Newsletter 8

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Manaia Davies—Star in the making Miho Wada—Arts on Tour Jon Sanders Exhibi ons and Concerts

A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn

Selwyn Arts Newsletter Creative NZ Funding Applications are now being accepted for the next round of Creative New Zealand funding. This funding round closes on 29th November and forms can be downloaded from : funding/crea ve-communi esscheme

To be eligible for the Crea ve Communi es Scheme, your project must:

• • • • •

take place within the city or district where the applica on is made be completed within 12 months of funding being approved benefit local communi es not have started or finished before CCS funding is approved not have already been funded through Crea ve New Zealand’s other arts funding programmes

Kia Ora Our district is full of amazing talent and I am seeing more and more “come out of the woodwork” as I progress in this role. I was par cularly impressed with the talented young crea ve, Manaia Davies, who I recently come across living in Glentunnel. So this month I have wri#en an ar cle on this special 10 year old who is an interna onal star on the rise who I am sure you will enjoy. (see page 2) While I was thinking about her talent and achievements, I thought about how proud her parents must be and how much energy me and commitment it takes for parents to help their kids achieve their dreams. New Zealand can be likened to a big family. We all can relate to a sense of na onal pride as a country and iden ty that unites us. The Rugby World Cup is a great example of this—as a na on we get in behind the All Blacks to support our team in their journey. Many of us brave the early morning bleary eyed starts to watch the boys play their games. Going back to young talent, there are also older mentors willing to foster them on their journey to success. I believe that we can strengthen our community further if we all take an interest in the young people and their dreams, involving and fostering them in the arts. It is important that we encourage and inspire them to excel and give them opportuni es to be involved in the arts. Rachael Inch - Arts Coordinator

10 Years Old, Local and a International STAR in the Making

10 year old Selwyn resident Manaia Davies is a star in the making, She is just a normal 10 year old who has made many sacrifices to pursue her passion for dance and singing drama. It is through this dedica on and hard work to her passion that she is quickly making an inspira onal impact on the stage and in the community. She entered the Australian compe on, “I Wanna Be Famous”, held at Hard Rock Café Sydney. From over 1600 other applicants Manaia was selected for the top 40 into the final performance. From there she wowed the judges achieving top 8 and as a result of her efforts was awarded the rising star award for singing and dancing. Her lists of achievements are impressive for this past year alone: •

1st place in the Greymouth 2015 Hip Hop 12 and under category

1st place in Showcase 2014 Hip Hop 10 and Under Category

1st place in Showcase 2015 Hip Hop 10 and Under Category

1st place in the Greymouth 10 and under song and dance category

1st place in the Shakedown 2014 Hip Hop under 13 category

Trinity College of London Speech and Drama exam 2015 grade 3, achieved 94%

Trinity College of London Speech and Drama exam 2014 grade 1, achieved 93%

2013 Aerobics Australia champion level 6 sub-junior

Equally impressive are the workshops she has done with interna onal backup dancers and crews: Les Twins backup dancers for Beyonce Laurieanne Gibson (Lady Gaga) Marko Panzic, Ma3 Lee (Australian “So You Think You Can Dance”) Tre Holloway, Hef Tuita (Chris Brown)

Manaia with the Les Twins

Shaker (“Holland’s So You Think You Can Dance”) Manaia’s passion doesn't stop at her own career goals, her passion is to share and teach her peers too. On Thursday Manaia teaches a group of children Hip Hop in Springfield with Danzfit Studio for a gold coin dona on. Next year Manaia will hold dance workshops for kids in our local area so they can be inspired to dance. She intends on bringing out other tutors from Christchurch so kids get the opportunity to be exposed to Hip Hop dance at a high level. Manaia will be performing at Darfield Christmas in the Park on her own and in Christchurch with her dance crew REALITY. If you want to see an example of her work check out Arts In Selwyn on facebook to watch a video. Of her performing her own choreographed rou ne.

Local Musicians Perform at Isaac Theatre Royal

Thurs November 5, 2015 - 7:30 PM MEL PARSONS and Julia Deans Isaac Theatre Royal 2015 Silver Scroll finalist and Fly My PreIes star Mel Parsons will embark on a 5 date tour of some of New Zealand’s most beau ful and iconic theatres, including the newly refurbished Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchurch and historical Crystal Palace in Auckland this October. Accompanied by a full band, Parsons will be performing songs from her newly released and cri cally acclaimed third album ‘Drylands’. Parsons will be joined by Kiwi music legend Julia Deans performing a rare solo set to open the show. Deans has cap vated audiences throughout her career from fron ng Fur Patrol, to co-conspirator with renowned supergroup The Adults, to sultry chanteuse in Silo Theatre’s Brel. An engaging performer, with a sharp wit and natural emo ve voice, Parsons is a two- me NZ Music Award (VNZMA) finalist for Folk Album of the Year, and a current finalist for the coveted APRA Silver Scroll award.

Selwyn District Open Mic Night

November 20th at Lincoln Event Centre Come along and have a jam Join fellow musicians. Be entertained Email: for more details

Term 4 runs from the week beginning October 12th un l the week beginning December 7th. Individual singing lessons begin this week on Tuesday 13th of October and Wednesday 14th October and will finish on Tuesday December 8th and Wednesday December 9th. The Adult Singing Group will begin on Tuesday 20th October and finish on Tuesday December 8th, running each Tuesday from 7.30pm un l 9pm (except the first Tuesday which will run from 8pm un l 9pm). For more details, contact Belinda Cullen Reid Email INDIVIDUAL LESSONS AVAILABLE

Malvern Patchwork Group Selwyn Gallery 30 October – 5 Nov 2015 The Malvern Patchwork Group are a group of quilters who meet every third Saturday at the Sheffield Community Hall. Mee ng fellow quilters on a regular basis provides a great forum for sharing ideas, friendship and the sa sfac on of comple ng projects. Some mes members of a patchwork group decide to use the same pa#ern for a quilt but using different colours; that way every quilt made is different. The fabric used is the quilter’s Interpreta on of how she or he perceives the end result to be. Painters tools are brushes and canvas; quilters’ tools are sewing machine, needle and thread. Star ng with an idea, quilters draw inspira on from the fabric. The design process, where colour and pa#ern are brought together, can present challenges. Many quilters describe making a quilt as a “journey”, some mes not knowing exactly what the end result will be. Once the project is complete the quilt is sandwiched together by tacking the top with baIng and a backing. From there, the quilt either goes to a professional quilter or the quilter does her own quil ng either by hand or machine. The group has recently made two quilts, with the proceeds going to the St Johns Ambulance towards their new building in Darfield.

Arts on Tour 2015 - Darfield

Miho’s Jazz Orchestra – Happy groovy music tour 29 Oct – 29 Nov 2015 Discover happy groovy music from flute player Miho Wada and her pint sized jazz orchestra. Miho’s original style of ‘AfroCuban flute meets J-Pop’* effortlessly fuses music from varied genres played on different instruments – an eccentric electric violin, roman c acous c guitar, sunny La n bass and sophis cated jazz drums….. Darfield will be hos ng this fabulous group at the Trinity Church, McLaughlin’s Rd on Saturday 28 November 7.30pm. Described as one of the most engaging jazz acts in New Zealand, this li#le orchestra strives to upliS audiences through a mixture of posi ve energy and feel-good music. The style of music is fresh innova ve and upliSing a mixture between Afro-Cuban Jazz and J Pop. J-pop, is an abbrevia on for ‘Japanese pop’, it is a musical genre that has its roots in tradi onal Japanese music and influenced significantly by 1960s pop and rock, such as the Beatles and the Beach Boys, then further defined by new wave groups in the late 1970s. The term was coined by the Japanese media to dis nguish Japanese music from foreign music, and now refers to most Japanese popular music. Miho Wada lead for the orchestra, was raised in the town of Miyazaki and then Christchurch. On comple ng her BA in flute performance at Canterbury University, she moved to London for further study at the Trinity College of Music. Miho worked for a short me with the Na onal Orchestra of Malta, but decided to challenge her crea vity and returned to London, where she performed with Cuban musicians and discovered her love of Afro-Cuban music. Miho has studied and performed in Cuba and New Orleans and played alongside Nigel Kennedy, Iggy Pop, Ska Cubano and members of the Buena Vista Social Club.

Following her WOMAD performance in 2009, Miho returned to New Zealand and began composing and playing her own original music. In 2010 she formed her Auckland based band, Miho’s Jazz Orchestra (MJO), and has since performed throughout Australasia and Japan. Her EP Memphis Dreamin was recorded at the legendary Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee, and 2014 saw the release of MJO’s third full length instrumental album, Mystery Banana ‘Fresh, innova ve and a unique sound that you simply will not hear anywhere else…Wada is the real deal when it comes to a world class flau st.’ - CriCcal Jazz, USA ‘With her mix of kooky, cute and tough-girl style, this Japanese born, Auckland based musician is a live music marvel’ – New Zealand Herald The event will be held on Saturday 28 November 7.30pm Darfield at theTrinity Church, McLaughlin’s Rd Adults $15, Students $5 To book, and ckets please visit : Selwyn Art Gallery, Darfield . Door sales available.

Arts Integrated, Performing Arts - Open Workshop—Christchurch Arts Integrated was established in 2014, with a focus on offering recent school leavers & young adults, the opportunity to pursue training in Performing Arts. Our inclusive program blends dance and drama, allowing students to gain confidence through self-expression, using their mind, body, voice and soul. They are holding an open workshop on Saturday 28th November for any new students who are keen to extend their ar s c talents and join the course in 2016. Meet tutors from Arts Integrated and come along and join in with this fun filled session in Dance and Drama. Arts Integrated are currently looking for “Expressions of Interest” for our Performing Arts Courses in 2016. For more info, please contact: Mandie Ashwell 027 542 5352 You can also check out the facebook page:

Comedic Trilogy of One Act Plays in Selwyn Serendipity players will present Selwyn with N.J. Warburton's comedic 'A Trilogy of One Act Plays', which follows the journey of an amateur theatre company as they prepare for their latest produc on. The produc on will take place in Kirwee in the first week of November. A Trilogy of One Act Plays ... by N. J. Warburton 5th, 6th and 7th November 2015 7.30pm, Kirwee Community Hall Tickets $20 available from : The Malvern News, Darfield or email

Local Artist Exhibits At The Little River Gallery INHABIT David Lloyd & Joanna Fieldes 31st October—25th November Li3le River Gallery Third Dimension copper creatures shaped by their quirky & quizzical world. On canvas, a tense tableaux. Surreal scenes of mee ngs, gree ngs and confronta ons between the indigenous and exo c. Immerse yourself in this anthropomorphic world from the past and emerge present.

Halswell Pottery Group The Halswell Po#ery Group have a busy month ahead with plenty of opportuni es for members. Monday 16th—Friday 20th November Sales Stalls at Barrington Mall Sunday 29th November, 10am—4pm Te Hapua opening, Family Day To become a member or for more informa on please email :

Mistlewood Gallery Mistlewood has another concert planned! Jon Sanders from Ireland is going to be touring NZ in November. A great musician , playing an eclec c mix of Cel c, jazz, and world music. Jon has strong connec ons with NZ and lives part me here and part me in Dingle ,Ireland. When ever he is down our way Blanche and Dave always a#end his concerts,. He will have percussionist Darryn Sigley from Wellington accompanying him. Sunday 22nd November, 7.30pm, $20. 12 O'Connell St, Southbridge.

Bookings essen al, either email or PH 3242884

SUMMERTIME Events In Selwyn

World Buskers FesCval—Selwyn Wednesday 20th January, Lincoln

Music on The Green Free Summer me Concerts in Selwyn—4 Loca ons Leeston:

28th Jan 2016

Lincoln :

19th Feb 2016


4th March 2016


18th March 2016

More details to follow!

Opportunity To Submit To Create a Public Art piece Project: Aranui Public Artwork

Site: Aranui Community Centre

Client: Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council wishes to commission an artwork that will be sited at (in, on or adjacent to) the new community facility on Wainoni Park, Hampshire Street. The artwork should respond to community aspira ons that broadly invite contempla on of the past, understanding of the current community and welcomes opportuni es in the future for this passionate community: past, present, future. The community is par cularly keen on hearing from ar sts with a demonstrable rela onship or connec on to Aranui. Submissions close Nov 5th. For more informa on contact :

What’s on at the Nut Point Centre Saturday 7 November Burnside High School— 2015Gala day Specialist Music Programme Series of 5 concerts: Brass Concert 11am Wood Wind Concert Strings Concert 3pm Piano Concert Voice Concert 7pm $5 pp including coffee

1pm 5pm

Saturday 28 Nov’ 7.30 p.m Doug Caldwell Jazz Piano Night Concert & light supper $25 p.p.

Selwyn Gallery ExhibiCon November—4th December Judy Rogers and Peter Gregory

Exhibition at Down by the Liffey Gallery Claire Wra3an, Pippa Alexy and Ruth Willis 'Using mixed media, digital photography and clay; Claire, Pippa and Ruth present this exhibi on for your enjoyment. OSen fun, these intriguing takes on the familiar will be sure to surprise and entertain.' This exhibi on runs from 11th November to 6th December at the Down By The Liffey Gallery

Calendar of Events for November. 01 Nov 01 Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 06 Nov 06 Nov 07 Nov 07 Nov 07 Nov 07 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 14 Nov 16 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 28 Nov 28 Nov 28 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 29 Nov

Malvern Patchworkers — runs ll 5th Nov Inhabit—David Lloyd & Joanne Fieldes exhibi on Mel Parsons Ft Julia Deans No.1 :Trilogy of one act plays—Serendipity Players No.2 :Trilogy of one act plays—Serendipity Players Judy Rogers & Peter Gregory Exhibi on No.3 :Trilogy of one act plays—Serendipity Players Burnside High 2015 Gala Day concerts Hororata Highland Games Rookie Mistake—Live Music Igni on—Live Music Clair Wra#an, Pippa Alexy & Ruth Willis Exhibi on An x —Live Music Halswell Po#ers Group Sales Stall Open Mic Night Generator —Live Music Chch Symphony Orchestra ENCHANTMENT John Sanders performs Igni on —Live Music Picking at The Remnants —Live Music Miho Wada—Arts On tour Doug Caldwell Crea ve Communi es Funding round Closes Te Hapua Opening, Family Day

Selwyn Gallery Li3le River Gallery Issac Theatre Royal Kirwee Hall Kirwee Hall Selwyn Gallery Kirwee Hall Nut Point Centre Hororata The Rock, Rolleston The Rock, Rolleston Down By the Liffey Gallery The Rock, Rolleston Barrington Mall Lincoln Event Centre The Rock, Rolleston Air Force Museum, Wigram Mistlewood Gallery The Rock, Rolleston Becks Southern Ale House Trinity Church, Darfield Nut Point Centre CreaCve CommuniCes Halswell Library

The World Buskers FesCval 2016 is coming to Selwyn!!

The fesCval is expanding by puQng on a roadshow and Selwyn District will be a desCnaCon! This is your opportunity to be involved as part of the buskers day. We are now accepCng submissions from Selwyn performers/Musicians to perform.

If you would like to be considered for this amazing opportunity, simply upload a video of your performance on our Facebook Page: www.facebook.comArtsinselwyn

For further information regarding these events please visit the above websites or

“Everyone’s Favorites” Sara –Jane Victoria Ludemann Victoria Ludemann

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