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“SLender kamakas” stuudio eesmärk on arendada looduslähedasest ehitusmaterjalist arhitektuuri, mis põhineb digitiaalsetel disainija tootmismeetodite loogikal. Soovime leida nüüdisaegseid puitelemente ja -mooduleid, mis aitaks välja töötada kohandatavaid, säästlikke ja keskkonnasõbralikke lahendusi kvaliteetse ruumi loomiseks. Semestri käigus loome mõõtkavas abstraktse korrusmaja prototüübi, kus mahulised ja ruumilised kvaliteedid on saavutatud modulaarse süsteemiga.
Semestri jooksul soovime selgitada puitehituse peidetud eeliseid hoone elukaare keskkonnamõju hindamisel alates materjali tootmisest. Ehitussektor vastutab pea poole süsinikujalajälje eest, mis annab võimaluse arhitektidel viia sisse märgatavad muutused kliimapoliitikas. Hoone materjal peab olema taastuv, säästlik ja vähese süsiniku jalajäljega, küll aga saab olulisemaks, kuidas elementidest tekivad tervikud ning millist kasvuloogikat kannavad endas elemendid ja nende kombinatoorika.
Otsime puitarhitektuurile võimalikke uusi lahendusi, mis tänu materjali plastilisusele ei pea kombineerimisel juhinduma 90-kraadistest nurkadest. Uurime erinevaid ruumi täitvaid geomeetrilisi lahendusi ja nendevahelisi seoseid mõistmaks, kuidas standardsetest elementidest luua erilahenduslikke tervikuid. Milliseid ruumiolukordi ja -omadusi peidab endas metaeeder?
develop adaptable, economical and environand impact of the building's life span, starting with sector is responsible for almost half of Estonia's climate policy. In order to achieve this, building material's must be renewable, economical and with a low carbon footprint, but it becomes more guided by 90-degree angles in construction. The and the relationships between them in order to solutions from standard elements. What spatial
The goal of the "SLender chunk" studio is to develop architecture from natural building materials, which is based on the logic of digital design and production methods. We want to find stateof-the-art wooden elements and modules to help develop adaptable, economical and environmentally friendly solutions to create high-quality space. During the semester, we will create a prototype of an abstract apartment building in scale, where volumetric and spatial qualities have been achieved with a modular system.
During the semester, we would like to explore the hidden advantages of wooden construction in the assessment of the environmental impact of the building's life span, starting with the production of the material. The construction sector is responsible for almost half of Estonia's carbon footprint, which provides an opportunity for architects to introduce significant changes in climate policy. In order to achieve this, building material's must be renewable, economical and with a low carbon footprint, but it becomes more important how the elements form wholes and what growth logic the elements and their processes carry.
The studio aims to explore possible new solutions for wooden architecture, which, thanks to the flexibility of the material, do not have to be guided by 90-degree angles in construction. The studio explores different space-filling geometries and the relationships between them in order to understand how it is possible to create special solutions from standard elements. What spatial qualities does the metahedra hide?