Newsletter 3

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Design your Selwyn Library card Crea ve art with a difference Halswell Po ery Group School Holiday Programme

Painting By Michelle Green

A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn

Selwyn Arts Newsletter

The entries have closed and our winners are: CHILD CATEGORY

Bailey Faas


Bri"any Glassey


Elena le Roux

SPOT PRIZES $20 Drawing Room Voucher Finalists:

Susanna Sampson Laiden Dickie Nicky Dachs Courtney Booth Lucy Mhoma Lyn Leonard

First entry received Laiden Dickie Most facebook votes Bri*any Glassey Most library votes

Bailey Faas

Random spot prizes Hannah Sco* :

Drawing Room Voucher

Jamie-Lee Gilmour

Selwyn Aqua c Voucher

Shannon Gilmour

Selwyn Aqua c Voucher

Daniel Drury:

Selwyn Aqua c Voucher

Hamish Hermiston

Selwyn Aqua c Voucher

Sophia Dean

Selwyn Aqua c Voucher

This is a ques on that I am o en asked, and every me it comes up It almost always stops me in my tracks and sparks a deep emo onal reac on. There are endless lists of reasons as to why the arts are important in a community, from economic benefit to emo onal wellbeing, par cipa on to community spirit. For you, the answer to the ques on may be en rely different. The arts may be important to you because they enrich your soul or provide you entertainment, or it could simply be that you like art. Maybe you don’t even think of the arts in that way. You may ask yourself, what good is art to me? Whatever your answer is, one thing is for sure—without the arts in our community we would have a bland, sterile and void environment, one that lacks substance and joy. One of my personal favourite things about the arts is the posi ve impact it has on a community and the health and wellbeing of individual people. For me, watching people in their crea ve element is like watching a li*le bit of magic. It always makes me feel alive to see people being who they are without restric ons. For me I see that the arts fosters trust between people. Public art events o en create a sense of pride within the community and an opportunity for people to build new skills. I see great bonds formed through the social networks and I o en see a reduc on in stress levels and people thriving when they are talking about crea ng, music, movement or any element of the arts. The more crea ve people I come across in Selwyn, the more I see the magic of the arts weaving its way through the district. I’m excited to be able to showcase those people in this month’s newsle*er for everyone to enjoy. Rachael Inch Arts Coordinator Selwyn Arts Trust

The Selwyn Arts Trust, together with the Art Group Of Lincoln & Crea0ve Communi0es, have come together to offer a pain ng workshop for Selwyn with Auckland ar st Vjekoslav Nemesh. “What I paint is what and who I am, my art is a reflec on of my being. I would describe my art as a transfer of my feelings and emo ons in a specific moment (Inspira on) onto the surface of the canvas. Strong emo onal moments are very important in this act of creaon. They may be induced with music or any other circumstances such as joy, love, anger or worry. As they become stronger my artwork will becomes more crea ve. If we think about physics and the structure of the atom, what the

ar st creates on the surface of the canvas is a whole new universe which vibrates with the energy the ar st gave it in the moment of crea on. In this manner the ar st creates a whole new universe.” - Vjekoslav Nemesh The workshop will be held at the Lincoln Event Centre on Wednesday 10th June 2015 from 10am— 4pm. You will learn to paint with pale*e knifes and instruments with oils. Materials are provided* The cost of this class is $45 per person for the day.

*Bookings are essen al (spaces limited) All paints and tools provided. Canvas not supplied These can be purchased from :Take Note, The Drawing room CHCH, Gordon Harris or Warehouse Sta onary stores Please email for more details See adver sement on back page

Incredibly unique and clever Darfield ar st Alysha Stuart is a talented woman who has many ar s c talents, including being a makeup ar st, face-painter and drummer in a local band. Her passion for the arts is strong and diverse. Celebra ng that crea ve flair, Alysha has channeled her talent into making unique pieces of art using baby products to produce a gi with a difference. Her gi s are for sale and are made up of assorted products and sizes and prices made to order any sex/unisex. For more informa on : Contact Alysha on Ph: 022 157 5210

Winter Wonderland Ball 20th June at 8pm Springfield Hall Tickets: $50 single or $80 double Courtesy Van Available Phone : 318 3713

It may seem strange to you that the Halswell Po*ery Group features in our newsle*er. There is a good reason for this, many of the members are Selwyn based ar sts. Situated at 9 Candys Road, on the Selwyn and ChCh borders so it is only natural that it is accessible by both ar sts and residents of both. About 45 years ago the late Mari Tothill decided that Halswell needed some sort of cra s centre. She approached the Halswell Improvement Society which became a strong supporter of her project. When in 1971 local farmers Ron and Joan Gardiner offered the use of the one hundred year old Co*age on Candy’s Road the Halswell Po*ery Group came into being. Although the farm was sold in 1995, the lease on the Co*age was maintained and con nues to be a vibrant hub for the many arty, cra y, or just muddy, who come to classes and club days every week. Many of the founding members from 1971 are s ll ac ve in the club today, and as the Halswell and Selwyn popula on grows, so does their membership. The Halswell Po*ery Group has three electric kilns which are used by members for firing their own work, and by the tutors for firing class work. They also maintain specialised kilns for achieving results way beyond the standard ‘look’ of electric fired, glazed stoneware. The pyromaniacs among the group fire the big wood kiln in the shed at least once a year. This is a long and labour-intensive exercise but the results are exci ng and dis nc ve. More frequently used however, is the gas-fired kiln, wherein individual members can easily do their own firings. One of the early addi ons to the group was the li*le salt kiln. Throwing salt into the kiln at top temperature produces, by reac on with the silica in the clay, a dis nc ve ‘orange peel’ effect on the surface of the pots. This technique was first used in the 13th century in Germany, and in the 1800s the English company Royal Doulton salt glazed, among other things, electrical insulators and sewer pipes. In the mid 1990s the group constructed the Japanese-styled Anagama, or ‘tunnel’ kiln. These firings take some 35 hours of constant wood-chucking, accomplished in shi s of red-eyed but keen club members, to enable a sufficient build-up of the natural ash to glaze the pots inside. By contrast, the firing method known as Raku has become very popular among studio po*ers as a fast and interes ng way to produce pots of great beauty. The vessels are pulled from the kiln while red-hot and undergo various torments draped in horse hair, entombed in a lidded bucket of newsprint- to achieve deep glossy blacks and pa*erns without the need for tradi onal glaze at all. These pots are best prepared carefully with ‘terra sigillata’, the ‘sealed earth’ technique used from 50 BC by the ancient Romans. The gas fired Raku kiln is used frequently, prac cing many newer techniques such as ‘Naked Raku’. Join the group to find out more! The crea on of vessels and sculpture out of clay is one of mankind’s earliest cra s, and imitates the simplest firing methods by placing pots on sawdust in a brick-lined pit, or even in a 44 gallon drum, and covering carefully with wood. Once it is burning well the pit or drum is lightly covered and le to burn slowly. If sulphates and salts have been added the fumes create natural colour. CLASSES are run in term me. All skill levels are welcome to do hand work or to learn how to throw on the wheel, to make up and apply glazes, and to discover the vast territory of the po*ers’ world.

Halswell Po"ery—9 Candys Road, Halswell Email: halswellpo*"ery

THE GALLERY in the front room of the Co*age is open to the public on weekends and features work for sale by members. CLUB MEMBERS enjoy the group work days, the assistance of more experienced po*ers and the group firings. There is an organised programme of events, ou ngs and gallery visits, workshops with visi ng ar sts, sales opportuni es, and being a member you can show works in the annual Exhibi on.

Finalists in the ‘Design your Library card’ compe


On Wednesday 13th May, judging took place for the Selwyn Library—Design your library card compe on. There were so many fabulous entries from Selwyn residents! The judges were Vicki Carlyon, Selwyn Libraries Manager, Rachael Inch, Selwyn Arts Trust Coordinator, and special guest judge Sharon Ovenden, Owner of the Longueville Gallery, Tai Tapu. Selwyn District Council Communica0ons Assistant, Yve"e Morrissey said “We were really impressed with the number of the entries we received- over 50. It really showed that the entrants put careful considera on into why they loved their Selwyn library, and it is exci ng to see so many talented ar sts working and living in the district.” a special thanks to go out to all of our sponsors for the prizes, including the Drawing room Christchurch who were one of the major sponsors. (Winners are highlighted below)

Finalists - CHILD Category

By Susanna Sampson

By Liaden Dickie

By Bailey Faas

By Bri"any Glassey

By Coutney Booth

By Elena le Roux

By Lyn Leonard

Finalists - TEEN Category

By Nicky Dachs

Finalists - ADULT Category

By Lucy Mhoma

Interna onally renowned musicians, fabulous singers and the SPCA. A home to visual arts, chamber music & charity events, accommoda ng Christchurch, Selwyn, and the Greater Canterbury Area. Since 2003 The Nut Point Centre has developed from an art Studio/Gallery of John Allan’s Clay sculp ng, to a vibrant arts centre hos ng the Annual West Melton Art Event, solo art exhibi ons and art collecons.

University of Canterbury, University of Auckland, the Christchurch School of Music, the specialist music programme at Burnside High School, and other high level preforming music students studying under the tutelage of various renowned music teachers in the region.

In addi on to its diverse ac vi es and wide collabora on with different organisa ons the Nut Point Centre con nuously organises and hosts charity and fund raising events, suppor ng animal welfare. The Centre‘s grounds are home to a growing collec on of na ve plants, a project ini ally established in One of the series of each annual collabora on with E-Can in 2007 programme is dedicated en rely to the See list of events on the calendar promo on of young musicians from all of events the key music schools that Canterbury has to offer. Over the last 8 years, the centre has organised and hosted classical chamber music as well as Jazz music and other performing arts events, all incorporated in an annual programme of over 25 art and music events a year divided into the different genres series.

This series is enabled through collabora on with the Music School of the

Relique is an exci ng range of contemporary, eco-friendly jewellery. Crea ng since 2009, Julia Banks from Greendale is the designer and cra er of Relique Jewellery, designs her pieces to be clearly unique and bold. "My designs are dis nc ve and purposely created to be atypical but s ll everyday wearable. I believe it's important to reflect your own style through your appearance. By wearing beau ful, unique jewellery to enhance your individuality, you project your edge and confidence from the inside out - reinforcing who you are."

Local man introduces new radio sta0on Local Broadcas ng school student O0s Sole, wanted to get into Radio a er doing a weekly shi on the local Rolleston sta on, RollyWood FM. Chalk was chosen by a select group of industry representa ves a er our class split into three groups and each presented a different sta on idea. They then judged and choose the sta on they thought would be the most successful sta on idea. O s comments—“As a sta on we are trying to just make the biggest impact we can and create a posi ve, respected brand. We are also trying to learn as much as we can so that when we get into the industry we can be ready to go when we leave broadcas ngschool”

Art Deco, Art Nouveau & Gothic design inspired jewellery crea ons in brass, copper & sterling silver sugges ng sumptuous and graceful age reflec ve of these eras. You can be confident you are purchasing well-made pieces using quality, sustainable materials. I also offer a 'Love it or Return it' guarantee with every purchase. When shopping online you can’t try it on and some mes things simply don't suit so its great to have that peace of mind of being able to return it. Relique Jewellery can be found online at and soon by studio appointment.

Pain0ngs on display at Terrace Restaurant, Darfield Windwhistle Ar st, Michelle Green, and the ar sts in the West Melton Art Group have come together and formed a wonderful rela onship with the Terrace Bar and Restaurant in Darfield to exhibit the finest selec on of artworks. Restaurant owners, George and Julie Ridgen are strong supporters of the local arts scene and they have encouraged the use of their space for local ar sts to display and sell their works.

are of such a high standard that they are not to be missed.” She encourages all to pop along to the restaurant and view them over a cup of coffee or a meal. Among the ar sts exhibi on this month are local ar sts, Gray Leonard, Margaret Sword, Lyn Leonard, Denise Nicholls and Michelle herself. For enquires about the artworks or to be considered for an exhibion space please contact Michelle on ph: 021 128 10019

Michelle Green is managing the curaon of the works and says “The works

Some exci ng things are happening soon at Stage Door: Holiday Programme and Speech & Drama Classes (for children and teenagers). • July 13-17 (Knights, Wizards & Damsels) OSCAR provider, WINZ subsidies available. Term 3 Speech & Drama Classes -Small groups -Tutorials that allow each actor to shine –aiming at increasing public speaking and drama c skills Raises confidence. Your child/youth will become more confident, as we hone their public speaking and drama c abili es. Students will be placed in small groups, of no more than four, and will partake in tutorials that allow each actor to shine! Classes will take place for 45 minutes per week during term me. We will end the term with a ‘sharing’ of the works that the actors have chosen to highlight their skills. • • •

Ages 5-8 : Mon- 4-4.45pm or 5pm-5.45pm Ages 9-11 :Thurs- 4-4.45pm Ages 12-14 :Thurs- 5pm-5.45pm

Pain0ng By Denise Nicholls

Pain0ng By Lyn Leonard

Pain0ng By Margaret Sword

Ages 15-17 :Fri- 4-4.45pm

*Visit our up-dated website for more informa on and pricing: *Spaces must be booked by July 6th to ensure a place. Contact Amanda Hopkins (Mandy) 027-919-9205

Saturday 13th June Old Time Barn Dance Hosted by Greendale School 7pm—12pm Tickets $25pp (from Greendale school) Phone : 03 318 8436

Art and Soul Art Extravaganza—Art Auc0on A fabulous art auc on and dinner is to be held on Friday 26 June at the Glentunnel Hall at 6.30 pm. Art works by many talented ar sts including; Mike Glover, Amelia Guild, Katrina Mitchell, Caroline Morten, Lorraine Natusch and Mehrdad Tehan and others. Tickets are limited to 50 Price: $50.00 each. Proceeds for Hororata Parish. Available from Dee Innes, 027 2278028 or

“43 New Zealand authors” in Selwyn “Wri ng is like breathing to me.” Wi Ihimaera "Every word is like a li*le seed." Courtney Sina Meredith A portrait photography exhibi on will be run in conjunc on with Selwyn Libraries in the coming months in Selwyn. It will showcase the photography of Maja Moritz. “Photography is telling stories without words. It is about expressing feelings, o en unspoken feelings. It is about the search for the essence of a moment. Flee ng, ephemeral, personal, somehow in mate without in macy, an impression of spirit,” says Maja. The exhibi on will feature the works of 43 New Zealand authors. Visit the Libraries website for more details

Hororata Village Bar & Café owners Jason and Jarnia Kupe like to support their local community and foster musical talents by featuring many local and na onal performers at their café. They aim to bring the community great talent, great food in a wonderful warm and welcoming environment. This June they have a special “Mid Winter Music Session” planned featuring two performers who were both finalists in the X-Factor New Zealand.

Featuring “Hatbeard” Stevie Tonks, and Cassie Henderson and other wonderful ar sts, the day is set to be a fabulous one. It is to be held at 12pm on Sunday 14th June with a $10 cover charge—food and beverages available to purchase. See adver sement for more details.

Kapowai Studio—Where Crea0vity takes Flight A er the earthquakes, Lincoln ar st Lucy Mhoma saw an overwhelming need to start giving back to the people. She opened her studio to the public and made it available for everyone. Lucy’s studio is open for tui on and exhibi ons of her work which includes sculpture, pain ngs, func onal and sustainable art. Her

Tui on classes for Adults and Children include: ALer School Art 5-7year olds Wed 9-12 year olds Thursday

For further enquiries please contact Lucy : E: Ph: 021 214 4534

Adult Workshops On Last Sunday of Month One on One Sessions

Calendar of Events for June. 01 June 01 June 04 June 05 June 06 June 06 June 08 June 10 June 10 June 12 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 19 June 20 June 20 June 22 June 22 June 24 June 24 June 26 June 26 June 26 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 28 June

Stock Exhibi on at Selwyn Gallery (running un l 4th June) West Melton Art Group, Group Day, RSA Templeton (New members welcome) West Melton Film Society, ‘All that Heaven allows” (New members welcome) Ar st Karen Smith and Cushla Heslop exhibi on at Selwyn Gallery, Darfield Crea ve Patches, Tutor Wendy Cox, Springston Stencil Making, Prin ng on Fabric Six Le Standing, performing at The Rock Bar & Restaurant, Rolleston West Melton Art Group, Group Day, RSA Templeton (New members welcome) Ellesmere Art Trust, Group Day, Sudley Park Rooms (New members welcome) Nemesh Pain ng Workshop, Lincoln Event Centre Decorate a box, Las ng memories, West Melton Young Blood Series concert, ChCh school of music, Nutpoint Gallery Igni on, performing at The Rock Bar & Restaurant, Rolleston Old Time Barn Dance, Greendale (see adver sement) Big Pot Weekend, Halswell Po*ers, Halswell (runs 13 & 14th June) Mid winter Music Session, Hororata Village Bar and Café, Hororata West Melton Art Group, Group Day, RSA Templeton (New members welcome) Flax Weaving Workshop, Arts Heart, West Melton (see below) Winter Wonderland Ball, Springfield Hall (see adver sement) Shed 24, performing at The Rock Bar & Restaurant, Rolleston West Melton Art Group, Group Day, RSA Templeton (New members welcome) Card Class, Las ng memories, West Melton Ellesmere Art Trust, Group Day, Sudley Park Rooms (New members welcome) Art Group of Lincoln, Group Day, Lincoln Event Centre (New members welcome) The Acous cs, performing at The Darfield Hotel, Rolleston 2 page Layout, Las ng memories, West Melton Gas Kiln Tutorial workshop, Halswell Po*ers, Halswell Syndicate performing at The Rock Bar & Restaurant, Rolleston Picking at the Remnants performing, Grouse Hotel, Lincoln To*le Tri, Classical concert series, Nutpoint Gallery Full Crop Day, Las ng memories, West Melton Pain ng Workshop, Arts Heart, West Melton (see below)

ARTS HEART WORKSHOPS Flax Weaving Workshop Tradi onal and Modern Designs ; July 19th, 10.00 am 12pm - Halke* / West Melton $15.00 pp

Bindy the huntaway pup gets pre*y sad when the big dogs get to chase sheep and she doesn’t! Photographed by Selwyn Photographer Georgia Hendrie

Karen Smith & Cushla Heslop Exhibi0on at the Selwyn Gallery 4th June—2nd July 2015

Pain0ng Techniques

Focus on Sea And Sky ; June 28th, 9.00 am to 12pm - Halke* / West Melton $30.00 pp For beginner and intermediate level ar sts—Booking essen al Rails Mackey 347 7229 OR Margaret McFedries 347 8179

Applica0ons to exhibit during 2016 now being accepted. See website to apply.

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