Eco Ar sts—Down By The Liffey Arts Guide Greendale Shake-Up
Ailish Roughan
Cut It Up
A Monthly Insight into the Arts Scene in Selwyn
Selwyn Arts Newsletter SELWYN ARTS GUIDE Submissions for the 2015 directory have now closed and the directory is in its final stages of design and print—Exci ng! You can s ll be included in the online version and for the future guides by emailing:
Selwyn is a unique and exci ng place to live, full of exci ng innova on and growth as well as well established grass roots, ar sts and arts organisa ons. As I celebrate 6 months in this role, I reflect on this journey and think about how wonderful the people are, how talented our ar sts are and how much poten al Selwyn has as a leading arts district of New Zealand. In this issue you will find many new and exci ng events happening in Selwyn including some fabulous interna onal a&rac ons such as the Gandhi exhibi on in Lincoln and Darfield. Our first Arts Guide for the district will soon be released—I am so impressed by the design that our Graphic Designer, Kerry Phillips has created. (Graphic designers are ar sts too!) The Guide is a perfect opportunity for local ar sts to get their names out there as it shows just how well supplied district is with venues and organisa ons. I have been able to support many ar sts on all levels and genres over the last 6 months and I am personally looking forward to con nuing that trend for years to come! Perhaps even more exci ng is the announcement that the World Buskers Fes val is coming to Selwyn in January next year, and I can tell you from the line up of things that I know will be happening around the district, its only the beginning of a wonderful 2016 full of crea ve energy. Thank you all for being a part of this exci ng me of arts growth. Enjoy your read! Rachael Inch Arts Coordinator
The Lincoln Multicultural Festival The Rotary Club of Lincoln is organising 9th Lincoln Mul cultural Fes val to showcase art, cra#work, music, dance, and food from local diverse na onali es. The inaugural event was held in 2004. Every year this has been supported by the Selwyn District Council, Lincoln & District Community Care, the Lincoln Business Associa on, the Lincoln Community Commi&ee, New Zealand Human Rights Commission, Selwyn District Council, Christchurch Mul cultural Council, and the wider community. Lincoln and the neighbouring areas have a cross-sec on of New Zealand mul -ethnicity: the university, research centres, schools, businesses and local communi es bring to us the talent and diversity of people from many na onali es and cultures. What a great opportunity for Lincoln, Christchurch and Canterbury at large to enjoy the arts, craGs, music, dance and food that many of those cultures now offer us. Come and enjoy the Lincoln Mul cultural Fes val. When: Saturday 10th October 2015, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Displays: 1:00 – 2:45 pm. Stage performances: 2:45 – 5:00 pm Where: Lincoln Event Centre, Meijer Drive (off North Belt), Lincoln Admission: FREE. If you group would like to par cipate, please contact: Surinder Tandon Convener, Lincoln Mul cultural Fes val Rotary Club of Lincoln, Ph: 325 3114 or 021 295 1089, email:
Mahatma Gandhi & Diwali—Festival of Light In our next newsle&er we will feature a very special piece on a major exhibi on coming to Selwyn. The Selwyn Arts Trust, supported by the Selwyn District Council will be presen ng a rare exhibi on of the life of Mahatma Gandhi—to coincide with the Lincoln Mul cutural Fes val. The exhibi on consists of 34 b/w images taken by Bombay photographer D.R.D.Wadia during the 1940’s. It includes portraits and informal images of Gandhi with his friends and followers, and with Nehru, Jinnah and other major poli cal leaders of the Indian independence movement. The photographs portray Gandhi equally at home in quiet villages, at mass public gatherings and formal poli cal mee ngs. The opening of this exhibi on will be celebrated on his birthday 2nd October and will be on display for two consecu ve weekends. Simultaneously, the Selwyn Libraries will be running a variety of programmes and displays to coincide with the celebra on. nDarfield Library who will be hos ng a mini version of the exhibi on from the 10th October 2015, to coincide with Darfield Artweek. On the 17th October the celebra ons will conclude by way of a celebra on of Diwali— Fes val of Light, outside the Laboratory and Lincoln Library. This is an amazing opportunity for Selwyn to learn about and honour one of the many different cultures that make up our wonderful district.
Izzy Miller Bell, Jon Maxim Hooker, Bob Heinz & Tom Rainey On Saturday the 19th September 7.30pm the Nut Point Centre in West Melton opens its doors to host the Pop - Up Concert Series, featuring Ma Bell & Guests with a fabulous programme showcasing individual work and exci ng improvised collabora ons. The highly popular concert series is an ar st led grass roots project launched in May 2012 by singer songwriter and musical producer Isabella (Izzy) Miller Bell Aka Ma Bell in response to the loss of small theatres and performance venues. The Series has been spreading its wings throughout Canterbury crea ng alterna ve concert plaOorms in a variety of venues from House Concerts and Art Galleries to Community Halls converted Churches and Theatre spaces featuring world class local musicians and performance ar sts, keeping music live and vibra ng in the heart of our communi es. Blues in the Night features four of Canterbury’s top Jazz and Blues musician / composers/ arrangers and educators, including fingerstyle and blues guitarist Jon Maxim Hooker with Jazz guitarist Bob Heinz. Tom Rainey joins the line on upright bass and piano with Ma Bell playing host and taking the vocal spot to deliver an evening of classic Blues, Jazz and Cel c Soul with a dash of Vaudevillian sa re and Music Hall Theatre woven in to encourage a li&le bodacious frivolity. Ma Bell tells the story of the blues in fiGy deadly night shades from birth to death with all the juicy bits in between. The Pop-Up Concert Series gratefully acknowledges support from Selwyn District Council Crea ve Communi es and Selwyn Events Fund. Book Early Tickets $30 limited to 90 - Inc. a light supper and complimentary glass of wine. Bookings: or (03) 342 1033 (03) 384 4177 / 021 178 1107 (fees apply)
Selwyn Libraries—Young Writers Competitions “Deadlines concentrate the mind, as Samuel Johnson almost said.” There are a few young writers compe ons being held in conjunc on with Selwyn Libraries. For more informa on please visit their website : Three deadlines coming up soon: •
Ode to Librarians * deadline 11th September * email entries * download entry form from our website
Funny Story compe on * deadline 26th September * post entries * download entry form from our website
Re-DraG 2015 (teenagers only) * deadline 30th September * post entries * entry form in The Word is Out (14th Re-DraG book)
Down By The Liffey Gallery will hold a fabulous exhibi on all about nature in September. “Ecoar sts New Zealand” featuring the works of Kathy Reilly, Julie Kennedy, Jess Skeper, Josephine Regan, Jacqui van den Berg, Ailish Roughan, Vivienne Bashford. Eco ar sts share a passion for the environment raising funds by giving a percentage of their art sales thus enabling dona ons to New Zealand environmental conserva on projects. This exhibi on will assist tree plan ng in Selwyn District. 2 September to 27 September Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm
Darfield Artweek 2015 is 9-18 October. Closing date for entries is Friday 18 September. Please download the applica on form and look at condi ons of entry on Online form (our preferred op on please) During Darfield Artweek 2014 there was 276 artworks from over 130 ar sts on display. Winners of a variety of prizes were announced on opening night. Congratula ons to the 2014 winners: •
Akky van der Velde – Premier Award Winner
Deanna Griffiths – Sponsors Second Prize
Katrina McGeFgan – Friends of Malvern Community Arts Council Prize
Soodesh Jooran – Buddle Findlay Prize
Diana Peneamene – Darfield Dental Prize
Artwork by Elijah Tippe0 Know how your toddlers come home with all those art pieces from preschool, the ones with random brush strokes and they take pride of place on the fridge only to eventually end up collec ng dust in a large pile crinkled paper? Never to be seen again? - Well now you can keep it and admire it for years to come! I came across this project a while ago and while talking with the Recrea on Advisor on the Selwyn District Council Community Development team, Dave Tippe&. We were discussing
how Art should take over the world of sport one day (a fabulous discussion that we regularly have here in the office) and I suggested he give this project a whirl for his 3 and half year old son, Elijah’s artworks.—This sparked the secret ar st in him so Dave and his wife Kelly—(who actually did most of the work) decided to give it a go. The results were AMAZING! - It just goes to show that art can inspire even the hardened sports lovers. This project really is a wonderful solu on to the problem of “they're-really-clu0ering-up-the-pace-but-I-haven't-got-theheart-to-throw-them-away” dilemma.
STEP ONE: Cut up all your artworks into 3 or 4cm squares
STEP TWO: Draw a grid on a large board (the size of the frame that you want to put it in)
STEP THREE: Arrange them ar s cally on the board first – have a play with colours , mix it up – remember nothing is wrong in the world of art! Tip : You can draw a picture first (like a circle/ heart and start there by placing the same colour squares on the drawn lines)
STEP FOUR: When you are sa sfied – Simply glue and frame! And voilà—the results speak for themselves!
University of Canterbury—School of Music 2015 Selected ensembles of Chamber Music Saturday 12th September at 7.30pm Concert and Light Supper—$15pp
Blues in the Night Izzy Miller Bell—Jon Maxim Hooker, Bob Heinz & Tom Rainey Saturday 19th September at 7.30pm Concert and Light Supper—$30pp
The Lounge Rangers Tom Donaldson, John Beaven & Michael Kime Saturday 26th September at 7.30pm Concert and Light Supper—$25pp
At The Crea ve Workroom there are classes in art and drawing, even in learning how to doodle. If you like scrapbooking, card making or working with papers and fabrics, then join in the fun with making Crea ve Art Journals and let your imagina on go wild. Tradi onal Book Binding & Repairing Books is something that The Workroom can teach as well. From jewellery and bead work to window decora ons, Dream catchers and fairy jars there are plenty of op ons for learning in classes taught at The Workroom. There are also workshops for kids par es or small groups, or private lessons. The Workroom has wheelchair access and easy parking. Contact them and visit for a chat or email and join the mailing list for the next lot of classes.
Contact—Tania Tania Doyle thecrea Phone: 03 3474144 780 Weedons Rd, Christchurch 7678.
On 4th September 2010 the earth moved, violently as a 7.1 earthquake shook the Canterbury area, and beyond. As everyone assessed the damage neighbours checked on neighbours, communi es came together to support each other. Eventually that break in the earth became known as the Greendale Fault. Five years later a ‘Greendale Shake-Up’ is happening again. It is a me of remembrance of how the community came together in the aGermath. It is an opportunity to ponder the changes over the last five years. It is a chance to meet the new people who have moved to the district. It is a moment to bring the Greendale community together again. The Greendale School will have an open day on Friday 4th September from 12-2.30pm while they put together a mosaic wall to remember that day. Some of the broken crockery will be from that first shake. At 4pm there will be a gathering at the local Greendale Hall where the school children will sing. Two songs about the earthquake composed especially for this event, followed by a BBQ tea on a shared everything basis. In addi on a display of memorabilia from this me is being put together to display in the hall. More items can be included by contac ng Ian Warren Ph. 03-31888876 or Stephanie Wells Ph. 033187283 or
RAPID STORM On Friday 18 September the Selwyn Youth Council are kicking off RAPID Storm. This is a musical performance compe on for anyone under 20 year. Applicants can be solos, duos, bands, of any genre. First prize is $1000. Entrants progress through the heats by audience vote. When the audience arrives they will be given tokens to vote for their favourite performance. Entries are now open and can be obtained from Chris Mar n—Community Development team Selwyn District Council. Email: chris.mar
Holiday Programme October 5th- 9th By a popular vote our theme is ROCK STARS! - (OSCAR & WINZ approved) Theatre Classes Term 4CHRISTMAS SHOW! Contact Mandy Hopkins: 027-919-9205
The Lincoln Community Trust together with the Selwyn Arts Trust held a fabulous concert to celebrate the giGing of the grand piano, ligh ng, curtains carpet and chairs to the Lincoln Event Centre from the Lincoln Community Trust on Sunday 23rd August “Grand Variety Performance” Performers Were: * Beth Keoghan
* Duncan Sole
* The Lincoln University Choir
* Selwyn Youth Band
* Linley Thomas
* Jackson Goulden
* Calen Thomas
* Ethan Bryant
* Michaela Gillspie
* Kusal
O s Sole
A special thanks to the stage hands, The Lincoln Event Centre Team, The Community Development Team from Selwyn District Council and the wonderful boys who managed the canapes and refreshments Jayden Inch and Harrison Ogden.
The Hororata Hall looked like a jazz & blues lounge bar & the night opened with Ashy Batchelor gree ng people with her wonderful voice and guitar playing. As people arrived , candlelight and lamp lit tables accentuated the ambiance of a beau ful old hall and acous c brilliance brought to life by the amazing voices of Stevie Tonks and Loren Sila. 22 year old Loren Sila wowed the crowd with her soulful, passionate voice. Loren has performed globally and with well known ar st Savage, Scribe, Lady 6 and she has opened for Aradnah and Ciara. Alongside her guitarist/ musician Kaleb Wiki added to the performance by surprising the crowd with an emo onal moving original song. Not only was the crowd spellbound by Kaleb's stunning voice, whilst he was singing, Loren Sila performed a Contemporary dance choreography to this song. Stevie Tonks and his guitarist Daniel Hitchens took to the stage for the
laughing and in tears with this emo onal lyrics and outstanding performance. "To bring these ar sts out here to Hororata, was like bringing gold to a small community and for that one evening , we all felt so enriched with the beauty of raw talent here in Canterbury", said Jarnia Kupe from the Hororata Village Bar and Cafe.
second half of the evening and the echoes of the hall just enhanced the beauty of the talent that was presented in Hororata that evening. From his originals to his cover songs, Stevie had the crowd clapping,
"We want to do another event and bring more excitement to our community and help grow/strengthen our special community groups that are the heart of any community!" A big thank you all the local support! Local DJ Ryan Dempsey "DJ Hitman" provided the sound equipment and did an expert job as sound man for the evening. The evening ended with a comedy version of Michael Jacksons "The Way you Make me Feel" performed by Stevie & Loren.
Calendar of Events for July. 1 Sept 3 Sept 4 Sept 5 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 12 Sept 12 Sept 12 Sept 15 Sept 18 Sept 18 Sept 19 Sept 19 Sept 25 Sept 26 Sept 26 sept 26 sept 26 sept 30 Sept
Eco Ar sts, Down By The Liffey Gallery “The Man Who Will Come”, West Melton Film Society Greendale Shake Up, Greendale School, Greendale “Bluetrain” Live band at the Rock, Rolleston Ode to Libraries writers compe on deadline, Selwyn Libraries University of Canterbury School Of Music, Nut Point Centre Picking at The Remnants, Becks Southern Ale House “Bo&lejacks” Live band at the Rock, Rolleston Salt Firing, Halswell poQers “The Edi on” band at the Darfield Hotel, Darfield DJ Singhstar band at the Darfield Hotel, Darfield Rapid Storm begins, Selwyn Youth Council Blues in the Night, Nut Point Centre “Sorry we’re taken”, Live band at the Rock, Rolleston Open Mic Night—all welcome, Rolleston Rugby Rooms Funny Short Story writers compe on deadline, Selwyn Libraries The Lounge Rangers, Nut Point Centre XIPHOID Live band at the Rock, Rolleston Picking at the Remnants, The Craic Re-DraG 2015 writers compe on deadline, Selwyn Libraries
For further information regarding these events please visit the above websites or Contact the Arts Co-ordinator—Rachael Inch Email: or Ph: (027) 521 4948
The World Buskers Fes val 2016 is coming to Selwyn!!
The fes val is expanding by puFng on a roadshow and The Selwyn District will be a des na on! Bringing interna onal performers to our district , and giving local talent an opportunity. This is your opportunity to be involved as part of the buskers day- We are now accep ng submissions from Selwyn performers/Musicians to perform.
If you would like to be considered for this amazing opportunity simply upload a video of your performance on our Facebook Page: Submissions close Wednesday October 21st! Be sure to tag your page and add your contact details to the video so we can contact you. Email:
Photographer Georgia Hendrie
“When you are about to sneeze” g.hendriephotography Commissions Accepted 027 848 7538
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