Celebrating 100 years of Diss WI
Photo: Photo Elite, Market Hill, Diss
With centenary plans put on hold due to
there are the regulation cups of tea and
COVID-19, the ladies of Diss Women’s
Institute (WI) have had a little longer to wait
Dorothy: Demonstrations of crafting skills
for their celebration. And a little longer to
are always very popular.
reminisce. We talked to past presidents Pat
Pat: We have a programme secretary who
Simms, Dorothy Howling and Jean Sudron
investigates anything that could be of
to find out more about their WI story.
interest and - with at least ten meetings to cover in a year – variety is key. Diss WI is
When did you join Diss WI and why?
one third of the Boudica Group of WIs
Pat: I joined Diss WI about thirty years ago
(Scole and Pulham Market being the other
when a young wives’ group I was a member
two). And once a year we all meet for
of closed. My mother and grandmother had
fashion shows, talks and demonstrations.
gained a lot from WI membership, so I
We also have a member of our committee
thought I’d try it myself.
specialising in outings.
Dorothy: I joined in 1975. At one time you had to wait to be invited (members would
What’s your most memorable meeting?
be encouraged to bring a friend), you
Dorothy: I’ve always particularly enjoyed our
couldn’t just turn up.
lovely summer picnics at various locations around Norfolk.
Describe a typical meeting
Jean: My most memorable meetings were
Pat: We enjoy a chat, but we also hear about
Pudding and Play Reading evenings. These
what’s going on at national and county
were always fun and a chance to chat and
level. Our president, secretary and treasurer
get to know one another. There was also
update us and then there may be a
the World War dinner we held in Diss
competition or two. There’s also usually a
church. The menu consisted of dishes of the
speaker or demonstration. And of course,
day, and we all dressed accordingly - some
32 Diss Matters Winter 2021