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Üldine / Koos elamine
“Tallinna elementmaja” on moodulite ja elementide kataloog, mis pakub hoone kokkupanemisel asendiplaanist ning hoone funktsioonist tulenevaid variatsioone. Hooned koosnevad kolmest põhilisest alast: trepikojast, jagatud aladest ning privaatsetest korteritest. Igal hoonel on kaheksanurkne kese, mis täidab põhiliselt trepikoja rolli. Korterid ning jagatud alad kasvavad neljas suunas trepikoja ümber. Eluks vajalike funktsioonidega ruumimoodulid on loodud “vähem on piisav” mentaliteediga, et majutada mugavalt võimalikult palju inimesi, kuna tegu on sotsiaalmajutusega.
Materjal / Moodul
Elementmaja konstruktsioon on ristkihtliimpuidust, hoone fassaadil on puitlaudis ning energiat koguvad paneelid. Hooned põhinevad võrdkülgsel rombil, et moodulid oleksid võimalikult ristkasutatavad ning saaksid igas suunas ümber trepikoja kasvada. Krulli kvartali jaoks kokku pandud viis puithoonet arvestavad kitsa krundi, päikese liikumise ning sotsiaalmajutuse otstarbega. Kõik viis hoonet on erinevad, pakkudes erineva suuruse ning vajadustega kortereid ning elanike vahel jagatavaid avatud alasid.
General / Living together
"Tallinn element house" is a catalog of modules and elements, which offers a variety of assemblies specifically for the needs and services of layout plans. Each house has a central core, which acts as a social area and staircase of the building. The apartments as well as shared spaces grow around the core in four directions. All of the modules, which accommodate the living functions, are designed with a “less is enough” mentality, so the buildings could house as many people in need as possible.
Material / Module
The element house is based on a CLT construction, with wooden cladding and energycollecting panels on the facade. The modules that make up the building are based on an equilateral rhomboid so that the modules can be used crosswise and so that the building can grow in all directions around the staircase. The five apartment buildings that were assembled for the Krulli quarter take into account the narrow layout, movement, and purpose of the building in the form of social accommodation. All five buildings are different, offering apartments of different sizes and needs, as well as shared open spaces between residents.
Maastik / Energiatõhusus
Maastikuarhitektuur arvestab nii elanike privaatsfääri kui ka ümbruskonna kohalikega, pakkudes avalikku ruumi sotsialiseerumiseks ning aja veetmiseks. Parki pääseb Krulli kvartalist ning Volta tänava poolt. Kui hoone põhimaht koosneb ruumilistest moodulitest, siis katus ja fassaad keskenduvad enam energiatõhusust silmas pidades nelja ilmakaare tingimustele. Energiatõhusust toetab nii soojapidavus ja avade jaotumine vastavalt ilmakaartele, kui ka otsene tootlikkus energiat koguvate paneelide näol.
Landscape / Energy Concept
The landscape architecture takes into account the privacy of the residents as well as the locals from the surrounding area by providing a public space for socializing and spending time. The park can be accessed from the Krull quarter and from Volta street. While the main volume of the building consists of spatial modules, the roof and facade focus more on energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is taken into account by the distribution of openings according to the arcs of weather, as well as direct energy production in the form of energy-collecting panels.
weather, as well as direct energy production in