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Gilles Retsin on arhitekt ja disainer; õppinud arhitektuuri Belgias, Tšiilis ja Suurbritannias. Tema rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud töid on näidatud kunsti ja disaini muuseumites New Yorgis, Londonis ja Pariisis ning avaldatud mitmetes meediaväljaannetes.

Gilles Retsin is an architect and designer; studied architecture in Belgium, Chile and Great Britain. His work has been internationally recognized through awards, lectures and exhibitions at major cultural institutions such as the Museum of Art and Design in New York and the Center Pompidou in Paris.


Zeynep Aksöz on arhitekt ja arvutusdisainer. Ta on üks kahest Viinis asuva disaini- ja uurimiskollektiivi Open Fields partnerist. Praegu on ta Viini Rakenduskunstiülikooli teadur ja õppejõud, samuti Karamba 3D meeskonna liige. Zeynep Aksöz is an architect and computational designer. She is one of two partners of Vienna based design and research collective Open Fields. Currently she is a Research Associate and a lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, she is also a part of the Karamba3D team.

Philip Maughan

Philip Maughan on Londonis ja Berliinis tegutsev kirjanik ja teadlane.

Londonis ja Berliinis tegutsev

Ta kuulus 2020. aastal Strelka Meedia-, Arhitektuurija Disainiinstituudis The Terraforming rühmitusse ning koostab praegu raamatut “Black Almanac”, mis käsitleb toitu ja kliimamuutusi.

Strelka Meedia-, Arhitektuuri- for Media, Architecture and

Philip Maughan is a writer and researcher based between London and Berlin. He was a member of The Terraforming cohort at the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in 2020 and is currently working on a book about food and climate change under the title Black Almanac.

Toomas Tammis on arhitekt ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna professor. Ta on õõpinud arhitektuuri EKAs ja AA arhitektuurikoolis Londonis ning on arhitektuuribüroode Arhitektuuriagentuur ja Allianss Arhitektid asutajaliige ja arhitekt.

Andres Ojari on arhitekt ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriosakona dekaan. Pärast EKA lõpetamist on ta EKAs töötanud õppejõuna. Arhitektuuribüroo 3+1 kaasasutajana on ta osalenud edukalt arvukatel arhitektuurivõistlustel.

Architecture in London and is a of the architectural offices

Toomas Tammis is an architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Estonian Academy of Arts. He studied architecture in EKA and the AA school of Architecture in London and is a founding member and architect of the architectural offices Arhitektuuriagentuur and Allianss Architects.

Andres Ojari is an architect and dean at The Faculty of Architecture in Estonian Academy of Arts. Following his graduation from EKA, he has worked here as a lecturer. As one of the co-founders of architecture office 3+1, he has successfully participated in numerous architecture competitions.

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