Additional Information Some helpful addresses, phone numbers and
weekly to grow, harvest and then take home
opening times for town amenities that are
good, local, organically grown vegetables,
not listed elsewhere:
and some fruit. We welcome both
Market and Auction Day: Friday
experienced gardeners and novices, as there
Telephone code: 01379
are always tasks for every level of experience and strength. Our principal work day is Thursday, from about 10am until about 1pm. For more information visit disscommunityfarm.org or contact Gary Alexander on 07766 711999 or email garyalex@fair-green.net
Diss Community Team (DCT) Diss Carnival
Photo: Courtesy of Diss Town Council
The Diss Carnival is the annual party of the year, held in June! Sadly we have been unable to hold the carnival in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid but plan to be back, bigger and better, in 2022! See the website for details. Follow the parade from Diss High School through the town centre and into the Park where the fun continues. Fancy getting involved? Contact the Carnival Committee via email: carnival@diss.gov.uk Facebook us @DissCarnival or keep up to date via the website: www.diss.gov.uk/diss-carnival Telephone enquiries: 643848
Diss Community Farm Diss Community Farm is a community group with members in and around Diss who have come together to produce food
Diss Town Team (TT) had existed since 2010 as a constituted body but with no legal status. The aims of the new body are similar to that of the TT, to endeavour to make Diss a better place to live, work, visit or locate your business. Diss Town Team consisted of event organisers, Corn Hall representatives, HeritageTriangle Traders, Diss Town Council, The District Council, Park Radio, Rotary, local businesses etc. The DCT’s objective is to attract members from all areas of the community and it is hoped that they will be able to expand their membership accordingly. It is hoped that as a Community Interest Company (CIC) they will be able to generate funding to tackle some of the issues that are detrimentally affecting the town. They will also continue to facilitate and support the majority of events that take place in the town.
collaboratively in an ethical and sustainable
For more information contact Alan Franks
way. We have a field in Winfarthing, together
on 07532 097007 or email
with three polytunnels, where we meet
alan.franks@hotmail.co.uk Diss Town G uide 2 0 2 2 ‐ 2 0 2 3