Sheena Lassen—Exhibiting at the Nutpoint in August Mistlewood Gallery A Mulled Wine Event Malvern Schools Exhibi on Grand Variety Performance
A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn
Selwyn Arts Newsletter Par cipa on in the Arts Guide Last Chance!!! We are pu1ng together a brochure to show off the wonderful ar!sts, art organisa!ons, venues, tutors and groups in Selwyn. This free brochure will be widely available and ge1ng listed in the brochure is free! If you would like to be a part of this brochure please contact the arts co-ordinator on :
I love inspira onal stories from people who have achieved great things by following their dreams no ma er what. Imagine what a different world it would be if there was no Walt Disney, no star wars, no Beethoven symphonies. This could have almost happened because these have all been created by people who faced rejec!ons and failure but refused to listen to the people who said, "you can't". Take Beethoven for example, Beethoven's music teacher told him he was a hopeless composer. Or Robert Toth - Robert is an American ar!st who is well known for incredible diversity in what he creates. Everything from stunning bronze sculptures to movie props to pain!ngs. He had to overcome learning disabili!es as a child. He was told to channel his energy and focus on one art format only. Instead, he followed his own heart and has become very successful in very diverse forms of art. Another great example of why you shouldn't let others limit you. Then there is Salvador Dali - Spanish surrealist painter - who was expelled from art school yet s!ll went on to become one of the most famous surrealist painters in history. Or perhaps a more recognizable ar!st—Charles Dickens - author - his most famous story, "A Christmas Carol" was almost never wri en. He was facing bankruptcy and considered qui1ng wri!ng forever. Instead, in six weeks, he wrote A Christmas Carol which was ini!ally rejected by his publisher. Instead of accep!ng that, he decided to finance the publica!on himself even though he wasn't in good financial shape. It's now known as one of those books which changed history because it changed how we celebrate Christmas. Previously, Christmas wasn't a big deal. It was more like Memorial Day as far as holidays went. In this months newsle er we see some amazing ar!sts who have their own personal stories of success and failure, so as you peruse the ar!cles at your leisure spare a thought for the challenges they may face and how you can support ar!sts to make a posi!ve impact in our community. Rachael Inch
Nestled in the township of Southbridge you will find the quaint, quirky but elegant Mistlewood Gallery. This gem of the district is run by Blanche Fryer and David Lloyd. From the moment you step through the gates you feel yourself being transported to a different world. Blanche and Lloyd have created an amazing ambience on their property with both of their studios backing onto the purpose built gallery. What makes it even more special is their home Renovated from a decommissioned church into a beau!ful venue where they regularly
host up to 60 people at a !me for their house amazing concerts. It is hard not to get lost in !me when you visit this magical place—with every corner having a stunning touch of ar!stry on it. Blanche and Lloyds vision for the space is to make it an intriguing part of the Selwyn Arts scene and I believe that they have nailed it. Blanche believes in encouraging the arts and feels that our community is rich with diverse talent. This is clearly evident in the extensive connec!ons and things she is involved with. Blanche volunteers for the Down By The Liffey Gallery as well as working on her exhibi!ons and managing her
works with the various galleries she's affiliated with. Blanche is also a valued member of the Ellesmere po ery group. She sees her home concerts as an important part of the community, bringing ar!sts out to Southbridge for the locals and to encourage locals to par!cipate in the arts. Her next concert—to be held in September will feature Helen Webby (Harp player with the CSO) and Davy Stuart( Classical Cel!c Guitar player and maker). The Mistlewood Gallery is open by appointment and if you wish to go on the mailing list for concerts and exhibi!on invita!ons contact Blanche on :
Down By The Liffey Gallery is cura!ng a fabulous exhibi!on !tled “entanglement” that tells a story about the way four popular ar!sts see the world.
“Profound moments shape our lives as we age; these are stories each one of us carries unseen, connec!ons made and broken, building a web which forms who we are and how we understand the world.”
Down By The Liffey Gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm
The Exhibi!on features ar!sts : David Lloyd Blanche Fryer Demarnia Lloyd-Harris Stuart Lloyd-Harris The Exhibi!on runs from : 5 August to 30 August
Nationally acclaimed musicians to perform in Selwyn On Wednesday 12th August, musicians Stevie Tonks , Loren Sila and guitarist Daniel Hitchens will perform in a concert at the Hororata Hall at 7.30pm. “A Mulled Wine Event” is set to be a night of acous!c brilliance for the community that has been made possible through the collabora!on between The Hororata Village Bar and Café and The Selwyn Arts Trust. Café owners Jason and Jarnia Kupe both regularly support their community and they feel that it is important to foster upcoming talent as well as bringing high calibre musicians to Selwyn. “We want to see as many opportuni!es happening for Hororata as we can. Its exci!ng for Selwyn to host so many great musicians and it makes us feel really good to be a part of giving the community a chance to see ar!sts perform who are at this level na!onally” says Jason Ar!st Stevie Tonks is a na!onally recognised singer/ songwriter from Christchurch who recently came 4th in NZ X Factor. Anyone that has seen Stevie perform on the show will know that his passion and talent is unmatched. Equally talented Loren Sila is already showing the world what she’s got. Just 22 years old, Loren is currently travelling the globe performing as an ar!st/dancer alongside the crea!ve collabora!on group known as ‘SWARM’. This relentless lover of the arts has performed in world class Fes!vals around Asia and America, in Arena’s alongside Savage, Scribe, Lady 6 and has opened for stars such as Aaradnah and Ciara. Having a passion for entertainment through singing and dance, she brings a performance that’s flavourful and charisma!c. This is one “up and coming” ar!st that will take her audience on a memorable journey; She is an ar!st you don’t want to miss. Also performing alongside Loren and Stevie will be guitarist Daniel Hitchens, so the night is sure to be an enjoyable one. The cost of the event is $25pp and !ckets can be purchased from the Hororata Café in person. Doors open at 6.30pm and refreshments will be available to purchase on the night. For enquiries please contact the Café 03 318 7059.
Sheena Lassen—Solo Exhibi on Landscapes in Oils Sunday 2nd August—Wed 30th Sept $2 Entry
D’Accord—Jazz Series Concert Saturday 15th August 7.30pm Amy Bowie, Tom Harris, Mike Kime $25pp includes light refreshments
Crea!ve Patches is a group based in Selwyn that organises craR and art workshops over the winter months. No experience is necessary; it is a chance to learn new skills or try something you may not have done before. The latest class was held at the Ellesmere Po ery Club in Leeston on 11 July. The class learnt to make “patchwork bowls” over the half day class. The
bowls will be glazed and fired again before the process is complete.” “I didn’t know what to expect having never done this before, but I had such a good me and am really pleased with my work! I’m keen to know more” Mel Renganathan workshop par!cipant.
Create your own Bespoke Wreath Kirsty Cashmore is an interior designer and home ‘stager’. For those of you who haven’t heard of Kirsty, she has the most amazing house in Akaroa, Villa Vangioni, which she runs as a B&B and holds fabulous girlie luncheons over the dreary winter period. Kirsty is also the owner of the well known Tully House Linen company. Fortunately for Selwyn residents there will be a workshop held locally at the Longueville Gallery, Tai Tapu in August. Limited spaces are available so be in quick! phone : 03 329 6766
For more informa!on on Crea!ve patches contact Robyn PatcheH : 03 329 5725
The Lincoln Community Trust together with the Selwyn Arts Trust is to hold a special celebra!on of music and presenta!on of giRs to the community of Lincoln by way of a special concert !tled: “Grand Variety Performance” This is an event that will showcase the Grand Piano for Lincoln as well as the many talents of our district. Its also a chance for the community to view the new updated Nicholas Hall as a performing space. Pianist Beth Keoghan will play as well as performances from The Lincoln University Choir, Calen Thomas, Duncan Sole, Ethan Bryant, and a performance by some fantas!c Brass players. The event is free of charge. Limited !ckets are available by contac!ng Rachael Inch on
Selwyn Gallery 31 July – 3 September 2015
Following this we have three weeks of Preschool Artwork, all of which interpret the theme of Spring. Annabel’s Educare Preschool is first from 13 -20 August, followed by Darfield Preschool and Nursery, from 21 - 27 August. Finally, we have Darfield Playcentre from 28 August - 3 September.
We have an exci!ng event for all members of the family during August at Selwyn Gallery: four Exhibi!ons showing the breadth of talent from Darfield’s younger members of the community.
‘This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to display their work in a ‘real’ Gallery, so please do come along and show your support’ says Ingrid Cole, Arts Coordinator.
For the first two weeks, 31 July – 13 August, Selwyn Gallery provides an opportunity for Senior Students at Darfield High School to display their Artwork in a public se1ng. This exhibi!on includes preparatory work for NCEA external assessment. Students are working to a self selected theme and as such, the work promises to be both diverse and engaging.
The Gallery will be open daily (except Mondays) from 10am to 4pm for the dura!on of this exhibi!on. An exhibi!on programme will be available on the gallery's website or from the gallery and you can check us out on Facebook (Selwyn Gallery).
Darfield High School Senior Student Art Loving the Spring! – Artwork from Annabel’s Educare Preschool, Darfield Preschool & Nursery and Darfield Playcentre.
Calendar of Events for July. 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 5 Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 10 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 22 Aug 24 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug
Sheena Lassen—Solo Exhibi!on at the Nutpoint Centre Darfield High School Students Exhibi!on at Selwyn Gallery Picking at the Remnants at the Becks Southern Ale House Chch Nightwatch, Live band at The Rock, Rolleston Themed Pot in, Halswell Po ery, 9 Candys Road, Halswell Elvis Revival, Issac Newton Theatre, Christchurch Entanglement at the Down By the Liffey Gallery, Lincoln Kaddish for a friend—Showing at the West Melton Film Society Grease, Kirwee Players, runs !ll 15th Aug, Kirwee Hall Picking at the Remnants The Craic, Christchurch Create your own Bespoke wreath, Longueville Gallery, Tai Tapu A Mulled Wine Event Concert, Hororata Hall Annabel’s Educare exhibi!ng un!l 20th at the Selwyn Gallery, Darfield Puree Live band at The Terrace Wine Bar, Darfield Six LeR Standing Live band at The Rock, Rolleston Weekend Paper Saggar Workshop, Halswell Po ery, Halswell D’Accord, Jazz Concert at the Nutpoint Centre Art Display from Darfield Preschool at the Selwyn Gallery, Darfield Igni!on Live band at the Rock, Rolleston Grand Variety Performance, Lincoln Events Centre, Lincoln Halswell po ery sale stall at Barrington Mall, Christchurch All Day Crop, St Saviour's Hall, 50 Kirk Road, Templeton Card Class, 562 Sandy Knolls Road, West Melton Darfield Playcentre exhibi!on at the Selwyn Gallery, Darfield Create your own Bespoke Wreath, Longueville Gallery, Tai Tapu
The Selwyn Arts Trust AGM was held at the Lincoln Events Centre on Tuesday 7th August. The new trustees appointed were as follows : Michael McEvedy Jo Lim Wendy Rockhouse Liz Brown Cr Peter Hill Rachael Inch Barbara Nicholas Beth Keoghan Duncan Sole Judith Wenborn Margaret McFrederies MaHhew Olykan Nicola Ogden Penny Carnaby Raelene Mackey Seaton Read
Chairperson Deputy Chair Treasurer Maori Rep Council Rep Co ordinator
For further information regarding these events please visit the above websites or Contact the Arts Co-ordinator—Rachael Inch
Applica!ons are now open for funding from the Selwyn Crea!ve Communi!es Scheme. Georgia Hendrie
Rakaia Gorge g.hendriephotography
This funding round closes on Friday 28th August 2015 Projects must start aRer 17th September 2015
Commissions Accepted 027 848 7538
Contact Stuart Westoby email:
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