South Norfolk Police news An update from Inspector Richard Freeman
pleasing to see the town looking busy again. We are constantly striving for visibility and availability in the communities we serve, and
It’s been a busy few months for your local
I’m pleased to report that officers from the
policing team since my last update. As our
Safer Neighbourhood Team were able to do
communities emerged from lockdown, we
just that in July and August. The team visited
experienced a surge in demand which has
52 parishes which make up the local policing
tested your local policing team and policing
area - including Mere’s Mouth on 1 July.
across the county alike. Some of our partner
Setting themselves up in prominent locations,
agencies are experiencing a similar increase
they listened to key issues from residents and
and this made for a very busy summer. In
carried out some local polling to gather
addition to keeping up with rising demand,
opinion. We’re also continuing to run online
my team has finally managed to take some
public meetings every three months. These
well-deserved leave after policing 24/7
meetings give you an opportunity to receive
throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Rest
an update on our work and express your
assured, this has not prevented us from
views on local policing priorities and we’re
responding to calls to keep Diss and
keen to hear from everyone.
surrounding villages safe.
Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in low level anti-social behaviour as our parks
Striving for visibility
and open spaces reopened around the town.
Thankfully, the impact of our national
Throughout the summer, the team has been
vaccination programme has allowed for a
regularly patrolling these areas. And we will
return to some sort of normality and it’s
continue to educate and, if necessary,
10 Diss Matters Winter 2021