Newsletter issue 4

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Par cipa on in the arts guide Ignite Performing Arts School Holidays—Kidsfest Concerts & Exhibi ons

A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn

Painting By Anne Dillion

Selwyn Arts Newsletter Par cipa on in the Arts Guide

Recently I came across a piece of wri ng that likened our lives to being an ar st. As I read it, I found myself visualizing how my life was shaped on We are pu/ng together a guide to show off the wonderful ar sts, art organisa ons, venues, tutors, classes and groups in Selwyn.

my canvas and my mind wandered into thoughts of a giant gallery of everyone's canvases and how fascina ng it would be to see that. Thinking about your life, your journey—your life as you know it can easily be likened to a blank canvas. Each day you paint more of a story on that canvas

This free guide will be widely available and ge/ng listed in the guide is free!

called me, You hold in your hand the paint brush, the paints are your

If you would like to be a part of this guide please contact Rachael Inch on : deadline for this informa on: 20th July 2015

You select the colours of your thoughts: drab or bright, weak or strong, good or

thoughts, emo ons and acts.

bad. The colours of your emo ons; discordant or harmonious, harsh or quiet, weak or strong. You select the colours of your acts: cold or warm, fearful or daring, small or big. You visualize yourself as the person you want to be.

Pres gious Award for Ar st

You strive to make the ideal in your mind become a reality on your canvas. Each moment of your life is a brush stroke on the pain ng of your growing career. There are the bold, sweeping strokes of one increasing, dynamic purpose. There are the lights and shadows that make your life deep and strong. There are the li(le touches that add the stamp of character and worth. The people of Selwyn have a magnificent gallery of life full of tales and colours, many canvases full of diversity, resilience and strength. People each have great stories of our district, ones to be proud of and as you read this month’s

A huge congratula ons to Averil Cave, Selwyn ar st—who won the selector’s choice award at the Canterbury Fired Up exhibi on recently.

newsle(er you too will see the wonderful artwork our district shows the world. Rachael Inch Arts Coordinator

On 10 June the Lincoln Event Centre was buzzing with excitement and the atmosphere was electric with crea ve energy as world renowned ar st, Vjekoslav Nemesh taught a full workshop his unique pain ng techniques.

ar sts, all producing two amazing artworks at the end of the day. Another special highlight was seeing the collabora on of members from two separate art groups in the district, Members from the West Melton Art Group and the Art Group of Lincoln created together for the first me.

The workshop was an outstanding success with unanimous posi ve feedback from those who a(ended.

For more photos of the day visit our Facebook Page :

The workshop was made up with a mixture of beginner and established

Hororata Village Bar & Café owners Jason and Jarnia Kupe put on a very successful a/ernoon on Sunday 14 June with Cassie Henderson, Stevie Tonks, Lino Luafutu, Holly Kimber and Manaia Davies performing . There was a massive turnout with the venue full of many local people enjoying the day’s line up. Lino Luafatu got the crowd in the mood with some smooth sounding classics. Then 10 Year old Manaia got up and rocked the crowd for a small set. Next up was Cassie Henderson whose voice cap vated the audience and got them clapping along to “There's something in the water” The main a?rac on , Stevie Tonks ,was up next and inspired the audience with his pure passion and then to end the wonderful day, new ar st Holly Kimber finished the session off perfectly as she performed some fabulous Mel Parsons songs. “You guys were awesome!! Thank you so much for entertaining our crew and providing the best entertainment people could ask for!” said Jarnia Kupe. The Selwyn Youth Council has grants available for young people of the Selwyn District. Applicants must live in the Selwyn District, be aged between 12 and 24 years, and can request up to $300 as a helping hand to par cipate in a sports event, purchase materials for voca onal or educa onal purposes, arts, recrea on or personal development. To apply simply write to: The Selwyn Youth Council Helping Hand c/o Selwyn District Council Youth Advisor PO Box 90 Rolleston 7543 E-mail: chris.mar

Ignite Performing Arts is a local dance school, based in Prebbleton. Its primary focus is on providing quality dance tui on to kids of all ages, star ng from 3.5 years with their popular Baby Ballet classes right up to the Senior Dance class for teens. The Ballet classes are the most tradi onal of dance forms, while the Jazz classes are fun, energe c and to up to date music. The Jazz classes include Hip Hop and Contemporary, as well as other styles like Rock-n-roll depending on what each class what to learn.

request. At the end of the year the school then produces a final end of year show, which is the highlight of the year for all people involved and provides the important performance opportuni es all dancers need. The special thing about the performance group there is that it is a dedicated group of children who want to push themselves to perform more and do so at local events and at addi onal small performances on

Ignite prides itself on having a caring, family atmosphere, while s ll providing s mula ng and energe c classes in ballet, jazz, hip hop and contemporary. In addi on to children's classes, they also offer lessons to couples wan ng to learn a dance for their wedding day. The package includes choreography of the dance to your

2 Exhibi ons at Down By The Liffey Gallery in July Art from Hohepa 24 June to 5 July Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm Hohepa Canterbury provides opportuni es and support for adults with intellectual disabili es. We are very pleased to show their amazing artwork in this inspiring exhibi on. Don't miss it.

Abstract Rela ons Ruth Killoran and Anne Dillon 8 July to 2 August Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm A collec on of form and images, crea ng a juxtaposi on of the familiar and unfamiliar in a quintessen al world of fantasy and emo on.

WIN A FREE PIZZA with Selwyn Libraries Selwyn Libraries is excited to be suppor ng the LIANZA Hell Pizza Reading Challenge this year. Read 7 books and you will get FREE 333 "Hellthy" Pizza!! This challenge is open to all school age library customers and will be run between Monday, 22 June to Saturday, 1 August 2015. Visit your library branch (includes the Mobile) to collect your pizza wheel, then simply read 7 books. AVer each book come in and see our friendly library staff who will stamp your wheel. Completed wheels can be redeemed at any Hell's Pizza branch un l 4 December 2015. One pizza per person may be redeemed at any me. One wheel per person at a me, but you can complete more than one wheel if you read more books!

Rolleston Library: 94 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston Lincoln Library and Service Centre: 22 Gerald Street, Lincoln Leeston Library and Service Centre: 19 Messines Street, Leeston Darfield Library and Service Centre: 1 South Terrace, Darfield

h(ps:// h(ps://

Some exci ng things are happening soon at Stage Door: Holiday Programme and Speech & Drama Classes (for children and teenagers). •

July 13-17 (Knights, Wizards & Damsels) OSCAR provider, WINZ subsidies available.

will partake in tutorials that allow each actor to shine! Classes will take place for 45 minutes per week during term me. The term ends with a ‘sharing’ of the works that the actors have chosen to highlight their skills. •

Term 3 Speech & Drama Classes -Small groups -Tutorials that allow each actor to shine –aiming at increasing public speaking and drama c skills -Raises confidence. Your child/youth will become more confident, as we hone their public speaking and drama c abili es. Students will be placed in small groups, of no more than four, and

• • •

Ages 5-8 : Mon- 4-4.45pm or 5pm -5.45pm Ages 9-11 :Thurs- 4-4.45pm Ages 12-14 :Thurs- 5pm-5.45pm Ages 15-17 :Fri- 4-4.45pm

*Visit our up-dated website for more informa on and pricing: *Spaces must be booked by July 6th to ensure a place.

Contact Amanda Hopkins (Mandy) 027-919-9205

These school holidays there are plenty of exci ng opportuni es for your children to par cipate in the arts in Leeston. The Ellesmere Art Trust will be running an art days programme in Leeston on Tuesday 7th July and Tuesday 14th July 10am to 3 pm. Children can explore different art mediums and methods in pencil, acrylic paints, watercolour paints and mixed media with Jill and Averil

from Ellesmere Art Trust.

The class is limited to 20, so book your space now by phoning

All materials are supplied and it only costs $5 per day!

Jill Lemon :

The class is for children from ages 9 – 12 years old and will be held at the RSA Rooms, High Street, Leeston

03 3243922

Averil Southward : 03 3242118 Fun art days able to be run with support from Crea ve Communies funding.

Bring along your own lunch.

Vessels of Knowledge: Studio Ceramics from the University of Canterbury Art Collec on Curated by Lydia Baxendell and Jamie Hanton Selwyn Gallery 3 – 30 July 2015

There is a wonderful treat for all who visit Selwyn Gallery during July: prized ceramic works from the Art Collec on of the University of Canterbury.

ar sts in this exhibi on. These objects weave a narra ve of oceans crossed and influences and techniques passed on and adapted to local contexts. Vessels of Knowledge is a rare opportunity to see some of the treasures of the University’s Art Collec on, which, due to a

number of prac cal reasons including the public nature of display spaces and an -earthquake measures,

Exhibi ng a range of studio ceramics from the Christchurch College of Educa on (CCE) sub-collec on, “Vessels of Knowledge” reflects this philosophy and takes both the pedagogical tradi on within the College and a broader global lineage of po(ery as its subject.

are not oVen exhibited.

Much of the CCE collec on was purchased in the 1970s and 1980s and illustrates the rise of art teaching in the na onal school curriculum – a me when ceramics were extremely popular and teachers could specialise in art educa on in their third year. The Art Department staff numbered between eight to ten and a large number were prac cing ar sts.

University of Canterbury

The works in the exhibi on come from highly-regarded New Zealand po(ers including Len Castle, Doreen Blumhardt, Mirek Smisek, as well as the England-based prac oner Michael Cardew and the renowned Japanese po(er Shoji Hamada. Both interna onal po(ers visited New Zealand at separate mes and worked closely with a number of the

Lydia Baxendell & Jamie Hanton, Curators, Art Collec ons

Te Whare Wananga o Waitaha 03 364 2987 ext. 8669

The Gallery will be open daily (except Mondays) from 10am to 4pm for dura on of this exhibi on. An exhibi on programme will be available on the gallery's website or from the gallery and you can check the gallery out on Facebook (Selwyn Gallery). For further informa on or addi onal photographs, please contact Ingrid Cole,

Sunday 5 July 2 p.m. Tony Ferner’s Student Night A variety of music performed by top instrumental students Concert and AVernoon tea $15 pp Saturday 25 July 7.30 p.m. Concert No 8 Classical Series CANTALINA Cathy Irons -Violin Elizabeth Emeleus-Soprano Barry Brinson -Piano Songs & Instrumental from various periods Concert and Light Supper $25 pp Book Online At :

Kirwee Players is proud to present Grease. Come and join us back in the 50's at Rydell High for some rock 'n' roll with your favourite Grease characters - it will be a blast from the past! Book, Music and Lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey


Director - Phil Dean, Musical Director - Darren Weber, Choreographer - Anna Randall When: Fri 7 Aug


Sat 8 Aug


Sun 9 Aug


Wed 12 Aug


Thu 13 Aug


Fri 14 Aug


Sat 15 Aug



Kirwee Community Hall, High Street, Kirwee

Ticket Informa on: Adult: $25.00 Senior 65+: $22.50 Student/Child: $12.50 Gala Opening Night: $40.00 Finale Closing Night: $40.00 h?p:// kirwee

Here is a summary of The Art Events that will be held In Selwyn over the school holidays as part of the popular Kidsfest programme. Please refer to the website for more details on these or other events:

6 July 6 July 6 July 7 July 7 July 7 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 12 July 9 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 12 July 14 July 14 July 14 July 15 July 15 July 15 July 15 July 15 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July

Biscuit Decora ng & Fairy Light Cookies (9-13yrs) + (5-8yrs) Kahuna Kidsongs Ages: 4 -10 Funfest Playfest - Ages: 0 -13 Kahuna Kidsongs 4 -10 Funfest Playfest - Ages: 0 -13 Sock Monkey - Ages: 0 -13 Chocolate Making (5-7yrs) Twisted Tradi onal Tales and Nursery Rhymes! Ages: 3 -10 Make an Embroidery Loop with a Rainbow Ages: 8 -13 Flying High Kite Making - Ages: 7 -12 Chocolate Making (8-13yrs) Print a T-shirt - Ages: 6 to-13 Stamp for Fun - Make Your Own Stamp Ages: 5 to-13 Bedroom Bun ng -Ages: 8 to-13 Discomania - Ages: 2 to-12 Moviemania Ages: 0 to-13 Selwyn Kids Market - Ages: 5 to-13 Stamp for Fun - Make Your Own Stamp - Ages: 5 to-13 The Living World of Water Ages: 3-12 Princess Nails (5-8yrs) Ages: 5 to-8 Princess Nails (9-13yrs) Ages: 9 to-13 Stamp for Fun -Free-standing Flip Album Ages: 10 to-13 Funfest Playfest Ages: 0 to-13 Bo(le Top Necklaces -Ages: 0 to-13 Make a Loop into a Rainbow - Ages: 6 to-13 Kahuna Kidsongs Digi-Gigs: Ages: 4 to-10 Print a T-shirt - Ages: 6 to-13 Design a Mug - Ages: 5 to-13 Candle Making (5-7yrs) Candle Making (8-13yrs) Play like a DJ - Ages: 8 to-13 Funfest Playfest Ages: 0 to-13 Design a Mug - Ages: 0 to-13 Learn How to Knit - Ages: 6 to-13 Discomania - Ages: 2 to-12 Princess Nails (9-13yrs) Princess Nails (5-8yrs) 'Simply Magic' with Elgregoe Ages: 3 to-13 Moviemania - Ages: 0 to-13

Calendar of Events for July. 1 July 1 July 2 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 10 July 11 July 11 July 11 July 13 July 17 July 18 July 20 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 27 July

43 Authors exhibi on at Leeston Library (runs un l 9th July) Art from Hohepa, at Down by the Liffey Gallery, Lincoln ( ll 5th July) West Melton Film Society Screening of Fantail, New members welcome “Bluetrain” Performing at the Rock Restaurant and Bar, Rolleston Tony Ferners Student night concert at the Nutpoint Centre Kidsfest ac vi es, Selwyn start running un l 17 July (see over page) Selwyn Arts Trust AGM, 7.30pm Lincoln Event Centre, Lincoln Abstract Rela ons – at Down by the Liffey Gallery, Lincoln 43 Authors exhibi on at Lincoln Library (runs un l 31stth July) Picking at the Remnants Performing at the Sandridge, Christchurch Po(ery Class with Crea ve Patches and Ellesmere Po(ery group Roaring Swine Performing at the Rock Restaurant and Bar Rolleston Knights, wizards and damsels holiday programme, Kirwee (runs ll the 17th) Card Class - 562 Sandy Knolls Road, West Melton 6:30pm Igni on Performing at the Rock Restaurant and Bar, Rolleston Deadline to register for the Arts Par cipa on Guide, (see front page) Cantalina performing at the Nutpoint Centre Picking at the Remnants Performing at the Allen St Rock Bar Christchurch Live music at the Darfield Bar and Hotel Six LeV Standing Performing at the Rock Restaurant and Bar, Rolleston All Day Crop St Saviour's Hall 50 Kirk Road Templeton, 10:00am Card Class 562 Sandy Knolls Road West Melton, 10:00am

Are you interested in the arts and our district? Do you live in Selwyn and are passionate about the arts? Would you like to make a difference to your community? The Selwyn Arts Trust are encouraging new members of our community to join us in making a difference to the Arts in Selwyn. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with some lovely like minded people to make a difference to the community. Come along to our AGM and enjoy a presenta on from the key speaker Rachael Inch - For further enquiries please contact Rachael Inch on

For further information regarding these events please visit the above websites or

When: 7July 2015 at 7.30pm

Contact the Arts Co-ordinator—Rachael Inch Email: or Ph: (027) 521 4948

Where: Hapgood Room, Lincoln Events Centre, Lincoln

Sara-Jane Victoria Ludemann

Beau ful li?le Black Fantail. Victoria ludeman

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