Clubs and Societies Diss & District Allotment Holders Association This long established association is based in Louie's Lane and has around 100 members. Rents are reviewed annually, and the rent includes affiliation to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners. A water supply is available to all plots. To find out more go to ddaha.weebly.com
history? Come and join WVCAG! We are a group of people interested in the archaeology and history of the Waveney Valley. No experience necessary, come along to one of our meetings and have a chat with us. We meet regularly with a varied programme of speakers, activities, training and events. Our Great War project, The Hidden Commemoration in The Waveney Valley for which we received Heritage
Amnesty International
Lottery funding is now complete. Find out
Welcome! Amnesty International Diss Group,
more about it at
acting locally to protect human rights
globally. We are ordinary people from
You can follow us on Twitter
around South Norfolk and North Suffolk
at @WaveneyArch and @hiddencomm,
standing up for human rights. Our purpose is
on Facebook at
to protect individuals and communities
wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth
Group or visit our websites
are denied. The Diss group has more than 60
at waveneyarchaeology.org and
members and supporters and is always open
to new people keen to Protect the Human. And it's FREE to join! We meet once a month on Wednesdays. Our meeting starts with a group action and then planning our various campaigns and free refreshments. We have a stall every year at the Burston Strike School Rally and a stall for the 'Write for Rights' campaign at the URC Charity Fayre in November. Please contact Jackie Gooch, Secretary for more details on 642601 or email: dissamnesty@gmail.com
Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group Are you interested in archaeology and
To find out more about the group, please email waveneyarchaeology@gmail.com
Bees & Beekeeping Dicklebees is a small friendly support group for anyone interested in bees and beekeeping in the Diss area of South Norfolk. It is open to all, whether you’re a complete novice or have many years of experience. Dicklebees often invite beekeeping experts to talk on relevant topics, organise beekeeping safaris and occasionally have practical sessions and workshops. They meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd Monday of each Diss Town G uide 2 0 2 2 ‐ 2 0 2 3