Local Government
Diss Town Council What we do & how
But part of our job is to hold other organisations and authorities to account for
Diss Town Council is the first tier of local
services provided. We try to work in
government for Diss. First and foremost, we
partnership with these organisations to find a
represent the community of Diss. We listen to
better solution.
residents and do our best to work with others to find solutions to issues in the town. We also put forward the views of the community to other organisations such as Norfolk County
Of course, we can’t always solve everything.
Our Vision is to make Diss a successful, vibrant, attractive town, where people want to live, work and visit.
Council, South Norfolk Council, the Police, the
Who does what?
local MP… the list goes on.
The Town Council has up to 14 Town
We also support local groups by providing
Councillors who voluntarily, democratically
community funding and promotion for as
and lawfully make the strategic decisions.
many as we can. We provide recreation
We also employ a small team of
spaces and amenities for the town, such as
administrative and maintenance staff led by
the markets, Mere and Park, sports facility,
the Town Clerk who work together with
community centre and Cemetery, to name
councillors to ensure that the decisions of
a few.
the Council are carried out.
D iss Tow n G u i d e 2 0 2 2 ‐ 2 023