Diss Town Guide 2020 - 2021

Page 17


Emergency Services In an emergency where you need police,

within minutes once called. On average Diss

ambulance or fire service assistance

attends 200 calls a year. Drill night (training

urgently call 999

and admin) takes place every Wednesday

Diss Ambulance Service

evening and at other times when required. If

The Ambulance Service is based in Owen

visit the website

Road on the Vinces Road Industrial Estate. It


is manned 24 hours a day on a rota system.


The managers head a team of highly skilled personnel, including ambulance paramedics and technicians, who serve an area of about 465 square miles in South Norfolk and North Suffolk. It is equipped with first line and rapid response vehicles kitted out with the latest resuscitation instruments. The East of England Ambulance NHS Trust, of which Diss is a part, has headquarters at Hellesdon, Norwich, where control coordinates requests from patients, doctors and others who have emergency requirements.

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (Diss)

you are interested in joining the ‘On Call’

Based at the station are two fire engines and a new ‘tactical response vehicle’ (TRV). Once operational the TRV’s main duty will be responding to wildfires because of its off road capabilities. Diss is also a core station in Norfolk involved in the National Resilience Programme put together by the Government, after the 9/11 attacks in New York. In the event of a major terrorist CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) attack on the country, the Incident Response Unit from Hethersett along with the core stations could be mobilised to any part of the country for the purpose of ‘Mass

Diss Fire Station is in the Southern district of

Decontamination’ of the general public.

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service and has an

Also attached to the station are the Diss Fire

establishment of 16 ‘On Call’ personnel.

Cadets aged from 13 to 18. They meet every

Watch Manager Karl Hain is the officer in

Tuesday for training and also take part in

charge and is supported by four Crew

community activities. The cadet’s leader is

Managers and 11 Firefighters. They all have

CM Harry Powell. If you are interested in

primary employment elsewhere but are

joining the cadets, pop along on their

highly trained and carry a pager by which

training evening to find out more.

they are alerted, they report to the station

Diss Town G uide 2 0 2 0 ‐ 2 0 2 1


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