pilot, pirate or

• Motor, sensory and mental inclusion

experience the feeling of a driver in the

• Suitable for wheelchair users

cockpit. Turn the wheel and create your own electricity. Ages: 3+ Required: 2 users Diss Matters Summer 2022 29



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30 Diss Matters Summer 2022

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Diss says “bonjour!” to boules Hidden away on the outskirts of town,

(cochonette). In the original version, a

there’s a little bit of France. Tucked away

player was allowed to take one or two steps

discreetly behind Diss Town’s football

before throwing. In the more recent

ground, look carefully and you’ll find a

version, each player must stand and throw

small hut, a shelter with five chairs, an

from inside a circle scratched in the dirt.

array of unusual wooden objects on a

There’s no difference between petanque

table, and some intriguing red, white and

and boules, other than the name. In

blue stakes with numbers on them

France, they call it boules. In England, the

marking the edge of a gravel pit.

game is called petanque but it is played

Welcome to the Diss Waveney

using boules.

Petanque Club. National champions The club regularly competes against others in the area. “Most other teams are in mid-Norfolk,” says club member Malcom Butcher. “We’re currently in Division 2 of the Norfolk League, but we have previously played in Division 1. We have some very good players, some of them even compete at national level. Les and Di Shilling, for example, won in the 2021 Inter-Regional Championship and Challenge at Melton Mowbray. We’ve also recruited a few more county players to add to the two we Affiliated to the national petanque

already have, so this year we’re hoping for

association, Petanque England, the Diss

promotion again.”

club was formed in the late 1990s, and moved to Diss Town Football Club in 2004. Here, they built a 'piste' (the name of the terrain on which petanque is played) and

Diss Petanque Club practices on Monday

have been playing there ever since. Some

evenings, Wednesday afternoons and

of the original players are still in action at

Saturday mornings at Diss Town FC,

the club!

Brewers Lane, Diss IP22 4QP. Match

Petanque or boules? Whatever goes Petanque was devised in 1910 in a French town called La Ciotat. It was originally called jeu Provencal and involved players

nights are on Thursdays. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Malcolm Butcher on 01379 740494 or email: hbutcherdell@gmail.com

throwing a ball (boule) at a target ball Diss Matters Summer 2022 31

New on the market Situated in the heart of Diss, our historic

month and we always have specials such as

Market Place hosts a traditional, bustling

previews of new flavours and exclusive bakes.

Friday market all year round. There are

“Thank you to everyone in Diss that

also a few traders who sell on a Saturday

continues to support us! We love seeing

and weekdays too.

familiar faces, hearing your feedback, and

Most of our traders have been here a

making new friends!

while. One of our regulars has been on the market for 43 years! We love our long-

Florenco’s Coffee

standing sellers. But we also like new

Conor Florence launched Florenco’s Coffee

blood too. And recently, we’ve been

at the end of 2020 during lockdown aged

excited to accommodate several new

just 18 years old. Powered by his true

market traders – and we’d love you to

passion forPhoto: coffee, he loved the idea of Photo Elite, Market Hill, Diss

meet them.

being able to take that everywhere.

“We serve from our vintage rice horsebox, Brownie and the Bean

which I bought in January 2020,” says Conor.

Charlotte and Luke Giddings, founders of Brownie and the Bean, moved to Diss just over four years ago from London to open a food and drink business. After a lot of research, they landed on the idea of having a converted horse trailer as a mobile café, serving coffee, cocktails, and Luke's mother's secret family brownie recipe. “We spent our first year doing events,

“It ended up becoming a great lockdown

festivals, and pop-ups,” says Charlotte.

project where I worked on the trailer and developed my drinks recipes. “We sell a full range of espresso-based coffee drinks, seasonal specials including our best-selling LOADED hot chocolates and a great selection of teas. I also love supporting local suppliers for our delicious range of ‘sweet treats’, including triple chocolate brownies, flapjacks and rocky

“Sadly, when COVID hit, we decided to shut

road. When we’re not doing specialist

the hatch for good and start selling our

events you can find us serving in North

brownies on their own.

Lopham and Diss town centre.

“The brownies were always popular among

“Diss is a hub of activity and throws some

the people of Diss, so it made perfect sense

pretty spectacular events, which we have

to get a space on the Thursday market. You

loved being a part of so far and hope to be

can find us there on the last Thursday of the

a part of for years to come.”

32 Diss Matters Summer 2022


Lola & Me Dog Treats

PrettysWax was created in March 2021 by

On 25 June 2020, Penny Gibson and her

mother and son, Di and Tom Pretty. They

family embarked on a 15-hour round trip to

sell 100% soy wax melts, in recyclable

pick up Lola, a 4-year-old French Bulldog.


And within weeks Lola & Me Dog Treats was

“We absolutely love our home to smell


amazing and wanted to create the same

“In 2020, after suffering a breakdown, I took

experience for all of our customers,” says

a long look at my work-life balance,” says

Di. “We offer high quality products at very

Penny. “With a passion for our four-legged

affordable prices.”

friends, I decided that a dog would give me

Di was born in the Two Brewers pub in Diss.

a reason to get up every morning and enjoy

When an opportunity came to sell her

Norfolk’s great outdoors.

products in her hometown, she jumped at the chance. “What better place to reach Diss and customers from the surrounding area than to join the market traders on Diss Market Place. I love our town! “We first started selling on Diss market back in November 2021, every Friday until Christmas Eve. We also traded at the Diss Christmas lights switch-on. We met many

“As soon as I saw Lola I knew this would be

amazing people who have since become

an unbreakable bond. She needed a special


diet and this, combined with my passion to bake, sparked the idea of a dog treat business. “Our dog treats are all fresh, homemade, vegan and gluten-free and have no added sugar or salt. “Each month we go from strength to strength with new products, ideas and a passion for life. Lola has a new life and so do I.”

Due to full-time work commitments, PrettysWax now attend Diss market one Saturday per month and customers can also buy products online at www.prettyswax.com with free local

If you’d like to apply for a pitch on our market, visit our website: www.diss.gov.uk/market-place

delivery. Diss Matters Summer 2022 33

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34 Diss Matters Summer 2022

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Diss Matters Summer 2022 35

Rotary round-up Diss Waveney Rotary Club What’s Diss Waveney Rotary Club been up to over the past few months? President Elaine Bootman – provides an update. illustrated dictionaries were presented to Motivating speakers

Year 5 pupils in ten local schools.

We’ve been lucky to have welcomed some

In December, we hosted a performance by

inspiring speakers so far this year. Rachel

Fine City Chorus with all proceeds going to

Walsh, from the mental health charity

Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign. We also

MIND, explained the work of the charity.

organised for Santa, his sleigh and elves to

Cecile Roberts, CEO of Emmaus Norfolk and

visit the Mere. Thanks to the generosity of

Waveney, talked about a project based in

Diss residents, we raised a total of £800

Ditchingham, helping the homeless rebuild

which was distributed equally between our

their lives. We welcomed Kieran Murphy,

four nominated charities: the Salvation

Diss Town Council’s youngest councillor,

Army (Diss branch), Citizen’s Advice branch,

who spoke about what inspired him to join

the Dove Dementia Café and the Banham

at such a young age. In March, Patricia Field,

Zoo Conservation Project.

a consultant graphologist, visited the club to give a presentation about handwriting

International charities supported

analysis. And in April, Robin Wraight spoke

Monies to purchase three water survival

about Rotary’s many youth programmes.

boxes to purify water were sent to the Philippines after typhoon Odette.

Business as usual

And, working in partnership with the Diss &

In October 2021, we resumed our regular

District Rotary Club, we held street

Rotary Club meetings at the Park Hotel. It’s

collections at Mere’s Mouth to support the

been great seeing people face-to-face again.

Ukrainian refugee crisis. Combined with our online giving page, we raised over £9,000 in

Memorable events

the first week and almost £20,000 in the

It was my privilege to lay the club’s wreath

second. The generosity of the Diss

at the Remembrance Day service on Sunday

community was tremendous. The first

November 14. Several other members

tranche of money left promptly, on 7 March,

guided people around the new route to the

for the Diss & District Rotary partner club in

memorial, making a real difference on the


day. The club’s Youth Team organised a very

Local service projects

successful musical evening to raise funds

Many of our club members helped with the

for Dictionaries4Life. Part of Rotary’s Basic

COVID vaccination roll-out programme at

Education and Literacy Focus, these

the DYCC and at Diss High School.

36 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Rotary round-up Diss & District Rotary Club Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Club Secretary David Crawford explains how this makes Rotary well-placed as an organisation to act and help others in

ended up being almost double this. Using our connection, we were able to channel the money raised directly to Rotarians on the ground in Moldova. Help for Diss A little closer to home, one of our ongoing local Rotary projects is supplying ‘starter boxes’ for the Sanctuary Supported Living project in Diss. Sanctuary provides

times of crisis.

accommodation for the homeless in 26

Help for Ukraine


Diss & District Rotary Club has a direct relationship with the Chisinau Cosmopolitan Rotary Club in Moldova. And when the war broke out in Ukraine, we could quickly see how we could make a difference. During the first week of the war, we joined up with the Diss Waveney Rotary Club and quickly mobilised a team of street collectors in Diss. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Diss and the surrounding area, we reached our first milestone of £10,000 in the first week. Our overall total

purpose-built rooms and self-contained The boxes we provide contain the essentials for a person moving into accommodation for the first time. Rotary members, and friends of Rotary, donate most of the items. But we’re always grateful for the generosity of local townsfolk who either contribute new or used goods for boxes, or money to buy new items. The number of boxes supplied varies depending on the need at Sanctuary. But as a guide, over the last 15 months we’ve supplied 20 boxes and keep a small stock ready for when we receive the ‘call’.

Diss Matters Summer 2022 37

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Would you like an eye-catching leaflet to increase business? Then we can help. We can offer a design and print service creating a leaflet to catch your customers’ attention. Any quantity, large or small, to fit within your budget. For further details of leaflet print and other direct-mail marketing, contact Gary on 01379 773347 or gary@falconpublications.co.uk

Leaflet print & design service

38 Diss Matters Summer 2022


Balloon business takes off New shop, ‘Make It Special’ has recently

What’s in stock?

opened its doors at the top of St Nicholas

The shop sells a variety of gift balloons and

Street. We find out more about owner,

displays for special occasions, from

Kelly Aziz, why she decided to set up shop,

birthdays, baby showers, christenings,

and what her plans are.

engagements and graduations to well wishes and more. There’s also a range of

Keeping it local

soft toys and baby items, along with a small

The wife of local businessman, and local,

selection of bridal party items.

phone-saving superhero, Roy Aziz, Kelly’s

If you opt for a gift balloon, Kelly will inflate

initial thoughts when seeing that the shop

it for you using either air or helium. You can

on St Nicholas Street was up for rent, was as a base for her husband’s popular business, Fonemagic. Happy working from his home workshop, Roy decided to stay put – but the opportunity got Kelly thinking.

choose to have items displayed inside your balloon and even have it personalised. They also stock a variety of artificial flowers, which can be used to create a balloon “The shop side of things happened so

display in the form of a hat box filled with

quickly,” said Kelly. “The idea came up just


after the new year. From within a week of going to look at the shop, I had the keys in

What’s next?

my hand. Then the hard work began.”

Kelly’s fun, imaginative and entrepreneurial

Kelly has lived with her family in Diss for her

outlook is reflected in the displays and

whole life, so the chance to open a shop in

decor in place throughout the shop. And it’s

her hometown was even more special.

this creativity that will continue to drive the

“I’ve had great support from other local

business forwards.

independent shops within the town too,”

“I’ve really enjoyed setting up the shop, the

said Kelly. “Given what everyone has been

business, and the brand,” said Kelly. “And

through over the past two years, I felt I

I’m looking forward to trying out new ideas

wanted to grab this opportunity to support

and introducing different stock to suit

my hometown by opening another small

different occasions.”

independent shop.”

Diss Matters Summer 2022 39

Open: Mon-Fri: 6.30am-8pm Sat: 7am-6pm Sun: 8am-5.30pm

40 Diss Matters Summer 2022

Diss youth update activities aimed at encouraging youth voice and participation. On April 5, we held our first intergenerational event, which was a great success. Supported by Diss Town Council, Diss Bowls Club and South Norfolk Youth Advisory Board, our young people provided a delicious ‘Spring Luncheon’ for some of the town’s older residents. A two-course meal was followed by a hot drink and a Youth and Community Worker, Julia Fairbrother, provides a round-up of youth activities in and around the town. Diss Youth Group (DYG) returns to the DYCC After a year and a half of Zoom sessions due to COVID, we opened our doors again at the Diss Youth & Community Centre (DYCC) in October 2021, with the support of Diss Town Council. Since then, we’ve been going from strength to strength, with 36 young people joining our weekly sessions

delicious homemade hot cross cookie. The guests were also given handmade Easter cards, truffles and decorations to take away. Quaker Wood sessions resume Our regular conservation sessions at Quaker Wood have started up again. Supported by Richard, Mike and the Quaker Wood Steering Group, these sessions give young people the chance to learn new practical skills, find out more about the environment and enjoy time outside with nature.

for games, crafts, cooking and more. Diss Youth Work receives Community Grant MTM Youth Services CIC was delighted to receive a Community Grant from Diss Town Council to deliver more youth projects in the town this year. Our aim is to use the funding to deliver projects that will help 11 to 19-year-olds engage positively in and with their community, take pride and social action, and access wider experiences with other organisations. Opportunities include volunteering, supporting the FareShare food scheme, intergenerational events, and other

DYG sessions run term-time on Wednesdays, from 7 to 8.30pm. If you’re a young person and have ideas of what you would like in Diss, are interested in joining us at Quaker Wood, or in other volunteering opportunities, please contact Julia Fairbrother on 07546 059061 or email julia@mtmyouthservices.org.uk Diss Matters Summer 2022 41

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Diss Matters Summer 2022 43

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