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KALLAK The slope
Roosmarii Kukk / Aneth Traumann / Mariia Babur
Kaasava disainiga kortermaja arvestab inimeste vajadusi ja huve võimalikult laialt, olenemata elanike vanusest või füüsilisest seisundist. Mitmekülgset ligipääsetavust silmas pidades on elumaja peamiseks peamisteks ühenduspindadeks kaldteed.
Sotsiaalset elumaja kavandades pidasime silmas vananevat ühiskonda ning sellest tulenevaid ehituslikke vajadusi. Teiseks soovisime pöörata rohkem tähelepanu puuetega inimestele ning neid arhitektuuri kaudu aktiivsemalt ühiskonda kaasata.
Our aim was to design an apartment building with inclusive characteristics that takes into account the needs and interests of as many people as possible, regardless of age or physical condition. With versatile accessibility in mind, ramps are the main circulation of the residential building.
Living together
When planning, we kept in mind Estonia's aging society and the resulting needs for the built environment. Another aspect was to pay more attention to people with disabilities and to involve them more actively in society through architecture.
to involve them more actively in society through
Kursuse käigus jõudsime kahe moodulini, millest koosneb kogu elamusüsteem ning mille struktuur lähtub panduse kalletest. panduste kalletest. Hoone südamikuks olevale pandustest võrgustikule andsime veel teisegi mõõtme, põimides sinna elanikele kasutatavaid ühisalasid.
Kolme tüüpi moodulid koosnevad GLT prussidest. Lisatoestuseks on vajalikes sõlmpunktides kasutatud terasposte. Ruumi avardamiseks on kavandatud küllaldaselt klaaspindu.
During the course, we arrived at two modules that make up the entire housing system, and its structure was based on the slopes of the ramps. We gave another dimension to the network consisting of the core of the residential building by incorporating common areas for the use of the residents.
3 different types of modules consist of GLT pruss. For additional support, steel poles are used at the necessary nodes. The steel structure allows for generous windows that create spaciousness throughout the housing system.
Kooselamise skeem
Elamute maa-alune ruum ühendab kõiki maju ning sinna pääseb tänava tasapinnalt mööda kaldteid, mis moodustavad astmelise maastikuvormi.
Hoone katusele paigaldatud päiksepaneelid võimaldavad toota lisaenergiat. Fassaadi klaaspinnad on kalkuleeritud vastavalt ilmakaartele, et ei tekiks ülekuumenemist, aga säiliks maksimaalselt palju aknapindu.
The underground space of the residences connects all the houses and can be accessed from the street level along ramps that form a stepped form in the landscape.
Energy concept
The solar panels installed on the roof of the building enable the production of additional energy. The glass surfaces on the facade have been calculated so that overheating does not occur, while the maximum number of window surfaces is preserved.