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Moorings By Maria Lee

Design your Selwyn Library card Cra s and Crea vity Concerts and Exhibi ons Book Launch Open Mic Night & Film Society

A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn

Selwyn Arts Newsletter

Calling all crea ve community members! Enter Selwyn Libraries ‘Design Your Library Card’ compe on and help design the next generaon of library cards! The winner from each category will take home a new Android tablet. Every entry we receive will go in the draw to win some great prizes, including $200 worth of vouchers from The Drawing Room. Entry forms available at your local Selwyn library or

Art has been all about communication from the beginning of human history. From cave drawings to music, movement to dance, expression has been one of the ways that we have communicated with each other without necessarily speaking. Art is a way for people to express their voice to make an impact. There are so many ways that art can impact a community whether it be economically or emotionally growing and established communities all benefit from the arts sector. Our district, Selwyn, is the fastest growing district in NZ and its arts sector is not only well established but thriving. It is full of inspirational people making an impact every day, so this past month I have focused on connecting with those creative people in our district and connecting them with others. I am looking forward to sharing with you the wonderful and interesting things that I have discovered this month. I really want to encourage all of you to have a go at designing the next generation of Selwyn library cards. We are so fortunate to have some wonderful prizes in addition to lots of spot prizes, including vouchers to spend at The Drawing Room Christchurch. So please do take advantage of this wonderful competition—Who knows, you may end up winning! Rachael Inch

Las ng Memories Created with Passion

Rolleston Cra Collec ve

Karen Jones runs wonderful workshops every month and really puts the passion back into preserving your memories. Karen is based in West Melton and has a wonderful line up this month with 6 different workshops on! One of interest would be the make a necklace and necklace card stand for Mothers Day. Please see the calendar for all of her events or contact Karen on :

Vicki Allen is another wonderful crea ve who runs the Rolleston Cra. Collec ve at the Rolleston Community Centre Lounge. This is an evening with 6 different cra. workshops running all at the same me. This month it is to be held May 28th from 7.30pm and will include:

Phone: 027 222 4322 Email:

Chalk Board pain ng by Amanda Beswick

Arm kni7ng by Vicki Allen or Rachel of Squeeful Yarns

Paper cra. by Karen Jones, Las ng Memories

Cup cake decora ng By Sue of Fantail Cakes

Croche ng by Vicki Allen Or Sylvia Masson of Made by me!

Charm bracelet by Cherie Stewart Made by me!

Sewing fun by Sylvia Masson Made by me!

All workshops are $20 which include materials For more informa on contact Vicky: Email : Phone 021 0229 9091

Friday 1 May – Thursday 28 May 2015

Po3ery by Cecilia Freire De Manche

29 April - 24 May. Alan Gunn, Maria Lee, Cecilia Freire de Mance The journey of three ar sts and the transi on of a city. Finding hope and cracking on. Down By The Liffey Gallery 1 James St Lincoln 7608

Stephanie McEwin is a figura ve painter, currently interested in the subject of ‘bathers’. Perhaps her own interest in beach life, having always lived beside the sea, informs her work and also an interest in the long tradi on of pain ng nudes and bathers in pain ng history. This exhibi on references Slim Aarons’ famous photographs from the 60’s, as well as other favourite sources, including family photos and bathing images from mul media. Stephanie is currently comple ng a Masters degree at Canterbury University. Last year she won first place in the Christchurch Art Show and has since won scholarships to complement her studies. Sarah Ken sh-Barnes is a mixed-media ar st. Trained as a printmaker, she applies the printmaking ethos of layering to whichever medium she uses. In Post hoc ergo propter hoc Ken sh-Barnes uses paint and collage to explore the consequences of ac on and the inevitability of process. receiving her BFA in Printmaking from the University of Canterbury, later studies led her to the University of New Mexico. Sarah has since exhibited many mes in New Zealand and America and also teaches her art form. Selwyn Gallery is open daily (except Mondays) from 10am to 4pm

Interna onally renowned musician, fabulous singers and the SPCA. The Nut Point Centre is renowned for its

High Tea and wine at just $40pp. Held on

fabulous line up of concerts and this month the 23rd May at 2pm, 100% of the proMay is no different. On the 2nd May, Luke Welch, an internaonally acclaimed pianist, will be performing for just one show at 2pm. Cost is $25pp and includes a.ernoon tea. Then on the 16th of May the Pe3man Na onal Junior Academy of Music will be

ceeds will be donated to the SPCA, so not only do you get the opportunity to listen to this amazing group but you are also suppor ng this wonderful cause. Wrapping up the month of May the Nutpoint also hosts the Jubilate Singers in a concert called AMORE on the 30th at 7.30pm This is a

holding a

wonderful roman-

concert at

c night out, fea-

7.30pm with

turing love songs

a light supper for just $15pp.

from 10 centuries,

What is an Open Mic night? Simply put, It is a

light supper and

night for you and/or your band to get up and

great company at The Nut

just $25pp

Point, Pak n Perhaps you

Save Moorehouse and True and Daring have all got together to present to you the Na onally renowned Singing group, The Sweet Ade-

would like to go along to all of these concerts—if so It may be worth ge7ng a loyalty card!

Rolleston Rugby Clubrooms, all ages and skill levels are welcome. Duncan is a member of the local successful band ‘Picking at the Remnants’ , he originally started the nights the earthquakes to give Selwyn musicians somewhere to congregate and play listen talk and network. The open mic nights have grown and have become an iconic night for

lines who will perform for the Annual SPCA fundraiser. This will include a concert,

have a go. Run by Duncan Sole at the

Please contact John on 03 342 1033 Or visit

Selwyn musicians. Next night is Friday 22nd May at 8pm. See larger adver sement on back of newsleQer.

Did you know that there are a number of art Groups in Selwyn? These groups are a wonThe West Melton Film Society delivers interes ng/thought provoking and sensi ve art

derful way to network with other crea ve

house movies once a month. Held in the district, there is no need for travelling to town!

people on a regular basis.

Membership is just $50 per year the next movie is to be held on May 7th called The Big City. ‘An ironic and humourous eye on the flight of the Bengal middle class, telling a story that us both minutely par cular to CalcuQa and universally recognizable. Heart warming, funny wise and profound.’ Contact : or Sue Smith on 03 347 7048 for more details

Ellesmere Art Trust

Art Group of Lincoln

West Melton Art Group

For more informa on contact :

The history group of Rakaia have published a comprehensive book documen ng the history of the Rakaia district. The decision to print this fantas c collec on came the successful 150th anniversary celebra ons in Rakaia in 2006, where it was agreed that although there were a number of publica ons documen ng the history of the schools, churches and various spor ng and community organisa ons, there were none that combined the wider history of the area, except for Canon Parr’s Church paper, the” Fisherman”, wriQen in the early 1950’s. People interested in oral history underwent some ini al training and then interviewed a range of older and newer iden es throughout the district. Historical documents and photographs were collated and then a number of individuals with a keen interest in specialised topics embarked on compiling those histories. The search was then on for someone with the exper se and me to pull all this informa on together into a comprehensive story. Jolie Wills, owner of a professional company called `Time of Your Life’ and its main writer, Janine Irvine, proved to be ideal for the task. The company was contracted in 2011. Funding for the wri ng and research for the book has come from a combina on of LoQeries Grants, Pub Charity, Lion Founda on, Mid and South Canterbury Trust , Rakaia Lions Club grants, and various fund-raising ventures available round Rakaia, including winter swede sales and lily bulb sales. Considerable effort has gone into the research and proof-reading of the book, mainly through a dedicated group of volunteers. organising the 150th Celebra on, the Rakaia History Group has also been instrumental in producing a Heritage town map for visitors and crea ng the historic precinct at the Salmon Sculpture site. So far two buildings are on site, the double jail and the bridge keepers hut. For the last few years the group has focused almost solely on producing the history book of the Rakaia area. The 700 + page book available at a public launch at Salmon Tales Cafe, Rakaia, on the 1st May 5pm by local MP the Hon. Amy Adams, where this fine history of Rakaia, can be purchased for $70 a copy.

Saturday 2 May Lincoln Grand Pumpkin Fes val Gerald Street, 10am-1pm Enter your prize pumpkin in categories heaviest, ugliest, best looking and best dressed. Bring entries between 9.3010.30am. With music, baking and cra.s. lincolnmarket ‘The Flying Dixies are a group of experienced musicians with a good fun a7tude and available to hire for any func on. Call Kate on 021 022 88757 for booking enquiries.’

Youth Skate Jam & Markets To celebrate Youth Week the Selwyn Youth Council is running a Skate Jam and Market on Saturday 30 May at the Rolleston Skate Park. We are looking for anyone who would like a stall at the Youth Week Market that will run alongside the POP Up Café and live music. Anyone aged between 12 and 24 can have a free space to run a stall. We will provide gazebos and tables. If you would like a stall e-mail chris.mar

Calendar of Events for May. 01st May 01st May 02nd May 02nd May 02nd May 04th May 07th May 08th May 09th May 09th May 13th May 13th May 15th May 15th May 16th May 18th May 19th May 22nd May 23rd May 23rd May 23rd May 26th May 27th May 28th May 29th May 29th May 30th May 30th May 30th May

Sarah Ken sh-Barnes & Stephanie McEwin at Selwyn Gallery Book Launch “Rakaia, Our History” at Salmon Tales Rakaia 5pm Luke Welch, piano recital—Nutpoint Centre Crea ve Patches Workshop—Stone Carving with Ross Mackey Flying Dixies performance—Lincoln Grand Pumpkin Fes val Halswell PoQers sales stalls—Barrington Mall “The Big City” - Film at the West Melton Film Society Make a Necklace for Mothers Day— Las ng Memories West Melton Chch Symphony Orchestra Baroque Fes val—Knox Church ChCh Picking at the Remnants (Selwyn Band) - Robbies Riccarton Whats in a name Scrapbooking—Las ng Memories West Melton Ellesmere Art Group Day Crea ve Communi es funding round closes S+ART grant applica on deadline Chch Symphony Orchestra Baroque Fes val—Knox Church ChCh Card Classes West Melton—Las ng Memories Fired Up Exhibi on with Halswell PoQers at the Canterbury Museum Ministry of the Mind Open Mic Nights—Rolleston Rugby Rooms SPCA Fundraiser concert at the Nutpoint Picking at the Remnants—Allen Street Rock Bar Pop Up Housewarming concert—Mistlewood Gallery Halswell PoQers at Down By the Liffey Gallery Ellesmere Art Group Day Rolleston Cra. Collec ve Stock Exhibi on at the Selwyn Gallery 2 Page Layout using Blossom Paper—Las ng Memories Concert at the Nutpoint Crop Day West Melton Youth Skate Jam and Market stalls (arts and cra.s)

See larger adver sement at back of newsle3er

An early Sunday morning excursion by Daniel Murray Photography with Chris McKay Photography where they found themselves wandering up to this spot at Castle Hill, Selwyn (Kura Tawhi ) in near darkness....was amazing watching this landscape slowly reveal itself under the rising sun.

For further informa on regarding these events please visit the above websites or Contact the Arts Co-ordinator—Rachael Inch Email: or Ph: (027) 521 4948

Follow us on Facebook Crea ve Communi es Funding Are you involved in the arts, but need some financial assistance to make your project work? The closing date for the Crea ve NZ Crea ve Communi es Scheme funding applica ons is Friday 15 May 2015. The following grants were made from the last funding round: For more informa on about criteria, contact 347 2708 or email

Coming Soon! A pain ng Workshop with NEMESH At the Lincoln Event CVentre

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