Tiddler Imps
Adult Education
For the “just walking”. Thursdays 1.15
To find out about courses running in your
2.15pm and 2.303.30pm and Fridays 1.30
area call us on 0344 800 8020 or visit our
2.30pm at Taylor Road Rooms. Contact:
website at
Rachel Baker, Tel: 640696 for further
details. www.impscreativity.co.uk
Toddler Imps A group where parents and toddlers can
Creative Way Art Tuition, Photography Tuition and Mindful Creativity Coaching
explore an exciting range of activities each
Free your creativity through personalised,
week (e.g. jelly pool, walking wellies through
OnetoOne Art or Photography Tuition,
paint). There are two sessions meeting every
Creativity Coaching and Art and Meditation
Tuesday morning in term time, from 9.45am
sessions with Art Teacher, Artist and
to 10.45am and also 11.00am to 12 noon, at
Creativity Coach Zangmo Alexander MA Fine
the United Reformed Church Hall. Ring
Art PGCE. Explore all art media and themes
Rachel Baker 640696 for further details.
of personal interest. Sessions at times to suit
you, pay as you go. Everyone is welcome,
Other Pre-School Information Early Years Helpline: 01603 222300.
from beginner to advanced. GCSE and A Level Art and Photography Tuition also available. For more information: phone Zangmo on 897393 or go to www.creativewayart.com
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