Arts, Crafts, Dancing & Music Diss Acoustic Music Club
Arts Society Diss
Every Tuesday evening from 8.309.30pm
We are a friendly welcoming group who
we meet in the schoolroom at The Friends
meet every third Tuesday in the month
Meeting House, Frenze Road, Diss to sing
in the Diss Corn Hall. 1.45 pm for 2.15 pm
and play all types of music, provided it is
start. During our season we hear ten
acoustic. No electrified instruments are
carefully selected lectures on a wide range of
allowed. This is, along with adults only, one
the Arts. The talks are chosen to provide
of our few rules. Another is that you leave
enjoyment, also to challenge the ideas and
your "ego" outside the door. We always
perceptions that we may have. Many of our
encourage each other. Nobody hogs the
speakers are renowned experts in their field,
session and we take turns to perform
it is very exciting to discover a new topic or
whatever we want to bringpolished "gems",
to be asked to look at a familiar subject from
"rough diamonds" or workinprogress. No
a different perspective. The experience of a
alcohol, but free tea and biscuits are "a
good talk has been enhanced by the large
must". Contact Tony Gooch on 640752 or
screen and clear sound quality in the Corn
07584 291343
Hall auditorium.
Diss Art Group
During the year we offer escorted short trips, which often relate to a lecture subject
Meets Tuesday afternoons, from 1.30 to
and a longer four or five day tour, visiting
4.00, at the Roman Catholic Church in
many historic properties, galleries and
Shelfanger Road. The group has a growing
membership spanning all ages and abilities.
Special Interest days are very popular, these
Formed in 1974, the group comprises mixed
offer an indepth look at a subject, led by an
media and all aspects of painting. The
expert speaker with a good lunch and a glass
summer term is given over to weekly
of wine, what could be better?
sketching trips in Diss and the surrounding
You will be welcome to come and have a
area. Limited informal tuition is sometimes
“taster” session for a donation of £7.50 or
available during Autumn and Spring terms.
you can join as a member for an inclusive fee
Contact Avril Young on 642168 or Mary
of £42 for 10 lectures.
Hunt on 641142
Committee members are always there to welcome you. To find out more go to artsocdiss.org.uk Diss Town G uide 2 0 2 0 ‐ 2 0 2 1