Diss Town Guide 2022 - 2023

Page 91


Schools Diss High School Walcot Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4DH Tel: 642424. Email: office@disshigh.norfolk.sch.uk Website: www.disshigh.norfolk.sch.uk

music events and of course, the School Show. To find out more, please come to visit us.”

Diss Primary Academy Partnership Diss Church of England Junior Academy The Entry, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4NT

Diss High School is a friendly, popular and

Tel: 642675.

welcoming school committed to high

Email: junior@diss.stbenets.org

standards of achievement, behaviour and

Website: www.dissjunior.stbenets.org

discipline. Our aim is to achieve excellence in

Diss Infant Academy and Nursery

all we do, not only in academic matters, but also in the outstanding range of extra­

Fitzwalter Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4PU

curricular opportunities we offer.

Tel: 642768.

Diss High School has an excellent record of both academic and sporting achievement;

Email: Infant@diss.stbenets.org Website: www.dissinfant.stbenets.org

our examination results are consistently

We are a partnership of schools providing an

above the county and national average, and

education for children aged 3 to 11. Both

each year the majority of our Sixth Form

schools, Diss Primary Academy Partnership,

students take up places at top universities.

are part of the St Benet’s Multi Academy

We have a highly valued Pastoral System,

Trust and provide superb links and

providing all students with opportunities for

continuity for the children of Diss from

participation, responsibility and leadership.

Nursery through to Year 6.

Consistently graded as “Good” by Ofsted,

Our Junior site is a Church of England school

inspectors noted ‘Pupils and students are

with close association to St Mary’s Church,

rightly proud of their school … they enjoy

which include regular collective worship

positive relationships with the teachers and

from a member of the church community

with each other.’

and a termly celebration held in the church.

Dr Jan Hunt, Head of Diss High School writes: “Our motto is ‘Carpe Diem ­ Seize the Day’; we want our students to grasp every opportunity and reach their full potential. Each year there are opportunities to travel, numerous sporting activities, art exhibitions,

Our Infant site is a community school with a Nursery offering excellent provision for 3 year olds. The Infant School received a ‘good’ grading in its last Ofsted inspection. Inspectors reported that children enjoy school and have a very positive attitude to learning and that they are nurtured and Diss Town G uide 2 0 2 2 ‐ 2 0 2 3


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